HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-20, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE,TIIVIES ■ May, Dispo,sal of ■ ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ `i■ i■ ■ ‘.0 x11 • :■ +1_0 y■ Friday and Saturday ■ $34.50 ■ ■ a.o KING BROS. Women - 200 Coats for Friday and Saturday 4 - GREAT GROUPS -. 4 This wonderful Coat Opportunity swings into line at a really opportune time. 200 •Coats have been lined up into four . rousing groups, each con- taining garments marked from 98.00 to $18.00 less. Each group with equally attractive varieties, colors and styles. A rare opportunity to solve your Spring Outfit Problem. - - So Come Early. In Poiret Twills and f ar- In Twill Cords rid Fine =Leen $3,4.50 Poiret $26.75 Exclusive' styling and Superior quality Coats. that represent the utmost in. fine tailoring. Dres- sy tYFes, neatly embroidered and having the new small collar with Fur trimming. Regularly priced $42.80 to $48.00, in sizes x6 to go. ■ ■ IS ■ 0 0 0 ; 0 ® ski 31 :■ r:Ygl ,30 • • i■ ■ 0 Ei0 ■ •, • 0 M 4111 In Tricotines and Tweeds $17.85 Women who contemplate buying a Coat at a price of $s5.00 to $28.00 will appreciate the saving this group offers.', Carefully tailored in straight- line and flare models, with some having Fur Col- lars. The Tweed Coats are Man -tailored and de- lightfully youthful. Regularly priced. $25.00 to `128.00. Friday and Saturday $17. 5 This group shows many straight-line styles with pleatings and Cluster Tuckings and also flar- ing- models. Exceptionally good cloths that will give „satisfiction. The regular prices being $32.50 to $37.50• Friday and Saturday $26.75 S1TSIn Twill Cords and Tweeds $22.50 Twenty Sample Suits of a smartness that will appeal to the more critical. Principally in Misses' sizes in the finest Navy of Navy Twill Cords and lined with extra quality Crepe-de-Chenes. Regu- larly priced $42.5o and $45.00. Friday and Saturday $22.50 If you can wear a Misses' size, a real gain is in store for you. Some 40 and 42 in the lot. Children's Reefers $4.95 Made from fast color Genuine Irish Serge, well lined, and finished with brass buttons .and Sleeve Emblem. A remarkably good Coat for either girls or boys, sizes 3 to to years, $4.95. Bar- sizes WINSOME MAID SILK HOSE, KAYSER SILK GLOVES, GOSSARD CORSETS, TREYFAUS,SE KID GLOVES, SMART KNITTED COATS and DRESSES . m. Our Men's Department soy S 4 LE 0 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Friday and Satur' ' ; y 1.95.- 3 f * r $5.75 Another opportunity to purchase high class Shirts at a low price. The materials and patterns are of such a variety to suit every man's taste. The best makes only, Forsyth, Tooke, Strand and Arrow. Regu- larly priced $3.00 to 3.50. Broadcloths, Madras and Percales in neat stripes and plain effects. Sizes 14? to 171. "0 ■. F '" AY 111 tfM ■ English Boater and Sailor sty- les in rough and smooth straws, • N all .€resh goods, regularly prioed $2.3o tot $3.5o. Fri. and Sat. $189 ■ 100 Men's Straw l'lais $1.89 N SAT`...'R Men's Com mations 98c Made MI the popular athletic style from fine English Madras, perfect fitting garments in all sines 34 to 44. On sale 98c AY $x..95 Men's Art Silk Sox 49c Fine quality Art Silk Socks in such good shades as Silver Grey, Sand, Brown, and Black. Sizes xo• and, x r. Fri. and Sat. 49c IT PAYS TO SHOP HERR il♦ jKIN BROSg, is llusimIRI®■Iiminums sIramummum■IOmisommom Munni/misl♦■ mminsmin WINGHAM Walter Alton, Lanes. Mr, ,Jno. Townsend, • Hamilton; spent .the week -end' with his cousin, Mrs, Gilbert Vint, Belfast. Miss Marion Hodgins, Belfast, spentthe week -end with her parents at Holyrood, i3orn-At Mafeking on Friday', May 7t11., to Mr, and Ernest Blake, a son. Congratulations. Mr: Bert Alton, Lanes, spent Mon- day with his sister, Mrs, Percy Gra- ham,. Siieppardton. RAPID CITY. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Mose Champion of 1/1 Fordyce, spent Tuesday last with a their daughter, Mrs. Mark Gardner. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. England' and fa- roily of Kincardine, spent Sunday 'with the latter's parents, '_Mr. and Mrs, Donald Steward. 14 Ir. Percy Webster of Lucknow; aspent Sunday with Angus McDonald. MI Mr. and Mrs. Ibbostin of Fergus, ■ spent Sunday at Joseph England's. Mrs. Jas. Hodgins of Stratford is MI spending a week with Miss Margaret. ■ Campbell. ■ Mr., Alex. McKenzie who has been aSick with a' very severe attack of the 10 Flu is improving again. ■ Miss Mecria Duke of Kincardine, M spent Sunday last with • Rapid City NA ® friends. 1 We are glad to see Miss Margaret ® McKenzie of Burnside able to be is around again after her severe illness ® of the past few weeks. NI SALEM • • NI ■ On Thursday evening the home of ■ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpin, was ® beseiged by a host of friends bent'up- ■ on doing honor to these old resi- dents in this district. The occasion MI was taken as a fitting, opportunity to make Mrs. Sharpin a beautiful pres- s' entation of a Sherbut Set from the ■ rneinbers of the Salem United Church ® Ladies Aid, :,Mrs. Sharpinhas la,een ® 'President for several years having to ■ retire recently through sickness. A very appreciative address was re- ® ad by•Mrs. Chester Higgins and the ■ presentation was made by Mrs. Jas. in Wray. A very pleasant time was spent in and all par- ® ,ted wishing Mr. and Mrs. Sharpin and is family every happiness in the coming in years. The Rev. D. A. Armstrong B. D. was .present and performed ® the :duties of Chairman. ■ ® LUCKNOW ® There was a large representation ® from; Lucknow Presbyterian Congre- gation at the meeting of• the Maitland 11 Presbyterial • Society and W. M. S. which was held at Brussels last week. EN Anniversary Services were held in Fthe Lucknow Presbyterian Church on 1 Sunday ,last, when the Rev. Lachlan 10 MacLean of Toronto conducted 'the services, preaching very impressive sermons. The choir rendered special music. Mr. MacLean also addressed the S. School in the afternoon. Rev., R. W. Craw of Fergus has ac- cepted', an invitation from the Board of the Lucknow United Church to become their pastor. The acceptance how ever is subject to approval of the Hamilton Conference. Mr. Craw. was for three years Presbyterian Min- ister at St. Helens, before going to Fergus, x8 years ago. Rev. Chas. MacDonald and son, Douglas were in Toronto over the:. week -end, where Mr. MacDonald oc- cupied the pulpit for Rev. . Lachlan. MacLean. We are very sorry to report that vlr. Wm. 'MacKenzie is ill with pneu- monia, at the time of writing his con- dition is reported serious., Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Alii= and fami don for over the week. ly motored to St. Thomas and Lon - Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Bryce of Ripley, visited recently at the home of Mr, D. . C'. McMorran: Master Teddy Buswell was taken to Wingham Hospital, where he had a serious operation performed, • The operation proved successful, but he will have to remain in the hospital for several weeks. Mrs, D. Douglas and daughters, Misses Jean and Isabel have returned from spending a few weeks with Mr. and, Mrs. C. Richardson in Tees - war•. Mters, Wrn. Taylor of Detroit is vis- iting Lucknow friends. Mrs, D, M. Gordon of Detroit is spending a few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. I -I, Ahin. • Messrs Howard Agnew and James MacCallunl of Detroit, were in Luck - now for the week -end. Miss Welsh of Kincardine visited this week with Miss M. Murray. lvzr. Austin Reid of Hanover, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, T, S.Reid, It was our privilege to visit the new school at Lttcknow on their open-- ing.day, Monday, and we must say it is certainly one of the best schools' to be found outside the larger centres. The school has been greatly remodell- ed and new wings put to each .'end, Foch room has splendid exdid 1r ht and id ven- tilation and two cloak, rooms. The heating is ,steam and the windows •open so as to make doubly sure that no draft gets near the pupils. There are over 2ooa panes cif glass in the school, the windows' all being ,double: glass with an. air space of a quarter of an inch between panes, The school is fire proof and the floor in the base- ment apd halls are of reinforced con- crete and marble, Each room is sup- plied with a wall library or book"case and in each is a couple of ventilators x8x24 at the floor and near 'the ceil- ing, Again we say it is a wonderful school and credit to those who had the work in charge and especially to the secretary of the board, Mr. D. C. Taylor, who was constantly on the !job while the work was going ahead. WHITECHURCH Mr. Ben, Naylor has traded his car 'on :a new Ford Sedan. Quite a number from here on Sun- dayy attended the funeral of Miss Mary McQuillan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McQuillah of St. Helens, who died at the early age of 25 years: in Gravenhurst Sanatorium. Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw and Luella, spent a few days last week with rela- tives in Wingham.' Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy and Miss Jean and Pete Kennedy, spent Sunday at London, with Mr. George. Kennedy.' The bandages had been re- moved; from one eye and they are hoping to save the other. Rev. Henry Martin of Bruce Mines is visiting. with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Martin. • Mr. Wesley Tiffin had the misfor- tune to lose his driver from an attack of paralysis. Mr. Aldin Purdon acid Mr. Victor Casemore motored on Saturday to Leamington, where they intend to work for the next few months. Mrs. Emerson and James and Lila, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- for Emerson of Kinloss. Miss Winnifred Farrier, spent Sun- day with Miss Irene Moore. Miss Annie Kennedy, nurse -in - training in Goderich General Hospi- tal, left on Saturday to take a course. in Victoria Hospital, London. There passed away at his home on the 2nd. of Kinloss on Sunday morn- ing, after a'brief illness, Mr. John Mirehouse at the age of 46 years. Besides his mother she leaves three sisters, Maggie, Mrs. Naismith of Sarles, N. D.; 'Pearl, Mrs. Jas. Mid- dleton of Toronto and Jean, Mrs. Ro- bert Ross of Whitechurch and two brothers, Thos. of. N. Dakota and Jini of Sarles. Excepting Torn all were here+for the funeral which took place on Wednesday to Wingham Ceme "llhuxisday„ ,May loth„ 1926 • • I 11 I Il�ll�ill I II III IIl IIMIIIAII ®IIIgIIII�III�IIIMIII I VIII ■ L_ I IIINIII�III�IIII�IiI.ILII�IIIMIII�III�II iellll�l ■ � pl ,_ l . M __ Victoria k Nr 1N` : P. Victoria Dayy 10 1 hill EAST WAWANOSI'`I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker and chil- •dren, spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Humphrey of St. Helens, Mr, and Mrs. Gersom Johnston and family, ' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Johnston. of 'Whitechurch. Miss Annie and Wilfred Robinson, spent the week -end with their broth- er, Dr: Harold Robinson of Quite a number from herb attended the funeral of Mrs, Eliza Thompson ,of St, Augustine on Thursday last. The well drillers were drilling at Mr. Jas. Davis, during the last week. They struck eicecllent water through the rock at t36 feet, w A l3EVI.L BL and Mrs. Churchill and Mr. Mts. Wier, Valcoiter arid itr•rrest slew Sunday with sedatives in Clio. - tom A.SHFIELD (Intended for last week) Born -At Courey's Cotner, on Wed- nesday, April 2x, X926, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish, a son. Congrat- ulations, Died- Kilpatrick, in • the township of Ashfield on Sunday April r3, Fran- cis Alvin, beloved wife of Jno, ItiI- patrick, aged 74 years, 3months. Fun- eral on Thursday April 2x at 2 o'clock to Dungannon Cemetery. Thepeople about IiWirtgsbridge were greatly shocked last week of the tra- gie death of Miss Agathea O'Connor; who lost her life lit an automobile accident at Detroit do Sunday even- ing. ven-ing. Mr. Bert Alton of Belfast, had the misfortune to have two of his fingers on the right hand badly crushed, Miss Florenec Seaguss of Nile, spent Sunday wish Miss 14Maryr Vint. Mrs. D. K. Webster of Lucknow, is spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Walter Alton, Lanes. Miss Florence Thompson, who is assisting Mrs, D, I. Alton of Lanes, spent Sunday at her home near Luck- now.- Mrs. ucknow.-Mrs. Maize of Crewe is 'spending a Mw weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish, Courey's Corner. Among those wixo are sick ere Mr. Robt, Nelson, Coureys Corner, Mr. Ro t, Howard, Lanes, Mrs, Rose, .rs, Walter Alton, n Lanes, M o , La , Mrs. Albert Helm, Mort and Mrs, Tillie Andrew, Lucknow, Mips. Jno,' Mullin, Belfast has re- turned hdaio after waiting on her bro- ther Mr, Robert, Nelson, Cotirey',s Cernerr, who has been very seriously , Miss Hazel Rayriard, Paramount, is spending a week with her sister, Mrs, Mr. Milas McMillan, Frank Thomp- son. and Ackert Bros., were all shipp- ing cattle last Friday morning and. the. 'station and village were indeed busy ,places.. 14E Day on. Next, May 24 NI Will be celebrated in Wingham in Right Royal Style There will undoubtedly bei ' a great showing of "FINERY" by way cif Nice Frocks, Gorgeous Bonnets, Correct Bobs and most im- portant. of all NICE SHOES. t' Our stock of "Shoes" is most complete in every deportment WI and prices "Most Reasonable". BLONDE, SATURENE, PATENT OR FINE .KID FOR LADIES i PATENT, FINE CALF, AND BUNNY CALF FOR MEN There is no question about. it, the large percentage of "Shoe r Buyers" in this locality, buy -their shoes at Willis' ' Shoe Store, and Ir there. are REASONS -Better Varieties, More Reasonable Prices' and; p� Good Service. r STORE; OPEN ALL DAY NEXT WEDNESDAY, MAY 26th. - THE SHOE STORE ' 129. Wingham, i Il om mlllsilmm III®IIIsIIICYII isms111s11111smsl ismslilllllll WE INVITE YOU TO PROVE OUR CLAIM W. H. WILLIS SAVE THE BABY CHICKS Maike them strong sturdy, productive, EGG -LAYING Pullets, with Pratte BabyCha•-kFood. %teoats"atrifle MOM but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The extra rh{,-ks you• save and raise, more than pay for all the Pratte Baby ChickFoodyou use. Ask vita, * tts your dealer --there's one near you. Write for Pratte Poattry Booh--FR&E. PRATT FOOD CO., SOF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlow Ave, Toros' Mrs. Mackay of Brussels, spent the Born =On Sunday, May 16 to Mr. week -end with he rsister, Mrs; David land Mrs. John Waddell of Kinlos, a • daughter. Farrier. 111 1® 1111 Milli, 10 ■ 10 ■ ■ 10 ■ 10 • ■ ■ 10 10 lir 10 ■ ■ 10 10 • ■10 10 iD • 10 el 10 Illi ee 10 • ITIS 10 i0 I0 R0 10 10 10 ■ I1 e issimmissaMEMEMMUMMEMMOMEMO t Goods e uc NEW NECKWEAR New showing of Spotted Neckwear, New York's newest Neckwear, also English Foulards with handkerchiefs to ,snatch, $1.00 to 1.50. NEW STRAWS Eine Senates, new braids, wide rims and fancy bands, $1.25 to 2.25, F.r 1VIen ODD TROUSERS `Young Men's ,Odd Trousers in light grey tweeds and Herringbones, also Out- ing Trousers, biscuit shade and Flannels, $3.50 to 5.50. NEW HOSIERY 25 d zen Silk and Woo ; 0 1 Hose, %re>Nes,. special to clear 60c. HANNA & CO, MAMMON I MrMMlgrllrl MrM� 1Ml�lrlIMIMMIa LIMITED NI 11IlNM■MINwllwwrlM MM M' MM MMIO is