HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-08, Page 7`' .hursday, April lith„ ?t 6 WZNQHAM VAN E•,TII IES OUR HERO From near and far, his 'townsmen Gathered. Intently they listed As he stood) in their midst and-- In nd—In a voice that alternately shook ,With ,emotion or vibrated with the Fire of defiance and wrath Shouted: "He who as much as touches it with one little finger—dies like a dog! "It's 'mine! My very own.' It was I: who nursed it through many It was I who cared`, for it, guided it and brought it up to be a treasure worth living for. "I'll protectsit with my last ounce. of strength. Yes, only over my dead. body shall my enemies lay hand upon it!" "WiAT?'' Cried the mob. "Quick—don't keep Us in suspense!" ,`..'WHAT IS IT?" 1 And looking in the direction of his. Pointing finger, they •heard him Say: 'Why ;that 'darling little Radish growing there so Sweetly. Look!. Look—it's AN INCH HIGH ALREADY!" (Curtain) Talking about Gardening,' -would you say, "this is the season you can watch your neighbor's wag roll and°unroll het hose?" Hey there, neighbor, keep those bricks• in your own. backyard! • —0,-- All o—All You Have To Do Is To "Imagine" There',s No Pain! See where a note' chiropodist says that if your feet ; hurt, you should "keep right on walking and then walk some more unfit they stop aching!" Evidently meaning r 111 , -,,.� ?•aff -•---� , ���° '• b1taw A.`+ that .when the pain from your corns and bunions renders your propellers unconscib'us—you'll be all 0, K. Yes, butthen-try and -walk: Blankety-Blank=Blank! G4--r-r! 0 More advice.. Another doctor says, "Folks should get at least sixteen hours of sleep a day.". How? Eight at homAnd eight at the office. Another M! D. claims "bad tempers are responsible for stomach-aches:" So be careful. Be' careful. No use 'get- ting a "hot head" if it's going to take 4hot-water bottle on your tummy to cool you off. If you have too many gold teeth in your mouth, you're apt to have. high doctor bills. Aren't you revealing part of your wealth? 0 Take Her Son, And— ' The Bills Go With' Ecr!, Why is it the father's permission•ni st be "sought by a young man when h* only.means to do,'the of man a favor by' cutting down some of his overhead expenses at home? somosuowl -1,41H10 BEST `i. .WISHES r" ,% � n• .4i, ..y 0 • FAMOUS LAST LINES "I'll -never eat d'iiions again!" —a --- f 3-, NEVER iTRojitT.E TRQ JBLE To the Editur`'av all, thiin Winghaxn •Paypers, DeeriSur, , D'ye ,teinirnber the iellah who tould us Iasht fail that we wus vain, to hev` an open winther? The °saune,,Q,y,ld bir PRF,VENTINQ SC4RLET ,FEVER rud is sayin now that we are not goin By Dr. Arthur L. Rorster to hev anny suinnaer at ally at ,' ala✓. Research work and clinical tests Don't •ye behave a °wuri'id av it, fer made during the past, two years wou,- tings are not as bad as that$,. aven,kf ld seem to indicate that , a rational trim Grits an Progrissives do be run- method for the prevention of, 'and vin the counthry into debt down at Ot-'h D f scarlet fever has finally de- 11111.11111:71:17011:171:" e- The develoliers Of the scarlet fever' M.. atltitoxtri claim that active ii"iait pity was'presexit within t o Weeks follow- ing the last dose of toxin, It is still too early to say haw' long' this im- rtmnity will persist, as t1 method has been• employed less than two years, But 'persons immunized one and one-half years:ago were still irim.- ip,une' at this writing, Whether this immitinity will be permanent,, as in di-, phtheria, only time .can tell, The toxin is not used after the in- diviclual has contracted the disease or cure or, q, rasa. Shure, 'tis wail good ting anveloped. Should time prove this to even 'after he has :been' exposed to it.' nyway'tliat they don't coiithrol the;il-- be true, it means another epochal ae- It is a preventive= -not a \treatment, 'mints an he,y.the•makin av the wea-hievement, in the field of preventive titer.,' 'Tis a same, so it is, fer thim medicine.' Grits] to hev the shpindin av all the buring the first . three years of the money that kapes rowan into the I i- a present decade there were in round ninee'Minishter's aWfice, whin it wus figures 350,000 cases of scarlet fever us Tories -that' rade ` this ' counthry in the registration area of the United what lit is, an, got it aff to a good. States. Inasmuch as the general shtart; as me bye that wus oversays .mortality rate is 12 to 14 per ,cent. it wild say. ' may be assumed that the disease .kill-• tion of the toxin are for the most part I hada birthday lash, wake, but, I ed nearly 50,000 children during "192o, hey had so malrn 'av ,him , ocal. There is a moderate redness, sltur.e,. 1 t v t Y 192I and .1922. Hardening of the skin, and tenderness now., that'I don't tink much 'about i',, y.about the Point of injection which dis- In addition to the deaths direct) thin'; The.misses hasn't had wan in goodly p appear In two or three days. Sanie- due to the disease a oodl percent - years, an 'tis plazed Lam whin times persons wlio are iarticularl I tisk av all the Money I hev saved be age of those who recovered were left 1 y with kidney disease, organic heart dis 'susceptible will exhibit some system - not Navin to buy birthday prisints. If ease, dei#ries, epilepsy,and other ye'only throyyekinsee sonic„broight. ic:reaction=fever,.nausea, sore ,throat; fellah its serious disorders that profoundly int- mild rash. „These are not serious and snide to ivirything. As oa g usually subside in about forty eight oulder, it costs him. a lotmorewiry Paired their health and usefulness. In #act, there:arc vet y few children who hours. —having had scalet fever—entirely' es- New Method of Vaccination the clisease. IDr.La:rsor of Minnea o - cape some sequel of. Recently a P It .is very "evident, then, ” that this lis devised a method of vaccination .Axd.' experiments made to date indi- cate that 95 P. e,+ Of all children can be; 'i'mmunized against scarlet fever . in this manner.: Once the disease : has shown itself, the antitoxin is to be eel ivloyed -and it offers . reasonable hope for a marked reduction in the inortality from the ; disease. The reactions following the injec, year fer repairs than it used to whin he: wus young, but the dochtors ' an dintists an dhrug shtores must hev a livin someway, an whin he passes an- other birthday widout gittin into- jail, disease, markedly affects public heal against scarlet +fever which is suppos- are the House av Refuge, arr the th. Expressed 'in terms of dollars+ ed to be an improvement over other and cents the loss annually runs into methods.; He grows a culture of the Town' Council, he ,has rayson to be thankful, so he has. It bates all, too, how a nian•kin let himsilf fate ould whin he doesn't nade to do it Duran the month av Febru- the millions. Stated in terms of hu- streptococcus of scarlet fever, obtains' ixian suffering and sorrow it is, be- from it the toxin it generates. This yoncl estinl.ate.•- • he neutralizes with a weak solution of „'.' For\ 'ears . the medical profession'castor oil soap in wate>{, and injects a ■ ■ ■ • ary has been ,searching vainly for some- the mixture. .. at1 harrt y" be ra on a town at all, thing that might put a stop to the.ra-, He cldims the following advantages aat all, partly be rayson av the behave, vtomes of scarlet fever. It has been for his formula:' beme lumbago, but mosthly, I behave accepted for a `long time . (A) The vaccine injected because I let mesilf git tiukin too inti= generally the disease is caused by -a cer- no ''reaction. ch aboui° Tint Hay. 'Tis a bad'skame, that intoirely, to let yersilf git that way. taro type of streptococcus. Pursuant (B) Much larger doses can be "em - to to this belief, anti -streptococcic serum ployed. was used quite extensively, particu- (C) Only one injection is recess larly in severe' cases and those with., ary ('the Dick ,method requires five con plications. : Gradually, however, injections). it fell into disrepute and disuse, be -1 (D) The subject becomes immune cause of its failure to bring desired -to. scarlet fever in about four clays and 'expected. results. This was 'due (with the Dick method it takes two largely tqthe" fact that the serum, ob- weeks). Accordingly, - children • can ideal it wus no use bean tained from the horse, was unrefined, be given the injection even after they that an deconot specific, and. lacked potency. have been exposed, with some assur- ould an lookin ould an fayylin mild all at wance, so tought I wud'shtir ar+- rouncl a little more. 1Wid that ind in view I wint - down town'' Ivan' afther- noon an got me hair cut an.me whisk- ers thrirnmed fer a shtart, Thin , Iinjecting. into the skin o.i.c.c. of the wint to the dochtor an talked poll p reportpublished in the Journal of the American; Medical• Association, 1 they tox'fn. In 22 to 24 hours, the react ticks std him fee in.a few minutes till a tion shows itself at the' site of the in- jection Aswus able' to as a,small area of redness,iif arehe sec, Well, Good bye, with certain streptococci. Working the incZividual is susceptible. If, how s e n the ether .r well; I nivir long much the same lines _,pursued ever, he is immune, no reaction of any, saw ye lookin betther in yer loife.d by the developers o�diplitheria'anti- kind occurs. " AV coorse this cheered me Up, an did toxin for scarlet fever from horses ibyIna series of children who were cie re good than a bottle av'medi nrepeatedly 'injecting the animal with, vaccinated by the Larson method go • cine. I intinded askin him fer a pre_the toxin of the scarlet fever streptoT per cent:, b.ecatne Dick negative—that causes Aitch wanav us is only loike wan dandelion on the Town, Park in the month av May, an loikely . takiti up the shpace wheer someting betther moight be growin, but what is the ii.se av worryin because we are not roses arr gladoliums..' Well, I got shtudyin on tings loike Findings,Look Promising . ance`that, the disease will not develop. Now, however, there is apparent In both methods a similar "skiii- promise of the early conquest of scar- test" is used to determine whether the let 'fever, as a result of the'findings person is susceptible pr immune to of Dick and -tick. • According to their scarlet fever, Mils test is made by scripshun,'but ye see he kind of head cocci. The anti -toxic sertun s'o ob- is to say, showed no skin reaction. In ed me aff, so to shpake, fer What does PM a fellate nade wail • av thim tings fer twined is then refined and concentrat- other words they: were immune to scarlet fever. he files loike 'a tree 'year' ould: ed to .increase its potencyand' mini- If 1 ie collar au Mize the lumber and severity of. ser- , As already stated, more time will , T E HHO SHOP •• t For t e Qreatest Bargain ever offered in • " Something absointeIy unu ua1. el 'rig am Utilities Crawford B1ockm til 'p11, 1111®11®21 11 1111111111111sunountionnemeni ]Phone 156. ` vassawaseistrianiiirosaualsk Creameri Maitlan��� , We are now ready to pay out Second Deferred Payment on Cream. This amounts to z cent per pound:. Butterfat for all Cream received at Wingham during January, February .;and March. s,.. PLEASE- CALL FOR: YOUR SHARE BUYERS OF,CREAM, EGGS' AND POJLTRY The United Farmers Co -Op. Co. Ltd. Wingham tint•,. ri® pffixer ■111■111®11111IIIDNIIElll 'III®111111II®Ill' III■II16111111111131111111'!"11113111 1111�111� THE WHYTE ld Y, 'T' 9 WINGHAM - ONTARIO We are interested in greater egg production' and to same will offer a bonus on Extras to Producers who bring to us in over twenty five dozen lots. W We will also continue giving FREE ously advertised. These eggs will also be on sale at fisc per setting. FS F. W. 1VIcANip• LE S, Branch Manager. 11E111■11111111 stimulate their eggs settings of eggs as previ- w Resid�etne 62j. ■_ Phones—Office 7 _ emswimmtm_..•-–,.,., nm,i�.R., , mulles') uit�!IIu!1!�9!f!O!1!uIII!!I■ll!■II1161116�1!!■!I!� !ilulne1111�111®I1M111�91i1®III= !tlt�lhifi�ni■III• 11®II121111 1151111■1111SIA111®lu®CI1®1u11111®iI113n111111 • 7.11111 I got roes' a c ai lith reactions. SAT int down to George Moir s shoe 'shoine parlor an put 'it• on, ,gittin hint to clane up rite ould boots at'the sante toinie. Be this toime I filt loike a ries man an wondhered whoy I had ivir allowed mesilft-to git clown in ,the dumps. ',,... • The moral av III this is to kape yer moind ,aff: yersilf, an tink av the thrubbles'av the other fellah, Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay.. Egg Eating "Champion" B. • T. Ansel), ,a senior at Harvard University, of Washington, D. C., ate 48 eggs in 45 minutes on a bet be- tween some of his classmates, Anslll created quite .a✓flurry in the restaur- 'atnt when he sat, down and ordered 48 eggs and set -out to constiine them in the required time of 45 minutes. His Pals at by and kept a watchful eye on him, making'sure,that he clid not throw any tinder the table. The atb letic authorities of the 'College are considering' giving hien a letter for Itis aelfiievenient, orth , •Mil- lron ollars. To You You know where it leads, to neglect a cough, and its worth a million to prevent ,that. When your chest gets. tight. or you become hoarse, get a bottle of Hamilton's Throat & Lung Balsam and you arte abso- lutely guaranteed relief. May be procured from all your local druggists or direct y mail from HAMILTON DUG CO: Windsor, Ontario be required to prove the real value of this method of preventing scarlet fe- ver. At present it surely looks pro rinsing. Let us hope :its promises will be fulfilled. —0— Questions and Answers Perspiring Hands Miss U. A. C. writes: "I want your advice as to what I should do foi perspiring hands." Reply Application of x-rays is the best and, surest way,,to cure this trouble. If you cannot' avail yourself of this Method!, try the following: Wash the hands thoroughly; then.dathe them in a one -per -cent solution of FORMAL- TIN in water; afterward powder the jhancls"with powder boric acid centaur;,,,, ing two -per -cent salicylic acid, Do this twice a day. -Sometimes such ideal sweating is excessive because the general petspir- 'nation is deficient. Sonlctitnes is dire to nervousness. Occasionally, one is b6rn with this tendency. Obviously; these factors Must be given considers- troll, 11t the treatment, and corrected' insofar as possible,•.,' at ec TfiE FAMILY NEXT . DOOR .•. DOtsth WNWt1©NE • I NT' "TO Be AN OLD L 40%t rwfR AI`IY'THING`,, B1)'C' Y / NOTKA ovik 'FO00 •'Buis• ASE • MUC,FI, •Mto62E `MAN 'CHET WERE .• LAS' • Nos./ 4. lWHAI 0F1 VriV. GREAT •Scor womANI 1 EOG GSO SAVAUTi - MONE-T DOWN ON• THESE SORtPA 'TH NG* YOU VE BOUCs T ENOUcg-' STUFF TO FEED AN moo— WADI ? TNArS WHAT 1�0 41kE TO VtNbW Now wha A MINUTE , SASSYI LET WE 1,0N Pf" WORD - -'MIS ALL CAMS I ROM ONE OF'' ' OBR BRIGHT sIAGESTIOINS t gouGtlT MORE IMUfF 0 ■ Ida IIIfSll1®11141111,:11194111m111om 111 1114111141111O m111ai11• Ill )Moll! Llip➢I11mI11�, i1!t�lkl R,ev VTO ,► I + ��,� v ; FFs ; m re cArtiz � opo W e AOV eovoN NcrOOo MOWEV Fort. AN EORA it RE Q CAN'T cET HOME or A FLAT -II -IRE -ANO THE BOSS CAN ME MY WIFE WIU., 0E1' A DIVORCE PPOP ALiM NY, Ahab (LL e,E LA00 OP WITH , ti COLD fi An extra tire is apt to save you an extra lot of trouble just about when you are not looking for it. When yori're looking for an extra good extra tire LOOK OUR WAY � } � jrif ,+' ?�,� °II�� 6'i7',v�"`+��"8,�•11��`c'ti..{u,�Eni�•"'�..w� .� " ,,.....• a W. 1111 0111.111111111111 QUITE LOGICAL— TOO Mr. Daoust Asked to Resign Joseph Daottst, former president of the Montreal Chamberof Commerce, and one of the leading manufacturers of that city, recently appointed, to the advisory tariff commission, bas re- signed from the post. Mr. Daoust's resignation is taken at Ottawa •to be in direct obedience to a command from the prime minister, consequent. upon Mr. Daoust's injudicious declar- ation which appeared lash eek in a newspaper. At an interview after his appointment he declared that he did trot think Canadianindustries enjoyed too much tariff protection. The reas- on for: his. action (being connected with the manufacture of footwear in (Quebec on a large scale) is well urn, dc.rstood in the capital, more especi- ally in view of the fact that the .;ore,', ernment is inclined toward lower taiµ iffs and that it is depccl ent f6r ir; ut)on the support of the free trail Progressives aid I•,abotities. - O„ 1 COULt ecomomez;a a LEFT - _VER_ iT •