HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-22, Page 8WiNGHAVI ADVANC-' IME S ThursidaY, APril 22nd., x926 �.„ A sm a asasaiimatiniliiimummanaminosietaul.N11h•aI.IaIAN ■ t __ e' e _o V� .�, adze . . . 1 . , • 1 "Exceptional attractive garments, including the rSmartest • • 11 Straightline and Flaring Models. • / • 0 • Coats, Suits, Dresses, Wraps. Gloves, Hosiery,Corsets, Underwear. ■♦ ■ MI . ■ r E / se■ ii/ so $ 1 00 00 . REWARD •• ■ a Wil • / / For information that ow i11 lead to the recovery' of the goods . . on the night of Aprril 14th or , - ■ stolen from our store g . P s / ■ • iithe morning of April 15th. ■ / • • • KING BROS. •Rs I. . li . al . ■ I • / 11 ■ •; / ,11111 Men's Department/m 1. . I Stylish Suits,New Hats Spring Gloves, ring Socks, Spring . � Spring Top Coats, S ySpring Sp Underwear, Garters, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neckwear. ■.i Boys' Clothing -= Boys' Sweaters Boys' Shirts and Blouses. //1 . iii■ ■ . •■ ■ 111 `■ . . / Congoleum Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Electric Cleaners. ■ ••■ / . ■ ■ ■ / ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • House Furnisdings a, Wilton Rugs, Brussels tugs, Draperies, Panel Curtains, .Madras Curtainings,. a ,. • /0444 rib in Is% Kin lut nva 'NIMII ICOMOIM'M®®ld%1®®IMI ®®■elaNu®■sa11■■o®11®®®®1111ME Ua■®MPS11111lo111r„ Marquisettes, Shadow Cloths, Art Sateeiis, Frilled Curtains. WINGHA 1111 .* /. ,. 1 • 11 ra • / R 1 .' ■ . ••u j • • • . • RMEEMENSIMAimmin iammi Pleveniummg unisimMUMMMEMMEMEMMON o's Furnishi� Greater Si i'ck in abies Us to G• Sell for Less 50 Stock and Saaxatale Suits, the pick from our racks, Blues and Fancy New Tweeds, sizes 34 to 46, worth 30.00 to 35.00, sale price $21.75 Shipment of Niew Spring Shirts, collars to match, Special Shirt Sale•... ... Spring HosieFy for and w del, fancy and ial while they last Young Men, silk plain colors, spec= 59c New Boys' Suits with the long trousers, you will always find the newest here for Boys. Suits ..•.$5.75 to $1.6,50 S or rin THE BUDGET CRITICIZED To the Editur av all thirty Wingham payperS, Deer Sur,—;, Shure, 'tis that mad I am since Mis- BLYTH Mr. Roberti -Watt, Blyth; local Coal Dealer, spent a few days in Toronto, during the,week. Mr. Dodds put in a new gasoline tank opposite his Garage on Queen titerRobb made his budgit sPaich in I St I 7 1 d aileyI11111t, that 1, hey liarrud Y be6 1•1,Tt.,Sr able to shlzake civil to the imsSus sin- ce. in bbebecca Gidley received a ce. If he , ivus akin in more money than thins inixpayrienced Grits cud' slipiud, w11,oy didn't he lake the dooty aff tay an tobackey an the other ni- cissaries 'av loife, insisted av rejoocing it on autos, wid no'binifitto annybo dy, bai•rin niakin cars so chape that all the U. F. O's, in the counthry will now be gittiri new \vans, art slipiedin theer toime ruunin to picknic s, whin they shud •be at house wurrukin on the firrunis an kaypin down the .wa- des. Another ting L inoight,minshun is that the harse thradin • profishion was• shlow, enough befoor, but now it will be shpoiled intoirely, so it will, but, ay cporse `this is more av a per- sonal matther, an doesn't tlrubble the gineral publick to anny ixtint, :but, shure, 'tis takin the bread: out ,av the mouths av a lot av good.' min 7-loikc mesilf, an Jaek Fry and Lave Lott, an. Charlie Sutton, an others I cud name. 'Tis a quare wurruld wid some quare Govirnments in it, and mebby we hev the quarest wan av all in Canada. Tink av takin• the dooty aff bananas to hilp a"lot av naygur nein in the West •Ingres, wid the same fr•uit shtill liokely to be sellin in Wingliam at the ould proice av tree shmall""wans fer tin cints, an moshtly shkin at that. Shure, bananas are poor shtuff fer a wurrukin man, in'• army case, only good fer childer an wimmin an other payple whb loike thiin, tut no use at all, at all, fer,fellahs who have to earn theer livin be the . shweat av theer: Takin the shtamp tax aff'. resates is a simian matther, an will clot make much; differ wan way. arr another, ter, if the prisint.' Governmint shtays in awfice much longer, nobody will hev anny money to-.pay'`debt wid, van thin resates will not be nayded. Bringin the postage down to two cints on a letther will not be much ay a savin to Pie, fer 1 don't wroite ,more than tin 'letthei-s in a year, as they are inoslitly posit cards. The red:uck- shun on income tax will lave a little more money fer fellates to buy gaso- line wid, an mebby hilp the garage min :to some ixtint, but, shure, it will trow a lot av feliahs air girruls out av a jawb countin up the money that us- ed -to come rowlin in at Ottawa. 1 Guthrie, see mebby it is As Hughie Gt e, y an elickshun•;budgit spaich, an intind- ed to catch votes wid, but, shure, if annybody gits desaved that way he has no more sinse than wan) av thiin ould crows 'that Jack Miner does be catchin in his thrap. Let thim bring on theer elickshun jiltlas soon as they bike, an we will show thins a few tings that may surproisc thirty,,,„fer the counthry is goin 'Tory den wid autos as chape, an as plintiful, an as aisito droive as' rvltalebarries in Ireland. I don't belave, afther all, that the King Governmint will dare' go to -the coun- thry this. year, afther the thrinunin a lot IV the iniinbers av it got lasbt Oc tober,' aii mebby it is betther so if Mishter Ferguson intinds to throy his luck agin. I shtill tink he shud lave well enough alone wicb regard: to the' liquor quistion, but', if he decoides. fer Governmint conthrol, av cootse, I shall hev to folly the "good ould Tory rule to shtick be the parthy, no mat- ter what comes. Yours till nixt wake, • Timothy Hay. NA & CO., LIMIT: 1nesSage cu Saturday that Mr. Rich- ard Gidley had died at his home in Exeter. The late Mr, S. H. Gidley, was "a son of the deceased. He was a man 'who had played his part in the cosnm tlity in which he lived so long. Deceased had almost attained-his.'9oth birthday. interment will take place at -Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. Norman Fry of Wingham is a nephew of de- ceased. The Auburn , Dramatic, Club .will pr sent the . play, entitled "A Poor lj2a r M n Memorialall on rr'ed au i H IiridaY. evening under the auspices of Missionary : Society of ; Anglican Church. Mrs. Peter Gardiner, Mr's. R. , B! McGowan, are in London attending a Missionary Convention as delegates from St. Andrews United :Church: Mr. Leslie Hilboris returned frosty London wher•e(he underwent Medical treatment in a Military Hospital. WHITE'CHURCH Mr. Ed. G4arton of Brussels, - spent the week -end with his brother here. Mrs. (Dr.) Balfour of Lucknow, :vi- sited one day last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Reid of the village '1V\r. and Mrs. David Barrier :and Luella of St'. Helens are moving into the home owned by the late Mrs. Geo. Garton. Miss Edith Gaunt of Lucknow, spent the -week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gaunt. Mrs. Joe Carroll and Mary of Ash- fieldare visiting,with her father, Mr. John Kennedy of Culross. The 'contest that has been carried on in the Young. People's Society of the United Church here was conclud- ed on Thursday evening last. Mr. Chas. Gillespie's side winning by ;a small majority. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Tiffin and fa- mily are amilyare moving into the Taylor farm lately vacated by Mr. Jas. McInnis. Mrs. Mary Moore of Ashfield was renewing 'old. acquaintances in our village one day last week. BELGRAVE `thes 'The following clipping froil Melville, Sask., Canadian should be of interest to our Belgrave subscribers, as the parties referred to are old ac- quaintances of, many of them. "The members of Viiny Rebekah: Lodge No. 94 'held a social evening and dance in tire' Orange Hall last Thursday night in 'honor of Mrs. E. Robertson; who is leaving 1VIelvile to make her home in New York. A very pleasant time was, spent by all. The Lodge presented the .bride -elect with a dozen silver . teaspoons. Many pleasant social functions 'ha- ve been herd during the last two weeks for Mrs. E. Robertson, in hon- or of the approaching marriage{ to Mi. C. Nicholson of New, York City. A handkerchief and 'linen shower was Yield a: the Home of Mrs. W' Wadsworth. Mrs. .Proctor and Mrs: Kelsey , also entertained the many friends and neighbors, Mrs. Robert- son receiving many beautiful gifts of silver and linen.” Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jordan and Freeda, spent a dayiki with Mr. ',and Mrs. Torn Jordan in Clinton. John Stewart, jr., is home from Detroit, for a few weeks, Mrs, Yuill spent : a day in London last week.. Mrs. Charles Wheeler, spent the week. end with ler daughtr, Mrs. .Andrew Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson "of New Ybrk are visiting with :'their uncle, Mr,' and Mrs. Garner Nicholson. Mrs, • John Stewart is spending a few days with friends in Corrie. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant,to Section 56, Chap 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the Estate of John L. Louttit, deceased, who flied on as about the ninth day of February, At D. 1026, at the Town of Wingham in the __Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, ox; to deliver to 1,.' Vanstone, Wilsg- ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ere-' 'tutors, on or before the third day of May, A. D. 1926, their names and ad- dresses, with full particulars in writ- ing of their claitns, and the nature of the securities (if any) "held by them duly :verified by. a statutory declara- tion. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said third day of May, 1926, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said es- tate atrtlprig the parties entitled there) to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then' have had tio- tice, and the said executors shall not be, liable for the said' assets or any part thereof 1.6 any,person of whose claim they shall not, then' have receiv- ed notice, DATED at Winghatn this tenth day :of April, A. D. 1926. R. VANSTONE,' Winghain, •F, 0. Solicitor for the Executors. Well make yours old Shoes look 11 he new. i3ring your shoes here for repairs.. W J, Grier, ■IiI�Iim I■Ill. it Millllll■Iil�lllNlli,iIIII11111I011111I■111 III�IIi�III�piiillllrlll�IlUIIIAIII�III I ) FI � .: _• % r i . NewMeth�d'Shoe . -1.- ■ le RopOiCiOg Many years ago (somewhere between 40 and 60 years) it was quite common for the shoe- make_i to make "Wooden Pegs" with which , he pegged the soles of shoess s f ■ Some years later a machine was invented that "made wooden pegs" for the same purpose. ' r, Next came the McKay Sewing Machine for 'Sewing the soles on 1t shoes and later still, there was invented the Goodyear Sewing Ma- chine which sewed on. soles very much after the same manner that one would sew by hand. N w''things have changed in so tar as the red ' putting on new soles) c_..; .. pairing (haat is prr� g -- s ,ol line shoes is concerned. 0' No tacks, no thread, no wax to hurt the foot and in fact your,;old shoes can now be re -soled -so perfectly as to be more comfortable =.✓' as far as flexibility'is concerned) and to look just as nice as wi," ■- ( — '� �_:: ted rsas far ahead of -Tau 'et o sus. "New M w infact t — theywere.new — k 11111 ing" as the. Luxurious Limousine iso ii advance of the "the old tide ■ _4t- horse bus." - m We invite, you to try out this "New Method" you will be greatly pleased and willl:like it So much better than the usual method of tacking or sewing W. H.aWI.LLI. THE SHOE STORE '`e Wingham, Ont. w Ph'.I-ne 129. ii f I l I II atualll®11189luil111■lil Iiatlmmegmaili IIII�III®II(eUl©IIf1gIIIlIII�iIIIE�(II�IIII?�III®IIIa1lItIIl I®I ®,I getting along fine in Winghatn Hos- the bride and groom arrived, the Uri - (de was Mrs. Agnes McKinnon, who w51 years years ago and the groom of course:. was taken by another Grandmother, who, is certainly a good sport, (Mrs. Win. Douglas.) Then there were readings and solos from the,grandmothers,which of r'r- wards was the grandmother of day, whichwas taken by Mrs. E. 'c �+ r hnother .toda ' Kenzie and the g o an c by Mrs. J. E. Agnew. The prize was awa-rded Mrs. Ewen McKenzie in be- ing the oldest grandmother when her first grandchild was born. Lunch was served and' the meeting closed with the closing ode.. Hearty vote of thanks ' was tendered,' Mrs. Robin- son for her home and also one to the grandmothers,- who put' on such a splendid. programme. Those who have been confined to the house with this flue are Mr. J. E. Agnew, Mrs. L. Aitchison, birs.- Me - Lean Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson, Mrs. Jack McKenzie:' and pital. as dressed in: her Mr. G. Aitchison .returned to Wiar- wedding outfit of ton on Monday,:- after being home three weeks confined to the house with Flue.' Those who were out, of town for Easter were:—Miss Date McDonaId, Grimsby; Mrs. Robt. Thor Ps 0 n Tor- onto; Miss Helen Thompson, Toron- to; Mrs. 0. Treleaven, Ripley; Miss Bessie Mtu•die, London; Mrs. Sidd l to Toronto. Miss Jeanne McClure has gone to Niagara, ,where she has., entered. the General Ilospital for training. - Miss McClure will be greatly missed here as silo took an active part in different parts of the church work. Her many friends wish her every success. ,Mr. and: Mrs. W. Hackett and son, visited Mrs. Hackett's sisters,' Mrs. E. Aitchison and Miss Carruth over the holiday. Mts. White of Seaforth, visited her sisters the Misses Murdies' of town. The Women's Institute was held LUCKNOW ('Too late for last week) , The funeral of the- late Mrs. Robt. Carrick was helc,'from her late rest dente on Tuesday); April 6th, Mrs. Carrick was sicka. long time but of late was much better until isle con- tracted the "Flu" Sic was a daugh- ter of the late Rev. and Mrs. Grant of Ashfield. •She leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband, four daugh- ters `and three sisters, Mrs. Carrick was in her Soil year. - Miss Margaret McCallum(spent the Easter holidays with her mother in Hamilton. Mrs. 1.1. G, Sheriff, spent the holi- days in London. Those who were home for Easter were: ---Miss • Freda Aitchison, 'Wes. ton; Miss' Mary McLean, Timmins; Mass Francis Spence, Toronto; Miss Mary Connell, TOC-ertto;' Miss Fratilcte Cain, London; Mrs. 1, R. Gaynor, 7 onctoki; Mt, Stanley 13ttrns, List o wel; itis Dean Geddes, Mt. Forest The a°riany friends of Mr, Win Connell will be pleased to learn fie is. s at the home of Mrs. Russ. Robinson son, Eddie, Mr. and Mrs. H. Nixon on', Thursday last and was,taken by and family, Mr. E. Aitcheson and Mr. isle' "GrandmothersZ', and which every and Mrs:- Robt: Johnstone, Mr. S. Ro- ore said was one of the•best meetings ever held. The' programin consisted The Rebbecca's are holding a social of first the grand march .6f the gran&- evening in tise I. 0. 0. F. lodge room mothers, all dressed in their clothes on April 2z, ,1926, at -8 P. m, Cards. of 'fifty years ago, then this was fol- Rebbecca's and all Oddfellows wet - lowed by the .wedding \parch, when come. • binson and Mr.. Geo. Robinson. 1111111111111k9111BY111®II1F9111®IIIi€11111611•11*ll1Nillkljll101ll2ll' llelll■If~®11157111®III■III■IIIiAlII®III■111 • • Motorists! Truck Owners! • Start the Season right Equip With km :Cushion 'Tires u Longer Mileage, Easy Cushioning, Dependability.' FOR ECONOMY'S -SAKE TRY. Tire Casings are considerably higher : than last year, You nl : cannot afford to discard tires that are" arily half worm, With Air. ■ tires you' invariably have to .c o this, with Aero Cushion you get Iia ill delays through punctures or Blow Outs. maxilnu n wear ,from your casings with an added insurance of no I I�! Orders for our first months operations atxsounted to upwards of $xo,00n, A striking testiniriny to the popularity and par`viceability of Aero Cushion Tires. ii i _ Wingharn RtIbber Co. Ltd. i1"S111N111IMp miuMllllems isifisIIIusitl IllOwMI11ifluOulimmillINIII IIII Mil iliiAMOMOIIiOm 3•