HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-15, Page 4• Spring Speqais FORMALDEHYDE 35c Lb. Full strength, Government Standard SIMMERS SEEDS • Garden and Flower Regular 1Oc .. 4 packages for 25c ERAS US WILLS SALT ASSISTS NATURE Relieves Biliousness and Derangement of the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys. Manufactured by "Boots" of Nottingham, England. Sells at 50c a can. McKibbon's Drug Store Thea X r Stare Phone 53 o® am.Ont. .n h W,a You gaye with sOfety at your. texall Drug Store i WINGHAM ADVANCii4.11111 S. , I ERGIE KNOWS THE; RQADS To the Editor av all thim Wingham Paypers, Deer Sur,- Ould King Winther is slltaying wid us shtill, havin outlived his wilcoine, loike the King Governmint, but, shure, it is purty harrud thravellin wid bad roads fer the both av thirn, at prisint. I totiid ye lasht wake not to worry about tings whin ye naydint, an "twas a thrue wnrrud 1 shpoke. It won't be long now befoor both King Winther an the King Goverment will be out av biziness, and inshtid av seein Grit buggies an Progressive sleighs makin shlow tonne over the wurst roads ye ivir saw, the good ould Tory limou-. seen, will be bowlin along the hoigh- ways at sixty arr sivinity, moiles an hoar wid Mishter Meighen at the whale an mesilf in the ront sate be- soide loin tellin him how to droive. These young fellahs mebby know a lot more about some tings than us ould indintities do, but they rade a wurrud av advoice sornetoimes, so they do. That is the rayson I tink I shud be in the car wid Mishter Mei gen to warn him av the bad shpots in the road, an to tell him whether to turn to the lift arr the roight whin we come to the crossroads. 'Tis; a crooked road, the pollyticicle wan,' wid r turns in it, ana f ellah a lot av sharp, who hadn't been over it befoor moi ght git l9shtr arr upsit his car throyin t6 the etiriief a'idoet slilacken- tri .shpade. I don't troll theer are manny min+who cud bete., Ivtishter Meighen at makin e quick turn, but I am afraid the bye may, throy it wance too often, if some ould head is not wid him to tell him whin to tarn aff the gas an put on the brakes. It takes Mishter Ferguson to run a tar, fer shure, he is not afther takin army advoiee' from the back sate, so he isn't. He has his hand on the whale, an, if he doesn't know which way he is thravellin, he, isn't ;;oin to lishten to anny av thim lads throyin to till him. If he runs over army Grits. arr Progressives who are too shlow to git out av the way, he just droives on, not shtoppin fer annyting, hangs theer hoids on' the fince an barrin mebby to git a dhrink av foor be foor beer, to squinch his thirsht wance in a whoile. 'Tis a foine, car he droives, an ix- pinsive wan, wid a lot av good fellahs roidin wid him, an not the kind av lads to let thimsilves be outclassed be what thim U. F. O.'s used to droive. Av coorse I don't minshun the Grits, fer it is a long toime since they had a chance to sit in sates av the, moighty an do the droivin so to shpake, an annyway, thim wus shlow. days wid shlow min runnin Rings, afraid to shpind anny money. In thim days they tought the ould dimmycrat wagon, wus good enough. 'to roide in, wid the droiver half-'ashlape an ould Dobbin wid his tail over the loine half the toime. Av coorse it. takes a lot av money to run tings in Ontario now, the ray -r son av the Iioigh cosht av livin, but what differ does it make 'whin the Tories hev the shpindin av it. Tlie thrubble is how to git it out ov the payple widout losin theer votes. Meb- by Mishter Ferguson will hev to take over the liquor biziness in ordher to kape up wid the Joneses, an, if he do- es, I intind to support hint, but am afraid I may hey thrubble wid the rnissus. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay, AUCTION SALE—Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Poultry,' Implements, House- hold" Articles, also -the fifty acres, Tieing lot 16,. con. 12, Turnberry township at .x o'clock on Monday, April 19th. See bills. T. R. Benn- ett, Auct„• Jos. A. Gray, Prop. BULL FOR SALE—Durham Short- horn eligible for registration, bred from. Culross Fancy No. 135-o82, a heavy milker. Apply John Moir, Phone 23-602. Route 2, Wingham. CAR OF B. C. SHINGLES -To ar- r rive in a few. days. Parties taking same off car will get .a reduction on price. Thos. Stewart, Bluevale. BABY CHICKS AND EGGS F HATCHING- From large strains, pure bred to lay White .Leghorns and Barred Rocks. Healthy vigor- ous stock bred for size, large eggs and heavy production. White Leg- horn Baby' Chicks, 25, $3.75; 5o, $7.00; too, $13.00; White Leghorn Hatching Eggs, 25, $1.25; 5o, $2.25; ioo, $4.00; Barred Rock Baby Chicks 25, 'i $4.50; 50, $8.5o; loo, $16.00 Barred Rock Hatching , Eggs, 25, $1:50; 5o, $2.75; loo, $5.00. At these prices in your own boxes or bask- ets at my place, one ' quarter , mile West of Whitechurch. Custom hatching done at reasonable rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone 42-61I.. EGGS. FOR SETTING—Thorobred S. C. Black Minorcas large, heavy laying strain. Will book several settings at 5c per egg. H. Buchan- an coo Thompson -Buchanan Hard- ware, • FOR SALE—Cleveland Bicycle, good as new. Frank Field. FOR SALE—Seven roomed brick house on Victoria Street, with wri- ter ater and lights. C. Weir. FOR SALE -In order to sell right now, we are offering that splendid accordion for $8.00. See it at this office. 'AOR SALE ---A quantity of Varnish Stain. Regular $1.35 for $r,00 per qt. Also oil heater, regular $8,5o for $6.00. A. J. Ross, Wingham. FOR SALE—Cleveland Bicycle, 22 inch frame. In excellent condition as it has had very little use. In -'LOST -Belgium Police Dog, about Prominent C z e n s; From (Vaarious Parts of Ontario En d o r se Miller's Herb Juice Wherever introduced, +Aremark-. able , statements for publication have followed" HERB JUICE, the new rem- edy for stomach, liver, kidney and bladder troubled, constipa- tion, biliousness and indigestion has scored a remarkable success in every city in_, which,. it.1. has been introduced. The follow- ing are some brief statements from points outside the Border Cites• F. D. Curtis,,"Tea and Coffee King" of Hamilton: "Herb Jui- ce gave me prompt relief from gas pains, stomach trouble .and indigestion. L. feel... ten.- years younger." W. A. Hagerman, London: "I suffered for years with bilious- ness, sleeplessness, kidney and liver trouble. There is nothing on the ',market to equal Herb JLuce" W. G. Ward, prominent dec- orator of Harrow: "Herb Juice made a new man of me. It is remarkable how quickly It was relieved, of constipation, kidney trouble, backaehe; sown stoanach and gas pais" ir. Lockwood, well known I3rautford manufacturer: "I had chronic constipation and •atter-; tried man r ..__.I et1 Y so roe s nt di da remedies without satisfactory results. Herb Juice was, the medicine that relieved me of my troubles." ' J. H. Robbins, prominent rail-,. roadengineer, St.` . Thomas: "Herb Juice has ' exceptional merit in the treatment of con- stipation, stomach, kidney and liver disorders.__.I heartily en- dorse it as it gave me most won - . derful relief." Burton Fox,- Toronto: "After two, years of suffering with in- digestion, gas pressure, consti- pation and loss of weight, I tri- ed Herb Juice. All of my etarouu-- bles have entirely dd;sapp 1 and I have gained five pounds in weight."' ,, Thos.' Levitt, Sales Manager Reliance Garage, London: " No- thing I ate agreed with me. I could not sleep with pains in my stomach caused by indiges-' tion and constipation. Two ,bot- tles of Herb Juice made me feel like a different person, I am telling all my friends about Herb Juice." 1 For sale by all druggists. Price $r.00: 0/00.10.11•10.0•0011604010,000.0.041•101.11M0.1•0111. FOR SALE=Store at Fordyce, 40 feet long by 20 ft, in good condi- tion. Would make a good home for someone. Maple and pine' floors upstairs and down, . 10 foot ceiling downstairs. Win. Champ:, ion, Route 2,, Lucknow. HORSES FOR 'SALE -Driver, work single or double, one percheron mare, rising 7 years old. Also gear light wagon at Currie'a'. Livery, Phone 12o. LOST—Female Collie Dog, white collar, sharp nose, yellow with bob tail, answering to the name of Vimy. Information as to her whereabouts thankfully re:eived by Russell Arm- es or Geo. Cunningham, East Wa wanosh, Route 1, Belgrave. quire i at Advance, FOR SALE—Black Minorcas eggs for hatching. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Caseinore, Wingham, Ont;, R. R. No. 2, Phone 602-3, OR SALE—Large frame house in good repair, all conveniences, dou- ble garage. A snap for quick sale. Write Miss Mary Madigan, 66 La- keview Ave., 'Toronto. ten months old, near last of March. Finder please leave word at Advati- ce-Times. PAINTING AND PAPER HANG- ING—Phone 23-625. J. R'o5,ers. WANTED TO RENT—House with modern conveniences, furnace and three bedrooms, no children. Ap- ply at 'Advance -Times,_ SPECIALIZING THIS SEASON FOR RENT -House, frame, 6 rooms, IN EGGS FOR,HATCHING_InZ Clean in every 'res;fect, lights and water. Garage and hen house. Very reasonable. A. W. Lawlor, Victoria St..• -- FOR SALE -Frazee house, seven roomed in good repair; with hard and: scift water, acre of land and same fruit in Lower, Town: Apply to Miss E, i:''ttgsley, sure your profits by buying eggs from our heavy laying strains of Barred Rocks, R. L Reds, White Leghorns and Black Minoreas. Our flock; of Yoo birds Have given a won- derful production this winter, lay- ing as high assixty a day through February and seventy in March. Already selling eggs and taking or- ders. We expect to sell thousands Dunc Mtunro's Fine Hockey Record. The Stanley Cup, • eiublematir of the world's hockey championship, will remain in Montreal for at least one year, when the Montreal Mar- oons, National Hockey. League cham- pions, defeated the Victoria Cougars, Western Canada title holders, by, a score of 2 to 0 iri the fourth game of the series. 'The Maroons had won the first two games, but Victoria took the third, making a fourth necessary. Through the victory, Dunc Munro oc- cupies a unique position in the hockey world, having captained three cham- pionship teams in the last seven years. In 1918-19 he was leader of the University of Toronto team which won the junior O.H,A. title and then defeated the Melville, Sask., juniors for the Canadian junior championship. In 1921-22-23 he was with Granites, of Toronto, Allan Cup holders,i,and in 1924 he was captain of the Canadian Olympic team which won the world's title at Chamonix. Last year and this he was captain of the Maroons, who this year captured the world's pro- fessional title. 0_ Consumes 4o Eggs But Loses Wager James Macaskill, Kentville, N. S., youthwith a large appetite, met his Waterloo' when h6 attempted to eat eight dozen Easter eggs on a wager. He consumed 4o eggs, but it took him an hour, and he was forced to stop halfway. His backers urged him to eat soft boiled eggs, but Janes liked them fried. Macaskill achieved local fame during the Winter, when as a member of a snowplow crew, he ate• 17 plates of beans and four loaves of bread at one sitting. rFai;:w".in.;iti ThursclaY, ppxil t t'h„ I9a6 ' ' y -l■iN111011■■r111114, • ■ ■ ■ , ■ . ■ • ■ ■ ■ N • We have Shoes designed and built purposely for farm ` ■ work.• .. They are built for Comfort, `Durability and ■ •. • ■ Good Looks. Our Farm Shoes are the ■ MADE SHOES ■ T FARM ■ BESo0 ■ Prices $2.75, $3.50 to $5.. ■ In the Spring the thoughts of the farmer turn • toward Farm Shoes. ■ ■ ! 1l We guarantee them. The farmer who buys his Shoes if •here will never find fault with them.• • Be Careful in the Spring Ten years ago a Saskatoon child went down to the Saskatchewan river which flows through the middle of the prairie city. The child played on, the ice, fell into the water and was drowned. Last. week a five-year-old daughter of the same parents, went down to the sante river to play on the ice. The little girl also 'fell in. Her playmate tried to pull her out; but was not strong enough. The little girl was drowned. The parents are prominent Saskatoon people. A river runs swiftly this time of year in or near almost every town. , Children who are allowed to roansnear the ri- yer by themselves are always liable to fall in. The "drowning season" will soon be here' ,is here, in fact, No parent wants to lose a child: of eggs, because we have the stock R SALE—Single Comb White and prices are the lowest. $3.00 for Lr lzor'n and Barred Rock Chicks for 'sale. Also large White I'elcin I ttclt Eggs and Ducklings, '(Amens- con strain.' Long distance phone rxtessges paid with eachorder re- cciv;r1, Mrs. N`N McCatileyv R. I. blED' FrnsSels, Ont„ Brussels Phone Work Brussels, Grit,, on Sunday April 4th., Jane P.obb, behoved wife Cs ganeral house n3 Wiliia.trt Work and mother of .ens John of 13rtissels, Robert and ;Hap. oldaf Toronto. 50 eggs; $5.00 for loo. Inspect our pens or phoneor write your or- . ders, but 'order early. Phone 261w, Wtighan't. F. J. Hill, JUST ARRIVED! BRAND NEW CLEVELAND BICYCLE Also one 18 in. Cleveland Boys' size Bicycle (and hand) first tir- es still on it in first class con- dition, good as new at a snap. A full line of accessories in- cluding Dunlop tires, out of the hundreds of tires we have sold this last seven years, only one tire has been returned to us be- ing defective. Our present stock is fresh from the 'moulds, no leftovers. Buy the best at home and Get Service. Currie s Machine Shop Whistling Rooster's Siecret Bared New Rochelle's N. Y, famous whistling rooster, which has served as an alarm clock for boatmen living near the old mill dam on Echo Bay, died last week and an autopsy reveal- ed, the cause of its ability to whistle like a siren instead of crowing. Cur- ious farmers gathered at the scene of the death and cutting off the' rooster's 'head, ,found a tiny metal whistle lodged in the windpipe. Death had been* caused by a small pea becoming lodged in the whistle and choking the bird. W J. GREERIt • W ■ ■ ■' ■ is Telephone 23 WI ▪ THE ■ ■ ■■■■■■■l mossE♦®ltlldllllpte®11(1(0®Om■111111♦L ad • 111 GOOD • SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT. ■ ada. The English paper evidently con- siders ihe Dominion as being north of the afore -mentioned "ft -orgies," iit might have surprised the Old Coan- Wife And Husband 'Both 10 liVith Gas "For years I had gas on the. stoat- ach, The first dose of Adierika helped. I now tleep well and all gas is gone. It also helped my 1.1118 - band." (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkle3r. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Bilisgs Out old, waste mat- ter you tdver thought was in your 5. Walton 14ifettibbort, Druggist., On numerous occasions. we have noticed the ignorance df Canada'that Another striking example has, just comp to light. A Wichita Falls, Tex- as, newspaper sent a cheque to a Saskatoon sporting writer. The,, che- que was addressed: "Saskatoon,' -Sas- katchewan, Alaska." Wichita Falls is just over the boundary that divides Texas from Oklahoina.. Down in•that section of the States it is doubtfUl if everyone even knows that such a country as Canada exists. Recent conversations with the Texans in their pativ'e 'state confirms that belief. —0— Storm Costs Life of Boy The tie-up in communication during the recent storm. probably cost tbe li- fe of Herbert Kaiser of Linwood, near Kitchener,. according to informa- tion gi tem out last week.. The lad was stricken with appendicitis, and he family physician, realizing an op- eration, was imperative, set out to get a surgeon in person when the latter could not be reached by wire or tele- phone. By the time the surgeon ar- ing the lad's systein, and causing dea- i i ib-, 18 S i Fel Groceries & Chinaware fa ii iii iii ifs ser. The package contains steel wool pads with a cake of special va, TRY ONE Only 29c Each atil Heavy clear crystal Berry i 14 BOwl, full finished and Dell i li. shape, Only a limited quantity i ii" to sell. Don't wait. =- =,,,, Good quality Crystal Fruit M 7_, Nappies, fine in finish arid juat II El the right size,. Will not last at i -0— Liquor Seizure Case Opens In police ,eq,,k.Trt Goderich., last week, Wm.i!iE,,UtOlong, appearing for the Carling *,,r,p-erIng Export Co. of London, and !tie Consolidated Export' Co., pleaded 4txtkilty to charge laid against the,' 'tW,cs, firms, The charges are fiat outedirreof a seizure made at Goderich last `September -of some two hundred eases of beer and whiskey in a bonded warehouse, The selling agent of the companies who sold the consignment to a Detroit man, claims that their responsibility ceases when shipment was started for Detroit. The case is proceeding, t 74 the price. 61 a 3 for 25c large Rolls Toilet Paper of 10-1 a— good quality with big value in 111_ TheTea and Coffee Store a —0— "The,Little Frontier Station" A party of \trades uniot men front Great Britain is touring the 1i. S. for the purpose of discovering the "se- cret of high wages," In this connec- tion Detroit was viSited. To get there the party passed through Wind- sor, which' is described in an English paper as "the Canadiao frontier sta- tion." It is too bad the Old Country Men did not stop at the "frontier station." They would haVe seen _the largest auto factory hi the British Empire. They would have seen oth- er large industries of which the whole of Canada Is justly proud. Moreover they would' have found that high 'Wag. es prevail there too, Of course they were not seeking knowledge of Can, try trades unionists had they been en- abled to get a littlegfirst-hand know- ledge of Canada and Canadian work-. "WAAY DOWN AH -PON Can't you jug hear these pickania• ny "daah-lins" singing about their "cotton fields" and hcsw "all de world am sad and drear:ah?" Our photo- grapher heard 'em and he just could:- n't resist the temptation to snap them when they weren't looking. Rather unique study he got --isn't it? igniuminiamummumisswisonamuunsimiNt Theatre Beauty and the Bad Man' • • yceum • sa Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17 Mabel Baffin 111 A remakable action story of Gold Rush Days, teemiiig with NI ▪ refreshing romance. Comedy "WHISTLING LIONS" al vs vs vi Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 19, 20, 21 Rex, The Wild Horse "BLACK CYCLONE" A wonderful Nature Drama, featuring Re; the Killer and M Lady, three horses whose actirig will arriazetyou, SYD CHAPLIN RLEY'S AUNT" A SCREA.IVI FROM START TO FINISH, WATCH VOR ADVSRTIS/NO twrnk, 101111111111111011111101 •