HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-13, Page 4BLYTH
There died in Blyth on Saturday,
May 8th., Mr. Th°MRS Healy, aged
9Q years. Funeral service was held in
R. Catholie Church, Monday morning,
The remains were conveyed to Morris
Cemetery for Interment,
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardner were in
Kingston, during the past week, Their
son, Cecil, who, is a student at Queen's
, University, received his Bachelor of
Arts Degree and has also won first
class honers.
Having finished stock taking and our "One Cent
Saletwe,find some "Odds and Ends" in Stationery,
ToiletiArticles, Soap% Wash Cloths, Etc. which are of-
fering at HalftPrice.
— Also —
Formaldehyde, Government standard. .. .35c lb.
IVIcKibbon's Drug Store
Winahsin. Ont. Phone 53
You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store
May. 24th is only one mul 01le half
weeks away. What are you doing in
the way of helping to snake the day a
succesS, What part are you taking in
the TradesProcession. You who sig-
ned your willingness to help out, by
displaying your trade, There will be
a meeting on Thursday night in the
Council Chamber of all those who wit
Card of Thanks The majority ofthe members of the
Me. W. J. Finley and family wish to iFirst Wingham Boy Scout Troop ha -
publicly extend their heart felt grati- lye completed their Tendexfoot Tests
tuae to their friends and neighbors land now in the throes of competition
for kindness and sympathy during theifor their Second Class Badges, Mr.
illness and death of their beloved wi- Sneath has kindly consented to in-
fe and mother, also to the Superin- struct the Beavers, Foxes arid others
tenclent and nurses of the Wingham iin First Aid work. Mr. Sneath who is
Hospital for their great kindness. J'an adeRt in this work, having secured-
Wingham Young Lady Gradinates 2 first class certificates with_the St.
John's Ambulance Corps. ,ehe boys
history of St. Michael's •Hospital, tare responding nobly and anticipate
icompeting for the Globe Shield in the
One of the largest classes in the
School of nursing, received diplentes, utunin. Scouting certainly meets the
medals and tributes at the Graduation demand of training for boys of the
held in Columbus Hall, Toronto, May adolesant age.
4, Miss Marie Pilon, graduated. with We axe pleased to see Patrol Lead -
a class of thirty nine, was awarded er Smith at the meetings again after
the Corbett -Cowley prize, (uniforms) his proltinged
for Proficiency in record keeping by
Dr. Alexander McKenzie4 The nurs1
i t eated on the Cards of Thanks
Thursday, May zsth„ x926
sh to take part to make fiaal arrange- j
ments for this grand parade. Let us
make this a real success, It will bring
good results.
Then the day will' be spent in
Sports, Cadet Drill and Inspection un-
der the Inspection of Col, Gillespie,
Firemen's Drill, Btt°.seball, Kincardine
and Wingham, Lacrosse if possible to
get a team from putside, Kincardine
Pipe Band. will furnish music for the
day. There will also be other Sports
which will be listed on large bills and
yvhich be posted latter part of
the wek. Let every person turn out
and. help make this a success.
platform in spotless white uniforms,
surrounded by a mass of flowers.
Tribetes from proud relatives and ad-
mirers. Prizes totalling $800. •
Most Rev. Neil McNeil was Honor- 'Turvey.
ry Chairman Mr. F. J. Hughes K.C.
Mr. Geo. W. Turvey and. family
wish to thank their many/friends for
their kindness during their recent af-
fliction caused by the death of Mrs.
AUCTION SALE— Administrators FOR SALE—Two second hand bicy
Sale of Household Goods and Ef- cies in good repair. Apply to Be: -
teas, property belonging to the late attie's Livery. Phone No. 2.
Mrs. Wm. Baird will be sold at Lot F
16, Con. II, Turnberry, commenc-
ing at 2 o'clock on Thursday, May
2oth. Terms Cash. T. R, Bennett,
Auctioneer, J. E. Baird, Administra-
or. shed, there is 12 acres or more of
BTILL FOR SALE—Two year old good hard wood bush about eo oc-
res clear, balance waste and some
Hereford Registered. Pedigree, good"
quality animal. Also about 15 bus- swamp, plenty of water, all seeded
hel of good seed peas. Thos. Tay- 1 but 30 acres for spring crop, a good
, chance for some one. Will sell wi-
Barn. th or without crop. 'William Cra-0-
ARM FOR SALE—Containing r5o
acres, situated lot 4 and. West 5,
concession 16, Township of Hotvick
there is a good. bank barn, comfort,
able house with kitchen and wood
filled the . role as • active chairman.
Short addresses were delivered by
Rev, Fathers, Doctors , and others.
Rev. Msgr. Blair. Father Cline, urg-
ed the graduates to respect the best
ethics of their calling. Chief Justice
Latchford, stated he was proud. to
own one member of his family in the
profession would like more. Father
O'Connor spoke on behalf of the Sis-
ters of St. Joseph.. At the closing ex-
ercises a reception was held. Several
Wingham friends were present. Miss
COURT OF REVISION—The Court rFOR SALE—I have 5o bushels of
of Revision ou the Assessment Roll
for the township of East Wawanosh
will be held. in the Forester's Hall,
Belgrave, on Friday, May 28th., at
2 o'clock p. m. A. Porterfield, Office, Toronto at $5.00 per bus e .
tice that a Court of Revision to .LOST—Yellow Dog, middle sized, wi-
hear complaints against the Assess-
ment roll, will be held in the Town-
ship Hall, Bluevale, on May 27th at
2 la. 7:11. W. R. Cruickshank, Clerk
of the township of Turnbeiry. Edgar, Phone 612 r 21. - ,.
Timothy Seed, which is Govern-
ment Inspected, which grades No.
2. My Certificate No. is 45-7603,
which is on file at the Seed Branch
Pilon received many flowers and pre-
sents .showing the high esteem she is
held by her numerous friends.
Miss Pilon was elected President of
the first Junior Alumnea St. Mich-
aels Training School, a membership
of 200 nurses for 1926.
th long tail and answers to name •of
Shep. Has Morris dog tag, Any-
one seeing or knowing anything
about this dog, please notify, Geo.
OUT polishing floors by,,, hand, use
our Electric Floor Polisher, better
results with less wax; less time;
less fuss; lented by the day. Thomp-
son & Buchanan, Hardware Agents
for Johnston Liquid andTaste Wax.
FOR SALE—One Heifer Calf. Dou-
ble set of hartess with lines as good
as new. Jas. Penny, Route t, Bel -
grave, Phone 42-621.
VOR SALE—Second Hand Grand
Jewel Wood Stove with Resorvoir,
Happy Thought Steel Range, three
Burner Coal Oil Stove, Refrigrator
all in good condition, British Amer-
ican Coal Oil promptly delivered,
Thompson & Buchanan.
tenders of the Johann Teamish
Drain, Tenders to be in the hands
of the clerk by May 26th. Plans
and specification can be seen at the
Clerk's Office. Lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted. W.
W. Cruikshanks, Clerk.
FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from our
bred to lay S. C. W. Leghorns and
0, A. C. Barred Reeks over three
quarter of any orders this season
are from old cestomers. Orders
for May and June will he 15c each
Our Leghorn pullets hatched in
June last year, for our own' yard,
begati laying in Deceiriber. Mrs.
eter Phone 6/2 ring 8.
T6 AUTO OWNERS --Why Sacri-
fice your old ear by trading it in or
'drive a shabby looking car? When
yoar ear earl be painted or refinish.
d and made to look like new. Send
t along to Robertson's Garage,
ingham, where you cari get it
ade to look like new at a reason-
ble price instead of sattificini it
r text to nothing. T. R. Garrett.
point Clark, goOd garage. anti ict
'ate,' Apply to tither T. S. Reid
Doors, Screen Windows, Wire
Screen for repairing, chicken -wire,
Taylor Forbes Lawn Mowers, rub-
ber hose, prepared wall plas-
ter, "Gyproc" wall -board, roll roof-
ings, galvanized iron for gutters and
ridge. We have the stock and pri-
ces right. Thompson & Buchanan
Patton, Bluevale.
Fri..May 21st
Under the auspices of
Huron County Social Service
W. G. Medd, Exeter, President.
A. T. Cooper, Clinton, Secretary
TENDERS—For the caretaking of
Wingham 'Bowling Green tvill be
received by the undersigned 17p till
6 o'clock on Saturday night, May
isth. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accept. C. B. Armitage
WAIITED--Kitchen Girl at Bruns-
wick Cafe, Apply to Mrs, Dow.
wAxTEn—An Agsistant' Matron for
the 'Huron County Home at Clinton,
Ontario. Duties to commence Tune
1st. 617 az soon as possible thereaf-'
ter. AppIitations received by the
andersigned until May a6th. Per.
sonal a:pplicatiotis preferred. John
Torrente, Inspector, Clinton, Ont.
Offers on the property known as
the Richardson tstate will be receiv-
ed by the tuidersigned.
Thos. Pelts, Vlayor,
Are you
Shall you be building this
year? If so, profit by the
experience of those who
save money wheio. louild-
ing. Even on a small job
you'll probably be sur-
prised to find how using
Long, Distance enables
you to get lowest prices.
"We bought all the mate.
rial for a $75,000 build-
ing by Long Distance—
it is the cheapest way"
-writes a contractor in a
medium-sized toWn.
"We use Long Distaned
to get pricei on materials
before Making estimateS
or contracts"—writes an.'
Th6 leaders in. everk
branch. of industry' know.
They,'ve proved it, as you
By Ross Farquhar
Friday—Pa and Mr. Gillem was
about thissen that and ect. & pa sed.
ny thing since you ha-
ve went and got marry -
ed. And Mr. Gillem
set and studyed in his
mind a clippie minits
and then he replyed
and sed. Well yes I
do. when I was single
before I got marryed
'I use to hang up my
pants and the rinuney
wood fall out of ithe po-
ckets on to the flore.
But now it -never does
got marryecle' Nen they both laffed.
Saterday--Blisterses pa went to the
city today and when he cum home
Blisterses ma cum up to ate house all
Xcited up and sed he had a Forward
Complex. After she had went home,
Ant Emmy sed to us at the supper ta-
ble. Well I spose. they think there
smart with there Forward Complex
andeI bet they wont ast us to take a
ride in it till its wore •out.
king on a envention all winter and has
got it done now. He was tawking to
pa about it today and he says he ho-
pes it will wirk. After wirds pa sed.
Well if his Envention dont wirk I am
afrade Unkle Hen will Half to.
Munday—Are teecher was sick tot
day and we had a new to teech us.
I fell down in rithmetick becuz she
give us a sum in oranges and the re-
glar teecher always uses Apples. Ma
sed they shuddent ort to of ben eriny
difference but she dont no much
about Frute,
Teusday—Ant ErnmY went and
it makes fokes and little boys so they
want to wirk. Well I cant see enny
sense in spending good muney for
that. Who wants to want to wirk
this kinda. wether ennyways.
ther new baby like ma ways wants
to do and she just -Went on 'about
how kute it was. mebby' she is rite
but I woodent trade are pup for it
ermy how.
Thirsd.ay—Well this is the last day
of skool and we are happy, oriey
had to warsh my teeth and neck. But
after all 1 gess it was -wirth it even at
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs.k Herb. Laidlaw wish
to thank their friends and neighbors
for kindness and sympathy extended
during their time of Sore bereavement
in the death of their infant daughter
and especially to Rev. Mr. McInush
for his kind words of comfort.
211 See our splendid showing of the newest styles, STRAPS,
• STEP-INS OR OXFORDS, in the new colors SATURNE,
Teeswater Dredging Submitted
The clerks ef nine municipalities in
South Bruce are beieg serVed with a
copy of the report by Engineer W.
G.'McGeorge on the proposed dredg-
ing of the Teeswater" River. ,• Each
municipality has five days from the
date of service in which to appeal. The
report provides for the remdval of
Chepstowe dam and several bars and
obstructions in Greenock Township. It
is estimated that it will be necessary
to remove 16,852 cubic yaxds •of rock
and 140,749 cubic yards of earth in or-
der to give a reasonable benefit to
properties affeCted by surplus water
from the Teeswater River.
The engineer's total estimate of co-
st is $93,000, which includes all costs
taxed in the last drainage action. The
following shows the assessment for
the different municipalities: Greenock
Choose Spring Footwear I,
Kid Patent Leather
Plan Your Spring Costume from
the Ground'Up
Shoes were never as important—the right
shoes. Subtle in color—Simple in. line—with
a hit of interesting contrast in tone and lea-
r. W.- J. GREER
Township $38,065; Culross Township,
$37,767; Carrick Toweship, $6,353;
Kinloss Township, $6,o4s; Turnberry
Township, $2,58o; Howick Township,
$931.; -Kincardine Township $662;
Brant Township, $349; Village of
Teeswater, $250.
Iii We are interested in greater egg° production and t� stimulate -....1%
it' same will offer a bonus on Extras to Producers who bring their eggs arr-:,
= - to us in over twenty five dozen lots.
We will also continue giving FREE settings of eggs as previ. 114:
iil These eggs will also be on sale at 75c per setting. is
it F. • W. McANDLE,SS, Branch Manager.
Dur Sur,—
n't I say that shpring wud come as
usual? 'Tis little faith some fellahs
hev, always lookin on the dark soide,
lasht fall, so it wus, an will be a mill -
es at the toime, but not quoite enou-
gh to put thian Grits an Progrissives
the result will be nixt toime. Ye kin
nivir git annywheer wid a blue ruin
won't ienisinaber whin the C. P. R.
INIIS bound to put it troo frum
ind av the counthry to the other, an
how the' Grits wus afraid to do it, be
called the Nort Wesht a waste how -
lin wilderness, arr wurruds to that ef-
Mountains. They wanted. to utilize
the wather shtritches, but the payple
polishy, but supported the Tory par -
broad outlook, an not ,afraid av a lit-
tle debt to devilop our great counthry
so long as they cud borry the money
an let the ,nixt ginerashun pay it. Ye
musht hev courage an not be afraid
to shpind money, if ye ivir ixpckt to
make anny. Manny years ago whin I
paid $200 ler a toroughbrid cow me
iv• ir made, and the bye out on the °tad
farrum, has the besht stock in the
derich Bridge; Betaniller Bridge; Att- Township at the prisint byline. Ye
ry Tp:; Prairie Road Bridges, Wing-
hain; Lower Town Bridge, Witigharn
McKenzie Bridge, Winghasn,
Tender td state price per lineal foot
f length .of bridge, and to cover
craping and cleaning steel and,apply-
ng paint and arty other cost excepting
that of the paint, which will be sup -
lied, Tenders will 'be considered co.
ering all or any of the jobs, The
°west or any tender not nete8Sarily
T, Ihttettott,
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned until May 17, rga6, for the
painting -of bridges as folloWsi—Go-
some, as me bye that wus oversays,
wild say. Annyway gloom talk is no,
good ayther from press, platform an.;
pulpit. What is the use av tinkin an
Sufferin an sorrow, whin we
moight fix our moinds on ihe blue
sky, the grane grass, the brioght flow-
eri, the happy birruds, the merry chilr
der, the shtrong min, the good wim-
min, an dimly guess from blessings
known av greater out av soight, as me
dawter-in-law used to rade me out. ay.
*Yours till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay:
cat• tle an ye can't make the counthry
ye cant. r
Av coorse it is too bad that we ha-
ven't a Tory Goverrimilit at Ottawa,
but it is nO Use to worry, fer, Shure,
thint OritS can't Atop the sun frum
shoirdri, art the grass fruit growin,
roosters, friar! crowit arr the flowers
showin„tip party in the garderis,
yceum Theatre
Thursday Friday, Saturday, May 13, 14, 15 t
Reproduces stirring days of goo years ago when Romance and art
chivalry ruled..supreme......The Cast:, NI
King Richard I ... Wallace Beery
Princ.e John Sam de Grasse mil
Lady Marian Fitzwalter Enid Bennett It
Sir Guy of Gisbourne Paul Dickey 5
The Sheriff of Nottingham" - . William Lowery
NI Friar Tuck
m The king s Jester
MI The Earl of Huntingdon
II Robin Hood
At No Advance in Price of Admission.
Willard Louis
Dick Rosson
Roy Coulson
Douglas Fairbanks
▪ Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday., May 17, 18, 19, —
1 Lois Wilson and Warner Baxter •
"Rugged Waters"
A thrilling dramatic story of the Life Savinp Service in
New England Coast.
Thuradayo Friday, Saturday, May 20, 21, 22 ri
Ricardo (Cortez & Betty Cornpson,
`‘The Pony Express"