HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-25, Page 8Ai.;� c 0 i.1 111 u*'u'w,a'■I'iuU tuui'uu■sM II t l■w l * Ui*i*IIiIl•i a. February Sale News ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ale Continues . Until 'ebruary 27t Make this your headquarters. TURDAY IS ALWAYS \ A SPECIAL DAY Bargains on All Lines -of Merchandise as iiiMm99999999maiiiiiiiii99995199999999999999991929111EIGEEEN1111111111111111111N TURNBERRY COUNCIL members' all present. Minutes of last ii:eeting 'read and adopted. 'I he in:embers of the Council met Moved by Grain and, Breckenridge re, Bluevale, February 5th. Eleven that by-law No. 6, be passed, rnaki'.ig iliat11if1111111111111IUBli1®Illl18l111111 11110lll111lll111lll®111111I111i1111Ri11M111211112111161111N1111611{611III11IIIHNIII wl,. EAL SHOE i # BARGAIN$: 1A— ers to investigate. - These consist of Remnants and "odds and ends" and are not to be understood as being new goods, but are never the Less generally of good quality. Women's Lacedordinary or Buttoned Boots, in >, n height, e sizes 2 and 3 only, for • . 75c per pair :. Wcren s Laced Boots "high cut",in all sizes 3 to 7, .. = far. , . .... , , .... _��.a0' per pair Women's Strap. Slippers and Pumps, in all sizes 3 to 7, • - for..,.,+..,. ,t.,• ..... • —• $1.00 per pair 1 um e of excep �r �eareof � p tional Shoe Bargains which it willPaYpp buy - A bu a- A very limited quantity of Girls' Buttoned and Laced. w Boots in sizes 11., 13, 1 and 2, for , . , $11.00 per pair jimited quantity of Boys' Boots, in sizes 2, 4 and 5 i_ oil y, for , , N ..... a ... . , , ..$1.00 per pail El 141 474 ORE Win 1 hams O1frE1t. Ill iiiimit101;fl11lI11 11I i1Y 11111111111111111111111,11111 W1NCHAM ADVANCE -TIMES LUCKNQW The Auditorium of the Luchnow Presbyterian Church was packed on Monday night to hear Mr, Frank Yeigh .give has 1eeture, "New Qlimp' saes of the Old World." South. Kin- loss Presbyterian and 7.yueknowMeth- odist Churches withdrew theh' Young; Peoples Meetings and many from these 'churches were in attendance. Mr. Yeigh had a large numberof sli- des to illistrate his lecture most of, the pictures having been taken by himself .while on a tour through Tur- key, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Switzer- land, France and the old country as a representative of "The Save the Chil- dren l?ond" and gave a graphic des- cription of the poverty and distress prevalent in Macedonia and, other parts of the old world, and of the means taken by Canada, United Sta- tes and `other countries to relieve the people there. Many of whom are liv ing under almost unbelievable condi- tions and will remain so until next, harvest. Mr. Yeigh is going to the 'Canadian West in the near future in konnection with Relief Worn in the Near East, On Wednesday night the A.gricut hire classes, the, high school and pub- lic school combined hi presenting. a program in the Town Hall, the main feature 'of which was a lecture uy Mr. Saunders of London on "Birds." Mr. Saunders is an oinitliologist of 'no mean ability and entertained a large audiencd with interesting accounts of the habits and activities of birds,.'. showing of what vital importance. they are to the farmer " and gardner. He also stated that he was in full sympathy with Jack Miner in his fight against the crow because of that birds terrible destruction of song birds, who are 'much better insect destroy- ers than crows. One of the` most pleasing musical numbers was a drill by 18 girls from the Public School who were dressed in Red, White and Blue -and who sang the song of that title." The High School boys gave a chorus as did also the boys and girls of the Agricultural Classes. • The Oddfellows held another "At Home" in their lodge room on Friday night. The usual proceedure was car- ried out. Euchre lunch and dance: The winners of the evening were, Mrs. J. S. McKenzie and Mr. G, Mc- Donald for Euchre and Mrs, Huston for dominoes. The Lucknow Orches- tra furnished music assisted by Bros. D. Geddes and H. Nixon. NIr. Wellington Henderson who re centiy sold out his grocery business to McCharles ,Bros. is moving his but cher business into half of the store recently -vacated. by W. W, Hill. We understand Mr. C. Mullen will occupy the other half as a cream station for Seaforth creamery. Mr. Mullen has a large cream business and needed better accomodations. Mr. J. B. Hunter whom. we 'report- ed last week as seriously ill is at pre- sent writing very low. ' Mr. Henry .11�lcIvers of Regina is visiting .tin� his sister, Mrs. Tilos: Mal- colm of Kinlough and other friends in town. 'It is 20 yearn since Mr. Mc- Ivers visited here last. Mr, R.obt, Batton has purchased,. that part of the Allen .Block in which his butcher shop and New Star Cafe are located and Mr. Jas. Young that. part containing A. Ross' harness shoji and M. Orr's shoe repair shop. •e of saw logs s are large number A r g iu coining hi these days. The merchants of town are putting in their supply of ice this week. Mrs. Urquhart of Tiverton, visited. for a few days wth her daughter and other relatives in town. official to the Dept. of. Public High- ways of Ontario, for grant td road for 1926.* Carried. •`` Moved by Fortune and Grain tnat the Council accept the policy by the Globe Indemnity Co., of Canada cov- ering liability for conditions on all roads of the township for the year 1926. Carried. Moved by Breckenridge and Grain that the Auditors report as; usual be made up. Carried. Moved by Grain and Fortune that dog entered on the roll b yy the no Assessor be struck off during the year ?nd also that ,all parties known to own a dog or dogs during the year are liable to the dog tax and must ap=; ply for tags. All parties harbouring dogs are liable to a fine as well as the tax. Carried The following accounts were paid: Municipal World $47.30; Globe In- demnity Co. $roo; paid on policy r9._6 Globe Indemnity Co., our share of the; McKellum accident which happened on the Howiek Turnberry boundary 1925, $25; A. McEwen auditor $ar.00 G. H. Orvis, auditor $2r,00; Robt. Thompson, error in tax $r.r8;' Ray- mond Elliott,overcharge on taxes. $r1.9o; Robt, Dickson, winter work $6.30 W. Breckenridge winter work. $xo.00,..W. J. Campbell, winter work $9.50; Thos. Weir, Supt:, $13.5o; C. Dinkiu, acct., $2,5o; J. Potter, winter work $13.00; A, Forgie, winter work $4.9o; Thos, Mundell, winter work. $8.14; C. Gilkins,on, winter work $.t.,00. Moved by Marshall and-Brenkcn- ridge that we adjourn to meet in Biuevale on March iir. EAST WAWANOSII The regular monthly meeting of the W. M, S. of Brick United Church will take the forint of a social evening to be held at the home of Mrs, William 'Wightran on Wednesday, March 3rd.. :A cordial invitation is extended to all.. Miss t uphema. Chantney spent opday with her sister, Mrs, Salm. Thompson at the home of Mr. Frank Thompson. iVIrs. Dan. Martin i" visiting with 't Lon- don, her husband 1u" the hospital s don; "t `e ate sorry to 'learn that he is ''n quinsy, at present verySicl. with ,t au , , y, SALEM Mr. and ivlrs. John Gowdy and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher, spent one night last week with Mr. and Mrs, George Doubledee near Delmore. Ivliss'Joy Wray returned to Toron- to, after spending her holidays here., She was accompanied back by her fa- ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Wray. Mr. and Mrs, Win. ring and chil- dren, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank King near Ort ange Hill. Tkinrs'day, eIaroar Y b,, 1926 1!1011s11$10141111111111 e#■N is ■ smissm s • ■ • • • ■ • ■ ■ ar ain• 1 Mr. Wm, Errington has been en- gaged to work for Me. W. A. Cathers this coming summer. A. large number around here are at prcSent, suffering with severe colds.. We wish thein all a speedy recovery. RAPID CITY Mr, and Mrs, Wm. McDonald of Detroit, are visiting his parents for a few days on the 2nd Con. of Kinloss, Mr. Henry Gardner sof Lion,: called On Rapid City friends one day last. week: Mt. Alf Ritchie of Lucknow, spent Sunday with friends in the burg. Mrs. Mark Gardner is visiting her. parents at Fordyce at present, A fete of the Orange boys from. here attended the :Royal Scarlet meet. - last Tuesday evening in Lucknow Orange °Hall and report the election of $eiu'let Offieets as follows a 9 N ■ ■ 1 9 9 9 a 9 ■ ■ ■ ■ 9 ■ ■ 9 9 9 9 9 9 ■ • ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ ■ a 9 • a 9 9 1 '■11�1��1 'ar February Clearance Many have shared in the Big Values of our February Clearance. To those considering further purchases we announce that .Saturday Next, February 27th, Will be the last day of the Sale. ® , 9 ■ 1 9 r Bargarns Aplenty for Thrifty Buyers Men's Wear ! Ladies' 'Wear ! Douse Furnishings ! - Linen Collars, each 10. Collars, each....... 10c Good Braces • 49c Blue, Red and Khaki I la8nd-- kerchiefs, 6 0 9 All Sweaters reduced from 20 to 50 per cent. Tweed Caps . • • • . • • • • 98c Newtin Penman's F 1 e ere wear;.::......:„ Under- . ......79c , BestCottonadeOverall 2.19 Good Leather Work Mitts at 49c . Werk Shirtss..1.29 and 98c Boys' H e a t h er Worsted Hose 73c '" I:.ead'. Misses' iesSoft Dresses New Flare and Straight Line models in .the many .Satin.' fin- fished cloths, so much in demand All reduced 20 to,.4o per cent. Poiret Dresses, Flannel Dresses, Trico- sFlannel Dee Skirts , .P kirts, Broadcloth Blouses: EVERY,GARMENT REDUC- ED TO CLEAR Bedroom Mats, two sizes, each`.•. :.•53c and 98c 4 yd. wide Linoleum, per yard. ............• • .....3i29 "'"Ibex Flannelette Blankets, a{- 2.39 Choice Gingham's 5 yards for ... .......: :1,00 Kotex - ' per pkg: 69c Cotton Spools, full 200•yds. guarar►teed pal., q 3 for 23c Wa b a s s Ci Cambric An excellent cloth for- needle Purposes, soft finish and snowy white, February Clear- 29c ance, per yard _....._ later Coats Correct styles in all high gra- de materials. We want to clear every Coat. I, '1, to i- Off Men s Overcoat ' Latest styles and` best makes only. Reduced 20 to 5o perWash cent. Bedford Cord Goods patterns in this excellent cloth for House Dresses, 38 in. wide, regulary •priced at 85c yd. February Clearance ,per 49c yard Pussy� ll® Silks,Stripe Navy, Sand and Grey, regular $4.0o per yard, Feb- ruary Clearance _ 1.98 . Men's ,, Suits • West of England Serges and Smart Tweeds, tailored in the latest fashions. - All reduced for February Clearance. �.]� �.��f Hesse 98c All sizes,Black only, regular a stock of $2;.85 and $2.50 lines, • Duro a Ar1CS 69c Guaranteed fast colors, no fad= ing from sun' or • washing, for your better house dress per and 69C ,p ; y ' ° 1`en °ane ShnrtsY, $1.97 and 1.49 Neat stripes in fast color per- cales and Madras. Sizes 141' to z 7 y Table Linens 2 Sets oil Old Bleach Linens Y, full size cloth with one dozen napkins to match, regulary pric- Pg rY ed $33.00 and 30.00; -.. Either set to clear,. ®®� Linen Double� Damask, all L,r en Na -. P kins, 20 inch size, a few only ' regular price $I.00 each is3C February Cleara ce, each Double Damask Table 1.,ili ns, ':• • in 72 s. wide, February 4 I U'Cle isnca,PerYand _'_ • All Linen Towellings, with col- ored borders, per C yard ...:._.: C Extra Quality Turkish Towell- ings,colored .borders, per;c ��yyyirOGerles ar y a _.._.- Comforter ' ' ° htntzes ; A ,yard wide, February °�. C Clearance ......:-: _ .,_.. Fla ane e tte Qom" ; bei 2 yards wide, February Clearance -94 Dress OOd� P it oret Twills, wr11 11 Cloths, s Kasha Tricotinos Ser es Scotch -Tar- � g tans, Plain and Fancy Flannels. All, sieduced ao per ,Dent: p l Down Comforters, . Quilts,` Wool Blankets, Wool Travel Jaeger Rugs, etc. Feb- ruary Clearance Prices on all. Night Gomms, Drawers, B1ooRugs, niers, Vests, Slips, Combinations and all other` Underwear, .re'duc- i ed 20 to qo per cent. Women's Sweaters, Chappie Coats, Pullovers and Wind Brea- `; kers. February'Clearance less eo per cent, Fresh At Sa�ving-1'rices Maple Leaf Sainnon large tin Laundry Soap, per bar.,.5c Comfort, Surprise; Gold Shelled Walnuts,,fresh hal- vet, per lb. 44c Pure Castile Soap, per doz- en cakes .... ............42c Matches, large box 25c Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .25c 20 lbs. Cane Sugar:: :1.39 ,Kellogg's Carrs I+'Kello ' 'lalces, 31 for ... :•..... 28c Good Corn Brooms • . • :, 4 8c ! . Fresh Dates, 2 1bs19c . Eztra Black 'Tea lb. 59c c ' . , iV1 Laren s Jelly Powde>rs 4 for .........:.: ...:...: •••29c 1~'resh GroundCoffeelb'9c •" Pure Singapore Pepper,. 1, lb. packages . • •.:391 ; Crepe Toilet Paper, G ails for —,....,.....:,..,-......,123o Socks! , Penman s Cashmere • • .48c Silk and Wool ..59q .'.. Best Wool Worsteds 59c Wolsey and Sportsman an. ported Socks reduced.. •20% w .: �®lo>�ed Nain- checks For all Underwear purposes, Fe.. Clearance, binary Cle ace, per yard ..... .� ...._- LI j C Good Factory Cotton, 361Fresh in wide , 6 yards for •®O Boys': Overcoats, 4 to 14 years, reduced ...20 to 30'/, Boys'Mackinaw Coats less 20 Per .Cent. 100 'r. Boys Bloomers 1.49 Or. Turnbull's 13 a y s N Lural o Undexwear:reduced „•2f1% Boys' Wool Sweater Coats and Pullovers reducedn ..-............-25 to 33// off Choice Fur Coats, Some of the best Coats we have yet offered. bought just a week 'ago ata Big Reduction; 2ersiatl Lamb Coats, Muiskrat Coats Hudson Seal , , ch Seal Coats. ,,Every one guar- anteed. „A11 reduced ao to 30 per cent. 'nig: Bros., 0 goon Mtu� l ito di lltCigl isminn lIMiliisAnor lotto tommouri itl�Nt1iI�I1��Y��IIN��I$Ir v t _ w t' "- ,w,. -.z .. l=. ..i.W,�uw:H v pwmr Merl )Graham, bGt.h n „i ., l:�i a. , tnlougln; ,. Second Cont,, llerb ':M:eQtiilllan, Lucknow; 1 1t, Marry Penne!, Kinloug'h; O a; Walter 1'ioa1t • .e iso r, 1£inlottglt, 9 ■ ■ 9 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 ■ 9 9 99 9 9 ■ 9 9 ■ 9 ■ ■ 9 9 ■ ■ ▪ `' 9 9 9 9 ■ oi ■ ■▪ `s�. 9 9 9 9 8 9 IfIMI 9 ■ so 9 a 9 C, Charley Donagii, Zion; Wm: Haldenle , Kinlough; Chap., Jas Cook, 13elfast; Scribe, Mark Gardner, Treasurer, r B d i .litehie Rapid City; ireasure , ole, t, , Zion; herald` at Arias, Happy Jack Miller,: St, l"Ielens, I'.iist L ret,, Isaar. Iyennell, Kinloitgh; :Scoond Leet., y Ido- n r Harris, Roly ood^ iotsi Coni, .0 7