The Wingham Advance Times, 1926-04-01, Page 1Agg
With which Is attnalgantated The Gorrie Videtie and 'rite Wr xeter News
ing1eQopies,.Five Cents,
'The .regular nneeting of the Synod•
of Hamilton and London of the Pres-
byterian Chnrch in Canada,will be
held in New St. James 'Presbyterian
Church, London, on Monday evening,
April' 26th., 1926; Owing to the ill-
ness .of. the:Moderator, Rev. Dr, Pat-
terson' Sarnia, he will, not be •able to
, officiate at the opening of the Court
laiit will -have a substitnte in Rev. Dr,
Druanniond, Hamilton, the ,ex -Moder-
, ator. The opening sermon will be de-
livered by Rev. Dr. F. Scott Macken-
zie of Paris, a rising young minister
' who was born within the bounds of
I-Iuron Co. at Lochalsh.
esday eveningethere will be an Inspir-
ntional and -Missionar3r session, -which
, < „
will be open to the public. • Rev, H.-
13, Ketchen M. A., 1-Iami1tonewill s,pe-
nak on, ‘The Ideals of Pi'esbyterian-
ism"; Ms;H. Ji Horne of Toronto
-wilt repres-e-nt :the Women's Mission-
ary Society in, an address on "The
NVOnien's- Share," and 'Rev. N. A,
MacEachern; Toronto, the Mission
Board, on the subject, "The Mission-
ary Outlook of our Church." Impor-
• tant inisiness will come before ' „the
meeting, which -is planned to be in-
-Spirational, Constructive and Infoi-ma-
Wi.ngbArnite Prospected In Red
- Lake District Many Years Ago
Although the present gold rush into
the Red Lake district would leave the
impression that the discovery of the
precious metal there is recenn, such is
not 'the case. Old prospectors who
have tr,ayeled through that district
have known of the" presence of gold
there for years, anct many claims have
been staked in years gone by, In days
gone by, loWever, it was free gold
vvhich the. prospectors sought, as they
could not interest capital in what a
few Years ago was an inaccessible dis
trict. „
One of the early prospi
ectors n that
section was George Baird, of Wing -
ham, who made .his first prospecting
. Ministers—Revs.- M. M. Ben-
nett arid W. D. McIntosh.
-='• Easter Stinday, April 4th.
II a. ni.—A Children's Choir
will' lead the 'Singing and -render
.12. special numbers.
• •
e▪ Mr. -Bermett will give an lilac
strated talk to the children eon
"The Easter Truth," His mor.- ,
ning subject is "Easter Words."
A *Baptism Service will be held.
e • e
2.30 p. school anat
hie Classes. •
7 p. m.-LThe thoir enlarged`
Ts for the occasion will favor. us
s With ` a musicat Rev.
Mr. McIntosh *lee e..\each at the
2 evening service. , Subject, "I -E6
_ •
s "Is Risen"
trip in 4907. 1913e, he ,was all
through the districtewhich is now be=--.
ing staked, and in the RiceLah'e sec-'
tion he staked the Ada M. claim., on
which' was a vein showing gold yal-
ueS. With hirri on this trip • was a
French-Canadian narned Louis Sey-
rnard. The.latter was hi the Gold
Lake rush and was one of the first
to stake a claim in that section, He
called his, claim. the Belgrave Girl.
/ 'The two men nmehed into the Long
Lake ail.' and staked. a namiber
claims on one vein, which they named
the Jolting, .the Kitchtiffier, Joffre,
Fighter, Growler and Red Wing. They -
also staked ,the Camplande Hillancl
and' Turnberry on aeother vein in the
sarne section.
The two men suffered, many hard-
ships in'their travel through the wild -
in the vicinity of the Manitoba--
Re'. l W. J Freed was born at Bea-
msville Ontario, Liee. 28th., 1849; His
-father, Edmund Freed was a native
pf England and his mother whose
maiden naine-was, Miss Levina Sum-
ner was of United Empire Loyalist,
decent and was bornt,and lived all her
life on the old: homestead at Beams-.
JVJlr Freed had four sisters,: all of
vvhoni have Predeceased him and he
had no brothers. His parents..were
members of the Beamsvifie Baptist
Church; and lie,..was, carefully reared
and at an early age lie was converted
-arfd` became a nnember of 'the chnrch
and became actively enga.ged n its
affairs and work. .
In his earlyyears he learned the tra-
de of a Stone Mason and Erick Layer
with his father andnfollowed this pur-
suit for sonic years. Btit the call to
the ministry came with a fore that
could not be ig.nored and he decided
to leave his trade- and obey the coin-
inand to labor in His Heavenly Fath-
er's -Vineyard: ' He therefore com-
menced his studies at Woodseocle and
in dtie time completed his course at
McMaster. During this time he7was
studying, •hehlield several student pa-
storates and finally after finishing his
college training, while pastor of the
church at Port Rowan, he was ordain-
ed in ISSe
_SMce then his life has been fully
dedicated -to the ministry and he has
held many pastorates, all in Ontario.
One of special interest to the people
of this vicinity was at Wirighann, ha-
ving come here and ininistered tothe
Wingharn Church from July/i898., to
April Igor. And many who are still
in °An midst have loving mem-
ories of kindly visitations and
helpful messages.
Mr. Freed was blessed with spien-
did health and continued in I-Iis Mas-
ter's work until about rtiveeveyears ago,
when he w5as pastor of First' Hough-
ton and Erie View Churches. He was
stricken with an very serious illness,
which so undermined his physical
condition that he was -unable in con-
tinue and was forced to retire from
active work. Since then he has been
living retired at, his home in St.
iWitliands OntarioMis health con-
tinued to fail until last fall it was
.considered advisable to visit his dau-
ghter anieWinghain, • where younger
hands • could- minister to his needs,
The animal Euchre and Bridge En-
, . .
tert'airtment of the Huron Old Boys'
Association' Of Toronto, held in, the
Ietyg,eia. AnditoriUm, on Thursday: ev
ening ,last, was truly "Another .Bi
Night" as previously announced by
the eircular to the members. 8, 9, and so, I-Iarold L. in Ile
Monday, April 5t13.—The"' Y.
P.•• L. will have a special service
for E,alter Monday, 8p.110,,1,1ii
This is Passion Week,/".. -t, ser-
: vices appropt'iate to the time
will be held on Weclneday even-
ing and Good Friday evening at
8 o'crocl‹.
ggggggg g tttttttt a ttt tttt g ttt ttttt g t g tttt tttttt I I ?MO, crij,e s 51Ay nigh t 19.11,94r lug a itengliy,),,h4rig was,but the wasted lorm, oi
of friends, scattered, all over Ontario.
Mr. Freed was three Itines married.
His first wife was Rebecca Jane
Local and General Igews of
Interest to The Corrimunitr
Mr. Cecil Mines of Niagara Falls, Several serious cases, of flue are re -
N. Ir., is visiting at Ids homely. Trim- 'ported. IVIrs. Albert E, Buttery has
—ceeornenr-Ilrie?"6e7run, Theatre, April mote. Mr. Buttery was too ill to at-
tend to his duties as caretaleer at the
Presbyterian Clittrch on Wednesday
and Sunday last and several others
are laid aside with very had doses of
berry, confined: to bed for a week or
The attendance exceeded the inost.
sanguine -expectations of the conimit-
tee, and the interest in the program-
me never flagged from start to finish.
Probably the Icscaton of 1-lygea
Hall added to the increased attendan-
ce„ This hal is what was formerly at money sa.ving prices. Come here
known as Elm Street Methodist chine- for Y°rs• W. 3. qreer•
ch and is only a few yards' from Yon- Mrs. Lorne Dale was in Blyth on
ge. Street, and.about half way between Saturday attending the funeral of her
Queen and. College St. It has been Grandfather, Ex -Postmaster Sims.
Eastet- Bargains'for 'Saturday at Is-
ard.s. Boys New SPring Suits on Sale
less se per cent.
. We buy the best Rubbers and sell
ie -fitted and re-iriodelled, and has all Mr, John Casernore, Yoh"St.,
,the requisites of a. high class enteir- returned after spending the winter'
taimnent and. dining hall, Well lighk- with hish5laughter in Spring.fieldneehh-'
ed, well heated, with dressing rodnIsh--elTrs. Robt. James has f-eturned to.
c oa.k looms, dining room and kitche •
Ontario line those days, and these
were probably in part responsible for
the, death after a short illness of Mr.
I3airds partner., After the death of
his partner, Mr. Baird moved his ac-:'
tivities to the Cobalt district, where
he prospected for several years, later
coming to Winghain, where he is at
present rssiding.
Mr. Baircl.has not lost his love of
the bard life of the prospector and has
hopes of getting into the.gaine again
shortly. 1 -le knows the disfrict and is
thoroughtly schooled* to prospecting.
Easter Music at the 'United Church
Morning Service, Jurtibr Choir; So-
lo, Miss Jean Copeland and, Chodus;
Solo "It Is Jesus" Charles H. Babriel,
Master Bruce Fox; Chorus.
Evening --Anthem, "We Prais• e
Thee", t Te Denm d; Hymn "Low
iri the Grave", Rev. R. Lowry; Solo,
Selected, Mr, Gordon Buchanan; An-
her home in Wingharn after spending
en andkifchen utensils. .
Sixty tables were devoted to ettch-'
re and: bridge, Whilst many oleboys
e.nel girls occupied the cushioned side
benches and enjoyed the social chat,
,P.nd reminiscence -5 of Old Huron.
During the progress of the games, a
splendid musical .programme was car7i
'the whiter with relatives in Mitchell.
mo're -e-x- pen -sive 'to`-gb—Witheiiii:'
Rubbers than it is to wear them. All
styles reduced at Greer's Shoe Store.
Watch for Harold Lloyd in "The
Freshman" , at the Lyceum Theatre,
April 8, 9, and ro.
Mr. ..1-i'd Mrs. rolni-Davidson, who
ried on, the artists being Mrs. Russi
have spent the last few' months ' inn
ell Marshall, soprano, Miss Mildred
have returned to their hop(e
Brown, pianists and Mr. Ernie Brape\., Preston,
entertainer, ,and all their renditions' i,„'1.,!Pw-li--------
were well received by the audience. ' Mrs, Andrew Mitchell and daugh-
Much/ disaPpoiptinent was. felt at ter, Miss Agnes Mitchell have return -
the unavoidable. absence, thro,ugli ill- ed from spending the past three'mon-
ness of Mrs. H. 13. Stowe ald Mrs. ths in Florida.
H.- I. Morrish, both vice Kesidents ' One Thousand Dollar Stock on
and Mesdames R. C. King, W. E. hand of Ladies Home Journal Fat -
Ferguson and E. Martin, all acf.ive terns at isarns. No better patterns
members of the <association They made, 'try them. . -
were much inissed and the -sympathy ,-;'
Lrwing to Friday of this week being
of the members went out to them. Good Friday and a public holiday the
'The priz.e 'winners were as follovvs:
stores in -Wingham will remain open
'Euchre,: gentlemen, •jst., Mr. Lamon- .- •
Read the I3ig Posters and remeni-
Mr. Will Sneath, the popular bag-
gagernatv on the London, Huron and,
J3ruce, is confined to his home with a
severe attack. of "flu." This is the
first time that'Bill" has been laid off
his rim in five years, with the excep-
tion of holidays, artd. they , were all ' ,,,,
Sundays at at that. Electinri day, twelf- Pastor
Last S Wardellnda31in
th of July, rain or shine, he has abso-
lutely refused to stay at home a day. "One Thing Thou Laeicest." He
Here's hipinge Bit will. be back on his showed how the Rich Y°111'ig Ruler
job in a few days in his usual good was moral, religious, zealous, Ilought-
ful and willing, but he lacked one
flealth. thing. Jesus said, "Sell all, take the
cross, and follow me." If we are to
Is Yous. Label Correct? follownresus the cross`, must enter,
which separates us from all the things
The Advance -Times Mailing Lists
have been corrected up till IVIarch of the w°rIde Als° he said if we
Doe$ it would follow Jesus the first thing we
srst. Look at your label.
would, want to do is to be baptized,
. As Jesus started in His life 5 work
read as it should? If not and its our
/fault tell us. If not and its your fault
pay us. Thereeare hundreds 'of 'abets dRaen",waansdBwaftelinzehdebcYan/ioehuapiaoultheofjt°11r-e
that look bad to your neighbor who
„ water God said, "I am. pleased with
borrows the paper.
my Son." God, is pleased with alt
Making Good hi who will folldw His Son, Reader
While in Toronto .. last week we will You give up the world lake the
spent a short time with ivfr. Lack cross and f°11°1A' Jesus? '
Kennedy in his auto service station At \t'he pres—byote—rian c4n,rch n
2it the corner of Church and Dundas
Stinda§- morning, owing to '.1e serious
Sts. Lack is making good_ in Toron-
illness of Mr, Albert Buttery, eareta'
to as will be seen by the following it -
Subscriptions $z.clo per yev,:e.ii,
Rev, F. W. Schaeffer of Waterloo,
Ouebec, has been appointed by Bis-
hop Williams as rector of , St. Pants
Church, Wingham and his dtaies will -
,conamence April
The young' people of the Quited.
Cliureh have came to the end .oi
closely contested rivalry in the form
of a membership drive at their young,.
people'.s meetings eaelf Monday night. ,
The purples, headed by Mr. Elmer ' •
Wilkinson and Mr. Roy McLeod, woui
out by 27 points over the golds, who
were led by Mr. Smith Hutton and.
Miss Phyllis johns. Now for the
dinner put on by the losers.
theta, "Rejoice the Lord is King
Williatns; Qttartette, "Love, Love on His esteemed and faithful ,wife not
i-ith Appear'S", Towner; Anthem, being ill the best of health, was not
'Recitative, Aria and Chorus" Sznipre, able to give him all the care he re,
Mr. F. R, Howson, soloist; Anthem, quired.
"King of Kings", soloist, -Mr. j, Mit- 011 january r8th., he was suddenly
elicit, ' "
on Thursday night.
by; .2nd., Mr. Blackader. Ladies, ist.
Mrs, H. Worsell; 2ncl., Mrs. B. Hump-
ber the. 8th. of April in the Council
hrey. Bridge, Miss Lucy Bower.
Chamber, for the A.rmenian Fund of
There were also special table prizes
for Bridge:7 • the 'Wonten's Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Emigh of Grand
At the close of the Programme a
splendid ,menu Of refresments was Valley and ,Miss Edythe Gidley of
Toronto; were gnests of Mrs. D. So-
served...and. much credit is due the
committee composed of Mesdames D. mers, during the week.
Thompson, - McLaren, McCreath, The C. -W. L. will haVe.their Eas-
Moon, Cobbledick and Mr.- N. 13. Cob- ter Social, Euchre and Dance, in the
bledick. Everybody was well served Church Hall ori Tuesday evening,
and without any delay. • April 6th, Everybody welcothe.
Notes • Snow, Slush, Rain, Slop—that's the
-Miss J, C. Helyar, a Clinton Old spring weather bulletin. Protect
taken ill and for almost nine weeks
' his condition became gradually worse
',,For er Blyth Postraaater--Dpad-,\ . ,.
in spite )of all that medical skill and
loving care could. do. And in the
'William ShreS, former postmaster\
d councillor and one of the leading earlyndawn of Friday, March the stith.
men of Blyth for many years; died on His spirit took its flight -and noth-
Girl, and teacher in Ryerson Public Your feet with Rubbers. Reduced pri-
School., could not be present, but sent ces in all styles at Greer's, •
a five dollar donation. • Read the Big Posters. and' remenf-
Miss Mildred Brown, the; accomp- ber the 8th. of April in the Council
lished pianist, is a Blyth Old Girl, Chrber, for the Annenian Fund of
and is a bora music* She is a dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs„ Isaac ..B....rowa, Mrs, Hugh Berry of Brucefield,
and it is 4 good guess that. her par- sPebt a week with friends in Wing -
1 are proud of her, and, well they' ham and at the home. of her parents,
ker, the church building was not heat -
em which we clip .1 rom the Toronto
ed; but a short fifteen minute service.
Lion a monthly publication, referritlg
of Prayer and Praise was held. The
mainly to Lions Club members and
Managers got the building heated for
their activities. afternoon and evening. At the eVen..
"Lack Kennedy has been a member
of the Toronto Den for the past three lug. service Rev- Dr. Perrie, continue&
the subject Of Paul and his ministry.
years, previous to which he was a
Reading part of the fifteenth and six-.
full fledged Lion with the Wingham
general teentli chapters of Acts and taking
Club. Lack is president and
a name them as a theme for his address. Al -
manager of Alemite Service,
though over half the tnembers. of Mr.
Al -
well known by most auto owners.
Hill's choir are sick at present ancl,uu- '
I -lis firm ,specializes in lubrication, able to at,tend; Mr. Hill assisted by
g -as ,and oil, selling 'mainly to the gar-
age and industrial trade. Lack is a NoTbro-it,E;.elgadsenrneedrstbaend aantbpeanrlt "3
lf Will member of the High Park Club, lawn
Greatly -,Rejoice in the Lord." in a"
bowling being his chief hobby.' He
most excellent manner.- Special Eat -
ability, rolling scores well over 200 morning
and evening services next
on his first night at the bowling- al-
, Songs ii the Old Plantation ,
The Late Mr. Armitage
' There .pa.ssed away at the family These oid. ,sdngs ..will be rendered
SALTATION • ARMY a P...aacrai-1--- 100e wh0 was dearly beloved by a h.os,t
• 11-hea t • The 'Tirtreralw111
'be 'held to -morrow, ,vvitli his pastor,
,.. • •
:. Rev 'Dr .Bithaby cmclucting the ser-
= Good Friday Service rn..
"The Btrilding ,of the Cross". II-
- lustrated ' •
.1 Saturday 8 p.m" Fes-
• Stinclay It a.m., 3 and 7 pin.
1. Lieut. Vincent Evenden of To-
rdrito,' will conduct special Eas-
ter Services,
t tttttttttttttttttttttttttt 1 tt ttttt 111
• t tt t tt t I tttt 11 t 111 ttt tt 1 tt t 1.411 tt
in Perthshire, Merman of Beantsville, who died
Scotland, in f848,' and. with his pat-
ents came to this country when six
years old. The family remained for
. .
a tithe' in Montreal, where his Ito l-
er died. He and his father then came Byrne of Hamilton. James went ov-
rernaine crseas with -the C. E. F. and was kill -
to Port Hope, w -here they
until 1864, when Mr. ,
Sims went to ed in action on Hill 70 on the 144t.h of
Newcastle, where he learned his tra- August /917 and Kate is now Mrs. T.
de of blackstnithing. .In 187o he ca- w. pichen Con. -2, Cuirass, at whose
while her' husband was yet. a student
at Woodstock 'Aid left him with three
small children, Maude, James and, Ka-
t>. -The former nOw Mrs. -Frank
Might be. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Smith in Turn -
Mrs. Russell Marshall, the popular
soprano', is a Wingham Old Girl, for-
rderly • Miss Homuth. She delighted
the audience with three well rendered
solos, the last being in French. ,
• Mr..Ernie Bruce, the entertainer, is
a son of the late E. W. Bruce, InSpec-
tor 01 Public. Schools and Bluevale
ald Bay.' He is aa,.ideal entertainer,
arid carried the Crowd right,away with
his stunts and funny,.`isms.
me to ,Plattsville and while.thOe. met home ber -Father passed away,. His
iss McLaughlin, whom he Married second marriage was to Annie Ellis
in. t872, reomithis anion were bornwidow. of the late Jas. Wray of Fert-I
eight cNISITen; .five °f wifcrrn died lot who died soon, after' thole
'lNiesdames John Moon and Lack
Keimedy had charge of the,,cards and
prizes and did their work with entire
Bert •IfcCreath is a live wire presi-
dent, and it is said "he never sleeps.''
When Bert puts ginger into anything
its got to move some. .
John feobertson, the veteran treas-
urer, had a smile on as „big as the side
of a house. The Huron Hospitals
will probably hear frOin. him in the
very near future and it will be good
residence last Tuesday evening, Abi- ,
by members' -f. "A Ciushed Undying'
gail Fffein.a. Elwood, beloved w -------------- e,„ TowHall, ,Wingham, April
Mr. Eli Armitage. She had been in r, 196. A Iligh Class 'Entertain -
poor health for the past two years and nient in aid of The Wing -ham. Arena.
a half, but the set -ions and last illness Admission: Adults soc; Children 25c.
was during. the „past two weeks from Everybody come. No reserved seats.
which she did not rally. The week .-
rickets, for sale at Cosens 8,-; Booth,
* Insurance Office.
Lawn Bowlers IVIeeting
' Mrs, Margaret Flemming returnedlprevions to her demise the ami
from Fergus-- on Monday, where twere nailed. to :her bedside as she was,
'spent a week whither son, Elliott and and 'nearing the .end. which
'finally came the following Tuesday.
family. Elliott is Station Ag-ent
Mrs. W. E. Brawley :and Master
Bill spent a couple of -days, last
week in Toronto. Mrs: Brawley!S
mother lives in the city and is not in
the best of health at present.
New Remedies to hand. at McKib-
bion's Drug , Store are Hamilton's
Lung Balsam, M.illey's Herb Juice,
Creopitilsion, Adlerika. ',The Rexall
Drug Store alvvays tip to date. •
, The regular monthly meeting .of
the Women's Auxiliary to the Wing -
ham General Hospital will be held in
the Council Chamber, Wifigham, at
3,45 p. m. on Monday, April sth.
The ice and wind of Tuesday night
put the telephone service. between
Myth a:0d Wingham completely- otit of
business. •-• There ,are, about fifty poles,
lying across the Toad between Wing-
, ,
lam awl Belgtave.
while yNotn, removal from Witigharn. • His third
t aster Services will be held Sh,f‘s enlisted at. the time of the marriage was., .10 miss stisie meKinn_.
in St. Pauls Anglican Church ti Eenian *Aid, .11.i. was never called out. on 01 London, Ont,, who stirvives
on. SU ildAY April, Spccia Itt IS71;1le can,reNo Blyth and Inid
music 'at each. service, Service been 4c0ntinuiRu5. reSldet licte eye' "Hie itineral was helti_,,,p,a Monday,
i will be held Good Friday even- 1 stnci In palr-tnership with Robert march 22nd. A short service was he/4/
.3 o'clock. 1 Slatti-he co)Idttelect a large black- at the 'borne at It a. in, and 4 public
Sunday, April - bnsi- service was Ifeld at the Baptist -Clint: -
4th. situ fisk,„ an g
11,.5 inaleled ch the rtmains were taken. to ;the, C.
7,- • Choral Communion. Morning ; Sin's 111 59°8
MrS, qasiter, who, with three sons, N, R, depot and sent to Deoscisvill,e,
Cieomneanion at, 8,50, l'ess dicd iii ildre 'for 25 years, 10 5906. Mrs ch, Witigharn 1./8 p. ajter
111 ! her ------------sArlhill where it was tenderly laid toemst.
• pray0r t. ' het° James, in business in
laist Miss A Latmdy. Affin-
I-I tool- a keen interest in - shor„e cemetery,
'.1M6-tu", Mr- A. 1:"°rl'eS' ve, while in 5910 he was appointe lespecially the one cold fibuted tlie
ti cd Rings" by and IZoy, in- Toronto, survive ti40 faintly plot in 13eautiful 1\lbtfrit
• "'T. fie Itesurre-etiOn • t s'erved totIncillor and l'ite% floral trilmttes were beautiful
tory solo, s anc
• EVenittg ScrVite 7 In, Alle postniaster, which 1)0Sitioll.,..h,e Baptist•Church.
thern.,"Wliy Seek Ye the Living until last year, when he reit: ea ot
he tt,:ts a •
°I.°Ists NI' Ab'ell' 'Methodist and in polities a 1'.11)1111
M., Forl)es., Offertory
She was bOrn on May TI, i86g, in
McGillvary Twp„ near London, a
daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs,
Jos.' Elwood, and 8Pertt Inc early
days there. She became the bride
of Mr. Armitage in 1893 arid they li-
ved first at Liman but later lived in
London, God.erich and came to Tee
water in I913 where they have lived
ever since. .
To them were born two sons, Clar-
ence, who is new in business in Wing -
ham, and Elwood who has a shoe
business in Teeswater, both Of whom
with the ber-eved husband, mourn a:
devoted 'mother and loving ,wife. She
also leaveS one sister, Miss Mary El-
wood, of London.
The service at the residence on
WeduesdaY evening- -.00 p.m„ was
conducted by 'Rev. Forbes', only
the relatives and nearest :friends be-
ing present as the funeral card%
ded it would be private. On
news, ,
Secretary Moody still sticks to the
motto, "nothing succeeds like suc-
cess'. and the 'old association stitT..
flourishes. ,
'Thal. big, hearted, philanthropsit,
A. iVictaren, rwt only demated high
class sloes fiat' prizes,,but also su
Plied coffee'for the crowd. Long lif
to hint.
The'aistant secretary, Miss Dim
Pat"erson was an anfisit to the 'United
Sates and'therefore could not be pre-
AtIlOng the tld W. Pe`i tO ill-healt11. •In re toot .
• ace, s ,stow
• , , ,
• ' Ait tititi. saint 'n Wales
• ihem "E':.ejoice Great17,-soloist, r)avid ,t1
11 ' '
▪ Mti,„ Nattrap, 7: land his other nares are .1, ,
060r,M111kitiltiklitlAA01.1101, 011111 0;01,,.,,019.f., cOrgi•••---,0,"Ilthilton
,ittotorists are anxio
'Airta inc depait
bad, eonlel reach
social story- el ei s
The annual meeting of the Wing -
ham Bowling Club will be held in the
Council Chamber on Wednesday-,
April 7th., at 8 p, m. 'Business, elec-,
tion of Officers for 5926." Those who
did not pay their last season's dues
traist do so at once.
' C. R. Wilkinson, Secy.
Goderich Vote Again
Goderich town council have decided
to submit a new by•law to authorFze
the building of a town hall, to the,
electors on May 4th. This propost-,
tion was voted on at the municipal
election and defeated by a majority
of 4 votes. 'Those interested claim
they will now get out and canvass
the ,electorate to vote for the bylaw,
iarhe Says-,
Vr. 'Marshall Breckenridge, who has .ihurseay
t morning the remains were
spent over two months visiting
his' taken to Wingham and accompanied
brothers and friends in this vicinity ,,,y
o the bereaved relatives to Claude -
turned to his home at The Soo by boye via C. N. R, where funeral ser-•
'vices were held in the 'United Church
since the beginning' ot the year, re -
way of the C, P. R. on Friday last.,„,,. . g t the illness of the resident
Dr. R. C. Redmond, Mr. D. Fn Anglican. minister and' the unavoid-
'MacDonald 11Ir, and Mrs, Geo. Spot); able absence of Rev, Mr. Snell, who
S rvices were
ton, Reeve J. W. McKibbon, Mr, A., had been phoned. e
T, Walker and A. G. eenresente nonducted by Rev. Mr, Brown of 'La-
" ilia and interment took place at St,
James Anglican. cemetery, Clande-
'The Novs joins with fiiitiffids in ex-
tending their deepest sympathy to the
bereaved family in thcir` irreparable
r of loss,—Treswater
Mr. C. Armitage ni
is a 8011 of the deceased„
Joists Moon and C. Kwork- ed, tNringhairt at the Conservative
set •
ed like beavers, " ••
us to, s the Note 'the Change -of Date
The intievale Spring Show and Salele'Ferguson were among the s
'wouldn't he SO whieir AVertised far April, tl-ers Mr. Spatton had the liana.
same Of these .1;61.1 hojd, 00 April 5' th burtIter introdueing the Premier n.
bath t a s particulars next: wed.- ' speech.
Lonvention. and banquet held in the
Crystal Ballroom of the .,,,,
ward Hotel, 'Toronto, on Friday last,
Rt. TIon, Arthur IMeiglien and Prem-
'Vorder they're
gonna erect huge,
otaaittitts 11.01(1
Charleston tott.te6.1:$
ilL ?A-4