HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-29, Page 3�(a -FORDW. ICH Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rogers and ba, be of Hanover, spent Sunday with fr ends in town. Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Dennyand lit - ,le son, spent Saturday with friends • in town. GORRIE. UNITED CHURCH The special music rendered by the ladies choir was thoroughly enjoyed at both services last Sunday. The Pastor gave an address at• the morn- ing service on "Spiritual Sanctuaries" The+ sanctuary of memory; the sans Mr, Ford Sothern has rented his tuai•y of silence; the sanctuary of worship; the sanctuary of the soul. The morning address was an appeal to make life worth while by reviewing the promises, of God for the Christian and the inany places in one's life where the eternal has penetrated the inner soul. The pastor reviewed the hallowed hours which memory recalls. Memory is all that we possess of the past, It is the' museum of the mind where' things rare, costly and beauti- ful are found. David Lloyd C?eorge tells us that when the . war . problems pressed hardest and when the skies were black, he could find one way, to relaic his mind; he chanted over the old Welsh .hymns he sang in his boy- hole/4 days. What sweet recollections press in upon us when we think of the. farm to Mr. • Lorne Siefert and is holding a clearing Auction Sale this week. e Mrs. R. C. Muirhead and two chil- dren of Winghatn, spent Thursday with relatives in town. Miss - Pearl Schaefer of Toronto is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and`. Mrs, Henry "'Schaefer, Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Mathews and son, Lorne, spent the week -end: whir friends in Harriston. Miss Evelyn Sothern of Wingham, al, b Miss B. Wade of Belmore, spent Sa `urday at their homes here. les. H„ H. Rogers and Mrs. E. ray • were Mount Forest visitors oil Saturday. , Y Mr; A.C. Sothern was in Harriston ,best things we have done for God. Saturday on business. Miss Violet Beswitherick was a vis - tor to Mount Forest Saturday. Mrs. T. A. 'Gibson of Winghan, spent one day last week with friends in town. Mr. W. E. Patterson was in'Harri- ston Friday on business, Mr, F. A. Strong, representing the Empire Life Insurance Co., was 'in e town, Thursday on business. Mrs, S. E. Butchart and little son, of Toronto are visiting with friends in and around town. The eyes of - the world- are upon us B Mr: and Mrs, Geos N. unston and let us at times draw from the well— little daughter, spent the week -end at springs of eternal life. Know your the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mu- Lord, let His life silently 'speak to We need time for silence. Rest whi- le with life. Study to be quiet. The world is a crowded world but there is room for us 'all to rest • in the desert place awhile. Sit down to think things over, let each day find you at prayer for a season. Be above the: average. Think of great lives which have at- tempted something and also accon lilished. Study' such lives as Cather- ine Booth, Queen Victoria; Florence Nightingale,'Elizabeth Fry, Edith Ca- vell and the heroines" of Bible tries:' irliea'd Winghatn,• your own, fellowship with people big WROXETER Mr. Fred Davey, spent the week- end with. Shelborne friends. Mr, and Airs, West Palmer, spent a fewdays last week in Toronto. MVir, Jno: Smith is visiting friends in Galt at present.' the was a good ood attendance at United Church Sunday . morning to hear' Rev. Mr, Brown preach his fare= well sermon. Dr. and Mrs. Brown are intending to move to Peterbor- ou 1 in the near future. ger than yourself. The special choir of young -women . sang effectively, 'There's Sunshine in my soultoday sooutstandingfigures of history took time.to inspire others, He was turns. As the turns are spaced,.it is ;. ,xi the Corner where you who putt ngs ac and Brighten you ix TFiu'rsday, A Aril 29th„ 1ga6 LITTLE 'PEN -O -GRAMS WM. 4,111.1111.0.10 ppwe.RS- o 3Q'! e r'Ih, r dl11.J 1 ` I li �f J/ FOR VA -to BE 'QU>~Ert 00 111' PAW. 1111 e GET -RICH. ,• 11 iI • fit 91g&05 111 %� -'-- RE PERMANENT EASNERN� 'MPS otz[ 0 1� 0, LS iS' A 8t) BLE ; Ott 15 1T REAL 41 T3 lees. 9oentth - SLATS' DIARY By Ross Farquhar Friday—well this evning I got kinda in bad with Jane I gess, to day I told her I wood coarse over to her hone se_and play sunt Tennis but, the fellas wanted me -to go down to the crick an ketch sum craw dads so I went. And this evning she called tip and sed she was read and I sed why so and she sed I had broke a promise I sollernly made to her. So I kidded her a long an finely I sect to her. Alright if I broke a promise I. tell you what I will ado and . she sed what will you do and I sed I will make you a new z.: And I gess-she is alrite ager,` Saterday—rained of course. Jake and me got sum 'animal crackers & played circus with them instill they got alld urty and then arse give ve tis sum milk and we had crackers and milk to finish11off with. Stinday—Sunt burgulars broke sinto the drug ,Store and stole a lot of soap and tooth brushes and diffrunt kinds of tooth paste. Well all I got to say is it must of ben sum crazy people to steal that kinda stuff, 0. Munday-They was a- public wed- ing at are chiral tonite and we all went as it diddent •cost nothing only I wood of priferred to of saw Tom Mix. and Tony.. The organist brung the song peace, she was to of • played a weding march intitled Hello and Grin or sunt thing and ensted of that she played I wisht I'd been satisfide with Mary: A good time was had by all, prit near. Teusday—Ma hassent lernt to drive yet, Pa had a new shiler•ater put on the ford. and today when me went to e . Live Give our Lord soul -room in lotion on the proper turns and solder stop behind a nother machene she put ..hi ross" by havi calm yet deliberate soul. The heights Y are." Miss Elsie Cook read an appro- priate passage from the story of Ruth. The evening service was made irn- ,pressive by the singing of well known gospel hymns. Rev. Mrs - Craik gave,a is- Craik.gave,a brief address on "Be Calm in. Thy Soul," Taking as a text 'St. Pauls expression "I have learned in whatsoever state I 'am, therewith to b ntent" The pastor referred to 1 steady, hopeful, cheerful and attrac- an easy matter to scrape off the insu- of:,great men reached' and kept, were your life. Learn to be calm, then you .on the taps after the coils have been'ber ft, on the xhilerater ensted of the not stained by sudden flight, But shall be ready to face obstacles, temp- `wound.. hey, while their companions slept, to g (f h d were toiling upward in the night: 'Li- ve, 'don't only:exist, Have a sanctu- ary of worship in your heart Jesus was never in a hurry: He took time to wait, and watch and pray. He knew the value of a calm soul.- He the Communion next Sabbath morn- close y g my even if she is sic.. a wen o a I break and she shot aired like she was tions besetting sins and the. uneven On both of these coils, the spacing shot out of a catapiller. Steen $ pathways of life and be a victorious o the winding is best accomplished datnige for pa to settle: n "Since the b firstputting ortt'a few more than a —Had to keep verystill soul.. The choir sag Y Wensd y 1 Fullness of His Love Came In" and the required number of turns and 'and kwiet this evning. Ant Emmy is sick with a case of nervus prosecu- "Count Your Many Blessings".,guessing at the proper spacing. Then, The minister, assisted by the mem wind in the spaces between the wires, :tion. ' bers of' the session will administer a second winding, pushing the two Thursday—Had to Taff at' Ant Em - 't et er as yo g g 1 P t t it ►1 PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED Ciimulative 70 Class "A" Sinkirzg Fund PREFERRED SHAR The Company: The Supertest Petroleum Corporation, Limited. deals in the wholesale and retail distribution of Supertest Petroleum Products, such as gasoline, lubricating oils, etc. The Company became known some three years ago, since which time itsa growth and development has b een rapid and consistent- ` ly profitable, until to -day it\owns and operates several well-equipped tank storage depots,' as well as sixty-seven service stations, located for the most partin.Western Ontario. , Security: The Class "A" Cumulative Preferred Stock is the first security o: the Com parry, being preferred both as to assets and dividends.' It carries a cumula- tive dividend of 7% per annum, payable semi-alnnually. Total assets over amount to $519,096.36, liabilities against stock outstanding of. approximately $386,000.00. The Company has no bondeddebt or bank loans, and is entirely free of dept with the exception of current trade accounts. Growth trend Earnings: The combined earnings of the constituent companies" since their inception have been satisfactory, showingin excess of 26% per, annum en the paid-up capital.' Earn- ' - 1926 are suffiient to show the Preferred Stock Dividend earned between ' lags.# or,�,925 and , two. and three times. The following table shows the development of the company's business. YEAR .No,,•STATIONS" " 'SALES YEAR I'To. STATIONS SALES 1923 3 $113,933.73 - 1925 67 Over $ 900,000,00 1924 16 342,475.15 1926 (estimated) 85 Over 1,250,000.00 • Purpose of Issue: e intention of the Company to extend its ,business by opening up new wholesale It is the and retail units. The earnings and accounts of the ,Company have been audited and certified by Messrs. Oscar Hudson & Company, Chartered Accountants, while the legal details have been attended to by Diessrs. Blake, Lash, Anglin & Cassels. PRICE: $100 per share. (Carrying a 50% bonus of Common Stock) Pull Descriptive Circular upon request. MURRAY & COMPANY lrl Metropolitan Building, Toronto and r /- � UWOOD CO. 1J�wt.iil� Limited DIVESTMENT BANKERS Royal Bank Bldg., Toronto ing May 2nd. Let every family be re- presented at this irnportant service. Mrs. Robt. Dane will give the topic at the League, Friday night. Knowl- son Hueston will lead the meeting. You• will' keep in ` mind "Mother's Day" Service, Sunday, May 9th.,, a. 'en, Special addresses. Father's Service will be held at 7 p, m., the same s day. Sermon "Mother 0' Mine." Wear a flower - in honor of mother. ter the two windings are on and fas- tened in place carefully remove the - first winding, This will leave the sec- ond winding very evenly spaced, and: the application of a little collodion or. thin .shellac will 'hold it permanently in place; - Follow the same Procedure on the printery winding. The variable condenser should have a maximum capacity of Soo mmfs. to cover the broadcasting range with this inductance. A straight line frequency condenser dray be used if desired. In RADIO TOPICS . ordr to eliminate the annoyance of A CRYSTAL RECEIVING SET continually adjusting the crystal, a B R M Shrill semi -fixed type should . be used. y ern (Radio Engineer) The many requests which have been coming in for a good crystal receiver a 1 s e t have shown that the old cryst has not been entirely superseded by the tube outfits. This is, in a way, a compliment to •the •musical taste of the crystal set listeners. I have yet to find 'a true music lover who does not acknowledge the superior quality of the crystal 'detector reproduction, English radio listeners, who adn.•tit that they are more appreciative of good music than are the Americans, are seventy-five per cent crystal set users. Further recommendations of the crystal receivers are their cheap and simple construction, and• their simplicity of operation. The defects of the old crystal sets the" broad tuning and weak signals still remain, but the application of filtered out sufficiently by using the modern coil construction lras made proper condensers and iron core chokes. —a--- Q.—A L., jr., asks:—"Would it be possible to build a 'portable receiver using UV»xge tubes and with flash -- light batteries for their filaments? Ans.:-Yes, but, with such small A batteries you could not " expect very steady filament current, or a very long life for the batteries. ' This receiver has been used with excellent results on stations within a 25 -mile radius, and under favorable conditions, on stations at much great er distances. _a— Radio Questions and Answers (Mr. Sherrill will be- glad. to help you solve your radio- problems. Write him in care of this paper.) Q.e-S. 0. V. asks: 'It is possible to filttr out the hum on a battery char- ger so as to be able to use the recei- ver while the battery is . being char- ged?" Ates.:—On, charges which rectify both sides of the cycle, the charging of the battery will make very little hum in the receiver. On charges rctifying only one side of the cycle, the hum is 'very strong, but may be considerable 'improvement. The receiver described here is de- signed more for sharp tuning than fpr loud signals, and should prove espe- cially effective whore there are sever- al nearby stations. It is intended fpr use with a 5o to loo foot antenna. See Diagram The secondary inductance, shown as. L2 in the diagram consists of 38 turns of 20 gauge D.C.C. wire wound ort a 5 inch diameter•. The turns should be evenly wound and spaced from each other by ;the thickness of the wire it- self. The coil may be wound direct- ly ontoa piece of cardboard tubing, or better yet, may be of the an core type and held away from the cardbo- ard by six wooden ribs. The primary winding Ls, is of the sable site wire and is wotmtnd' directly over the lower half of the secondary. This winding, wliiclt consists of x5 turns, is spaced the same as the sec- ondary and is separated from it by two layers of fairly heavy wrapping paper, The primary is tapped, as shown in the diagram, at 5, "to and 15 is Q.—E. I. M. asks: "Should the de- tector tube of a: five tube set have a separate filament rheostat?" Ansa—With tion -critical tubes, such as the UV-2oxA and IJV-xgg, it is not really necessary to use a separate' fila- ment control for the detector. ,Armed Men, Hold '(Ip Store - Armed with revolvers, tWo robbers held up the Campbell Drug Store in Hamilton last week, backed the, clerk into a corner and stole all the cash in the till, which amounted to $35. The men then fled in an auto. The rob- bers asyet, have not been caught, Stag party lass rite and when he cum lose 5 $ at the Stag Enemy sed. Wel1.I shud. bash when daylite ort to be able to find Home he sed he party, Ant think if you go. conies you shud. it mebby. WRQXETER Mise Irene Stocks returned from Toronto Monday, where she has been for the last three weeks.. Only a small ,crowd attended the dance in the Hall, Friday night, Those- who did ' attend had a good time and enjoyed the music, Miss Alice Idarris:.of Howick who has been -making her.home in Wro- eter during the winter and Ma; •Ted Newton also of Howick, were quietly n arrie.d,:Wednesday of last week at the home •of Mr, Thomas Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas • Nash have the sympathy of the'people of the village in the death of their son, Be- verly,. :I -le had served overseas dur- ing the war and had he attack of gas. He took sick about. two months ago, with pneumonia. Ie was buried in. Gorrie cemetery Friday afternoon. T. G. Hemphill is loading a car of potatoes at the Wroxeter station. He has shipped over eighty car loads' of potatoes from different'points in On- tario since last fall. Mr.and Mrs, Earnie Dobbs, left for Toronto where they will reside. They will move their householdef- fects as soon as the roads are open. for traffic to the city, Miss .Agnes McKercher of Mount Forest, spent Sunday at her; home here. BELMORE • The sympathy of friends is extend, ed to 'Mr. and Mrs.- Fleming Ballagh in the loss of their infant daughter, Miss Pearl Douglas is confined to the house with an attack of bronchit- is. Mrs. Mulvey took a trip to Lucan last week to see her mother and Mrs. Thomast.Abram to Toronto, her mo- ther being ill also. - > Mrs. George Herd. is a Gorrie visi- tor, the guest of Mrs, Hyndman, A presentation took place Monday evening at the home of Mr..and,Mrs. Robert Baird, when they were pres- ented with a sum of money prior to leaving for their farm near Blyth; the remainder of the evening was spent by the youth in another of those bun- ny hug dances as Timothy calls then. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ballagh,: Culross,' a daughter, Con- gratulations. Miss Amy and Mrs. Newans, spent Sunday evening at R. J. Douglas's. OVERLY NASH DEAD It Is our very sad duty to this week chronicle the death of. Mr. Beverly Nash, 6th con. of Howick. Deceased was a son of Mr, and •Mrs. Thos, Nash of Gorrie and was "critically ill for several weeks following a severe attack of pleuro -pneumonia. He was in his 4otlr year and was highly es- teemed by all. who knew hint. The funeral was held from the family re- sidence on Friday afternoon, April 23rd and interment took place in Gor- re cemetery, To the bereaved parents and family we extend our sincere sympathy, Disturb Two Turtles in Sewer While workmen were engaged in digging tip some of the large sewer crock near the lake at Kingsville last week, they noticed the muddy water being kicked up at terrific rate. On examination they found the cause was the largest size snapping turtles had got into the pipe. It is thought they trust have been there for many years, as i.hey both had grbwn so large that it was impossible for thein to get otit thi•ough the smaller pipes. Former Cliffordite Meets Tragic End Mr. Alex. - McEwan, of Lidgatt, Sask., eldest son of James McEwan, Clifford; died on Sunday, April 4th, following a tragic accident • on the previous Friday. According to word. received' by his relatives here, Mr. McEwan had gone to the cellar of his home for the purpose of taking -a drink :of wine, but, in mistaking the. bottles, he got a mouthful of a mix- ture of fortnaline, used for poisoning: gophers, and other pests in the grain.. Imrnediately he discovered the 'mis-- take, everything was ' donefor him inthe home, and later in the hospital at Lafleshe, where:, he received the best of medical care. After suffer- ing intense agony . for over 48 hours, he passed away on Sunday. Besides. his sorrowing widow, four young; daughters survive also his aged fath- er in Clifford, five sisters, Miss Eliza. - beth in Hamilton, Mrs, A. Co' weir,. and Mrs: Jas, Porterfield, of Howick township, Miss Annie McEwan and Mrs. H. C. Tuck of - Clifford and four brothers, William of :Regina, Frank of- Vigilant, Sask., : James and Jack of Clifford, The deceased accom- panied by his wife, visited his father in Clifford for several weeks at the New Year, and all express regret on learning of his tragic death,—Clifford Express. - The Windsor -Niagara Highway- Assn. ighwayAssn. organized to bring tourist traf- fic to Ontario \and composed of rep- resentatives of nnuiicipalities, along this highway, met in Hamilton 'last week to discuss ways and means of" furthering tourist travel this year. FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the License be taken out three days before the cere- mony. Subscription taken for the e Advance -Times. - Clubbing rates. given. NORMAN WADE Gorrie„ Ontario - - Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance Also - Walkerton Fire Insurance Co. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate, Glass Insurance DR. H. .4s, MUTTON Graduate of Royal College of Dental, Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto At Foedwich Tuesday and Thursdaer At Gorrie the rest of the week, GEO. FOWLER L.D.S., Teeswater, Ontario Will be at the Gofton House, Wro- xeter xst and 3rd Wednesday of each+: month. Will be at Gorrie the follow- ing Thursday. G. S. DAWSQN GOR•RIE Director of Funeral Services' Motor Hearse or Carriage, whir.& - ever is required. Phone x'6 HARRY A"s X1' S Pordwich, Ontario Licensed Auetioneer for the Counties Of Huron and liVetlingtott Phone ig Ort Patterson's Hardware Store