The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-06, Page 4-7- --""•;";"-r1,-----,--- 71, ”^, •
1111911432WIE A.VANOM2$11441"
Having finished stock taking and our "One tent
Sale"Ewe find some "Odds and Ends" in Stationery,
ToiletiArticles, Soaps, Wash Cloths, Etc. which are Of-
fering at fialf1Price.
— Also ----
Formaldehyde, Government standard. . . .35c lb.
McKibbon's Drug. Store
Winsharn, Ont. Phone 53
You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store
To the Eflitur 47 all thitii
Wingham Paypers,
This is the toime •av the year ter
1nanle syrup, an mebby theer isn't
annyting,betther to ate than ,buckwh-
ate pancakes wid it. I am tould that
down in Quebec,• among' the Frinch-
ies, they frpy theer eggs in it, but this
is too much av a good ting, as the fell -
ah said, whin he kissed his siother-in-
BARGAIN SALE -Several 'gallon
cans of Paint, colors, Green a,nd
Brown only, $2.95 per gallon can.
Also Quart. cans, Light Green,
Brown, Red, Slate 98c; Quart Can,
Brown Shingle Stain •$1.45 gallon
tan. Only few cans left to clear.
Thortipson & Buchanan Hardware.
BULL FOR SALE -Two year, old
Hereford Registered Pedigree, good
quality animal. Also about 15 bus-
hel of good seed peas. • Thos. Tay-
lor, Phone 616r13, Route 5. Wing -
;CAR FOR SALE -Ford touring in
good condition 1922 model, also for-
ty gallon gasoline tank, can be
seen at Maria Louttit's, Wingham,
tice that a Court of Revision to
hear complaints against the Assess-
ment roll, Will be held in the Town-
ship Hall, Bluevale, on May 27th at
2 p. m. W. R Cruickshank, Clerk
of the township of Turnberry.
FOR SALE -Calf. Apply to Chris.
Newman, Lower Wingham.
FOR SALE -One Heifer Calf, Dou-
ble set of harness with lines as good
as new, Jas. Penn, Route r, Bel -
grave, Phone 42-621.
• FOR SALE OR RENT -Seven room-
ed brick house -with all convenien-
• ' ce and garage, corner Catherine and
• Victoria Streets. Apply Advance -
• FOR SALE -A pure bred Shorthorn
13u11, one year old. Apply to David
• Deacon, R. R 5, Wingham, Phone
• FOR SALE -Baby Chicks from • our
bred to lay S. C. W. Leghorns and
0. A. C. Barred Rocks over three
,o.uarter of my orders •this season
. • are front old customers. Orders
for May and June will be isc each
Our Leghorn pullets hatched -in
• June •last year, for our own. yard,
began laying in December, Mrs,
Geo. D. Fortute, at J. W Fortune's
• R. R. No. x, Witigham, Ont, Wro-
meter Phone 6x2 ring 8.,
GARDEN TO • RENT -On Patrick
St. • Apply at this office',
TENDERS -For caretaker of ',the
Bowling Green will be received by
the undersigned up until 6 p.
Saturday May 8th. J.: Masan.
RIGHT -Feed Royal Purple Chick
feed and milk niash, also special
chick grit, use Zenoleurn for disin-
fecting and lime for white washing,
fresh stock. Thompson & Buchan-
an, Hardware.
tenders of the Johann Teamish
Drain. Tenders to be in the hands
of the clerk by May 26th. Plans
and. specification can be seen at the
Clerk's Office. Lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted. W.
Cruikshanks, Clerk.
WANTED -A furnished house with
all conveniences.. Apply W., R. Pa-
terson, Ford Garage, Phone 44.
WANTED -A reliable girl to assist
with housewife and. the care of one
child. Mr. A. H. Coombs, Bluevale
Phone 609-13.
WANTED -An Assistant Matron for
the Huron County Home at Clinton,
Ontario. Duties to commence June
1st. or as soon as possible thereaf-
ter. Applications received by the
undersigned until May 26th, Per-
sonal applications preferred, John
Torrence, Inspector, Clinton, Ont.
Offers on the property known as
the Richardson Estate will be receiv-
ed by the undersigned.
Thos. Fells, Mayor,
Wingham, Ontario.
Mr. James Spence, of Newbridge,
handed tis the folloWing clipping the
past week. It had been sent to him
by his son, Oscar, of Lockwood,
Sask., having, been taken frotn the
Nokomis Times, with which paper is
inc,orporated the Lockwood News.
Mr, Wm Hele, who is referred to in
the item, was a dry goods merchant
itt Wingham some years ago, and was
well known in this district. His pre-
sent home is in Nokomis, Sask.
OST ?elk) middl d vi- "We notice by the Bellefontairie
• w og, e s ze
• th lottg tail and answers t0 name of-
• Shep, Has Morris dog tag. Geo.
Edgar, Phone 658 r 21.
PASTURE -To rent. ApY
pl to G
Wheeler, Belgrave.
your ,oid car by trading it in or
drive a shabby looking ear? Vithen
• youf car can be painted or refinish-
Aud made tolook like new. Send
ft' along • to RobeitsOn's Garage,
Wingliarn, Where you , ea5t get it
'Made to -look like new at a ,reasort-
• ',..•,able -flue instead Of sacrificing it
1fOr tient to nothing,• T., A, Oarrett,,.
Examiner, Ohio, that Mr. William
Hele is a nephew of the late Will-
iam Hele, who was rst-Lieutenant
on Lord Nelson'S flagship at the
battle of Trafalgar in 5805. This
• paper also gives the story of "The
Lost Romance -a recital of ibe lo-
ve •affair of Florence Nightingale
• and the Rev. /aim Smithurst, form-
er rector of Elora, Ont., Mr, liele's
old home town. Mr. Smithurst re-
turned to England to again ask his
sweetheart for her hand, but she
refused to break faith with her
parents, who did. not approve of the
match. 'They were related by ties
of blood.°
The raissus knows me wakeness fer
thim same pancakes, wid maple sy-
rup, an wan noight lasht wage whin
wint in to hey rne tay, afther wurruk-
in harrud all afthernoon rakin up the
laves aff the lawn, an talkin wid the
naybers over the. fince, I found it wus
buckwhate paneakes fer supper. • Av
coorse, as I said befoor, it is possible
•to hev too much av a good ting, an
triebby 1 shud hev shtoppecl wid m.e
tinth pancake, but bein out • in the
shpring air had developed nie appe-
toigha to such an ixtent that 1 had
another helpin arr two an wound up
wid me pravious besht rickord brok-
en be foive pancakes an a half. (The
missus•always makes thim the full
soize av the froyin pan.)
Bein toired wid me wurrak all afth-
ernoon 1 wint to bid early, layvin the
missus raydin the latest number av
"The Women's Home Thrubble Mak-
er," an party soon wus faSht ashlape
ap dhramin I wus in Toronto talkin
wid Mishter Ferguson an his cabinet
be rayson av a spishul invitashun
froni himself.
"Tim,"-sez he, "I sint fer ye to
ask about the shtate av raoind av the
payple in Nort Huron. I wider-
ihtand ye are a slitiff nicked lot av
ould birruds np theer, but, uncertain
at that, an no wan kin tell what ye
will do nixt. Ye maybe Tory, an ye
may be Grit, an the nixt ting anny-
wan knows ye may be U. F. 0. An
'tis a quare •way ye hev av carryin on
'elickshuns, so" it is," sez he. "I want
to ask ye how Nort Huron wud vote
provoiden we go in fer Governmint
conthrol av the whiskey thrade, an I
wud loike ye to shpake yer moind free
an aisy, fer we are all good friends an
Toties :together prisint at this may -
tin. 1..git lots av advoice, but mosht
av the fellahs who give it hey axes
to groind, an are tinkin av houldin
theer sates in Parleymint fursht, lasht
an all the toime. 'Tis only from an
'honest man wid nothin but the besht
interests.av,the Tory parthy at heart,
that I can ixpickt to git the roight
dope," •sez he.
"Shure, 'tis raawoise man yd are in-
toirely, Mishter Ferguson" sez I "an
ye ,,called ,the ;roight man to give ye a
•shtraightMoine av talk. Me advoi9e
is the same as .1 gave ye befoor, to la-
ve well enough.alone. If ye go in fer
Govexnrnint Conthrol we shall 'lose
Nort Huron, an saltpater wudden't sa-
ve it, aven wid Javvn Joynt arr Jarget
Shpotton arr Mishter Wigle rabbit' it
in. Ye made a .mislitake wid-the foor
be roar beer, ler,,Shure, it is so wake
that a.yen thnpirince payple won't
dhriak it, but as it wus a fursht offin-
ce, ye will be let aff aisy if ye don't
repate it. Shtick to •the 0. T. A. an
Sales —$1233
Cost —$27.15
The difference between a
successful year and an
unsuccessful one is only
about 15%. Think how
easily you can increase
your sales 5%, 10% or
15% this year by plan-
ning to go after business
systematically, by Long
Every day we receive
new evidence from mer-
chant in medium-sized
towns, who have tried it
for the first time and are
surprised at their suc-
Ilere is a recent case:—
"Number of sales, 17;
number who subsequent-
ly bought, 27; total
amount of sales, $1,233;
total cost of 44 calls
7,15.; Percentage of
selling cost, 2.2.
Try Long Distance
selling — and eon*
lutooree the Taw, •an tell Oils wet
Tories to go to the divil, arr tfoe Grit
narthY if they arc ,13? ;ne,
14sbt worrtid to ye,"' riez.
"Mebby ye are roight, Tim," sei be,
1 arn glad to have few firrum fri-
ends to back rile up whin I am in
thrubble. Ye will hear nee dicision
in a few days in anny case, an, av
coorse, I know ye will shtick to the
ould parthy no mattlfer what I do.
Just thin the ninssus, haVin 'finished
her slitary in the payper, shtarted sha-
kin dewn the stove an woke me up,
so that hided the drame•
YOurs till nixt wake, -
Timothy Hay.
°Mr. F. A. .Gaby
Hydro Electric Power Commission,
who will be one of the speakers at
the Safety Convention in Torch -Ito on
the lath of May.
Master Ivan Wightman .of West-
field, spent the week -end with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Miss Eva Morrison of Detroit is
visiting with her parents, Mr. niid
Mrs. J. B. Morrison.
Miss Lavina Carrick of Wingham,
spent Sunday at home.
'Report of.Hog Shipments
IFor week ending April 29, a926:-
Wingham, total hogs 158; select ba-
con 49; thick smooth 82; heavies Ir
extra heavies 2; shop hogs 7; lights
and feeders 1. Wroxeter, total hogs
x79; select bacon 30'; thick smooth
102; heavies 30; extra heavies t3; II -
ghts ' and feeders o. Belgrave, tota
lhogs 266; select bacon 71; thick:smoo-
th 147; heavies 28; shop hogs 8. Hur-
on County, total hogs 2723; select ba-
ilon 802; thick smooth 1,1594; 'heavies
1184; extra heavies 27; shop hogs .84;
ilights and feeders is.
Report of Easter Entrance Test
Examinations, Total 85e, honors ,63fr,
pass 510 Names in alphabctical or-
der. --W, Angus 607; Blatchford
.190; j. Beattie 579; 5, J3Ine 479; M.
Currie 695; A. CouttS 435; N. e6utts
7To; H, „Dickson 674; J, Ellaeott 58o;
131 Fox 654; R 'Hannah 703; in Hay-
den 545; T. ,Henderson 465; M. King
747; V. Miller 548; 13, Miller 5ioa R,
McDonald 573; 5. McI(ibbon 707; C.
Phair 582; N, Rintoul 501; • J. Roth
523; I. Smith 718; K. Smith 650; J.
Tiffin 59o; J. Thomson 527; G. Young
7t A, L, Posliff, Principal,
Total 450, honours 338,-J. a.ope-
416; E. Reid 406; J. Mitchell 402;
N. Dow 394; A. Louth 394; 1. Nortrop
385; 5. Brackenbury 382; J. Lepard
378; 0. Tiffin 378; B. Walker 375; C.
Fry 367; W. Dow 359; E. McInnes
350; A. Vammond 345; R. Hastie 34y;
S. Campbell 334; R. Harrison 334; E.
Hcnnuth 328; E. Zurbrigg 328; j. Skel-
ding 325; I. Sutton' 309; j. Carr 308;
A. Stokes 287; M. Campbell 284; E.
Rae 282; F. Hopper 271; J. • Angus
257; G. Davidson 257; M. Clarke 241;
A. Rich 241; G. Langlois 217; E. Stoar
kley .217; D. Hart 2i7; A. Reich 191;
B. Jenkins 156.-B. H, Reynolds, tea-
cher, z..1
Mapt• 435, honburs 326, pass 261.--
H, Beattie 344; D. Deans 332; A. Mc-
Gillivray 328; B. Mitchell 305; K.
Lott 299; V. Fry 295; H. Fry 288;.D.
Walker 269; A. Adams 264; M. Mason
26o; G. Deyell 256; M. Rae 252; M.
Cantelon 245; F. Howson 240; R.
Forsyth 239; L. Durriirr 239; G. Beat-
tie 239; A. Rintohl 234; L. Wild 231;
D. Fixter 226; E, Small 219; S.'Mit-
chell 2io; -J. Thompson 208; E. Mc-
Leod 207; F. Mellor .206r R. Chettle-
burgh 204; G. Smith 192; A. Scott 188;
M..Hingston T81; E. Gray • 158; H.
Groves 148; C. Finlay 134.-C. J. Far-
quharson, teacher.
• Total 35o, honours 264, pass 210-
V..Tiffin'329; M. Taylor 3,0; B. Tay-
lor 3o7; H. Burgess 3o7; A. ,McLean
20; B. Cruikshank 287; M. Smith
277; R. Thompson 267; J. • Burgma.n
264; G. Henderson 262; M. Ludwig
260; M. Dobie 258; J. Pattison 254; L.
'Robertson 237; J. Cruikshank 235; L.
.Sneath 208.
. • Jr. III
M. Hirst 316; D. .Stewart 304; H.
Fuller 293; W. Bunn 285; H. Brawley
281; W. Henderson 267; P. Clarke
253; J. Radford 252; E. Stoakley 245;
G. Muirhead. 231; H. Templeman, 226;
W. Shapiro 193; M. Finlay 185,;•W.
Lediet 579; A2Reid. 149; B. Campbell.
148.-E. Hetherington,,teache(.
Sr. II
Max 500, honours 375, pass 300. -
Carl McKay 462; George King 458;
Mildred Reid 435; Mildred Field 431;
Anna Chittick 4ox; Rex McInnis, 400;
Lyle Ludwig 382; Rollie Hutton 579;
Harold Skelding 372; Vivian Cantelon
371; Marion Mitchell 37o; Marion Fry
368; George Brackenbury 317; Velma
Carter 317; Ralph Saint 313; Marion,
Mason 301;Laura Groves 297; Lor-
ene Haller 285; Arthur Stone 280;
Murle Elliott 267; Mae -Gibson 258;
Gordon Lediet 227; Stewart Scott
226; Laura Clark 225; Norman Lediet
126.-L. Howard, teacher.
Jr. 11
Total 32,5, honours 244, pass 195. --
Irene McInnes 294; George Robert-
son 292; Catherine Nortrop 273; El-
gin Coutts 269; Frances Currie 264;
Doris Buchanan 263; Beryl .Mundy
259; Evelyn Patterson 252; Tena Reid
a44.; George Mason 252;' Nornia Mc -
Evers 227; Leonard Bok 224; Frank
Collar 224; Louise` Deyell 22x ; Harry
Shapiro 219; Dorothy Forsyth 219;
Arnold Hudson 215; Percy Deyell
214; Lance Browne 211; Chester Ste-
wart 208; Stewart Carter /99; Harald
Finley 197; Dorothy Hutchison 183;
Alvin. Smith 159; Donald Rich 144;
John Preston 525; Fred Horne ix6;
Preston Lediet 155; Ruby ' Fitt 99;
Henry Everitt 82; Elizabeth Schaffter
(ungraded). -C. E. Hartwick, teacher,
' First Book '
Total 284, honours 213, pass 142.-
A. Class -Ralph \Hammond 277; El-
aine Radford 277; Jean Zurbiigg 274;
Ruth Mitchell 273; Caroline Well -
wood 273; Norman Blatchford 272;
David Parker 266; Helen Burgess 266;
Albert Campbell 265; Stanley Hender-
son 262; Charlie Chittick 259; Ross
Howson. 256; Jean McDonald 251;
Raymond Carter 240; Marvin Smith
24o; May Wilson 210; Winnifred Carr
3 Class-Norina' Grov'es 265; Billie
Lepard 26o; Edith -Finley 250; Winni-
fret' Sinall 236; Bernice Mundy 240;
George Carr 237; Beatrice Forsyth
228; Morre Shapiro 200; Gracey Ring
C Class-AliCia Wilson 260; Edith
eAmPhe1124; John Currie 240; Alvin
Lediet 217; Audrey Patterson VI;
Harry Ross 205; Prank Angus 545.-
P. I. Johns, teacher.
Dies Suddenly in Lambeth
The death • occurred •suddenly on
Friday at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. R. W. Boug of Lambeth, .of Ar-
chibald Robertson in his 79th year.
Mr. Robertson was'.born in Scotland,
but had resided .with his daughter. in
Lambeth for the past seven years. He"
was a member of the United church.
He, is survived by five daughters,
Mrs. R. W. Boug, of Lambeth; Mrs.
James Ross, of
Edmonton; Ms. John
Rae, of Echnonton; Mrs. George Car-
rie, of Manitoba; Miss ,atherhie' of
Edmonton and one son, Leslie, of Bri-
tish Columbia. A sister, Mrs. A. Hal-
liday, of Belgrave, Ont., also survives.
The. funeral was held from the
above address Saturday morning at
10 o'clock. Rev. 'Wm. Conway, of
Lambeth, officiafed. Ititerinent was
made in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave.
A copy of the rnebnirandutp. put
forward by the friends of Aemelius
Jarvis, the Toronto broker, who seri-
e4 a term in prison, and was mulcted
in fines to the extent of $200,000 itt
connection with the Peter Smith steal,
has, been sent .us. Of the 50 names
signed to the petition to the Minister
of Justice to ask that the fine be re-
bated, there are only 24 names that
can be made out -without the aid of
'the printed gttide at one Side: The 5o
are among Toronto's Most prominent
'Professional and buslness men and.3ret
over half of them do not write a le-
gible hand. • Theee inert may have
wonderful brain power and 'university
training, but the teaching of writing
was sadly neglected. with them when
they were in, the public SchooL The
tame of Sir John Gibson who heads
the list looks as thoughone of Jack
Miner's trapped trows hacl spilled
bottle of ink, walked in the •contents
and stepped out 011 the top • of the
list. We are keeping the inemoraa
<W -
m as a curiosity. We would be
quite safe in offering b large Prize to
the one who could read, all these na-
mes without the aid of the Roman
',characters to guide him or her.
k loving menu)* of our dear MO-
ther and isterJ Mfg Collier Inc tiaek
who Passed away. on ay st., tot
hi Ttirnberry, adly inissed by her
9 •
ThersdaY, 1117 6th., 1100
1111• The •Young Men Are Continually
Singing the Praises of Our Oxfprds
Ask any Smart, Young Dresser you meet, where he buys
his Oxfords. He'll be an exception, if he Idoes not tell
you that he buys them at Greer's.
'There's not a snappy style or new kink ha Young Men's
Oxfords that we're not showing
Pres $4.50, 5.00 to 7.50
These prices rnay look and sound very familiar, but the
Oxfords tell their own story, they are decidedly better
and different.
Primary- Room
Total 336, honours 247. Class A.»
Isabel Habkirk 308; Wininired Rin.
foul ,306; 1.14d Ellaeott • 4y; Grace
Bracket 270, Edith Viel 2624
-- Telephone 23 --- •111
a▪ mmmammmimmmmotmemmmmmommommummm mm m
Hazel Lediet 255; Billy Davidson 255;
Lorraine Carter 253; Irene Mellor 237
Luetta Bok 232; Bert Vansickle 220;
Frank Ren -wick 212; James Durnin
211; Grant McIntosh 205; Helen Mill-
er 191; Jean Mellor 176; Stewart For-
syth 163; Betty Collar 156; Emma
Krohn 130; Velma Stoakley x3o; Lill-
ian Fuller 124.
Class B, Total 315, honours 236 -
Irene Clark 275; Lillian Harvey 267;
Helen Groves 259; Jean Muirhead
248; Evelyn Gamble 248; Irene Fitt
220; Bobby Rae 198; Jimmy Lee 156;
Marjorie Forsyth 126; Gilbert Cross
124; Carlo Bondi io3; Iren Browne
94; Ilene Browne 85; Charlie Ross
6o; nmroy Mason 55; Kathleen Saint
40; George Elliott 34; Herman Kenn-
edy 30.-R. E. Sotheran, teacher.
Anniversary services will be held
in Chalmers Presbyterian Church,
Whitechurchnn June r3th and their
garden party on June 15th. The ser-
vices will be conducted by a former
pastor, Rev. Donald McEachern, now
of Toronto.
Has Almost Every Mineral
The "discovery of Red Lake with its
avowedly rich gold deposits in veins
ihat range from io to 66 feet in wid-
th with an ore carrying from. $5o to
$75 worth bf gold per ton again de-
monstrates the immense possibilities
that 'lie in what was once the 'under-
rated North, The mineral production
of, Canada is growing at- such a rate
as to attract predictions of world do-
niinance from the most eminent geo-
logists. ,,, We are the first in nickel,
third in gold andhigh up in silver, le-
ad and. zinc. Last year in Ontario,
alone $125,000,000 worth of minerals
were produced and now Quebec is un-
locking her treasure chest to show the
world that she too possesses copper
deposits of almost incredible richness..
British Columbia, Alberta and Mani-
toba are also great producers of min-
erals. Canada will soon be known to
the world as' the possessor of almost
every mineral required in„ commerce..
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned until May 17, /06, for the
painting of bridges as follows:Go-,
derich Bridge; Benmiller Bridge;';
burn Bridge; Hogg's Bridge, Turnber-
ry Tp:; Prairie Road Bridges, Wing -
ham (3); Power House Bridge, Wing -
ham; Lower Town Brine, Wingharn,
McKenzie Bridge, Winghant,
Tender to state price per liifopt
of length of bridge, and to •cPer
scraping and cleaning steel and apply -
Mg paint and any other cost excepting
that of the paint, which will be sup-
plied. Tenders will be considered co-
vering all qr any of the jobs. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily'
T. R. Patterson;-
County Engineer.'
Goderich, May 3, 5926. '
MIN ,111111111E1113111111111111111211111111111111E111111111111111111111 immiter
yceurn---Theate iIt
MI .,. It
MI ' Th rsday, Friday, Saturday, ay 6, 7, 8
M .
I - ... SPECIAL ... , It
m v
El "
Ill•— IN — g
ri `The.Vanishing American',.' g '
Ili By ZAN E„..-CREY •
IN The Re'd,14„aYs. last stand against the sweep of civilization and
N his contribution i'O'"ihriles fighting in the Great War, 10
lit , le:
•' Matinee Saturday 2.30 p. m. Admission 250 and 15c
ADMISSION: -Adults 35c* Children
.11 Tiniisday, Prit.lay; Stitgrc4yLMA3r_1.3 0 15
11- (`ROBIN HOOD''
m ,Pioturazing the Chivalry and Romance of th Tvveifth dentuty
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 10, 11, 12 II
"The Golden Princess"