HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-06-10, Page 5Thursday, June xoth., 1926 Ilhl�lllrllltil II®Iilllll�lll�llll�l1111111rI (111111111111i111111,I I�III I/I IIIiI IIIAiIIMlll�llllllll■IIUIIL�IILINIIIMill�lll�! III CORSETS -- clear, clear, value up 111111111/illelltilltilllillllellla l mt I/Illi_ Isard's epartmental ... Store • Shopping here, you shop econ mically. Buying depend. Me goods is in . itself the essence 01 ec- onomy. Every day hi the week ISAR "'1'S PRICES oiler particular advanlge to prudent shoppers. The housekeeper'sc ;r ,�:ll'.:r is stretched to the af- ost cape. ty. . O 6 un'.,,AJIw eci Broken lines to. to $2.5o ..... HOSE- Special Ribbed Lisle 85c to $x,.00 value, Black, Brown and Sand . __: _.........-...,..:-.6gc GINGHAM -- 5 ,pieces Check. Gingham, now COATING -7 ends Spring Coa- ting, 54 inch .wide, valise up to $2.00 per yard now KRINKLE CREPE - xo ends;' good fast colors, Floral patterns sale VOIES-xo pieces fancy voile, choice patterns, wide, 750 value SLIPPERS - Broken lines of Kid and Patent Slippers, clear- ing at $195 GINGHAMS - Wide. English Gingham in stripe or check, 30e value now _________-.25c -a5c HOSE-xo doz. Women's Silk Hose, best colors, on sale .._:49c GLOVES -- Heavy thread Silk Gloves with fancy cuff_ -..$i.39 DRESSES --Broadcloth stripe House Dress, now, VESTS Women's, •Summer Vests with • or without sleeves, 5c COATS Clearance of Spring and Summer Coats at $9.5o and $2.s5' HAND BAGS -Value up to 1.5o on sale. at. 8gc TOWELS -Large Turkish Bath Towels $1.25 value, now TOWELING --Bleached Linen Toweling, 200 value, now........xryc RUGS -- Brussels, Wilton and Tapestry Rugs,lnow on sale at Greatly Reduced Prices. Underwear - Men'e Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, on sale 49c 5 doz. Men's Work Shirts, fast colors, our cut price_..._........._98c Socks- 1o. doz. heavy Ribbed Work Socks, now 2171 5c Boots -Clearing lines of Men's _ Fine Boots, value up to $5.00, for $3 69 ift - f iors w Overalls - Heavy Snag Proof Overalls, now —______$x.95 Ties -Men's Silk Ties, new pat- terns, 75c value for 590 Straw Hats -Sailor Hats with fancy bands, Cut Price '..-$=.95 Suits - Men's Fancy Pattern Tweed Suits, now on sale $x3.75 I BLINDS - Window Shades in Green or Cream, eomplete.....6gc CURTAIN NETS -Choice pat- terns, cut price 35c, 39c, 490, 69c CONGOLEUM RUGS -All size es and new pattern's - Prices are Down. BRASS CURTAIN RODS -- Best Best make, see them at__:..... .... .- xoc, 15c and 25c LINOLEUMS-Two, three and four yards wide, New Patterns and Cut Prices. DRESS GOODS -See our ran- ge of imported Rayon Crepes, latest for Summer Dresses; spe- cial value at ........._.75c, 95c, $x.zg HOSE -- to ,doz. ;Ladies'' Silk-: Hose, best colors, reg. value $x.25, now SLIPPERS - Ladies' Patent. Slippers in good quality, one and two strap, Special at .-....:._-.$3.95 ro O OSO. Dano® , •Boys' Suits, Bloomer Pants on sale $5.75, Raincoats -Special purchase of Men's Rubberized' Tweed Rain- coats, $zo.00 value for ____$7.5o WY%IGIA1';I ADVANCE -TIMES WING;E; AM TOWN COUNCIL" (Continued from page one) Moved by Cgun. :Mitchell seconded by Reeve McKibben, that the report) of the cemetery committee be adept - ed and .the committee authorized to proceed\ with 'improvements, recom- mended, -Carried; Coun• Hanna reported that fence Park was in a bad state ,of repair u that grass required cutting. It w decided that the Mayor and Proper Committee, look into matter of fen repairs and grass to be cut as so as possible. CoWilkinson reported that n reply had been received from ti Township of 'Turnberry regardin theirshare toward Ross fire. By-law No. 964 to amend Cerneter by-law No. 352 was read three time By-law 964 Cemetery changing rate from $1.25 and 75c to $1.5o and $1.0 Moved by Coun.Mitchell seconde by Coun. Elliott that by-law No. 9 be passed as read. Carried: Moved by Court, Wilkinson, `second ed by Coun. Elliott that clerk be in structed to advertise for applicatio for. position: of assessor and that special meeting beheld on or befor June 29th to. appoint salve salary a last year. Carried. The following notice of mation wa presented: Moved by Coun. Elliott, seconde by Coun. Haney that a by-law be pre pared empowering the Street Co mittee to put Stop Signs on street intersections on Josephine.' St., be- tween Victoria Street and C. N. R. t/acks.-Carried The matter of securing a better method of fileing and storing forms in Clerk's office was discussed. Moved by Coca. Elliott seconded by Coun. Ivlitchel.l, that the Clerk be empowered to purchase a steel filing cabinet for his office as outlined.:- Carried. Moved' by Coun. `Wilkinson, second- ed by Coun. Hanna that this Council adjourn to meet Thursday, June xoth. at 7 p. n. -Carried. at and as ty ce on 0 to g y s. s. o. d 64 n a e s d m III®IIIEII®!II®IUI Agents for Headlight Over. t� ails and Smocks, ".They, wear the best." sa C 9 43111) lll®I11V111I1elleffIllille REIIIElilitlll-ll1E111 lllllillf 111®I11 7111®IIIIMIIIIsIIIE�Iilf llllslll�lfl%ylfl,lil�Illle111g4111�III�IIIsdIlltYill�lil lil�lil�111 • III Invictus "Rex" Model IIII TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed tenders addressed to the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, will be receiv- ed at his office until 12 o'clocl. noon (daylight saving), Tuesday, June 29, 1926, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout . the Province of Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be,obtain- ed from G. W. Dawson, Purchasing • Agent, Department .of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Winter, 5g -6e Victor- ia Street, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered tieless made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departrnetital spe- cifications and conditions. The right to demand from the suc- essful tenderer a desposit, not ex- eding so per cent of the amount of,. the tender, to ,secure the proper ful- fillment of the contract, is reserved, By Order, S. E. O'BRIEN, • Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 5, 1926. ASHFIELD ' Sorry to see Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson and Reg. of Lanes, leaving. the farm and moving to Lucknow. Messrs. Jas and Charlie Sherwood of Detroit, spent the week -end with. their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Sherwood, Lanes. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey. Miller of Lanes is spending the weck-end with friends in. Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. George Lane and children of Lanes, spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Mac- Lean of Saltford. Mrs, Carney of Fergus, spent a few days with her cousins, Mr. Gilbert sweanisimminumm f11Il9t®1111 I®M,!:011 MlA9dWM s Repairing Frame !buses for Ap- pearance, Quality and Comfort USE rantfort:'s halt S • I $ A A car expected this week. Get ourh rices before buying and save money. H STEVVA H. BLUEVALE •immusmoirammin .. ,. Vint and Mrs. Wrn, Baldwin of Bel- fast. Miss Mary Phillips of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Ferguson, Lanes. Miss Lizzie Alton of Lucknow has returned hone after spending a cou- ple of weeks with,her brother, Mr. Elmer .Alton, Mr. Jno. Reid of Dashwood, spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Webster, :Paramount. Mrs, Whyte of Holstein, returned to her home lastweek after an ex- tended visit with her 'daughter, Mrs. Elmer Farrish of Courey's Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Hackett and 1VIr. Wilfred and Miss Lena of Bel- fast, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs..Will Lane, Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Mullin of Bel- fast, spent' Sunday with the latter's brother, Mr. Robert Nelson of Cour- ey's Corner, who has been seriously ill, but is improving. now. The large trucks who have been ®®I drawing logs from Mr. Jno. Mullin, Mr, Cameron, Mr. Wni. Irwin, 'have completed their job. News Received Too Late XVI I An excellent write-up of the play 1,Kathletri Mavoureen was banded in too late for publicationin this issue. 1 The Gorrie, St. Helens and 'Lucktiow correspondents overlooked their. us - snal budget until too"late for publico 1 tion, Please try and let us have your-. 1st news for publicaioii by Tuesday noon IN each week, any live news after that, use the phone and charge the cost to us. NI The Late Joseph Gray 1 1 1 1a 1 It was with a good amount of Fiore row that the many friends of Joseph ;A. Gray learned of his `passing away in Carrick township on Thursday, Jute 3rd, Mrs, Gray died a couple of 'months ago at the family residence i t lin Turnberry and Mr, Gray immedi- ately went to live with his daughter, rg r, Mrs. John Farrell, Lot 12 Corr. 2 0,TAitxO Carrick township, He is survived MSI � � �� � �� � ������k� •I b d kee two brothers Mr. John, Gray and Mr. nos; Cray oWizglaii. Shoes reflect the personality of the Wearer. There's character in every line of Invictus—they are built specially to please men of sound ideas, sound judges ment, and sound buying principles. Step into an .Invictus agency and try on an Jnvictus. Shoe, T11IE BEST GOOD SHOE -44-APA-1X4e7A5241-tiki 10 EXCLUSIVE INVICTUS AGENT W. J. GREE' :. II Ionsi1II�III�III IIIr9111`rIII11111l111181111 +IllPJijI Depen able l!!I� Use _,.' Cars I a For Sale at Clinton Garage Every Used Car we offer for III1 sale has been carefully apprais- L ed, thoroughly reconditioned ;,, and warranted 0. K. at time of delivery; except only a few E.- .* very cheap oars sold ".As Is." El W Spee our list this week and the sample Good Values offered. Ifil ala Ask For ma rat L, E.; RnODWinGlr ELrLe Mr Sate sma" Mlr a �" , a / 1 J'. CHISHOLM Dodge Brothers Dealer MI NI 70 York St, Lr aidoii, Ott !r "�1111II11M1111 �I I1sI111iNrI l IN�I11�111NI11iI11 i�NI MIIfMI I IMI I�hI 'Ihe Late Jane's Slemin There passed away, in the WiaS- heli General Hospital on Thursday,. June 3rd. James Slemin, an old resie. dent of the town, in his 85th year. Deceased was a well informed old gentleman and although he was tot- ally blind for several years, he was a most interesting conversationalist.. The late Mr. Slernhi was a baker by trade and had a bakeshop for scene years in the building now occupied by Mr, D. Dowand family, His wife predeceased him several years ago, and since that time he has been living alone in his little home on Leopold st. The funeral was held to Wingham cemetery on Saturday afternoon, and was attended by the members of Maitland Lodge L 0. 0. F. No. 159 of which organization the deceased was a member. The Late William Bolt Death came rather unexpectedly to Mr. William Bolt on Tuesday, June Ist. He had complained of quinsy, but no person realized he was in a dangerous condition until the doctor found the gathering in his throat had broken. Deceased was born in Dev- onshire, /England on March 25th., 1$49. After coming to Canada in 1870 he settled in Turnberry, then moving to Howick, where he spent fifteenyears and has since resided in Wingham. He was one of .a family of eleven of which only one brother, Thomas, survives. He is survived by his wife who has the sympathy of ev- eryone. She has been totally blind for some time which makes her sor= row even greater. The funeral services were conduct- ed on Thursday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Schaffter, rector of St. Pauls church, officiated. The pallbearers were Messrs. T. K. Powell, A. Stapleton, Robert Mitchell, Geo Vanstone, Chas. Reading and Craik Cleghorn. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Peter McLaren, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of .April A. D. 1926, at the Town of ,Wingham in the Province of Ontario, are requir- ed to send by post, prepaid, or to de- liver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, On- tario, Solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the twenty-eighth day of June, A. D. 1926, their names and ad- dresses, with full particulars in writ- ing of their claims and the nature of the' securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declara- tion. A=id further take notice that after the said twenty-eighth day of June, 1926,.the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es- tate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and the said executrix shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingham this first day of June, A. D. 1926. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ont. Solicitor for the Executrix. HURON ,COUNTY COUNCIL (Continued from page one) ing the years 5924 and 5925.. A letter from the Department of Highways gave the amount of Gov- ernment grant on the expenditures Made _ by the county in 192,x, as $82,- 368.93. The Galt Collegiate Institute Board sent'.accountfor $41.2o for education of County of Huron pupils for 1925• -Sent to education. committee. A request from the Tourists' Asso- ciation of Toronto for payment of $so membership in the Association was sent to the finance committee. Applications for the position of High Constable made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Whitesides, were received from 'R. P. McMichael, R. R. No. 2, Seaforth; F. B. Fitzsimmons, Clinton, 'and T. Gundry, Goderich, These were laid on the table. Applications for the position of valuator in ,the matter of the propos- ed valuation of the assessable proper- ty of the county, from the following were laid on the table: John proven. lock, Egmondville; J. H.Fear, Ethel; Wm. McQuillan, Lucknow; Dr. W. F. Clara:, Goderich; C. K. Taylor, Blyth; 5. M. Govenlock, Seaforth Abner Cosens, Wingham; John Montgomery Howick; H. 0. Murphey, Clinton; W. H, Coates, IJ•sborne; Harry Salkeld, Goderich township, and Chas. Stew- art, Ashfield. The clerk made a report of the mothers' allowaince payments from 17ccembei to April. Dec., 47 on the roll, $750 payment; Jan. 49 on the roll, $750 payment; Feb,, 5o on the roll, $797,50 payment March, 5o on the enroll, $,795 payment; April, $x on ec 9r• misillaopiIMI11antNllloIlfi11111!Il1lllll ll slop Illp(11imil11 rvisII lIaIgI111moim18 MILLS!'STORE NEWS' MEN'S WEAR .1: ry WORK SHIRTS $x.39 Men here is, your chance, hea- vy work shirts in Navy, Khaki and Light Blue coat style, all sizes x4 to 17e. Our regular. $1.75 and 2.00 shirts at $1.39. Caps ___.__$x.69 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS Aberdeen and Collegiate style es made exclusively for young men, in single and double breas- ted English and Carl dinn tweed extra values at very :attractive. prices $xs.00 to °$22,5o., MEN'S SUITS 828,50 Navy Blue in a heavy quality all wool Botany serge and worse teds in Greys, Fawns and Brown hand tailored garments, sizes 36 ere to 42. Our regular $35.00 value, Special at $28.5o. STRAW HATS Young Men's and Men's mod- els in wide, leaf and roll edges. plain and colored bands, spec- ially priced $x.19, 1.6g, 2.59. KHAKI PANTS $5.95 Men's . Iseavy drill khaki pants made with . five pockets, belt loops and cuffs, size 32 to 42, Special at $1.95.' Also Boys' long pants same as men's $1.49. FANCY SHIRTS $x.95' Made with attached soft col- lars in Chambray and Percales, new patterns, sizes 54 to 16f. Regular $2.25 and $2.50, Special 85.95• Ties MILLS, 1111S1111 11E111 II 111E111 --59c and 950 Ca IIIk. II 1111511121111 u,iII Ills IIMINIll®IIIII I111211la1111 Justas long as your house is not properly heated -every room in the house warm and comfortable -you are not having the com- fort in your home that you should. A Banner Furnace, properly installed, will give you uniform heat night and day in all weathers with a minimum of labor and fueLL Ask our dealer all about the Banner Furnace .or write us direct for Bookft„t's describing .BANNER Furnaces. The Galt Stove & Furnace Co.,. Ltd. Galt, Ont. Banner Furnaces are made in pipe and pipe- less type to suit every style of dwelling. Wingham Representatives W. J. ;OYCE III EE !II�IItP�lll®111®111®IIISE111+x111 MEM rml[HEIM'f III' MEM :MIiid IHNIM 11 EHIMfIIEIII EICKEr TIHEIES When the FEDERAL BURGLAR ALARM is attached to your chicken -house your hens are safe -nobody can steal them. The Federal is a very simple ;spring -steel device that works like a trap when a chicken thief opens any door or window to which it is connected; the alarm makes a very loud report, scaring the thief and awakening your whole household. N,• rl o y- Can "Beat" This Alarm But in spite of the absolute protection FEDERAL affords, it is quite,harmless; it cannot harm ev-en the burglar; but it thoroughly scares him, protects your chickens and awakens you. The Federal Cannot Fail - Absolutely Guaranteed To Last a Lifetime Ten Day Mon„' y. B. ck Gu.,al..r n ee The Federal Burglar Alarm is returnable, if after ten days you find the Federal Burglar unsatisfactory in any way. Simply mail the Federal Burglar Alarm back to us collect and your money will be cheerfully refunded, FEDERAL SALES CORPORATION Sirs: 8r Victoria St. Toronto 2 Please send vie postpaid one Federal Burglar Alarm, for which I enclose my postal note for $x.65, on the understand- ing thatmy money be refunded should I find it unsatisfactory. Address 6t1i111111I®111PIIIPIIR I�iil®Itl�lil�Ill�! Mg mit 11111111111111111111111111111N1111111111111111111110111 11111111IIII11111111111111111111111111114111111111A111 11 the roll, $820 payment; showing an On the' Court House, $25ioao; 'ozr the• average payment of $7S2:5o, or a total Jail and residence,. xz000 , , monthly � ' ' on the y payment of $1,565 from both House of Refuge and ;outbtrildings,. county and province. $39,o5o; on the Registry Office, $5,, A motion was passed that the al). 000; on the Children's Shelter, 82,400;: pointment of valuators be made on on the boilers at the Court Idotise- Thursday aftcrnoori. and Floirse of Refuge, c, 45r coo. Jailer Griffin c portc d 44 prisoers socrs Ori account of the time the couriciii admitted during the previous Siltintended zde lt to take off f oti, Wednesday too months, and the average daily cost attend the get-together witit Bruce per inmate 13.x; Cents. county council in Kincardi11e a The report of the auditors, night p was sew session was held on Tuesday, ceived. It shows $8$,450 insurance (Goderich Star report, which WO Oil the county buildings, as followst ;be continued nett week:) ':1. , I,l.iuiW'wL�.'.uil.iJ