HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-25, Page 5qS '1`hilz'aday,, 1F ebruary :20111, 29x6 41■0111041■11rtM■1rr111■11r11111111111M11111110111r111Ar■■nr, • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ iA' clearing' of seasonable goods at Reducedin Prices. Low ,Prices do not mean' cheap goods; here but Better Quality Merchandise ai ■ al ■ ■ Silk Knit Dresses, B]ack, Navy 1111 or Brown, reg, $12, now -.,.;$..8.95 e Clearance of Women's, ]Misses' and Children's Winter Coats at a saving of fronx one third to. one half off.' our- regular prices. ■• rives 'Girls'. Flannel Dresses; pleated skirt, new models, now -::.._..$3,75- Women's and Misses' Plain or Fancy Flannel Dresses:' reduced to; $4.95; 6.50, 6.95, 7.50 Women's all Wool Sweater's to clear at $x.98, 2.95 Balance of Women's Fur Coats to Clear ata Big Saving a. Rat Coats No. x quality, regular Seal Coats, 'regular 200. ■ ■ value $x50.00, reduced.' $ oo, re-. �, ..$xrg;5o dared to WINGH,AM Atrcfr, INCE T1M74S WORLD EvENT$ Op THE YEAR j Z925 e—lyfillion"s of people reported dy shins �■� 9 3' ■ ■ ■ �■ (Continued' from page three) . ,14—President. Coolidge considers ■ inviting, naval powers .to fi.rni t; C'on- ■ Terence; Bishop says : Nova Scotia �` graters face starvation; ■ r6—premier I-Icrr;ot and Austen ■ ..Chanrberiain discuss security'issue at Naris, ■ r7—Thirty-three naeh, killed by ex- : plosion in Virginia mine, premier $ Mackenzie King declares he ,will fight. II ocean combine to a' finish. • 18—Hundreds are killed when terri- ■ fie tornado `wipes out townsl in Eas- e tern Missouri. 19—De'atli list' in Missouri tornado placed at 942;' Marquis Curzon of Kedleston dies at London: 20—Ocie million children reported to be starving in Russia. ' Important Happenings Condensed fo Advance-T7znes Readers �FiiJfU1,r11f11/1, 11111Y1111I1 �,rr/1111,I,I111/1111,U1"„I,irll,,,d 'Ing in`.china from starvation. .jrance setrds reinforcements, `to Marocea,0 II �+ I. r' B --Fifteen excursionists A ed” in MrssissilaPi River are drown o --King and Queen open Wembley roe " ■' ■ ■ ■ 21—Thirteen persons killed when ■■strains collide on Southern Pacific. 'German. Junkers boom' Ludendorff , ■ for; President. ■ 23 -:-British Go%er•nrllent wins vote' • of approval for Signapore base. ■, 24—Hon. J. A. Robb presents Bud- get in Parliament. ■ 25 Five' killed and forty injured in French train wreck. Coolidge takes steps toward Disarmament' Confer- ence. g 175.0o, re- Mink Marmot Coat, g rat auced to . ._. __.$129.5o $xoo oo, now _ ,_._$65,00 Seal Coats, reg. $15o, _._...$x15.00 All our' Fur Coats are the latest models and guaranteed. re ala `■ ■ Sale of Remnants ■ After- Stock Taking we have many remnants to clear....Ends" ■ of Silks, Dress Goods, Cottons, Ginghains, Flannelettes, Flan, ■ ..nets, Skirtings, etc. All 'are marked at Big Reductions. Sa f e of Hose ® Fancy Silk and Wool, $1.25 hose IN now li New shadesof all Silk Hose, 1 regular $r.5o, for .$1.19 ■ Black Cashmere Hose, regular ., $'.00 value for 75c Men's and Boys' Clothing OVERCOATS — Clearance of Men's and Boys' Heavy Over- coats at a saving of 25 to 35 p.c. UNDERWEAR -.- Balance of Men's and Boys' Winter Under- wear to clear at Cut Prices,. OVERALLS xo dozen Men's ■ , 26—Earl Balfour onies in Palestine. is 27—General Lord ■ following operation, ■ plifies proposals to. ■ ,security pact, ■ Heavy Blue or Black Overalls, in■ good value at $2.5o, now _ $2.25 II ■■� Fresh stock of Groceries always • ■ on hand at Cut Rate Prices. • ■ wI ■ ■ ■ sar Ch mpioh • WE SELL IT We &tyle Melling Etleie'and more Champion Brand "AMERICAN" Fenno' every year's This section of the country is discarding its old style fences as false economy, and in making the needed change, isturning to the very best galvanized fencing and steel posts that can be bought. We are enthusiastic about Champion Brand "AMERICAN" Fence and Posts, the pride of their makers, THE CANADIAN STEEL &' WIRE CO., LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONTARIO,, Say "Fence," and we'll show you, 912 For pr during ,earlyr. lru►tc1nng Onion or age Onions if 'left to grow to maturity D`Y planting 'ltei i s Dutch Sets , otr wilt have better success iitt raising line wort,' favored'•onions, either for hunching ot rating; green, end ready foe the table bs from' time • of planting.: ' Rennie's `Dutch Sets represent,, tit e test~ obtainable, and have won favor front both home 'arid ,market rdeners for their superb quality,,an'cl unusual productiveness. Plate' your order for'Rennie's Dutch Onion Sets with your local Seed MViercharit. 1 unable to obtain them locally, write us direct. lll,��'//��1rtt�d�' �tillll4�� ree (14) "pi 4 ��dtrt+ �����,il (llhglllJl��i1�� for. ACtELAIiIE and JARV1S Streets TORONTO If you ea1tno( ol�lain locally, pause uiritt tt8, giolrtg yrRur bealrr's addrrtsr iiet:nie'eseed Aontsl liteofast,eontpiete :saidian Seed Catslagaa->fr`eee°on request~ visits Jewish col- Rawlinrson dies Germany am - Allies on peace 29—Prince of Wales leaves on trip. to South Africa and South America. Soviet aims:: to sell jewels of Czar for half -million dolTars. 30—Franc e. ainsists Gerin an Ym s t join League 'before security pact pos- f 'sible. 3r --,Over 'fifty German soldiers drowned during •' �• t17� an b ocuvers. Fifty killed in Russian train wreck. APRIL r—Germany seeks to snake neutral Rhine zone, barrier to French. Labor party' in Britain proposes to abolish death penalty in army. 2—Viscount Allenby to continue to hold post of High. Commissioner in Egypt. 3—Sovietplot to swamp the wo will counterfeit money, 4—Soviet chemists reported to -ha discovered deadly gas which no m ban stop. 5—French• Government capital levy bill. 7 --One hundred and twenty colle ies in Britain have closed down sin first of year, Church Union Bill a epted in Ontario House, 8—Marshal von Hindenburg. run for President of German Republic, 9—Demonstration occurs at Datnas cus against A', f, Balfour, and tw pers4us milled, ro—Ilerriot Government is defeate rld ve a sk ntroduces r- ce . c- s 0 d till French Senate, and Cabinet re signs, 11_ J?rovinciai Canadian.. Sp, us trade treaty: is' signed in Madrid, r3—prince of Wales attends i"i"leet- ing of Gold Coast Coutli,il, 14—General and 300 soldiers start revolution in Honduras.. General predicts" new war between France and; Germany in 5928." , 16—Turks prepare to invade '.Iraq if Commission's report favors Bri- tain. 17—One hundred and fifty,persons killed at Sofia when bomb explodes in cathedral, • 18—Martial law proclaimed in Bpl- garia. • 20—Reign of terror follows bomb outrage in Sofia; Mantic, with loss of 38 lives, 22—Confessions of murderer's of Sirdar made public in Egypt. 23—One thousand 'suspects execut- ed at xecut-ed.at Sofia. - 24—Britain and France order Balk- an States'. to cease; quarrelling. 25--rlfndenburg wins sweeping ;vic- tory and, is elected 'President of Ger 111.an, Republic, r 27—Pres;I of London and Europe is pessimistic over I-lindenburg election, 28`•LChur'elt Budget restores gold standard aria gives Preferences tb Do- minions, 29 -Chancellor of Germany :de- mands evacuation of Cilogne, and se- curity pact for Germans, 30- Exchange iii; :Eur opean count- ries favorably affected by 13ritisll.:re. turn to gold standard, in At - 'Exhibition. .I'remier 'V(r, F,, Massey Of New Zealand, dies, • 1 t= -Marsha] ; •lindenbprg , en Berlin atnid acclaims of_Poliulace ?2—Gcrrnany: casts in, ;iter -iok Allies instead of Russr'ans and Ja A Newspaper is giving t e"i's' with; pan - 13 --•Viscount Alfred. Milner dies Canterbury. Hindenburg makes g nrpression as "President of Germa troops gain victory er Riffians in Morocco. r6—Preach and British agree on tnands to be made on,Germuly. 17—French • forces' in. I1I roco. notable -victory over Moors4 • T8—Revolt spreads' among M:oori tribes, Chauncey Depew'pays trib to Britain, 19—Religious storm. brewing Britain over Ivialines Conference, 2o—France facds long and cost War with 'Riffians, x 21 --French launch attack on Rif" ians on ,125 -anile front. First Roy Court held at Buckingham Palace. 22—Royal Bank and Union Bank o 'Canada form arnalagarnation, 23—Woodbine opens' in bitter] cold` weather. 25—Matron of Jail Farm, .Toronto is murdered by escaping girls. 26—.France and Spain offer term to Riffians. 27 --No news of Amundsen causes grave anxiety for exploror's safety. 28—France aid Spain forru pact to crush Riffian revolt. 29—Fighting in Morocco continues without cessation. 3o -=Britain and France send note to. Berlin citing defaults in disarmament. (Continued next week) at ood tiny, ov- de-, win ate•' in ly f•• ai To Dee THE CONSATE OP MAN the Editor av all tllirn Wingham Paypers. r Sur, As 1 tould ye befoor, min are quare fellahs, the mosht av thin, but not so 'harrud, to blaze afther all, whin ye come to tink,av it. Fur inshtance, an shpakin fer inesilf; .I" ani contint to sjt up at noight; till tin arr mebby elivin o'clock, runnn up the ixpinse fer fuel an loight, an\not wantin to go to bid, at a11, at ail, an thin whin I wake up id the marniu I don't care•'to git up, 'Tis -the contented 'nioind I have that makes me dazed to shtay wherivir I 'am. Mebby 'tis the Tory blood in she 'that makes me loike to lave well enough alone, an not go in fer chars gin an turnip tings upsoide down, Ioike ' thirn Grits an Progressives. This '.gittin up an goin to bid iviry day av me loife is a party severe shtrain on tile Tory const_itooslrun an by-laws roe I tould the missus wan nolo-lit lash* I eig Absolutely Free a •limited number of GENUINE LEATHER NEEDLE CASES f. Containing 146 Gold Head- ed English Needles; Come in and we will g1ady ar- range for you to get yours. Mason do S6n .. n,nq II H n4p .h... unmmllYlMnOugluc.. uew,dhress but havn't seen a soign av it: yit, but I notished the missuspack- in a boxfull av tings to sind out to thin wonderful grandchilcler` av her's in Alberta. 'Tis harrud to be up wid the skames av a wumrnan. Yours till' riixt wake, Timothy Hay. WHITECHURCH MissMaude Conn of Toronto, is spending her holidays at her home here. Mrs. Gestan Badin of Ridgetown, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. tired Mowbray. There are quite a few in this com- munity who arelaid up with the cold, Miss Maggie Martin, Mrs. MacGreg- or and Mr. Jas. Laidlaw, sr. The Young People's Society of. the `United Church met att the home of Mr. .r and Mrs. Ben AJIcClenaghail on Tuesday eveningand presented Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Barbour witha. iris - cellaneous shower. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McInnis and son, left for their home at Scotsguard. Sask., one day last week. The first Social Eveningheld y he Young People's Society of , the United Church, was a splendid suc- ess, .The program, gaines and lunch ncl community singing was much' =n- oyed. Mrs, Geo. Cottle of Calgary is vis- ing with her sister, Mrs., Joe Tiffin id with Mr, and Mrs. George Cottle. iivlr. and Mrs. Victor Emerson of inloss, spent Sunday with Mr. and rs. Alex. Emerson of Wawanosh. Remember the Old Town Southampton, Feb. 20, 5926 Winghatn• Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont: ar Sirs; reclosed find Express Order for ht dollars covering sttlyscritxtiori to your paper for H. O. Bell :as Well as myself. Apparently we are both in rit&_larrea.rs, so credit each' account with There are not many we know in the old Town now, but we like to keep track of Timothy, Alex. and Walt. C, M. Bell., Yours Truly, 0, M. Bell wake about what T have been wroitin, an gave it as me personal opinion that she slxud be tankful fer havin rnebby tltp rt10sht coutinted,man in g "TIM most 'contented, .inan in Wing- ham, 'did ye say?" sez site, "Shure' ye moight as well hev said in the whole wttrruld, •fer all the differ it wud hey made," she sez. "What ye call 7on- tintmint, I tvud call contbraryness a+1 laziness,' arr inebby worse. Ye don't want to go to bid because ye Bate to shtop shmokin yer ould poipe, in 'only rayson ye have fer gittin up i shalt sinttokin:agin." "It makes a lot av differ the way look at tings," scz I, tinkinit besh agree wid her, "Mebby yet noight," T scz, "an min are the mo dishcontinted an conthrary' craytit in the wurruld barrin pigs an oxen mules an some wimmin, Savin yei since an prisint company ixcipted, "Och. Ye nayclen't throy to pla ter me .over'wid that otticl blarn ongue ye - hey in. yer head " sez s 'Fer riell I know 'tis the consate iev in yersilf the same as whin htat•ted: The only rayson I dor lake ye trow away that ould poipe; ecause if ye slttopped shtnok.in,the vud be no livin wid ye at all, at a o there wudcicn't, The whole tow ucl hear ye boastin av yer shtt•on ill,' an yer clave habits, an the good ample ye : wus settin the young by , an the, power av moind over chat ea; and how much money ye wttd be vin, an yer better health, an yer circ oved appetite, which lasbt wan isn't issary, "Tis the eve rla,atin con- e av the rein that makes thirn `'go ound town lookin loikc thramps, kid they don't nade dacint clothes matte an in pr0vernitrt on tltint. The Linin not britt so consated about er looks, sltpiitd more money fixin ntsilves tits wid hats sit dhresaes, Oyin to innbrover' on nature, so to ake, I anti afther myelin twinty e dollars this minnit fer a new ess," sez size: troll to tall her that she owns an pshun' to the giniral rifle an that Looked ilrgant in her prisint ixrlrins, brit; the skaxne wudden't the s to ye t to are slat urs an sh- yin eyin lre, ye ye 1'-1; 15. er Il, IL Ij1 s n b S s ry w ex es th sa pr nic sat arr. tial MAY to in wilt the tltr' thr cls zone in Morocco shp 4 -`-Seven French block -houses cap- foiv tared by 12rffians, who have 40,000 dlrr • men in field, - 1 S ---Early outbrcakof civil war in exec China is expected. she 6 ---Viscount ' 'Leveilrulnte dies of filth pneumonia, German Socialists prb-. wttrr test- against election of Hindenburg. rayon 1—Twenty-five' persons killed train wreck in Poland, -Nine sailors peristr in. Shipwreck' on ',Lake Erie. Riffians invade Pi'cn- alt,, an 1` had to hand Over the ay, T have been watchin fer thc> MARRIED Pettapiece—Barbour— On Wednes- day, February r7th., at the manse, Wingliam, Sarah Alberta (Sadie) and Mrs, Herbert' Pettaplece of Kinloss to •Mr. Elwood .Sarbour, youngest son of Mr. and MrS. Jas. Barbour, sr., of Fordyce. Rev. Mr, Macintosh offitiated. WarWick—Sellers At St. Andrew's February r7th, by the Rey. ,Dr. Rer- rie, Mr. Jos. E.. Selfers to Miss Olive Mae Warwick, both of :12.e Town- ship of Morris. Huron CountyBreeders PURE filiEl) SALE - of Live Stock at WINGHAM on ThlIPS4 Feb. 25th, 1926 One o'clock Sharp ,f; The Annua/ ConSignment Sale will be held on the above g Shorthorn Cows, Heifers and ;.:1 Bulls and one Angus Bull, There ;14 are some real quality cattle in g this lot. t Como and spend th day i Wingharrt Henfryn, Pres, Clinton, set. g 1 1 iittiormilinitilmotimmaluniquiparogutviottottp PR ING An all wool Sport Flannel, 24 imported best French quality ti one of the season's favored # fabrics, six new shades for Spring to choose from, Rose- • wood, Sand, Hopi, Jade, Ka- i shmir, Green and Beaucaire = Blue 54 in. wide, regular $`2.00 value, Specially priced 111 J. A. MILLS, WINGHAM Canton crepe $2.50' ,most popular Silk for Spring arid Summer wear ,be- cause of it's soft teidure and easy draping qualities, it cart be made up in almost any style desired. AU the new Spring shades to select from, Watermelon, Creole, Wood - rose, Cedarwood, Phantom' Red, New Blue, Purple, Sand, at this low price $2.5o*yard, Printed Crepe $1.50 This oustinetive ' printed Coepe will be much in dem- and this seasOri, Many new ' patterns in wanted' shades, 36 in. wide, modera.tely priced SilIcHose 95c Mercury Maid Silk Hose a guarantee of quality and wear in the new shades of Bran. '-farvest, Sand, Peach, Rose- Ca: wood, White and Black, sizes 81 to ro, Regular value $/.25 Specially pried at g5c pair. irittnimiiimihthiiiIIIIII111111111111$111,111:111111111111111121111111111fillis III 1111111111111101111111 Mr. and IVIrs. J. ,Wheeler of Bel - grave spent Sunday at Mr. 1); Camp - Mr. and Mrs. W. Robertson.of Bel - grave, also Mr. and Mrs. R. Golley, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. Abraham. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bourlay of Toron- to, are spending a few weeks at Mr. A. AfacEwen's. BELGRAVE Messrs. Peter Scott and Stanley Dane, visited over the week -end with friends at Edmore. Mr. and Mrs, Porterfield, visited in Toronto last week. What would you do if you had $300o owing you and you needed the money? That is our position. The only difficulty is that is owing us by over a thousand people, ' Are you one? Read your label. EAST WAWANOSH .' 1 Mrs, Geo. Walker and sort, licnr,u'• )are visiting with her parents, Mr..an iMrs.. Wm. Humphrey,' St, Helens. 1 Mrs. John Shia.' add Mrs. .brank. I'llompion and , Helen, are: visiting' !with. the forler's daughter, Mrs. 'Mil- • Card of Thanks MiSs Louttit desires to publicly press her gratitude to the many friends -who • expressed their kind I!sympathy at the tirne of her bereave- ment the death of her brother',:the Card of Thanks We -vvish to thank 'our friends and' _neighbors for the many acts of kind- neSs shown us at the illness and dea- tit of our dear baby, also Rev. ,Dr.. Perrie for his comforting words. Just like a Local Cali Starting March xst„ it will be possible for tele- phone users to call subscribers at any of the points shown below with asking for.. Long Distance. just give the local operator the number of the distant tele- phone and hold the line while connection is established Simply say to the Operator "Brussels 67" or what- ever the number may he. If you do not know the nurnber, ask for "information." Dunganvon Wroxeter roc Goderieh Teeswater ..... --roc Walkerton Gorrie roc Listowel 200 For s minute talks; all other 3 minutes'' If you must speak o a particidar person give the details of the tall to tho Long bistance operator, John Patten, Manager The Bell Telephorte Company of Canada