HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-07-01, Page 1With which is amalgainatpd TheGorrie Wale and The Wroxeter News Don't Miss the Splendid Programes at the Wingham Chautauqua commencing on Jul fOr 5 Days. Single Copies, Five Cents. WIi\IGHAM, ONT. -THURSDAY, JULY lit. 1926 Subscriptione $2.oper year, 11.11=1:11,M1111101111111.111.0111111.16011111110115.11/111 MacKENZIE KING RESIGNS AND I MEIGHEN TAKES OATH The Wingham Public School Promotion 'Examination Results After holding office since October ,.2.9th, without a majority but trustino to the support of the Progressives Premier King and his government re- signed after being twice defeated on the floor of the house. On Saturday the premier requestedlGovernor Gen- eral hying to allow Aim to dissolve parliament, but was refused and he then had only one course' left that of resigning', Baron Bying called on Rt Hon. Arthur Meighen to form in cabinet and he has accepted the task. The following ministers have accept- ed office without portfolio: Sir Henry Drayton, finance depart- ment and railways department Hon. R. j. Manion, department• of 'health, department on soldiers' civil reestablishment, post office depart- xnent, immigration department and .labor department. Sir :George Perley, department of :secretary of state and, department of cpublic works,. • Hon. H. H. Stevens, customs de- ,partreeht, department of Indiat af- ,fairs and risines, interior departxnett, agriculture department and trade and commerce departinent. Hon. Hugh Guthrie, department .of justice and department of national de - :fence. Hon. W. A. Black, Department of marine and fisheries. Mr. Meighen having accepted an office of enrolment he will have to :vacate 'his seat for the present and re- turn to his constituency for re-elec- While Mr. King has been Prixne 'Minister, Robt. Forke leader of the Progressives group and kis little fol- . lowing have held. the reigns of power. Little has been accomplished and Dart' politics and the soils of offce have been the games plaSre'd, no heed no where the -country was heading, r The customs scandal and the effort made by Premier King and his gov- ernment to shield the Hon. Geo. Boi- .vin, was the turning point as far as a few of the more sincere Progressiv.es was concerned. Mn King would have been well advised to have heed- ed the Hon. George P. Graham and -resigned last December. , Canada needs a 'goy:eminent with a sieeided majority in its own name atid -we doubt if any premier or cabinet , can carry on at ,Ottawa in the. best interests of the people until a gener- al election is held. • At all events the Customs ,Probe must be cominued and those who have swindled told stolen should get •the same punishment as was meted •out to Peter Smith. Why send one crook to jail and another to the Sen- ate on a fat salary for life? Miss Mc- Phail is ri,ght tohen she says the cus- toms enquiry must go on at all cost :Loses Tips of Fingers Jr. to Sr. IV • foil 722, honours 542, Pass 433- 3, Copeland668; 3. Braekenbury 6x7; Louttit 614;.I, Nortrop 613; O. Tif- fin 599; 13. Walker $98; E. McIn- nes 595; 3. IsePard 594; E. Rae 589;L IVIitohell 588; N. Dow 581; J. Angus 579; C. Fry 570; A. Prost 564; A. Hammond 559; F. Skelding 553; W. Dow 549; R. Harrison 535; K I-lastie 534; J. Carr 529; E. Zurbrigg 527; I, Sutton 518; j..Homier 517; E. Hom- uth 5rot A, Stokes 5o9; G. Langlois 487; S, Campbell 479; A. Rich 476; M. Clark 472; G. Davidson 467; Campbell 4;13. Evelyn Reid ill, passed on honour , work through the year. , Room III—Sr. III to Jr. IV Max. 625, honors. 468, pass 375—A, McGillivray 475; L. Durnin 448; M. Rap 441; G Beattie 442; D. Deans 439; IC, Lott 435; S. Mitchell 435; IT. Beattie 425; A. Adams 424; R. Chettle- burgh 422; D. Pinter 419; y. Fry 418; M. Gantelon 4/2; B. Small 411; E. Gray 410; B. Mitchell 408; D. Wal - leer 407; M. Hingston 406; F. Mellor 400; A. Rintoul 400t E. Henderson 396; M, Mason 3751 Room IV—Sr. flI to Jr. IV Max 625, honors 468, Pass 375—V. Tiffin (542; A.' McLean 531; M. Tay.- lor 529;.B. Taylor 505; LOSneath 494; M. Smith 491; J. Pattison 490; L. Ro- bertson 485; J. I3urgman 483; M. Dob- ie 481; B. Cruikshank 467; R. Thc,rnp- son 466; M. Ludwig 458; H. Burgess 453'; J. Cruikshank 424; E. Prost 413. .jo III to Sr. III Max 470, honors 352, pass 282—M. Hirst 329s 11..Fuller 309; B. Bunn 288. S,r. II to Jr. III .Max. eats honors 450, pass 36o— George King 554; Mildred Reid 529; -Carl McKay 526; .Rollie Hutton 522; Mildred Field 496; Anna Chittick 486; Rex McInnis 486; Harold Skelding 482; Lyle „Ludwig 464; Mae Gibson 458; Marion Fry 'Ill; Geo. Bracken - bury 430; Vivian. Cantelon 429; Mar- ion, Mitchell 424; Murle Elliott 418; Velina Carter 417; Lorene Holler 400, Ralph Saint 393 " Jr. II to Sr. II Max 560, honours 420, ass 336— Irene McInnes 473; George Robert- son 448; Doris Buchanan 433; gin Coutts 422; 'Francis Currie' 404; Catherine Northrop 392; Lance Brown 389; George Mason 383.y Ber- yl Isluntly 379; Tena Reid 375; Doro- thy Forsythe 370; Harold Finley 367; Evelyn Patterson 362; Leonard Bok 352; Arnold Hudson 352; ,Frank.Coll- ar 348; Alvin Smith 347; Preston Led.- iet 341; Norma MeTvers 338; Percy Deyell 336; Stewart Carter 336, xst to Jr. rII Total 200, hon.ors 150; pass too -- Mitchell, Ruth .176; Bungess, Helen 17o; Parker David 168; Radford El- aine'167; 7ttrbrigg, Jean;164; Chittick . Bobby ,Sawyer, II -year-old son of Charlie 163; Howson Ross 163; Mac- e'.. Councillor Thomas Sawyer, on the Donald Jean 162; Hammond Ralph x 411 Concession, Greenock 'township, 161; Wellwood Caroline 16o; King had the tips of all ingers .c4 his Gracey 157; Blatchforcl Norman r57; -right hand blown o and e front of Finley Edith /54; Carr Winnifred 153; the hand badly ma teed ome tine Mundy*Bernice to Wil500 M2y 150; o,during Monday afte loon when, he Carter Raymond 149; Campbell Al - 'exploded a dynamite or gap by bert 141; Forsythe Beatrice op: (.• ro- -placitg the cap on a stone and strik- ves Norma /3/; Henderson Stailley. Mg it with a hammer. The boy was 131; Leopard Billie 125; Shatiiro :fortunate itt escaping with his life. Morre 122; Smith Marvin 120. Primer to Firat Class Total 175, honors 136, pass 105 --- Renwick Frank 164; Field' Edith, As, Brackenburte Grace 161; Habkirk Isa- bel 16i; Carter Lorraine 160; Rintoul Winifred' 158; Davidson Billy /57; Ellacott Lloyd 156; Lediet Hazel 155; It/tiller Helen 153; Forsythe Ste- wart 152; Mdllor Irene 152; Bok Lo- etta, x5x; Collar Betty 151; Vansickle Bert, x5t; Dunne yalTle'S 1504 IVIellor sjeaft 145; Meletosh Grant 144 Groves Helen 142; Fuller Lillian 49; Krohn Emma x36; Stoakley Velmo, 136; Clark Irene 133; Reid Marie it; Gamble Evelyn /28; Muirhead Jean 126; Harvey Lillia.n 119; Lee linony tit; Fitt Irene /09. Former Residents.of Wingham. Rev. A. C Cununer, grand chaplain and Rev. J. W. Hibbert, chief patriar- ch of the grand encampment were the speakers at a meeting of Brethren of the I. 0: a F, held in Strathroy one night recently. Both of these gentle- men are former residents of Wing - ham and both have been highly hon- ored by the Oddfellows. Kn• ocked Off Roller While driving a team harnessed to a land roller on Monday at his fath- er's farm, Allan McGill, the nine year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. McGill, gth. con, of Turnherry, met with a serious accident The horses became frightened and bolted snapping off the tongue of the roller and allowing it to tip backwards. Allen fortunate- ly escaped with a few bad brushes and bumps on the head. We trust he will not have any bid after effects. llllllllllllll ll mum.. llll lllllll 11111111 llll lll 11111 ll 111 llllllllll WHAT ABOUT A REUNION? Editor Smith, Advance -Times; , ,Wingharn, Canada. Dear. Sir: Wonder, if the dear old burg is going to put over "Ye old Girls and"Boys Re -union" for 1926 We wandered in the Village, Tom, We pat beneath the tree Upon the school house playing' ground That sheltered you and me Gee; that sounds good to me, Wake up Jack McLean, 'AL Lloyd, Walt; McKibbon, Jack Currie, Bab Mooney and the rest of the kids around town; let's be Boys and Girls. once more as, we were in the sixties and seventies. I am with you. Lets go. Yours respectfully, Albert j. Snell 402 Rockingham St., Toledo, Ohio. Wingham Pair Win Trophy Walkerton, ',Lawn Bowling Club, Auto Traffic Through Saltford held their Annual Scotch Doubles Bowling Tournament on Thursday Some interesting data in connec- last with an entry of forty-one rinks. tion with the auto traffic on the roads Two rinks from here attended and leading through Saltford in Colborne the one composed of Jaqk Mason and township was furnished by Mr. Alex, Crawford won the Trophy Ev- George Symonds. Mr. Symonds ent, bringing home Leather Club counted the number.of cars passing Bags., Rinks were/present from Han- the Saltford corner on Sunday after over 'Owen Sound, Paisley, Guelph, noon between 3 and 4 o'clock. Be - Ripley, Cargill, Chatsworth Durham, sween 3 and 3.22 O'clock 58 cars Wiarton, Southampton, Chesley and were eounted and between 3. and 4 Lucknow. o'clock 135 cars. Strawberry Festival at Whitechurch Officers Leaving Wingham • MARRIED tEvenclen—Critse--At No. 1, Citadel, Homiltoft, on Thursday, June 24th., by Col. McAmmond, Capt. j. Even- . ,deri af•Wingham. to Capt, Cruse, , nurse at Grace Hospital, Sarftia. A reception was held, at the bride's 'home .at Aldershot ,11111111111111111111111 lllllll 1111/1111 l 1 l 1 ll 11111111 llll 1111111 ll 1 llllllll .BAPTIST' SutdaY Anniverary Services, • The Pastor starts his• 4th year of ministry. liortings-s"A Christiless Etats ity." Evening—"A Heavenly HOme." Baptism and' the Lord'e Sop - 901 at night. All W4leeme A Strawberry Festival under the aus- pices of the United Church White- •Copt' j. Evendet and Lieut. H. G. church, on the lawn ofgr. Andrew Wright who have been in charge of Fox, on Friday, July 9th. supper Salvation Army work at Wingham for served from 6 to 8 o'clock. A splen- the past year have received promo - did program will be given including: tions and new offiders are expected tcdtiresses by Rev. M. M. Bennett, this week. 'These two young men Wingham mid. Rev. Jas. Scobie, Bei_ have endeared thernselves to the peo- grave, Solos and Monologues by ple of the town generally.and particu- ,/Rev, Mr, Dickenson of Ashfield cir- larlY to Salvationists. They were cuit, Mr. Gordon Buchanan of Wing- good heads and have the best wishes ham, and local talent. Admission:— of a host of friends. The Capt. join - Adults 5oc; Children 250. ed the ranks of the benedicts in Ham- ilton on Thursday last and is now Garden Party at BlueVale , on a honeymoon trip down the St. The Annual Garden Party of Blue- Lawrence and the Lieut. leaves this vale United Church , of Canada, will week for London, where he will be be held' on the church grounds, on stationed- with No. 4, Corps. Good Wednesday, Julys 7th. Tea will be luck boys and God bless vou. served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Programme—Pipe-Major yet a dreat Fundamentalist Meeting Young with Neil McDonald, Comed- To an audience that nearly filled ian and company, Kincardine. Spea- the Town Hall, several speakers told kers, Rev Armstrong, Wroxeter; of the great inroads of Modernism io Mr. Jamieson,' Bluevale; Rev. Bens our Colleges and Churches. Three nett, Wingharn; Rev. Scobie, Bel- students from McMaster University grave; Rev. Craik, Gorrie. Admis•sion' told of the Modernistic teaching they 35c and 2oc. , had received in the University during W. C. T. T.J. Convention i the past year. Pastor James McGill- , 'The 29th Annual Convention Hur- leyof Alton, Also a student at the Universty, told Of what.God had done on County W. C. T. U., will be held in the United. Church, Wingliam, at Alton during the last year. Going on into this village with Mr. Gordon hursday, July 8th. Programs Nvill commence at g o'clock a. tn., o p. no Brown of Orangeville last summer, 8 p. m. An interesting prograthey proclaimed the old gospel in the and. m will be given and Miss MacCorkin- town hall. Gocl did a mighty work dale of Australia, will give an address and over a hundred gave themselves at both the afternoon and evening to God, being born again by His Spur- . it, and made clean through the blood meetings. Dinner and Supper will be Of Christ. Sixty have been baptized served in the Church. Ladies are cordially invited to the arida church started. In nine rnonths they have raised $2,500o Mr, Mc - morning and afternoon sessions and challenged any Modernist to the general putlic to the evening; A GinleY silver collection will be taken. , go into a town and get the seine. re- • sults. Dr. Shields of Toronto was Social In Orange Hall • the last Speaker. He told how Mod - Credit is clue Mr. C. R. Copeland, erinsin had been gradually working its W. M. of L,oyal Orange Lodge No, wAy into the University, and also into 794, for the splendid social event put the Churches. Modernism is such a on in the Wingham Orange Hall on subtle thing, blightens lives 'wherever Friday evening last. The 'County it goes, Canadian Baptists have de - Master, A. G. Smith, was chairmae cided that this thing -will not pull and a good program was given in- down the churches as ;it lia.s done iit eluding addresses by Rev. H. W. England. Snell of Stratford, A. H. Musgrove '9Dr. Shields reminded his hearers and Geo. Spotton, instrumental nuts- that it was a time for war, and unless ic by an orchestra composed of Clay- we Oise now and say this thing shall ton Steeper, Irwin' Edwards, Mr. and go so far aod no farther, our churches Mr. Thos. Cruickshanks, solos by will soon loose their power, 13aptists W. 11. Willis, whistling solos by Miss have always stood for a regenerate Rena Deacon, highland dancing by church membership, and. when onto Misses Pryfogle and McGillivray, bag the' bars are let down., admitting all pipe selections by Major A. M. Han- classes of people to church member- nah and a reading by Miss Kathleen ship and the Lord's supper, thee we $rnith4 At the conelusion of the pro- will cease to be Baptists. Mr. Loney grottos: splendid luncheon was provid- of Hamilton spoke at, word bout the cd by the ladies. Everyone went 13aptist Bible Union, explaining that away satisfied that a most enioyable it was a Unioo of Old Fashioned Baps time had been spent together, ,t'ists, who still believe that the Bible , is the Word of God. The chairman Mr, arid Mrs. Roy Crnickshanks of suggested that °tiles denorninatioes Brat:Tipton, visited at Ron'ithorne for would do welt to start n Bible I.Tniori, a few days last wecut. They were ac- The Amens and Istallelutitths fruit the companiond by the 'iatter4 motimer, atidiense during the meelmg remind - Mrs. George Ecs t rangeville. ed tote Of an. Old %Shioned Methodist Roy is traffic ni...o. fron Itramptoit to gathering. Tho meeting sten brought Arthur, also ploys wills the to a eloSe by Sitoting "Blest be the 13ratri1tot aeralsSeteani , te that binds." Local and General News of NEWS FROM THE DIFFERENT - CHURCHES Interest to The Community". Last Sunday, the morning services • in Wingham United Church, were ' Frances, the little daughter of Mrconducted by Rev. Mr, Bennett. Af- and Mrs. R A. Currie had the inisfor- ter an address to the children on the tune to have her knee cap broken, building of character he took as his one day last week , text for the morning sermon, Joshua Miss Mary H. Campbell who has 314, Chapter, part of verse 4, "For been attending the Wines= Busi- Ye have not passed this way hereto- ness College spent the week end at fore," stressing inhis discourse the Maple Lodge Farm, Turnberry. , ascertion that this age is in ad-vatice Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Howson, spent of all preceding in the carrying out of a few days visiting" witht relatives in Christ's teaching, . Norville., Theyere attfinding a fa- In the evening Rev. Mr. McIntosh I mily reunion of tietheut:se of Howson, preached the last sermon of his pas - Mr, and Mrs. Bert McElroy and lit- torate here to a. crowded auditorium. tle Miss Audrey of Detroit are spend- He took as his text, Cor. Chapto ing their holidays with the former's verse 5, "Bringing into captivity e -v - parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McEloyertr thought to the obedience of Early potatoes in bloom June igth., Christ adding to that Phil, 4th and the crops looking fine at Killarn- Chattier, verse 8. His sermon owing ey, Man., and a steady down pour Of to his short pastorate here, did not ram for forty-eight, hours and still review the events of thatsperiod. It was a gospel message of the 'usual raiMnirn.gand Mrs. j. Pattison have re- high standard of excellence and help - turned to their home on William St, fulness to Which his hearers had been after visiting at the home of the lot- accustomed to listen to appreciatively ter's sister, Mrs R. A. McKenzie, throughout the past year. ' His final Dungannonmessage was Phil IV and 8. Wittally, Mr. and Mrs. a A. Currothers and brethren, whatsoever things are true, little son, Terry. of London, visited at whatsoever things are honest, erhatso- the home of the latter's parents, last ever things are just whatsoever week, Mr. and Mrs. Al Vanalstyrie, things are pure, whatsoever things 1st. line Morrisare lovely, whatsoever things are of Mrs. Smith, nee Bertha Fenn- good report, if there be any virtue en, a niece of Mr. Theop Finnen, died and if there be any praise think on recently at the Boissevain Hospital these things." from heart failure after an operation Although he has been in Wingham for appendicitisjust a little over a year, he has en - Mr.' and Mrs. Richard Vanstone deared liiinselfno the members of the and Misses Jean and Margaret Van- United Church and the people of the stone, motored. to Oakville on Satur- vicinity in general lin and 'Mrs. day to be present at the Northey— McIntosh and children leave for their Chisholm wedding. . new home hi. Embro this week-, tak- Messns. Alex and R. J. Creighton ing with them the very best wishes of of Schomberg and Mr. and Mrs. R. B. a host of friends, Creighton if Toronto, spent a few In the service of praise at the even - days with their sister, Mrs. T, S. Mg service, Mr. Nelles Jackson of Brandon, Frances St , Drayton sang ``The Lord is My Mr. and Mrs. ANThit Stewart, lt/In Light." His singing of this fine and Mrs. Rob. Aitchisen and children hymn was much appi•eciated. 4 Mn and Mrs. Ale -. Cekiper and dati- On Tuesday, June 22, the Philaletha ghter, Helen and 1 si Cora Jewitt, Class of the United Church, Wing - motored to Formosa on Sundayham, spent a rnost enjoyable evening - Mrs. C A. Barber of Chilliwack, B. at the home of Mrs. Chester Cope - C, who atteilded the Canadian Wo- land, Shuter St men's Press Association Convention The President, Miss Blanche Irwin, at Toronto last week visited this acted as chairman and at the conclus- week at the horne of Mrs. Chas. Bar- ion of the business meeting, there was ben_ an iuteresting program Miss Gert Mrs W. J. Haines was in town rude Robertson's rendering of the for a few days looking after her pro- piano selection, Schumann's • "Trau- party in Winignam. Mrs. Haines has merer" and Miss Margaret Copeland's spent the winter in Toronto and is vocal solo One More Day," were leaving to live with relatives iriobwen features' of the. progra.m, which added much to the enjoyment of those ores- S7111rc.Land Mrs. John Isbister and fa- ent. Dr. Frank Crane's essay, "Work mily of Onaway, Mich, motored over and Happiness," read by Miss Mar- in their big -car and are spending, a garet Linklater, proved to be both en - few weeks at the home of the form- tertaining and helpful er's parents, Mo„,..and Mrs. Wm. Isbis- The last part of the meeting tvas ab - ter, Centre Stly conducted by Mrs. Chester Cope - Mrs. Bone and two song, Rellison land, who introduced two very inter - and Clellend, leave this week- for an esting and amusing contests. Thus, the extenand visit with friends in Edmon- last meeting of the class until Septem- ton, Vancouver, Seattle and Portland, ber was then brought to a close by Oregon. They go via boat from Sarn- the serving of dainty refreshments. Beginning with the October meeting the members purpose following a de- finite course of study, to be arranged by Mrs, (Pets) M. M. Bennett, and, the Class Executive. See the New low summer collar, Rydal. King Bros. Miss Annie Barber of Teronto home for the summer vacation, Dr, R, 'L. Stewart's office will be closed from July sh to July 15th. Forsythe Athletic Combinations for men, extra value 980. King Bros. A new' shipment of Mens Silk and Wool Socks all colors 69c. King Bros, llll l olit11101111111111111111111gli lllll l ll l SALVATION' ARMY 1 ...—...... ,, 1 •P. Friday evening end StitidaY .z. iorning and evening, weicome 'I of newly appointed c4'ficeis. i lanomoomaintimolonivaitovaimionlivIggio OrttltillA g, Alberta Electiens Alberta electors endorse Fortner's Admiiiistration in the election of li/ondaY, Incomplete returfts gine the U.' F. A. 41, Liberals o, Conservatives 6. All three leaders 'are elected. Mrs, John°';Weiler of Toronto, is visiting with olcl aoquaintaces around here. toot, Mr. Harry Hinscliffe of Detroit, spent over Sunday with his wife in town. Men's Straw °Hats, fine braids, sail- or style. Bargain at $1.49, King Bros. Mrs. Shackleton attended the wedd- ing of her sister in Stratford last week. Thompson, Shiner St., is go- ing to visit with her sister in Bosse - vain, Man. • Miss Annie McKa.gue of Winnipeg iS visiting with her auntt'Miss Elston, IvIinnie St. ,( of' • Mr. V. R. Vantorman has sold his mare Victoria Hal to Mr. Campbell at Listowel. Boys Khaki Outing Pants, Bloom- er and long styles, 98C and $1.50. King Bros. Mrs. A. J. 'Walker and. children left on Monday for a few weeks at Kin- cardine beach. Mr. Nelles Jackson of Drayton, spent the week -end with his cousin, Miss Hazel Brandon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hammond and family, visited with their daughter, Dorothy at Kitchener. 5, 1918 'Touring Cars, all good Tires and Al working order. $5o up. Pat- erson Bros., Ford Sales. Mrs. L. Dear of Woodstock, return- ed home, after spending a week visit- ing friends in Wingham. -Miss Mabel Walsh, school teacher of Preston, is spending the holidays at her home in Wingham. Mr. S, Robertson and. bride Of Ow- en Sound, spent Monday at Mr. Da- vid Jewitt's and W. Stewart's. IVIaster Peter Fisher of Toronto, is spending his summer holidays at the home of his aunt, Miss Fisher. 6 Touring Cars with starters all newly painted and in Ax shape $x5o. up at Paterson Bros,, Ford Sales. Miss June Buchanan of Painesville, Ohio, is visiting with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs., Amos Tipling. Miss Laura Mitchell of the Bell Telephone Staff, has returned from spending her holidays in Toronto. Mrs. Henn= Barley of Toronto and Dr, Mooney *ells of Teeswater, visited Miss Hazel Brandon this week. Mr. and Mrs, John Aitcheson and Mr. _Henry Aitcheson, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Aitcheson. Miss Lilla B. Isbister of Victoria, 13. C. is visiting at the home of her parents, Alr. and •Mrs. Wm Tsbister, Mr. A. C. Lewis, M. A., of Toronto, visited during the week -end at the home of Mrs, M. E. Finch, Victoria Stq Miss Norma and Mr. Milford Pax- ton, 'attended the Weher—Brown wedding last Wednesday at Piorit Clark. For Sale—, 1924 Chevr• olet Fordor Sedan, like new. Don't 111iSS this if you want a bargaio. Paterson Bros., Ford Sales. Mr. Ralph 'W. Carr, who has been with Mr. G. L. Baker Dominion Ex- press, has accepted a pogition as oper- ator in Lindsay. 15 used cars for sale. Special pri- ces this week and next. Terms if de- sired. Open evenings. Paterson Bros., Pord Sales. Don't forget you can' buy a new or used car 113 cash, balance arranged 6 to 18 months.. Ask us about it. Pao erson Bros., Ford Sales. Mr, B. J. 13etininger has sold a Willys Knight Sedan. to David Fal- coner and a new Model Overland 4 to Jos: Lippert of Greenock. Mr. j. S. Curtis of Chatsworth, and Mr. ;oat Curtis of Toronto, ase visit- ing at the home of the former'S dau- ghter, Mrs. Louis Grorofsky, The engagement is announced Of Maggie Zeitio, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turvey, Tilttevale, Ont., to Mns Morley 'Wells, son of Jr. and MrS. Leslie Wells, ttuppetville, Ont. The Marriage, will take place Ontetly ihe totter last of jute, MARRIED Pocoek--Pellatio-ln Itlagersville 011 Tnesday, Stine oottol., by Rev. Mr. Dingo -non formerally of Winglioin, Mr, Walter Pocock, son tif Mr. and IVIrs. Geo, Pocock, East Wawanosh, to Nurso Mary Pollan. ot Ilagers- vine, ' f, ia on Saturday. , The cool weather of the past few o days has retarded the growth of ve- getation the hiy will be light and un- less the weatherman gives us some warmer weather the grain crop will be short in the straw, Mr. and Mrs. D 'aid Rae, of r Wingham, were gue ts iin Wednes- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greer. Mr, Riae as in Listo- wel attending the ht4ling tourna- ment—Listowel Banner. The engagement is announced of Elizabeth Mary, only daughter of Mr. James White, of Indian River, Ont., to Mr. William F. Wendt, youngest son of Mrs. Mary Wendt, of Mildmay, Ont., the marriage to take place ear- ly in July. A Strawberry Festival will be held under the auspices of the Salem Unit- ed Church on Mr. John Fitch's lawn, July 6th, The Kintardine Kiltie Band will furnish the program assist- ed by several sPeakerS. Admission, Adults 35s; Childiten 25c. Mr. and Mrs. C. j.„Thornton of Ed- monton, Alta., are visitipg with rela- tives in Wingham aild Bluevale. Mr. Thornton was in the windmill busi- ness in Whighani for i riumber of years. He still looks'forward eagerly for the weekly visit of the Advance - Times. . • Mr. W. G. Knox of Moose jaw, Sask.., who has been attending •the' Annual Meeting of the "Canadiau Seed Growers Associatiou" ra Mon- treal and also the Supreme Grand Lodge mooting o the Orange Asanci atiOn al Otiawa, is at ptcsent visfiing with his brother-iu. la Mr, W. 3. Gallaher, Delegates to Grand Chapter Mrs. Shane, Past Worthy Matron,. and Mrs. Fox, Worthy Matron of Huron Chapter No, 8g, Order of the Eastern Star, were delegates to the Grand. Chapter, wh•th mot at Chat - K ham last week. rs. Shane was ap- pointed District eputy ifGra.nd Mat- ron of District o.8./This district 14/ includes Chapterkat Mohan', Listo- wel, Owen Sound,' ilverton, Palmer- ston, Kitchener, Drayton, Arthur, Guelph and Galt. ust satint. what full a cro eyea map, bas i those aos d