HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-22, Page 3et, MI, 4 .„, a••••' • • apaRs4 uNrirgp fp.matro Evaellerit •servicee 'were Iheld iJt Suoday. The young erten eif tthe tattle. - ch pat on »epeci1 semige,s, 'The ;pas, tor ems isited' by Mr, a 0,euezpon, Mr. 'Goa'1ieand.Mr. fia,. H. 'Ste- phens, also a splendid 'male The pastor gatve an appropriate • dress at elm morning .sereiice dee, •'Tour Steps to Achievement:" The • male choir rendered two selections 'in chorus, The Clieurch in the Wild - wind," "0 Can We Say We axe• Re- •ader Brother." e The evesdng ;service was well At- tended. Singing ,of familiar Gosp.di •Hymns, was a special feature. Tlee minister took for hes subject "Heroe's f Faith", as recorded in the New estament .Honor £Roll; Hebrew, • ,Chapter 11. Rev. Mr_ Craik made a follow in the faith of the fathers, to )) strong appeal to the young men to •persieten0y endeavour to make a true ;success in life and to give their life to • ethe highest ambitions for Christian ;attainment, The choir of -young men sang effectively, "Since Jesus Came 'Into My Heart" and 'Win Them One •aey One." ' The day was a blessed one in every Neay for our people. 'You Will, went to attend the special services; next Sunday, Young Ladies Stuiday. , The pastor will be ;asSisted herea,ladeee-choir at both serviees. +teea.Siitua1 Sanctuaries," p,. inee2;!Be Cahn ia Thy Soul." "Mere. Wm. Pyke had the Ladies Aid Sottety et» her •home recently. After •sraccessflpi businessmeeting, supper *as sserved. • - .A. Mt03m slap social afternoon will 'be hellil by the United Ladies Md in the 'neenefature. Particulars later. rThe ey, pi League executive met••at the homeeofaMise Alba Carson; Mon- day evening% to arrange a series ()Of weekly ,P-mgams. Subscriptions for the Maintenance Aired 'Extetteion' Fund of the locaa lUne, -Red iChureh keharge for the first 'yawl amounted 'to 414.oe.00. This alnetnet lids been forwaeded to the head office. Financial reports will 'indicate the !Nat of AalaseribeeattO, this local fund. Huron Preebytery will • meet in Wesley United. (Church, Clinton, next Tuesday, April oeth. at Ice a. na, The Inatigteral 'Servicetof; the Huron Pres- byterial Society »aud Woman's Miss- ionary' Seeciety willehe held in Otitar- io United Cheveli ethe same day. .EATIfER T.DVIE—,UPeTDIDA-TE Fire hreatens,Our National Heritage Carelessness De- stroys 3,000,000 acres annually of Can- adian» Forest Loss of standing timber by fire continues to be appalling. On the average„ over 3,500 million board feet are destroyed annually. The forests of Canada are being depleted at a rate they cannot possibly withstand; more than half of this depletion is due to fire, in- sects arid decay. The future of the forest in- dustry is just as dependtnt on the seedling, trees and 'young growth as the pulp and pap- er and lumber mills, and. industry generally, are dependen.t on matute timber ---both must ' be saved, from the ravages of fire. In addition to the shelter by the forest to the farm er and his stock, settlers in forested regions are viially de- , pendent on the woods for winter 'employment. Care with fire in land -clearing » operations is alleessential—burned tinThee pays no wages. • Canada has the finest inland fishing in the world, but these splendid food and game fah 'require clean, cold, • water its the streams, to‘'' ensure prolific reproduction. Forest fires are inimical to fish life. Game anirnals attract foreign tourists and induce Canadians to seek pleasure, he'alth, and adventure in the great dutdeore. 'these animals are distinctly a toreet ree seurce—utterly dependent on it for protection and. food. Forest fires are most deetrnctive of such wild life. 'Ninety per cent, of the forest fires ate caused by careleetness, Are yeti doing year part to prevent: this Wanton vete and destrliction? • CHARLZO VrtIVAPT IVIINISTER OF THE INTER/OR THE TRUTH SEEKER • • SALEM . ed in the usual way. The secretary read the minutes of the 'March meet - Mr. Leslie Bolt returned home af- ing which were approved. The cor- A Strange Australian Bind ter spending some time with friends respondence was then read. The pre - In far away Australia, the furthest in Kent.• sidept was not preent and Mrs. Fe - south, "The Land of ale' Fern" and Harry Gowdy terman acted in her place. A concert the feathered tribe, there are many "d ' very peculiar birds. ViWisest of B Line, Howick ,called on the form- 'will be held in the near future in the e rarest of them all is known tocertain er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gow- , Institute Hall, under the auspices of ' Aboriginal tribes as "The Truth --Y d last Sunday evening, . 'thm e 'Woeras Institute. Neil Mc - Seeker." Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher, spent Donald and his male quartette of Kin - It is never met with in flocks, but one ,day recently with Mr. Mat. San- leareene supplying the music. Watch has many strange and commendable derson of .Wroxeter. !for further particulars. The address qualities. It does not caw with the Mrs. Chad. Hennings has had an given ber''"Mrse A. 1,'itch on opportuni- Crow, nor laugh with the Laughing attack of appendicitis. We hope to ties of the Women's Institute was Jackasses (another very peculiar cspe- see her all right soon again. exceptionally good. A Summer p,oRnwIcH . • VVROXgl'Eli. Wr Thos. Wilson Old Miss Marie Davidson 'spent 'Thursday in Wing - Mr, T. A. Roberts was a visitor at Gorrie on Friday. •Mr. and Mrs, Earls! Denny and lite tie son, also Miss Mary Cattaeach, spent Saturday afternoon with friends ip Harriston. •Mr. and Mira Victor Gibson and lit- tle son of Listowel Spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mi', and i Mrs. Alex. Gibson. Mr, E. Sothern and little Hazel Armstrong, spent Saturday afternoon in Harriston. Gordon Jefferson of Garrie visited in town Saturday afternoon. Ken Montgomery of Bank of Com- merce Staff, Gorrie, spent the week- end at liis home here. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Montgomery and two sons of Palmerston, spent one day last week weel »with • friends in town. • Mrs. Charles Schaefer, spent Satur- day in Harriston, visiting at the home of her son, Mr. Homer Schaefer. A number from here attended the concert and dance in Harriston, Fri- day night. ' Died—Gray in Harriseon on Satur- day, April 17, 1926, Mr. George Gray, aged 84 years, - Mr. and Mrs. Garnet King, loth con spent» Sunday with the Matthew's fa- milies. » Miss R. E. Sothern of Wingliam, spent Saturday with her parents, » Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sothern. Mr. A. McMichael of Brampton, was in town last week on business. Mrs. T. A. Roberts was a visitor in Harriston on Saturday. Miss Minnie Grahani, spent a few 'days with relatives in Pahnerston. 1 D. M. Kennedy was a business vis- itor in Harriston Saturday afternoon. 1 Mr. Jno, Gibson of Brussels, spent • the week -end at his home here. Following is the result of the chec- ker tournament played here last week W. L. T. Pts. Jos. Beswitherick eo 7 1 21 Geo. Bunston le 7 22 E. E. Denny • 12 5 1 25 Thos. Benston 7 8 3 17 Win. Hill -4 13 1 9 W. E. Patterson —ale 7 »1 21 5 12 1 11 ,Chas. Schaefer doee not play jacks with' the cies among the Australian birds). It Miss Margaret Newton from Gorr- speaker will visit the Institute on Jack- ie, spent last Sunday with her friend• May 25th. Mrs. H. McLean has kind- , WROXETER ly offered her home for this meeting. dews. Neither does it associate with Mrs. Jack Gallaher. 1 the Nopoke, or even call with Coo-ee. • 1VIr. Geo. W.' ht I four e es ee ch recently gave birth to fourteen ilaie 1 Mrs, Clarence White, Brussels and. lig las o w They are not found 'at the noisy con- 'held Mayx2th at the Manse, Bel- ') Mrs, Ed. Rana » with their families certs of the Parrots, nor at the im- . I more. A cordial invitation is extend - The Branch Annual Meeting will be 1 iri h C ck ed to the 'ladies of' ommu ity They do not run With the Emu; noir mora camp meet g oft e• o atoos. sets of quadruplets. Next! I then • iThe District Annual meeting will be dive with the duck billed. Platypus, • !held. hi the Institute Half, Delmore ! nor they do not roost with the Wen- DE„Ime..).Rg. Ion June 3rd. Mr. Geo. Putnam. and ga, orli with the Lyre birds, • ' Miss Ethel Chapman will be present I Iii short this IS e: wonderful bird tnie monthly meeting of the Bel- ,to addeeee this meeting. The roll and it is quite proper therefore to more Women's Institute ,was held at 'call was "Don'ts for the Kitchen." adapt and dedicate 'to it the follow- !Mrs. Wm. Abraham's home on Wed- !The meeting closed by singing the ing interesting little Poem: nesday, April 14. The meeting' open- National Anthem. • The bird let loose in Eastern skies, When hastening fondly home, Neer stoops, to earth her wing, nor flies, Where idle ;wanderer's roam, tut high thrOugh purer air and light, Above all low delay, Where n.othiug mystic bounds » her flight, Nor shadows dim her way. So grant- me Truth from every care, .Aad stain of biget free, .Aloft through ,Nature's purer air, • To bold my course to thee. No sin to cloud, no lure to stay, Nor fear as home she springs, Truth's Sunshine, her couragous way, Aad Freedom in her wings. R. Holmes, Toronto. Neglect Livestock in Calecion T`wp. With about 20 dead cattle and 53 others nearly dead, the farm. of Hilton Dale, a half inile west of Orangeville is a graesome sight. Neighbors at- tracted to the farm building by the ce- • ies of the stoele, notified the police, Aa S.P.C.A, Inspector from Toronto and Proviricial Police confirmed the story., The stable was nearly a foot deep iu muck and dead cattle were ly- ing about. The stock. still alive pre- sented a itihil sight. Two bales of hay were in sight, and though a pump was in the barn, the cattle had had no water »fer days. Dale is tinder arrest now, and two men are in charge of Ilia farm Dale unmarried, says lack of fodder and ill -health is the cause. Tho »officers think otherwise. Card of Thanks take this Means of eonveying my heattfelt thanks tb the many friends • and neighbors whO were so kiltd and thoughtful hi the sad hour of afflitte' • loii and it le my sincerest wish that God's richest biassing May be bestow- ed upon 0,1L • Famous Tank Becomes Memorial his •shows: the British battle -scarred tatk, "America" 'which is being lowered, into the Cunard freighter "Vardulia", The tank, which wen inimonial fame u1 Prune% weigh944 Pow, and is here shown being lifted from King George IT, dock at London into the freighter for trans- •portation to the tinited States, where it will find a final resting-plaee on the cavus 'of krAe1lUnIVersaly. The tank Was presented to the 18ritish"Thry New` Yorkers ,througlt the efforta of Major L6itis, Livingston Seaman, one weinan, dotitribUting $1,5,000 to the fighting ntachhie. Oently Major Seaman' started a MOVeraent to have it presented by the War 1)epartnient bi Louden to his a.lma. eciattna QOrnell; because of the large Part Cornell played hi the war. The talak is being given a militarY re- eeption upon its.arrival, It 1%011 be permanent and Unique Metmerittl Itice Cernell Men Witta'died,itie the war!, . • • • are at Reeve Hentieberg's. D. C. Pope has taken over the mail route from S. Burke, getting posses - ion May Ht. He also got back the land ,and building he sold to Burke, about two years ago, getting possess- ion in the fall. Mrs. T. G. Hen -11011 has been sick 'Mil a week or more, while some bet- ter, is not progressing as fast as her friends would like, but we hope to see her about again before. long. Ar + exchange of bulbs or slips will be your answer to the Roll Call for the April Meeting of the 'Women's In- stitute which will be held at the home of Mrs. Davidson on the 29th. Come prepared, Wroxeter Council Meeting The Village Council niet in the Council Chamber at regular meeting, Friday night, April 16th. Members present were Neil White, J. Moffatt, R. Stocks, Reeve Humeberg in the chair. The minutes of meeting of March 23rd., were read and adopted on mo- tion of N. White and J. Moffatt. The accounts were, Thomas Gibson, bal. of account $4.6.,29; General Electric Co. for brushes for dyanamo $7.84; H. Patterson, running plant to April 16th. $41.6o; T. G. Hemphill, power and rent for month of March $93.5o; Ad- vance -Times printing stationary for Clerk $7.73, The accounts were passed on motion of N. White and R. Stocks: • , Motiorr of ,j. Moffatt and N. White the Council adjourned to meet in re- gular meeting or call of the Reeve. Fred Davey, Clerk. GORRIE The Of.Hcial Board of the United Church at Gorrie, at its last meeting to finish tip the year's business, found that they had, concluded a very pros- perous year, "The Stewards were ab- le to meet all obligations promptly and 'report a substantial surplus. At . this meeting a resolution was passed unanimously expressing appreciabon of the excellent service rendered by Ithe pastor, Rev, F. W Crail, during the year just closed •and as a' further evidence of approval an iiterease in salary was made for the ensuing year. Mrs, Clarenee White and children of -13russels aro visiting with •her fee" ther, Reeve Henneberg. l'Ioar »of Clinton, was in toWA lest week on businese, • Ms Ed, Renil of London is at pre7 sent visiting friends here, Mrs, T. 0. Hemphill, who has been under the Dr's care for the past weele is improving we are glad to say, .• „ • Owing to =easels at lifr. Sandy Wright's our milk delivery has been cut off for a few days. Mr. Bush who has' been coafined to his room -with flue, for a couple of weeks is able to be out, again we are pleased to say, • Mies Della Rutherford, returned to Toronto oei Saturday after spending' a few days at her home here. ••' Miss Kathleen Armstrong returned » from London on Saturday where she • had been trying the Normal Exams, •, /2 CON HOWICK • Mr. and Mrs. James Warren were the guests of Mr. George Dixen's; near Clifford Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart, enter- tained a number of their neighbors last week, all report a good time. • Making maple syrup is the order of the day now. Mr. Cleive Stafford is home from Toronto, where he has been under the doctor's care. We are glad to report that Mr. Ted Newton is able to be around again. Mrs. James Underwood ,spent a few days with her daughter in Gorrie last week. • Miss Sadie Dix -on. of Clifford, spent her Easter holidays in the burg. Auto Licenses nmeavisrmememmer. For the fifth year we have been appointed to issue these licenses • IN THIS VICINITY Our aim will be to give the public SERVICE. When we receive a properly filled in application with a money order or cheque pay- able at par We will return your license on next train Same prices as last year. Allow 10c for postage. A. G.S» ITH Box 473, Wingkaan 4211111.411•01.111011.1100.04160.1,110-046304.11111,40116, FRED DAVEY Village Clerk issuer of Marriage Licences ' The law now requires the license be taken out three days before the cere-• niony. Subscription taken for the Advance -Times. Clubbing rates given NORMAN WADE Garde, Ontario Agent for Hartford Wind Insuraece Also Walkerton /Fire Insurance Co. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance DR, H. A. VIIITTON Graduate of Royai College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto At Forclwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gerrie the rest of the week, GEO. 'FOWLER D.D.S. Teeswatet, Ontario Will be at the Gofton House, W'ro• xeter est and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Will be at Gorrie the follow- ing Thursday. • G. S. DAWSON GORRIE Direttor of Funeral Services Motor Hearse or Carriage, which ever is required. Phone 16 •HARRY AIKINS • Vordivicli, Ontario Licensed Auetioneer for the Countieit Huron tied Wellington Photte 19 Or t'atterson's Hardware Store