HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-20, Page 7'.T'bursday, May Both., 1926
There wa,s a bimbo named. Satty
Who on Radio was a bit batty,
He came down one clay
And to our utter dismay
Raved how he'd reached Cincinnati.
Now his partner, named Mark-
ark For Radio, didn't care a spark
Until finally he fell
And now it is he - I
To hear that ellow Mark bark
About -
"The seventy-five stations
1 got in an hour last night!
MORAL: -Thea' all get that way sooner or laterl
• "No people on earth are fonder of beads than the Indi-
ans" said a radio lecturer the other night.. Huh!,, What
about our musical comedy actresses. The Indians may
use beads for ornaments but our footlight celebrites pre-
fer them as a protection against a cold. If you get what
we mean-?
Silent night at our house last night Couple of dead
'Wife got a cake recipe "over t+he,air." But judging by
the taste of it, we've got a faint 'suspicion that "Static,"
eliminated some of the ingredients.
We get all kinds of cities • on the • set without feeling ex-
cited about it. But the minute the wife tunes in a Char-
lestots-vnehave to 'roll up the rugs and give her room.
"Pre;serve Your Gums" advised a prominent dentist over
the radio. Don't tell the flappers that, doc. They're do
ing it now/ You know -parking it under the seats in ail
the rnovie' shows
Radio Temper
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to 'dust,
If that d-m•aset doesn't
Work to -night -
It's 'gout' to be BUST!
"When the boss praises my work and raises my pay,
"When he bawls me out and gets on my nerves,
that's --STATIC!"
"That concludes the program for to -night."
By Betty Webster
Housecleaning Suggestions
Are you tired of your house? Does
it look old and 'dingy to you, If so,
you can easily change it.
Organize your housecleaning, Plait,
each day's work, ;Figuring only as
much as you can finish, in one day.
° In this way, your whole house will
notabe upset at one time,
Cover up the scratches' on wood-
work ork with paint to match. Clean the
wall -paper.
Then to give the final touch. •of new-
mess,' change the arrangement of fur-
niture wherever possible.
Fresh Strawberry Frosting
IV/ash fresh strawberries through a
colander to a thick smooth paste. Add
`enough •confectioners' sugar to make
frosting thick enough to spread,
Cheese Turnovers
u (Dandy for Parties)
• Slice bread very thin. Cut off cru-
sts. Spread with butter and then
'cheese. Roll tip and fasten together
with tooth picks. Just before serving,
toast` carefully. Serve while' hot.
Quick Apple :Sauce r
` Wash apples. Cut :up with skins
on. Boil until tender. Remove from.
`fire and stir apples through colander
thus removing skins and seeds: Swee-
The flavor and food value of apple
sauce cooked in this manner is really
'superior to apple sauce made by peel-
'ing and coring apples.
Date Kisses
2 egg whites beaten stiff.
i cup of walnut meats •(chopped).
2 cup of confectioners sugar: ' ""
i cup of chopped dates.
Mix well. Drop from spoon and
.ake until light brown. Butter pans
(lightly as kisses burn easily.
Banana. Pudding
:l small loaf of bread.
r, tablespoons of butter.
4 bananas.
2 eggs:
2/ cups . of milk.
i cup of sugar.
Juice of i lemon.
Method: -Butter a baking dish. Al-
ternate layers, of buttered bread and
sliced bananas: Sprinkle bananas wi-
'th lemon juice: Beat eggs well: Add
sugar and milk: Pour over bananas
land bread.', Bake slowly i hour. Tart
jelly may be substituted for lemon
juice. Serve cold.
Cheese Biscuits
2 cups of flour.
cup of milk. ,
4 teaspoons of baking powder.
r tablespoon of fat.
ef cup of grated cheese.
Method: -Sift dry ingredients. Rub
in fat. Add milk and grated cheese.
Shape and: place on .buttered tin and
bake in a hot •oven.
(Readers, Note: -If you have any
questions concerning Recipes and
other. Household Hints you would li-
ke to ask Betty Webster -address her
in care of this paper.)
A pretty wedding 'was/solemnized
at 'tate home of Mrs.' George Schiestel
when her daughter Julia, was united
in marriage to Michael Retinger.
Wdding bells were ringing in the
bur but left for the East,
' Miss Dorothy Baird, left for Toron-
to, We don't know why Jack went.
Wingham, May isth 1926
A meeting of the Directors of the
'Turnberry Agricultural Society, will
'be held in the Council Chamber in
Witighatn, on Tuesday June 1st.,, at 2
`o'clock p.. tn.,' for the purpose of con-
sidering the erection of a Fair Build-
ing and it is urgently requested that
all of the directors will attend this
C. G. "Campbell, Pres,, Jas. Gilmour
Miss Clara Collins, wlio has been
is able to be around again.
Iklr. and Mrs. RobeeLBaird and son,
+William are on their farm at Blyth,
Mrs: Paul Willie is not . enjoying
the best of health,I�UI�IIIE8111�111)glll®III®IIIbAlll�iil�'lIIN91110iElll(!I spectacle of six- different species and
Reel es 2 r
Delicious Salads,
Egg Dishes,
Cheese Dishes,
Pickles and
Write fel' acopy
mailed Free.
ColmazrI een (Canada) Limited, Dept.
1000, Amherst St., Montreal
ig(6}r Y aS�{�I YY1
aids di Won
To the ditur av all. them
Wingham paypers,
Deer Sur,--
Lasht wake, 1 wus out wid
the bye
on the ould farrurn liilpin wid the
ch 1ures to givehim an the haired pian
more toime to wurruk on the land,.
gittin.in the'sade. Be rayson av this,
av coorse,, I didn't git down to Lon-
don to hear Mishter Ferguson
shpake, Raydir1 his spaich the next
day gave me the sense av what he
said just the same as hearin hien, an
mebby betther„fer I am gittin a little
bit deef in m elift ear. Annyway'me
ould back won't shtand thine long au-
to droives loike it shod, an whin I
tink av throyin to kape up the pace af-
ter we got to the city wid a lot av
thin young fellahs loike Jarge Shpot-
ton au. Frank Vanstone ,an Walton
McKibben, I am glad, in a sinse,
that I didn't go, although I hated to
dishappoint Mishter Ferguson, who
`wud be ixpicktin to see me theer wid
the resht av the fellahs,
Shure 'twas plated 1 wus to foind,
1be raydin his spaich betwane the loin -
es, so to shpake, that he is shtill.
shtudyin over thitn wurruds av ad-
voice I wus 'afther givia him. Be
raydin the wakely counthry paypers
he kapes himself poshted • on what is
lgoin on in the back, blocks av the
Prawvince, an has sinse • enough to
know that Toronto isn't the whole
wurruld, annot avert the besht part av
it, so it isn't. Whin he isn't busy
skinriin U. F. O's an nailin theer hoe -
des to the barren dures, arr hangin
INIIIMMEMINZEIMEMISSUS thim on the finces, he kaPes his ear
to the ground lishtinin to the retrate
reetetaaaaeaaareaaa®^ lav the. Grits an U. ` F. Os, an wand-
herin if they intend to unite what' is
i Latest FPO
lift av theer shcattered foorces an
1 t make another frontal attack, arr if
c.- they will be contint to do a little
Herb Juice was placed on the
market in Ottawa only a few
weeks ago and .Miss Jeannine
Labelle, a young lady residing
at 202 Queen St., Ottawa, was
one of the first in that city to
take it. She derived so much
benefit that she -gladly volun-
teereld the following statement.
"I wan badly run down, had
stomach .trouble, indigestion
and gas, pains. I could not rest
well, was nervous and worried
about my health. Nothing gave
ime any relief until I tried Herb
Juice. You cannot imagine my
happiness after my condition be-
gan to improve. Now, I eat
three good meais'a day, ,sleep
well, ,nervousness has disappear-
ed and I never felt better in my
life. There is no -reason for
anyone suffering, now that
Herb Juice is obtainable.”
.For sale at McKibbon's Drug
Store and leading druggists
everywhere. Price $1.00.
shnoipin, pickin aff a man here an
theer whin he isn't watchin himself.
(I learned that military way av ix-
'prissin mesilf, arum me bye who wint
Wan ting.1 know, that 'tis an aisy
'walk over fer us Tories whiniver
Mishter Ferguson shprings the elick-
shun, maiuin, av coorse, if he doesn't
toi up too much wid thim wet lads in
Toronto. • Mosht av us ould Tories
will shtick troo tick an thin, but, fai-
th, ye cant depind on a lot av thim,
young fellahs, an girruls an wiminin,
'Twas a foine joke on thim grits who
do be cailin convinshuns all over the
+counthry nominatin theer min in ord-
her to git ahead av the U. F. O.'s an
Tories. Yis 'twas a great sell on thim
lads whin Mishter Ferguson didn't
'say •annyting about an elickshu at all,
tat all. 1 wud hey bet tin to wan that
the-wudden't,, fer,shore, iviryting wus
,quiet along the Tory loines, not a
shot been foired, an iviry mimber av
the foorces safe in his dug out.
As 1 hey tould ye befoor it is the
aisiest ting in the wurruld to put wan
over on them Grits.
Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
The remarkable and complete col-
lection of trained wild animal actors,
comprising the most important speci-
lll}l 111111=III®IIIEIII'sIIIEI111IElil@9111f 111111- mens of zoology, assembled in the
six easoras why ii = wild beasts' performance of Lee Bros.
Wild Animal Show, which will exhi-'
eI'®llad Tiit hi Kincardine on Saturday, May
HURON c ERIE _ .22nd and Goderica Friday, .May list.
DE ENTLJ L ES R has never been equalled in the history
Owners of these debentures iiii
together with savings deposr-
!g tors have FIRST claim upon ev- -•
o the world. No corner of the glo-
be has been considered too remote to
_'make this collection the most unique
- on earth.
Chief among these wonderful crea-
tures is a hybrid lion -tiger, a magnifi-
� cent animal of feline grace and terri-
,ble power, with all the peculiarities of
both lion and tiger, but wearing the ti-
'ger's stripes upon the lion's skin. One
lof the most important groups is coin-
posecl of two lions, three Bengal tig-
ere, two India leparcls, two pumas,
iltwo enormous Polar bears, and the
singular hybrid lion -tiger. Here, Leo,
'we are confronted' with thaincredible
▪ ery dollar of Huron & Erie as- -
sets totalling over $31,000,000.
=- Per Annum is payable half-year- 0!
• ly upon $zoo or more for 1, 2, 3,
4 or g years.
Avoid unnecessary risks by
1 selecting a Huron • & Srite tris-
j _ tee debenture investment.
INNI1111130010110111111Mainlinnaidinialrall 1111
F'c r the Greatest Bargain ever
offered in
s �
Electric Washing Machines
Someth3ing absolutely ,:;nusual.
Craw fiord ek.
Phone 1 6.
Phone 271
Wlugham o - Ontario
CREAM -We are in position to handle an increased volume and
• would like your assistance. to make this year, bigger and better than
We are grading cream according to Government standards m
order to •get specials and firsts it necessary to have cream sent
to Creamery at regular intervals. Our trucks are gathering- twice
weekly and the cream that is delivered. Saturday night, will have to
be in by g o'clock or else we will have to leave it till Monday morning
to be graded and tested
49;i ''x
EGGS -Pool Eggs, this is the proper way to market .eggs. Ask
us how it works to your advantage. We also buy eggs outright pay-
ing market price.
Remember to participate in Commodity dividends, you have to be
a Club Member or Shareholder.
The United. Farmers Co -Op. C .; o Ltd.
i!11W1IIeIIII lI111111&111111111112(II11111IIIIIIE 111®IIH111
I IIIIIIlERlII112I 1151I19311 O111P9111al II
111111111f6111II'19111Pil it .
Let the vulcanizer have his little joke -he's an expert at that. They
had a tire in here the other day whose funeral was set for six o'clock -;
and at half past five it was reaching out for the road as if it never
had been in the hospital in its life.
424 R i JAN ,
111®111®1113111111111113111EG1111111111111I19I11 "III®11169111f1111I&II11E1113111@Ii1€11111311t11w111®1112111
the afore -mentioned. remarkable inter forming together in a colossal steevt-
mixture of two of them, each natural- 'girt arena, which absolutely insures
ly the instinctive;'implacable foe of the safety of the .publis, there bearing
the others, and some of then/ (tither- toward their trainer and one another
to considered by the best masters of being as amiable and' considerate as
zoology as wholly untamable, :per -'characterizes the intercourse of an as-
(senlblage of human beings at a social
`(ESstl2! 1F V'S Ili'
1J4`S-r TS-41NG Y' EVER.' pi
(IA G( P'.,DO li"
orl,•t.1Gta ot= vW LIFE! COME
LET'S F`( (ALL tN Sup EM •. OFF
'TO OUR. OVA Ut'(1,e 'UES'' !3 )
MY OWN 1 NIC CAN esq,gy!
18 LEI'S
LECA 6o l Vit4fti IyYE
‘I\14 SL1d, Ilrt0s41
WouLtit41. KEEP ME
SAY! 1F &19E
rtAAT Eta , '10u
tsEvCER Cit' sEe
hoC1 R, t
Imperceptibly directed by a single
trainer and of seemingly happy ac-
cord and eager unity, these formerly
dreaded kings and queens of the see
'thing jungle, the howling wilderness
and the remote,' inaccessible frozen
Wilds of the poles build their sky -
scraping pyramids,, balance with a
skill rivaling that of the 'human acro-
bat upon barrels, play rollicking gain -
es of see -saw; •with courteous consid-
eration for the luxurious comforts of
their piasters forth, soft living couch-.
es of themselves and invite his confi-
dence by •opening their terrible •blood-,
red mouths for the temporary instr-
tinn of his trusting 'head.
It would require pages to' tell in ad-
vaiice all the stari:linr novehies intro-
duced ,in Lee Bros: Wild Antitixat
Show, which, besides the ',many tralti-
cd wildanimal features, has donicstio
animals, v<trttly ;4iipet'ior :to all °Agai i-
1yatiou now' traveling,