HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-06-10, Page 4-eennei.",a-Toreinteratoor 44'0 • dak Season Is Here Kodak and brownies Folding or Box C` $2.00 and Upwards tl We Develop Films We Print Pictures We Make Enlargements SPECIAL ... 5x,81 Eularganent made front your own negative `TREE". We inclose a slip with each printing you, have done at our store having the amount thereon- Save coupons until they amount to $2,50 ond we give you the exdargernent "FRE;E.," McKibbon's rug Store WINGHAM ADVANCE-T3M 1111111111111N11111111111111119111111011121111N1Willi °cal News •I1 7-4- Ill e of. Interest 1 Christi i Is I Thn Ladies Bowling Cleb w'll ]old 1r-11 - the opening meeting and game of the w --- Phone 59 --;•-• seasoo at the Bowling Green on Tees- .e.....- , it ay June 15 at 2.30, Membership fee ere • x Groceries &Chinaware . It St.50 May he paid. to the treasurer, Mrs. Chapman, All ladies interested are invited to attend. PUBLIC. .SCI -1001, REPORT WINGHAM TbursdaY, June xoth,, '926 sallnialninmell101111110111111.1111100111111111,111111001111111101111* , a ili t X IL Sr. IV in n - Total 600, honors 4$0, Pass 360-aN. n W Coutts 518; J. Tiffin 3 ro; M. Currie si ovate, -0,,,,, . ! 0 ',4' . a, sox M. King 505; .W Angus 49s; P.• n in Hannah 492; j.. Eliacott 477; H. Dick- M esk W - n 491; G. Young 474; 3. MoKibbon 1111 467; R. MacDonald 4P; C. Phair I n a NI NI W - IN . al Buy 445; T. Henderson 424; K. Smith 377; WHEN YOU Fo7' B. Fox 375; Beattie 372; L Smith Cooked Meats front us you 7_4 369; Rintoul 361; A. Coutts 342 J. Mrs. Peter Gowans visited. for a r -N get the Best that money can IT •Thomaon 524; V. week with Mr. Gowans of Villa NovelMiller 31o.; D. ,Mill- , Norfolk County. On Saturday and buy. Try our Ham, Lunch Loaf er 306; J. Roth 3o3; E. Blue 28,3; C. fai Blatchford 279.; Haydeo 237; L. Sunday they drove through the Nia- or Bologna- • NE THEY'RE CHOICE st gara district and report the blossoms eo-' fa Prost 205; H. Prast 17s, Et and country being beautiful, but not no, nmuy peach blossoms. N E. Reid Lill Total 630—J. Copeland 554; I Groceries, Provis- ii a 548; J. Mitchell 346; E. McInnes 53.5; If John "Watson, malty times Mayor It . of Listowel, has been elected presi- ttil. 1.010S, Fruits, etc. raen I. Nortrop 5.9; J. Brackenbury 517; n N A. -.Louth 3/3; W. Dow 3o8; B. Walk- I, dent ,c;tf. the Chamber of Commerce is Your Order is Always ro I. er 308; C. Fre' 499; N. Dow 489; O. a and E. S. Hudson, publisher of The iii Safe Here 1 Tiffin 470; S. CamPbell 462; E. Zur- Banner is the secretary -treasurer. -11- BRING, SEND OR PHONE They are busy malting arrangements ' ii FILI Drigg 46e- J.Lepard 460; R. Harrison pli-14r,o; R. Hastie 45o; E. Rae #t8; J. si for their annual motor hike. = si Chinaware, Glass- i Angus it _ 442; A. Prast 438; J. Carr 436; n Ir. IV - Mailing'he Advance-Tinies list ware, 11.. Campbell 413; D. Hart 404; .11. been corrected up till June 7th. If - ; Clarke 397; A. Stokes 379; A. Rich your label does not read correctiv Dirinerware, Etc. - kindly tell us. All labels should gi Full value for Every Dollar it Hopper 3c4; Langlois 284; E. show the subscribers paid in advance., you spena_ if Rich 185; 13. Jenkins 173.—B. H. Rey the fault is ours tell us, if it is jig 370; I. Sutton 322; G. Davidson 32o; yours, send us your subscription. noldfs, teacher. :- Rev, Dr_ Perrie attended the Gener- TheTea and. Coffee Store . Sr. III 600, hon. 450, pass 360—L. al Assembly at Montreal last week. lam , itownwnlysintintri: Durnin 476; A. IleGillivra3' 474; V, ' loom. Oot. Phone S3 The pulpit of St. Andrews Church / ' ' ' ' Fry 468; R. Cliettleburgh 439; H. You save with safety at your Rexail Drug Store was occupied by laymen, Frank Lew -1 _ , _ , ; . _ is,oJohnGand A. E Lloyd E. on or busineas ba xi ° clock. ..,Beattie 431; M. Cantelon 429; M. Rae fl 4 '8,. D. Deans 4,2o; B. Mitchell 414; 1/51 Sunday morning and in the ev-1 Maitland Lodge L 0. 0. F. will ' D. Pieter 4o8; K. Lott 408; D. Wal- is entng by Rev. Mr. Jamieson erf Blue- 'hold their annual decoration service , iter 401; M. Mason 394; J. Thompson in Yale. 'at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. ,., H. .r., n n. 30.7; H. 2.17 301; G. Beattie 379; A. M I The Bov Scouts will lead the process - The C. W. L, will hold their gar- - - I Adams 379; B. Small 375; F. Mellor Et ion to the cemetery and the Orches - den party on the grounds at the . , 374; E. Gray reo; A. Scott 36o; A, Ell Wingham pat -Allan on -June 16th. tra of the nste ore Sunday Rintoul 338; J. Schaffter 339; S. Mit- 1 • . School will render s.everal selections Amusements and refrechments. obeli 328; R Forsyth 327; . L. Wild li 1 ner served from half past five until l'in1"- seven. The event of the season. i The London Odd Fellows Imperial Hingston 28/; C. Vansickle 26o; E. rigt McLeod 26o; E. Small 2448; H. Groves it _ d the Odd:fellows quartette will , „ I Town's orchestra and -dancing. onn-,an 301; G, Smith 293; M. linnennwenemmilsmillisinenniusen SNAPPY S YLES For Young Men The very newest ideas in SUMMER OXFORDS are here for the young fellows who like to be right -down -to -the -minute in style. Broad toes, streamline foxings-- 'everything that's newest and smartest. Step in and see them, BLACK or TAN—Also the new two tone models, with rubber soles. Moderately priced at $4.69, $5. 0 to $7.50 ... SEE WINDOW ... EER ww▪ ; — Telephone 23 — THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. I MEMMEN0 REM gl,12 14/04,11 I 'Don't miss it. First,Degree Team witlea reputation .238; F. Howson 201; E. Henderson e„,= Misses Edith and Beatrice Foster of Ifor efficiency from Coast to Coast, 189; C. Finley 130.—C. J. Farquhar- son, teacher. at Vanitoo Man., oisited at the home of :have visited sorae of the largest cit- ' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGill, gth 'Pf ;ies in Canada and United. States. The . Sr. III 'Turnberrv. This was the youno lad- 'team now includes 57 members, The Total 450, honours 338, 13ass ;memberslup increases wherever they t lies first visit to Ontario and they A. McLean 418; B. Taylor 4o8; V. ' iv were greatly delighted with the ap-'" - - D. go. 1-1 Hufford .1s- Caota'n 403 - . 1 , Tiffin 405; J. Burgrrian 402; H. Bur- ' FOR SALE—Cook Stove with reser- NOTICE 1 pearaoce of the orohards laden with t 1 Richmond St London_ St, gess 398; R Thompson .392; 31. Lod- •'-' voir; good. baker. Apply- to C. Applications for the position of As- In-lossom ! Scotch Tweeds made in Scotland, wig oe3r; B. Cruikshank -81- L. Sneath ''---- Shackleton, Frances St. sessor for the Town ot Winshara X2l1+ Mr. and John Porter, wing_,not sold by imitations. Black- Wor- IL Taylor .674- Dobie 11 • . be received by the uudersioned up to ' -leteds Blue POTA.TOE:i; FOP. SALE -4 few barn. announce the enentrement orn: ' deliver. Phote 3-619. J. H. Carrie.1 Wingham, Ont. t .,are reliable goods. Then the sneaking Jr. III ' -Patrick, younger son of Mrs. Kirk - ee,gee and Fancy Snitings Smith stoo L. Robertson 35:-,; J. = a n. ra. 2,.a- tun:lay, June egthe 1926.' . e in New Patterns and the latest de- onnasnank 33o; G. Henderson :too' • E. 4 is mew onto eau -enter. Mary- otargaret," - , - bags of. good -cooking potatoes, will, (Mtn/ee)to Dr. William _A.darits Kirk -I signs in the blendings of color. These Prost 204. W. A. Garnraith, Ton -n Clerk- LOST—On Tar,:! 3rd. a entail snit - case between Lee Breckenridges Trustees and Rate_oayers Assoc. • - • , J.. ace t e atter! ;is the kind that always could be de- Total 3,5o, honours 263, pass ,patrick, and the late Joseph Kirk -oat - pended on, both for a good comfort- M. Hirst soD; H. Fuller o9o; Sha-'.'- ricica Snipe Lake, Saskatchewan. The and Wm Nicholson's on the botind-1 The annual meeting of The Huron:rearr;ane to take I h table fit end -.-------,-----.--.-t-to the re- piro .2.76; P. Clarke 266- W &me -;6-• • arr east of Ent:evade.. Finder will LetlutY Trustees and RatePaners As-.' part of June_ loodrements of the customer. A. W. D. Stewart 9; H. Bran -ley 249; W. aa, rewarded an, aaaolo ante at sociation will be held in Clinton, on , iWebster The Tailor, tp Stairs over Henderson 243; E. Stoakiev -eon I. E WHYTE PACKING CiiMPANY LTD. WINGHAM - ONTARIO We are interested in greater egg production and to stimulate same will offer a bonus on Extras to Producers who bring their eggs to os in over twenty five dozen lots. We will also continue giving FREE settings of eggs as previ- ously advertised. These eggs will also be on sale at 75c per setting. F. W. McANDLESS, Branch Manager. Phones—Office 52w, Resiclente 62j. 112111MIIItliNIIIN1112,1111111i tli m g -I An organization meeting of the ',The Advance -Times Office. Radford 2.7:9; H. Templeman zs�; G.' - tins orree. discussion will be Night schools and men -ho to have the signed uP Muirhead red; W. Lediet 194; B. Chautauqua return to Wing -ham will be TO AUT.0 OWNERS—Why saoe;-.- winter short courses for vocational held in the Council Chamber on Sat- irpbell /87; A. Reid 174.--E. Heth- GORRIE floe your old car by tradiag it in or training. The need of commercial lerington, teacher. • urday morning' st10,30. Every guar- 1Villiam Taylor of \\Thigh= anter is urged to be resent on time was vie1tor t Mr. Careort`e Taea- Sr. II eiS drive a shabby looking car? When coarses in High and continuation yonr car can be pthited 0.1' refinish- 'schools. Government assistance toMax, son honours 373, pass 300.— ed ad made to took like new, Send High Schools to provide ;for agricul- it eeng to RaheltS0417S• Garage, tural and domestic scieace courses.' Wingbarre where not can set it Report of Resolution cortunitMe. On- so -skare.a.c.nro, h their 1 - made to look Eke new ata reason- en Forum. Report of nominating. If able price instead of sacrifidng it you are interested in raising the stan- for nocat r.,cort---'ng. T. R. Garrett. dards of our citizenship or feel that 1 twe are not getting value for all the FOR SALE -7:e residence °I. the money expended. on education, come late Pe.:4',7 Me sen, Centre St-, to the nteedng. Bring your resolu- ""kr-:"-'47=".. A27:2-" 21 tile Tendence- tions and be prepared to take part in the cliscio osens. All teachers cordially FOR SALE'OR TO RENT—Three invited Mrs. Robt. Davison, Secy., ar....mmer cootea,oes. et Point Cask for Dooganoom sale ,st bangain. Appy to Geo,- H. Rae, Rc.rtte, Ta'aorardiate. FOR SALE—Tertnor brabels of seed book-al:tat. Foe vie J. 42. Pro-nev. STRA.YED—A. Leicester Ewe and I, Spring lamb come to the orrernines of R. 8. Potioot n, Loa, C.o.East Watrantrah an or about '[...hrt-aer,. may have it=le by provizo, 7.•raeoet3.- and payino eteopert-', FOR SALE—: a8 it. By -to fee boilt in tt horse. 7. hogo.y. cottner and fea'reess, new les; blanket et:, Ap`;,•::4" ;V:n. Sneath. FOR SALE—Tavo, alatn, elccoric oeo- ve oozed reottia A;:.-117$... ft-St!..14.:1.'",r:Q St. WISH TO 13.12:1"--tt ".1.11:), male, 6 -.reeks old , 1:43% to17,:antt1S. :Tire.).:0;V• r ce; and white: M.net • be oretto aocl stnaat. .kea-ly this' office. BUSINESS irClit SALE—Faxtel de- livery et a e-ood city, ;Crtge and ' Track Ettaintas. rortming hcose, to -1 bocce, and ,-igars with magatine.5. grocery etock, millitery, Bakery , and ,r.onicotionery, bock and ittery, grocery and frallt ab Printing Plane -S,yelney Stnyti-,e, 'Market Lane. London, Narita SEALED TEwill be to- talved by the ntadereigend tO 4 p. no., 'Monday, Ince 19,26 fo mite", ,(30, ) ions of Egg, Cog to boi; supplied at the Town• Nall, Winghata.ii The lowest or, any tender tot tetess-;' *ray aocepted. 1 Mr. 41/4.. GaIbrattb, Towto Clerk, Viingbikes 404 Why shouldn't they buy from you? Make up your -mind to s eeur e -the trade of the Summer eot- ves nTar town, this` year. Think of all the thirns they will be buy- ing: Why shouldn't they buy them from you? In the dty they are used to ordeibmr. godsby tele- phone. Ce C11 then, evn neng Long 1.../Th‘anc. there necessary and tell them what you can di) for them. RA--zind then that for week -end es rot you oan eve they prompt delivery. "Metz they see how easy it is to orda' from you telephone they will Likely pmi rove gd cas- te=ers Smr=er. A Latt.,3110..FIC.,M1,-,111130-.,11.061.1,111.;d1118.,1110*:4111..121.,,011,0,,,e101KNIIIM.1111.0,24118111.111101-4.11,,K.111..412,48121110.4401..111.,41104 labs en it ).—C. 13.Hartwieke teacher. , vetswrzatonermoremenome "George King 464; Mildred Reid 458; Carl Male.' 3- 453; Anna Chittick 443: '1M Mildred Field438; Rm: McInnis 43-7; Rollie Hutton 425; Harold Skelding wingham's e w 413; Marion Mitchell 403; George Braekenbura- 403; Marion Fry 392; Industry Vivian Cantelon 37a; Ralph Saint 36o; Verna Carter 357; Lyle Ludpig 320; 1- I Mae Gibson 3/r; Marie Elliott or; The New Rubber Company has been in continuous opera- -1 :Laura Groves 274; Stewart Scott 269; don in Toronto for utmost three years and is therefore a going - • Arthur 'Stone 260; Lorene Hail" -251; Laura. Clark 244; Marion Mason 234; concern. i More than 1700 merchants throughout Canada carry Xorman Lediet Howard,tea- various products of our manufacture, the demand for which is now I cher. nation-wide Hence the business is established on a firm fourida- 1 Jr 11 . • don. Total .531, honours 397, pass 31S-11 Each consecutive month of 5926 has shown a steady and 1 ,Irene McInnes 490; Elgin Coutes 448; healthy increase in sales, the volume now being quite beyond the I I Catherine Norrop 4,38; Doris Bnobar.-- ,,LIE capacity of the Toronto plant. The move to Wingham i an 433; George Robertson 424; Eve - purposes of expansion., where operations will be continued on a 13rn Patterson -419; Frances Currie 1 "yeria Reid e94; Beryl Mandy 387; larger scale, thus increasing production with consequent Icover 1 illarry Shapiro 337; .Norma McEveae in costs and greater profits. - This bushaess will withstand the closest investigation. See 1 Frank L°12r 381; Lance Browne.4 display of products on exhibit at ,,373; Louise Deyeli 362; George Ma.:30/1' ;360; Harold Finley .3.7; Leonard: st W• J. GREER'S SHOE STORE ' iBok Arnold •Hodson ,34ai Dora- 'n • 't•lay Forsythe 335; Percy Revell .333; 11.C.h.g•ster Stewart 341; Stewart Carter "Produced In Canada" FEDERALRUBBER AU soo; Alfitt Smith on6; Dorothy Hut- • ot.,...00n 2Donald 94, Rich zoo; P. ,11 Compara, Limited- g ton Lediet 283; John Preston 227; El WINGRAM and TORONTO ry Everitt roo; Elizabeth Schalfter Fred Horne Ruby Fitt r6o; Hen- in h Boy,What a Sole First Class. — Total 325, hoCours 244, pass 163— 2 A Class—Ruth Mitchel' sta.; Jean Zzlib'eigi 37 -Si Nor777,77n Blatchford!fig i308.; Ralph Hammond 298; Jean Mc- IN • Donald 297;. David Parker I n Burgess 29,5; Raymond Carter 29.2; Ross liowson. owl; Elaine' Rad- } ',ford 2.86.; .4.bert Campbell -214; May fir VELVET RUBBER SOLES THE SOL 'THAT OUTWEARS THE SHOE --,"THEY STICK ON — ECONOMICAL — COMFIATABLE WATERPFt009 Made in Six Sines to Fit Alt Shoes FREE Coupon Packed With Each Psfr * PRF..E ASK 'YOUR DEALER n Oartsatt, ED/k1 RUBBER MANPG. CO.$ LIMITED 1YINCHAM ainia TORONTO 'HWlson 27; Winnifrea c.877 44; Brackentoury 295; Hate; Ledi- Lyceu • mutenumaniffr e a tre Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 10, 11, 12 1. MU SPECIAL J. Warren Kerrigan — IN — "CAPTAIN BLOOD ir IN Monday and Tuesday, June 14 and 15 • 151 BY RAFAEL SABATINI romance of the sea. In days when Buccaneers ,,led the Spanish Main No Advanc.a in price of Admission A COMEDY DRAMA "THE BEST PEOPLE" A Sidney Olcott production COMEDY --"THUNDERING LANDLORDS Wednesday and Thursday, June 16 and 17 William Desmond IN "The Meddler" A Blue Streak Western COMEDY --"DRY UP" CC. 10,M.1* 1110 • Marvin Smith 263; Charlie Chittick 'et 2s2; Irtte 11.6167. 265; James 261; *tank'Y Henderon '11; Caroliac.255; Helen Milkr 25s; Grant Mc- ' 'We'll"e'd 175' ilatosh 253; Franlc Renwick 24. 4; Bert • r, ass$---Xorma Groves .r.Ss; Iratasickle 2.36; Luetta Bak 226; Stew- " r Edith - eeele jog 279'; ---- ; , art Forsyth 210; Marie Reid zpo; ilet- . ;iGtorge Carr 2.53; 362trke ty Collar /88; 'Jean Mellor x87; Em - 244; Wittnifred Small ns Bernice s J. . 7,, :•,e1i.tnpnadircii ;33.5. 9; Mcrae Shapiro au; _Billie Lan Fate; z,54. 1; C 'Wilson 283; Alvin I Class 13, possible total 284,, honour Lediet 275; Edith Campbell 259; John 24—Irene Clark 256; jean Ituirbead -Currie 269; Frank Angus 2s6; 13arry455; Helen Groves 248; Lillian Hat- i,p7110„,.;11:3;0;hAns.u,61.,:yai:ra,:terson 2.4.5. Evelyn Gamble 233; Irette ,t Fitt of)6; Jimmy Lee 1E5; Carlo Bon-, • prialary Room .);elf 130; Marjorie Forsyth lap; Gilbert Class A, possThie total 360, honom-s ,Cross 115; RsOtken Saittt 14,o—Wintifred Rintoul 3461 Isabell Elliott 62; Charlie Ross 48; Herman HA -kirk 340; Lloyd Ealacott 32,7;iKennedY 0; Antal-17 Masan Bility, Davidson i3; BOO Field 34; E. Sotterasetescher. PAO 000 Shower For Newly Weds Mrs. J. H. Misener, Stratford, was hostess of a surprise party to about 25 guests on Thursday night in boot of Mr, unci Mrs. J. R. Misener, whose marriake took he recently, IDurlog the evening the hottor guests were presented, with a large basket Idled wait gefts of silverware, tut glass and hitt, for which they both eepressed gretefui appreciation to their friends for their generosity. The remainder of the evening was spent in music and games and at a suitable hour the hostess served refreshments. Before dispersing all joined in sing- ing For they are jolly g'ood fellows." Stratford Beaton -Herald. Mrs. :Muller was formerly Viss Myrtle Shstitictou of Winghata. „tee ,„,,,,„