The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-20, Page 3Thursday,May. 2901.; X926 WROXETER NEWS ed his, parents,.ftobert.and Mrs. Me at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Elizabeth Sanderson; of King -,1, ation of Mrs. D,avey's mother. She stonUnive.rsity.is home at present left Scotland onY5th. 1 Jul 4s2 t t Miss Lotliion of Alloca, Scotland, the winter, in parts of the United d Sta- who :haa• been ,touring the North tes and Mexico and has just returned American Continent for the past ten from the Canadian North Wese and months is at ;present ,spending, a week` will spent some, time, in Ontario acid -Quebec. She leaves Canada for home :on July 1st., when .she will, have spent 11112111 X12®®®®®lIEr 'lINDIENEEM®! exactly one year travelling, She :has ® many interesting incidents . to relate. ����� STORE d is a most entertaining person • ® ®., Arnold Edgar is installing another Ng gas pump to. handle super:test ,gaso- ■ As a announced last week wehave porch inline. Mr. John Davidson and Miss May �, P . Davidson are: visiting in Stratford. Robt, Winger of the North lianeaii- can Life Insurance Co.,' Goderich was in town. a few days last week. Ives. McLaughlin of Oshawa, 'visit- ®®�®11®®®®1�N® ' EWA an e.1, ase Geo. s N Shortly after noon. .Saturday the Ni,�le�i$e S stock of longing of the firebell caused quite a ® en s Furnishings o a stir. \It was discovered that Jim Mof- fate s BlacksmithBs sh ■! op was or} flu:e, A N M N s ail{tY�':, ate ' Pd .ablaze in the roof, when• ® • Elvia Stock- noticed it .from their And have " moved' it to our store aiorig with our, stock of ▪ Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes. We have odd sizes in dif- ® ferent line's which we are"selling at greatl reduced ries. Below In3' P s m . we quote a few lines to show how we have cut the price. 42 Men's Work Shirts in siles 14.. to .r „...„. i Men's Hats, only a: few left at _.. .._.....T �...__._ __ $x:89 w • Summer Hone for Men, from .__ )....„25c to $zoo Armbands, regular 250 for .„...__... _-_ _.._.i c N Neckties from ...................___________—_____.:_—___.......25c up to $x.50 N Caps, from _ ...... -,_..,.....__,,.-„„__,___......::....._.__,.._.-_ 98c up to $2.39 ® Collars at 5 for „..„._....;::-: _-......-..-_:._...._.'._-_.._.,...-. _._...._._ Too IN If you are in need of any of these lines. 1onit dela as. the • y Y. are' going fast. II We will continue, the'a ency for PeabodyOveralls and Eiaugh & Co Triple Stitched Overall, a gaurantee ith every gar - meat. Tooke's Shirts: and- Collars Y . , Penman's Underwear, and, all the other good lines Mr.;Lack'ie used to handle. -- Terms --Strictly Cash or Produce Taken D4VEVS STORE - W NI place and gave the alarm. Fortunate- ly the 'council had placed •a fire ladder at the shop'"for just Bruch occasions. it Neighbors soon had it placed, r a • bnoket brigade started; from the pump and they :soon had it out before me- ▪ ch damage was done. Lucky the fire IN did not getany headway as a number hi0l of frame buildings at the rear of the shop would have caused quite'a con ▪ flagaration had they -caught fire, . Mr, ▪ Moffatt appreciates the assistance the N people gave. ▪ On Monday Jack Doig handed oy- es yes er the mail route to John. Huplrer, • who also purchased Mr. Doig's farm, NIMr. Doig has carried the mail on this - route almost continously, since it was FORMER `GORRIE COUPLE C`EJ LEORATE ANNIVERSARY Ce 'bra 'n l tr t z g he 25th aniiiversar�' of theire wedding, d n Ivlr:. n” a d Mrs. "ilk' , W lAa g rrl 'Graham, Stratford, on Saturday evening were host and hostess to some 5o friends and'acquaintances, who gathered at their home to show- er upon them their best wishes on the happy occasion. The evening was, indeed, an enjoyable . one, and Mr, and Mrs. Graham received the heartiest congratulations of all pre- sent on having attained 25 years of martial. hap iness, The rece ti tion o was held at 8 o'clock, cock the; many guests :being received by Mrs. Graham, 1 an , who was -attired in.a lovely gown of sand canton :crepe, Very pretty decorations of sweet peas daffodils and ferns formed an attrac- tive and delightful background for the evening's activities. Games and social intercourse were enjoyed dur- ing the early part of the evening and splendid music was"fu rished through- out by two sons of Mr, and Mrs. graham, Orval and Laurence. Following` lunch, served at an ap- propriate hour' by several:of'those present, B. C. Atkins expressed the sincere, congratulations of the gather- ing to Mr, and Mrs. Graham on being able to celebrate such a happy event as a silver wedding anniversary, coupled with the hope that they would: live -to celebrate'many more I anniversaries. They' were presented I with a large number of beautiful nil- GORRIE NEWS Mrs. ,R. S, •Jones and Mrs. J. San- derson are in ;Brantford this weekat-� n WIdITHE'R? CHRIST OR CHAOS? If men in all :English `Centres to 'tending the W. A. Convention. , day are to taste Coin l use of .:fears, lu r. and Mrs., Lambert Stinson .of they :should all Anticipate : the over- '.L'oronto, spent the week -end with the throw of free institutions titutio�zis and a des„ former's mother, Mrs, :Win. Stinson, cent into, the `Chaos- of the lie Dark Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher'- of. Ages! Wingham, spent Sunday. with friends ( Our fathers built' certain banners in town: against revolutions but these banners Mrs, Robt. Ferguson who has" spent .called traditions, noble 0ustorns and the 'past two weeks in Owen Sound ancient laws, have crumbled after the has returned' bowie; fashion of the dykes in Holland', that Miss Margaret Ashton' of Seaforth, were swept away before the storms visited over the week -end with her of the North West Sea; parents in town, ' Fortunately the :black flood of Biol.:. The W. A. of St Stephen's Church shevism has spread out so widely that will hold their regular meeting at the it' is, becoming shallow and thin. home of Mrs, T. J. Short on' Friday I The crimes of Trotzky have stunn- of this week, ed the world and have caused the dis-� Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Underwood, of contented, classes in Great Britain to Bluevale, spent Sunday",in 'town. pause lest. they also go over the pre We are sorry to report that Mrs ci i into the chi P P os of .Russia. If Reg, Newton is at present, very ill, our generation is ' to escape Social cial we hope to soon hear of her recovery. revolution it must accept Christ's id- Mrs. Robt. Musgrove. of Toronto, ea o property. - Jesus always , spoke, visited at Mr. J. Huestori's last .week. of the world as' if it were God's Mr: and Mrs. John Drury. and dee- School House and College for the g ghter, Florence of Arthur; • were in building of manhood. For Him pro - town Phy- Mr. Haroldra noc is' visiting Our world; is the best possible world, e ce 1 li 0. d own on Sunday. perty was a form. of pholoso M B d k his' parents, Mr, and Mrs. • T. Brad -.else God would have made a differ- -nock. ent one for man working and church Mr, and Mrs. Donald Strathen of building: Elmira, were visitors at the home of ` In this large laboratory occupa- Mrs. John,•,Dane last- Sunday, I ions and professions thethe teachers, A membership tea:will be held at and the daily task is the. desk at whi- the• home of Mrs. S.' G. Laine, Thurs- ch the Scholar works and good ha - 'day of this week, under the auspices bits 'andcharacter ' are the diplomas les Aid. receivedat the end of life's day. ave en ' 1 of the Lad A d h My: ®. .• 1du i r n that tune g H the Paul Doig farm G&LIPE -1704141 Petroleum Cor ration Limited % .Pre err' Shares Security: Operation: Earnin 3. Yield Bonus: Surplus assets over liabilities-- $519,000.0.0 Management proven and effici- ent. A, established ' ` hushed business, with strong earning power. Seven per cent. cumulative divi- dend on• your money. A 50% bonus of common stock ensuring participation in the growth of the business. WRITE,FOR PARTICULARS HO S E , rr'`� D . & CO. LIMITED INVESTMENT BANKERS B.oyal Bank Building - Toronto, Ont. r and MURK T- COMPANY Metropolitan Buildiung. Toronto, Out. COUPON SEND TO EITHER FIRM MENTIONED ABOVE) Please. send mefull "particulars of ,Supertest Petroleum Corporation investment opportunity Name Address re satisfaction Mer bei n soft' e Wroxe r What f to Unite we call er Liass purchasedliver articles of value and in"replying I d getting a living is in - Mr. Graham thanked all present for Church League will provide the pro- cidental to the larger thing of level: and will move ,i ;e;„ i,;„a L._ , gram for the Gorrie Society(this Fri-oping the soul and finding- '- , g ones self.: At presentation was held for :them Monday night by the neighbors. WHY I CAME OVER THE FENCE (For the Advance Times) The pasture was bare in the field I was in, — - And I' felt myself getting most aw- fully thin, I nibbled nibbled ed all over the plot But the longer I nibbled the thinner I got I'When looking around with a hunger intense 1 I spied some ; green pasture just over the fence. The more ” I looked over my hunger increased, For here was a famine and there.. was afeast, !With things getting drier and no signs of rain, Looked as if there might never be any again, 'And with nothing to hinder I saw at a glance, So it didn't take long to get over the fence. ;Here.I found an abundance on every hand, The inhabitants fed on the fat of the land, With a fresh flowing stream thru the midst of the field Where all who:. will drink of its wa- 1 ters are healed. Its wealth is not counted in dollars and cents Iii this rich plot of plenty just over the fence. l The climate is equal to every claim, All those who have tried it will' tell you the same,"' Why should I remain in a field that'. bare, is When over:the fence.therc's enough', and to spare, Take a timely tip' and with others commence To pack up your things andcome over the fence. T. A. Calhoun, London, It's safe to buy your tires wherever you see this sign, for the efficient Dunlop Of- ficial Dealer stakes his reputation on and invests his money in them, DUNLOP OPPICIAL SERVICIJ POP, A, 'M; CRAWFORD, WINGHAIVI, Among those present from out of day) night at 8 p. in. After the pro- I Property therefore said Brownell, town were Mrs. A. Barr and Miss. Ai. --grain a social hour will be spent and s a form of Commission with God • nie Barr, Blyth; Mrs, W. Spence and lunch: served; %through material things. Miss Annie Spence, Listowel,, and W J. Coyle, Moncton, N. B. . Mr. and Mrs. Graham were married 25 years ago in Westfield, Ontario, /by th lateR' John I .'Toronto, visited in Gorrie last Sun- knowledge can the philantrophist feed vI day rite poor, 'the manufacturer clothe Mrs. Robt. Musgrove of Toronto is 'them, or the teacher inspire the pu- isiting with Miss V. Hueston in Gor- Pil. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Stinson of I Only by getting bread, raiment and y e ev. •o rn 'Kennedy of the Methodist Church. Since that time rte. ' In our'large factories where the in - they have resided in Stratford, where Rev. F, W. Craik and Mr. R. H:wentor organizes the plant and skilled they enjoy the respect and friendship Stephens will attend the London Con- experts work as foremen and hun- of a wide circle of friends. They were the recipients of many congrat- ulatory messages from many outside points, including Toronto, Wingham, and Young's Point, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of valuable farm property in;the 'Township nsl.' ` w r of Turnberry ' P ...bei in the County y .of Huron. , The undersigned will offer fol' sale by Public Auction by Thomas Beert= et t Auctioneer, r ' e on , Friday, the 2 h , 8t Y, day of May, A. D., 1926, at 2 o'clock p. m. at the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, the following valuable proper- ty, viz: Lo't number 15 in the 6th Concession of the said Township con- taining 100 acres f land more or less. This farm is situate 2; miles from the Town of Wingham on -a good. gravel road. About 35 acres are cleared and fit for cultivation and there is about 20 acres of'bush.' There are good' drainage -facilities," (a muni- cipal drain running through the pro= perty which, as been fully paid , for) And it is an eicellent grass farm. There are on the premises 'a good 'brick cottage with five rooms, a; good 'barn with stone stabling and a good' 'well. 'The property is' at present all 'used as pasture :lands. TERMS OF SALE -Ten per cent, on the day of sale and the balance in zo days thereafter. The property will 'be offered subject to. a. reserve price. Further particulars and conditions Of sale will be made known at the time of sale or niay be had on appli Catioi to the undersigned or to Miss Priscilla Powell at Wingham, DATED this 17th day of May, A,. I). 1926, The Trusts & 'Guarantee Co. Ltd, Toronto, Ont:, .Vendor. R. Vanstone, Wingham; Ont Vendor's Solicitor. • EAST .W.AWANOe"H The S, S, of Currie's School open- ed for the simmer months on May 9th., with an attendance of forty. :Wee Kathleen Kerr is hone on holidays from Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Miss Adeline Drehinau of Gorrie, . spent the week -end with her aunt, Mrs, Wellings, Mr. Walter Pocock, has purchased a new car., Mr. and Mrs,, Herb Shie11; spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Anderson. Mrs. Alex Mowbray and little• son, Jack, spent a :Pew days with her sister, Mrs, Toni Taylor. Mr. George 'T. Currie, has purchas- ed Walter Pocock's farm,`" Mr, and Mrs, John T. Currie,\ have been in Detroit attending the gradua- rtion of their daughter, May, from (Harper Hospital. ference session to be held in Central dreds of risen and women unite Unitedf . Church, Stratford, commeua- their labours to complete the tools. ing Wednesday, May 26th. 'We find full industrial democracy. Services as follows will be held in' Working together in unity this the United Church next Sabbath, May ,human swarm accumulate much hon - 23rd. ley. Every right industry therefore, 11a. m.—"The Testing of Our is a kind of College. Each sound Creed." (business is a Winning College. 7 p. m.—Special . patriotic service' Better a thousand tithes to . give for "Victoria Day, Subject "Queen 'work that trains youth in sight habits Victoria the Good.” Good music. and makes them self supporting than Bright and interesting services. Sun -Ito paniperize then? by a million Fold :clay School ro a, m We had a record charities But property not - 1)oSs attendance fast Sunday, (essed un(.il it is perfectly used Mrs.. (Rev.) S. R. Johnston and sot%,t If Society is to be held back from Lawrence, sailed from Montreal for 1 Social revolution it must return to Liverpool last Friday on the steam- I Christ's idea of property and His ship, Montclare On the eve of their philosophy of love,'brother`hood, pea departure the members of Grove Ice and good will. Church visited the Siloam Parsonage But it will triumph. Evil has again and presented Mrs. Johnston with a land again held the people back from solid leather wilting case. They ex -(the precipice and the abyss of revolu- pect to return in September. -tions. The high water mark of Soc- • The members of the United Sunday tial revolution in Great Britian has School are arranging a special pro_ 'been mocked. gram of music for the anniversary to ( OPtimisni has become an obligation be held June loth.' Rev. C. N. Mc- and a solemn .duty. Now the first Ienzie of Belmore, will preach at bo th services. The Ladies Aid have secured' the Sunbeam Trio, three graduates of the Ontario School for the blind to give 'a prograni on the evening of June srd It will be a fine concert. The regular meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the church recently. Mrs. Robt. Ashton gave a good report of the Convention which was held in Ontario St. Church, Clinton: Mrs, Robt. Ashton is now president' of the W. M. S. Mrs. A, E. Toner and Mrs. W. G. Strong, Vice -Presidents. , a s. Mrs. P. Dobson and son, Harold, - question is will the people chastened land informed, will a regenerated (heart and a higher resolve turn their ace towards the new day, towards 1 he law of love that men may leave he desert and devastated behind and find the peaceful paths that lead :to a United and Prosperous Golden age. Rev. Dr. Armstrong, Wroxeter,. BELGRAVE On Wednesday morning, May 5th., /there entered int9 rest, Sarah Orr, 'widow of the late John Scandrett at the home of her daughter, MXrs, Will- iam Cole, Belgrave. Mrs. Scandrett who have been guests vdeh Dr. and ilial boort iii pool, .health for some Mrs. L. N. Whitley for some months,' months and about two week before expect to leave Gorrie this week for her death she had a paralytic stroke. their •home in Winnipeg, I The late r.s; Scandrett was born at We are pleased to report Mr. Wrn, St. Johns in London Township on Williams much improved in health. July 3rd., 1856. In '1874 she married 'His • many friends will be glad to see Mr. John Scandrett and the union Jilin around again. was blessed with three children, Per-: cy who died at his farm near Belgrave three years ago, Mrs. Wm. Cole of Belt*rave and Fred. in Toronto, Mrs. Scandrett moved to Belgrave 45 years ago and for manly years she and. her late husband conducted the Hotel here, Many can witness to her kind hospitality, °'' She member was. a valued ember of Trini- ty Church, Belgrave, and always tool' h very keen interest in the .welfare of her ` beloved church. The funeral which was held on "Friday, May 7th, was , largely attended by devoted friends: The many and beautiful flor- al tributes showed the esteetn tat •tvhieh the deceased was held. The. late Mrs. Scandrett was a sis- ter of Mrs, ?inland of the Brunswick Hotel, she also leaves ,.otie brother, Mr, John Orr of London. The fun- eral service was' taken by Rev. W. 13. 'Hawkins, assisted by the (rev. Mr, 'Scob .ie of Belgrave `United Church-, CHESLEY, JUNE 3rd Bruce County' .Soldiers' Re-Uxion 8th Annual Celebration will be held in Chcsley, June 3rd. A big day of Sports, including Horse Races, Base- ball match between Walkerton and IChesley; Ladies' Softball Tour_n-t ineiit, Milway attractions, Marathon 'Relay. Race for Bank of Commerce Trophy open to High Schools in the County and Vicinity,. Grand Display of Fireworks in the evening under the supervision of Hand & Co,,. ex- perts, Hamilton, Ont. Bruce Regi- mental eg i -mental Band and Grey Regiment Hi- ghland Life (land, will furnish music during the entire day. , Something do- ing all the time from 10 a, nt. to 10 li. tn. No admission charge to re- turned soldiers wearing a service but- ton. Come and spend a day in 'Clres- ley, See large window cards BLUEVALE The annual meeting of the BIttevale Women's, Institute met at 'the home of Mrs. Geo. Thornton : on, Thursday,. last. Mrs. ;R, T. Garniss gave the re- ports of the past year, which . were quite encouraging, The election of officers for the incomingyear was as follows; --Pres„ Mrs. Jos. Breckenrid- ge; Vice -fres„ Mrs. Robt. ,Aitcheson; Secy,-Treas., Miss Beatrice Thornton; District i lirector, Mrs. R. F. Garniss; Press Secy., IVIrs. Ed. Johnston; 'Pian- ist, Miss Cora Jewitt; Assistant, Miss Margaret Garniss; Directors, Mrs. R. Shaw,' Mrs. Clias. Elliott and 1VIis. P. D. King; Program. Committee,' Mrs. C. Garniss, a as ` Mrs, Aitken and Mrs: -Lor- ne Turvey; Auditors, Mrs, Aitken and. Mrs. Johnston, after which Mrs. Thornton served 'a -dainty lunch. The W. M. S. of the United Chur- ch will hold their regular monthly meeting in the church parlor on Tues- day, May, 18th., at 2 p. m. Mrs. J. Breckenridge, Mrs. Vanstone and: Mrs. Ruttan will entertain the ladies: FORDWIcH" Rev, J. Small of Harriston, occnspied' the pulpit in the United Church, Sun- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wildfang and fa- mily of Moorefield, spent Sunday at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs M. r Pries. Mrs. F. Rogers and baby of Han- over, visited last week with. friends inr town. Mr. and Mrs. L. Matthews and son '. Lawrence, were week -end visitors with friends in Harriston. Miss Lettita Matthews was home from Wingham over the week -end. Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mrs, Jno. Tilker were: Miss Annie Tilker and Mr. Les Merriam of Han- riston, -kir, and Mrs. Eldine Tilker and baby of Teeswater, also Mr.._ Alex- Tilker of Listowel. Mr, Sangster and son, Kenneth, spent Saturday afternoon in Harris- ton. Miss B. Wade, teacher at -Belgrave, tthe spent p week -enol at her home here. Mrs. N. Spratt and . children and, Miss Lottie Rogers of Toronto, are visiting their parents, Mr. and. Mt,. Wing Rogers. Mr. Wm. Rogers of Listowel was a. week -end visitor at his home here: Miss Pearl Eckel of Hanover, was a,, week -end visitor with friends in town. Mr.;and Mrs. Ford Sothern, spent Sunday with 'friends in Gowanstown,. NOTICE OF COURT OE' ..REVISION A Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Village of Wroxeter will be held fh the Council Chamber on Friday, May 21st., 1926 at 7.5o to hear and determine any complaints or ornmission of the said Assessment Roll. Those interested must ant ac- cordingly. Dated this xothday of May, 1926. Fred Davey. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the l'i'cense be taken out three days before the cere- mony. Subscription takenfor the ' Advance -Times. Clubbing ratesg iven „NORMAN WADE Gorrie, Ontario Agent for Hartford, Wind Insurance• Also Walkerton Fire Insurance', Co. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance DR. H. ,A„. MUTTON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gorrie the rest of the week. GEO. FOWLER y L.D.S., D,D,S. Teeswater, Ontario Will be at the Goftoir House, Wro• xeter xst and 3rd Wednesday of each month, Will be at Gorrie the follow- ing Thursday, Cr. S. DAWSON • GQRIIE Director of ]Funeral Services Motor Hoarse or Carriage, which, ever is required, Phone i6 I:AitRY AWNS Pordw•ich, Ontario Licensed Ant tieneer for the Cote' i Of Huron and Wellington. Phune,xn Or Pattersotu's Hardware Store