HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-05-06, Page 3„,. 117-7,91171177F1W7leS". .....doeeadeaSeeee ,••••••a.'e,e,',e.dieS<Seeere•e,eadeeeeeeeeeieee 71,71r07,';:iia GORRIE . Death came with startling sudden gess to Mrs. John SParling, 4th„ con. 4owc1\ti Saturday evening. She was a mese highly esteemed lady and was about her work as usual when the unexpected call arrived, Besides her husband she is survived by two' • sons arid one daughter. One son tea- • ches school at TobermorrY and the gey, who died early Sunday morning, daughter teaches at§hallow Lake. after a short illness, The funeral • Mi . es Vera Hueston attending the . Ladies Convention at the. O. A: C, Guelph, this week. • , The marriage was quietly solemn- ized at •the rectory, Gorrie on Wedf nesday, of Alice ,Minetta younges daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ha ris, to Edward Newton, both o• f H Wick Township, Rev, R. S. Jones per theemisiortune to have one of his forming the ceremony.. The bride gers badly ctushed. who was unattended, was gowned in a acle georgette trimmed with gold la - C of Thanks insertion, and wore a hat to match. I take this means of conveying my ard '•a; th,e ceremony the happy couple heartfelt thanks to the many friends r� re to the home of the groom, on l`and. neighbors who were so kind and the 12th concession, where they will in future reside. • • Mr. A. Bennett has leased Mrs. Greer' residence and moved • in 'last . , • •i:e.•,.....ree•reelee4e`e`e.e,"`"reee's;1.•", •, , :„, ',•••••,:n•!"••••• ;'-"":-••••.• , The Young People o the section gathered at the home of iVIr. Ed. NeW- ton onAThursday evening of teat week and presented the happy couple with a miscellaneous shower; The even- ing was spent in dencing and a real enjoyable time was spent. n It is our sad duty this Week to re- cord the death. df another of our ci- tizens 'in the person of Mr. Joh-Earne which was private took place to the Gorrie Cemetery on Monday after - 'Wes Badly ,CeueheSeeeeem---,, • On •Friday while'..."—engaged i wood sawing', Mr. Wrn. Sanderson _ while working around the engine had c' ,Mr. W. D. Williams, we are sorry • to say, is at present on the sick list and under the doctor's care. We ho- pe soon to see him around again. • Mr. William Edmonson, of Los An- geles, Cate was visiting friends e in • town last Meek. thoughtful in the sad hour of afflict- ion, and it is my sincerest wish that • God's richest blesing may be bestow- ed -noon all. ThgrsclaY, May 6th, x920 I• N THE HEARTS OF ALL OFU$ Mr, Dennis Harrison. • BORN • Cowley—In Humboldt, Sask., on Mayl • ist., 1926. to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coelle.y, nee Sophie Robinson, a' daughter, (Phyllis Mary.) • • Don't limit your enjoyment of Mustard to occasional use • with Cold Meats. It gives more flavor to hot meats too— • sharpens the appetite, neutralizes the richness of fat foods • and makes them easier to digest. 51 4, • \\- \\.\\ - • \ WROXETER 1Wr'. Cliff White in Toronto. Miss McKay, of at present staying • is visiting friends Grey Township is with Miss Ritchie. Rev. Dr. Brown, spent Sunday out es Lion 429 of town. I Dr. Spence of Toronto, spent the weelfend with friends here.. ig. EitirTE-ST 7 PREFERRED SHARES An opportunity to participate in Profits The investing public has watched with interest the growl/ and development of Supertest Petroletun Corporation, Limited.This Compaty, which is a pros- • perous and remarkably successful enterprise, is operated and controlled, from • London,' Ontario. In thewpast ten years, the gasoline requirements of Canadian motorists have increased nearly eight times, and the consumption of gasoline is now close to 300, 000,000 gallons annually. The splendid record of the Supertest Company to date, is bound to be exceeded in the future because of the constant increase in the number of cars in use and steady additions to Super - test stations which now number 67 • An opportunity to participate in the growth and• development of this important industry i s offered • through the 7% emulative First Preference Shares, which can be purchased at theattractive price of par, • carrying a 50% bonus of Common Stock. A 7% return on your money is assured through an investment in this •established business of proven earning power, and the Coninaon Stock bonus affords further probability of at- tractive additional returns. Send the Coupon for Particulars MURRAY &• COMPANY Metropolitan liniklhig • Toronto, Ont. and ' • W001) & CO. • LIMITED INVtSTMO1T BA141C.:ERS • Royal lank rtididing ,* Totonto, Ont. A r 4 , 0 / 44*/ 0 <e, '4' s • ISNCrenI:ON:SoftSithol"::0304 Church, Opens SeSsions in Stratford on 1VIay 24th. ' Many reports, several addresses and certain • services of importance will be heard in eonnection with `gee second London Conference of the 'United Church of Canada, which op- ens in Stratford on Monday, May 24, with a committee meeting in the Y, M. C. A. boilding in Straforcl. The official opening takes places on Wed- nesday, May 26. . The program includes sessions whi- ch will be held in the morning, after- noon and night, A large, attendance of ministers and laymen is expecte& Rev. J. I. Vance, D. D., of Nashville, Tenn., will be one of the principal epeakers: The program follows: • Monday, May 24, 8 p. m., settle- ment committee in Y. M. C. A. build- ing. Tuesday, May 25, 2 p. ni., statisti- cal committee. Wednesday, May 26, 9,30 a.m., re- ligious educational committee; 9.30, missionary committee; 3 p. rn., Lay- men's ASsociation ,(Evangelical chur- ch); theological union (Central Unit- ed Church) address by Rev. W. R. McIntosh, D. D. Wednesday, May 26, opening of the conference, 8 p. m., worship, Rev. W. E. Donnelly, Stratford; address, Rev. James Vance, Nashville, Tenn. Thursday, May 27, a. in., commun- ion service conducted by the presi- dent of the conference, Rev. A. E. M. Thomson. Address by Rev. James I. Vance, D.D.; 10.30 a.m., report of transfer committee; roll call; certified changes in lay delegation reported; report of program committee and pre- . Deal Among Business Men poor health for Some time, came East 1 sentation of 'abenda; ee.e5, elections; Allen Monroe has bought George last winner hoping the change wouldi'45' appointment of business com- do her good, but failed to do so. She mittee;.2 p. ria., civic reception; 2.30 'reports of standing- committees; 2.30 was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Edgar, formerly of. Wroxeter vicinity appointment of committees. • was highly respected by all Who Sessional— Nominating, resolutions knew her. She was buried' at Ayr" religious education, spcial service. April 29th. Besides her parents, bro- Standing -.--Maintenance and. exten- sion, missionary houndaries, finance, thers and sisters, she leaves a hus- executive examining board. Missionary Service Thursday, 8 p. m„ missionary!ser- vice., Address on "Horne Missions" by Rev. D. N. -MeNaughton; "For- eign Missions" by Rev. J. L. Stewart, Friday, May 2S, 9 a. na, worship, 9.50 a. m., report of conference ex- ecutive; eo a. na, report of commit- tees; 2 p. department of deputa- tions; 3 p. m., Women's Missionary; 3.14 p. m., memorial service, conduct- ed by the president; 5,30 m., lay- men's banquet; 8 p. reception ser- vice. . Addresses by Rev. J. T. C. lef8rieee.and Rev. Robert Martin, • Safiarday, May 29, 9 a. in., worship 9.50 a. m., general business; 2 p. conference will be entertained by the borted of the Central' Church; 8 p. na, lecture by Jack Miner, Kingsville, with moving pictures. Sunday in Central United 'Charch —II a. in., ordination by the presi- dent; s p. m., Sunday School rally, ad- dress by Rev. M. G. Melville, Walk- erville; p. rn., worship and sermon by Rev. James I. Vance, Other services will be held in the Majestic Theatre and Parkview 'Unit- ed Church at n a. in., 3 p. na. and 7 5‘. Lackie's building on Centre Street and will move his stock across the street, when he gets possession in June and Fred Davey has bought Mr. Lackie's stock of goods consisting of Men's Furnishings and is moving it to his store and dispose of it at great- ly reduced pfices and will continue to lband and little boy, about two years carry a full stock of Furnishing: old to mourn the loss of an affection- ate• wife and a kind mother. The re - Announcement • • latives have the sympath of this com- Having purchased George S. Lack, munity. ie's stock of Men's Furnishings, we Report of Wroxeter Primary Room will for the next three weeks dispose for April. No. on roll 36. Average of it at Paces less than it was bought attendance 33, from the manufacturer for' end, the Sr. IL—Lily Waller, Vera Durst, goods are' as good as when made. As Velma Higgins, Jack McLeod, Helen we want to turn a lot of this stock Milligan, Margaret Edgar, Isabel into money by the first of June. You Milligan, Doris Elliott, Marjorie Pau - have a chance to bAy your work shirts lin and Jack McLean equal; Harold. Overalls, Hats; Caps and etc, at pri- Kaake; Nellie McLaughlin. ces unheard of in Wroxeter. Jr. II—Stewart Musgrove, Merrill Terms Cash or cream and eggs ta- Tait, Robert Hoperaft, Everett Wri- ken. * ght, Ila Sharpin. Davey's Store. ist.—Mable Patterson, Cameron McTavish. The April meeting of the Women's Sr. Pr.—Fred. Hoperaft, Edythe Institute which was held at the home martin ulna.; Rae Henning, Dorothy of Mrs. G. Davidson was well attend- ed. A very fine and enlightening pa- Henry, Margaret Tait, Billie Gibson, Jessie Paulin and Allister Green, per was given by Miss E. McEwen on equal. "Reforestation insCanada." Miss Mc - Jr, PrS—Jack Henry and Clark Ewen's brother is in Government Sharpin, equal. work along`that line so she was able A Class—Minerva Higgins, Lucille to give us facts at first hand. The Tait, Irene Robinson, Agnes Durst, discussion on the care of woollens Harold McTavish,Allan Griffith. brought out many helpful hints, while• A. G. Haste, teacher. the exchange of slips or bulbs proved interesting as well as profitable at the close of the meeting, Mrs. Davidson served a aainty lunch. Mrs. Clare Pritchard is visiting with Miss E. liazlewood is in Toronto, Harriston iriends. attending the funeral of her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newton were Mrs. Hazlewood, widow of the late ReV. J. H. Hazlewood, D, D. visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Regton Newton of Gorrie, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Black visited Mrs. John Reidt and boys are back friends in Wingham last week. from Durham, where they have been Mr, Thomas Gibson made a busi- all winter, ness trip to Exeter one day, last week. , Mr. and Mrs. James Edwards, were Will Westlake and family Au- in the Burg, Sunday. burn visited at lefre. Wade's Sunday. Mr, J. A. Strong was a visitor ai: Mrs. Westlake is staying t while with Lorne Laird's Monday, last, her mother. Mr. and Mrs. James Warell, were Mr. and M'rs. Garrett, were in visitors' at George Dixon near Clif- Clinton over the week -end and Miss ford. Scott in Blyth. Sorry she was unable Mr. George .A„nguer of Gorrie, is en - to retttrn to her school Monday on gaged with Mr. Dick Bennett for the account of illness. Summer, *1' Mrs. A. L. Tomlinson of Glenco Mrs. Metcalf and Edith of Bel - and William Eclintanson of Los Ange- more were visitors at Nelson Gowdy's les, California is visiting their broth- last week. er Milt Edmunson.' Its abcitit twenty- six years since Mr. Edmunson saw GLENANNAN' his brother, • Miss Mary Harris oe Wroxeter, Mr< and Mrs. T. G. Heiriphill wore .spertt a few days recently at the home in 'Clinton, Saturday to see Mrs. Rev, or Mr, and. Mrs. Richard Jeffrey, Holmes, the wife of a former pastor Miss Bertha Marshall, spent a few of the Methodist Church here, who is days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ho- eeriously ilt, ward Wylie ori, the sixtb. Harry Grainger shipped three cars Miss Laura Wright of Wroxeter, of fat tattle from Wroxeter Station, was the guest of Mr. ai,lc.1 Mrs. Oliver Saturday. • • • ' Stokes over the Week -end. Arnold and Alvin Edgar, were call- Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Renwick of ed to Loilden it week ago Monday ni- Howiek, called at the home of Mr. ght tosee their sister, Mrs, 5. A."Tott:- and Mrs, Colin Eadie on Sunday, ze, who passed away Tuesday, April Mr. and Mrs. joo Xermath and son, 276, The defeated lady whose home Raythoed, spent Sunday with friends So little SpritIgit "Id °lit you a was in lefeerOte; Sask., had been in it Howl& paha 12 CON. HOWICK Monday, May 31, 9 a. tn., worship; 9.30 a. in, general business and un- finished reports; 2 p. in., jubilee; 2.30 p. in., reports of committees; 8 p. religious &location and social service. Addresses by Rev, T. Albert Moore and Rev. Dr. Robertson. Tuesday, June 1, 9.50 h. in., reports of 'settlement board; 10.30 a. in., elec- tion of settlement committee; 11.45 a, in., unfinished business. FORDWICH Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Muithead and family of Wingham, spent Sundae; in town. Miss Enmeeline Cunningham and Miss Janie and Agnes Dadswell of Harristo, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Mathews. Mrs. Jno, Gilker, has returned to her home here, after spending the winter, with her son, Alex in Listowel. Mn and Mrs. Wm. Jamieson ,and Win, Brown, sr., spent Sunday with friends in and around town. Miss Pearl Bennett visited the fore- part of the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wade of Bel - grave, spent Sunday at the former's home here. Mr. Thos. Bennett and Earld Pat- terson were in Harriston on btisiness. on Saturday. Why was April like an old riprd? • • • tya..,•;"' BELmoRg The W. F. 14,n Sr. of the United • th an attendance Of .19., Mrs, RnY Church met Wednesday afternoon wee Rutherford as leader, the Ineoting op - peed by Singing, followed. by prayer in unison, by MI'S, Arthur Fit- 1. ell, reading her rneanqr., jeffray, 141e11 Call verse on Coriseration, •1Viintrees of last ineeting by Mrs. 'Win. Mune dell, Collection $4.90, Prayer hY UrS, R. 1VIetealf, •, •4 ribse on the sick list are Lillian! cEpatiamr: a,e1 teacher 44 Douglas, olV111 Myrilealls Sci*I • Mos:" Henry Johann, was operated , . on for 4Ppendigitis at Tick tome here, , Wednesday of last week, • • Eleanor Jeffrey, spent the week- end with Mrs. Roy Rutherford • „ Miss Dorothy Baird having secured , ,'• a Position in Toronto, left for the ci- ty Thursday, we wish her every sues Mrs. Peterman visited her sister; Mrs. Abram itt Howick for a few day e the past week. • Miss Blanche Irwin of Wingham,.. spent Sunday With her parents. The interior of an old land mark of the village, was being torn down • last week by J. I. Scott, the mind tool; the remainder' down but where is J. I. •• Mr. Lloyd Zinn will clerk izr a • store at. Lanes. We wish him every success. , Lloyd will be much missed. ••••,, A choir composed of youthful voi- 4 ces sang splendidly in. the 'Union • Church, Sabbath afternoon. Over a hundred gathered 1VIonday- evening at the home of IVIr. and Mrs. Robt. Baird, when the following ad- e dress was read by R. J. Doug -las, presentation by Ralph Metcalf; To Mr. and Mrs. Baird and family:— gathered here tonight on the eve of We your friends and neighbors are your departure to your new honie to express our,sorrow that yotr are, leaving our community, and to wish you well in your new place of abode: you will be much missed in the nei- ghborhood. As you are always ready to lend a hand, and do -what you cart, in time of need. We sincerely hope. you will find a good neighborhoodi where you have decided to make,. your home and that you neayiaIl` live, long to enjoy life there and ixrmak- ing new friends. May you still have - a kind thought for the neighbors oF other days. We ask you to accept: this small gift as a slight token of our. regard and .,,as something by which, you may be able to remember us ire the coming days. Mr. Baird made a suitable reply. After which the even- ing was pleasantly spent in singing,, speech making, recitation. A dainty' lunch was prepared by the ladies of the cominunity, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear mo- • ther and ister, Mrs. Catherine 'Black, who passed away on May Ist., 1925 in Turnberry. Sadly missed by her FRED DAVEY # Village .Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the license be taken out three days before tne cere- mony. 'Subscription taken for the. Advance -Times. Clubbing rates given • • NORMAN WADE Gorrie, Ontario Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance, Also Walkerton Fite Insurance Co. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance DR. H. A. MUTTON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto, At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gorrie the rest of the week. GEO. FOWLER D.D,S. Teeswater, Ontario Will be at the Gotten House, Wro- xeter xst and 3rd Wednesday of each, month. Will be at Gorrie the folloW‘ ing Thursday, • G. $. DAWSON • GORRIE Director of Funeral Services` Motor Hearse or Carriage, whit% ever is required. • Phone 16 HARrit All Pordwicit, Ontario Licensed Atictioneer teethe Co O Hurd aced Wellington Phone z0 Ot FattersOn't Hardware Stort 114 ••. 44 . • •'•":••••er"• s