HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-04, Page 3DIED IN GORRIE Borrie There passed away in Gorrie on Thursday morning, January 28t1., Ethel, .eldest :daughter of .Mr, R. • J. King, (recently of the :xotli Concess- ion of Howick), after an illness of .a -few months, which was borne with Christian. v fortitude and resignation. The ,deceased young lady was .well and favorably known, throughout the community and was always devout in the work of St. Stephen's Church and d while health permitted, was a valued member of the W. A. of that chn,'dh. rhe funeral 'took -place ,from her fa- ther's residence on Saturday alter noon and was attended by ,a Marge number of sympathizing friends. The Rector, Rev. R. S.eJonesgave a most appropriate address basing his re- marks on the Text taken from Isaiah 33, 17, "Thine eyes shall :sec the King in Beauty they shall behold the land GORRIE Report of Gorrie P. S. jr, room for January. *exams missed. Sr. II—A. Hamilton 89 9. c.; K. Watson,75***; C. Holt, 74*. Jr. II—D. Edwards 93 p. c.; L. Ash- ton 89; E. Lawrence 85; J. Doig 8o0 i'; L. King 78; L. Harrison 741*; J. Earngey 7o. Jr. ;I—Norman Craik. Primer—Jack Newton, K, Gallo- way, .Harold King, W. Galloway. No. on roll 15, average 12. M. G. White, teacher. that is very far off": Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved ;father, brotherand two sis- ters who are left to mourn the passing of their loved one, just at an age when life would appear full of happi- ness and. promise. "'All things work together for good ,to those who love 'God." THE ISN At the Fifty-fifth Annual General Meeting of the Shateholder44 of The Dominion Bsnk held at the Head Office, in Toronto, on 27th January, 1926, the following Statement of the affairs of the Batik as on 31st: December,1925, was 'submitted:— CENERAI, STATEMVMENT LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in $ 6,000,000 09 Reserve Fund.......... ,, .... 8 7,000,000 00 Balance of Profit and; Loss Account • carried forward 964,298 16 Dividend No. 173, payable 2nd • January, 1926. . , 180,000 .00 Bonus, one,per cent., payable 2nd. January, 1926, ... . 60,000 00 Former 'Dividends unclaimed 72 00 8,204,370 16 Total Liabilities to the Shareholders 814,204;370.16 Notes of the Bank in Circulation.. $ 7,117,396 00' Deposits not bearing interest. $19,942,148 42 Deposits bearing interest, includ- ing interest ac_ crued'to date... 76,285,014 44. 96,227,162 86 Advances under the Finance Act.. - Balances due to other Banks in - - Canada..... ..... , , ... .. . 2,628,403 57 ., Balances due to Banks and Bank- ing Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 1,204,407 07 Bills Payable...........::.. . 70,075 77` Letters of Credit Outstanding.... 5,888,697 85 Liabilities not includedin the fore- . g Total. Public Liabilities 592,623 01 113,728,766 13. $127,933,136.29,,,, ASSETS. Gold and Silver Coin, current,... $ 2,124,660 41 Dominion Government Notes.... , '` 10,346,995 25 Deposit in the Central -Gold Re- 1,200,000 00 773,100 00 Notes of.other Banks United 'States and other Foreign Currencies,.... . 167,869 39 Cheques'on,other Banks... .... .8,567,251 01 • Balances due by other Banks in Canada..... 15 ,40 Balances due by Banks and Bank- ing; Correspondents elsewhere' than in Canada.. ... . . ........ 2,938,405 41 $ Dominion and Provincial/Govern- 26,118,296 87 ment Securities, not exceeding market value................e 17,085,344 57 Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian, not exceeding market value., Railway and other Bonds, Debene tures and Stocks, not exceeding market value..,........:. > ::.. 2,918,305 91 Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans. in Canada on Stocks, Debentures and Bonds and other Securities of a suffi- cient marketable value to cover Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans elsewhere than in Canada on Stocks, De- bentures and e-bentures-and Bonds and other Securities of a sufficient market- able value to cover.......... ,,, 4,630,707 87 h r Current $71,591,187 42 Ote Cu ent Loans and Dis . counts in Canada. (less rebate of interest) after making' full pro- vision for all bad and doubtful debts; . , ... $43,085,679 33 Other Current Loans and Dis- counts elsewherethan in Canada (less rebate of interest) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts. ... .... , . 498,012 04 Liabilities of Customers under Let- ters of Credit, as per contra • ... ; 5,888,697 85 Real Estate other than Bank Prent- i 71,913 16 Noir Current Loans, estimated loss provitled for... , 279,884 29 Bank premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off... ,' 5,937,823 18 Deposit 'with the 'Minister o Iinance,fot the purposes of th Circulation Fund.... 314,650 00 Mortgages on Real Estate soli.. ; 20,286 37 Other Assets nbt included in the foregoing... .. , . , 245,002.65 56,341,948 87 Noris-• •Tcltided in Ceti mid Short Loaue in Canada are advances agei,tgt docnlnente covering ,Grain and $127,9,33,188 29 Ftoitr, aggregating 57,877,699.00. A. W, AUSTIN, C. A, 130GER.T,' President,; , General Manager. 5,280,475 82 15,558,056 38 AUDITORS' REPORT ro :sillRii1XOLt ERS, WE lsrsoret TO 'tna Suarta tothnats ON Tau bowman,/ Balm:* That we have audited the above Balance Sheet as at Decenrber Slat, 1025, and compared it wiath,.t:he hooka and Vouchers at Head Office and `th the ectti&ed returns from the Branches, We have obtained nail the inl'otinatatn and expiana• 'Done ns *tt to required,. hd art bur opinion tr is'Bp fro thati ve oin io a sactfona of'ttte Banti; 'Which have Como under our notice have been within the pstwers of the Bozik. /it our opii!tion the Belaneh Sheet diteloace the true condition of tete Batik and is as ahown by the batters of the Bailie Aflgt,RV,1210 C,A. of Peat , atwickM.i IIRCV C. t,eh. btl & Co , Mae'nte t Cote & kobereeeri. ry lath, Thursday, February 4tb., 1915. %P? 414 'r. ox�ter l�i� 1° M e01`41>1. DO TO IT to kT ROAST AND THEW\ :• APPLE. TuRN-OvERs ! YES, Fie4fkM YOU SURE DID PICC PAY AVORtTE r2 (iStE5• ! i s /� WHAT I5W MEAhl 'ROAST, AND APPLE TURN -OV 'R0 -TREY liftWBE AIN'T GONNA BE NO ROPa,T. Ate TURN -OVERS NI/OU' DONT %NOW Nc w Nl'Y Pl?t \-•-- CAN EAT ! GORRIE UNITED CHURCH The United Church services were well . attended last Sunday. 'The pas- tor took a text from Daniel x, ie. The message was., an appeal for courage, purposeand conviction with regard Io the Christian faith. The Pastor referred to Daniel's association with Melzar, and the three kings --Nebuch- adnezzar, ' Belshazzar and Darius. Daniels' resolution in regard to his diet was one of the means of stren- ghtening.his character and fitting him for future greatness. Each resolu- tion -carried out in spite of difficulty ' or natural reluctance makes a man The Advance -Times was directly stronger. An irresohi'te man is an represented at the Third Imperial weak man. Broken resolutions make Press Conference by Mr. Hugh Say- a'man weaker. 'Each'victorywill age, Duncan, B C, director of the ioned hymns we love to, sing. You will enjoy this meeting. All welcome. NOTICE The local Hydro Commissioners would like to` have all contract cards signed and returned by February i5th., '1926 to the Village Clerk. Fred Davey. OUR 'KINSFOLK "DOWN UNDER" help you some other to win. ` As in the life of'this great•Hebrew,'Daniel, a resolution manfully carried: out is often the tturning,point in a man's life. We certainly see a spiritual quartet in Daniel, Shadrach Meohach.and Ab- ednego. . The secret of their lives.lay in. the fact of their conviction of soul when they said;;; "Our God in whom we trust is able to deliver us,". A pleasant and helpful feature of the ser- vice was the singing of "Dare to be a Daniel"' by several young men of Mr. Cooke's Sunday School'Class. The, minister `addressed the people in Lydia "The Business Woman at 'Prayer" ; at the evening service. The sermon was an attempt to find in tl�.e` life stogy of Lydia some modern in terpreta'tion of the spirittiai outlook today. The. story as recorded in Acts GORRIE Mr. Earl . E.gleson of Radisson, Sask., is spending a couple of weeks with friends in town. Mrs. James Leech, left last week for List'owel, where she intends t to spend the ,balance of the winter. She will spend a few days visiting friends in I7arriston on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eaton, of Provost, Alta., who have been spend- ing the past three weeks with the for- mer's brother, Mr, James Eaton, left on Monday for Detroit, where they will spend some visiting friends before returning West." Mrs. Isaac Stewart of Tiverton, who has been spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. Eaton, returned,, home on Monday Mr. Robt. Dane, -who we reported very ill and under the doctor's care last eVeek, is around again. attending to business as usual. Mr. Kennett Montgomery of the - Bank of Commerce Staff, who has been :away on a two weeks vacation, resumed his duties on Monday. On Friday evening last, Mr.' A. E. Vanstone was taken suddenly ill. We are pleased to learn that he is improv- . ng. BELMORE The Women's .Foreign Missionary Society of the United Church, met Tuesday afternoon, with an increase in membership, Meeting opened by singing prayer in unison, Scripture reading, a paper entitled "Prayer of a New Beginning," was read by Mrs., Win Mundell. Topic "Ming Kwong by Mrs. Rev. McKenzie. Roll_ Call. "New Years Resoutions" Collections e Mr, and Mrs. Cecil McNeil and tweeze their nearest shores. ` "Australia?' to us conjures up a land. Miss Mary attended the - social even of scorching sons, droughts, rabbits, ing, given by the Orangeman in Wro-' kangaroos, and strikes. "Light under - Mrs. recently. wear" was the `instruction given to us, Mrs. George Fisher and children of but, during our tour. in, September and the West are visitors at Mr. Roland. Bailagh's, Culross. Miss- Pearl Douglas, spent Sunday evening with Eleanor and Minnie Jef- frey. Mr. and Mrs.' Edward Johnson and little daughter are the' guests of Miss Mary and Hannah Stokes. When drifts are'in the roadway And frosts gleams on each pane October, there were six days at most when warm underwear was not. need- ed. Australia is' a little bigger than the U. S. A., but not quite as large as. Canada. 'Naturally climatic conditions vary. Droughts do occur in some sec- tions. , Others;' never lack sufficient rainfall: Frosty mornings and chilly days do come round, But, generally, Then January's. Monarch there is sunshine and people live a Of forest, field and lane. great deal out of doors, It is the time for curling And, with sunshine go flowers. It is the time for mirth a tree or Love of flowers seems as natural to When January's Monarch Canadian. Weekly Newspapers. Asso; Australians as love of horses and rac And winter' drapes the earth. ciation, ' of which the :Advanee-Times ing. Old world blossoms recalling is a member. We have arranged with, English gardens vie with luxuriant Mr. Savage to write fee' our readers.blooms from other lands and the won - a series of articles describing his ex-ders of native flora. periences and impressions among our "Where are all these. rabbits?" we cousins "down tinder." said. In ten weeks I covered 12,000 In them, apart from ties;of blood mires in the six states. I saw one rab- and common traditions, we as Cana- bit in Victoria, one in Tasmania, and dians are deeply interested by reason claimed my third in Adelaide. I was of growing trade between the Coxn-wrong. The` figure on the bonnet. monwealth and the Dominion. It will cap of the car seas a hare! But, in the be of interest to us to see how' New wheat Belt of Western Australia there and Mrs, �V1Wm. Breckenridge. I 'The machinery in the, chopping mill having` , gone under some repairs is running at. full speed. again. GLENANNAN Miss Clara Fortune is visiting with friends in 'Toronto. Mr. Marshall Breckenridge and dau- ghter, Miss Mary of New Ontario, has been visiting at the home of Mr. WROXETER Little Mable Patterson who told went `en operation for- appendicitis in Wingliam Hospital two weeks age, is. progressing favorably and is expected home this week, Mr, McColeinan of North Bay, was intown. on Wednesday on business. The Howick Mutual Fire: -Insurance' Co., held their monthly meeting here on Tuesday, Born—January 28th., to,. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Durst a daughter, Reeve Henneberg, returned on Monday from Goderich. Mr. Dick,McMichael of the West, is at present visiting friends' in., and:' around town. Does it pay to advertize. A man up in Bradford advertized two radio sets for sale at reduced prices, one at $14o.00 the other at $18s.00. The, night after the local paper come out,. some persons broke into his premises and 'stole them both. He is convinc- ed that advertising moves the goods. The Brussels High School Hockey team came over lest Wednesday night and played the local H. S. teann a . game of hockey. , It was quite a bit, like the Kitchener vs. Wingham gaine in. Wingham. That is the score was, eleven to three, in favor of Wroxeter. The Brussels boys were at a disad- vantage in not being used to playing in a closed rink. The Mission Band are putting on a hot supper on February 1xth.; hi the United Church: Admission 25c, band members eoe. Mrs. Wilson's brother, whom she has not seen for quite a number of`';. years is paying her a visit. . Two rinks of Curlers from Wroxe- ter and one from Gorrie are attending. the bonspiel in Harriston this week. Thursday's storm was the worst years,, a few of the school children in the village attended in the forenoon, but the teachers wisely decided to close the school for the afternoon] as. it was no fit day for anyone to be out. Especially children. DIED King—In Gorrie on Thursday morn ing,' January 28th., Ethel, eldest daughter of Mr. R. J. King.' Inter- ment in Gorrie Cemetery, Saturday January Both. Ball—In Howick, on Saturday, Jan- uary 3oth., William Ball in his 74th year, FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Marriage Licences The law now requires the license be taken out three days before the cere- mony. . Subscription taken for the Advance -Times. Clubbing rates given Zealanders and Australians have tack: A number of young people in this was a different story. Rabbits lay dead 8 led and developed a new country, and on the road,killed bypassing cars. vicinity enjoyed` themselves at a par .ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. to get 'glimpses ;of the South Sea Is- Fields ``h •d dg s nibbled awai re s w1� wide e e y, Edwards in Howidk.. lands. rabbit proof; fences, and the track of xst, ARTICLE . Mr. ' Robert Aitken of Belmore,. tine poison cart showed that there, as n a thehome of Mr, and The average Australian has a very the whole country,spe tttnd y at indeed, throughout Mrs. John Metcalfe. sketchy idea of Canada. To him it is the rabbit is still a serious problem. a land of snow and ice. In referring ,- (Continuedon page seven) Miss Mary 1;adic, spent'Sunday with Miss Addie Breckenridge. DR. H. A. MUTTON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gorrie the rest of the week. NORMAN WADE Gorrie, Ontario Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance Also Walkerton Fire Insurance Co. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance Chap. i6, was recited. The leading to it or the U. S. A. he uses the same thoughts of the address were- Lydia a keen -eyed bttsiness woman whose custom was, to meet fo prayer near Philippi, faithful to the light of the erg ,term "America." It was rather stran- ge to have an Australian tell a Cana- dian ana- 'dian:how much he appreciated the vis- it of "your fleet," meaning thereby has a greater light osy of Uncle Sam! the Jewish religionBut this kind of ignorance • is not of Mrs. Stocks, An interesting sket- dawn upon her soulunexpectedly confined to Australia. How much /eh of. the life and writings of Peter when God led Paul, Tinotlay, and Sil does the average Canadian know of McArthur was given by Mrs. David- as to a humble pray service on the his relatives "down under"? Austra- sem, followedby a reading from one river bank. Paul would have gone toenjoyed spending sometime with her daughter lions cannot distinguish between Van -of his books Which was much Bitiiznia but God closed the door, Island but all. In current events, Miss Arm- Mrs, Jeffrey, has returned to her Again he assayed to enter Asia to couver and Vancouver, by u v , g some of us are as hazy oder Australia strong brought . us a glimpse of the home in Howick: preach, but the door was closed once and New Zealand, two distinct Do- doings of the day with: illustrations. more. But a special call to Macedon minions. with x xoo miles of:sea be- Some d brought thegreat apostle good writers were called to our BLUE,�%ALE ia, accepted, b g p notice in the Roll Call "Ottr favorite in touch with the needysoul to£ Lydia „ Instead of the regular meeting of book by Canadiaxn writer. The Insti: - it I 1111111111111 0111111®III®111111IIIN1III�H111111lj�the Women's Institute ' on February Thisvorrian believed the wdrd as spo ILII! �I sewing tute decided to have a iA g coterie 11th., there willbe a social and short in the spring. Among those present ro g ram. p g .,. was Mrs. Keine, Secretary of the W. en - II One of the best zoo acre ®I.' Gof+tie, i farms in North Huron with ® r ii good 'buildings, xis acres hard- = SALE1 I woodbush 20 acres fall wheat, E1 Mr. Martin Masters front, near Bel- i_B called on Mr. and Mrs Richard never failing well, all in a good =grave al eel Palmer last Sunday. state of cultivation and toclose y !l three different markets. Mrs.. Eli Bolt, received the sad S_ of he owner's = news last"week of the death of her fa- il On account .t � !�i`�failing health this p'r'operty will N Ii' be sold cheap. il i Now is the time to buy as tete certain to value of farm land >.s ,..,, ■I increase during the mitt year or w w two. ' w ■ ABNER COSENS ■ i ;, usutance'attd Real Estate.E.--and hope he will soon be all'\ right a large uifrtaber of mourners of de- i 111M0y1M111011111M1111101111101111111111 111 11101111 11110 again.`'- 1 ceased. WROXETER NEWS' A well attended .meeting of the W o- nn.en's Institute was' held at the home • Mrs. Porgies sr., spent last week with• her daughter, Mrs, Elden,Peter- rtnan, Wingham.. Miss Mary Hastings is visiting friends in Seaforth. • There was no school Thursday and. Friday of last - week owing to the stormy weather..." Mrs. Angus ,Stewart, who has been ken by Paul, was baptized and was careful to start right off to establish. the church in Philippi. She was the first convert to Christ in, Europe. Froin this story we learn not to des- pise little chances of doing good. This cOilversion of a business.womatl was one of vast and eternal , importance. All the rich blessings ofpeer present Christian civilization had their be. gininng here. The choir sang two ap- propriate selections, United Church members and their friends will not forget that the Quart- erly Communion servicewill be held next Sunday morning e,t ex a. te. The Pastor will speak on "The Other Side of the Cross." Let every member be present. The 'evening service will take the form of a "Song. Service," The pas- tor will tell the story of the ofd fash- 4! Faun For Sale PI m Death of Williain Ball William Ball died quite suddenly on Saturday, January Both, from pneu- monia. Deceased was a pioneer far- mer of the township of Howick,,and' highly respected, a good, neighbor and a man whose word could be depend- ed upon, Taken with a severe cold ther, Mr. Wm, Gemmill' of Pilot which developed into pneumonia and Motind, Mn. He left this settlement 'owing to his advanced years, he was some years ago. The friends have the not of strong constitution failed .to sympathy of the community. Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndtnan from Gorrie, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy o'tte day least week, We are glad to report Mr. Richard Palmer, is on the road to recovery withstand the shock and he passed away, Saturday night, I -le leaves a wife and four of a fancily, two boys and two girls, who have the sympathy of the eons nunity. The funeral to the Wroxeter Cemetery was attended by GEO. FOWLER L.D.S., D.D.S, Teeswater, Ontario Will be at the Gofton House, Wro- xeter 1st and`srd Wednesday of each month. Will be at Gorrie the follow- ing Thursday. G. S. DAWSON GORRIE Director of Funeral Services Motor Hearse or Carriage, which ever is required. Phene 16 HARRY AIIINS Fordwich, Ontario Licensed Auctioneer for the Conntieui Of Huron and Wellington Phone to Or. Patterson's Hardware Store R. E. JAMES Gorrie,Ontario Oz1'ta o Agent for 3' r Vl'esteru Farmers Muf oral Fnsorance Co. N you have no wind Insur slice ort your farm buildings give tie etall, Also Agent for several .firsk=ea.s Insurance Companies: