HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-04, Page 5J
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"4,011rSdaY, ebfitlary 4t11., x925
11011111.10$001111101111111111111111111111111141**1111111111111111 CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDD- INAVOURAL 4TIG
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N A clearing of seasonable gooils at Reduceti 1
II Prices: Low Prices do not mean cheat/ a
'1' m . goods here bull Better Quality in
111 ' Merclhandise al ' :
ha Cut Prices it
m 'Clearance of Women's, Misses'
IN and Children's Winter Coats at
N a saving of from one third to
sm one half off our regular prices.
Girls' Flannel Dresses, pleated
skirt, new, models, now
Wornen's and Misses? Plain or
Fancy Flannel Dresses reduced
to - $4.95,6.50, 6.95,1.50
is Silk Knit Dresses, Black, Navy Women's all Wool Sweaters to •
N. or Brown, ' reg., $I2, now....$8. clear at , ..$1,98, .2.95 q111
One Of those events which cause
gladness and thankfulness ,eccurred
•on l'IondaY evening, Jan. Iltb• at the
holne of
M. and Mrs, Ross of
Kin sville n they b • t d the
fiftieth anniverSarY of ;the1az-rage
The house Was beautiftuly decorated,
the olor scheme Yellow bec"tr-
ied throughout, Only immediate re-
latives and a few intimate friends
were present. At '6,3o a sunintuolls
dinner was served. The evening was
veiy,pleasant y spent in story and
song, Many of the fine old songs of
40 and so years ago were sung by
those who had sung them together as
children. A rpleasing feature was the
address given by Rev, Mr. AgneW
pastor af Epwoith United Chinch,
during which he, in ,a fitting way, re-
united the "old young" couple for the
remainder of life's journey. gr. Ross
very feelingly replied, going back ,,o
his early boyhood days in Brucefield,
and later the "days of his courtship
and marriage, in ,Wingliam, recallirt&,
!•many very interesting incidents which
,happened as he Journeyed along life's
highway, which led him to "Kingsville
the Beautiful" about seven 'Years ago.
During the evening Messrs. C. P.
Maxwell and C. G. Fagan rendered
solos in their splendid style. The
happy couple received many telegrams
containing congratulations,, also
number of beautiful presents, includ-
ing many gold coins. At a late hour
the guests departed, all wishing the
bride and groom happy returns of
their anniversary.
Friends were present from Zion,
I11,' Windsor, Essex, Leamington and
'The above is a copy from the Kings
, III Balance of Women's Fur Coats to Clear si4
al at a Big Salving
m 1
- Rat Coats No. 1 quality, regular Seal Coats, 'regular $200.00, 're- ra I
m value $15o.00, reduced'. .. ......$119.5o duced to ' $159,00 al 1
a Seal Coats, regular $r75.00, re- Mink Marmot Coat, regular at III!
duped to - • $129 50 $roo.00 now $65.00 si
N• Seal Coats, reg. $150, .........$xr5,00 111
a All our Fur Coats are the latest models and guaranteed.
Sale of Relnyinials
After Stock Taking we have •
,many ,remnants to clear. _Ends
of Silks, Dress Goods, Cottons,
Gingharns, Flannelettes, Flan-
nels, •Shirtings, etc. All are
marked' at Big Reduction.
Sale of Hose
Fancy Silk and Wool, $x.2.5 hose
now 98c
New 'shades of (el Silk Hose,
Men's and Boys'
Clothing wA
OVERCOATS — Clearance of mi
Men's and Boys' Heavy, Over •
coats at a saving of 25 to 35 p.c.
UNDERWEAR — Balance of tin
Men's and Boys' Winter Under: 1111 1
wear to clear at Cut Prices. IN
OVERALLS — xo dozen Men's •
Heavy Blue or Black Overalls, m
good value at $M5o, now ......$2.25
11111• regular $1. - . -
5o, for •••• •••-•• • .. -$1.19 411,
• Black Cashrnere Hose, regular Fresh stock of Groceries always 111
.1111 $1.00 value for on hand at scut Rate Prices. -
'1111 ' • M.
• • A
H. E. Isard & Co..
United Church, one of the foremost
'vine paper. ,Many of our readers will
recall'when Mr. and 'Virg. Ross, lived
on the farm now occupied by Mr. Jno
Fells, East of Bluevale, which they
sold 'removing, to Essex county. Mrs.
Ross was formerly Miss Ellen Max-
well, sister of Robert and. Win., also
of Essex. Wevjioin with our many
readers in wishing them continued
health and prosperity.
Mrs. Colvin Fingland visited Wing -
ham friends during the week.
Miss Dorothy Barnaby, who under-
went an operation for appendicitis in
Victoria Hospital, was able to return
home auring the week. Miss Barnaby
is a fourth year student in Arts in the
Western University.
Miss Gidley, organist of Queen St.
r. F. Black took a car of )cattle
id hogs ito„ Toronto on Saturday:
• Mr. J. W. King, M. P., was home
frola Ottawa over the week -end, we
are pleased to hear Mrs. King is slow-
ly improving and, hope she will now
• continue to gain.
•Mr. and Mrs. M. Masters spent 'a
Iew, days • with relatives here this
• 'Mr. D. Fergusonof Belgrave, ship-
ped four cars of hay from lire this
" We are glad to report that Wm.
Duff is on the,merid again and hope
he will soon be around.
Mrs. Robt. Aitchison, sPent a few
Messrs, L. Turyey and G Messer
are putting in the ice supply at the
Creamery' this week.
Card. of Thanks •,
Mr. and Andrew Fox and
daughters desire ,to '''''''express their
thanks to all the' friends who in any.1
;Ray Sympathised with them in their
recent sad bereavement.
Mr. 'Wallace Miller wa..s.at Auburn
this week when he and. Mr, Wm. Ste-
wart of Glen's Hill audited the Town-
ship books.
Mrs. Lavis" was a week -end visitor
musicians', is taking a course at Alma,
Westfield Drainatic Club will pre-
sent the play, "Kentucky Belle" in the
Memorial Hall on Monday evening,
Feb. x5th, under the auspices of Har-
mony Loyal True Blue Lodge.
On Monday, Feb. Ist,,another of the
early pioneers of East Wawanosh
passed to their reward, in` the person
of Mrs. George Quinn, her husband
predeceased her several years. She
hal. made her home with her son, Al-
bert, on. the old heornestead. One dau-
ghter, Mrs. Thomas Robertson, Htil-
lett, and four. sons surviVe. Funeral
service will be held in Queen St. Un-
ited Church on Thursday, and conduc-
ted by the pastor, Dr.' Barnaby. Int -
lays 'last week with ,relatives at Guel- with her daughter, Mrs: McLeod. erment in Union Cemetery,
• Tile inaugural Ineeting of the W
ham Public ,Senool Board, for, '1926,
was held at the Council Chamber on
the evening'of Wednesday; January
1 •
P.7 T. Bill was re-eleeted • chairman ,
of the Board on motion of Trustee
r •
W H P.'i t til 'a dj A F'
The minutes of the last inaugural
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Trustees R, Lloyd and,
fas. Isard.
The following inancia Statement
was presented to the board and adopt-
ed on'rnotion of Trustees J. A, Fox
and R. H. Lloyd. ;04482:8 400x
Balance from 1924, $ 18x
Governnient Grant
Local Grant 53 85
Balance (Dr) 16 44
• $ 10782 09
Xeachers' Salaries $ 8501 6o
Other salaries - 750 00
Printing and Stationery
Insurance „
School Site
Wingham Utilities Corn
0. E. A.
708 56
528 93
58 97
z 35
340 20
183 57
84 14
10 00
12 77
$ 10782 09
It maybe stated here that the board
when preparing its estimates for 1925
considered increasing the rate for
Public School purposes. from 9 mills
to 9- mills but decided that by prac-
tieing the strictest economy through-
out the year that nine mills would be
a sufficiently 'high, rate. However,
the expenses mounted a trifle higher
than was anticipated during the last
two Months of the year, hence the ip-
pearance of the overdraft of $16•44
in the financial statement.
T. C. King was re -appointed as re-
presentative to the High School
Board 'on motion of Trustees W. H.
Rintoul and J. A. Fox.
Wm. Robertson was re -appointed
by the board to act on the Public Li-
brary Board on motion of Trustees
Jas. Isard and R. H. Lloyd.
It was carried on motion of Trus-
tees R. H. Lloyd and J. A. Fox that
Mr. GeOrge Allen be re-engaged as
School Attendance Officer at the
same salaral- (namely $5o annually).
It was carried on motion of Trus-
tees J. A. Fox and R. H. Lloyd that
Trustees N. L. Fry be appointed to
act on the Finance Committee in the
place of V1r, Snell who is leaving
town and that F. J. Hill and R. H.
Lloyd be re-elected.
The Finance Committee is there-
fore for 1926:—F. J. Hill, Chairman;
N. L. Fry, R. H. Lloyd.
It was carried on motion of Trus-
tees J. A. Fox and R. H. Lloyd that
W. H. Rintoul act as Chairman of
Property Committee.
It was carried on motion of Trus-
tees J. A, Fax and R. FL Lloyd that
Trustees F. J. Hill and Jas. hard and
Mr. Posliff act on Purchasing Com-
It was carried on motion of Trus-
tees W. H. Rintoul and Jas. Isard
that 'W. T. Booth be •re-engaged Sec-
etary-Treasurer for 1926 at the sante
Nominummussommensomplosearal,3mini IHMINI911111",",,!11111311 N14117.111111111111/11111111MIIMINIBIR "T
salary-. •
-t was carried on motion of Trus-.
cL • Rintoul
tees J. A. Fox and WH
„.. •„
N atlisTatca
of Trustees- jt A. Fax and R. H.
rletra* kjenr.°t tldie.osameisalary. 0 tiort'
Hopper be re-engaged
1-11: , ,
in Lloyd.
On All Furs
• . altiminnimmisingin
Fur Coats in the finest quality Persian Lamb, Sable trinned,'col-
and culls $231•50 and 49.5P;
M •
In the estate of Rachel Herdsman
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the provisions Clf' the Trustee Act,
that all persons having any claim or
demand against Rachel Herdsman,
late of Wingham Town, in Huron
County and Province of Ontario, wi-
N dow, who died on or about the 24th
day of December, 5925, are required
to send by post prepaid, or deliver to
J. A. Morton at Winghain, Ontario,
solicitor for the executrix, of the said
deceased, on or before the 25th day of
February, 1926, their names and ad-
dresses with full particulars in writing
of their claims and the nature of the
1M securities, if any, held by them, and
verified by a statutory declaration,
And take notice that after • the said
last mentioned day the saitnexeentrix
will' distribute the assets of the said
deceased atnotig the person,s entitled
thereto, having regard only to • the
claiins of which she shall then have
had notice, and that the said executrix
will not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof to any person'of
whose claims she shall not then have
received notice.,
Dated at Whigharri, Ott., this soth
day of January x926.
• j, A,' Motton, solicitor for the Said
• Northern Dark Muskrat, in well Matched skins, large collar
cuffs, Sizes 36, 38, 40, $11.5.00, 135.00. al
Plain French Seal Coats in glossy skins, sizes 38, 40 .. . .. $108.50 IN
$i 50 In
Trintureol Seal Coats, sizes 40, 43, al119. .
miuminiesuumusiommo* *mom ammo* minisommmiumommommlimomm:
„' • •'1',” .., •
• .,...,, e ,
' ,e • ,,•I.
,cuvRcH 1,1416r$
Last Sunday • evening Pastor War
dell spoke from Rolnans 9, 9, "Now
if any man have not the Spirit of
Christ, he is none of • Him." He
pointed out that there were only 'two
classes of people Winghain, those
who have the Spirit of Christ •and
those who haVe not, The one on his
*ay to Heaven, the other on his way
to Hell, He exhorted all present
to make sure they had bepn "Born
Again," and filled with the Spirit of
Christ. • Next Sunday evening ,he
Pastor will give a special message on
"What is Modernism," • You should
be infernied as .to the drift of the
times, especially as it would seem the
time for the manifestation of the An-
ti -Christ seems near. Do not fozget
the Revival Prayer Meeting., Saturday
evening, All welcome.
On Sunday last large congregations
were present at both services of the
VVingliam United Church. In the
morning Rev. , Mr. Bennett read the
third of Amos as scripture lesson and
took the first part of the x2th verse
of the same chapter as his text "Thus
saith the Lord; the Shepherd talc-
eth out of the mouth of the Lion two
legs, or a piece of an ear". He ex-
plained clearly the ,lesson on sin, how
it creeps in on some people, how oth-
ers yield to it, thinking they have
strength to overcome it, but are theni-
selves overcome and finally -with elo-
quence, he showed that as the river
pilot cares not where the snags are,
but steers for the open water, so we
should shun the appearance of evil
and trusting in Grod, follow the course
he has marked out for us. •
In the evening Rev. Mr. McIntosh
took charge of the service and prea-
ched a very effective sermon from rhe
seventh verse of the sixth chapter of
Galations, "Be not deceived God is
not mocked for what so ever a man
soweth that shall healso reap." This
was written by the Apostle Paul to
the Christians in the Church at Ga-
latia, warning them against the doc-
trines of the Judaiziug teachers who
were trying to' turn them from the
teachings of Paul. He showed the
close Analogy between the field of na-
ture and the spiritual field and proved
that we reap what we sow. We do
not reap the spiritual harvest from an
earthly field. What is sown in early
life, even though we repent, may have
to be reaped later. At an early -date
Mr. McIntosh will give an account of
the Provincial Temperance Convent-
ion held in Toronto last week to whi-
ch he was a delegate from the church,
Mrs. Spackman of London, who has
beenvisiting old neighbors around St.
Helens and Donnybrook, has returned
home again to Mr. Peter Leaver's.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Champion, vis-
ited at Mr. Peter Leaver's, one day
last week.
The trustees •of Fordyce school
fumigated the school'one day recent-
ly on „account of the measles being
bad. They thought it best to do so..
Mr. Elliott Taylor purchase l a fine
rubber tired buggy the other day over
at Mr. Wightman's sale,
Mr, John Menzie having purchased
soma hay from Mr. John Webster, is
at present drawing it home.
Mr. Alex Rintotil lost a very valti-:
able cow this week, she was partly
paralized. Mr. Kirby of Belgrave at-
tended her bat in vain, ,
Health :an
= Biscuits
Tasteful, Nutritious, Digestable
• Per pound 40c.
171 i
Health Specials 7,3
i If
Scotch 0 1 Cakes ig-
'71. They're good. You'll like them. M
= ,
t.7•_-- Per pkge 25c, • 11
11 Our Special Coffee i
11 There is no fitter Coffe to be
had,- It's delicious.
• Per lb, yoc. '
•Special, Pr.1ce,s Dinnerware: 1111
eioa and Cotred Sime
.z_--111 1 1 1 11 1111 1 11 11111111 11
1111111101111111 NI 111 11111111
.111111111111111. 1111111111111111111111101141111111111111111414111111111011110,11001i1111111lallidt111,11,111.1,11,„.41 t
-*2 • atils
ovE,coATs $149$• N
Young --enst v rcoatO in P -a
ivr 0 e•
and belted. styles in 13rowns, GreYS,
• Heathers and checks, size$ 54 to 40, 111-.1
eoxutri.41:vegaiuniear4stttoheil: or)fri$2,0$+9104.9t5o,
25 IVIlen's Overcoats in ,Checka aud
Heathers and plaM Cloths, quilted atl.d. •
atner, lined, broken lines M sizeS'36
to 44. Regular value. to $30.0o, =
I. . BoyS' OVERCOATS $7.95,.$9.7$ ',: .• '.',iti ' . '',i;' -
. . ,..
• ' ywo,'lot$ , of...BOys' '. OverepatS.' tO: .
Clear at prices below cost, •sznallboyS'i'l,.i'i1"''.: ';•'„
. Sizes 24 to 28," regular ' to $x3.00 , foF' '.,
. . $7•95; sizes 28 to 84l zegular pries to , =..Y.,.,"
20 per cent. discount on all Men's' '
Suits in sizes 34 to 44,.including
p.teds, Tweeds and Serges, many real
bargains,', Buy your Spring 'Suit uow
and save Money. . • = ..; •,
Men's Odd Pants in Worsted,
Tweeds and Serges, all .sizes 32
to 44. Regular prices to $4.50,
f- special sale price S2.g5 pair.
i ,. .
23 Sweaters $1.§5 to •4.75, Caps
'61 95c,, 1.39, Ties 5gc, Overalls 2.19.
0.71• •, —
i ' E ' .,
. A. ‘ ,, ,. ... .
9 . •
ifINCIR1211111WKIlitililliklikkialln111 112111killikulk•
ilinliiiiiilkIllnlimismailmnit - .
St. George's xoo per cent wool •F.:,
TJnd,erwear, every garment guar-
artteed, shirts have double back
and breast, •drawers to match,
sizes 36 to 44, reg. price $2.5o.
Special price $r„95.
• Af/les Better Cartes
Because of their fine texture,
cakes made with Purity Flour
win prize contests.
Texture is mostly a matter of
the efficient blending of mat-
erials used.
Purity Flour, made of the finest
hard wheat, silk _sifted, safeguards
the texture of the finished cake be-
cause i t blends perfectly with the
other ingredients used,
Your dealer will tell you 'Purity
Flour neve r disappoints.
Sad 30c tn gawps
for the 180 -page
Purity Flour Cook
Book, Sent Postpaid
Thr all your ha
Head Office: TORONTO Branches from coast to coast
Misses Isabel and Alba Fox, visited
a few days last week with Rev. and
Mrs. Scobie of Belgraye.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, H. Wightman
and daughters of 'Westfield have mo-
ved into their home in WhitechurCh
and Mr, and Mrs. Radford are'leav-
ing this . week. They will be missed
anioftg the young people of this com-
munity. . .
Mrs. MacGregor, Mrs. Mac Ross,
and Mrs, Thos. Moore, are attending,
the Brayford—MacGregor wedding in
Toronto this week.
Mr, Thos. Curtain of Si. Marys is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.' Ben Mc-
Clenaghan. '
The young people o fthe Presbyter-
ian Church here held a social evening
on Manday of this week.
Miss Kate Smith and Miss Isabel
Fox, returned to Galt on Monday.
Mis Gertie Gaunt, also Mr. Bruce
Shackleton of Crewe,' spent Sunday,:
with thc former's annt, Mrs. Jas. Su-
Mr. Harry McGee' is in .Goderich
this week on the jury.
The Y. P,, S. of the 'United Church
will meet in the basement of the
church on Thursday of this -week.
Quite a number from here attended
the sale of cows in Fordwich, Satur-
day last.
Mr. Jos. Underwood of Bluevale,
called on friends in the burg for a
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. vV. H. Dane and fam-
ily, spent Sunday in .Wroxeter,
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor and Miss
Alba Carson, spent Sunday. at R A.
Mr. Jno. Wylie sold a valuable cow
this week.
Mr. Jno. Wright of the r7th was in
Goderich this week,
Mr, A. Johnston of vordwich pass -
cd through the burg on Monday,
The President of the Horse Trad-
er's AsSoeiation was in Vordwich On
busiriesS isg,ttuday
Brayford--AfacGregor-- In Toronto,'
on Thursday, February 4th„ at the
hoine of her sister, Mrs. Shaw,
Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
MacGregor Of Whiteehurch, to Mr -
Frank (Jerry) Brayford of Cal- • ,
gary, Rev. Mr, AfeEachren, offici-
ated. . '
• r0,11M41114114.13111,0•=1•0401.141162.00,11•04116.".."''.8011•11111.,
Thursday, Friday, Sattirday,
February 4, 5, 6.
The Man In Blue
A fighting Irish Cop and the
prettiest girl in Little Italy,
Romance, Thrills, Action
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,