HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-08, Page 4y AI1QW `rt Cou a 'o .Lin er' Rexall Cod Liver Compound With Creosote Will remove the last trace of Cough. Especially nodal in persistent Coughs and Colds, Asthmatic Conditions or a tendency towards weak lungs 1.00 a large bottle with every bottle guaranteed,. 0e. PEPTONA TUNA rr• THE OLD RELIABLE TONIC A reconstructive atonic aid for enriching the blood, building the strength and mprovinng the health generally. Every bottle contains OneDollars worth of Pep and every bottle guaranteed. McKibbon's Drug Store Wingham, Ont. ' 71koe42,01,4#Stun Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store CALF FOR SALE—Inquire at Ad- vance- imes. d-vance-Times. CAR OF B. C. SHINGLES—To ar- rive in a few days, Parties taking sarne off car will get a reduction on price. Thos. Stewart, Bluevale. EGGS FOR SALE—Single comb Black Minorca eggs for hatching, one pen with 8 two year old hens, Pape's Strain and Cockerel from $xo,setting from Rolyat best pen, $2 for 15 or $3. for 3o. Free Range frock $r.00 per., 15 or $6 per too. Males from $5 setting, Rolyat se- cond best pen, Herb Taylor, Rou- te.3, WWWingham. Phone 31-626. FOR SALE—Bronze Gobbler. Ap= ply to Geo. Day, Dairyman. aOR SALE—Seven roomed brick house on Victoria Street, with wa- ter and lights. C. Weir. FOR SALE—Six room house in good repair, close to Main St., large lot garage and hen house. Cash or terms. Eight hundred and fifty. R. Vanstone. LOST—Female Collie Dog, white collar, sharp nose, yellow with hole tail, answering to the name of. Vimy Information as to her whereabouts thankfully,re::eived by Russell Arm- or Geo. Cunningham, East Wa- wanosh, Route T, Belgrave. FOR SALE --Regular $3o Rohner Accordion with highly polished eb- orrized frame with corner protection Tx fold bellows, 4 stops, 4 sets, steel. reeds, 2 bass keys, size txxtedi inches. A snap at $io. See it at The Advance-l'irn.es. BABY CHICKS AND EGGS FOR HATCHING— From large strains, pure bred to lay White Leghorns and Barred Rocks. Healthy vigor- ous stock bred for size, large eggs and heavy production. White Leg- horn Baby Chicks, 25, $3.75; 5o, 'V it 1'14' 1' ANi'rW* *CROW GAN,.ADA AND BACK Win4h4nst. Wake Up! -------- Are we not letting ourselves die a liter beyond venae noir inapt- ly deso$bes eke •dories• a Canada's Inatural death in Wingham? Seven Rockies. To be `full* zppree'iated years ago we held one of the most they moot be seer._ To start out on successful Old Boys' Reunions ever held in Western Ontario. It was then a trap by one's ,'self into this unfamilr tar but far-famed paradise-on-earth,decided to bold another in five years to roan a$peazS cite a task. Teal time. A couple of years ago a In -ma- to ing was held to organize for one but izing this, Dean Sijnelair Laird, of it was decided to wait another year. Macdonald College, an "',experienced This year the Dominion ,Day Sports Rocky Mountains Travelled', for the This ttee decided against holding third year in succession, has underta- the customary 1st. of July celebration, ken to conduct a party through tints Are we gbing to let it stand at that?` glorious wonderland? - Wingham citizens wake up! What A special train of dining, standard •eve need is co-operation and a great sleeping, and observation compare- big dose of it or peddlars will be do - meat cars has been chartered, to le ingmore business from house to hoe ave Toronto on July e9th via the Ca- sethari the storekeepers who pay our nadian Pacific Railway. Stops will taxes. and endeavor to boost for the be .made at Port Arthur and Fort betterment of our ,community at lar ;Wiliiani, which "together form Cana- e There are towns not one l un- da'.s greatest grain port; Winnipeg Be died miles from Wingham who can ash, the popular summer resort for boast that their people are. educated Winnipegers; Winnipeg, Canada's to suchloyalty that very few peddlersthird largest ,city; Indian -Head, the call at their town and those who do chief tree distributing centre of the are not burdened with orders. Federal Forestry Brancho Regina, the capital Of Saskatchewan Calgary, Al Whitmon—Ballagh Nuptials berta's largest city; Banff, the world- • famous mountain resort;' by automo- On Wednesday', March' '31st., the bile for 104 miles over the Banff- borne. of Mr. and. Mrs. Fleming Ball - Windermere, Highway, the most spec- agh, Whitby, was the scene of a pret- tacular drive in Canada; through Koo- ty wedding when their eldest daught- tenay Lake to Nelson, the:comnrercial er, Nellie,: becamethe bride of Mr. centre of Southern British Columbia; George Witrnon, son of Mr. and Mrs. then through the Doukobor country George Whitmon gson of Mr. and Mrs: to. Penticton; along lovely Okanagan Lindsay officiating: Lake, and to Vancouver, thence by The bride who was . given away by steamer to Victoria. • her father looked charming in a gown Returning, the ;trip will be by the of Italion Blue Crepe, carrying a bo - main line of the Canadian Pacific, quet of Ophelia Roses, Lily of the through th,reat canyons of the Fra Valley and Maiden Hair Fern. Little ser and Thompson Rivers, and throu- Miss Patricia Sears of Montreal, cou- gh: the Seikirks and Rockies, afford- sin of the bride made a pretty flower ing scenery such as can.be found no- girl, carrying a basket, of pink sweet - where else on earth; Lake Louise, the peas. Mrs. Percy Elson, sister of the Pearl of the Rockies, the most perfect groomplayed the wedding march and 'gem of scenery onethe another during the signing of the register day at Banff, Edmonton, the Capital sang "At Dawning." • of Alberta; Saskatoon, the city of op- After a 'buffet luncheon.was served; timism; Devils Cap Camp, on, the 'La- the bride and groom left for Toronto, ke of the Woods, near Kenora, then- enioute to Buffalo and New York. ce to Fort William,: where one of the The bride `travelling in a blue ensem fine Canadian Pacific Steamers will bre, triintned with grey squirrel, with be used across Lakes- Superior and hat to match. Huron to Port McNicoll, then rail to On their return the happy couple Toronto, where the trip will termin- will reside on the groom's farm near ate. 4. Whitby. Everything is included in. the'price Brussels Grand Old Man of $330:0o,' from Toronto; transporta- tion, sleeping cars, accommodation -in David Ross, sr., Brussels' oldest re - Hotels, and bungalow camps, meals sident, died Monday morning ,in his moth year. In earlier years his heal- th had been delicate, but later in life he enjoyed the best of health and he died after being ,confined to bed for only a few days. Mr. Ross was born in Galashiels, Scotland, on July S, 1826. He carne to Canada when 20 years of age, settling in Seaforth. Sixty years ago he mov- ed to Brussels, where he had resided ever since , and where he carried on a merchant tailoring business until his retirement 43 years ago, when he sold the business to his soli', David C. Ross. $7.00; Too, $13.00; White Leghorn in diners, hotels and •on steamers, and Hatching Eggs, 25, .$1,25; 50, $2•25; sight-seeing tours at points visited. The trip is open to all, and applica- tions for accommodation, are being received. Fares from .other points than Tor- onto will be reamed, and descriptive illustrated booklet sent on application to Dean Sinclair Laird, Macdonald College Post Office, Que. Too, $4.00; Barred. Rock Baby •Chicks 25, $4.50; 5o, $8.50; aoo, $16.00; Barred Rock Hatching Eggs, 25, $r.5o; 5o, $2.75; Too, $5:oo. At these prices in your own boxes or bask- ets at my place, one quarter mile West of Whitechneth. Custom hatching done a' reasonable rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Duncan Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont. Phone 42-611. FOR SALE—Baby Chicks from hea- vy. Iaying strains of S. C. W. Leg- horns and Barred Rocks. Our hens are culled by government expert and our two hatching pens of Leg - horns are mated with pedigreed ma- les' from W. H. Fisher of Ayton, Ont. and the Delemere Poultry Farm of Stratford, Ont., Whose hens have won 1st. prize at the egg laying contests at Ottawa. The 1 majority of our Rocks are front O. A. C. Stock. Owing to the demand For my chicks, I have increased my hatching capacity again this year. Orders booked now for April and May. Our prices will be the same as last year. The Barred Rocks will be T6c each until May r5th., af- ter that date r5c each and the Leg - 1 horns will be 55c for the season. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune at J. W. For- tune's R. R. No. T, Wingham, Ont. Wroxeter Phone 612, Ring 8. FOR SALE—Beautiful Collie Dog, excellent companion andwatchdog, cheap for quick sale. Apply to Ed- ir Wightnan, Belgrave. OR SALE—Black Minorcas eggs for hatching. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Casernore, Wingham, Ont., R. R. No,' 2, Phone 602-.3, FOR • SALE—Two good milk cows, Otte . due to freshen any time now. ,Apply W. J. Simmons, Toth con. T.urnbcrr•y. Ot6 SALE—Large frame house in 'good repair, all conveitietices, dou- ble garage. A snap for q lick sale, Write Miss Mary 'Madigan, 65 La- ' keview Ave., Toronto. b.1. Sriap•y-Four title Grebe in c'keellent, condition sellfmfr ` stripped for $'So. r This would be a bargain, at $75. The Radio Shop, ' , ., Cruickshank. 'W ,,vr J --'choir Leader and Ot gatti, t for ` t, Axttirew's 11resbyter- xan:.Clyttkclx,Wirlghaxn. ;Applicants 0 state Salam and Send references: �.p; ltcatiaits r otti'ved. up ,-b t� tril t"xtl;, C; y l;iliott,Viet ' $04, Oat, PROPERTY FOR SALE—Eight ac - rtes good frame house and barn, never failing creek, near Western Foundr A 1 for further paiti- eulars at this office, QUALITY EGGS AND CHICKS— S. C. White Leghorns, Guild Strain, our pens are carefully selected breeding hens, headed by Pedigreed Males from registered and qualified R O. P. hens. Hatching Eggs $x.5o per 15; $6.00 per Too, Baby Chicks, each x8c; $15.00 per Too. Write or phone your requirements to Jas. A. Scott, Belgrave, Ont. Phone T3 -63t, Wingham. SPECIALIZING THIS SEASON IN EGGS FOR I-IATCHING---Tn- sure your profits by buying eggs from ourheavy laying strains of :barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, White Leghorns and Black Minorcas. Our flock of too birds have given a won- derful production this winter, lay- ing as high as sixty a day through February and ,saventy in March. Already selling eggs and taking or- ders. We ex eat to sell thousands p of eggs, ,because we have the stock and prtecs are the lowest. $3.00 for 50 eggs; $5.60' 'for torr, Inspect our pets or phone or write ydur or- ders, but order early. Phone aotwr Wingham. P. 3. Hill, PRESCRIPTION FOR CATCHING COLD T. During a cold snap have a' short hair :cut, military style ,up to the ears. 2. Change to light -weight clothing in borderline seasons and get caught in a cold snap. 3. Wear thin soled -shoes and 4,et the feet soaking, ivet in cold, damp weather and be too busy to change and ,put on dry ;garments. • , 4. Sit reading in an :apartment with a window open, but out of sight, admitting a blast of cord air—a sud- den chill and,sneeze will ' announce the success of this method. 5 -; Sit in an over -heated office ; or dwelling xoom over -,clothed, until the head is congested and the nasal mem- brane dry; then open a window and sit in a draft—seldom fails. 6. Put on evening dress, go to a big dinner and eat heartily—and may- he drink; inhale plenty of .dry, over- heated, smoke -laden air; get bored to death and thoroughly fatig•teed, and then go home with coat flapping op- en and the wintry blast striking your exposed neck and chest—nearly al ways fatal. int � These )rescri tionsr for %seattu s cold will not work very well if your skirt is well trained and your nose and throat free from any chronic infection —Life Extension ''estimated. "When people ask me how I find business, 1 tell 'ern by looking for it. The fellow that says he can't find business is like the guy that takes a milk pail into the pasture and waits for the cow to back up to it. If yon. want milk go after the cow. She's willing," 'Holiday Visitors The following items aver' from the Huron Expositor;—The County En- gineer, R. T. Patterson, Warden Mc- 1(ibbon 'and; the County Good Roads Commission, Messrs J. 1:, McEwen, A. C. Baeker and 5. W. Beattie were in Seaforth on Tuesday, March 30. Miss Cecelia Horan of the Wing - ham HIigh School staff, is spending the holidays at the home sof her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Horan, Sea - forth. Miss Pattie '. tirner.of Tuckerstnith visited friends in 'Wingham: last week He was remarried 67 years ago .to Miss Fanny Torrance, of McKillop Township, who' predeceased him, in 1968. Out of 'a family, .of eight chil- dren, six survive, James T., David C., Mrs. John A. Smith and Miss Annie, all of Brussels, and Thomas ancf Ro- bert of Kincardine. One daughter, Mrs. George Haycroft, .died, in 1891, while another daughter, Mrs. A. M. McKay-, died last month. Mrs. '.(.Dr.) McNaughton, ;of Brussels, is a niece, and Dr. Geo. H. Ross of Wingham is a grandson 'of the :deceased. ' Mr. Ross was a Liberal in .politics and in religion a Presbyterian. The funeral will be held on Thursday af- ternoon from his late residence to Brussels Cemetery. JellI/IIIUIIII1IIII aillllIIUIIArtiniIIIIIIUIII!! 1 !Ch ' • Phone 59 11 Groceries & Chinaware "RID" RID • A very valuable Kitchen clean, ser. The package contains steel s wool pads with -a cake of special ▪ rysoap. R ONE • postion to the suggestion. One rea's- T Y — • on is the sentiment that surrounds the li=.littl"e` red schoolhouse, I think it only Only 29e Each ■ — requires a little education to show Heavy- clear Crystal Berry them that we can gradually improve t Bowl, full finished ' and Del£ A l g y p rit t!f Nsnll su u mIo uiuhsUn ■ 111■ ■ • ■ ■ i • • rear's For i • ty Rubber Spring is the Rubber Season and 'every Shoe andFoot should be protected with a pair of our Good Rubbers. • LOOK. AT THESE PRICES ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ▪ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ar ■ ■ ■ Men's • red sole, IN■ ■ ■ • ■ • �q l ■ R ■ ■ ■ Rubber foots! Men's first quality white sole, roll edge. $4095 Womein's,;Rub- burs 29c Rubber' Boots Women's Rubber Boots, best, quality, sizes 3 to 8. $2.65 3o pairs, Women's first quality Rubbers, narrow toes, broken sizes, Clean Up 29 c Sale a/ Black, Rubber best quality $4.45 Boots, ;RUBBERS For Men and Boys, best qual- Misses' Rubber. Boo. ity, black . Rubbers. sizes II to 2 Men's 6 to 11 .... $1.35 Boys' 1 to 5.........99c Youths' 11 to 13 • ....89.c Child's Rubber ' Boots,. sizes 7 to zo _----- • ..-.._.. Women's fine black Rubbers, first quality....90c" Misses' fine black Rubbers, first quality ...80c a` Child's fine black Rubbers, first quality... .70c ■▪ .. COME HERE, BUY RUBBERS AND PROFIT 5 WINGHAM' ■ ' J. GREER, lastiammissiassmasseriessminummassansumminautsainimmummat Died in Saskatchewan The Stoughton, Sask., .paper of March 26, makes the following refer- ence to the death of one formerly well known in. the ,Seaforth .d'ist'rict, George Edgar Cornell, a pioneer of the Stoughton district, passed to the great beyond on Sunday morning at the age of 70 years. ,, Deceased who ner's - Lohengrins wedding march,- ed the high esteem in ; which the, had suffered from heart .trouble since played by the sister of the bride, Miss ,young couple are held in the com-• Last fall, was one of our most respect- Sarah Howatt. • Inntnity. The groom's gift to the bri-• ed citizens and on Tuesday when the The ceremony was performed by , de was a gold pendant set in pearls: funeral was held, the Presbyterian Rev. Dr. Barnby, under a beautiful land to her sister an amethyst brace -- Church could e,carcely accomodate evergreen arch trimmed with white let. They will reside at Maple Lawny the targe number present to pay•their wedding bells and banked with flow - last tribute of respect to their'depart- ers. The guests were largely corn- ed friend. Mr. Cornell is survived by prised' of the immediate members of friends, his widow;•a .daughter of the late Ro- ' bert Willis of Seaforth and one son, Robert, to whom the sympathy of the entlatttli■tuntt■m®tt traisat•t■■tmmumtt , many old friends in this ;district is ex.- • i, tended.—Huron Expositor. �•� ■ ° ■`s Mrs. Cornell is a sister of S/Ir, W. N ■f ■ ■ tilts of nn ham. H. W W �e�� T h g ea ere �:� Township .School Boards ' l ■ ■i The .:Township School Boards Bill ■ �a was` discussed'on Tuesday by: the pri- l' Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 8, 9, 10 161me minister, Dr. J. D. ,ivIonteith (con. ii••• ■' EXTRA SPECIAL ■; North Perth); A. P. Mewhinney, Lib. • •••' 1111West `Bruce)- Sint Clarice (Leib Nor ■ in the person of Mr. Norman' Reid Sanderson, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard Sanderson, Hullett Township. The bride who was gowned in blue silk' beaded voile and carried a bou- quet of white carnations and fern,en- tered the parlor leaning on''the arm of her father, to the strains of Wag - the groom's and brides family. Dur- ing the signing of the register, "'I Loves Garden" by Homers Tourpie? was played by Miss Elizabeth Mills,. After the wedding ceremony the gu— ests partook of the.wedding dinner so''. tastefully arranged. The . presents were numerous and costly and show -- Farm Hullett, where in due time they - will be pleased to receive their-, ir rnberland)'; A J. Fallis .(Con. East ■ Durham . W. SangsterGlen ■ ■ aroldLloyd NI thu), J(Lib. g 1111` garry); D. J. Taylor (,frog: North ■ Oxford) and A, Belanger (Lib. Muss ell). The bill, as i treviously intimat- ed by the premier, was submitted on- lyr andn f r dis ussro m and p c was then wihdrawn for a year, Mr Ferguson' said that while he had a number of letters and resolutions from:trustee bodies in favor of the measure, the province was evidently not ready foot it. He said: "It is true there is a good deal of feeling in op - 1 shape. Only a limited quantity ki to sell. Don't wait, 111 Onty 6e Eaeht — Good quality Crystal 1Frttit 111 Nappies, fine he finish and just ■ s the rig size. Will not last at the price, `� ■ -N tor �e�C a ` e Pa large Rolls T xeilt er of • p ■ A good quality with big value in z OUNCES for the money. i_Y�N� eCoffee n S � ars -1.1MilONI U MWO O1O1OMU MMU _ the situation. Officers of the depart- rnent,4who- have worked out this prob- lem from a financial standpoint al- sure ssure me that in five or years tlie. cost of education under such ' a plan would be reduced '25 to 3o per cent, and this, would certainly; be a great re- lief to rural people," Marred Irr1 Hullett One of The happy events which eau- se a ripple 'of excitement iii any nei- ghbourhood, ei- 1� la' at he ,resi- r� i took 0 h libat rho o t g o c, p e dense of Mr, incl Mrs. Wm, Howatt, on Tuesday, March the loth., when their eldest daughter, Agnes Lucinda, become the bride of 49ne of I1110ott's Township prosperous young farmers NS ■ he Fr III Two shows each night starting 8 p. m. sharp ■' ■ Admission: Adults 50c, Children 25c. ■ ■ Matinee Sat.■ ■ e2.30 p. m. Admission 35c and'ZOc. ■ Monday and Tuesday, April 12 and 13 ■ ■ V ■ "THE MONSTER" - ■ LC N CHANEY ■ IN ,■ ■ ■.r: ■ al� Comedy es:Yes. "YNannette". ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ Wednesdayarid Thursda t►rir>X 14 and 15• • ■ ■ Woniari!s b - 11 ■ 1 ms. Two ReeX Coniedy. ■ 11311111001111110131131110111011101113111111113111111 ■11■ 1131 11 1�. M