HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-20, Page 4WINcaHAla ADVANCE -TI'. MAY BARGAI Note the Free Goods and Extra 'Special Prices SPECIAL NO. i—goc Riker's 1Viilk of Magnesia 25c Re>*ali Orderlies. Both for e, 75c SPECIAL NO. 2-$1.00 'Cherisette Single Compact 75c.Cherisette Face Powder. Both 'for •00 $r.75 SPECIAL NO. 3 --"Turkish Delight" Pure Wholesmoe Candy, r Bound box SPECIAL NO. 4Tooth Brushes • Regular 25c and 35c, Special .._....- _.. ° SPECIAL NO. g—soc Riker's Milk of Magnesia Tooth, Paste59 5 V.c sac Klenzo Tooth Brush, Special both for $r.00 SPECIAL NO. 6- $x,00 Auto -Strop Razor, complete with Strop, Blade 35e Resell 'Shaving Cream9 Special Both for _ ._ a- Y..__ �• SEE OUR TABLE OF "ODDS AND ENDS" AT HALF PRICE le ion's Drug Store 9/7,0 gs.elf,caL Stare Wineheun. Ont. Phone 53 You save with, safety at your Rexall Drug Store ti AUTTION SALE Furniture, at the Methodist Parsonage, Wroxeter, on Saturday afternoon, May 2etli. See bills for list of effects. Geo. W. Walker, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE— Administrators Sale of Household Goods and Ef- fects, property belonging to the late Mrs. Wm. Baird will be sold at Lot 16, Con. u, Tnrnber-y, commenc- ing, at 2 'o'clock on Thursday, May loth. Terms Cash. T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer, J. E. Baird, Administra- tor. COW WANTED—Good Milch Cow fresh or about to freshen.' Apply to Chas. Campbell, Belgrave.. COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision on the Assessment. Roll for the township of East Wawanosh will be held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, on Friday, May, 2Sth., at MOTHER SHIPTON'S PROPHECIES Because of the uncanny .manner in which. the prophecies of Mother Ship- ton have been conning to pass during recent years, considerable attention has been attractedto this strange creature of fot}r centuries ago. Even those who have in the past scoffed` at the weird predictions .of this' an- cient.. "witch" are now stirred by curi- osity to wonder what will next occur in this connectors.' Mother Shipton, we are told, "was born in Yorkshire, England, in July, 1488 and died about 1559. In books of information she is described as a half mythical English prophetess, baptized Ursula Southiel, who later married Tony Shipton, a Builder. Ac- cording to traditions she was the child of Agatha Shipton and the devil. The following extracts from her amazing ;prophecies were taken from a scrapbook made more than forty years ago and owned by a Rochester woman: A house ,of glass shall come to pass In merry England, but, alas, War will follow with the work . Li the land of the Turk. And state and state in fierce strife Struggle for each other's life. Carriages without horses shall go. And accidents fill ,the world with woe In London Primrose Hill shall be And the centre of. a Bishop's see. Around the world thought shall fly In the. twinkling of an eye. Through the hills men shall ride And neither horse nor ass bestride. Under water men shall walk. Shall ride, shall . sleep, shall talk Iron in the water shall float As easily as a wooden boat Gold shall be found and shown In a land that's now unknown. 'Fire and water shall wonders do And England shall admit a Jew. Three times three; shall lovely France Be led to dance a bloody dance Before her people shall be free ' Three tyrant rulers she shall see. a Each springing from a different dy- nasty. And when the last great fight is won England and France shall be as one. And now a word in uncouth rhyme Of what shall be in latter time. In those wonderful far-off days Women shall get a strange, odd craze o dress like met, and breeches wear And cut off their beautiful locks of hair, And ride astride with brazen brow As witches do on broomsticks new Then love shall die, and marriage ce- ase And babes and suckling so decrease That wives shall fondle cats an dogs And men live much the same as hogs In eighteen hundred and ninety-six Build your houses , of rotten sticks For then shall mighty wars be plann- ed And fire and sword sweep oder the land. And those who live the century through In fear and .trembling this will do, Fly' to the mountains and tothe glens To bogs and forests and wild dens For tempests will rage ,.and oceans will roar And Gabriel stand on sea and shore, And as he toots his wondrous horn, Old worlds shall die and new be born' In the air' men shall be seen. In white, in black, in green Now strange, but yet they shall be true, The world upside down shall be And gold shall be found at the roots of a tree ' 'Through hills men shall ride TENDERS—Will be received by the undersigned tip to Saturday, May. 29th., for one carload of steam coal to be delivered at • the Wingham Public. School. Lowest or any oth- er tender notnecessarily accepted. W. T. Booth, 'Sec"y-Treas. P. S. Board. ?FOR SAI.F. OR RENT—Seven roomed brick house with all con- veniences and garage, corner Cath- erine and Victoria Streets. Apply Samuel Morton, R. R. x, .Belgrave, 624 r 15. OR SALE—Gold coin, seed pota- toes. Joseph Dunbar, 623 r 5. FARM FOR SALE -loo acres on nth con. Turnberry, Lot x4. Good brock house and barn with stone foundation. Apply for further par- ticulars to Colin'Eadie. 2 o'clock p. m. A. Porterfield, LOST—Cap between Teeswater gra- Clerk. vel. and No. 13 School. Finder SEE US FOR YOUR FENCING please leave same at Advance-Tinz- es. requirements, coiled wire, barb wire, woven fence, fence hooks, staples, BOY WANTED—To deliver me posts. ':Quality the best and prices . Apply to Thos. Field. right. Rubber tubes for seed drills only :oc each. Thompson & Bu- FOR SALE Antharcite Coal, C hest- chanan Isrdware nutsize best quality. $145O ton off the car. Book your ord FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from our, bred to lay S. C. W. Leghorn and 0. A, C. Barred Rocks over three FARM FOR SALE -Containing iso R. E. MacKenzie, Belgrave. per ers. quarter of my orders this season acres, sztuated lot 4 and West 5 are from old customers. Orders concession 16, Township of :Flowick for May and June will be 15c each there is a good bank barn, eanifort-. Onr Leghorn pullets hatched in able house with kitchen and wood June last year, fax our own yard, shed, there is 12 acres or more of began laying in December. Mrs. good hard wood bush about eo oc- uC•eo. D. Fortune, at J. W. Fortune's res clear, balance waste and some R R. No. r, Wingham, Ont. W ra swamp, plenty .of water, all seeded' teeter Phone 612 ring 8, but 3o acres for spring crop, a good chance for some one. .Will sell wii-. th or without crop. William Craw- ford, Clifford Ont., It. R. No. T. TO AUTO OWNERS—Why sacci ince your old car by trading it in or drive a shabby looking car? When your car can be painted or :refinish- eal and made to look like new. Send it along to Robertson's Garage, I ghatn, where you can get it tradeto look like new at a reason- able price instead of sacrificing it r fax neiet to nothing. T.; R. Garrett. TWO COTTAGES FOR SALE—At Point Clark, good garage and ice house. Apply to either T. S. Reid or Wei. Murdie, Lucknow.. USE LOWE BROS, "Neptunite Floor Varnish" to save the linoleum, does niot discolor the lightest colored pattern; nor will it chip or roar white' under the severest usage it and d be convinced, its the best Thom son staid' you �rvcr xised, by p & Balch. Ji, I-Iardwar e. fer°ezat all other Ia,catives and reli or Defective Eihninationt Constipation Biliousness e action of .Nature's Reseeely Wit is is more natural and time.bosh, The effects will be a revela- tion—you evels-tYcin= ctu will feel so good. Make the .test. Yon will appreciate this difference. treed Par. Obit rue, ,rears Mead Block Latths Nati aeaa:sauna °' l<IllillMil61i �1 Purebred Hereford oaths Old, George Ken- . No. r, Lucknow, Ont. SALE Nord To Truck, Alli to l31rievele Creamery, ill And horse nor ass be at his side. Explaining the Primrose Hill Inc.i At the time the prophecy was utter- ed, Primrose Hill was two miles from London. Now it is nearly in the hea- rt of London, but a short distance' from Regent's Park. .FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Three sttnnmer cottages at Point Clark for sale et a bargain. Apply to Geo.: I.3 Rae,' Route, 1, Kincardine. The Late Mrs, Tisdale The ,.funeral of Mrs. 'Geo, Tisdale, formerly of Donnybrook district,' West Wawanosh, took place fromthe United Church,' Aylesbury, Sask., on Thursday, May 6th. Mr, and Mrs.: Tisdale went west five years ago to make their home with their daughter Mrs. Stein. Mr. Tisdale died seven months later. Mrs. 'Tisdale left Mrs. Stele's hone in November to spend the winter with her son's at Lover- na Sask. She was only ill a few days 'hen pneumonia developedand she: passed away Wednesday morning, May rile The remains were brought,. to Ayltsbltry and buried. be.si de that of her late husband. Three sons, David, Albert -and Waiter live at Loverua and Dr, Harry at Grand forks N. Da* rota, two daughters, Mrs. Josephine Robertson of .Portland Oregon.and Mrs. A. Stein of Aylesbury, her dau- ghter Maud, .passed away at Donny- brook last December. S PROHIBITION RALLY AT GODERICH Fri. May list AFTERNOON & EVENING SESSIONS Under the .auspices of ,- Huron. County Social Service Council. W. G. Medd, Exeter, President. A. T. Cooper, Clinton, Secretary ea.....onhaahassaneanapsesas,sN�oe 131111S1i11112111BI111111II111I111 111111[1131111111111111 11111111 BABY CHICKS a S. C. White Leghorns 11 Pens with male birds whose pi dams laid226 to 267 eggs in their pullet years, r5c each. Pens with male birds whose = dams laid 200 to 225 in their pullet year 12e eaqh. Barred Rock Chicks 16c each. By test in the Egg contest at Ottawa from year to year there. ® are no better egg producers in I Canada. Drop us a card, saying !®' how many chicks you want. We will write you by return mail when we can'. supply you. We have loon S. C. White Leghorn Hens for sale at $1.0o - each, June delivery. EN WALTER ROSE - BRUSSELS, ONT. BL,UEVALE A large gathering of the Salem La- dies Aid met at the home of Mrs. '12obt. Sharpin an Thursday evening, The following address was read to her and she was presented with a Sherbet .Set, Dear Mrs. Sharpin: We the members of Salem Unit:d Church Ladies Aid take this oppor- tunity of expressing to you our hearty appreciation of your self sacrificing services during the years you were President of our Society. We know that often. you left im- liortant cares and duties at home to attend to the work of the church and the example you have set us will al- ways be an encouragement for us io do our duty faithfully and regulate,. y re..regret that owing to your own sickness and that of your family you have not been able to continue your work as President. It -was thought that now would be a very fitting t: lie '® to mark our appreciation of your A� many services. We therefore ask ® you to kindly accept this Sherbet Set si as a slight token of our love and es- teem. We pray that the blessing of God may continue with you and your dear ones, as you look upon this gift dur- E 'ing the coming years it will remind B you of yocr many friends io Salem. P Signed on behalf of the Ladies' Aid i Mrs. Sharpin made an appropriate reply thanking them for their kind- ness. ind-ness. IVIAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL 11-' {Continued from page one) Frog 2nd: Vice-Pres.—Mrs. Strachan;' Brussels. 1. 3rd. Vice-Pres.—Mrs. Arkell, Tees - Died in Saskatoon Word was received that Mr. John Megan had passed away at his home in Saskatoon, Sask. He is survived by his wife and one son, Wellington of the above city. Deceased was a brother-in-law of Mr. John Erni, East Wawanosh. FOR SALE—I have so bushels of Timothy Seed, which is Govern- ment Inspected, which grades No. 2. My Certificate No. is 45-7603, which is on file :at the Seed Branch Office, Toronto at $5.00 per bushel. John T. Coultes, R. R. No. x, Bel - grave Ont., Phone 2 on 623. WARNING The citizens of Wingham are re quested to have their yards cleaned up before June 1st. All ashes and rubb- ish must be 'taken away. By order of Dr. R. L. Stewart, M. H. O. water. 4th. Vice-Pres.—Mrs, M, McKenzie, Ashfield. Treas.-Miss N. Nicholson, South Kinloss. Corr. -Sec. -Mrs. Carr, Wiughanm Rec.-Sec.—Miss Mather, Kincardine Supply Sec.—Mrs. Geo, Douglas, Lucknow. M. D. -Sec. -Mrs. Linklater, Tees- v>ater. Glad Tidings Sec.—Mrs, Porter- field, Belgrave. Press, Sec.—Mrs. McWhinney, Dun- gannon. • Horne Helpers Sec.—Iylrs..Simpson, Molesworth. - _ Wel. and Wel. Sec. -Mrs. H. Mc- Gee, Wingham. Y. • W. Aux. Sec.—Miss Carrick, Lucknow. Lib. and Lit Sec.—Mrs. J. j. Elliott• Wingham. The resolution committee brought in five splendid resolutions which fihursday, May Goth., rez6 I mmmummimm .■mmummu mmummmmmmmm [Fleet • •a • E! IIIIu IiIII U�II��®OIMUl -Foot; The Ideal Sport and Summer Shoes for Boys and Girls Throughout Canada Fleet Foot is known as the best Rubber e favorite Sports and Sum.merSoled Canvass Shoe made, and th Shoe for Boys and Girls This great popularity is due to the long wear and comfort, and the neatness of Fleet -Foot Shoes, We carry a complete stock of these Famous Sport Shoes BOYS, GIRLS, MEN AND WOMEN Prices from $1.00 to 3.00 J. GREEK — Telephone 23 — ■ ■ THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. W` NMNM NE 'OXON::,;1WENsl a y:®®,,,.•XNE At were adopted. Evening session opened 7 p. m., Rev. F, G. Fowler, presiding.. Ad- dresses were given by Rev. Dr. For- bes, Teeswater, formerly of the Pea- ce River district, who gave a vivid description. of his work there. Rev. D. Armstrong, Durham, formerly ?of S. China spoke feelingly of his (missionary work in the east. The choir rendered special music. A hearty vote of thanks was passed' by Presbyterialto be conveyed to the Editors of the varibus county newspa- pers, who have so kindly published our notices and reports. els t our m 8 omitrtably rominrotegmeembeewbodaseasteamxtrammosovNaa m,.neara..omoez.bAsmwamuo�m.oq� R66'' .n91,o WINGHAM Deeds INDUSTRIES S . OWING TO TIDE IMMEDIATE NEED of larger factory only. It has. been established for two and one half years in Tor- onto oronto and has a steadily increasing -market for its products which have found favor in the eyes of the trade and public. OWING TO THE :IIVIMERIATE NEED of larger factory premises and more "efficient operating facilities, the new rubber I company is locating in Wingham where it has been promised the moral and financial support of leading citizens. AN EXHIBIT OF GOODS now manufactured and sold by this coinpany is on display at W. J. R S SHOE STORE 'Produced In Canada" ,FEDEISAL RU } I BER Mfg. Company, Limited WII;NGl `1:.M and TOR;Ii.NTO 1 mo>41801.6mm.na11n4146m11411:10,.. e.». om>n®ura.irxa.omv.•..na.a+1..ti Oh oy, what a Sok/ LVEr,RUB-SOLES:R THE SOLE THAT OUTWEARS THE, SHOE "THEY STICic ow L— COMFORTABLE WATERPROOF ECONOMICAL A EC Made hi Sint Sizes to Fit All Shoes RR E Coupon Peeked With Each Pair -- FREE ASK YOUR DEALER i'radtaaed in Cnntlda RU'JB ER IYIANFO. CO., :LI ED HAM And TORONTO • Your furnace must be suited to the house you live in. Our heating en- gineers will tell you, without' obliga- tion, whether .a Banner Pipe ' or a Banner Pipeless would be most suit- able for your home. All Banner Fur- naces give more heat from less fuel, are strongly constructed from the fin est materials and are easy to operate. Ask env' dealer about the Banner" or write us direct) for Booklets describing Banner Furnaces. The Galt Stove & Furnace Co., Ltd. Galt, Ont. W. J. BOYCE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Lyceum 21,.1?II 111 heatre• ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ "The Pony Express" ■ ■ ■ 114 ■ . ■, ■ ■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 20, 21, 22 Ricardo Cortez, Betty Compson and Wallace Beer IN --- "The — "The A Paramount Picture, directed by. James Craze producer of Covered Wagon." ALSO A FELIX COMEDY Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 24, 25,26 '..s SPECIAL •.. THE SCREEN VERSION OF GENE STRATTON -PORTER'S GREATEST NOVEL i kr e Keeper of th Comedy, "DINKY DOODLE AND THE -BA: Admission 35 cents and eo cents. MAN" Thursday, Friday 'Saturday, May 27, 28, JACK — IN H;eOr ZAN +' GREY l■ ■: i»000I1i1116111111111111111I���1���fI�Ii� ■ • at *giI �4..,..NI,1;.ui.l i.•.Il,l., i;,Wvii 11 L.A.au6�:u�.n...� 4144