HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-15, Page 7• lihtvii $r, rit;Ptil 1926 1 DEFINITIONS INACTIVITY—Scotchmarn making an effort: to pay •your carfare. ACTIVITY—Same Scotdhrnan. reaching for the trans- fers after, you paid, the carfare. They had a surprise party next door yesterdaY. Install- ment callector fOund our neighbors at home. Play on the stock market can get pretty rough—OU one's pocket book. ." ..t.- . it . -----o----- - , . Usually when a in.an says •"he likes to tell people what . r he thinks of them"--4-te's either handy with .his fists or he's darned fast .on his feet! dUin PIM rODUSIk 1 —o - .,--Experts tell us "modem girls have hard, faces." Well, some are hard to look at a isecond time. And then again —we just can't make our eyes behave! 1 §•"Lips Stick!" . Watch a young couple spoon nowadays and youll soon 1 .. ' learn that the word "lipstick" ha's another meaning. 1 Like to do things "on a big0scale?"......You'llfind one in -I, , the nearest coal yard. la I ' .0''' ' SO WE NOTICED! -1 e • -= "This feed is on inc,' said our generous friend—as the .1 soup dripped from his spoon -all over his shirt front. • - *I —0_ • . :.1. "Silence is, Golden!" read the sign... on the_. resta.urant wall. But they might just as well have' thrown it in, the ash -can so •far as the fellow seated at the next table was concerned. •He was eating Celery! . • - ,- .,. , Ouch! Safety First. It did. come first bit we forgot to push our ear out of the way of the blade. - Boss gave us his "rapt attention" to -day. And, gosh, how that man can rap. -,.. —0— Traffic cop added to our troubles to -day. He must ha- ve heard that preacher who said "the devil is still alive." We were stuck with our motor at a busy crossing when up steps this guardian of the law and chirps: • "Git the divvil outta. 'ere!" Nobody else -in the car. So who did he mean? • • —0— Go to Florida for a "clean-up." But—be sure to save carfare. home. "Jazz is sand -papering the souls of our young folks" la- ments a preacher. That's what tile shoe -repair men say, too. Only they ain't mad about it. Quebec lady, Preparing a hen for dinner, found a gold nugget in its crop. Which proves that if you scratch long enough for a living --you're bound to pick up something big sooner or later?• • A. DARN GOOD REASON The secret oi.my lengthy life Is this, the old man said, I never talged back to my wife, never lost my head. • I always stopped ere crossing A risky railroad track. I never thought of tossing A pick -axe on tny back, J never drank -"wood. alcohol And listen, what is .-nore, I never sinoked, nor is that all, I never even swore. • In all my life I never sang In public, so you see, Nobody ever tried to bang • A. hefty brick at me. I never flirted with a dame Whose husband was in town, And so the husband never came To -bang me up and -down. I never sat•iip late at night, 1 never tried to dance. I, always ran before 'I'd fight, I never took a chan.ce. I never peddled. picture books, I never went to sea. And as Prri not so much in looks, No vampire, troubled me. I never fired a loaded gun, And that is why I thrive. I'll never die, because, my sori, I- never was alive! • FAMOUS LAST'LINES 32 ' •"Never again --until next tinier • i$ wommalitn THE FAIVIILY NEXT DOOR t<, • ipv,4•1410Eirimps * So sve /A/)'' is a 4ifferent 4°4 4{5' ffilliiiiiiinitilliiiiilliiiiiiili$00111011111101101011110 tinet peisonax,iinit. is • SENSE AND SCIENCE IN • RAISING BABIES ••' By Dr. Arthur L. Forte Being a baby is 3 hard job. •'I'he youngster is helpless—he cannot rtin, talk or fight. He is subject to,, the whims Of his parents and the caprices South for the winter, 'they dont of the world a large. It is 'a wonder g° to me, sonietimes, that as many bab- know a thing about proteids, fait, and carbohydrates, neither do they ies live through this critical time. have mallintritiomor rickets, cln the "good old days" when corn - this, I do not want to be un - mon sense alone dictated what was In ail done to or for a baby ho had a rath_ derstood as depreciatirig the scienti- raising of babies. er hard time of it as common sense i -e But I do de- plore the extremes to which some are does not have a universal distribution. not mixing a little sense with Then along came science with its dis.., led by in what they do for the baby. coveries of what was good and wba.t science was harmful for babies, and the pep_ And I do hold'that such a mixture will redound to the baby's well-being. way. But it swung too far. duluna immediately swung the other Take.an example: The trouble with, 1-111•1'n-acientiie TIM 1(0110 ,slloP • propositiops' is that they 'take t§0 • • •' far from nture, ,The seientist ris so a often atteMpting the iMpossible to j improve on nature. It can't be done, Take the lower animals—birds or , arnPle. The don't ' know anything a about science, but :they do know how a arid where to build their home, They IN bear theirf young, e them , tea,ch them. how to fly, what kind of food •in to eat and where to find it, and they A ba y should, let us say, be fed It is a far cry from the dirty little germ -laden bottles and nipples of every three hours, and when his feed - time comes arounhe is sound a- 4 thirty years ago to the sterile feeding ing cells and imitation breasts of the pre- sleep. Science would say he would ent day. There is a. vast expanse be- be awakened and fed; common sense should be allowed to hou tween the habit of nursing a baby 'ev- would say he cry time he cried, with no idea of sleep until he awakens, Which poll - the cy is right? , The latter, of, course. A what or how much he got, to• principle regular feedings of baby grows while he is sleeping and Ol to disturb him is distinctly harmful, kii`Own content and quantity. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of OntariO, that all persons having claims against the estate of Henry T. Wheeler, deceas- ed, who died' on or about. sixteen - provided he doesn't miss the feeding . But I say the pendulum swung too entirely. far, until raising babies became ultra.- scientific"—hence, often foolish. Re -I And se, all along the line of the ba - daily regime. Science says he A gularity was carried to extremes. The hY's scientific mother, whose baby is sup_ should have certain regular hours for everything. He should get so -and - posed to be fed every three hours, will wake her baby out of a sound so at 6 A. M. He should have his ba- pea.ceful sleep to give him that f eed- th at 9)° A. M. He should sleep at should play at 4 P. M. irig. Grandma. will say that is fool- 2 P. M. He 'All very good. There's nothing like rnd g andina is - right! Conse- th day of March; A.. D. 1926, at the-lish—a '' per mixture of science and sense in . the care and feeding of infants! , mother will hear me out in the state- ment that it isn't and can't be -done in I have s'aved scores tyr babies- from quently what we need. today is a pro- ouregularity, and it should be carried t insofar as possible. But every Town of Wingham in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham; Ontario, Solicitor for the • For the Greatest Bargain ever a offered in Electric Washing Machines re Something absolutely unusual • Wingham • Utilities I inwsnagonsiniwassamminsansammantandosas 74 Crawford Block. Phone 156. • • the average household. And I feel Executors, on. or before the third day sorry for the poor mother who , at- tempts by • simply telling the mo - of May, A. D. 1926, their names and ither to give more nourishmen , pite the fact the baby was being fed tempts it. addresses, with full • particulars in I Writing Of their.claims, and the nature of •the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declara-' tion. , AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said third day of May, , .ar babies should have gotten four .1926, the said executors - will proceed !ounces. Two babies„ each three good common sense we will have a month old old and weighing twelve tea rn that will carry baby through sa- to distribute.the assets of the said es- , tate among the parties entitled there - 'pounds, will require different kinds fely and soundly, And a better race of which they shall then,have had no- I 'd m Ian a ounts of food, because althou- ° gh they are of the same age and wei- f men and wom ' 91 will be the result. to, having regard only to the claims Mice and to said executors for the saidi Questions and Answers assets or any part thereof to any per- , This and That . ght, they are different in every oth- follows' a set plan based on age and A.' E. ites•• (1) I have a sort of gurgling . son of whose claim they shall not er respect. And anyone who blindly according to the rules and regulations Medical science ha i reduced infant in such cases made and provided. mortality to an axnazing degree dur- Thousands of babies are literally ing recent years. The best scientific starved to death because science has minds in the „vvorld have labored Un- said they should get "three ounces" ceasingly inipehalf of .our babies, with and 'no more whereas those paxticul- iresults that are nothing short of mar- velous ' By hitching this up • with then have received notice. • DATED at Wingham this tighth day of April A. D., 1926, R. VANSTONE, Wingharn, P. 0., 'Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Rebecca Jane )3ai- rd, late of the Township of Turnberry weight is doomed to failure before he sound in the stomach, especial y eN - starttt. i enings when sitting idle and not do - No. Two. People Alike ing much active' work. I work on the Whenever , patients ask me, "Have farm. you ever had a -case like inl,ine?" 1 , "(2) Am 20 years old. Am 6 ft., say; "No, not one." Why? Becau- 2 'in tall, and weigh 176 pounds. Am se no two ,people in the world are 1 underweight? alike. By the same token no two ba- "(3) I would like to get fatter hies are 'alike, even if they are of the but don't know how, as I eat plenty. in th County of Huron, Widow, de- same e andweigt . ceased_ Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121 of R. S. 0., 1914, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Rebecca Jane Baird, who died •on or about the Sev- enth day Of November, A. D. 1925, at 'the Township of Turnberry, are re- quired to send to James Edgar Baird, the Administrator of the above Estate,' or to the undersigned, on or before the Sixth clay of May, A. D,, 1926, their names and addresses with full particulars of their claims in writ- ing and the nature of the securities' (if any) held by them. , And further take notice that after the said sixth day.of May, A. D. 1926, the assets of the said estate will be distributed by the said Administrator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only,to claims of which they shall then have notice and the Estate' will not be, liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution, DATED AT WINGHAM this fifth day of April, A. D. 1926. DUDLEY 1-10L1VIES, K.C., Solicitor for Administrator. `00.01', CA -0 4k NV/NOMA - it•AN't 5tEt•A (OI.) VORP. h wiAtRE LUNO V4VLA. ttiE.4%1 RM, CiAtNIINC, 714' FAT! d just as Can you give me rules for diet? every grown-up is a law unto himself, ').(4) Is sugar fattening. t "(5) Which' is more fattening— tea, coffee, or cocoa? "(6) 1 consume plenty sugar and 'drink lots'of water. Would you advi- :•-• se leaving out sugar and sweets? • "(7) Could water contain some: thing that causes symptoms in ques- tion (i)? "(8) Where could I get our well -Water analyzed and what would it EGG POOL 1926 We are now ready to accept Eggs for the Pool. Bring or ship your eggs. This is the right' season for you to store your own eggs, when prfoduction is high and prices low. Our Directors have passed a resolution whereby Club Members or Shareholders, share in Commodity dividends or else we will have to deduct $a.00 at the end of the season to be devoted towards .educa- tional work in co-operation.'" We would advise joining a local club or you may join at the Wingham Office. MAITLAND CREAMERY Owned and operated by The United Farmers Co -Op. Co.,Ltd. Wingham - Ontario Quick Way To Stop Night Coughing iimitisinsmaiminemanaviimmontlintuoinsmniusiimagaisjimitimiil UTO '1411 '1‘itr , Whigham 27re No need to put up with tdis- tressing, wreaking, sleep robbing night cough another night. For there is a ;simple but very ef- fective treatment which, usual- ly with a. single dose stops all irritation.. and. lets you sleep soundly the whole night throu- gh. Get a bottle of Harraton's Throat and Lung Balsam. May be procured _from all your local Druggists or direct by mail from HAMILTON DRUG CO. Windsor, Ontario liatAERE. 4.0 0411N% DAYS ?? /WELL . LEN Tp.''t 110 PLKE AC9.0Sca 1W 0 0 0 0 cost?' Reply (i) You probably eat too heavy a meal in the evening, 'Try taking your principal meal at noon. The gurgling is caused by gas which is a restilt of fermentation. Study your diet and determine which are the of- fending foods. (2) You are six pounds over- weight. (3) A chap of your age should not be fat. Perhaps You are a bit scraw- ny now; bUt don't worry—you'll fill out., ,. (4). 'Yes. (5) Cocoa, ' (6) You do hard work and need 'sugar; Eat all you want, within sen,-, 0 0 0 • ..t 111 III O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fedz.:27g Pepot----41 You'd say that the man who broughVyou back home after a long auto trip was a pretty good fellow would- n't you? Well that's exactly the kind of serve you get from an 'extra tire. Get it here and get it right. • WI 4, e---4lf.' . c," -i1• ,4-i''''ti.v . .7...„.:..,,„..'„.:'"...t......7t''f„L".l.-. k,..'.• ..r.,.......,'....'4...'.,n.... *.‘1.*..*.„..-.....% - *. .*..?.,.. t..-.. :..,.— .... . _ 1. ...,: r 1--..M".,,.,.t...1 03.6:ra 4;7: . .'1 o.t.7z iiiminiip,ilimirAilsill.,,,muisliampillnligignISIIIIMIIIEWEIIIMMOISIMInlilailaillitil earsitensma7sormota.tecsanarumecroon.....scincgamenlooataaa.M.N.Useri.axerweia.--memsosasmesposemagernremostart....meimMeammalcal. sible limits,. ,Febrttarr, A. 15. 1926, at the Town of *' (7) It might. . WinghamIin the Province of Ontaaio, „ i (8) At the University of Alberta. axe required to send by post, prepaid, • It may not cost anything. NO SVA4 .11401A -0 - $AV t' HUNGRY AND 1 WANT WOME'rk4VNG GOOD 10 ENT— % • NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, -pursuant to Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons Laving elaiins against the Estate of John L. Louttit, deceased, who died on 01 about the ninth day of ----- THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME LOOK WANT Ttits-c 9,(t'4SON " • / NON 'TH.. 111 / I - /14 / COOKING31i$1 LIKE. XOU -AVE AT kit') e 0, A 4, oils, t4k, 146;01ilinr Itiumtok 01, ttelieLs. wit..4„,„4,4„, or to deliver to R. Vanstone, Wing - ham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exe- cutors, on or before. the third day of May, A. 0, 1926, their names arid ad- dresses, with full particulars in writ- ing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory deelara- • tion. • AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that after the said third day of May„ t926, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said est, tate among the patties entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had no- tice, and the said executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have recei- ved notice. ' DATED at Wingham this tenth • day of April, A. D. 1926. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors. '• IN MEMORIAM McKinney—in loving memory of 'Mrs. Jas. .MtKinney, who passed • away, April t6th., 1925, It was liar,,d to lose you Mother dear But God who knoweth best, Held out his loving •arms and said "Conic unto lite and re,st.' Sadly missed by sons and daughters.