HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-20, Page 5Thursday, May zothe x926 111N1111111NIIi1111191111111111.11111111911111111111111111II/1111110III�I111011 MINI II�IIII�IIIAII(�M0011I II(I�II1111 iBll it RIGfT GOODS A RIGHT 'V L LIES = iSariftrG . i u Saloof 1.74. Ee SavingsQworth while onLadies', Misses' and Child ren'S Spring Coats, correct models, Fancy Tweeds,. Velours, Poiret Twills, evergarment is well tailored Y allored rim - and you can rely upon the styles. See our values at $9.50, $11.50, $14.75 Special in Dresses, . Broadcloth Stripes, Our Cut Price9At 5.1 , Silk Crepe Dresses, New Mod- els in he leading .�o ®�. colors, ;Special.--__. Silk Rayon . Dresses, made in Good Style, Fancy Patterns, see our val- ues at 3 ®9 a 1d 4.90 Fugi Silk Dresses nice 7 a 5 ly made in best colors Aprons -Just received a special clearance of plain and fancy pattern. aprons, ,guaranteed all fast colors Cut Prices 9 m _ Fresh Groceries at Cut Prices 111 Corsettes, manufacturers clear ing, line; latest models,; usually sold at, $2.00. They 1m9 go at ......_..... Hose, xo doz. on sale at a big saving, Women's Silk Hose in Leading . Colors, regu- lar value $1.25, cut price�' 5 doz. Extra Fine. Women's Silk Hose\ reduced to Bloomers, see the new Goldette Silk BIoomers, non pulling, non rolling, nom. buldging, "double gusset, long back, Our, z69 Price Pride ° Quality 1.39. Ginghams, 'Dre'ss Gingham in; stripes and checks, fast colors, 20C and 25c A� OIII !G MEW Ilr'. II111111a111ElllElll IIICt11111 r Ili®I Ii!'9l I IEI I lei I IEI I I BOWLING ON TIIE GREEN r' (With apologizes tp Geo. Raby, Victoria B, C.) 'Last sunamex•looking for some joys To fill this earthly scene, 't thought I'd join these gay old boys In bowling on' the green, , took the bowls and dropped flat With energetic thumps. The bowlers yelled out, "Don't do that You'll fill the green with bumps," hem So gently then I let thein slide, Aimed straight as any arrow But long before they reached the end The skip cried out, "You're narrow." 'So next I tried to aim them out Well fo the other side When lo, once more the skip bawled out "O man, you're awful' wide." "0 well," I thought, "I'll put on speed And keep an even pitch • 'The bowl rushed down,'; swept past the jack And landed in the ditch. Next time I 'tried a cannier hand I would much easier go. The bowl stopped half- way down the green And all cried out, "You're slow." 'At last I slipped a bowl by chance Unheeded` down the track it struck a lump and took a curve And landed on'the jack: Then all the boys: gave loud applause And' said, "`You''re doing splendid." el My. • head began to Swell and straight My master play was ended. ill IIIeIIIIrrllmill elIlglll(',1111111;rJlllltlllglll®III Ill®III 91III®III®III®1110111=111E111®I111E111®I 1111111111E111121111®111®111 '?III x8111111181111®1111811111111 -11E1111911168 F • T E 111 1r Winallil®1111111acisislimii11111g1111®III®1111111unionfism YTE ACKING COMPA ,.,iY, LTD. W!NGHAM ONTARIO We are interested in greater egg production and to' stimulate same will offer a bonus on Extras to Producers who bring their eggs to us in over twenty five dozen lots. We will also continue giving FREE' settings of eggs as previ- ously advertised. These eggs will also be onsaleat 75c per setting. F. W. M'cANDLESS,'Branch7Mannager. Phones -Office 62w, Residen oe 62j. 111131111E111 III :III 'r=111E1I III I I m III®I IILfl III®III I 1111111®11111111111®II1611I Ialll l®III®III :.111®11E111 1 111®11111111111111131111®III®1111111) 11111111II1191111111111111j~ ii ILL' II el 1rs. II® : 1 pp SILK SCARFS SET $1.39' it Silk Scarfs with handker-' 1- chiefs to'match in beautiful de - m signs in the New Light Shades ii for 'summer were, Special $s.39 .4 SILK GL.OVES.. 61 New Sill' Gloves' with Plain and Fancy Colored Cuffs, the .very 'latest' in the light spring • shades ....,,_ .,.•$s.00 to $2,25 ® SILK HOSE O Vedas and Murcury Hosiery M in Pure Silk and Art Silk, Bran, IN Harvest, . Atmosphere, Grey, Nude, Beige, Sunset, Black and - White at very attractive prices 1 e5c to $2.39 I CHILDREN'S SOX ! Plain and Fancy Cuff in short R .,, and three quarter length sox for children in shades of Nude, Shell and Sand, sizes 6 to 8 at 45c and 6o0 pair. 1 1 BROADCLOTHS 69c English' Broadcloths and Ad. ,ora Crepeian, Floral, Checks, and Stripe Effects in a large range of patterns to choose from 36 in. wide, special 69c yd. LADIES DRESSES A splendid range of Ging- hams,. ing-hams,. Crepe and. Broadcloth Dresses in neat styles and pat- terns in sizes x6 years to 44 at attractive prices ranging from $2.215 to $3.50. HOUSE APRONS $1,x9 Made in a large roomy style of best quality Gingham, .neatly trimmer], fiat special $x.19 MEN'S VVRAR Fancy Shirts attached collars $x•95 Young `Men's Suits $i8:5o (dethe new ,soft collar 3 for $x,00 Mew Straw Hats $x.00 to $3,co (I li ,,WING A:M #►1N11111 1i11Au1 I1JNW II NOM11 lIMMIfi 111NM1111MII1i101l1I11 Iq IrIIM1timi IllllUtN11101 i lllionittin iB1 1 1� ii 1 For when I tried to draw, the bowl Would straighten like a pin,. And when I tried to knock them out II' always knocked them in. And then another would exclaim "It`s hard hick, I should worry" To lie in six and get knocked out. By that' big Johnnie Currie. 'Perhaps 'twas Scotty Forbes I heard. Singing an old Scotch tune , That sounded like a Hieland dirge '0 mon, ` I'm doon, I'm loon. But when I looked to where he stood I `really must declare 'He was not prone upon the ground 'But right itp in the air, saw another michty mon Stand up sae straight and braw; No one could tell himwhat to do For weel he kentied' the We hungry got, and thirsty too, But not a bite we found, Nor drop to wet our throats, although A •Booth was on the ground. But when the champions met that day 'Twas then the game got. hot, No matter how well Crawford played Jack Mason spoiled his shot. At last I met the veterans' rink Recruited from the ark,. They'd learned the game with old King Tut And bowled me off the park. - Iowe'er it be you'll all agree There is no merrier scene Than when these boys of eighty ddd iGo bowling on the green. 'Sale of Underwear Special, 20 doz. Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, at Isards Sale 490 BORN Stapleton -In Turnberry on Wednes- day, May x2th,, to Mr. and Mrs, James Stapleton, a son. COMMUNICATION Mr, A. G. Smith, Winghain, Ontario, Dear Sir: In reference to your article of me and tlie' 1st aid movement with the Boy Scouts is quite correct but I' wish you to_let the public know that it costs the nothing, neither do I get or task anything for the same. As it has been thrown up to nae that I am gett- ing a revenue ° from the Government. for this. Which is untrue. 1 17th President Sir Hetiry Thornton, wants all employees to take up this work and 1 ata only teaching the boys what 1 get myself posting me nothing and costing them nothing, Mr. Pos. liff their Scout Master is well pleas- ed the way they are taking up their work and the way they take up their work • is a credit to Wingham, Trusting if yoti have the space for this hi your valuable paper for I ant only helping out as best I can and trust -it May be of use when some meet with mishap, when xat air Will, help tlhetn. Thanking you, W, Sneath, Winghnnt, WINGHAM ADVANCE.TlI;l1ES irUiMaIII<111�11lNIl1�IMIIr1111IIIMIMIN111M1111111I �' 1 ■ BI risties� L, �$9 it Groceries' Chinaware I •A Complete Lane of - J. 82 J. Meakins Just .Imported k Cups and Saucers, Bowls,' Plates. Scollops, Nappies, I Meats, Soups, etc. • The finish on all J. & 1 J. Meakin's Dell is sup- erior up erior to most. tit ▪ TheTeaarid Coffee StOule, - m ■▪ mammIII®IIIIII®1111111mmisI1 smi SALEM Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gallaher from 'near Bluevale, visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs', A. E. Gallaher one day recently. Mrs. Win. Mines has the sympathy Of the neighborhood in the death of her mother, Mrs. Breen of Winghan; Mr. and 'Mrs. George Fralick, of Toronto, spent a few days recently with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Fralick. Mrs. Jack Gallaher visited a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe near Delmore. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer, visited 'friends in Wingliarn on day recently, BLUEVALE The congregational meeting of Eb- enezer United Church on the Blue - 'vale Circuit on Thursday evening, May loth., at 8 p. m., when reports of the different organizations will be ®,pream sented. All are cordially invited 1 to attend. BELGRAVE The Play, ,"Deacon. Dubbs," will be preseted by the Young People of S. S. No. 5, Morris, in the C. O. F. Hall, Belgrave, Friday Evening, May 28th., at 8 o'click. Musical program be- tween acts. Admission 35c and 25c. Don't miss it. 21011/00=00•••• IMM•0•0elosicalmossimm0 GLENANNAN Mrs, Murchison, spent the week- end with friends in -Toronto. Mr. Alex. Baird of Flint, Michigan is spending a few days at his :home here' Misses Laura Robinson, Jean Wil- ton : and ° Grant Wilton, were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weir, were recent visitors' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gilmour. RE MMMMIBMMO ME MMM 0/1 M▪ OM MOH 1111 0.. Mr. and Mrs. _Charlie Catliers, and. children, also Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Renwick, called at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Eadie on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dunkin, and sons, Walter and Jackson, spent Sun- day with friends in Morris. Mrs. Laub and two children of Toronto are visiting with friends in these parts, Miss Hannah Stokes o'f. Belmore, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Appleby. ' Mr. Elmer Breen of Grand Rapids, Michigan, spent the week -end at his home' here, Mr, James Muir of Hannah, North Dakota, attended the funeral of his brother, the late Mr. Robert Muir. Mrs; Sam Marshall, spent ,a day last week at Mr. Wm, Shoebottoan of Belgrave. Mrs• Kermath and Raymond, spent a 'day last week at Mr. Russel Harris' home, Hawick. The death, occurred on Sunday., May gth., in the person of Mr. Ro- bert S: Muir, The deceased had not been enjoying the best of health for sometime, although his death came as a shock to the community: He was born on the sixth line of Turn - berry on January the 15th., 1864 and later on moved to his late home on the tenth of Turnberry, where he has ever since resided. Mr. Muir was ,a Man of honesty, a kind neighbor. He was a regular attender of. Eadies' Presbyterian Church. He, leaves to mourn his loss a sorrowing widow, one daughter and four sons, Mrs. Thomas Wallace ;of the tenth of Turnberry, George and Peter of Tor womidnomolmomsamo onto, Robert of Detroit acid Norman, let heme. The pallbearers Messrs, David Wallace, Thos Weir . Reuben Stokes, Andrew Gamble, John. 'Metcalfe and David Fortune, The Rev. Dr. Petrie conducted the servi- ces at both the house and grave. in- terment being made in Wing/tam Cemetery on Thursday, May 13th. Mrs. Muir and •family have the heart- felt sympathy of a wide circle of. friends. Be is gong, He is gone. To a home beyond the skies, Where the fields are robed in beauty' And the sunlight never dies, BELMORE The Women's Institute will lead the Endeavor, Sunday evening, May 3oth. A general cleaning up took place at the Community Hall, Wednesday af- ternoon. Miss Hannah Stokes, spent the Past week with Mrs. Appleby and oth- er friends at Glenannan, Miss Amy Newans and Lloyd Zimin, returned to their respective - homes Sunday, also Clara Metcalf, Those out of the village, 'Sunday w,cre Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, Mr. and? Ivtrs. Herd and family at Teeswater; Pearl- Douglas and J. J. Scott, in Grey Township. Mr, and Mrs. John Darling, Mary' Aitken, Mary Stokes, Cecil McNeil attended the Presbytery meeting at. Brussels, Tuesday. Mrs: Henry Johann continues quite poorly, Miss Irene Mundell has organized .. a music class. Don't forget the musical program on Thursday, May Both. 02.111. 111111010111111 11/041001010451N0100 STEPHENSON'S 000 go ▪ simusissmig. C. s 'Porgotton - Smashed Prices - Read 000•00006.000.0000.000402•0602.00.10 Hot ` sh Maass Dutch Silver on heavy felt base, Regular 55c, Sale Price • 19c Je.' ele St .000.1000110000020000000•0002:00001.0 i Cigarette Cases • 1.... An assortment of desirable An and patterns Regular • up to $4.00, your choice 79c I g n...1»on�n,�®n��nn®n 4 1 a deslruetable Pearls • Beautiful Pearl Necklaces, Regular $5.00 Pearls, Sale Price 89c .42.1•01•0100¢191.01•0•10140 rmnaso.6wnmwn031•wuua1'uam. c®admoa,®u®n40.0.1sa••••.omooau.o Bar Pins Sterling Silver, regular up to $2.50, Sale Price �• Q �aea�o-samnn�.oavoomlmo�.numomw,meaa®o� 79c Diamonds • A remarkable collection of Jewelled Creations of flashing beauty in White or Green Gold Basket mounting of filigree de- sign very pretty, Regular $20.Oo Sale Price `$9.65 Diamonds Beautiful Clear White Dia- Mond in 14k White Gold sett- ings, formerly priced' at $25.00, Sale Price $14.75 rastic FO WIC SELLING nd Sve ily uce 0200. 1-531!..3119.0000040,0420.0 This colossal Jewelery Selling Event is now launched and under way. Price cut to the core embracing every article in this select stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Ivory Goods, Cut Glass and Fine Chinaware. Antici- pate your wedding presents, personal and home needs now: A sale that will long be remember- ed. Hundreds are attending, hundreds more. are coming. We have positive and imperative orders to to sell this stock -out within the next few weeks. We have been given a free hand in the matter • of Price Cutting, and BELIEVE ME we are making some drastic cuts in this respect, : and urge everyone to attend this Adjustment Sale. Merchandise Sales Co., Ltd. YOUR OPPORTUNITY- We. Examine Eyes Scientifically. Special sale of Spectacles. This is your opportunity to consult a reliable and ex- perienced Eyespecialist with years of successful practice. "We test your eyes and grind glasses to suit. - J. H. Stephenson, Eye Specialist 11 aamonal Rings Real handsome Diamond Rings in Perfect Blue White Stones, in handsome settings, Regular price $6o.00, Sale Price $3759 Mantel Clocks Popular Turn Hour Shape, hand carved Mahogany Gathed- ral Gong Strike, Regular $16.5o Sale price $9.95 Kitchen Clocks Beautiful... Designs._ in... Oak,• hand Carved Cases, '8 day hour strike, Regular $7.5o Sale Price $4.95 Wrist Watches Ladies accurate, x5 jewelled lever movements in Green or White Gold, filled cases, hand. somely engraved, fully guaran. teed,' formerly $x2.00 to $xs.00, Sale Price $6.95. 0010 ,1004”00s00•001100110011000000 00s0o®u001100wm an®n Cat Glass Beautiful Cut Glass, Marma- lades, Butter Dishes, Vases, Corn Pots, Salad Plates etc., Regular up to $2.5o, Sale Price 79c .1.00.1950051,•04101.1,01.1343.1,030.0 4E9 000-11 n®.n.0lmap®O0.195n®Odm.O®o®o030.n4E9n600-n Cut Glass Tum - bier s umorbiers 2 1. r 15e 0 � LOPO-121,0.111ee.10•01 ogoncsao.aro0000n.w>nsmatmo mwa®n.v� n �na.xmmnea.aas.,awn� n.a+.naso�n.n� 3 ,.t,,aece Tea Sets 6 I Heavy Silver Plated of splen did 'design, Regular $r5.00 val- ue, sale Price $8.65 Sanaave•06.040+n03+oa..namooamuoam.04660 �.o.ecau®de SS P.M nme0u01•1M,me0•02.0 ea•5wimmrvncoo.n®v14:•01 China C t „las, Saucers Beautiful New Designs. Re- gular value up to $x.so, Sale Re - Price 69e Wrist Watches Ladies Rectangular Wrist Watches in best quality Gold Filled Cases, Green or White Gold, 1.7 jewelled lever move- meats, Regular price $ao.00 Sale Price ' $9.95 Wrist Watches Ladies Handsome Solid Gold ' Wrist Watches sok' Green or White Gold with High Oracle fully guaranteed movement, Re- gular $25.0o now $12.95 Watch our windows for special bargains andSave, Save, Save. Hundreds of articles not advertised are on sale at special prices. Decide to attend early and often. Off all Community and Rogers Silver duringthis Ad`ustm • : ' 20 Per Cent � y g Adjustment Sale ;. . J. H. STEP Opposit Queens Hotel • .4. r moi Gt f a .p s..,, .,•r �,� ENSON Jewelers and Optometrists MOM WI MM or swi 1 NE Iqa� 1101 Wltaudi e Sales Co.0 LtdWilli MN , ifLcu701ia�$': 411 1.;.::•1.0a