HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-01, Page 4tl WINO APVANri '' TIME UowrThatCou; To Linger? exall Cod Liver Compound • With Creosote Will remove the last trace of Cough. Especially useful in Persistent Coughs, and Colds, Asthmatic Conditions or a tendency towards weak lungs $1.00 a large bottle with every bottle guaranteed THE OLD RELIABLE TONIC A reconstructive tonic aid for enriching the blood, building the strength and mproving the health generally. Every bottle contains One Dollars worth of,Pep,; and every bottle guaranteed. M. c bbon's DrugStore Windham. Ont. Phone Stovre Phone 53 You save with safety at your Rexall Drug Store 0 1 4't sea o. :sol` for on, Tire -4r tin of s s AUCTION SALE .OF HOUSE AND Lot -On Shatter St., Wingham, al- ; so complete contents of house at 2 p. i n., on Saturday, 'April 3rd Good e clean stuff. T. R. Bennett, Auct. Miss Davidson, Prop. •- c c -AUCTION SALE -David Farrier, to miles, east of St. Helens, will have ass Auction Sale of Farm Stock and. Itnplemeuts on Friday, April 9th., commencing at one o'clock p. m, A number of good Young Cows on this Sale. Elliott Miller, Auct. AUCTION SALE -Of Horses, Cat- tle, Pigs, Hens, Implements, etc. at Lot 32, Con. 3, Kinloss, 3 miles nor- th of Whitechurch on Monday, April 5th,, at one o'clock, Alex Cameron, Prop., John Purvis, Auct. BABY" CHICKS AND EGGS FOR HATCHING- From large strains,. pure bred to lay 'White Leghorns and Barred Rocks. Healthy vigor- ous stock bred for size, .large eggs 1 and heavy"production, White Leg- -horn Baby Chicks, 25, $3.75; 50, $7,00; too, $53.00; White Leghorn Hatching Eggs, 25, $z.n5; 5o, $2.25; Too, ,$4.00; tarred Rock Baby Chicks 25, 54.50; 50, $8.50; 10o, $16.00; Barred Rock Hatching Eggs, 25, $1.50; 50, `Y2 75; Ioo; $5.00. At these prices in your own boxes or bask- ets at shy place, one quarter mile West of Whitechurch. Custom hatching done at reasonable rates. Satisfaction Guaranteed: Duncan FOUND -Cape Fur, Greyish Brown near Wingham, on the Whitechurch Road.. Apply to Mrs. Jas. Breen Route 3, Wingham. FOSALE----Single R oinb B21 C , ck Mi- norca eggs for hatching one . pen, 8 two year old hens. Papes strain and cockerel from $to.00 setting from R-olyat best pen, free range flock $x.00 per 15; $6 per too. Males from $5 setting, Rolyat second best ;pen. Herb Taylor, R, R. No. 3, `i�iringlnarn, Ont. FOR SALE -Baby Chicks from hea- vy laying strains of S. C. W. Leg - horns and Barred. Rocks.. Our hens are culled by "government expert and our two hatching pens of Leg - horns are eg-horns:are mated with pedigreed ma- les from W. H. Fisher of Ayton, • • Ont. and the Delemere, Poultry Farre of Stratford, Ont., whose hens have won Ist- prize at the egg laying contests at Ottawa. The majority of our Rocks ate from O. A. C. Stock. Owing to the demand Thr my chicks, I have increased shy hatching capacity again this year. Orders hooked; now for April and May.. Our prices will be the same as last year. The Barred. Rocks will be 16e each until v1ay 15th., af- ter that date i5c-each and the Leg - horns will be rye for the season. Mrs. Geo. D. Fortune at J. W. For tune's R. R, No, r, Wingham, Ont. Wroxeter Phone 612, Ring 8. Kennedy, Whitechurch, Ont, Picone 42-6r r: FOR SALE -7 roomed house, good stable, good land, ti acres, Will also lease. Frank J. Mooney, Turn - berry, FOR SALE -Large' frame house in good repair, all conveniences,' dou- ble garage. A snap' for quick sale. Write Miss Mary Madigan, 6; La- kceview Ave,,, Toronto. FOR SALE ---A Radio Snap -.--Four tube: Grebe in excellent condition selling stripped for $5o, This would be'" a bargain at , The g $r`S Radio Shop. W. R. Cruickshank, FOR SALE -One High Grade Shot Gun, 3o in. barrel of spencil ' gust steel, rubber cut plate, shell ejec- tor, durable accurate, good as new, 58.00 Also I•fohnet Accordion with highly olished.'eb ni c g _v p o set frame with cornet protection, t5 fold belt- ows, �} stops, 4 Sets steel reeds, s bas keys, size f5:ttal ins., price $to.00 See these at this ettiec. FOR, SAL E ---First Class Seed :Bar- ley, Apply to David Deacon Phone , ts-6 9: SAh P"-- OEC �5,...,.., Sw eel Clover, . v C ov t, yellow,. scxtiFied strtd•„testees, price $4.50 pet bushel. Phone 6t6 -t4, Joseph' CI ' 1 t { ianitiey, l el,yravey I, ! :o, t. LOST -On Friday, bunch of keys, Please r'etttrit to T. Rlennett, Au- ctioneer or 1�h;at;i; at.Po'st"Office. PROPERTY FOR SALE -Eight ac res good frame house . and barn, never failing creek, near Western Foundry. Apply for further parti- eulars at this office, QUALITY EGGS AND CHICKS - S. C. White Leghorns, Guild Strain, our pens are carefully selected breeding hens, headed by Pedigreed Males from registered and qualified R. O. P. hens, Hatching Eggs $i.so per 'r5; $6.00;per loo, Baby Chicks, each 18c; $15.o0 per Zoo. Write or phone your requirements to Jas. A. Scott,.Belgrave, ; Ont. Phone 13-631, Wingham. SPECIALIZING THIS SEASON IN EGGS FOR HATCHING -In- sure your profits by buying eggs from our heavy laying' strains of Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, White Leghorns and Black Minoreas. Our flock of too birds have given a won- derful: production this 'winter, ..lay- ing as high as sixty a day through Februaryandseventy, in 'March. Already selling eggs and taking or - tiers. We expect to sell thousands of eggs, because we have the stock an ri e d p c s• are the lowest, '$3.oa for 50 eggs; $5.00 for 100., Inspect our peas. or phone or write your or- ders, but order early. Phone aatw, Wingham. F. -l".:Etill, WARNING -'Would. the person who took the shovel from the cement n gr bridge o i the 'I3elbrave .road, be good the 't g o leaire it at .Ellis of- fice for the i caner Alex. Reid This will save us aslting yttu to do it, GOOD FRIDAY,.' "Colne, Hugh, it is a holiday, The day is ;fair and cool; Come fishing with us presently, We'll go to Dingley Pool, "Sonne six or seven of us have joined, And we shall have such fun, Make haste and fetch your- cap, my boy, You'll catch us if you run," But Hugh, a little lad of twelve, ,Replied in accents low, To Frank arid John, "No,' .thank you, boys, To -day I cannot go." "Why not? It is a holiday - 1 wouldn't stay at home." "I shall not stay at 'home," said Hugh "But still I cannot come:" Cannot, come, indeed, to -day, I've something else to "do; 'You would not laugh so, Frank and John, Or mock me, if you knew." ' He turned away with flushing ,cheek• And quickly moistened eye; I followed him and gently asked; "Hugh, `willryou tell inc why?" His earnest eyes one:moment sought My face, and the replied; "I could not go' a -pleasuring The day my brother died. "Twas some eight years ago he died - He gave his life for me, For I fell off :the pier one day, When we ' were by the sea. "And he, sir -he was just eighteen- He sprang into the wave,; He knew that it was dangerous, But still he tried to save. "He canght me safely, but his. head Had struck against a rock, He, lingered on. awhile .in pain, Then sank beneath, the shock. "And I was •such a little lad 'Then, I .could hardly know What lad had .clone for love of me He always loved hie s'o. "The day lie 'died, he kissed my face, As .I sat :e n This, bed, And said to mother, `Don't let Hugh Forget' me When I'ri dead. 'My little Hugh! Ohl snake him love Me alway. Tell thio, dear, How I„loved flim' -and then he stop- ped, For death was eery near. "Yet once again he spoke, and;said, 'This one thing, too, I ,crave, That every year upon this day, You bring him to my gr..ave.' 'That he may thing of. -rhe awhile.' So every year, sir we With fresh 'spring, flowers journey to The churchyard' by the sea, "We lay the flowers upon the grave,. To make it bright and gay, And think of him and of his love, Who died for me to -day. "I love.to think of him, -and' kneel Awhile by his graveside How. could I go a -pleasuring The day my 'brother died?" * * * Ahl-how indeed? Yet year by year, As comes the one great day On whieh our Heavenly Brother died, To save our souls alway. When He would have us Him, . And kneel' at His dear side What thousands go a -pleasuring, The day that Brother' died! think of EAST WAWANOSH'- Mrs. Wrn. Robinson ,has spent the last two:weeks with her son, Dr. Harold Robinson of Walkerton, TENDERS WANTED Notice of tenders of the Johann Teamish Drain. Tenders to be inthe bands of the clerk by April g 54th. Plans and - specifications can be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. R. Cruikshanks, Clerk WANTED -Choir Leader and Or- ganist for St. Artdrew's Presbyter- ian Church, Wingham. Applicants to state salary and send references, Applications received tip to ,April loth: Elliott, int In Ont, H. P, W g .ain, Or . WANTED -Raymond, Sewing Ma- chines that do not work right. I will make them work as good as i, new. Just bring the head I have a stand. Shuttles, 'Bobbins, Needles, Raids and Robbins Winders for Sale. Aliso New Horne Machines. A, W. Webster, The- ' Tailor Ufa' Stairs over the Advance Tides Of- j', To Float Red, Flag Bermondsey, a` London borough largely inhabited by' woking.elass people, has decided to fly tine Red Flag over ite Town Hall instead of the Union' Jack, thus following the ex- ample of its sister borough, Batter- sea, The majority of Town Council belong to the Labor Party, and said they intend no disrespect to' the -Un- ion Jaelc, but there is a growing :ten- dency for boroughs to fly their own flags, and they are following suit. -0- While walking from Traxa ):tinction to 'Orangeville on the C,P,R, tracks, Alvin Wasingtoin; prominent farmer of Anaaranth 'Twp,, was .struck and instantly 'killed by the` `southbound, Owen *land to Toronto laassenger train. He was partially deaf, Little Tariff Tinkering Needed Here Pointing out.` that Canadian manu- facturers are suffering frons compe- tion of U.S, firms who adve'rtise in periodicals and weekend newspapers, now admitted free into this country, a delegation from the Magazine Pub- lishing Assn, of Canada interviewed Premier King, members of the Cab- inet, and Leaders of the Conservative. and Progressive parties; and as a so- lution suggested the imposing of a tariff of eo cents a pound on all week- end newspapers and periodicals enter- ing Canada. The delegation was pro- mised consideration. Canada is a dumping ground for the American printed word, and this situation is particularly , distressing : in border' towns. Every Canadian .that is sub- scribing to,an American magazine or magazines, should subscribe to at lea- st one Canadian, magazine. Canada has'magazines, newspapers, financial and coininerciai publications, humor- ous, prose and poetry publications that 'cannot be touched by anything. printed in the States. Lyceum ceum Theatre t e. Thursday, Friday,- Saturday, April _,' 2, 3. The Looe,WoIf and "Comedy, "THE BOUNCER" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 5, 6, 7. JOHNNY HINES �f ES THE SPEED SPOOK Comedy, "ALL WOOL" Thursday, Friday, Saturday,. ,April 8 ,g, .ro HAROLD; LLOYD In `THE FRESHMAN' The most wonderful comedy of the _ season. *iilililUIll1i ihI11111111 lIlHIli!IlilulllIlilI` A ! _ ris Phone 59 Groceries & Chiniaware For EveryDollar _ You spend in our store you ■ a will receive 100 per cent: value, , � !_ whether in Groceries, Chinaware E Graniteware or in any other of the various lines we carry. Give iv - its a visit, • , Only 29c Each ■ Heavy clear crystal Berry • BowI, full finished and Delf W "Pacifiers" ,banned in France French 'babies may lnoxl, but their mothers may no 'longer hush them with pacifiers, nipples, which attached to rings, merely defraud infantile .de- sires, . Dr. Pinard, who had the law pushed through the Chamber of De uties, said they cause adenoids a many other childish complaints. Atternpt to Rob Strathroy Bank In an unfruitful 'attempt to loot, singlehanded, the Strathroy Branch of the Royal Bank, a lone bandit, whom the police have not yet appre- hended, shot and wounded F. P. Ha ghes, the bank manager, on an •after- noon• last week. The robber is des- cribed as fair, slight build, about ;3o years of age. Entering the bank to snake change, he approached the tell- er, W. Johnson, • . and commanded "Lands up, everybody:" Johnson dodged behind the counter. The rob- ber became alarmed and started for the door, but the:. manager came out of his office, gun in hand, whereupon the robber fired, the bullet hitting Mr. Hughes in the right arta.' ' The bandit then jumped into his car and started out of the village. -0- Graham Receives Appointment Rt. Hon, Geo, P. Graham, M, P. for South Essex from seat until '1925,. has been appointed chairman of the advisory tariff board. - The other two members of the commission are Joseph Daous4, Montreal manufactur- er, and Donald McKenzie of Brandon, secretary of the U. F. of Manitoba. The work is quite arduous, and Mr. Graham • is .anxious for some, quiet berth. In all probability, ' the veter from Brockville will get the wheels of the new organizationturni. smoothly and then retreat to the fir Ontario ;vadancy in the Senate. p- nd er an ng st, Boy Saved from Certain Death George Russell, so -year-old, of St; Catharines, got into, an argument with another boy, and they -started to fight it out at a spot near the raceway of Black's flour .anlll. George' was stag- gered, and'.. fell into the ,raceway and carried off by the ruhing waters, An alarnn•"wasraised and Adana Stonehou- `se and AIex. Black 'rushed to the Chestnut St. bridge and tried to se- cure the boy with a rake. This prov- ing unsuccessful, Stonehoue jumped into the water and' rescued the linin hared boy, just before being swept to certain death, -0- , Fire Enquiry Finished The jury enquiring:, into the death ofMr .StuartsS West, 35, and her two- year-old son Floyd, at Warkworth, Ont,, near Gam.pbellford, returned a verdict that' death was due to causes tinknown. The deaths ocenrreel when he` home' of Stuart West, veterinary urgeon at Warkworth, was destroyed y. fire on March 9th. The jury was ut an hour. The husband could not brow any great light,on the cause o1 the fire, which occurred at 2 'clock in the morning. The husband aved himself and after escaping from he burning house, did not attempt to go back and' rescue the other two oc- upants, his wife and son. .-o- , Tw 0- Two Die Ffom Explosion Adam Cassibeau, who was injured n' Tuesday of. last week in an ex- losion in a Fluor -Spar mine at Moira ake near Madoc, died in the hospital t Peterboro, last .Friday' morning. is death, makes the second fatality arising out of the accident, W. R. owan of Peterboro, having succnnib- d. on the train. while being rushed to e hospital, The men were at the. 'attain of a 52 'foot shaft and it is nought one of'thein struck an unek-. Pi dynamite charge with his pick, 11 inquest will be held. -0-- $20,000 ` $20,000 Fire Loss The anchor and tempering plant of F. Shurly and Co., Phelps St., St. atharines, was gutted by fire last riday morning the result of a blaz- g rail anchor falling' into a pot of 1, The blaze which followed spread rapidly that many 'of the 35 cin- oyes were forced to' leave the plant thout their street clothes, Loss' estinaaated,:, at $20,000, `0- Tell Us the News We 'are at all times pleased ased to re- ive items of news from our readers t if ,yott'"leave an item which you uld send its ota Monday or Tuesday, n't waituntil Wed morning to Id ` it' in. It takes time to get ws items into type,, and as yet we ve Pot acquired the ability to do res hours work in sixty minutes tus have ve whatever. ti'ens you. have earlas possible ssible 't y p t t the week. This 11 leave. time for the later happen -- 0 to be .pttt into type. t s b 0 0 s c 0 p L a H C th b t P A T. C in of so Pi wi is cc bo CO do E shape. Only ai limited quantity set IQ to sell. Don't wait. r _lt Only Each 6c ,■ � - th Good quality Crystal Fruit IA Le Nappies, fine in finish` and'justas R - the right size.last Will not at !• the price, - "1 3 for 25c'1 large Rohs Toilet Paper of i li 3 P good quality with big value in .� t OUNCES for the none', P. ani. M Y __ an ■ se A.`..1i���td � �' �T >� � Ca estone . Sol>lwmQs vol 1 wlhii ti l l��11 l l� (■llellwli is -o� tvo Child e t n Perish in Flames 1?earl and Ralph Winslade, aged g 5 d 2 years, were burned to death d Mrs. Chas, Winslade sttst<tiirecl ser burns, when their home in Ar - thee Twp., near Palmerston, was des. troyed by' fi;rre' last Thursday. The mother made a vahiant attempt to saL Thu slay, April $t., 'X926: rimininitiii••••••••••samestellOsoilimiluit ■ • t . • • • ■ • ■ ■ .. ■ ■ • /. ■ ■. • ■ ■ THE EASTER SHOE STORY IS PICTURED ,, IN COLORS ■ e. Blonde, Parchment, Souterne and New Tans appear on, Fashion's Color Card. They are expressed in our Spring ; Showing of. Slippers and Oxfords. All we ask is that you, come in and see for yourself If style and prices . mean ■ anything, 'then here is where Milady' will select her NEW SHOES, with HOSIERY to match each pair. EASTER FOOTWEAR' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ t 1 J. G.REER.../. ■ Telephone 23 ■■, ■ THE GOOD SHOE STORE WINGHAM, ONT.. M_ ■ I TAI inumsmnissessensanisun R$$BO*I acs ve the children, and as a result is in a critical condition herself. The cause of the fire fs not known. Coroner Co- leman is investigating.. -0- "Who's Who" is getting bulkier and bulkier Punch says it will soon ha- ve be divided Really Who" Who." into two parts: "Who's a'nd. "Wino's Only Just To Centralize in Tillsonburg Canadian Milk Products Co., which recently purchased the Tillsonburg Borden plant, purpose making the Tillsonburg plant the head factory of the Dominion and one of the largest powdered milk factories in • North America. Machine Shop, tin shop, laboratory and domestic packing will be brought here from the factory in Burford, Ont.. Sent To Reformatory Thos. Casemore of near Winghan ,mn, who ,was found guilty by Judge Le- wis on charges of assaulting his wife and also an -officer hi the performan- ce of his duty, was sentenced to one year and- not mire than two years on each charge. Tlie sentences will run concurrently. During his trial Case- niore refused to say a word. He was alleged to have beaten his wife with a chair and, when' Provincial Officer Phippen went to arrest him, •to have resisted arrest, using a hot poker from the stove in his battle with the officer, who suffered several burns. Died In Calgary Mr. Alex. 'Ross, hardware merchant' of Wingham received the news of the• death of his brother, Dr. D. D. Ross,, one of Calgary's best known dentists„ and one of the Old Timers of West- ern Canada. He was a native of Brtt- cefield, but hes practiced Deptristy in the West for upwards of twenty-five years. Dr: H. H. Ross of Seafortlt is also a brothel• of the deceased and, Mrs. Wni. Berry of Brucefield is a, sister. The funeral services were held! in Calgary on March retb,, . and were. conducted by Rev. Canon Horne, the: remains being laid to- rest in the. Burnsland Cemetery. .Dr. Ross was a resident of Wing ham for some time he having purchas- ed Dr. Jerome's dental practise, whi- ch he conducted for some time in rooms over where Dr. Stewart's pre, sent office is. Man SIeepgs Like Log;; Eats Anythih l "After' taking Adlerika I can eat anything and sleep like a log, < I had. gas on the stomach and couldn't keep food down nor sleep," (signed) R. C. Miller. ONE 'spbonfel Adlerika re - mos -es GAS and 'often brings surpris- Iing relief to the ,stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling, Often brings out old waste -matter you never thou- ght was in you1 system. Excellent ;for chronic constipation: J.; Walton McKibbou, Drtiggist, Wingham, !VcRJTEHYMNS, V AND 2 HEIR WRITERS �t3 � e c�Areh y er2edallace "SAVIOUR, AGAIN TO THY He seems to have, gone about the composition of hymns as systemati cally as the average clergyman naps. otic a new sermotn. It was inevitable that this :"writing- tip" to special occasions should result in some of the hymns having a decid- edly nneehanical.ring. Altogether ,1 wrote almost one hundred hymns and a large percentage are now in use, He wrote hylnns to eotinnemorate certain saints who have almost passed from memory, and one of his efforts was 1: hymn for "Th Sunday After A Fun- eral."'' On ' the whole his hymns are marked by true feeling and a real dee sire to make 'public worship helpful. "Saviour,, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise was Written to be sung at afestival of church choirs in Crewe in 5866, /sir, Eliertor. had- - the tune tbehefouesutahle obydpwwaass reeovnoarpsoesde,d, Tbins Inynzn itself was scribbled on a sheet ofnd a sertnoit used Eby the ' author a as first written there were six stall- zas: 'of which. only four are nos l0. general use; Throughout his life Mr. Ellerton manifested great inter- est in any movement calculated to improve either 'choir or eongregati00 singing, and his credited with having" orranizecl'`some of the fineat choral associations in England, Other by, mos of Mr;• Eller. oil's now in ene•al tg use art,: "The Day Thou Gayest Lot is Eiscl d"' °(girl" 'i ' f ' :Praise �'... , Dr to 3 Y boxier �.lzks rs isle D'iy` bf I,tgli s:' "Novi the Lit orer''q , Task 3s {} er rd,fint: bcautrfuf wdticking }lynch "0' Father, A1.1 Cr�eatistg„ DEAR NAME WE RAISE" A few days before Christmas 1826, a boy was born in London who was to write what next to "Abide With Me" has become the most popular hymn for closing evening services that the Christian Church has ever had. This boy was John Ellerton. I3e was brought up in an atmosphere Which, was decidedly religions, Later. in life he said that his boyhood mem- ories were largely of hearieg religi- ous themes reverently disettssecl, When he was eighteen he was sent t0 Cambridge University where he CaannC under the influence of Frederick D. Maurice, an influence which remained with Ellerton all his life,. He began hisMinistr - in � 1850 and seems to have spent his life in small and obscure country parishes. FIe Was stricken witharal. s• p y as in 7139,5 and shoved to Torquay where he. died ia,s893s Mr, Ellerton was a typical country, parson; sympathetic and an- xious to :help, and snuck beloved ".by those he served. Frn- i k o being a hobby, the study. and Composition ,of, hymns becaitus the controlling interest of his life:. Isle began, as have ruanY o ther` hymn -wri- ters, by composing. hymns for the children but Continued to translate and compose hymns as long as he vet As [5r. htenon sa: .. �� ys, „ %Is• Hymns $ yrnr were not sudden inspirations, Or flashes of poetic fire. and wrou .hey were �,ltt. as �Orrttibuttp5s to the new hymnology of his church,"