The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-22, Page 6BIUSINESS CARRDS. VELI.INGTON MUT1JAI. FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established 184o. licad Office, Guelph, oat„ Rinks taken on all classes of incur- 'Reece at reasonable rates, �11$NER COSENS, Agent, Wingham J. W. DODD Office in Chisholm Block" FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTH INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE 1'. O. Box 36o. Phone 24o "BINGHAM, • - ONTARIO DUDLEY HOLMES BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. 4ctory and Other Bonds Bought and sold. Office—Meyer Block, Wingham R. VANSTONE BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham, Ontario "Rippling Ruby" By ,J. S. Fletcher WI'NQI•I, .M ADV,A.I C -'DIMES "Look you here, my lad!" he inter- question, I didn't want to bring La rupted. "You're damned clever, .no dy Renardsmere into this business )doubt, but there's 'other theories than at any rate, until I bad seen` and talk- yours! alkyou, si There's this --the Chink was ed to her. If only Jifferdene would interrupted before he could gather up let me go back to Renardsmere I the watch and the money! He heard could. tell Lady Renardsmere all I somebody corning—and he hopped knew; all I had found out about Nee - it!" more, whoever he was, and about his "Tell that to the marines, Mr: undoubted association with Holliment Quartervayne," I ' exclaimed. "It's a and puartervayne, and I would beg theory that's full of holes! ; It won't her to communicate with the police hold. water for one minute. He'd herself. For I was certain by that time to rip up. Hollirnent's clothing, -time that Chuh. Sin and his English friends would stick at nothing to re- cover that Something, and we might be leaving murder done, at Renards- mere House. Tell Lady Renards- mere the whole story I would!—as soon as I could get at her, And Peg--- gie Manson, too—perhaps Peggie fir- st. For I had seen enough of Peggie to know that if ever there was a young woman who had a headpiece screwedon straight and tight, Peggie was she. But there was that infernal inquest. I dreaded that business. I had ne- ver given evidence in my life—before J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingham, - Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. W. R. HAMBLY B.S., M.D.; C.M. to cut into the padding at his shoul- 1ders, to examine and slit his waist- band, to find out if he was wearing a belt under his shirt! No—he was af- ter something; Now what?" "I tell you I don't know!" he assert- ed. "I know nothing about it!" "Very good!" said I. "But do you know a man named. Neamore—Percy Neamore?" He started as if I had held a revol- ver at him, and his big face paled. "What do you know about Nea- more?" he demanded. "When—" "Never mind!" I retorted, "Do you know : him?. I think you do, Mr. Ieither judge, magistrate, or coroner. I Quartervayne, and I'll tell you why. didn't know what they mightn't get Holliment and Neamore were in the out of. me: I supposed—being wholly Warrington Hotel, in Maida Vale, ignorant of the procedure in their afp very late last night, and. when they fairs -that the police would have at 'left together they went to see some- any rate something to do with it; per - body in Delaware Road, close by- haps, nay, probably, Jifferdene would and not far from the scene of the have already suggested to` the Coron- murder. Did they go to see you, er that.I knew a lot. I was afraid of Mr. Quartervayne? Because I saw having to introduce Lady Renards- you in Delaware Road this very after- mere's name --altogether, I didn't noon, in a tali -cab! Now come— know with what questions I mightn't who is Neamore?" be faced. And if I let things out, He stared at me, hard, for a minute, about Lady Renardsmere and Nea- in silence—then suddenly rising, he more, Jifferdene would turn on me made straight out of the room. Be- and want to know why the devil ,I fore I could follow, he had walked hadn't told him all that? Yes, cer- out of the hotel and into the night. tainly, I said to myself as I tossed CHAPTER XI' arid tumbled about, I know a precious The Train Goes Out lot more than Jifferdene knew that I I lay awake for a long time that knew! --and I heartily wished r didn't. night, endeavouring to think things I rather overslept myself, out of out It seemed to me if one was go- sheer weariness, in the end, and it ing to get at any clear view of the en- was , past nine o'clock- when I went tire; utterly puzzling " situation, ' one down to the coffee -room `for break - had got to go back as far as possible fast. Half -way through it, and while -at any rate, 'to some definite point I was reading an account of the Hol - at which these present matters began. liment murder, a very guarded and And as far as I was in possession of concise one, obviously inspired by the facts, the thing seemed to have had police, and suggesting moremystery its beginning, with, that astute, watch- in the affair than 1 knew it to possess, ful, inscrutable old Chinaman whom 1 I was called to the telephone. Jiffer- had seen at the Langham: Hotel -Mr, dene' was at the. other end. He said Cheng. I tried to get the events into that he was busy about the opening' sq e uence-figuring, of course . very of the inquest on Holliment, at Padd largely on probabilities. I put it in ington that afternoon and couldn't this way—Mr. Cheng is a wealthy get on to see me for two or three Chinese financier. He comes to Eur- hours—would I be in the hotel be- ope on some 'business or other: he tween twelve -thirty and one? I pro - has secretaries and servants with him, rnised that I would --and then asked During his stay in Paris, one of these him a question. followers robs him- of something -to . "Any developments?" be exact, from what I have already "No!" he answered. "But I` may learnt, the man is one Chuh Sin. hear of one or two by noon. Look Chuh. Sin, having robbed his master here! you keep quiet till I come— of this something, escapes to Eng- don't go wandering round, mum's the land. He turns up at Portsmouth— word!" perhaps he struck, there from South- "All right!" said I. r"Twelve-thirty ampton, having travelled' by way of or thereabouts, then—here." Havre. He put himself up at Holli- I rang him off before he had a ment's' Temperance Hotel, andafter chance to say more. For already, a time, being taken ill, goes to 'hospm- while we talked, and as soon as 1 tal, leaving all his effects in Holli- found that he wouldn't want me until ment's hands. Coming out of hospi- noon, I had determined, having two ;tal unexpectedly, he finds that Holli- hours ,to..rnyself, to do a bit of deter- tit has appropriated that Some- tive work on; my own account. ' I Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken postgraduate work in Surgery, Bact- eriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr Residence, .be- t•+ween the Queen's Hotel and the Bap- tist Church. All business given careful attention. Phone. 54. P. 0. Box 113. Dr. Robt. C. Redmond M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lona.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr.:Chisholm's old stand.. DR. R. L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the, Ontario College of *Physicians and 'Surgeons Office in Chisholm Block. Josephine Street. Phone 29. Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate. University of Toronto ?acuity of Medicine Office ---Josephine St, two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. 'Telephones:- Office 281, Residence' Isl. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases* Treated Office adjoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street, Sundays by appointment. Hours -9 a. m. to 8 p. m. Osteopathy Electricity Telephone 272. A. R. & F. E. DUVAL CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALISTS Members C. A 0. Graduates of Canadian Chiroprac- tic College, Toronto. Office in Craw- ford Block, four doors north of Post Office. Hours 2 to 5; 7 to 8.30 p, m. and by appointments. Special appointments made for those coming any distance. Out of town and night calls re- sponded to.. Phones: -Office, 300, Residence 13 on 6ot. me thing He goes for 'Holliment he went back and finished my breakfast, DRUGLESS PRACTIONERS J. ALVIN OX CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO, -THERAPY Phone 191. -12 a.m. 2 7-8 p.tn.: or by 0 Llr s io 5, appointment; gets, a gang of loafers together and and then set about doing it. conducts an attach: on Holliment's 1 was going to the Ritz Hotel, I store. Holliment flies—and Chuh Sin had an .object in view. When Lady somehow 'gets on his track. Prob- Renardsmere had carried off Neamore ably Chuh Sin has English friends in in her car to .town, I had heard her London -anyway somebody murders tell Walker, the chauffeur, to go Holliment, and turns him inside out, straight to the Ritz -I wanted' to as it were, in a frantic search for know if Neamore had gone there with l that Something. All that seems plain, her, and, more important still, if they precise, And out, of had 'been joined by anybody:'- For, it'1 n& Thursday, APri1 220c •, 1936 aim ouncemeni The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited announces the appointme�ae of Paterson Bras. — Their Agents for T ingham, Ont. All models of Ford Cars and Trucks -are • . prevailing on display and will be sold at the low: prices. r Approved Ford Ford Service will be `given at App standard rates. Only genuine Ford part will be used in all Ford repairs. CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS CFS -6 COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED. .FORD, ONTARIO: Lj!' FORD MOTOR • �-�,�..-'d.',�� NCING Ford Car Prices. The lowest price the: Ford car ever sold tor. The new :nett: reduction in wo_ 1926 MODELS -:- Touring .. .. ...... $476 Tudor Sedan, with starter $732. . '... 796. Touring, with starter 562 Fordor Sedan, with starter with starter 705 Runabout, with starter .... 521 Coupe, . ' ....: Tractor with tenders $580 ,r We will have our'show rooms open in the Holmes Block by Saturday, showing all these models. PATERS HOLMES BLOCK' N BROSO- FORD SALES straightforward, piaci , g e's toils. seemed to me a highly probable thein it rise some queer qu t car—she came iii' sand be- in gentleman -a ai dsmere s hat is .the Something? that the transaction which 'resultedrather over -dressed— ge '4V 1 for four. Theo the VJ'h watt': 1VCr.. Cheng tell Y lush police what it .is? l E Lady Renardsmere handing over a! J ?" I enquired spoke a table phone. After that lie and she waited the ng- a y ew. young gentleman ,went. to the tele - cheque for ten thousand pounds to Neamore had been carried out there —and possibly with the assistance bf a third . and perhaps -a fourth party— at at y— leswhere. before, -here or e at whose indentt%es I was already „ in them?" `That's - so," he assented. Were Holliment 'Quartervayne and "Did you know him?" half est La - 002 cd them , in the lounge. About_ P i, eein him Yes, he replied. I sett' Neamore partners in the approprla Not-miever remember s g •r—the man with La and liqueurs after p1 t „ two 111211 came ti myself with coffee q tion !n plain language, the stealing - Y , lunch, � of it? "Did D. I1« McINNES CHIROPRACTOR MASSEUR Adjustments given for' diseases of '. specialize in dealing with �►11° kinds, p - Lady attendant. Night Calls w;iatldren, ded to. tesibou its ham Ont., Office on Scott St, W $ In the house of the late Jas. Walken'. Telephone s,5o, itorecs. Office i06, 'R.esid: 224. A. J. WALKER PURNITURE DEALER ._ and -- FUNERAL DIRECTOR likltOs ent ti ►'w[r ONTARIO WINGHIAM, ONT. wore town' clothes and a silk hat." "'Dict you see any business transact- ed between them,?" I enquired., "Any, of papers or anything?" signing dy Renardsmere introduced them to and I saw Lady Renardsmere 'Then le w I b S her. Y mile to d t anybody �o ' the all 1Lmclied together. writing a cheque, She o "Can you describe the two meet?" I Lady Renardsmere.for ten thousand tion was very handed it to the inti who came in f i " 11 asked. with her at first." fromLady wouldhadandofother propertieslittlethese —I'vmyboknowit,Andof Ren- GEORGE A. S1DDALL RGE G�"O Rroker•---- Lucknow,Ontario. whatever it may be, en- , en. Well c1i•essed m,cii, and "Did they all leave together?" I iiiere to thing, whith. bits? know who i gentlemen. arils f 1 i but you k air to well behaved , Is It—this thiitt;, whirl: bids f r, .,, "'The three men know what I asked. e ie f li ' down as men also- No, he said.4 , h sorts n with herb i£ferd i !Phone mean. ,I set, ens ti cause murder and all poi is of horrors o w h w J 73• I'd seen fel c elated with the T. of course; we went away soon afterLady 1 posing in Mr. Pennitle�.varte's sae in I b and unpleasantness—now safely r - d real es- tate f a Renardsmere, and that Renardsmere,.wrating the cheque; she f know Lady able rate of I I"' ld while a blood o she's a wall !:!town .' owner that filly waited here till her car carne round doubt, than when I had got him aside. interest, also oil i of hers, Rippling; Ruby, is Cl •shielded, 1 f thought if?f 1 t P dere wide •course• you B t t air appearance?" 1t seemed to� roe as I lay there, s 1 t t1 blackness of 'Lincoln's ..un {ie s, ht first Chattel mortga about: dead for lief at :hired o'clock," English tes, . no thirsty n 1 motes"You reit man people, 1 ' f f k' d ri parse aoff h Derby. 1 � ou sec 'i g y bysonzC 'nga a relentless s is prowl- ing 'about, on arclentless search or Ya > 1 'Heti revtou�sly? vayaie to Lady Renardsmere at the. Ritz' Hotel, and that in all .probability she had there bought from the three 'of them the Something that Holli- ment had stolen from Chuli Sin `and that Chuh Sin had filched from his master, the 'Spins like Mr. Cheng. What was it? Why, once more--. wouldn't Mr. Cheng tell us? I went back to my own hotel, re- volving these mysteries—and at half - past twelve in walked Jifferdene, ob- viously vexed. "Hero's a fine do!"" lie exclaimed as he dropped into a chair at my side in the, smoking -room. "That infernal old Chinainan's gone!" " ?s` Mr. Cheng. I said, "No other!' Cleared out --last ni- ght," he answered. "Not so long af- ter` we'd seen him, either, Left by the rent on easy terms. JAS. GILMOUR, For-- VIRE( INSURANCE F an Insure iiia Good Sound Company u•— e "One man' was tall, stoutish, florid- ver!` 'Absolute strangers to ries: all awake, staring into the . c No- bly ream that I knew nidreabaut the Of Park Laiee. he replied faced the other was stoutish s' Agent whale. thing than anybody! Riad the ntiestion Iorce'd itself again and again didn't know how to answer that "With a y'oUitgish, well-dressed O- t I to tell al! I knew short. Each wore a, grey: tweed stint town pretty well!" "Well, you see,' he replied, "I ma. "Did tome here to lunch three CULROSS iknbwtng now that de tip my mind, last `night, I'd have I'rxd s11e c m......newt/ suints, they were, too. And I went away, days:a o?" I asked. had 5 black bands, whoever Neartiore !night be, he is linin Lint grey Homburg hats with b1 1 b d tipoh m$. tig i O r r Ifd �6 �Y in �* , iff rd ne at' ate? She did oh, yes! he answered. 'r or Phone 46 r 2 hitt at the inquest. What he wot4ldw The other man, who carne'with 1ler, introduced Ilollimeat amid �7uaiter (Continued on page seven) ,t14„e.. ill{.:IIC