HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-27, Page 6BUSINESS CARDS
T AL I+`
Established 1840,
Head Office, Guelph, Ont.
Risks taken on all classes of insur-
ance at reasonable rates.
ABNER COSENS, Agent, Wingharn
Office in, Chisholm Block
P. Q. Box 360
Phone 240.
Victory and Other Bonds Bought and
Tice--MeYer Block, Wingham
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates
Wingham,.' - Ontario
J. A. MORTON ..�..
Wingham, Ontario
By J. S. Fletcher
Thursday, gay 27th, a926
"meant to stick to, by Hook or by
crook, Now Lady Renardsrnere, bei
ging a millionaire, or, 1 believe, a null -
'ti -millionaire, what do you suppose
she would do? Why—go straight off
:to the person to whom this Some-
!thingreally does belong and? strike a
though it wasn't a show -day, That'll
be your man, Mr, Cranage. He no
doubt took my barman lei^ me—
thought hel
was the landlord."
I was glad to hear it. Somehow or
other, I had taken a fancy to my vis-
itor, and had felt almost a personal re -
�bargain with him! That's the reason pet at being forced to believe that he
of her suddenfli ht, She's gone af- was a meinber of a murder gang. And
me it " h I never expected, to see Mr g thou
(Continued from last week) home: one glance at her showed ter' Mr, Cheng, g
"That was a very pleasant young l means -good ,,Of course, she knew • all about
that she was in a by -no-
sentu yesterdayafter- /temper. And as soon as she caught Cheng," 1 said musingly,
fellow you p sna ed out a nes-
noon,Holroyd,' 'I said. "It wasn't sight of me, shePp q J ''Of couuse, she knew all about
tion. i �,eai i
o our show days, you know,' but before Aunt Millie, asserted Peggie:
one f „` "Have you had a telegram from La whether he's
I took hint round: �„ she She 11 track Mr, Cheng,
d y Renardsmere this morning,
me, n . ntwer or
Holroyd stared at A p
"'that 1 sent up, Mr. Cranage?,, he demanded. or Paris, and she'll get round him to
"1is !" said h 'I suppose youbts in this na sterious
exclaimed. Never sent anybody 1 ve P sell; her his rgY
up 1" have, too?" !thing she's already in' possession of,
"A anti American—a cyclist? -i"Whydo you suppose it?" she re -!And then' she'll come home, `trium-
said', „Don't you remember? He had torted. 1phant,"
lunch at our lace:" , a see you're not m a "And perhaps get murdered oo. the
u Y p Because i cal e y {
"Nobody very
angelic had lunch at my place 1' mood,'"IreP lied. 'What's way;" T suggested
Yesterday!" he declared,' still staring, file matter?
Dr. R,.,, bt. C. Redmond
M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lond,)
Dr. Chisholm's old stand.
I"As regards that, Jim, her best plan
"American? No Americans here l—I
She stared at me for
a moment, would be to let the whole transaction
know Americans when I see 'ern—
then she slashed off the head of an be made public'' i • " this
she said, ' If
been there, three;times. No cyclists noffe din dandelion with the hunt -gang knew that she'd acquired a legal
here yesterday, either. Somebody's
ing-crop which was. rarely out of'her iglu °to the thing, they'd perhaps let
n.- g p
been having you, Mr, Cranage. I e hand- their pursuit of it drop
ver sent up anybody to Renardsmere "I do wish Lady Renardsmere I "What! --after murdering three men
Hottse!" wouldn t do things
without DR. G. R. ROSS
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto.
Faculty of Dentistry
Office Over H. E. Isard's Store.
B.S., M.D., C.M.
Special attention paid to diseases of
Women and Children, having taken
postgraduate. work in Surgery, Bact-
'eriology and Scientific Medicine,
Office in the Kerr Residence, be-
tween the Queen's. Hotel and the Bap-
tist Church.
All business given careful _attention.
Phone 54. - P. O. Box 113.
• t onsulting in the hope of regaining.posession of
I went off at that, silent and won -
:me," she exclaimed angrily `"Really, it?" I exclaimed. "I scarcely see,
Bering. What had my visitor want -
,I ht be a servant of 'hers! Be- that!"
ed? -been after? 'sides she never thinks of the bother! "I don't know,"" --she retorted. "I
CHAPTER XVI 'she causes by her . high-handed way. 'do. ; They knew that neither Holli -
The Admiral'sy
Foll sof doing things!"' Ment nor Quartervayne, nor Neamore
hadgone man yards, Tin still waiting to know what. had any'right ,to it, and so they went
But before I Y !
for each. $ut a legal right ----
Holroyd called me back. He carne' she's done;" I said. men on "Legal quibbles are beyond `me,
. e eyeing nee with a shrewd "Done. Planted four more x e „
to meet me, e g I • �„ lined. "Igot a wire Peggie," I interrupted, What I'm
glance that seemed to mean a good'me. she Complained. !i
"That appears to have knocked young thatfrom her first thing this morning, ;say-,' wondering about is w
hat's the corn
four more of these private' de- position of this gang? The China -
all of a heap, Mr: Cranage,"
hesaid, tectives would arrive today, and were 'man whom we know as Chuh' Sin
smiling. "Taken aback,what?" °to`work under :the two that are al- rrnust be one—leader and inspirer, bio
"puzzled here, and then giving more ela- doubt., Wlao are the others? If'thin
Well— I . said. I m u bit ,ready Rippling 'man who called at Renardsmere Hou
Holroyd. Certainly a young man ca- borate instructions about Ripp i g . til
house yesterdayafter- Ruby's safety, Ridiculous 1 -as if she 'se yesterday is another, .I can •ea y
rneuptothe o ( ,
he was an Ameri-.wasn t as safe as ;safe can bel -trust dentify him if. need ever arises!
noon, who said that ,
tourist on his wayfrom Winchest- me and Bradgett for that!" "How," she asked.
er to Chichester, that he'd been lunch -1 "Oh, well, I don't know,"I replied. ' "He's got a very fine specimen of
ing at the village: inn, and that hear-1"There are some.queer things going he art of tattooing on his wrist,'�I
Mg of the art treasurers . of Renards-: on:. I've just had an adventure my- replied. "He wore • his sleeves very
mere House he'd come to .see them,' self—" and I went on to tell her short, and I'd a fine view of it, Cle
at the landlord's suggestion. And about my visitor of the previous af- ver, well . spoken, smart sort of chap,
there's no other inn than yours ternoori and of Idolroyd's recent re- too—I'm sorry to think of him as be
in the village," 'marks. "What do you make of that?" ing one of that lot."
"No—nor for four or five miles on I concluded,- "No sentiment,` Jim, just now," she
either or any side of it," he sneered.' "Nothing to do with Rippling Ru `said, warningly. "Vermin are beauti-
"B Americantourist nor anybo lay!"' she said with decision, "But-- ful, sometimes, as creatures, but they
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm. Block
Josephine Street. Phone '29..
Dr, Marg ret C. Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine
Office—Josephine St, two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones:Office 281, Residence 3s=
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Sundays by appointment
Hours—e a. m. to 8 p. m. .
Osteopathy Electricity
Telephone 272.
A. R. & F. E. DUVAL
Members C. A. 0.
Graduates : of Canadian Chiroprac-
tic College, Toronto: Office in Craw-
ford Block, four doors north of Post
Hours 2 to 5; 7 to 8,3o p. m. andby
appointments. Special appointments
made for those coming any distance.
Out of town and night calls re-
sponded to.
Phonest--Office, .300, Residence 13
on 6o1.
Elmer C. '.Peyton again, I went home
greatly relieved, That afternoon, Spiller, the Ports-
mouth detective, called to see me, 11e..
'wanted, some further information
'i eii ware-
the attauk on T-lolli n t swa
house. When I had'told hitn all I
could, he began to tall. about recent
events: He had been up to town the
day before, in connection with Quar
tervayne's murder. And he gave rrie
some good news—goor for me, at any
rate. There would be no need what-
ever for my attendance at the inquest
on. Quartervayne—Quartervayne, it ap-
peared, had relations both; in London
and Portsmouth vvho' could identify
him: as for my evidence ' regarding.
him and Holliment, it could be given
at: the adjourned inquest . on Holli-
"Queen business this, altogether,
Mr. Cranage," he suggested present-
ly. "As queer a business as ever I've
been mixed up with. Of course, to a
certain point it's plain enough, That
Chinaman, Chub.. Sin, stole something
from Mr. Cheng in Paris—I've seen:
Jifferdene a time or two, and he's
told nee all about Mr: Cheng—and
this Holliment, with Quartervayne as
accessory, stole it from.Chuh Sin, and
ace Y,
vamoosed; as they say,- to London
with it. That's `clear!- But --after
I saw he had scme notion of his.
own, and asked him what it. was.
"Well!" he said "Those chaps at
headquarters-•Jifferdene, and the rest
of 'em -they've got it all cut and
dried, as they always have, that this
Chuh Sin has got. English accompli-
ces, a gang, and that it's they. who ha-
ve done in;Holliment and Quartervay-
ne and Neamore trying to recover the
stolen article—which, Mr. Cranage,
must be of immense value, judging by
the fuss that's been made about it!
—Lord save use you might think it
was the Koh -moor, or the . Cullinan
Phone rot.
Hours 10.42 a.m., 2-5, 7.8 p. m," or by
early to -morrow. Helena Renards-
mere" -
"1 suppose we've got to go?" 'I
ox ad a
said, glancing at
grimace and shrugged 'her shoulders
by way of wordletsa reply. "All right
--I'll give orders to Walker, But
what's it all about-----"
"Pooh!" exclaimed rPeggie. "What's
the good of that? One of her' sudden
We went qff a little before eight
o'clock: Winchester was only twenty-
five miles ;away, and we' arrived in its
High Street well ahead of our time.
r nti We waited at the George u 1 a
ter past ten. No Lady Renardsmere
arrived, And so, having fulfilled' her
instructions, we set off home again,.
Neither of us had any suspicion that
the telegram was a bogus r one: we
merely thought that its sender either
had been prevented • from getting
down, or had changed her mind.
It was a beautiful moonlight night,
and Peggie and 1, lost in, the shad
their` faces,; and in the hand of each
linen was a levelled revolver,
(Continued' next week)
Of valuable farm property in 'the
Township of Turnberry in the County
of Huron.
The undersigned will offer for sale
by Public Auction by. `Thomas Benn-
ett, Auctioneer, on riday, the 28th
day of May, A. D., '1926, at 2 o'clock
p. m, at the Brunswick Hotel in the
Town of Wingh in theCounty of
Huron, the following valuable proper-
ty, viz: Lot number 15 in the'6th
Concession of the said Township con-
taining 10o acres f land more or less.
This farm is situate 2/ miles from
the Town of Wingham on a good
gravel road, About 35 acres are
'cleared and fit for cultivation and
there is about 20 acres of'bush. There
ate good drainage facilities, (a muni-
bws of the- big- car,, enjoyed our ride cipal drain running through the pro-
homeward, We forgot all. else and `perty :which• as been fully paid for)
became very friendly—the time passed and it is an excellent grass farm.
so quickly that I was suddenly amaz- There are on the premises'a good+
ed to see the Admiral's Folly, a ruin brick' cottage with five rooms, a good'
nus tower -Pike structure that stood 00. barn with stone stabling and a good
a wooded hill overlooking a strangely well, The property is at present all;
-lonely bit of country about seven used as pasture lands.
miles from Renardsmere, It was a
landmark—everybody knew it for
miles around..
"Good heavens!" said'1, "We're
nearly home! There's the Ad'miral's
Folly up above us. I wish—"
I was .going` to say that I wished
We'd` another hundred miles to go,'
hen the car stopped with a sudden
pressure of its powerful brakes that
jerked' us both forward: I Pulled my-,
self together and thrust my head out
of the. window.
And I felt myself turn sick. at what
I saw, There were; three men in the
narrow ;lane, with' black masks across
ut no ouris
dy answering your description came I should say it's a good deal to do ,want !.tiling! That lot, as you call Di,.mondl Yes that's the 'official
here yesterday: I remember every with the other affair, ` Probably that it—"view' But—I'm not so sure
hvas one of the gang.'' I Just then the newspapers arrived,
"You think so?" 'I said, "What!— and we each seized on oneand turned
to walk right in there?" to the latest news of the Neamore af-
"Why not?" she replied: "He bluffed fair,. There was nothing new: The
you, easily enough. Of course I'm police authorities, according to what
right! -he came with the idea of see- we read, were in a state of immense
ing Lady Renardsmere and looking activity, but all their movements and
•sound her home." ; :doings were shrouded in inpenetrable:
"Why?" I asked; still wondering, protections -.-suffice it to say that no
"Jim Cranage!" she exclaimed.' tone was being left unturned, and
'"You're—dense! I shall have to shar- that remarkable developments might
pen you up. Why? Good heavens, be expected before very long.
child! Can't you see why?" I I left i'eggiee to deal with the sud-
"Not yet!" I retorted den demands made on her resources
"Why -because they've traced that by the arrival of Rippling Ruby's new
Something to Lady Renardsmeret" bodyguard, and went homeward to do
she answered, with an expressive flash ,my own work Passing the Renards-
of her grey eyes. "I should think mere Arms on my way, I was sudden -
anybody possessed of one grain of ly hailed by Holroyd, who put his
perception can see that! They didn't bead through the open window of the
get asy satisfaction out of murdering .bar -parlour and called to nie to stop.
Holliment, and probably no more out ;I. went back to him.
of murdering Quartervayne, but I I "I find. I made a mistake this morn-
think that when they murdered Nea- ding, Mr. Cranage," he said with. an
more they found evidence of his apologetic. laugh, "There was 'a
transactions with Lady Renardsmere (young fellow here yesterday who
And now—they're after her." might be an American—the one you
man Jack that came in, and there was
nobody of that sort. You've been.
had, Mr. Cranage! -that's been some
feilow that wanted to get into. Re-
rnardsinere House for purposes of his
I, too, was beginning to think that
-I was beginning to remember also
that I had been a bit, unguarded in
talking to the stranger about Lady
Renardsmere's love of precious
stones. But Holroyd - was speaking.
"I'll tell you what it is, Mr. Cran-
age, he said, "There's been some
strange folk—men—about here late-
ly. I've had one or two strangers in
here that I didn't know, and couldn't
account for. We don't get commer-
cial travellers
ommercial'travellers here in Renardsmere—
nothing for 'em to come for. A brew-
ers' traveller, of,course—now and
then—but we know him. But there
have been men—and I'll tell you what
I think They're after news—of any
sort—about that filly of Lady Re-
nardsmere's= Rippling Ruby. That's 1
the game, sir!" "Well ---she's .off, anyway," I said, imentioned. You see, me and my
after a moment's .reflections. "Where atissus we were out for a couple of
Was your wire from?" hours early yesterday afternoon, and
"Dover," she answered. "Handed Amy barman `was in charge. I never
in there late last night." knew till just now that such a chap as
"So was mine," I said. "But.there f hat you mentioned had been in.
Was nothing in mine, except to tell knew noboy'd been for a regular, pro
Me to deal with the ordinary corm- per lunch—but a cyclist aid come
spondence. Dover! Now—do ybu ;while we were . out and had a 'bite of
know what I think?" ,bread and cheese and a bottle of soda -
"Not the ghost of an idea, my boy!" ;water, if you call that lunch, and the
replied, Peggie, ibarman told flim about Renardsmere
"I 'think Lady Renardsmere Lias House and said he'd likely '•get in,
hopped it to the Continent in search
of that deep and crafty old ' gentle-
man, Mr. Cheng," I said, trying to
look very clever.
"131ess you!" exclahried Peggie, sa-
tirically, "aren't you getting smart1
But I thought that, before you. So
did Aunt Millie :Ilepple, 'There!"
I suppose i looked properlycrest-
fallen—so lunch so that, her ' .mood'
changing to one of teasingness, she
lifted her Bunting -crop and began to
poke me in the ribs with it.
Bred, with an ironic laugh at my eve- "Cheer .up!" she said, "Perhaps
dent ignorance, "Aye, and 'ud sacri- 'some day you'll think : of something
fice their own mother's to get it! And that nobody else has ever thought oft
there are those too, who'd move' hea- But seriously, you know—"
ven and earth, and hell ail' all, to get "Why, don't you call me by name,
at something else—if they oould!" peggie?" I interrupted, emboldened
"What?" 1 asked.. by the hunting crop. "Come, now?"
"""Well Jim then!" site answered,
W'fry,t;elie filly herself, he said,
with another laugh "There's some with a half-provoltittg, half -shy laugh,
queer things done in connection with "Seriously, Jilt, anybody who knows
the Turf, Mr. Cranage! Lady Renards- Lady Reeardsnere as thoroughly as
Adjustments given fol diseases of
'til kinds, specialize in dealing with
children, :Lady attendant. Night Calls
responded to, `
Scott Win ham'
Office. on ?I Y Ont.
in the house of the late Jas, 'W41ker.
Telephone 150.
, , YY i ,pe.
.P41011624 Offi t foo, Retied. ani}
w and ...
Y �;��,�A�� �Iat��CTO�:
Moto ' tcluiptrletit
M . I `
WI�'G't•IAMt`, C`�hTT.EiI,FIO
.niltogitioue'YiuUYioti YIY'AYYeY onniaYYYlowionaioutoini
"There are men ftp there—private
detectives—who are keeping watch
over Miss Manson's training place," I
said. „
"Aye, but I know them-” he an-
swered, shaking his head. "Two of
'ern— Robindale and Williamson,
They comedown here, now and then
never together, of course, because
when one's off t'other's on, But I
don't mean them. I've once or twice
had strangers in --and in this out-of-
the-way spot, we don't see 'many
strangers, There was a man Came iii
the other night -very late. What's 'a
stranger doing round here; miles
from any town, miles from the; near-
est station, at just before ten :o'clock.
And—you can't ask,"
"'They may have been what you
say," I said, "1 suppose there` are
people who, want to get all the infor-
mation they can about a Derby can-
"I should say there are! he answ-
mere's dole"`a g the right thing in ay,
h. Millie Ilepplo and I know her,
ing .Rippling Ruby easefully watched would never have any doubt :as (0
.if she were mine I'd take good care what she'd do in a situation of this
that 1iuznan eyes were never off her sort. Without doubt, she bought
tillshe faces the statting-gatel something from Nearnore. She's
There'll behlenty . on her then, to be discovered that what she bought was-
sctte l,abut shell be same,Y $>' tet Neatrtore's to sell; that it was s(01
Presently if left him and went up en property, But stolen property or.
the hillside to Peggie Manson's, 1
niet Peggie 'in the grounds of her
Phone 73. I,ucknow, Ontario.
Money to lend on first and second
mortgages on faum and other real es-
tate properties ata reasonable rate of
interest, also on first Chattel mortga-
ges on stock and on personal notes.
A few farms on hand for sale or to
rent on easy tettitaY
—Agent Por ....
Insttre in a Good Sound Cornpany
not, it was something she' wanted, or AOX ad/ W%rigitatin, Ont.
has taken ' a violent fancy to, and or, Phone ay6 x a
"What's your idea, Spiller?" I en-
quired. "You've got one."
He shook lzis head_ but not in dis-
"I've no great opinion of these
Chinks!" he replied. "Rich or poor,
high or low, I reckon they're a crafty
lot. There wasa chap in our force,
once, who used to recite poetry -he
come to no good in the end, by the
bye—and he was very fond of a piece
about a heathen Chinee—I agreed with
it!—from what I've seen of 'em. Their
ways, Mr. Cranage, are dark—as the
feller that wrote that piece of poetry
had the. gumption to observe. But it,
strikes di' that if there's anybody
that's at the bottom of all this it's
that Mr. Cheng!"
"I'm: not sure that I don't agree
with you, Spiller," I said,
"Mr. Cheng," he repeated, nodding.
his head, "That's the old Sphinx
whose headpiece they want to get;' in
side of! But I understand that a
Chinaman is of all men in the world
the very hardest to extract infornia-
tion from. Being a young gentleman
of education, Mr. Cranage, you'll
know more about it than I do:"
"Pretty stiff nuts to crack, I be-
lieve," I _answered,
"Well!" he remarked. "There's
nutsand nuts.But ain't never
heard of a nut that you can't crack!
All you want, Mr. Cranage, if the or-
dinary nut -cracker ain'tstrong
enough, is a good hammer-' or a flat-
"And there, Spiller, you'd probably
crack the kernel to -smithereens!" I
said, "We want to -get this kernel
out --whole !"
'He observed that time would show,
and with, this wise remark went away,
adding, over his 'shoulder, when he
had gone a few yards, that it :night
be next year, or next month, or next.
day, but something was stare to chide
out—dead certain!
Three days passed then, and noth
Mg had conic out. Butearly in the
evening of the fourth—the fifth since
the sudden disappearance of Lady Rei
nardsmei•e—and just as I was sitting
down to niy solitary dinner, in walk-
ed Miss Peggie Manson, ndt in her
riding -coat and breeches, but in
very( swagger tailor-made oosturne, I
was so astonished that I could only
'gaze at her --whereupon she flung a
telegram on the table. before °me.
"The latest!" she remarked lacoitie
I read the flims sheet of a,pei'
before inc mitt read, noting that the
message had been handed in at Vic -
TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent:
on the day of sale and the balance in
Sao days thereafter. The property wilt
be offered subject to a reserve price,
' Further particulars and conditions
of sale• will be made known at the
time of sale or may be had on appli-
cation to the undersigned or to Miss
Priscilla Powell at Wingham.
DATED this 17th day of May, A.
D. 1926.
The Trusts & Guarantee Co: Ltd..
Toronto, Ont, Vendor.
R. Vanstone, Wingham, .Ont.
Vendor's Solicitor.
toria 'at 5,30 that afternoon—
"I want you and Cranage to meet
rue at George - Hotel Winchester at
9.30 this evening Walker.' is to take
you' both ower , in Rolls-Royce. If
however I dt°iit&t turn up there by 10
o'clock return -''horde and wait wire
in your Dominion Store. This gives you a fine oppor-
tunity for you to ; replenish your fruit stocks at a very
big saving.
PEARS BL1,E.f1YNUP" 2''TINS 2 3c
.SEEDLESS 15 oz. pkt. FOR c
or Thompson Seedless
No. 2 TIN
Canned Fruit
CHERRIES A ted 25c
PINEAPPLE Hs Ced n 30c
Steer PINEAPPLE crashed 19c
r reA'APRIC:OTS 20c
Fresh and Dried Fruit
BULK DATES 2 lbs. 23c
Cooking FIGS 2 lbs. 25c
PRUNES.Large 16c lb.
Trigg,.LEMONS 23c doz.
ORANGES 45c and 55c
79c Ib.
73c lb.
G.S.L. Bulk
C3c ib.
Mother's Rich
I..OAF CHEESE - ' ib.
s b. 37c
Corn Syrup tiln
A.& H. 151 a 3 Ath. 25c
"A nista of
old England"
1/ lb.. TIN
These Prices in effect for one week from date of this paper 126-c
Goderich to DETROIT and Return
$4.00 The !lig Steel Stetnier Grey- $2.50
Itouirid, Safo, Speedy, Cbtn-
tll tap fortaUle, Vl?il T euve Goclerick O n e W S y
TUESDAY, JUNE .81h AT 9 3o
Arriving Port Huron 1.3o p.ni. ,.,Detroit 5,3o p, m.
Returning leaves Detroit! 1 p. m., Thursday, June loth.
The onty boat tri from Goderith to Detroit this season. Children
y p d
betwecat 6 and 'sa, half fare. Visit your Mielrigaai friends and see
tnagnfficiett Detroit, A +delightful trip over theg reat international
highway of lakes and rivers, Don't mita it.
MONDAY,'JUNE 7t1'i, at 830 p. tri.
IN1 Orchestra for
t a dancing r.n steamer's! newt ball room..
'Three hours on • beautiful Lake, i
xful I•Iuron far soca Children zc.
,tai5t Trip Gtlde rrrllt to Detroit, on Friday, j'wtne axtii 9430 a. 1114