HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-29, Page 7"Thursday, April 04th,, 1926 'THE SUNDAY MOTOR TRIP :(Scene: Any Family Garage) Ma Speaking: "Oh! 1Vlyhevens•! There's Baby. !. all covered, with axle grease. Johnny—get away from that lunch! Mary -leave that horn alone! Can't you see it's annoying father? Johnny—just look at your waist. Didn't I just tell you to keep, your fingers out of that jam? Mary—quit playing with that, tire. That's the only clean dress you've got. Stop it now—I say! 0-my-gawd! There—there—Baby. Take that monkey -wrench out of your mouth, Father, can't you keep an eye on that child?", (Rip) - "There goes my stocking. And it's the best pair I've got. ''Spore have to .change 'em now. Oh, what's ...— the use? Nobody'll notice 'em. Father, haven't you got that motor fixed yet? I'm tired of waiting:; What's that? Don't growl at me. Yes, the lunch is all ready. Come on -Johnny and Mary. Climb into the car. Here, father; .grab the Baby until I get in." (UghJh-h.) "Johnny, keep, your feet off those cushions! Mary—quit sticking your gum onthat window name! There— now! Alright, father—let's go! 'Honk. Honk. They're off! (Next scene: Five miles from home) Ma gasps. Let's out a shriek. Pop stops the car and gently (?) asks: "What the h - - 'smatter now?" And Ma gasps: "Turn back, quick! -'I forgot to turn out the: gas under Baby's milk! And I'm surd the water's running over in the 'bath -tub. The house must be a,wreck. Turn back! Turn back!" Blooey! There goes another Day of Rest! MORAL -Fathers, with weak constitutions should refrain from week -end trips! —o— Husbands should remember that if they tell friend wife to "keep her mouth shut," there's always another man who'•l1 stand. for it being open. That's the—Dentist! 11 HAVE IWO consouki torr! T —_o -- Happy Birthday—Daddy! Corne Across! When a wife 'remembers her husband on his birthday— ;she surprises twice. With the Gift first and a request for a check to cover the cost later. moo— There never wasand there "ain't" never gong to lie some girls' idea of the man who would make an ideal hus- band. —0— Tell your wife another woman! looks "stunning" in her new gown -and you're due for a "stunning" when you see the next bill from .your wife's modiste, —9-- FAMOUS 9_FAMOUS LAST LINES , "Yes, dearie—I'm working late.. How's that? No— those are not chips you'hear. That's our cashier count- ing the day's receipts!" TxmOTNY'S WEEKLY LETTER To the Editur av all Thim Wi,ngham Paypers,' Dear Sur, Me dawter-in.-law used to be raydin to me otit av as book Mishter , Shak speare wrote about a fellah called. Hamlet, who wtts ii a lot ay thrubble an didn't know, ,what wus the besht ting to do undher the circuxnshtances. He nearly wint` crazy"' over all his worries an taught av puttin an ind to hmself, an got into the habit 'av talk- in be his lonesome, as me bye that wus oversays wud say. "To be arr not to be," sez he to himsi1f, an be the same token thim is the wurruds Mishter Ferguson does WXUGHM4 ADV4'NCE 1 IMES HOME, SWEET HOME By Dr. Arthur L. Forster Who is there, when the day's work is done in field or office, does not lay aside the thoughts and instruments of labor arid, with a thrill nothing else can give, turn his footsteps home - their :eattic'•fhan their children. A Problem to Ee Studied Obviously there isneed f a "Bet- ter Homes Week" to study the haus ing problem :and awaken a greater in- terest in this vital question. The, home should: be more than just , a Place to go when one has nowhere: else to visit, It should be .the one. spot on earth where we . would be in preference to any other. In .addition, it should be a haven from the dangers to mind, soul, and body that constant- ly beset the wayfarer through life• is no place like home and, next to I am 'necessarily concerned,' as a ward? Be it a palace or a hevel, tlaere, physician, with only the bearing of "Mother," there's no sweeter word in the home on the physical well-being; any tongue, of the individual. In building, buying Each year finds science giving more or renting ,a house the prospective. be sayiu at the prisint toime, He, is thought and attention to the .building tenant should give attention to a num tirikin whether it is betther fer him to of the kind of homes that will make ber of points, in this connection. 'I take up arrums against a say av for a better race through making a cannot go into detail here. Nor do I thrubbles an be an elickshun ind thinf'healthier race. The heating of our deem it necessary to do more than: enumerate them. This, I orn arr• to shtand the:sittings an arrows homes is nowbased on' figures pro -r n. s, do. s e vided by engineers. The ventilation what as follows: is founded on estirnates supplied by (a) Location (climate, altitude sanitary experts. As a result we get neighborhood). a definite amountof heat, a proper , (b) Construction .(b, ick is'best/. quotient' of humidity and a' certain (c) Size of various rooms (Bed - number of cubic feet of fresh air. rooms especially should b,e of ade- There is a growing disposition on quate size). the part of city dwellers to congre- 1 (d) Sewerage facilities (this is most gate in so-called family hotels. These ii>,portant). places are usually in congested sec -1 (e) Plumbing (the best is none too tions where there is little sunlight, good). fresh air, and quiet. This applies] (f) Ventilation (plenty of windows chiefly to people who have no chil- and doors). av thim wet M. P. P.'s anny longer. Whin ,thim Grits brought in theer wet resalushun, who do you tink sup- ported it? Four Frenchies, two min from. Watherloo county, wheer they don't dhrink wather at all ,at all, two from the rum 'runnin counthry, wan from South. Aist, Toronto art wan from South Wesht Toronto, the parts av the' city wheer mosht ay the furrin ers live; tin min altogether who be - lave ye kin, make a counthry droyer be rayson av turnin on the tops. Meb- by thim tin lads wus sincere an meg- dren. Why they are called "family" 1 (g) Heating plant (hot water is by they wussent, but annyway they hotels I have never been able to fa- best, hot air worst)„ knew how .mosht av the payple they tlrom. I (h) Garden facilities (everybody reprisint in Parleymint wanted thimCouples who are fulfilling their ria-• should have a little flower and vege- to vote, an •I suppose that wus the tural and divine . destiny—rearing a table garden)... family—are, however, moving into the (i) Water supply (if from a well, suburbs in increasing numbers. So this should be located some distance much so, that statistics show the from barns, outhouses, etc.) population of suburbs increasing more This list might be extended con - rapidly than that of the cities. This siderably, but these represent the sa- is..the ideal plan as it gives the cog- Tient points in home construction as bined 'advantages of town and coup-. regards health considerations. try. "Don't buy a house because it is of In rural communities practically a certain style or color ---like you everyone has a house, but not suffi- woulcPa gown. But buy it because it tient thought is given to the sanitary is a place where your. health and the elements in home construction. A ,well-being of. your children will be great many farmers give more safe and secture for all time. main ting wid thim. Min kin make thimsilves belave almost annyting whin they want to belave it, but the thrubble is to make theer woives change theer rnoinds, aven whin it is a case av pollytickle necissity, as it may be wid a lot-av lus tirnperince Tories, if Mishter Ferguson • comes out' wid a Governmint conthrol pot- ishy. It will be party harrud fer a good Britisher loike rnesilf to support a law framed to plaze a lot av Frinch- ies an furriness; an I wud rather take a dose av boneset, tay anny toime, but, shure, I can't tink av Meakin an. unblimished rickord av Tory votes, not oven •to .plaze the missus. Wance more I advoise Mishter Ferguson. to "lave well enough alone" fer jist look at the mess the Grits hev got into at Ottawa be meddlin wid the dooty on autos, ars all be rayson av throyin to pace wid thim Progrissiv- es, insktid av goin theer own gait in the ould shquare throt they hev been used to all theer loives. 'Tis the curse av Cromwell on the counthry, as they say in Oireland, to hev so manny parthies. Theer shud only be Tories an Grits, wid the Tor- ies runnin the counthry, an the Grits in opposition mosht av the toime. It webby wudden't do to -exterminate the Grits altogether fer, shure, ye carat devilop fasht hockey widout a putty shtrong tame to play aghast. Yofirs till nixt wake, Ti'mothy Hay. BLYTH Mr. Thos. King of Winghani was, in town during the week. The;. first of the weekly half 'holi days will come into effect on Wednes- day, May ,5th to October 31st, inclus- ive. A number of our citizens will at- tend the inaugural meeting of the new; Huron Presbyterial in connection wi- th the United Church of Canada in Ontario Street Church, Clinton on Tuesday, 'April 27th. First session will' commence at so a, ni. When the officers will be elected and the work for the year outlined. Three new elders were elected to the Session Board of St. Andrews `United Church, namely' Messrs Colin Finglarul; Daniel McGowan and Dav- id Laidlaw were • the ones' selected. The funeral of the'late Mr. Ardell was held on Monday from his home on Drummond St, Deceased was So years, of age and leaves a'widow` and grown up family. Rev. W. B. Haw- kins conducted the services, Inter- ment -in Union Cemetery. thought to the housing and care of 1IIWI I111II®111®111®111®111®111®1111111111111®1111111111 Six Reasons Why I Recommend _ HURON & ERIE s DEBENTURES —0— .. Qtuestions and Answers Moles May Be Dangerous. Mrs. W. 0. C. writes: , "I always read 'The Road to Better I Health' and in the Dec. 24th issue of ® the tllberta Farmer you answered a it question concerning a pigmented. mole. "I have a pigmented mole at the Reason No. 5 ® end of the abdomen near sight of the The paid up capital and re - L pelvis. I do not know whether I twos serve fund of The Old Huron P. born with it, but I seem to. remember & Erie affords surplus security O when I was a very small child run- = totalling $6,85o,000. ■ ning along with a stick in front of m w me, and the pavement being uneven 5 PER CENT. - brought my stick up with a sudden - Per Annum is payable half -year - jerk. The stick slipped through my - ly upon $loo or more for r, 2, 3, - fingers and caught the flesh on my 4 or 5 years. body Select this time -tested trustee FM' -It was a small brown mark, then, .= investment for your savings, like squeezed flesh and I believe i•e- d,, ®, ABNE IL'RI1ni11111In11®III mained like that until the last few " . COSELNS r years. Now it is over i inch long and f ; inch wide, and continually getting 1! IIIEIII 111 111E111311113311113111 a ]lard dark top on it. It irritates badly and the top comes off in par- tieles• There is no pain and no ulcer- = 'ation but it is enlarging I am quite sure, because when I was a child it was not xIS of an inch long• About a year ago I went to our toisoisissailaimanniiiii11011111010110111101.010004011 . ' E HYDRO SILO; 1 1 3 Electric Tashi Mac• •i s For ,the Greatest Bargain offered in ever . 2111 n, Something absolutely unusual. Ids;, Wingham Utilities Crawford Block. • Phone iiirintinsamossmismansinairamiumsksonomill MAITLAND CkEAMER Phone 271, Wingham Ontario Our Trucks are on, .the road gathering cream and. eggs. Call us by phone and we can tell you the day they pass your door. This is a co-topersHve organization, the future never looked bri- ghter and with yourassistance we believe this plant will see anoth- er successful season. At this date we cannot tell in dollars and cents what we may ac- complish. scomplish. The past of course it is Ancient History but yet it is sometimespleasant to look back. This past 'twelve months. we have paid out to cream patrons of. this Creamery $15oo.00, this was based on the amount of butter fat we received from them • PD Then again the Egg Producers who took advantage of the Egg Pool last year received $6633.00 more for their eggs than if they had sold them out right. We would like to have you co-operation; with us as regards vol- ume. We will do what we can in price. The United Farmers Co - p. Co. Ltd. ®®111.1111111E111E1I1E11111111E11111111®1l I11I111111IE111E111s1111E111!311I1E11111111111I I -®i �u. Colds That Develop Into Pns u ninia Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Hamil- ton's. Throat and Lung Balsam. This preperation is guaran- teed in the treatment of persis- tent coughs or colds,.bronChial asthma,bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases. May be procured from all your local druggists or direct by mail from HAMILTON DRUG CO. Windsor, Ontario doctor about it and he. said it looked. to him like a birthmark. He said he could' not see anything to worry • about but if l wished, he would cut it out and send it away to be examined. What do you think about it? I am in my early forties." Reply I am inclined to agree with your doctor that you• have nothing to wor- ry about. It may, of course, be an epithelioma (skin cancer) and the doctor's suggestion to remove it and have it examined is a very good one. —o— Rheumatism and the Tonsils Mrs." W. ,E. T. writes: "Can you please tell us what to do for our boy, He is nine years old and has an attack of 'inflammatory rheu- matism. The rheumatism is in - his feet, knees and hips. "He first had a, slight attack of ton- „ 1111111113111111111111113111 sw .+ ? iiigheiin .e Arttic n zJ e a ■ ALL THIS WORLD 15 DARK AND DREARY !'Ve HAD A SMASHUP C ERUP° R Vulcanizing is the bright light of the auto repair world that lights up the dark and dreary places where tires have gone to the bad. It is the revivifier of blowout tires and encourages thrift. Our Vulcanizing Dept. doesn't wish,,you bad luck but when you need us call. .77 m a 00,00,0 . tom' i; 4 01, .01.. 0, o xi m 11111111111111411111111111111111®11111111®111191111111110111®111®111E111®11Ig1i 11 11IEI11511111111161111®111 111> 111E111 silitis; he seemed to be well over that,foods for one with rheumatism. Also so I sent him to school, and one,weelcplease name other treatments for this later he took sick with rheumatism, disease." caused from getting damp feet. Reply "Please tell me what are the best The connection between the, attack of tonsilitis and the rheumatic fever THE FAMILY NEXT` DOOR' 1 DORI CARE IF VT tS AT A 1GNugc.vt BAPAAR:, 1 ritiN ' T1h41t4K •A WHOLE uo"C OP 111 MADAME ZERO, FA' HUSBAND' HERE DOESIgt ,e,Eue.ve '.'idIt' MENTAL ''TELEP'AT - - MAYBE Yo',) CP% CO1`IVIIVCE HIM j' IT'S POSSIBLE, ,f YES / ////////i4//2/s.vUsu///l�lJl tiONAI AS AN EXAMPLE7e Mt2. ' b 'DOR- 1F I St.toULD TELL `mil WHAT `MOIRE THINKING RIG1T NOW, WHAT WOULD. `OA.)CA1.1. -1141N-r? ID CALL- 1T A VERY .ENI BAR.ASS\NS SIYUATIOIV is so close that I am certain the boy, has iiifccted tonsils, I am not :in the habit of saying that every case of rheumatism, meads that the patient has bad teeth or tonsils. But I :do. know tlmt, in certain cases, that is where the infection comes from. 1 believe your boy is such a case. If so, his tonsils should come out, be- cause so long as pus is being thrown into the blood stream from that focus. he cannot possibly recover. I can answer the second part of your letter best by telling you what foods to avoid giving the boy, vis.: meat and meat soups, sonar, tea and toffee, preserves, acid fruits (except orange and lemon juice) and all rich, sweet foods; Strawberries, tomatoes, and rhubarb are to be especially avoidcd. 'Have ;the boy drink large amounts of water, particularly all.a- line ater's, '.Cakewhinr to the nearest eompetent physician; Maybe the trial doctors, they ddo,knowmors than ytsrt tlritrlw