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The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-01, Page 7
Thursday, rliljy 1St., 1926 ►1ling HQ� unset After a wonderful weer end on Ontario roads No speed records were made -for it was a trip of wholesotrte enjoyment. Two days in the vigorous outdoors --in friendly farming ,• country, through' alluring g woodlands, through fascinating villages and towns. The trip will be remembered by what was seen, not by;the speed at which the road was covered` With moderate driving, every beauty spot was enjoyed; every panorarna was appreciated. There is good sense and good business in'' moderate drivingcountry. in the country. Good sense, because it enables you to see everything: as you go along. Good business because excessive speed is dangerous and destroys the road, surfaces. As the cost of road maintenance is borne by you and other mo't'orists, you are interested, in ` helping along this movement to preserve Ontario'sroads. Those who persist in breaking the speed laws will find a numerotgs traffic patrol on the highways, whose duty it is to rigidly enforce,the law.. \: THE HON. GEO, S. HENRY, S. L, SQUIRE, Minister of Highways ". .Deputy Minister Issued by the Ontario Department of Highways to secure the : co-operation . of .motorists in abating the abuse ` of the roads of the Province. • 8 GOOD CROPS IN THE WEST' 'Many Newsy and Complimentary Letters From Subscribers The Advance -Times has recently -received a good many renewal sub- scriptions and we regret very much -that our tape -lines are all gone and :there was not enough• to give each. :arid every reader One. We have' only, :a • limited amount of space and there- fore we can publish only a few of the •rnaily friendly" letters received. .The Editor, Wingham Advance -Times Dear Sir: You will find +enclosed two doIIars, 'niy subscription fee for the year. 1 sans a constant reader of yourpaper a r u Y :and enjoy it very much, as. I was 'born and'went to school in that pail of the old provinces Wishing you good luck. I remain; Yours Truly, uslar &QSQ, l+' Eat More Mustard! "-Enjoy it 'on both hot and cold..meats-with ibaeon, sausages, eggs, fish. • Let the spicy flavour, of Keen's Mustard add `greater relish to every meal. It's It s hest when freshly mixed with COLD„water: Recipe Book mailed free , ec lman•Keen (canada)Ltmited; Dept. 1200 Amherst Street, Montreal !een's. ustur Aids •a i estio1L rr � W. G. Montgromery, 300 River Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Windsor, Ontario., Mr. A. G. Smith, Dear Sir: Please find -enclosed $4.00 as per statement above. It is absolute 'ne- glect in paying and not indiffer- ence regarding your paper that makes us slow about remitting. Although away from Wingham i8 years we still look for the Advance -Times on Friday. Sincerely. Yours, Chester Longman.. -0- .15 Dorval .nt Toronto. 5Rd., , The Advance -Times, Wingham; Please find enclosed $z,00 for my subscription to your'paper.' We look forward every• week' to the o1d Home. paper and miss it when it fails to come once and awhile. Yours Sincerely, Mrs. H. Kerr. -0--. �:. Belmore, May I; 1926. Respected Sir: Please 'find enclosed $2.00, renewal for the Advance. We enjoy it very zntr'ch and would be quite lonelywith- out it, 'Respectfully Yours Mrs: Eleanor �Jeffray.•" 22 Rathgar, St., London, The Advance-Tiznes, Wingham, Ont. Dear Sirs: Enclosed you will tplease find Money Order for $4.00 ..for my sub- scription to the Advance -Times to January 1st., 1927, Although "'it is over sixteen years since we lived in Wingham we still take a keen interest in the home town news 'and I always airy specially inter ested in the reports frbm S. S. No. Ix, 'Turnbeiry. Wishing you. continued success. Yours. very truly, Laura, Calhoun, -0-- Toronto, •June I6th.,'t926. 'iVlr. Smith, Dear Sir: Please' find enclosed :$2,00. I am sorry Ididn't send it sootier. as you always send the good old paper every,, week as we all' enjoy the old home, news and I'wisb you success to'ypu; and Wingham, I remain fvour truly, + A J Nicholls Blucher, Sasir„ The Advance -Times; Wing'liam; Deal: Sir: You will find 'enclosed $.00 Pay- ment;for our paper for another year. I might Say that ` we are.. having beautiful weather ,aud crops are look- ing good, , Wishing you success, ours .truly, Robt: McIntosh. Treherne, .Man., June 23rd. Wingham Advance -Times, Dear Sir: I enclose $2.00 for My subscription, to your Napex from' March,` 1926 to The crops here are looking fine af- ter the recent heavy rains we ' have had. ;; Wishing you success' with your paper. Yours truly, C. L, Darling. Dear Sir:. Please find" ; enclosed $z:op. Sorry to have been. so neglectful, as 'I en- joy very much reading the:hoine news and also the.' 'health' news, which I think is a wonderful help to the pub- -lic all, over• and thanking• you for past kidriess. I: remain, Yours respectfully, Mrs. McIntyre, Toronto:,; EXECUTORS? NOTICE TO CREDITORS' Izi the Estate of Robert Forrest Gentleman, Deceased; NOTICE I'S' HEREBY. GIVEN that all persons having claims "against the Estate of the late' Robert Forrest of the Town', of Wingha in the County of. Huron, Gentleman, deceas- ed, who died on the twentieth day of November, A. D. 1925, at said Town of Wingham, ; are notified to send their claims, duly verified to the Un- dersigned Executor before, the tenth day of July 1926, after which latter date the said estate will be elistributed and the Executor's of said `Estate will only be liable for claims of whi- ch they then have i notice. DATED at Listowel, Ontario, the eighteenth day of June, A.D., 1920. Robert J. Farrell, R.R. No. 5; Arwood, Ontario, Per C. M. Scott, Solicitor, for Exe- cutors of_ above estate: SEALED Tender addressed to t Tenders e ilk undersigned, and endorsed 'Tendei- for North Pier.Reconstructi�ou, Gode- rich! Ont.," will be received., until 12 o'clock noon (daylight saving); Tues- day, July 6, 926,`for' the. reconstruct ion,, of the North Pier fora length of Soo" feet, at Goderich, Huron' Coi nty, Ont, • Plans and forms of contract can' be seen and specification and forms •of tender obtained at this Department, at the offices of the ; District Engin- eers, , Customs Building, London, Ont.; Equity Building, Toronto, Ont., and at the Post' Office, Goderich, Ont, • Tenders will not: be considered un-, less made on printed form's supplied by; the Department asd:in accordance with conditions contained therein. Each tender must be, accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the' order of the Min-, ister of Public Works, equal to to per. cent of the amount of .' the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada Or bonds of the -Canadian National,, Rail- way Company will also be accepted as security, or bonds and a cheque if re- quired to make up an odd amount. Note. -Blue .prints can be obtained at •this Department by depositing 'an accepted cheque for thesum of $Io,00, payable to the order of the Minister Public Works,ihwillbe - of ub is mvh c re turned,if the intending, bidder submit a regular''Tiid. By order, S. E.;O'BRIEN, • Secretary. Department of ,Public Works, Ottawa, June 14, 1926. WINGI tw.ArwA, +iC, -S'IMES^ CHOLERA. INFANTUIyl,. By Dr. Arthur 1,, Forster Moro thane ten pck cent, of alt leu-, man beings die during the 'first Year axe due to diseases of the • digestive system. ,Qf, these, the:most serious is cholera infantunh, which reaches;'its height during the month of July. Cholera infantum occurs 'regularly each sunnier :and, 'although our bet- ter knowledge of its causes has 'nta- terially'' ,reduced its; "mortality, it is still' a force to be reckoned with, 'The disease i5 of infeetiois origin and generally has its beginning in an attack if acute indigestion, itself a result of dietetic errors .and faulty hy- giene. Prevention Our. Only Hope Inasrnuel as two of every three in- fants suffering from cholera infantttn. die, and since its treatment,, is so .ex- tremely unsatisfactory, our only hope of successfully fighting ,the disease lies in its prevention. Summer .complaint rarely occurs in previously healthy infant and teeth- ing seldom causes this or any other form of diarrhea. But let a child have some intestinal disorder that is• not promptly corrected, and in, six hours it is at death's door, The disease kills quickly. If, Bien, a baby has frequent stools that become watery and '•green, .and he grows listless or fretful, a physi- cian:.should be called at once.+ While waiting for the doctor, cut the num- ber and amount of feedings in:, half and. give the baby as much usweet- cued, boiled water as he will drink. Hygienic Measures The discharges from the bowels are exterentely' infectious and the diarr- hea may be passed from one child to another. Hence,• the. stools should be promptly disposed of and diapers washed so flies will not cone in con- tact with them and transport the in fection. Persons caring for the 'sick. infant should wash their hands after each tune they handle him. The hygienic surroundings of chil- dren should receive attention. City children are'best off in 'the country during ,July and August. Where a long stay is impossible, day excur- sion's. into the open spaces do much good. Dietetic Measures i arethe'foundation Errors in diet Poi- most of these cases. ,' The baby is given ;too much food, fed too often, eats ,too rapidly, or the feedings are irregular. Or the food mixture is wrong, generally containing too much sugar, Again, the food niay be 'spoil- ed, the result of dirty bottles and nip- ples, soiled dishes or hand; contain- ination by flies, lack of ice. Whatever .the cause it can and should be eradicated. I still feel -that maternal nursing.is the 'best way to, feed an infant. You cap't improve on olcl Mother Nature,:•Not that I have anything against artificial feeding, but because ignorance and carelessness make it dangerous. of life, The'iriajority of these death 11111111641111151111111111$1111 II iIat lilel11sunll® .• Six ;Reasons Why l - Recommend I ei HURON & ERIE ■ • p .. DEBENTURES E l® Reason No. 6 ■ ' 'Owners : of these debentures ■ together with savings deposi- tors eposi tors, have FIRST -claim upon ev- ery dollar of Huron & Erie as q - sets totalling over $31,000,000. • 5 PER CENT. • Per Annum is payable half-year- 1 ly 'upon $zoo or more for 1, 2, 3, a 4 of years. Aidunntecessary risks j'iy • selecting a Huron & Srie trus- tee debenture investment. _ ABNER COSENS � illi i IiiN)llil m ll i iii0011l■O a II■10mi111r1ll During the summer :Months infants Ulan .froti lounger, Acid even breast- fed reas fed babies . are apt ' tq be over -fed whereas the amount of food should be reduced. Often minor ailments,' by making it ■' cry 'more froi i thirst and:: 'rte t , "THE' HYDRO $SB11.111111 "PUB P Inure difficult for the child to digest a its food, lead to serious summer Goan- 1 Plaint, For this reason all minor' de- a rangements, of whatever kind,' should ■ receive 'prompt attention,, a Babies should be kept as cool and a comfortable as possible - during riot 1111 weather, as over -heating weakens IN them, Accordingly they, 'should be clothed l'igkitly and' kept in a well ven- tilated room:: • T2 these measures are carried out (there is little likelihood that any poi - mal baby will develop summer com- plaint. Questions and Ati,swers But Gastritis .Does Not Mean • Gas In The'Stornach A.; M. G. writes: "(i)'For thelast two or three years ',have been troubled more or less, with an acid taste in the mouth, e'pe- cially afte>V -eating rich• foods. This has becorne more persistent this win ter, and always comes on after taking any kind : of greasy : food' or fat.' ", I have also been troubled: lately with gas' in..the bowels. Have I what is known as a.'chronic acid stomach? "(2) Is carbonate of znagnesiadan- gerous to take for this? "(3) I am a fairly heavy smoker and I sometimes wonder if this has anything to do with ,the sour taste in the mouth." Reply (i) Onthe basis of information submitted I should say that you have chronic gastriIis (catarrh of the stom- ach). The sour taste is due to the acidproducts, of fermentation in the stomach and intestines, The gas is by-product of the same disorder. (2) Carbonate of magnesia is neith- er dangerous either.'dangerous nor beneficial in this condition. 'It will give you tempor- ary relief, by neutralizing 'the acid, but that is all. The only way to cure the disease is to ascertain and remove the cause, and in the meantime go on a diet that will give your stomach a rest'and permit it to recover its func- tional capacity. (3) People with stomach trouble should not smoke,' or at least cut it to the minimum. HURON OLD BOYS' PICNIC All roads, led to Area No. 1, Exhi- bition Grounds on Saturday afternoon last, it being the occasion of the ann- ual picnic of the Huron .Old Boys' Association of Toronto, and those roads were well filled, with Huron Old Boys and Girls for two or three hours at least. The attendance was ;byfar the larg- est in the history of the association, and the weather was all that could be ie cies t d. Tslhe location on ' the .Exhibition grounds was 'a most ideal one for a picnic, probably the finest in the 'lot-- onto loronto district. The ganies were all keenly contest- ed, and in the baseball matches, both men and women pJai'yers showed ex- pert, knowledge of ,the- game. 'In the Ladies' Baseball, Miss' Lily Paterson, captained. the North Huron team, acid Miss Loretti Flynn headed the Soutli Huron team. Miss Pater - son's team won the honors for North Heron with a score of 4 to 3. Miss 'Paterson did not fare so well in the Ladies Tug of War, the South Huron team, evidently taking them by surpriseand winning out. The Ladies' Broom Foot Ball Mat- ch was probably the most interesting feature of the afternoon. Misses Itat- e1- on and Flynn headed the teams in this match also., After a fiercely contested contest, the result was de- clared to be a draw. South Huron carne out ahead in the tug of war contests, but North Huron bad it on them very inuch in base ball. The melt's team won their march for North Huron by a score of 12 to 7. The following are the results of the games and .races: - We (tarty a lull line col FoR FARM LLGHTZNG PLANTS Our lamps' are the best. ■ o e iZ � Ute 1B' Our prices are the lowed. m Crawford Block. 1111R1111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111V111111111511111111111111111111 Phone 156. MAITGAND CREAMERY Phone 271 Wingham - Ontario CREAM -We are in position to handle an increased volume and would like your assistance to make this year bigger and better than last. We aregrading cream according to Government standards in order to get specials and firsts it is necessary to have cream sent to Creamery at regular intervals. Our trucks are --'=gat{hering twice weekly and the cream that is delivered Saturday night, will have to. be in by g o'clock or else we will have to leave it till Monday morning to be graded and tested.' EGGS -The Pool is now Closed, we are taking Eggs on Can- signment, paying the highest possible price. Remember to participate in Commodity dividends, you have to be a Club Member or Shareholder. The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd. Analyze 1 our NALYZE carefully the money you have been spending. You will find that quite � g Ia a large proportion of it might' have been saved with little or no inconvenience. Decide now that you will deposit in tl=e bank regularly that portion of your earnings which your analysis shows you can save. rElle AA/INGHAM BRANCH, ` 1 A. WALLACE, Girls, 5 years and under,: 1,. Jean Buscltland; •2, Margaret Grigg. Boys, five years and under, x, A. McCreath; 2, M. Miller, Boys, 7 years and under,. 1, F. Spriggs; 2, 5. Rhynas. Girls, 9 years and ii:rtder, x, 3: Mc- Creath,• 2, Mary Johnston. Boys, 9 years and under, i, J. Moon;, 2, P', Hopkins. Girls, '12 years and under, I," Doro- thy Thompson; 2, Lily Howard. Boys, 12 years and under, 1, R. Tuf ford, 2, K. Campbell Girls, 46 years and under, x, M. Burgess;' 2, J. Arbuckle.', Boys,16years and under, x,D. Wilson, 2, J. Rhynas, Married Ladies, 1, Mrs. Howard; 2, Mrs, Hill. Married Men, z, B. H. McCeath; 2, H. Dunlo. P Peanut Race, x, Miss Forbes; 2, Miss Fitton. THE''FAM1LY NEXT DOOM, EIMWe TO•IVItiNT, Qiltttr Y, SOO ? VB GOT A NEW ORS. F12%ES1 , SWEE'CES' , eleAceESt PER'S0.% EVER, • CREEb- `Me(' MADE (Mt uKE, IAEA Apo ' r TF4REW AWAY' THE T KtND OF GIRL: fit •SEEN t,OgKtNG FOR"• CO GIADIY GO 1"0 Ttm END 0E .1F `fQU tEL N14Nt -tih1E FOR NOL, WAY A$Otrt %' voiy tiwr►Y i t' 'EVEN ktv E_AR , Dori t VGU MAttRsif TIGN' ' SIS 1F SE Th' GAL? ASttE t? �" J ME RIGHT -W IRIE-RIGHT 1 WARY NER', 712. w t- ' t NAR©1.Y K11400,1 Th gn ti. #x't bd. p'-i�d�e�•,t�pru,ds3xreaMa CAIN.; Manager. Best of all Ply Killers -10c and 25c per packet at all Druggists, Grocers s a>itd General Stores. Men's Open Race, Ioo yds, 1. E. Thompson; 2, 3. Rhynas. Boot Race, I, J. Bennett; 2, J, Tuf- ford, Ladies. Tug of War: -North Her- on, Miss Lily Paterson, Captain;: South Huron, Miss M. L. Flynn, Cap- tain. South Huron won. Men's Tug of War -North Huron, B. H. McCreath, Captain; South Hor- an, A. E. ^Forbes, 'Captain. *South Huron won. Ladies 13roonx Foot Ball, the cap- tains same as Ladies' Tog of War. Draw Game. Men's Base Bali, North and South Huron, with captains, W, rroudfoot land A. 1. Forbes. " 1;iesult score, Nor.. 1 th Huron 12; South Huron 7, Urn- spire, D. Thompson, Scorer, Lack I(eunedy. „„ Ladies Base 13a.11 captains same as Tag of War, North Huron won 4-3, ttmpy`tres for Ladies Base Ball, E, Thompson and C. Rhynas. Clerk of Entries,.E. Floody;Payw master,. John Robertson Judges, J, A. McLaren, Robt: ilohtles, John Moon, W. Protid.foot, R. C, Zing; Starers, A E, Forbes and W. Pow 1 ell; Registrlar, John R. Lyon.