HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-15, Page 3,7711'F')
:sArRor,:rEI.NEW.$ P ,, , 01,AMO.MSOSIMI14000000. .. . sm . s ...
OUR xinsF_oLK 4,novirN
"rhe Congregational meeting nf the
United „Church, .P11. ,Monday afternoon, p , f
/ was Iwo , attended eonsidering the
' ..m The power was off _Monday night, A night,in a train of narrow gange
od,the town was 7ithent jighte. The but wide comfort brought tis - to',131-1.ne-
, ,. water is VerY-high.in the pond at pre daherg (9,3no PoPulation).. Ire have
sent. 1 the strong brought forth, svveetness,'
Wright's Dairy .delivere4 the iilk The caaefields of chocolate soil stret=
• with the motor gar, Tti'esday moeg et far aowd the 13tngei,a and other
This is the first •gar to come to town Pills' The blue ocean rims- the flat,
• this sving. . easily worked land., A rum distillery
Mrs. Boothoinvited a few in foi• tea tibicles there also
and. cards moaday ,r4i ht ee her The native corrbbor` and
. , , g , ;w. e i ,ee ,display
son, Will was horne andalso Ito ;meet of , ab°i•igirial praft was •as new to us
' •
her/ daughter-in-11am/, Mrs. J.\ ;Booth as ,to most -of the_ several thousand
of Brandon and thOse fortunate to ,be spectators who' `flooded from their
there, enjoyed a ,p1,e...asant- tine. seats into the big oval' a.nd had,to re-
, The teaching staff of the • sch001 tha- turn t° them. •These natives are as
the scale as the Mao/1i is high.
Ng all returned after •speinliog- ;the 1°w•in
'Faster vacation at their homes. They are gradually dying out.
Mrs, Wens of .Toeortto an,d little Theirblack skins, bare save for
' , ,sister, TS. ,
• :short trousers .were daubed with-smys-
. tda ghter is visiting' her M
A. drict Wea.rring,•, , tic tribal designs in white. A score of
Tait and fa,m
1 wlto spentIt ennced to strange chanting Ord
rirnaces. In one figure a black fel-
,(inter in Toronto, have returned to g
their home in Wroxeter. • Ilow with legs extended to an incred-
Mrs. Arnold EdgaAl3
tble widtli,. fluttered on his toes while
m I .
• 14,0f1 DO NOL,14. 130•
4 I-1Pa 13EEN 'ITELItt4G
-rt-tqmGS • INSgiol.
and daught'er,
• been staying at Mrs Edgar's fa_ parted arms were stretched high. This
tber's in Turnberr W' h 'illustrated •the hoveringof the
y near mg arm!hawk.
• Zulu would, Wow" approv-
Her mother and brother, baylnk been I Even a
quite ill. ,•. jingly to see these fellovis' long, strai-
• Miss Del. Rutherford is hone and ght spears hurled from a'..'wommer-
will manage the household duties for ah"(or spear thrower), When little
a time. . • •• 1“Tornmy Tucker" undertook to ward
Mrs. Geo. Lackie and daughter,10ff spears thrown at him' from a hun-
Georgina, siknt the week -end with dred yards range, excitement was in -
:tense.. With his tiny .shield-likg wom-
Brussels friends.,
merah he crouched 10.w and, stick in
Mrs. Geo. Tait and daughter re- ,
turned' from Toronto, Tuesday of last hand, smashed or diverted the lightg-like shafts. ;Boomerangs sailed
week after spending a few months in 'lin
-the city. ,. ,high, curved, spun, pirouetted and re-
' turned. Such are for amusement.
i hti arid hunting boomerang
ivIrs. 'Booth in town. • •„does not return. • '
• ni. church was berg Scouts and. Guides and Brownies,
eeting of the United•
e in the sc toolroom of the Chur-.'iwhose love to their brothers and sis-
•' , Mrs. jack 13ooth,and daughter of
Brandon, Mau Visited last wegk with The f g ng
1 Among the, onlookers were litinda-
The. first Annual Congregational
ch, Monday afternoon, when the re- iters.irin Canada I now bass on as di -
ports of e various- organizations reci”— • -
1 • 1 t at the station we parted
cera for the coming year -were elect, ------ror black entertainers", while a
wrote, "should provide an exceptional
' native-born Australian piper stirred
were submitted, after which the offi- At nig ,
ow& tatue-f#0.own ,
A special service for 'ehildrert was
held last Sunday mOrning, Several
of the Sunday School scholara assist-
ed the pastor in the serviee., The
ehoruses were well rendered. An ad-
dress was giVeil on "The Bible and
the Children."
We expect a good. congregation for
the special services for youngmen, to
be held. morning and evening next
Sabbath. The pastor will give the ad-
dresses and will be assisted the ser-
vices by young men and also a choir
of young men, •
it a. m. --"Steps •to Achievirtent,"
7 p. m.—"Heroes of the Faith."
It will do your heart good, to hear
the choruses. "Young men of the dis-
trict specially invited.
Mr. R. H. Stephens has • been, ap-
pointed delegate from the local chur-
ch to attend the next meeting of Hur-
on Presbytery, "
The Mission Circle 'meeting was
held at the home of Miss Pauline
_Ashton, Monday evening.
At the annual meeting of the Sun-
day school held last Wednesday. Mr.
W. Gregg was app.ointed Superinten-
dent, and `11r. W. Gamble assistatit.
Mr. Win. Gregg recently -completed
twenty-five years work as head of the
school and is optimistic for the com-
ing year.
shopping streets throughout the Com-
monwealth the sidewalk is under cov-
er of an almost continuous colonnade.
Forty miles from Rockhampton
there are seashells so tiny -that they
make the "sand"at Emu Park. A sun-
ny sea, gemmed with enticing islands,
beckons to explorations of the Great
Barrier Reef. But—as at so many
places --"We must go back". This is
and "a similar word of greeting to the ,of $1126.00. • ,
M7 G 0..yohnstpl,
the arrival of a:
grandchild at ,'Waldemar. on'April 3rd,
last, a son, "William Stanley" being •
born to W. and Mrs..WIlfred
bre: Mr...Gantble.,was formerlY 141.iss.
Sunday, April ,25th., will be observ-
d as "Young Women's Sunday" in
the local church. It is expected that
the young ladies of the chtirch will
furnish music for both services.
The London Conference of the
United Church will convene at Strat-
ford, May 26th. The sessions will be
held in Central United Church of whi-
ch Rev. W. E. Donelly is' pastor.
. ,
Johnston of Gorrie. •
•Miss Irene King was visiting with, •,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchison for a few ' •
days last week. •
• Mr. f,,awrence Short has been. suf•
fering from an, attack of appendicitis, •
but is on the way to recovery, we are.
pleased to state,
Miss Margaret Grabain visited her •
brother and other relatives in Toron-•
tia last week. •,
We are pleased to see Miss Fran,-
• '
ces Eaton able to be about again a.f-
ter being confined to the house for
several days with a severe attack of
Mrs. G. M. Barton of Arthur, spent •
the week-etid with her inother, Mrs.
R. Stinson in town, returning home •
on Monday afternoon.
Mr. Geo. S. McKee, teeend,td the
funeral of his uncle the late Mr, L.
A. Brink of Teeswater on Friday af-
) •
Died—Lionard3.-in Howick on Fri -
great people of Australia, on behalf of 1 Twenty two new members were re- I day, April loth, 1926, 'William Leon -
the people and government of 'Can- I ceived in the two congregations dur- ' ard, aged 61 years.
The Conference, which Mr. King
Mrs. Jcihn, Dane, who has .beety
spending .the, winter with her. daugh-
ter, Mrs. -J. D. -Pollock. of Kincardine,
arrived home on Tuesday morning
last., Her many friends welcome her
back'and are glad to see her looking •
ten in McIntosh. A splendid spirit of A number from here attended the
ing the year. 'Twelve in Belmore and
optimism and good -will is manifested dance in Gorrie, Friday night, all re -
opportunity for the expression •of by the people in both congregations ported an • enjoyable time-. Music
sonic feet to a reel and more heartsfurnished by Towne's Orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett, returned on those ideas and ideals which we cher- and...the future is faced in quiet, stead-
- • ' to melting with "Bonnie Pritice ar-
Mr and Mrs. • Dave Redpath of
ish in common," was opened • next fast faith in A God who never fails.
. Minto, spent the week -end" at the
• . ,
. . ,. . • ROckhampton• folk welcomed us with morning by the retiring Governor-
'' General (Lord Forster), who had spe-
- Saturday, after spending. the holidays
lie.' Another night in the train and • ,
with Clinton friends •
rOses and alfresco speech iri a verit- our "fartheat north.
Entered. Into Rest home of the latter's parents, Mr. and
• Is for this It. W45 Witli reffrct learn.. Mrs, Alex, Gibson,
Tariff Advisory Board I
table temple of beauty, with Damboo Before returning to 13rialialle we tnally dela- d h. departure
Pretnier King announced Honse . • •
b 11
andougainvi ea in the transepts and
• de-.Cornmons last week the composi- I
tall" palms for a nave. And- there,
ti tf the , Advisory. Board on the
• among the bunting, waved a Canadian
off; Right Hon. G. -P. Graham. is.
This was in that."oth-
The' 4ther ,two membe,rs '11iPPing flag'
stayed a day at 1\,lambour. Soree ieagori. -HIS words, those 6f let.
us took "the high road,' amid the or-
ange blossom of the Blackall range;
some the,road", among the su-
gar cane, We .11. experienced rides
oti a carte train, behinda, funny little
engin% which jolted 'over the 'narrow-
est of gauges. The lowlanders had a
sun bath -------- a launch down the
1Vlaroochj- river to Maroochydore near
the sea. Our river trail then circled
to bunethin rock, where one may'ga-
ze over a wide vista„of canefields and
bush and background of hills. Man-
goes, pawpaws, bananas, and other
tropical fruits abound here.
We have already seen children rid- to.
ing "two up" „ on horseback from Mrs. Win. Weir, returned home af-
school. In this locality the kiddies ter ,spending the winter with her dau-
were packed in a launch and deliver- ghter, Mrs. John Hartley of •Vank-
ed to the trim farm houses we had leek Hill, Ont.
passed on the river banks. Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy, spent
one day recently with Mr. and Mrs.
From Brisbane we steamed west to
the Darling Downs, where the Pastor- Harry Gowdy of the 13. Line, How -
ick North of here.
Cecil Mines of Niagara Falls,
N. Y., is spending his vacation with
hs parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Min-
Miss Iva Gallaher, spent a few days
Bruce, the Governor of Victoria (the
Earl of 'Stradbroke, who goes Home
via ,Canacla this spring), and. of Lord
Burnham,..the president of the Confer-
ence, are full of ;general interest but
—they would fill too many columns.
eci of the death of Postmaster Prink Miss H. Mahood returned home on
of Teeswater, which event tookPlace
on Wednesday morning last. Deceas-
ed had. suffered from. heart trouble
tambert, friatufacttlter I ' . -for some time, but the call came -ra-
. • den" iyhieh is the botanical gar-
' den's, ther unexpected. The late Mr. Brink
•Montreal; D. G. McKeale, farmer)
.4.,abour troubles, plus fire under -
was in his 71st. yar and had been
- °- Iground, prevented our visit to the postmaster at Teeswater for nearly
• 'Winnipeg. Mr. Lambert replaces I
Friday, after spending the last ttvo
months with friends in Guelph.
Mrs. W. J. Roberts and two , chil-
dren, spent Thursday with friends in
Mt. Forest.
The Howick Municipal Telephone -
Company are employinga large num-
30 years. He was a man who took ber of men these days, repairing the
keen interest in his work and was be- damage done during the recent sleet
Mr. F. C. Taylor, attended the fun-
eral of the late Mr. William Leonard
of Newbridge on Monday last.
Mr. Cleve Stafford returned from
Toronto on Friday last, where he had
been consulting a specialist.
While sawing wood at Mr, John
Hutchison's one• day last week, Mr.
Chas. Maxwell had the misfortune to
ha08)-e his left hand badly cut by a cir-
cular saw. In dressing the wound
several sittches 'were requ,ired. t
seph Da.onst, whose name was origin -
I Mount Moran copper mines; Then
• ally incltided in. the board. Hector our 3o,000 hosts,othrough their may -
•'McKinnon of Toronto, will be Secre-
or gave us leave to follow our own
tary of the Board.
-- ▪ Six Reascins iNhyl
• Rea,son No. 6
• we lunched on the ground. Our
This 62-y\ear-old financial
friends were humorists and are still
stitution is Government Chart -
II our creditors. They would accept
--,1111 ere•
' nothing but our thanks.
•—• • 5 PER CENT., = Cotton grows and is ginned here-
abouts. Cattle are canned in a great
factory. Here, too is the tropic of
Capricorn. There is a different look
in'people's eyes and figures, and there
are veils dropping fi-orn the hats of
the girls. The housds tand high on
open foundations. As is usual in Au-
tralia,' corrugated iron roofs are many
and decorative ironwo* is lavishly
immilimminimmilloslimminin employed on verandahs. In the
nclinations. 'You will have, gathered
that Australians are hoSpitable. Here
we p'roved that it is not skin deep,
The Fitzroy river' and a quiet picnic
sounded nice this Sunday afternoon.;
of us looked by the river's brim
and:immediately two working men
voltinteered their launch. Later. we
'roamed through the bush. I have
forgottenthe ants and spiders where
= Per Annum is payable half-year-•
— ly, upon $roo or more for x, 2, 3,, =
•"*"-- 4 • or 5 years. • =
Choose this trustee ,security _
-.-= for your hard-earned savings.
- risurance and Real' Estate.
= '
• Mke them strong, stiirdy, productive, EGG -LAYING
Pullets with PrattsBaby Chick Food. It costs a trifle more
but ie 'CFIEAPEST itx the end, judged by results. The
extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the
Pratts Baby ChickEoodyouuse, Mi
.,1=if it . 5 yogr dealer—there's one near you.
" Write for Pratt, Potittry Boole—FREE
PRATT FOOD CO., OF CAlgADA, LTD. 328 Carlaw Ave., Toronto
SPECIAL COURSES FOR •Suniriaer Schoo!.
JULY 5t1 to
tern., th Dieletar, Zr.
Kinksion, or Dr.
. P.
1. course its Public Health and lase.
2. Course In Prottoh Convortation.
3.,,,Revliew Course' to High Scoot Alq,ebea
to Matritulation.
Alto thirty other+ tourtot. In Attronornyi
130tany, English, Pronch, 'Geology,. er.,
rear*, Greek, ;5istory:0 lAbrary
Science, Mothornittiot and
A splendid ocbiI hiria
letie program throughout
tbc entire els weeks.
Beautiful tCw University
ttrirt on b. B. Course
kkoW I Six deitightt‘t moi,ols*
OttldSe and recreationi,
•, .I„. „ •
Miss Hazel :Weir returned to Tor-
onto to resume her duties as teacher,
after spending the Easter holidays
with her ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Mr. A. E. Gallaher, spent a few
days last week on business in Toron-
mist has gradually been replacecl by
the agrictilturist and dairyman, who
expoA overseas much butter and
cheese. Toowoomba,'s wide streets
are richly lined with trees. There li-
ve 22,000 people. Here we saw a re-
markable municipal quarry. The ro.. last,eek at the home of her cousin,
ck is blasted and, the result is equally Mrs, Tait and other friends ith. Wro-
sized, squaread metal. The city is on top of the Ixeter,
stones, all ' ready , for ro-
, The fine weather lately has cont -
and lovely views of the menced the sapto run after such a
valleys andt hills may bdIgained near -Thug cold spell. •
by.,;,;•-\,, I A large number in this vicinity ha-
- 1,ve had bad colds. Some are better',
llirough Warwick vle Inc to
Wallangarra, where pasannorsi bag_ ,w e others are laid aside. We wish
gage, and freight transfer •aeore the them all a speedy recovery.
Mr, Wm. Merkfey has engaged to
narrow gattge of Queenalan4 to, the i
standard width -New sozath Wales -work for Mr, Edwin l3ennett this
rails. The pink of peach blossom coming
Miss Ada Paulin of Wroxeter, spent
adorned the -gardens when we _left
Sydney, bound for Melbourne. On
the border we went through the train -
changing performance again, this
tiiriees.to the broad gauge of Victoria's
The place is Allinry, whose war
ineriorial is a tall shaft of stone
crowning a hill. It is flooded with li-
ght at night, and is one of the inose
impressive of the hundreds we saw i'
Australia. Here also is the. Murray
river, mother of irrigation for count-
less acres. We drove out to see a
great dam under construction at the
1 -lune reservoir.
The same night saw its at an offic-
ial dinner by the E'ederal Governinerit
at the • Parliament 'House' in
bourne. The leader of the Canadian
delegation, Mr. J. }I. Woods, Calgary,
here'delivered to IVIr. Eruct, the pri-
nin (who presided), a person-
al greeting from Mr. Mackenzie King,
loved by all who knew him, He is storm
survived by a widow and one 'son, Dr.
Brink of Toronto. He was an -uncle
of Mrs: John Wylie and Miss Lizzie
and_Mr. Geo. S. McKee of Gor-
rie, The funeral which was of a pri-
vate nature was held on Friday the
9th inst. Service being conducted by
the pastor of the deceased, Rev. Pa-
ton of the United: Church. The C. 0.:
0. F. of which he was a member, at-
tended in a body. Interment was ma-
de in Teeswater Cemetery. We ex-
tend our sympathy to the bereaved.
On Monday, mornlng last Mr. and
Mrs, Wm, Whitfield of this village,
received the sad news of the sadden
death .of their niece, Miss Blanche
Whitfield of Brussels and daughter of
the late Josepli Whitfield of that
town. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield left
to 'attend the funeral, which was to
take place on Tuesday afternoon. The
beretved are deeply sympathized
with in their affliction, .
a few days. recently .with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. King.
Mr. Wm. Abraham still continues
to improve, slowly. : We hope he will
continue until he, is all right again,
Behnore Church Prospering 1
The Annual Meeting of Knox Uni-1
ted Church, Belmore, was held on
Thursday, April 8th., and most grail.-
bring reports were heard from every
department. Despite the fact that I able at par
about one third of the congregational' #.-# .mss*u .
witreturn your
strength withdrew last June, all fin-
ancial indebtedness was met and a license on next train
substantial balance left on hand with
-Which to face the incoming year. Saone prices as last year,
the allocation for maintenance and Allow 10e for postage.
extension work fixed, by Presbytery
for Eelmore and. MeIntoth, the other
congregation in the pastoral charge, •
Box 473, Wingliant
was Stoma,. This reqiiest mas re-
sponded to splendidly by the giving
For the fifth year we have been
appointed to issue these
Our aim will be to give the
public SERVICE.
When we receive a properly
filled in application with a
money order or cheque pay-
• .
. . . ,
I I .
. .
. .
. • '
Mr. J. A. Strong," representing the
Empire Life Insurance Co., was in
town Friday on business.
Miss Dorothy Hedg-ecack of Toron-
to', was a recent visitor at the home
of Mr. William Allen.
Mr, James Knight of the 2nd. con.
of Howick, celebrated his ninety fif-
th birthday on Tuesday, April 6th.,
and at the present tune is hale and
hearty for a mail of such advancecle,
age. ThursWay, April 8th., was the
7oth anniversary of the day Mr. Kni-
ght, set sail from Plymouth, England
for Canada, on the Lady Peel, com-
manded by Captain Cook. .
Mrs. S. Gorby was a delegate to
the Library Convention held\ in Tor-
onto last week.
Mr. T. A. Roberts, was in Harris -
ton, Saturday on business.
Mrs. Bon Gibson, returned from
Toronto, Saturday, where she has
spent the last few months. Mrs. Clare
s. -
Toronto, accompanie
her and will visit with relative's here
Mr, John Gibson, was home from
Brussels over the week -end.
The folloiving is the result of work
done in S. S. No. t, Howick in month
,of March; --
Sr, IV—Beatrice Ferguson 64 p. c.;
Elnia, Finley 43 p.
jr, IV ---Lily Edward's 45 p. e,
Sr. III—Elva Dane 57 p. c.; Clara
Detzler 50 p, c.; 'Melvin Taylor 48 p.
c.; Jack , FerguSon 47 p. c.; Harold
Wright 46 p. c,
Sr, II—Lorne Edwards 6o p. c.;
Gordon Wright 56 p. c.; Hartley Bar-
ton 53 p. c,; I-Iarry Edwards 48 p. e,;
jr, It—Inez Finlay 52 p. e.; Bertha
Detzler so p. c.; Robert Ferguson
47 P. C.
Sr:, I—Mac Metcalfe 78 p. c,
Jr. 1.—Alta Finlay 94 p. .c.; Elsie
Barton. 93 p. e.; Mildred Dane 83 p. HARRY AIXINS
n.; Alberta Ferguson 8e, p. c.; Mildred rOt.t1Wieli, Ontario
Stewart 8o p. c.; Leslie Edwards 77 Licensed Auctioneer for the \Counties
p. c, • 01 Huron tnd Wellington
Jr, Pr. Woodrow Dustow 65 p. Phone 'x9
Elsie M. Cooke, teacher.. 'Or PatterSon's Hardware Store
The following is the report of pu-
pils of U. S. S. No. 10, Howick, *
means that one or more examinations
have been missed.
V Class—Aileen Maxwell 80 p, c.
Sr, III—Doreen Lynn Si p. c.; Earl
Doig 78 p. c.; Gibson Vogan 78 p. c.;
Tom McClerneM 76 p. c.; Mary Jac-
ques 76 p. c.; *Irene Plant 64 p. c.
Sr. II—Stewart Crerar 78 p. c.;
*Lawrence Plant 72 9. c. „
Jr. II—*Ruth Bartman 77 p. c.; Ho-
ward Neabel 76 p, 1.; Arthur Plant 70
p. c.; *Ileen Bartmann 63 p. c.; *Fra-
ser Lynn 5o p. c.
Class—Benson Hamilton, Myra
Pr. --Elsie Bartmann.
Hazel G. Foster, teacher.
Village Clerk -
Issuer of Marriage Licences
The law now requires the license be
taken out three days before tile cere-
• Subscription taken for the
Advance -Times.
Clubbing rates given
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance
Walkerton Fire Insurance Co.
Automobile, Live Stock and Plate
Glass Insurance
Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of Toronto
At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday
At Gorrie the rest of the week.
L.D.S., D.D.S.
Teeswater, Ontario
Will be at the Gofton House, Wro-
xeter ist and 3rd Wednesday of each
month. Will be at Gorrie the follow-
ing Thursday.
Director of Funeral Services
Motor Hearse or Carriage, which
ever is required.
Phone 16