HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-22, Page 4r, • 1; C MIS One Cent Sale Thursday, Friday and 'Saturday 30 and.May 1 April 29, Y McKibbon's Drug Store:. Die t5 e u Store Wingham. Ont. You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES CLINTON SPRING FAIR (Continued from page '.orae) support of the fair is to be congratu lated on the Success of the event from' start to finrsl1r,�� Heavy Horses Clydesdale Stallioar, 3 years and ov- er, 1st., Fred Colquhoun. Percheron Stallion, 3 years and ov- er, :Est.., Robt, Lamont. Heavy Draught,.. Brood Mare, 3 years and over, 1st.,. A. and J. Broad - foot; 2nd., Jas, Sterling. Heavy Draught Ei11y or Gelding, s years and over, 1st., Jas. VanEgmond, 2nd„ Jno: Vodden; 3rd., Jno, Vodden; 4th., Wm. Grey. Heavy Draught, Filly or Gelding, 2 years and,under 3, ist,, A. Sinclair; 2nd., A. Sinclair; 3rd., A."and J. Bro adfoot. • Heavy Draught, Filly or.Gelding, s year and under 2, zst., W. Grey; 2nd., Jas, VanEgmond; 3rd., E. Johnson. ;Heavy 'Draught, Horse Colt or Fil- ly, under r year, 1st., Jno. Dale. Heavy Drau'ght Tearii in Harness, 1st., A. Sinclair, 2nd., Broadfoot Bros. 3rd., Jno. Vodden. Sweepstakes, . Heavy Draught, A. and. J. Broadfoot. Agricultural Brood Marc, 3 years and over, 1st., J. Jarrot; 2nd., W. Marquis. Agricultural Filly or ,Gelding .. 3 Lowery; t. Geo. over, 1st., years and, 2nd., C. Stewart; 3rd., C. Stewart; 4th Jno. Dale. Agricultural Filly or Gelding, 2 years and under •3, 1st., T. N. Forsy- th; 2nd., Jas. Sterling. Agricultural Filly or Gelding, i year and under 2, 1st., A. Hurling, 2nd., G. 'Bisbick. Agricultural Horse 'Colt or Filly, I ,year, 1st., O. Tebbutt; 2nd., J. Flynn; 3rd., E. Johnson. Agricultural Team in. Harness, 1st., C. Stewart; 2nd.,, Jno. Dale; ,31d., C. McGregor; 4th., G. Lowery. 'Sweepstakes, Agricultural, Lowery. 4 General purpose Brood Marc, 3 years and over, 1st., Sturdy.' General Purpose, Filly' or Gelding, 3 years. and over, 1st., Jno; Deichert, jr.; 2n.d., Jno. Deichert;3rd., lit C. AUCTION SALE - Of Household Furniture at Belgrave, on Saturday, April 24th., at 2 o'clock at Mrs. Duncan Robertson, Belgrave. Ja- mes Taylor,. Auctioneer., ION SALE -Household Fur- niture, CT niture including Piano, Mirrors, 'Tables, Stoves, Dining Room Chairs, Rugs, Linoleuxns, etc.., at the North End Hotel, on Saturday afternoon, May 1st. See bills. Al- bert Bell, Proprietor, T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. "COW FOR SALE -Apply for furth- er particulars to Clayton H. Pliip pen. DLUEVALE Mrs. Thos.Coultes lras returned to her �honie here after spending the win- ter and her sons in Philadelphia, Pa. We are pleased to see Miss Pearl Graff back again after being in the Wingham hospital during the past two months. Mr. Wni. Balfour had his house co- vered with prepared shingles this week which gives.it a nice appearan- ce and makes it warmer. .:There was a big crowd Spring Fair on Tuesday. titulars next week. SPECIALIZING THIS SEASON IN EGGS FOR HATCHING -In sure your profits by buying eggs from our heavy laying `strains: of Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, White. Le horns and Black Min peas. O b• d haveofl- FOR SALE -One' Hound. Apply to Hugli Prentice, Lower Wingham, rOntario. FOR SALE -Buggy and single har- ness. Fred. Kitchen, Wroxeter, Phone "-42. FOR. SALE --Quarter Cut Oak Man-. tle and pair of Oak Sliding Doors. Complete with track, lock, etc. T. C. King. g Our flock of loo it s given a w derful production this winter, lay- ing as high as sixty a day'" through February and seventy in March. Already selling eggs and taking or- ders. We expect .to sell thousands of eggs, because we 'have the stock and prices/are the lowest. $3.00 for 5o eggs; $5.00 for 100. Inspect our pens or phone or write your or- ders, but order early. Phone 201W, Wingham. F, J. Hill. Geo. in for the Full par - IN MEMORIAM CANADA TO' BE PREFERRED TO ETHER FLORIDA OR THE PACIFIC COAST Simson-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Isabella Sirnson, who passed away, April 25, 1924. Millman -In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt, Mary J. Millman, who passed away, Sept. 19, 1924. There's some"one. who misses you sadly And finds•the clays long .since, you went There's someone who thinks of you daily But tries to be brave and content. W. Simson and Mrs. N. Wade. (Written foci the Advance Times By PI, R. Holmes) For sometime it has been the inten- tion to send you some trenchant coin merits on Florida and the U. S. Paci- fic Coast. With references to that very ranch overated portion of it, Southern California. ' First to take tip Florida. That, was, very' well written letter by D'r,, Mary Fi idlater, published in the Advance - Times and I am sure after reading it "Gentle Annie", will think twice be- fore starting for the "Everglad•er." The letter .referred to however didA, not go sufficiently far in showing up.. the folly of Canadians going to Flori- da with the intention of purchasing any property .there. They would soon realize the great' mistake they would be making in golag there, and would be glad to shake the malarial Mosquitoes of the• everglades off tlieir "leather completions," and return north again, as thousands are now do- ing, with sad experience purchased at a high price, but which may be useful in preventing them from making a si- milar or even worse mistake in trying out a more undesirable country still so' glaringly advertised and known as "Southern California. I have not only visited but also re- sided for sometime in each country and therefore it ought to.be admitted that I am in. a position to'speak ad- visedly about them. , Climate, fruit and scenery are the three, principal and'in fact only at- ractions they have to offer. For the first: Florida has the ad- vantage for they have not the sante chilly winds and raw rains so, pre- valent on the Pacific cp'ast and there never was an orange grown:. on -,,,the other slope. of the Sierra Nevadas to equal the Indian 'River' Oranges of Florida,' or those of the Lake Eusk's and Palalka districts. The Climate. of neither' is suitable to men or women of the Northern Zone.. Of 'course no one who .could avoid it would` want a year round res- idence in either of them. Both of thein, are infested at all seasons by the worst forms of insect pests, from the Texas Gallownipper to the deadly Taranlulu. From the dreaded white ants to the` . festive jumping fleas, not to mention the blood_ thirsty mosquitoes, which are everywhere. there. "The female of the species," both insect and hu.nian P , are the worst•, inboth countries. As my learned friend the- "Dr." sta- tes,, they are "leather faced and short skirted", and in California often ,wor- se than that, for they 'show sj.gns there of even discarding,the , sk -ts- apparently wanting to imitate the ac- ress•, whose clothes were auctioned off as she' stood shivering on ' the boards of a Kansas City Theatre. As spaceat,this season ,'with,;, so many Easter. notices; may be' limited, I will conclude this present 'sketch with a list of the following aphorisms referring particularly to Southern CaI- ifornia-A country to stay away from. Everyone of them true and any does not one' denying any ofthem, know that country and never resided there, and certainly never held the pet sitioli of Court Reporter, as the writer did: r.. A Country where the rivers are ;water. without ti , 2. Where the fruit. is without fig: vor. .3. Where the flowers are without fragrance. 4. Where the : birds , are without song. 5. Whea-e out ceasing. the omen tiro .here i w '6. W virtue. q. E1nd the men without honor. And about tfi�ir boasted :climate, it may be added that it ,resembles some places in Me.rico, where Kipling said there were three months of winter, and nine months of hell. Reeve Geiger er Wins g Mr. Owen Geiger, Reeve of Hensall (has come out the victor in a peculiar law tangle, which was argued in the Court of Appeal_ at 'Toronto a few days ago. The .action' arose over the duty on a ,carload of flax shipped to Cleveland. ' Mr. Geiger had contract.- ed ontract ed to pay the duty and did so •to the C.N.R. at Hensall when shipment was made. The railway company. did not forward the duty promptly, however, and the car;; arrived at Cleveland not charged. The'consignees did not no- tify Mr. Geiger of this but attempted to get the' car • cleared'themselves. Meantime, however, the Arnerican tariff on flaxgtow was increased large- ly and the consignees had to pay up- wards of two ' hundred dollars ($200) more duty to release the shipment. For this :excess they sued Mr. Geiger,. but he contested his: liability on the. ground;; that it was .the .negligenge of the plaintiffs in neither notifying him nor payifig the duty promptly 'before the rate 'went up that was the cause of this loss. The case was first tried. at Exeter by His Honor Judge Lew- is, who gave judgment in favor of Mr. Geiger. The plaintiffs appealed, but again the decision is in favor of Mr. Geiger after, a review of the case by the full Appeal Court of five jud g e s.-Hensall Observer. General Purpose Team -in Harness, ist., W. Deichert; 2nd., H. Cox; 3rd., H. Sturdy; 4th.,.. H. Govier. Team sired by.Percheron Stallions, Jno. Vodden, Londesboro. Heavy Draught Agricultural' or - General Purpose Horses, any age -in Halter, 1st., Tuckersmith •} Township, Broadfoot and Sinclair. - Best matched team in harness, any. color, Jno. Vodden, Londesboro. Light Horses Stallion,'/Standard bred trotter, zst;, Jno. Deichert; 2nd., Stewart' Hether- ington. Stallion, standard bred pacer,` Ist., Dr. Whitley; 2r d., Dr. Whitley. Carriage horse in harness, ist., J. B. Lavis;� 2nd., Ross Love; 3rd., R. J. Scott. Roadster in harness, 1st,, Maiming Bros., and., W. T. McLean, 3rd., Thos: Reid. Carriage team in harness, R. Me Laren, Hensall. Best Gentleman's Turnout, 1st., J. L'. Lavis; 2nd., Percy Manning;'3rd., Ross Love. Sweepstakes, Light Horses, Dr. Whitley. Specials have not won Lady Drivers, who prizes before, 1st., •Mrs. Geo. Dale; 2nd., Jean McEwan; 3rd., Mrs. Fred Nott. AUCTION SALE OF 3o :S'TEERS- An Auction Sale of 3o steers weigh- ing from ,900 to moo lbs each will be held at the farm of Thos. Mill- er, S s, Lot 28, Con. 6, Morris 'on Friday of this week, April 23rd. at i.so o'clock. ' These cattle are now at the Miller farm and may be in- spected at any time. Terris: -Six months credit allowed at bank in- terest. N. C. Cotttts & Son are the proprietors and D. M. Scott, Auc. s1FOR SALE -Baby Chicks from hea- FOR SALE -Black 1blinorcas egg Mrs.Geo. Applyto 'for hatching. Casemore, Wingham, Ont„ R. R. N0. 2,, Phone 602-3. FOR SALE -A 1921 Model Grey Dort in. good running condition. 5 good tires. Or would exchange for part pay on. good driver. Apply to F. S. Edgar, Leopold St, Pia - FOR PLASTERING -Repairing ster, chimney building, papering. Prices reasonable, see Wallace Hough opposite Park. FOR SALE -Store at Fordyce,' 4o feet brig by 20 ft, in good. condi- , tion. Would make a good . home for someone. Maple and pine floors upstairs and down. ro fdot ceiling downstairs. Win. Champ- ion, Route 2, Lacknow. TO RENT -Those desiring to have their lawns rolled by the Bowling Club's Gasoline Roller, may leave taicir order with C. Armitage or J. 'ATaSon. "J'he charge. is $ 5.00, HOUSE. TO RENT -On Diagonal Road. Enquire to I -I. h. Isard, ORDERS. -Will be taken for Baby Chicks, from now until the last of June, from choice. selected laying Rock Pullets and RegisteredBirds, it 13c each, also choice White Pe- kin .neck eggs at 5oc per setting. Apply to F. 3. Lewis, R. B. No. r, Wing -ham or Phone 612-2 Wro eters PAINTING AND PAI'1ER HANG- TilG--?hbiie 23-625. J: Rogers, HORSES I,OR.SALE--Orirrer, work single or double, one percheron mare, rising 7 years old. Also gear light wagon at Currie's Lively,. Phone 120, vy laying strains of S. C. W. Leg- hornsRocks. and Barred are culled by government expert and our two hatching pens of Leg horns are mated with pedigreed ma les from W. H. Fisher of Ayton, Ont. and the Delemere - Poultry Farm of Stratford, Ont., whose hens have won' ^1st. prize at the, egg laying contests at Ottawa. The •'t of our• Rooks are from O. majority 9 A. C. Stocl, Owing to the deirfand for my chicks, I have increased my hatching capacity again this year. Orders booked now for April. and May. Our prices will be the same as last year. 'The Barred Pocks, will be 16c each until May 15th.; af- ter the Leg- horns e g - ter that date 15c each and g horns will be 1,5e for the season, Mts. .Geo. D. Fortune at J. W. For- tune's R. A. No. 1, Wingham, Ont, Wroxeter Phone 612, Ring;8. Thursday, April 22nd., rg26 ■••••.Rl//Ilr•lr%•iIf•IJI 1UI*insamm l FARMI ,• ■ • ., ■ •■ ■ mg•N iii•■ ■ - ilt purposely osely 111 ~We have Shoes designed and built p P for farm 1 ■, I work.The are built for Comfort, Durability and ■. Y ■ ••■ mi•■ 4 ■ ■' ■ ■ e 111■ e ■ ✓ ■ ■ ■ •s 4 ■ 4 In the Spring the thoughts of the farmer turn toward Farm Shoes., . - are the ' ® ■ Good Looks. Our,: Farm Shoese ■ e BEST FARM SHOES .MADE , , ■ 4 We guarantee them. The farmer who buys his Shoes al BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR' HATCHING- Fr.•oni large ;strains, pure bred to lay White L eghores and Barred Rocks. Healthy vigor- ous stock bred for -size, large eggs and heavy production. White Leg- lao.rn Baby Chicks; 25, $3.75; 5o, $7.00; ro0, $13,00; White Leghorn I•tatching Eggs, 25, $1.25; 50, $2.25; soo, $4;00; Barred Rock Baby Chinks 25, $4.50; „ 50, $8.50; lob, $16.0o; Barred 'Rock 'Hatching Eggs, 25, $I.50; 50, $,2.75; too, $5%0o, At these. prices in your own boxes orbas- 1 bask- ets at my place, one gttartr mile West of Whitechurch. Custom hatching done at reasonable rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ijtrncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont, Phone 42-611. WANTED -Two second hand incu- bators must be in first class shape. Apply at Advance -Times Office. Cattle Shorthorn Bull, 1 year, 1st., M. Cri- ch; 2iid,, M. Crich; 3rd., F. Watts: Shorthorn Cow, 3 years and over, zst., M. Crich, M. n heifer, 2 year, ist., Shorthorn , SY Crich; 2nd., M. Crich. Shorthorn Heifer, 1 year, ist., Crich. Hereford Bull, Gus Bisback, Hereford Cow, 3 years and over, 1st:, Gus Bisback; 2nd. Gus Bisback. Polled Angus Bull, 2 years and ov- er, 1st, C. Lindsay. Dairy Cow, any age, any breed, Ist,,. E. Rozell; 20d., F. Wafts; 3rd., T. Rands; ;4th., M. Crich; 5th., I. Coe- per- Heifer, oe-per.heifer, under 2 years, 1st., E. Roz - ell; 2nd., E. RozelI; 3rd., E, Rozell. Sweepstakes. Lull, M. Crich. Best ' Herd, Male and 3 Females, "M. Crich, under 2 years, Ist., J. E. Ellis has bought. a three year old Imported Entire Clydesdale Hor- se "Hawkrigg Alacrity" from J, E. Arnold & Son, ,Grenville, Quebec. Theyare the la gest• importers of hi- gh, class horses in Canada. His siris Craigie Alacrity by Apu- kwa. James Kilpatrick the best jud- ge of Clydesdale in Scotland paid $7500.00 for him when he was a foal. As a yearling he was first at Aber- deen and first at the H. and A, S. show at Edinburgh. As a two year old he was first at Glasgow and first and champion at the Highland of Scotland. Hawkrigg' Alacritys dam is Farleton Lady Alice by "Dunure Footprint." She was champion at the' Highland. of Scotland and the Royal of England. She is considered. one ofi the greatest mares of the breed, His second dam is by the undefeated "Everlasting." Few have any other horse in Canada as a champion sire and dam. ' Aside from his great breeding this is a big going smooth, straight g g colt with feet, ankles, bone and feathering. that would satisfy the most critical Clydesdale Judge. BORN MacMoiagle-On March 1.2th., hi. the Cr, and M. Hospital, St. Catharines to Mr. and Mrs, T. E. MacMouagle, a daughter. --Thelma Towe, (nee Miss Thelma Sanderson,) Prices $2.75, $3.50 to $5.00 ' • i11: never find fault with there hem. ■ ■ ■ .4▪ ' ■ GREER - Telephone 23 - NI THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. MI BELGRAVE The annual meeting of the Belgra- ve Rifle Association . will be held in Belgrave on T1ittrsday, April 29th,. All those interested are invited to attend.. GARDENING -Lawns made and Lawns mowed by \an experienced man. J. ,Wells, 'Phone g66w. Bosi 5Z � epAuto.. Licenses For the fifth year we have been appointed to issue these licenses IN THIS VICINITY Our aiirn will ba to give the public SERVICE. t When we receive a'p'roperly' filled in application with a money order or cheque pay- able at par We will return your license on next train Same prices as last year. Allow 10c for postage, AM $MITH Box 47$ - Wingham h,alf the year, rains c; itli- t uahott IN LO.V ING MEMORY Of our dear daughter and sister, Vera Kathleen Higgins, who p,��tssed away April 21, 1925. l "Oh, how we miss her, Words cannot tell; The bright happy face we loved so well Sweetest of memories, Are all that is left \ Of a loving °daughter and sister - One of the best." Inserted by Father; Mother Sisters Sisters and brother. Aunt, Mollie" Long, 73 years old has been playing tho harmonica, since she was 54 and does not intend to gi- ve it up for the sake of dignity now, in her old age. N� one need hunt up old fiddler tunes for "Aunt Mollie" site knows 'em, all, from "Turkey in the Straw" to the "Little Br'bwit j'tig". Pier harmonica repertoire is practical- ly complete. She lives in Cincinati, 0, t Masterpiece -in .efficiency. REMINGTON MODEL 12. Easy to operate responsive to the lightest t0• u ouch. Per eat alignment and durable. The Remington Model 12 is a masterpiece in efficiency. It is the most popular Type- writer in Canada amoi a a operators for its - g speed and flexibility and among executives for the quality of its work. You can buy a Remington Model 12 on easy terms,•, and we will take your present machine as part payment 'in exchange. For particulars,. sign and mail this advertisement to us .. J Name . e ... • .. • . e • e 666.60•40666 e e ... • • • e, Address.... ..oe.... •ot•...,.e•e..0ee0r, A REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY' OF CANADA LIMITED 68 Ring Street West, Toronto; 2. J. Wright, Provincial Manager. nmsmiumimmommomminmasym ■ ■ e e ■ ■ e mu mi e'. e e e. e' e 4 e e NI gm4 4 rS ■ 4 1111111111111M111111111111111111 111 yceumTheatreI a Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 22, 23, 2 ...- SPECIAL ... SYD CHA I'LIN ci CHA L ' S AUNT" She was from Brazil where the Nuts come from, but "she" turned o'ht to be a "He". Admission 35 and 2,0. cents. Matinee, Saturday 2.30 p. m. Admission 25c and Monday and Tuesday, April 26 and 27 LC f t A GE -IN- "Stepping COMEDY=-"MAUDARIN 'MIXUP Wednesday and Thursday, April 28 and 29 REGINALD DENNY e e "I'll Show You Town" �h� e 1 e COMEDY-°NC'IZSE PY TROT,1',BLES ■ e iuIiwwwr R.uii I%i*I*w` 4 iP ■l1t1111i31411511