HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-20, Page 2TOE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES A, G. Smith, Publisher.. Published at WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning Subscription rates—One year $2.00. Six months $r.00, in advance; Advertising Rates and Application, Advertisements without specific di- rections will be inserted until forbid and charged accordingly. ':L.`S**$I$ n,a uumwulsommep lu,lll 11 IO111****** llll 1926 MAY. 1926 Mo We, Th 2 16 34 1011 1718 5 7 8 1213 14 5 19 20 21 22 2330 31 25 27 28 29 NEWPAPER FINANCES AN ANSWER FROM CAL. :To the letter re Calfornia's Climate San Diego, Cal., May 7th., 1924 To the Editor of the Winglam Advance -Tunes, Dear Sir; 1 beg space in your valuable paper to reply to a letter written by H. R. Holmes, published in your issue of Thursday, April 22nd,, in - which lie. sends you some of his trezichent com- ments on Florida and that much over- ated and glaringly advertised portion of Southern California. A5 far as Florida is concerned 1 can, sity noth- ing for or against, only what I' have, heard parties say, who have come from there and are now residents of California that they much prefer the latter place, but I have been a resi- dent of Southern California for eigh- teen years and..1 think I am in a po- sition to *peak authoratively on con- ditions as on-ditions`.as I .see and find them here, and instead of being overated, I can say in the words of the Queen if.She ba when she saw with her own eyes the glories of . Solomon's temple and heard with her own ears his Wisdom; The half has never been • told. He. says Climate, Fruit and Scenery are the three principle and in fact only at- tractions they have to offer (very good attractions). The fact that flowers grow in profusion, the year round, out of doors; unharmed,by sud- den changes of temperature, will go far to indicate the nature of the cli- mate and. the World's fair that was held in:.the city of San, Diego; fortwo whole years 19x5-16, where out of door concerts were held, twice daily during the entire two years, a thing that has never been attempted by any other place in the world, surely speak well for our climate: I will here give' 'you some facts compiled by the Unit- ed States Weather Bureau, . viz: the climate is the most equable in the United States. The sun shines near- ly all the time, the temperatures whi- a may be expected any time of year are as follows; Name of week There are many citizens who ex- -pect to pay their grocer and butcher every month, but they, think that a newspaper subscription? bill can be paid any old time. Some will let it run for years, if the publisher does not cut it off: And if it is cut off, they get huffy, and declare they will never takethe paper again. They feel indignant because doubt has been thrown upon their credit.. They should reflect that the publisher gets no good out of'tlTeir credit. What be needs to pay his help and settle. his paper bills; is cash,: and nothing will take the place of the .same. This irregularity of income is the curse of many newspapers that would be in a'thriviug position if they could depend.on the same payments that the stores can look to. It takes a lot of time and effort to. collect all these accounts. It usually ,costs more than the bill is worth, 'to. ,collect overdue subscriptions'. If thse :accounts were promptly paid the lnewspaper people could use the more regular'income in creating new feat =tires for their paper, addingfor the usefulness and interest of the paper, and making it constantly a greater credit to the town of which it is the .exponent. The individual citizen often says he ..would like to do something for his home town, but he has no particular gift for any form of . public work, so does not kriow where' to begin. Here is one way 'in which he can begin now. Let him look on his copy of The Advance -Times and see if his subscription is overdue. If it is, let him wall: up to this office and .settle;. -and take pride in doing so, realizing that when he performs that simple act of justice and good business, he. is helping an agency, that works every day for his home town, to avoid need- less burdens and expense. Invictus "Earl" Model A shoe that's chummy to your feet the moment you put it on, and one which .you can buy at 'a price ,that doesn't hurt. thoroughbred A � shoe-- a shoe with atit i11, its perS011 � appearance and Ply its in constitution—that's itS T T coctr Snoi *43 LUSIVE i VI t. S AGENT Temperature .Max. Min. New Years Day, Jan. 1-7. 63, 46. Washington's Birthday Feb 19-25 • 63 48 Decoration Day May 28 June'3 67 57 Indep. Day, 'July e-8.. _7, 61 Labor Day,' Sept. 4-10 73 62 Thanksgiving Day Days; , Nov 25-26 66 50 Christmas, Dec. 26-31 ` 63. 47 You will readily 'see from these 3i- gnres there is very little change of temperature from mid -summer to mid -winter. The days are warm ; the nights are cool the year round, we have no rain from April until Novem- ber or December and instead of the chilly winds and raw rains that 1Vir. Holmes speaks of during these men- the, we have balmy spring weather much resembling the months of May and June in Ontario, that is when we have our best gardens, though we ha- ve abundance of water during the dry season for irrigation and every other purpose. Mr. 'Holmes says, no one who could avoid it would want a year's residence here, well let me tell' you, my family says it would 'take an array of artillery to drive them out of here, life is worth living in this bea- utiful land and we came from the Nor- thern Zone, Ontario, Canada, and we find that the climate suits us very well. Mr. Holmes to the contrary. Now 1 will quote from Professor Hocigeson's comments contrasting Florida with California oranges. He. acted as Judge at Tampa's .recent agri- cultural show. He says with respect to the eating quality and appearance t f the citrus 'fruits produced by these two States, there is a decided differ- ence. Florida oranges and grape fruit are of'a paler color than the California fruits and much .less free from scale insects and blemishes eau - sed either by insect injury or disease, the flavor differs also they are more sweet than sprightly even to the point of tasting slightly insipicc to one ac- customed to the California fruit, the rind of the Florida fruit cannot be re- moved without the aid of a knife and the sigments' cannot be separated without the danger of spurting the juice all over the cater. So inuch for the climate and the fruit, now for the scenery. California has some of the most beautiful parks that are to be found in the world, as have been tes- tifiedt to by tourists who have visited all parts of the earth and the natural scenery cannot be surpassed any- where, paved roads all over the Static from Mexico to llritish Columbia, ov- er which you can ride and view the beatu:ies of nature the year round. a �Ir, 7lolil-ics says this is� good State to l.ecp away from '(but our pdpnia- tion' 'is increasing by leaps and bounds) that we are infested at all :seasons of t c year with the worst forms of insect pests, he mentions the i'.rexas Gallownippc r:.and the deadly 'Tarantula, the white ant and jumping ea stid blood thirsty mosquito, Well i 1 11 WINCHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, May 20th.,, xpe6 01101101010101010011.0010001.0.001110.11111.11 s 24th Y 24th MAY Are You Going Away For the holiday iso 9mes00amw'_ No' matter if you are Intending spending the holiday away from home, or spending if in your home town at the °°° Home Town Celebration, you will vivant nice clothes, and you will want your home to look attractive to the visitorswho may call. . We Are Prepaired to Fill Your Requirements For Such Below we offer suggestions to help tit you out for the occasion. SHOP EARLY xess Goods 10 patterns in beautiful (all wool) Crepes, Fancy Strip: effects, and colored, checks,, very is 9 special to clear,,per,:yard .�__:_. - ° :� All our 32 inch Flannels, in. Plain Strips, Checks etc. per y on saleand at :....._ �� �. so Patterns and colors in Silk and Wool Flannels in smart colorings for Spring` wear, regu- 59c lar $1,25, Glow per yard at Special Clearance of - Plain Radixes, Fancy Rat - ;nes, Plain Dress Crepes, etc., regular up ea to $1.5o .yd:,' to clear 25 attractive Patterns in Fancy Voiles 49c Special- Sale. Price Hosiery, Gloves, Silly Underwear Children's (Silkette) Hose, in colors, White, Sand and Black, sizes k to 91, regular 5oc and 39 e hoc, Very Special per pair ...-..._._._.._.____,..__ KIDDIE SOX YOU WILL' WANT THESE FOR THE HOLI- DAY, WE HAVE THE STOCK. 125 Dozen .in all the newest shades, all sizes 4 to xo, and all specially priced at 19c, 29c, 39c, 49c per pair EXTRA SPECIAL Clearance of all odd lines of Pure Silk Hose, col-. ors, White, Amber, Auburn, Mint; Logeabtn, Tans Purple, Black, Bicycle, regular up to zoo 1 19 pair, while they last Clearance Price _.._... ° SILK GLOVE CLEARANCE Any pair of Fancy Cuff Silk Gloves in the store. Put on a Clearance Table, per pair cp Q „ Long Silk Gloves in Grey, White Black 1 19 or Suede, to clear per pair at ° Ladies' Silk Vests, specially priced at _:.::.._ ... .......; 79c, 95c, ^$1.55 each A Favorite Place to Shop Make this store' Your HEADQUARTERS BEFORE THE HOLIDAY AND SAVE Ready:to.Wear Clearance of -- SPRING COATS 7 ONLY of our best coats in beautiful cloths, most of them • with fur trimming and most up to date in styles and workmanship. Regular up to $57.00 to clear 32095 at .w 7 ONLY good attractive Coats, this ;season's styles, all were good values up to $37.50, clearing price 2609 now..�.__.� _._. __..._.. ego a� ONLY Tweed and Velour Coats, these are splendid 1 O C9oats, were up to $24.50 value, now your 17095 choice for st ONLY Tweed Coats, in the season's smart. Tailored ef- fects, up to $16.50 value, get one at this s71®(Aa5 Imo clearing price .-....__ _...___ . 12a 99 • 4 ONLY Junior Misses Coats, Velour priced 10.95 up to $14.5o now to clear ./' Children's Coats Proportionally Reduced SUITS AND DRESSES , ONLY Ladies Suits in the snappy. Tweeds, that are so "4-'' . new this season, also in Serges, Charmeen etc, most,' of them at half price, and all greatly reduced, 1,7• 9 7®9 5 clearing price. `� RACK of Ladies Cloth Dresses in Flannels, Charnieen, etc., upto the minute in style, good for this 95 tirne of year, very Special each 50 MILLINE Y 1 TABLE of Ladies Trimmed Hats, were up to $4.95, value to clear at each . 1 TABLE of Trimmed Hats were excellent value at $5.96 and $6.95, specially priced to clear.. ... 1 TABLE of our. Better Hats; value up -to $7.95 all one price to clear Also a new range of Beautiful Hats, ju;stt arrived, special- ly priced. 2.98 3°98 4.918 Corsets, Corselettes, Brassieres r; Our stock is most up to date, and for better accommoda- tion we have placed them up -stairs in the ready-to-wear. See us for your requirements. • 0°0 ONEY Men's Wear BUY UNDERWEAR NOW.. Athletic Combinations, all sizes Balbriggan Combinations, all sizes M.._._.... .... .... _.-.... 8c Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, all pizes .....::..- Boys' Balbriggan Combinations, all sizes ......-69c • Men's Broadcloth :Shirts iT1 a variety of newest patterns Men's printed and corded stripe Shirts odd lines to clear at These. are extra special 1.59 1019` Sport Belts for the sport ...._.......__.. _ $1.00 Leather Belts, new colors Rubber Belts, all colors ....... _ ..-. Coatless Braces in 2 point and 4 point. Fresh Stock. Silk and Wool Checked Socks, pair Men's Lisle Socks, all colors,very spec 1 n® sal, 3 pair for ._. ., M.en' Fancy Handkerchiefs, in silk specially priced at ::..:._...... -..::_ 45c and soc each oine n F rni hi gs Panel , Curtains, 'Silk Panels, to clear ._.._..: _ Spotted Marquisette, colored _..._ _.._..$1.25 each .. --••$4.95 each 4oc yd. Curtain. Scrim, Muslin, Nets, Madras Mar- c • quisette etc., from .._..� �........... Our stock of Cretonnes; Chintz, Art. Sateen, etc., in most up-to=datequality, patterns • and pri- ces. Sege us for them., The price we offer you. in Linoleum's) Floor Oil 'Cloth, Congoleums etc„ is extremely low, see our range and get prices before you buy. Have you seen our display of\ Rugs? The newest in patterns always in stock. Barry/nore' qualities, all guaranteed. THE WALKER STOR WINGHAM, ONTARIO S can say that in my residence of ei lghteen years here I have never made the acquaintance of any of these ani- mals, with the exception of the flea, which I encountered clurin a part of one stuniner abotttseventeen years. years ago, bat I can tell you of two particular bags i:liat you have in ACrt- nada that we know nothing about here izt California., namely, the rotatoe u and the bed bug, and 1 may add hag g crazy bug. Mt•. Holmes ends Inc tir- ade on Southern. California with a list of aphorism which he says are every hesitatingly and emphatically deny them to be true, i, A country where tete rivers are without water. This is true of some of our smaller streams during part of the year, (where do the mosquitoes Goole from)?`. 2: Where the fruit is without fla- von, s. Where the flowers are without fragrattee; ;' Where the birds are without song. „ 11 bti Holmes finds these things to. . all ono denying them be true in his case 1 would advise him one true and ally y g clogs not know •.the country'nor has 'before .he visits California,agtiln to never resided there, to which reply 'consult a nose and car specialist and thatr l.saye never been, a Court repot- Itt the sante tune Have hiss taste b uds i mine 1 rains with- out h v'„ Where half the year ni y out ceasing. I have already answered. that, • t. Where the women arc without virtue. 7 And• the wren are without hon- or, Our women are jitst as virtuous and our men are just as honorable and bo- th arejust y t a inodestel- clothed and . 'have just as fine complexions as are to be found any where ''during this fast age in which we titre living. As 11 after thought he takes anoth- er fling at our climate and says it re- sombles sonic places itt Mexico, where they have three months of Winter at'icl nine months of Hell, 1 don't • know exactly what he moans by that wre�osen4111►oarw.o.e*orrw.soaw11.11► Phone 36—PO. Box 464 Formerly Hanna & Co., Limited but if it is heat in suznrner lie is re ferring to be is very far afield, per- haps they have it'lilce that in Mexico; but, not here. There never was i more mistaken idea abroad about. California, than that we have it hot in Simmer. I have already proven that• by the main ,temperatures 1 have giv- en you, but 1 may just add here that we have as many tourists who collie here in stnnitner, to escape the beat of theirStates or Country as we have in winter, who conte to escape the cold. No picnic or outing of any kind that is planned, during all those summer months' teed ever he postponed or charged Oil account of weather eeidi- tions. We have fresh fruit and. eg e - tables itt abundaneo the year round, there isn't a day in the year that we can't, put ripe tomatoes and lettuce oft our table, v, e have new potatoes twice a year, just at the present time we have new potatoes, string •beans, green peas, asparagus, cucumbers, to- niatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, rhubarb strawberries, blackberries etc., apples and oranges,' eveAy day in the year: In our park in this city we have the only out of door organ in the world at .Mich daily concerts are givenwi- tl the exception of perhaps nine. clays during the entire year on account' of weather conditions. I hope . 1 have not taken ttp too match of your valu- able space" in answering Mr, 'Holmes' Bettor, 14,„ McCoinmin