HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-06-24, Page 3Thur%ley, Juane Beth„ z9e6,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas,• Waae, visited on
Sunday with the,. tatter's mother,
Mrs, B. Tuck at Monlcton.
Mr. Andrew Brown of Hamilton
and Mr, Robt, Caudle ofkel
La et,
pent one day last week with Mrs.
4f acnes Brown. l
Mr. and Mrs.
7 Strong; n •
Mrs S. Strome and Kathleen, were
visitors to Har'ristoai on Saturday:
Mrs. Wm. S. McKee of Goderich,
sfaertt a few days last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Earl. Corbett,
Miss Cora Strong and Wm. ,Camp-
bell, motored to Dobbington on Sat-
'urday and spent the day 'With friends.
Drew defeated Fordwich in a Cen-
tral League Baseball game; played
here Friday evening, by a 12 so 5
score; '
1,Ir. and Mrs. B. Greer, spent Mon-
day at the' home of Mr. and Mrs, L.
V. Knight. •
Mr: Ken Ashton had the misfor-
tttr.e. to .have a leg troken;above the
a . le, in a football game, between
, issels and >,
20 kt
n on
Mr. Irwin Witmer has exchanged
his Ford Coupe on a new one.
Mr. R. 5,, Hueston, Gorrie, announ-
ces- the engagement of his daughter,
Laura Vera to Mr. Carroll, E. Gregg,
son of Mr. and Mrs: W. H. Gregg,
Gorrie. The marriage will takeP la-
ce quietly the last of June.
Miss M. L. White isi
havn g a sale
of Millinery for two weeks, starting
Thursday, • June 24th. All hats 20redu
celto 30per cent. Nothing ate}
ei- $5.00. Everything new and a good
stock to choose from. Conie early.
-Mr. A. E. Snaith and daughter, for-
merly of Wiagham, but now of Tor-
onto, accompanied by Mr, Smith's
brother of Toronto, were guests at
the American Hotel, Monday: Mr.
A. E. Smith and Mr. White were for
neer school mates.
Miss Dean Geddes of Mt. Forest
H. S. Staff, visited with Miss G.
White on Monday.
Lot owners in: the Wroxeter Ceme-
tery are requested to pay their yearly
fees for caretaking, of their lots to the
Fred Davey.
r, and Mrs. D. McDonald, James
'town and Miss McDonald,,also' Mr.
and Mrs.' D. Johnston ad Master
Flemming of Bluevale, were guests of
their cousins 'on Sunday, Mr, and
Mrs. J. H. Thom, Fordwich,
;Will kill' many times ;more flies
for the moneythan any other
fly killer. Eaeh pad will kilI flies
all day, every day, : for three
weeks. At all Grocers, Drug-
gists and General Stores
1:0c and 25c per package.
Dr. and Mrs. Smith of .Detroit, are
at' present visitting with the tatter's
father, Mr. Geo, Town.
Mr, Thomas , Gibson , and! sister,
Mrs: Wilson froze Edinborough, Scot-
land, are visiting friends in town,
enroute to Winnipeg and Vancouver.
Mr. Kitchen, spent last week in
Toronto, visiting his daughter, Mrs,
R. A. Berkinshaw and other friends
in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. David Walker from
the West, spent the . week -enol with
D. D. and 'Mrs. Sanderson.
Mr. John Booth from. Winnipeg ar-
rived on Saturday and' is enjoying a
visit with his family and mother here;
Mrs. Wearring sr., is at present
visiting her son in London.
Mr. Thomas Gibson and his sister,
Mrs. Wilson from Scotland are visit-
ing friends here. The former was
for thirty years on the Staff of the
Edinburgh Evening News andhas
reported many speeches by such
t men as1
G adst ne
o Lord Sal-
isbuhy, Beaconsfield, Roseberry and
many others. Mr. Gibson was a cra-
ck rifle shot and figured may times
with the Scotch teams in the Wim-
bledon and Bisley Annual Rifle
Mr. D. M, Walker who was princi-
pal of Wroxeter Public School for
eighteen years and; latermoved to
Niagara Falls, Ontario, where he was
Commercial Specialist in the Collegi-
ate there for thirty three years has re-
signed, and with his wife, a former'
Wroxeter girl' will "take a trip
abroad, on tendering his resignation
he 2
received v d a bonus of $Loo,oa from.
the School Board, also a purse of
gold and a; set of field glasses from
the teachers of the Collegiate and
former students. At : a largely at-
tended public meeting in his honor,
the Mayor of the city acted as
Chairman and spoke in°growing
terms of. Mr. Walker's Services in
the Collegiate. Mrs. Walker was
presented with a beautiful' sheaf of.
The Gibson Lumber . and Cider
Milts' received a carload of . Quebec
White Cedar Shingles last week and
find they are good sellers.-
Miss Agnes McKercher of Wrox-
eter now on the 'Mount Forest Col-
legiate Staff accompanies a party of'j
American Art • Students on 'a trip
abroad. They will visit many of the
Cathedral Cities of England; France,
Holland and Belguim.
A welcome caller to the village last
week was a 'former townsmen, Mr,
John Bone now of Sault St. Marie,
Mich. .To see Jack is to recall his
powers as a curler and handler of tlie.
big circular bass horn in the days.
when Wroxeter could afford a splen-
did village brass band, While not
trite a
s stoutr '
asfo me •1
� r y Jacks
senile is as genial as . ever. All wlio
knew him here were ewer for a
hared shake. His wife accompanied
hien and old friends were glad•to meet
her again. �.
Mr. Torn Hemphill, our popular
Miller, is running his pea mill night
and day. Besides shipping in car-
loads to his many Canadian custom-
ers, he sends his product to the West
Indies and Foreign Countries.
Mrs, Donald Stewart, 2nd. line j
Turnberry, took suddenly ill one day
last week 'and the members of the 'fa-
mily were sent for. Last reports
she was still seriously 111.
Rich, Soft Tones Of 'A Brantford Roof
Brantford Asphalt Slates harmonize with any style of a °
tecture, and their rich, softtones blend with their surroundings
at all times of the year.
They kat for years, are fire resistant and,give perfectroteetion fromall weather conditions. 13 Y3
!dIiktifingCOLimitett Brantford, Ontario
Stock Carried; lnforiiaation Furnished and Service .;
oil Brantford Roofing g rendered by
RAO ti Thompson, Win harm
It, H. 'Carson., s r yy Gorrie
Thos Stewart,.� . Eineva1e
The question of the inill rate for
toads was next,.taken up in coni.tnit-
tee, when it was moved in amendment
to the report of the Good Roads
Commission by Messrs. Hayes and
tie:ger, ,that the Highways rate this
year be one and a half ills
zr � on .the
dollar instead of two mills. A vote
Was taken and 6 voted for the ei
iuill rate and 225 for the reportin
favor of a 'a -mill rate. For the lie
mill rate -Messrs. Cox, Geiger, Han-
na, ' Hayes, • Livingston, Neeb--6,
Against' Messrs. Armstrong, Back-
er, L'eattie, Cameron, Coultes, Dodds,
lrtiain, Farrish; Henneberg, Hubbard,
Inglis Johnston, 1Kennedy, Klopps,
Manson, McDonald, McEwen, McKib-
bon, MfQuaid, Middleton,: Munnings,
Moser, Robertson, Sanders, Shortfeed
The matter of the council adopting
the Globe Indemnity's Accident in-
surance in the county was•taken:up
ti motion was made by Messrs.
Inglis and Cox to accept the offer
with the privilege of cancelling the
same a any time,' A standing vote
was taken, g voting for the motion
and 22 against.
The motion for the county to guar-
antee the bonds of the Clinton Cil
iegiate. was then considered and Mr.
E. H. Hill, stock broker, Goderich,
addressed; the council on behalf ;of
Clinton. A standing vote resulted in
four voting for the motion and 25
A second report of the county pro-
perty committee reciting the steps
taken in regard to the matter of
constructing lavatories under the
Court House was adopted, and a mo-
tion by Messrs. Hanpa ans Inglis
that --no action be taken in proceeding
with the work was carried.
Moved. `by Messrs. Farrish and
Armstrong that municipalities hav-
ing paid special levies as per a spe-
cial committee's report, dealing with
the equalization of county road ex-
penditures in past years, be re-im-
bursed to the extent of their special
levies, and that provision be made at
this session regarding this matter. A
vote was taken after 'much discus-
sion and resulted as follows: 9 in
favor of the resolution and 19 against
On Friday afternoon Mr. McQuaid
re -opened the discussion of the.mat:
ter which had been adjourned at the
Tuesday forenoon session regarding
the Provincial Highway paving on
the Huron road,
At the request of the warden Mr.
Beattie presented the preamble of the
petition which had been presented to
members ;of the council previous ' to
the meeting of the council.
It was moved by Messrs. McQuaid
g that this council adhere
to its resolution of the January nieet-
•ing,re this -matter, and that we mem-
orialize the Highways Department to
defer having the Provincial Highway
from Goderich to Dublin only to a
point a distance of 5.5 miles east of
Goderich for a number of years:
Moved by Messrs. Beattie • and
Munnings that motion, zi7 of the
January session made by Messrs.
McQuaid and. Hanna re Provincial
Highway paving be recinded."
Mr. Geiger claimed that only the
question of recinding motion No. 47
was before the council, and asked for
a ruling, The Warden ruled in favor
of 1Vir, Geiger's contention and the
council upheld him.
The vote on the motion to rescind
resulted} 14 for and 16 against, as
follows: Yea—Messrs. Armstrong,.
13aelcer,.l3eattie, Coultes, Cox, Dodds,
Erwin, Henneberg, Livingston, Mc-
Ewen, Middleton, Munnings, Moser
and Robertson: Against-- Messrs.
Cameron, Farrish,'� Geiger, Hahne,
Hayes, Hubbard, Inglis, Johnston,
Kennedy, Klopp, 'McDonald, Manson,
McQuaid, Neeb, Sanders and Short -
The following motions were then
'By Messrs. Erwin and Inglis, that
the County Treasurer make a state-
ment showing all the rates collected
from .and moneys paid out to each of
the municipalities for Good Roads
purposes since the beginning of tlre,
County Road system, and mail a copy
to each reeve and deputy reeve,—
Moved by Messrs.' Coultes and
Sltortreed that a letter expressing our
appreciation be sent to the mayor of
Kincardine for .the splendid -manner
in which the members and officers of
Huron County Council •were enter-
tained by the ladies and council of
that town at the magnificent ban-
quet Wednesday evening, June 2nd.
Moved by Messrs, Coultes and
.Dodds that .the education' committee
be instructed to take the necessary
ili>wenivia laulonl( liiiiitimo wluullur(11 1
Our Dollar Days P-
Were a Good Success=
but we still have
some '
-Good Vl
IA'e just received ' some nice a
SilkBroadcloth Shirts.: Just the ap
newest thing out and .some newit
Straw Hats in wide and medium
rim's with fancy bands, Sunun
:ter Underwear at reduced; prices
Come in and look them over.......
- Progress' Brand" Made -to- ti
; Measure Suits, leave
your order. E.
Excellent congregations were on
hand for the Sunday School Anniver-
sary Services last Sunday, when Rev.
C, N. MacKenzie preached appropri-
ate sermons, The visiting pastor
spoke at the morning service on. the
great value of Sunday Sehool train -
mg and based his .counsel upon: the
9th Chapter of Nehemiah, The ap-
peal was made for a deeper apprecia-
tion of thegood things., the school
stands for. Rev. Mr. MacKenzie ur-
ged the parents to bring their chil-
ten to the school 'sessions instead of
merely sending them to be trained by
other faithful teachers.
There' is a place in the Sunday
School for, all. The n"iembers of the
school sang several bright choruses
and were assisted by the church or
chestra. At the evening service the
theme was the lame man' at the gate
of the beautiful temple. The preach-
er said,'"This story of redeeming
grace shows I
c earl the e
gi need of the.
people outside the church. This
poor man had . received money from
worshippers as they passed to temple
service but on this special day Pet-
er and John were able to bring the
very thing 'he needed most, healing
Wroxeter, Ontario = of body which made it possible for
demiIIIIIb I hint to labour t
It( IiIIIIiIII�IIIIiIII�lIIl1111■111i1A�lil o provide his own ne-
steps to unravel the tangle with re-
gard to the Exeter High School mat-
ter of levy and if necessary that the
Warden, Mr. Robertson andthe•clerk
be appointed a cornmittee. to wait on
the Education Department,—Carried.
Bylaws 6, 7, 8, 9 and zo were pas-
sed and the council having concluded
the business of the June.session ad-
journed to meet the first Tuesday in.
December, -
Reduction in Letter rates of postage
from 3 to 2 cents as announced in the
Federal budget, goes into effect on
July 5, In this connection .the Post
office Department announces that` on
and after that date' the rate of: post-
age on letters for' Canada, the United
States, Mexico and all other places in
the North American: continent will be
two cents for each ounce or fraction
The two -cent letter rate will apply
on letters posted in Canada addressed
to Canada—for local delivery and to
all places within. the Dominion; the
United States, Newfoundland, Mexico,
British West Indies (Bermuda, St,
Kitts, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica,
St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent,.
Grenada, Trinidad, Bahamas, Ja-
maica, British. Guiana, British Hon-
duras), -Costa Rica; Cuba,. Dominican
Re ubli'
p b ic, Dutch West Indies.. (Aruba,
Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eusta-
tius, St. IVfartin), French 'West Indies,
(Martinique, Guadeloupe); : Guate-
mala, Haiti, Honduras Republic, Nic-
aragua, Panama Republic, Salvador,
St. Pierre and Miquelon,
Al first-rate man cannot do second
rate things well. Perhaps that is the
reason the boss generally balks at
sweeping the floor:
It Certainly Does What
It Is Recommended
To Do
This was the opening state-
ment made by Mrs. H. Quance,
a promitment Toronto lady who
resides at 365.Shaw Street, "I
was :suffering from stomach and
kidney disorders, dizziness, loss.
of sleep and poor a'ppe'tite..... -So
many people were stating in the
papers about the prompt relief
that they secured from HERB
JUICE and although X did ,not
have much faith• L. decided,.. to
give it'a trial. The results
were wonderful, The stomach
and kidney troubles ,promptly
disappeared. I now eat aetcl
sleep well 'and feel like a new
person. I unhesitatingly give
HERB JUICE full credit for
my wonderful improvement and
would not be without it in the
hoose. /
For sale by Mcitibbon's
Drug Store and leading drugg-
ists ev-etywhere, Pride It,00.
cessities. The minster made an earn-
st appeal for the church people to'
et the spirit of co-operation' for` the
supplying of the world's needs in
ur time. The orchestra played sev-
ral selections at the evening service.
Services next Sunday will be con-
ducted by the pastor:
zr a. ne.—"The Garment of Praise",
7 p. xii —"The Shepherd and Bishop
of Our:Souls."
At the evening service the choir
ill sing "There were Ninety' .and
Nine. 1 J
The United Church leaguers spent' G
an enjoyable time at the annual picnic a
held in Mr. Ben Maguire's bush last m
You may ,depend upon an excellent b
time at Orange Hill United Church v
Garden Party to be held Friday night, 'p
June 25th. Good program. Come' s
and meet your friends there. to
Rev. and Mrs. C.,, N. MacKenzie, g
also Mrs. E. Douglas of Belmore,
were visitors with Mr. and IVIrs. Robt,
Dane last Sunday. H
Miss Alma Nash nurse of Toronto, ti
is sPending her vacation at her home B
in Gorrie. e
The Orangemen of the district will sis
attend divine service in Gorrie. Unit -b
ed Church, Sunday evening, July 11, b
at 7 p. rn. Rev, F, W. Craik, mein- eet
ber of the Black Preceptory, will
preach and will be assisted in the ser-fr
vice by members of the Orange.Or-
Mr. and iAI s. F. L on also
M s E. Haniil -
on �'of B us
r s
els, were visitors in Gorrie last Sun-
For the purpose of introducing
Thorley's Indigestion Remedy to suf-
ferers of Chronic or Nervous Indi-
gestion, Flatulence, Heartburn, Naus-
ea or Sourness of the Stomach, th
makers will gladly • furnish for th
asking, a generous .supply of thi
treatment to; the public of Wingha
or vicinity.
This unusual offer is made on th
understanding that the person or per-
sons to whom supplies are sent, will
remit the small price • of the treat-
ment only upon their own opinion as
to the benefit that they have received
and the worth of the'treatment. There
are no other stipulations.
The fact that this remedy has nen-
er been known NOT to give relief
makes this offer possible,
Thorley's Indigestion Remedy is a
preparation for stomach troubles
compounded according to Nature's
Laws, It is a scientific blend of me-
dicinal herbs, roots, `barks and spices,
free' from all severe and habit-forming
drugs and consequently' without in-
jurious effect on the system. bots
Archie Moffatt and daughter Law-
rence Moffatt and song Renton of
London and Mr. and Mrs. Kehalor,
and Miss Jean Moffatt of Ayton, vis-
ited at David Thomason's and "Bert
Mrs, Herb Patterson i
spending a
couple of weeks in Hamilton,
R. 5. Rann is having his store and
residence painted improving the ap-
pearance very much.
Jack Booth of 73randon, is visiting
his mother, Mrs. Jane Booth whn has
nit been enjoying good health lately.
Miss Alien of Orangeville is visit-
ing her cousin, Mrs, T. W. Henry,
Fred Kitchen was in Toronto a l
few days .last week,
Those who • attended the County
Councillors picnic at Bayfield were,
Reeve Henneberg, Ex -Reeve 'Doug-
las, Mrs. Douglas and 'daughter and
Mrs, John Adams,
We would suggest that the busi-
ness'men of Wroxeter can save mon-
ey on printing orders given to The
Advance -Times, Either Letterheads,
Envelopes, Statements or Sale Bills
can be turned out of our office at a
saving to you on city ;orders and
The meeting of the Women's Insti-
tute of Wroxeter will be held on
Monday, June 28th., in the School
Room of the United. Church. Miss
Collins, Government Speaker will ad-
dress the meeting. Her subject' being
"Woman's 'National .Outlook" Miss'
I Collins comes highly recommended
i being a Demonstrator in Sewing as
well as Lecturer:
Annual Meeting of the District
will be held tri Molesworth, June
'3oth. A good attendance is asked
for. •
The United Church ' Strawberry
Festival is to be held on the 9th of
lily in our splendid park grounds
reat preparations are under way and
good time is assured if the weather
an smiles:
A bunch of our :United Church
oys and girls motored over. to Blue -
ale on Monday _night last, accom-
anied by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Arm-
trong, where they defeated both
ams of Bluevalites in a Soft Ball
Under the supervision of towns-
an,mMr. Fred Kitchen, .the County
ighway's Authorities are rebuilding
ie stone buttress on the mill dam.
egiiining at'the flour mill flume it
xtends to Neil White's Shop. Thee
dewalk over the stone wall is also
eing renewed with material supplied
v the Gibson Lumber and Cider
Wm. and Mrs. Robinson, a brother
am the ' West and Master Roy,
spent Monday in Goderich. '
Dollar Days s in
Wroxeter er r
quite a crowd of shoppers and no
doubt they' got some real bargains
and the merchants are quite satisfied
with the results. It convinced atuite
a ntunber of people that they can do
just a little better at home -than send-
ing their money away and also they
see before they buy.
The Wroxeter Council met in. the
e Clerk's Office on June 57th. 'Present
e R. Stocks and Neil White.
s Reeve Henneberg in the chair.
m Minutes of last .meeting read and
e On .motion of .Stocks and White,.
the clerk was instructed to put not-
ice in: paper notifying lot owners in
Cemeteryto pay their annual feed for
upkeep to the Clerk.
Accounts;—H. Patterson, 4 weeks
running plant $44.8o; Amusement tax
tickets' and license 19.82; Municipal
World eo,95; John Smith, work • at,
Cemetery 30.40; F. Kitchen, assessing.
and postage 37,40; T. G. Hemphill
power and rent 95,50,
Motion to adjourn by White and
Stock; Fred Raney, Clerk
I '
Mrs. W. Brandon of Bayfield is
visiting with her sis er, .Mrs. T. Shoe -
Act quickly as only a limited num-
ber of treatments will be available for
distribution in this manner.
A post card or letter mailed . to
The Thorley Laboratories, : Wood-
oodstock, Ont., will bring' this beneficial
treatment postpaid and without ex-
pense or the incurring of any respon-
sibility of any kind.
Some wise nut has said that there
are not many divorces in homes where•
there is jamas on the piano keys and.
cookie crumbs on the carpet,'
Shipments of liquor' from Canada
to the United States may be prohib-
ited, is the substance of a dispatch
from Ottawa, They may be prohibit-
ed' but the :'big question is will they
be stopped?
Miss Kennedy of Ottawa is the
guest of Mrs. Vancariip.
Mr, and Mrs, Osborne of Kiticard-
ine, visited with Mr, and IVfrs. Yule
over Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S, Jordan of Clinton,
was calling on old friends in the vill-
age otie day last week. ''`
Mrs. W. Nethery, visited with her
son in Hamilton for a couple weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Brandon have
returned after a two weeks visit with
friends in Lancaster, Pay'
The I3elgeave Women's Institute
will hold their monthly meeting in the
]forester's Hall, June 15, at 240 p. m.
Miss Collins of Ancaster tate summer
delegate will give an address, •A spe-
cial invitation is extended to all the
ladies tie be present.
Mr. 5; W, King, M. P was home
from Ottawa over the weekend.
Johnston and Black chipped a
of cattle and hogs to Toronto, Satur-
Mrs, Arch Davi and two sons
of Vancouver B.is home for r a va-
i .. r
1 M, and d a
L H. Bosman. `"
W. T. Masters, C. N. 1Z;, Agent is on
holidays and is Leine; relieved by R..
H, Guentheur of He' peter.
Mr, F. Black has purchased a Ford
Coupe, He will now be in good.
shape to Took after' his increasin
Mr, and Mrs.
J Keyes Y of Toronto,. .;
spent a few days with relatives here,.
Miss Zelma ',Turney, spent a few
days at. Toronto this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilber Mathers and
daughter of Guelph, spent Sunday,-
with Mr. Geo. MVfathers:
Bruce Coullnty Levies
Municipalities in Bruce County will
pay county rates as follows this year:
Albemarle Township, $2,227102; Am• -
abet Township, $8;867; Arran Town-
ship, $18,452.5o; Brant Township
$4767; Bruce Township, $2o,z6o;:
Carrick Township, $25,268.60; Culross
Township $20,097, Eastnor Town-
ship, $5,o27.10 Elderslie, a8
$ ,960,:.
Greenock, $18,g68.5o; Huron, $23,560.-
41; Kincardine Townshi$21,69,7;-
Kinloss _1546.75; Lindsay Town--
own--ship $904.55; Saugeen Township, Bir,-.
og4.86; St. Edmunds Township, $4o6-•
50; Hepworth Village, $611.54; Lion's;
Head Village, $773,4o; Lucknow Vii£ -•'S
age, $2,4q•o8; Mildmay Village, $z, -
154,7o Paisley Village, $773.40;` Port
Elgin Village, $3,380:86; Ripley Vill-
age, $1,963.36; Tara Village, $I,7o7.8o;
Teeswater Village, $2,o77.98 :Tiverton-
Village,' $735.55; Chesley Town, $5,-
468.38; Kincardine
,:468.38;.'Kincardine Town, $5,706.72;
Southaurpfon Town, $3,37o; Wiarton
Town, $5,011.35; Walkerton, $6,001.94;:
total, $285,461.70.
Here's true neighborliness, Mrs;
Joiner of Spring. Coulee, Alberta,.•
lost her husband recently. On Tues•-•
day, 36o horses, 41 cultivators and':
20 seed drills were used by neigh-
bors in putting in a 3oo-acre crop fore -
A `prominent scientist has just dis-
covered that the memory of women
is fifteen per cent better than that
of a mans We discovered that years
ago. And in some things we want to
forget_: about, we know one % onion's
memory where the percentage is eas-
ily 75.
Registered Chiropractor
Will be at Towne's Hotel, Wrote.-•
ter, Tuesday and Friday Evening'
from 7 to 0.3a p. m.., during June and •
Diseases of all kinds successfully.
treated. Consultation free. Country-
and hoose calls responded to.
:'mage Clerk
Issuer of Marriage Licences
The law now requires the license be
taken out three days before Inc, cere-
Subscription taken for the.
' Advance -Times:
Clubbing rates given'
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Hartford Wind Insnranceo
Walkerton Fire Insurance Co;
Automobile, Live Stock and Platt -
Glass Insurance
Graduate of. Royai College of Dental,
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of Toronto
At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday
At Gorrie the rest of the week
L.D.S , D.D.S.,
Teeswater, Ontario
Will be at the Gofton House, Wre-
xeter est and 3rd Wednesday of eacht:
month, Will be at Gorrie the follow-.
ing Thursday.
Director of Funeral Services
`'1totor Hearse or , Carriage, whirs
ever is required,
Phone 16
ipordwich, Ontario
Licettaed Auctioneer for the Cottnth*
01 I3uron 4nd lArellington
Phone zp
Or .Pattersan's Hardware Std