HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-04, Page 8J;11117r717 IKON WINGHAM ADVANCE-TXIVMS ;11 „ 1 7 ,e71 go 111, 411 , 144 wwwww avmaarnewimaittausEurm=motnoiwzasata/ailUznaatufmmar.amsz.r Tliursday,s, Feliwuary,; 4bh, rp5 1'1 MIM411121131111111111101111111 arta=....nrrArzyzna...,,vmee=m2resfurX-nr-,===lucazrz =.5:3,=2,===warcales1==ammeactilaUmarymmereag.., • e a Clearance Extraordinary. We have liniOled sal ck.Taking, and f2nd that we h... ve $20,000.60 tro much stOck. H si ply hasLio. 11/10 are needed for Sprini! goods, nd so an un s al opporlyt ily s yfurs tor the p rchase i1 our ntire stocks ot Winter liderchAndise. It will pay yi to .y now ff ir next Winter -so great are the c* cessions. iv.uy Winer Underwear int Nowt Turnbulls Genuine Merino, all sizes at $1.79 Penman No. 37 Fleece. Shirts and - Drawers at 79c Penmans Boys Fleece Shirts and 3111 = Drawers at 59c LR. Trim Knit Silk and Wool Combina- ti 0 s $4.39 ,77„ Tru Knit Natural Cashmere Combin- - ations $3.89 1131 - Stangield's iflne Label tif M Underwear 2.29 - Not all sizes left, but those we have - are a real bargain for somebody. fli Shirts and Drawers each$2.2g Men's Good Shirts ....„......._______$1.97 Men's extra quality leather mitts 49c 1111113111211131111 111 Ill I111 1111011111111M11111111113111'N1131111 Lai di Penman's Cashmere Socks 18c. mainamaimmam .11.1 mi3331133111 1111111111131111311122111.if111111111 1111 NIIIIlI 11113111311111,1,11113111 11 Radi m Outing Hi se 69e- mt 111-0'MMM MMMMM MMMIIIMIMMOMMM,MMIMMM 111 3111 and Linen Sheeting ▪ John S, Brown and Old Bleach Lin - ens are the best, every -woman likes good it Linens and now is your opportunity to purchase them at a Big Saving, Table Linens, Linen Sheeting, Towellings, Lin- e Pillow Cases, Maderia and Cluney Linens, February Clearance, all reduced 20 per cent FreSiti Groceries fit 11131111 111 1.1181M MOM mem mogimmmimpm 11, 7 200 Mlles Fine Caps 98e 77; 4,11, rt, 11 23 Smart Tweeds in one or *eight piece top, $x.55 to $2.5o values, all sizes 6i to 7-, at 98e Sweaters and all other Knit Goods. reduced 20 to 40 per cent. wrinaMmirmummsmsifimm Crepe Silk Ties 95c. 1110111'41113211111111111111144111113111 1113311111111011133 Overc ts Your opportunity to. purchase... the Best Overcoats •at Facory Prices. Everything New and in the latest sty- les Whitney's, Chinchilla and Crombie Cloths February Clearance Reduc- ed 25% to 40%. B • ye Overcoats To. you who have put off buying your boy an Overcoat, comes this Great February Clearance You can make a big saving on every purchase. * to m13 off every Coat. oys' Pullgivers and S eater Coats An exceptional time to get every- body a good Wool Sweater Cheap. Every garment has to go. Penmans, Blue and Brown Pullovers with, con- trasting bands for trimming, sizes 26 to 32. All Wool... hard_ wearing gar- ments, February Clearance $x.49 All Wool Heather V Neck Coats at $ x.98 Fancy Check and Maroon, Jumbo Stitch Coats, regularly priced $3.5o February Clearance $2.48 x2 only Boys 'Prince Pullovers, fan- cy patterns in V neck style, $3,00 and $3.39 valties February Clearance $1..98 MMIIIMMMMMMMMMM MMIINIIMIMMOMMOM MMMMMOM 23 23 23 23 23 •== 23 23 23 1313 23 23 23 23 Rib Cash 111 111M 11112111 Table Linens, Tiwellings, 23 23 23 Kelloggs' Corn Flakes, s, for ....- Chipso, large package -0,---------20c Singapore Pineapple, 2 tins Laundry Soaps .--5c Comfort, GOld and -P. and; G. 6 tolls Toilet Paper Heinz Catsep, large size So lb. sacks, Cane Sugar All Raisin, 2 lbs for New Dates, 0 lbs Eddy's Matches, large size 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 ihmmommoutommumummusm mum mamamem 23 23 23 23 23 23 11123111231112311123111 w 1 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 gm Bi Tex, the Silk Hose" with do.111391.; Nwelaagrara Maid Silk Hose _____„-__$x.x9 "- Winsome Maid Silk Hose 23 mollo 111E111E1111 111M1111011112111;d 11,!, 11 14111e1M11118111013111114111Y L,.i.dies' Flannelette Niikilt Gow s 98c,.1.19, 1.49 English Flannelette Gowns, of Hea- vier weight for those who desire extra warmth, regular prices are $2.5o and_, $0.85, Womens and 0. S. sizes, Febru- ary Clearance $1.98 20 per cent, -off Winter Gloves and Mitts 200 yd Cotton Spools, 3 for ..... Comforter 11i,atils, Special 3, .one pound North Comforter Batts for $x.00 Silk ose. Specials Star 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 11M1111121116111101111111M111111111MIIMIIIMIll 111 111121111161111 11123 IIIMIIIMIIIN111 v,;111 11113111 11133111M1111111113, [211i Men's Coats 23 Men's Korean Beaver Coats; Guar- anteed, while they less less 20 per cent. 4tt 23 23 23 23. 23 23 23 23 Pyjamas • . Best English Flannelette ill on saleiat 23 11-1111MIIIMM13111111111 1131111111111M111M1111311 1,i,1112311 Pyjamas men's Brown Cas mere Hose, reg. 1.00 for 59c. 11123111131112311111911'.4111131113111111,1111121111311111113111 111231111111101111111111111M111231131111M1111111101111111112311111111 .,23 12/4 Ibex Flannelette W;.:bassi Pillow il Ilankets Cottons ii 23 23 23 23 23 123 r1.1 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 -a•-• 23 23 23 a 23 r4, 23 23 23 200 pairs of the best Flanelette Blankets made, Whites and Grays, with pink or blue borders, Febru- ary Clearance $2.39. Wool led Cove s and Motor 3 u Articles much used and always appreciated, ,good colors in Plain and, Fancy Patterns of Fleecy Woo1,6:-February Clearance less 20 per cent, ,Ja, ger C..4rnel Hair COVefieliS The rug supreme, made in natura al camel shade only with mohair binding, reduced 20 per cent. Pillow CottOns Sheet - lugs, Fact ry Caton Wabasso Sheetings are the best., Bleached snowy white and of that fine even teitture, so essential for longwear, 63, 72 and Si inches wide and priced 75c to $1.35, reduced. 20 per cent. eavy U bleached Sheetings • Many customers prefer to bleach their Sheetings and for these we have exceptional values, Twill or Plain Weave, full 76 inches wide and regularly priced at 75c and 8oc per yard, February' Clearance per yd 63c 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 11131112111 111 1,7 1, oys' Heather and lack 112'J111_ 111111 11E11 1.1 10P 40, 42, and 44 in. wide per yd 44c. Super Pillow Cotton, all widths 111 peryd 48c ?-6- 20s Reductions Factory Cottons, Bleached Cot- = tons, Steamloom-Shirtings, Flann- - els, Glateas, Art Linens, Prints, Ginghams, Tickings, Cottonades, a Derrys-Khaki, Ducks, Heavy White Ducks, Sateens, Curtain Muslims etc., February Clearance, 'El all reduced 20 per cent , ool Genuine. Mossfield Quality, with Pink or Blue Borders, finish- PI ed singley, a few only, regularly = priced $12.5o February Clearance at $9.48 23 Union Sheeting 2 yards wide a good hard 23 wearing Cloth, that many people like better than Blankets, White only, February Clearance per yard 1M_, $1.43 El French W�' 1 Taffetas $L29 ird These Cloths make the finest Men's Shirts, Sport Blouses and EL', Dresses, White Grounds, with hair M line stripes in. Mauve, Blue and Black, 30 ins, wide Regularly priced $1.75, February Clearance $x.29 111131111 1112311IMIII23111111112,111116111 it Ladies' &I ea i1y4o Northway Coats! The best ' made E- Many excellent coats of the best Wool and M Pile Fabrics, all in the most approved sty- • les, Fur Trimmed and warmly interlined. a' Misses and Women's sizes in all good 2._ shades. Buy a Winter Coat now, Febru- ary Clearance less 20 to 50 per cent. ey and space itimiimifirguloil.111111113111111113r11M111 a • • • NemondGrssardCirsIs in. Nothing better produced than these a famous Corsets, made from fine firm • Coutil in White and Flesh ,Shades, wrap around, front and back lace models in sizes 20 to .34, priced $2.00 to $6.5o, Feb- • ruary Clearance, 113 off' all corsets 1:4 231 Women's Vests and Bloomers 88c 111111,11 23 23 231 Fine Cotton and Silk Mixtures that m 123 have been greatly reduced, LI Heavy •combed Cotton Vests, Draw- ers and Bloomers, Watson's Excelda" g8c. Medium weight, clo,sely woven Vests short sleeve and sleeveless styles, Feb- ruary Clearance 63c - Bloomers to match these at the same •=7. price 51, PI--= Excelda Handkerchiefs, 3 for Charnois,ette' Gloves, reg. 1.5o to 2.6o g8c: -a M -41611r.illM111 11113111113111M11131111111111MIIIM111111111M111M1111111M111 Worsted Stocki .:gs, alt sizes 73c 11 mailiammusummulinistAm isses' fear Dresses of Silks and 1,4 Wool Cloths • Every garment an individual model made for 1-3 exacting customers, styles are new, mater- ials the best and our stocks are large. Miss- - es Wontens and junior sizes, February Clearance, *, x13 to off ;111. 5-11 - All Wo1 tress Fabrics • 2oo yards All Wool bress abrics, Ir- ish Serges, Botany Serges, Tweeds, Silk ' = and Wools, Skirtings and Suitings, priced from $/.75 to $3.00 per yard, a great clear- ▪ ance opportunity, February Sale Price per ▪ yd, 98c m ' Wome 's Sweaters$6t1po - Coat Style and Pullovers that are sty- • lish and comfortable, all the New Shades qrorn which to choose, February Clearance Prices on. all Flat Crepes, all Silk $2.69 A host of shades in this excellent clot Sandalwood, Powder Blue, Rosewood, Tur- quoise, Grey, Green, jolopa, Navy, White, Black etc., 39 in. wide and regularly priced $3.5o, February Clearance per. yd $2.69 - I1111511113111131111113111113114111113111151111M1111311M111131i115111113111111111311113,1111 111331113111M111M11133111 1111111111111111111M111 731113111113111331113111M1111111111111M1111111111M1111131113111i31111131112111133111311131111 r,* 111E111 11111111111111,111E111� ;11 re Hose 79c. Kapok Cushion Forms, large sizes 98c. Upholstering Tapesty $1.57. iiimilirmigrosmimmiti maul maul mam23a Men's fitted Coats 4.98 Mens Rope Stitch SWeaters in Camel, White and Jockey Shades, a well made coat that has comfort and appearance, February Clearance $4.98 _ Patterned and Fancy Weave Coats utth$3S8ghawl Collars, $6.00 and $6,50 val- 23 23 23 23 23 23 Boys' loomers $11.49 ....114 too Pairs Boys Wool Tweed Bloom - 23 ers, in good colors of Tweed Mit.tures, ri all are interlined and will give entire at isfaction, too pairs to clear per pair $L4.9 11181 rg "Ittamonsiimmatimitinti 111311113111331111 r41:44ks,04,... 23 23 23 23 123 rr1 23 112 11123111 1113111123M 111131111MM lll23lllilll1 111131,111;11 7 111 • Winter Co-i,tings ,f7 All Wool Bolivia, Velour and Polo Coatings to be sacrificed $4.5 Coatings $2.98 $3.00 Coatings $x„89 $3.5o Coatings $2.39 ubber St Treads at a ..argain Rtibber Stair Treads, at a bargain. zoo Oenuinc Brown Rubber Stair Treads 18 inch size, regular price is 25c, kebru- ary Clearance, 3 for 50c Is House Furnishings Curtain Nets, Madras, Casement M -._.• •= Clothe, Colored Voile Our ins Ch" ill • a Siroettotin Art S ' ' ' urrtze% es,Sateens, Wilton •Rug, - Dnwiti Proof Sateens soc ,...*: Floor Oil Cloths, Lmoleums, Brass godsIli = Silkeline and, Turkey Redomfort- M Floor Mats, all reduced to per cent. -a- i er Covrngs, 36 ins. wide 230 ikammulmmam mammunniumwamsmmuumm • aniMagiamawlAmmi miamommulimammiummal 112 121 a 23 Es ;H2311110111 11 23 311 23 23 • 23-' 23 23 23 '0 23 23 23 23 23 7111 23 23 inulian1 South own Saxony Fl....nnelette24c. 1E111E111E1111 11 111311111X111111111 1111111111 11123 :111111 Congoleum R gs23 Our entire stock of Gold Seal Con- 31 vaunt Rugs, all size, for February Clearance loss 25 per cent. 23 23 23 23 113 23 I1 1 1113193P61141 -'411111.. flig -...1490081goi 121 51' • 4 yd wide Linoletuns sa-11111- See them, no further decription. needed 23 111M11113131111 III 111111111111111.!4:111 11131111MM 111.,1111 111111111M111111 M - FURS,! FURSI FURS2 /Sable Scarf, 72 inches long, the Lin - 23 est made, regular price $15o.00 to go for = $75.90 23 23 23 23 23 x Sable Muff, to match above Scarf fri regular $75.00 to go for $37.5o. x Black Vent Scar, regular $25.0o to go for $x2,o • x Sable Scarf, 'regular $55.0o to go •11 for $27,00 IN x Sable Scarf, regallar $67.o to ge 23 for $32.5o.o. atCoat, size 40, $133.00 2 at Coats, reg. $225.00, $1:68.00 di 23 / Persian Coat, beautifully trimmed it id p wrii tc he ' sa b$14e2, 570 s fsoyn WIt3iI119o0w0 lined, regular Children's Fur Robes, pocket style a in number one quality, White arid Gray Sheared Goat Skin, regularly piced, I! $.03 and $6.50, they must move, Febru- 23 ary Clearante $3,9 ▪ Children's White Fur Collars and M ets, any article, half price -a- 1111MilliMMMWMMMIll mammon MmMumanimM2da King Bros. PrieeS are based on a. strictly cash basis, lb th buying and selling. Our purchases are cash pure ases1 we have I110 diubtful accounts to consider17 you are therefore assured of the best possible ruerchandiSe at a rninimunt cost. Come and sh .re in our February Clearanee. • Phone 71 100 1221121202 atoommotatwwwwwonvianismions