HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-13, Page 8WINQHAIVI ADVANCE -TIMES ULi1 n., tA'natliaanana taaaas1 naallillirmasmai1wa11rinamairmanaaaaaanammaali s Ir RernarkableValues en;,s ■ and Misses':Department / MS S I 111 kgs 1� Nd '/ COATS The fine Spring weather will ,do away with your heavy coat and you will want something smart and 'Spring-like to replace it. Our. Nor-. thway Coats in all the new cloths and styles are sure to please, and your coat we "ries are. immediately dispelled, when you purcl. _ ._ from us one of these wonderful garments with/ the Shop -keeping fronts. • Cape Coats - Flare Coats Straight Line Coats Prince Style Coats Priced $15.00, 24.00, 35.00 Smart Suits in Favor Many charming Myles in the attractive Tweeds for Misses, and the ever popular Twill Cords in Youthful and Matronly style's, Only the best materials and linings used. )' Priced $21.50, 35.00.and 45.00 Garments Specially Priced 20 Coats ,.ii..,.$15.00 30 Tresses at .121.50 - 15; Slaiis_ai.,.,$22.50 DRESSES Now is the time for a CHANGE, OF DRESSES. The bright sunshine requires New Dresses to be in harmony with all the beauty of Spring time, and never .a more wel- come Spring than now. NEW Dresses of Printed Silks s Flat Crepe Dresses Crepe Satin Dresses Taffeta Dresses Rayon Silk Dresses $15:00, 21.50 up to 45.00 Charmeen Dresses - Kasha Dresses Poiret Twill Dresses - Porch Dresses. GLOVES AND ,HOSIERY SILK • HOSE The delight of every wom- an, in all the Spring shades, Crystal Grey, At. mosphere, Pablo, Sugar Cane, Blush, Nude, etc $1.19, 1.50, 2.00 Winsome Maid - Penman's - Niagara Maid Many Less Than 4 -Hail ttr ctive ''ss: Crepe Satins Of beautiful lustrous quality, so much in demand for better dresses. Complete 'range of col- ors. Rayon Crepes The Wonder Silk adaptable to every form of dress making, choice patterns and real service in every yard. $1.45 to 2.00 Printed Crepes from France Just enough material in each piece for n single•dress, unusual patterns and extra quality. Per length $12.50XI. la Our Extra Per yard $3.50 Genuine Swiss Duchess Of a quality that will give long wear and general .satisfac- tion. •$Zso is the regular price. Special per Yard $1.58 al) w. s Swiss Brocades Attractive designs in superior quality Crepes in suclt good Spring shades as Rosewood, Beige and Sandlewood. 38 in. wide. • Per yard $3.85 Pagoda Silk Broadcloths. Swiss Canton Crepes. Rainbow Flat Crepes. French Georgettes. Swiss Crepe-de-Cheuies. Special Showing of all new lines`of House Furnishings. X a Ia en s e artment rdhnary Values for Thursday, Friday arni Saturday Spring Top Coats In smart Tweeds and Covert Cloths, the ideal Coat for all wear. Specially priced $16.75, 14.75, 13.50 Spring Weight Corn- binations $1.49 Made of Super quality Mer- cerized Yarns in Porous Knit style, short sleeve and ankle len- gth. A fine garment for early Spring wear. $2.25 is the regu- lar price. Men's Fine Shirts Fresh goods in neat stripes of good wearing Zephyrs and Per- cales, sizes 141 to x61•. Extra value $1.49 Penman's Heather Cashmere Penman's Silk & Wool Sox 6gc $x.so and $2.00 Spring Caps...z.00 Blue 'Stripe Overalls Genuine Crepe Ties orti E,fA Everything New. for Spring. 201Men's Suits $16.75 Well tailored from medium shades ,of good mixture tweeds that will give long wear. All new goods in sizes 36 to 44,•re- gularly priced $25.00 to $29.50. 1 11! a NE WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Love and three chit dren of Goderich, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Amos Cornelius. Miss Evelyn Gaunt, left last week to take a;position in Wiarton. Mrs. Musgrove of. Wingham is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Vincent and fa- mily of Westfield, spent .Mother's Day with her mother Mrs, McBrien, Much sympathy is extended by this community to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw, whose infant daughter, Al- exia Christina aged four months and nine days, passed away early on Sun- day morning. The little babe had been sick with heart trouble and had suffered almostcontinuously froth birth. She' was buried in Wingham Cemetery on. Monday. Rev. Mr. 'Macintosh of Wingham and Rev. Mr. Scobie of Belgrave taking the servi- ces. • Misses Eileen and Irene Brown and Neil, are Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross, while their mo- ther, -Mrs. Brown, of Wingham, is in Toronto General Hospital, having. been operated on for mastoids. Mother's Day was observed in the United Church here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Grant of Grand Bend, took the service, Mr. John Gaunt and Mr, Frank Ross `motored'to Toronto and spent the week -end .with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webb of St. He- lens, spent Sunday with friends here.: Mr, J. Ill. Beecroft was planting out several hundred pine and hard maple trees last week. Mr. and .Mrs. jao. Barbour, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour of Foil. dyce and Mrs. Ben. 'McCIenaghan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barbour, jr. at .Goderich, Miss Annie Kennedy, nurse -in - training in Goderich Hospital, spent the week -end with her parents op. the 2nd. Con. of Kinloss, Mr. W. Tom of Auburn; formerly of Zetland has themisfortune to loo- se several fingers on his right hand while cutting wood. the other day, Quite . a number from Chalmers Church, attended the Presbyterian at Brussels on Tuesday. Miss Annie Armstrong had the mis- fortune to sprain her ankle one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson. and 11lary and Jim, visited with her moth- er, Mrs. Bell of Wroxeter on Sunday. ! 1 / / 1 BS 1 ./ Week -End Clearance 16.75 se / Extra Quality Work Shirts 98c. Good Khaki and Black ‘with stripes, sizes x4 to 18.' Merino Shirts and Drawers_.98c. H Pays to Shop Here. RM „D1.iO4,1.00•,f®OatlC.O.®4n9109•94216. 10604.R0.11.,11110.$11.tlUlmONOD.W OrNb6YY006.n,810,0 10 SL P BLIC NOTI E jou ,urg dpPdiaxlly invited to inspect the OEh bit of •. oaLded Ra66dr goods, azouy marauiacttared and sold 6# the new Rather. Company which to aho d to loo cute, In Ifin.914ain, BDLGRAVE as 161 a / / RLXTH BIX Miss Worsell, spent the week -end. at her :liome .in Goderich. Miss I1'Iatheson R. N. returned to her home on Saturday. The Women's Institute held their annual meeting on Thursday, • May 6th., the Pares., Mrs. Armstrong presi- ded, Report of the years work was presented by the Secretary, the sum of $494.29, was raised during the year 11. election' of .Officers for the ensuing Im Leman; 1st., Via -Pres, Mrs, Telfer; year are as follows: -Pres., Mrs. Whi- 2nd:, V ce Pres,, Mrs. Herrington; 011I a, Sec.-Treas., Mrs'. Colelough "Direct- ors, Mrs. Popplestone, Mrs. Newcom- be, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. McGowan; District Director, Mrs. Curring; Re i presentatives, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Mills, '® Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Geddes, Mrs, Taman, Mrs. Curring, President and Secre- tary; Auditors Mrs Leslie and Mrs. Fingland; Pianist, Miss Mills. Word was received here on Sunday that Mr. Matthew Floody had died in Toronto Hospital, he is .survived by his wife and one daughter,, Miss Lillie of the Wingham High. School Staff, and three brothers; Mr. Ed. Floody of the Inland Revenue Department, Tor- onto • and David of Blyth, Wiiliam of Albany. Before going. to .Haileybury his present home, about twenty years ago, deceased had lived in this vicini- ty all his life. Interment took place in Toronto on Tuesday. / / 11 1 ST. HELENS Mrs. Chas. Durnin, sr., is in Ripley a visitor with her daughter, Mrs, Mc- Allister. Miss Ethel Anderson,from Detroit is visiting with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. Rev. gr. Grant of Grand Bend prea- ched in the 'United Church last Sun- day. Mr. Earl Cranston has returned = from spenaing a few weeks at St. Ca-. tharines. Those interested are'.rec;uested to` T1 The following is a report of work done is S..S. No. x, Howick during month of April: S'r. IV -Beatrice Ferguson 64 p. c.; Elvia; Finlay- Go p. c. Jr. IV -Lily Edwards 38 p. c. Sr. III=Jack Ferguson. 64 p. c.; Clara Detzier 48 p. c.; Harold Wright 48 p, c.; Melvin Taylor 44 p. c.; Elva Dane 32 p. c. Sr. II -Lorne Edwards Go p. c.; Gordon Wright 56 p. c.; Harry Ed- wards 40 p. c.; Hartley Barton 33. p.c. fr. II -Inez Finlay 6o p. c.; Bertha Detzler 55 p. c.; Robert Ferguson 53 p. c. Si. I -Mac Metcalf 68 p. c. Jr. I -Alta Finlay 94 p. c.; Mildred Dane 8o p. c.; Elsie Barton Toa p. c.; Mildred Stewart. 70 p. c.; Leslie Ed- wards 70 p'. c.; Alberta Ferguson 69 p. c. Ja. Pr. -Woodrow Dustow 69 p. c. Elsie M. Cooke, teacher; O The Annual Meeting of the Wo - ®a men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, Rev. Scobie on Tuesday May 18th, at 2.30 p. m. Election: of officers, social hour, roll call, paying of fees, The Exhibit is en display at * GREER'S SHOE STORE ins AL ,rRUBBER Mfg. Compa>try, ,uraited NORM/1, and TORONTO �....•,„I...,,,.w..�xw,».µ6.wn.�ilinda.nlwndNenakiisdelnN,•mm�WliNi�nr•cfe�1M weH,I6NnIhXr�7��MCw+aNiio-4• i a v its III For Women We have a nice variety at most reasonable prices. Prices start at '395 Per Pair o horde 129 11111111^ Ill111111illill1®III attend a Soft. Ball practise at St, He- lc -ns on Friday evening. Misses Mary and Elizabeth Salkeld and Mr. Harry Salkeld and little son, motored from. Goderich on Friday and spent the day with the fforn:er's sis- ters, Airs. Miller and Mrs. Gordon and other' friends: The following officers were elected at the Annual' Meting' of the Women's Institute held last Thursday. -Pres., Mrs. D. Phillips; Vice -Pres., Mrs. W. A. Miller; Secy.-Treas., Mrs. R. K. ILL! THE SHOE STORE iii?g am, tr^,::$ 1lliillinsiU Ii 1fl®111121II1IIhlII 1111211 11110111 4 SAVE THE BABY CHIS M4re them strong, sturdy, productive, EGG -LAYING Pullets, with Pra tts BabyClainkFood. It costs a trio but is CNFAPEST in the end, judged by results.e, extra Chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the,. PttsBaby ChickFoodyoouuse. Ask Yom dealer -there's one near you. 1.-Isittsv"311abylehiels. Food White for Pratte Pociitry Book -FREE PRATT FOOD CO.,. OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Carlaw Ave:, Toronto Miller; Pianist,a'Mrs. W. A. Miller; • District Officers, Mrs. G. Webb, Mrs. derson, Jos. Gaunt, Misses'`A, McKen Naylor, Mrs. W. I. • Miller, Commitee zie, and M. C. Rutherford. Mesdames Thorns, McGee, Lyons, Mrs. A. Anderson was appointed. a McFarlane, J.ohn2v cQuillin, J. D. An- delegate in addition to the District TENDERS FOR DREDGING SEALED tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for dredging, Goderich, Ont:", will be received until 12 o'clock noon (day- light saving), Tuesday, May xx, x926, Tenders will not be, considered ''un less made on the forms supplied by the Department and according to the conditions set forth therein. Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained on application to the undersigned, also at the office of the District 'Engineer, Customs Building, London, Ont. Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work. The dredges and other plant • .which are intended to be used on the work shall have been duly registered in Ca- nada at the three of the filing of the tender with the Department, or' shall have been built in Canada after the filing of the tender. Each tender mast be accompaniel, by an accepted cheque on a chartered ,bank payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public Works, for 5 per cent.: of the contract price, and no cheque to be for less than fifteen hundred dollars. Bonds of `tile Dominion of Canada and bonds of the Canadian National Railway Coinpany will be ac- cepted as security, or bonds and : a cheque if required to make up an odd amount. By orders S. E. O'1iRIEN, Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 28, 026. The members of the Belgrave Uiiit- ed Sunday School carne out in large numbers to attend the Mother's • Day Service which was a marked success, 'the attendance being xnx, A boquet of Sweet Peas was presented to the 'oldest mother present, Mrs. Scobie sr., and to the youngest child, Baby Corbett, Mothers service was cortin- kxed in the church at 1x a. rn,, with a large mother's choir, Mrs, Win. Bennett, sixth Bite, spent. a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Bradburn, Mrs. Seandrdtt is visiting friends at Centralia, Mil, Howard of Toronto, .spent a few dayr with friends in the village, M1s ;tunic'I(etchabaw of Ltteknow, visitedwith li,,,aunt, Mrs: David .'.�:tt,' Officers toattend the District meet-"' ing to be held in Wingham in June. It was decided tohold a Garden Par- ty the latter part of June.) ®IF'61 t{0E0 ii i".i :: i®Sn1011110 st 11 111 1� 1 111 1161 1, 111 /. 11 / 0 / a / 0 0 0 Ill / NEW NECKWEAR New showing of Spotted Neckwear, New York's newest Neckwear, also English Foulards with handkerchiefs to match, ,.$1.00 to 1.50. NEWSTRAWS Fine Senates, new braids, wide .'Arras and. fancy brands, $1.25 to 2.25" RE an -gam anamammanama®sui;,®, ..,f 1 1. { °sF.r .y en ices / 1� ODD TROUSERS 111 Young Men's Odd. Trousers in light grey g tweeds and Herringbones, also Out• ing Trousers, biscuit shade and / Flannels, $3.50 to 5.50. 0 0 111 ■ ' Pi / 0 / / ,. O O sd, BINK l NEW HOSIERY 25 dozer.:Silk and Wool Hose, fano; special to clear 60c. a CO LIMITED ru�r�omwrrnrrrrammow