HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-04, Page 2t1'1NGBAM ADVANCE.TI$ES A. G. Smith, Publisher. Published at .'Vl'NGI?A.M, ONTARIO nt � usa 1 Morning Tley, t 1 Tiption rates --One year 2,00, nths $1,00, in advance. WI GRAM' A17VANCE-TIMES t You gave me;" 'that the Society had been carrying a ty Reeve John 'Hayes. t t 1e t�staa 5 Usborrte--Toilil Hanna, 'ttppreeiation of the honor which ha d Alilalict tions' 'for 'the position of Tuckersmith-itoland. l<�.elwxxedy, been bestowed upon him x 'ft county auditor from the pos Bonnett, !town of Wingham in his election, Exeter; A. - ullc.tt—�iattktety Arzaistrotil;. ,to'tti !' �ria lxanx; Paul Coates, l.xc , TI is reserve of strength, , 4 t g ilio a —%�• 3. V1 cQutud: would talce'a11 his ' Beacom Blyth; Alex, McEwen, Wes 1. • W , cid the keep to l 0 4 up e tr ' arc 1Colborne declared, dPA-instal 1 CCo 1 sfYoung, 0a E.Gordon, , 011 � ice, ' a— and s 1d Sl .1�, TGo ' 1 0 1 ,. � West WawF n i - hobert Cattltes. of the former Warden, He felt sure Stanley d l,ast1>�'azs�nosa1' hisof-4township, Application, "1 ortreer, o f the n Robert g Rates and: A -pi I4lorris—R, .E'M, ..S .i coming Claims fro x ut'ti4�i4in,� thetvoz•lc of the cox g Hay --E, k', j%l0gp, ' cordial co opel'a rota Neeb, ]fie>u `said Mr. Robertson. 'deficit of $200 for a number of years, Steplaetx—I�ceve Alex, Recb, I Warden i�'lcl,ibbon expressed hiSlatielthis amount-tvae rec,uested in ad- s•' Vl as l • l 'rant •of 2,5oo,• ition •0 1 pervisio11. From. the Departralent of HHighways,. giving a statement ofsthe expendi- ture on the Provincial highways in this county' in 1925. Expenditure for construction was $4,501.03 and.for maintenance $1x,561.87. Of the sure t s l of these two' amottx?ts, the county } assessed Col: twenty per cent. or $3,- 212,58, 3,- almost wva a h 4.t s expenditure 2 8. Tla'c z, 2 5 entirely upon the Huron road only $182,20 being expended .on , the Ha - riston-Bruoe county road. ;Draftrof a proposed agreement be- tween the counties `of, Huron and Bru- ce concerning the maintenance/ of boundary roads: Letters with reference to the •dis- t CountyR,n 'ineei' Aute between g Pat- terson and Geo. A. McCubbin of Chat- ham, engineer for Stephen'township,' with regard to the Shipka.drain. Application of George James, court a 1zc. 1 t tl support. et the council Ill Doig, Gorxte, n lee, As to. , for dam., ific dr- ,--7�.eeve R. W. Livingston, fr• d John Cathcart, I�ucl:no��, ell bes without spec } ire}that the conned stn ,��,vertrs year, he believed t inserted until forbxd,Delauty Reeve :Tiros. McDonald, yho ,is so far ages on account of accidents. on coun- zections will be leconomy 'J"uriabei•ry�---J. 7'.>.'IVi.cl+�tven. should, Gini to exercise oft xoads, tlic� former the road be- 'n •lis De- as this could be done without loss Y on and bee 3: y Re ve Geo, Thomas 1 S : important mat- i tween Howicic an :Wallace, Geo Hubbard. efficiency. Atnong'tlac P I. i the road north of. Kinfail, ptity Reeve them would be latter.w Gotleriell—Reeve 11, G. lCtmnings, ters ; colnin beforeRequisitions from the various Col- : those Pertaining to the stixools ,of 'the q J. J. and charged accordingly. Changes for contract advertisements Abe in the office by noon, Monday, ,?!{I,IISl11/11 1,Il,altIllitolls,lllait9ltlt1111/,,ll,ltl,ll,i ICa,�iaa 1,1 �q 5 192 FEBRUARY' 1J %ta u 8 4021. Firu 23 24 25 1 s l L 11 1120 „ala l,lAllllttl,ta,Nan,,, 111 11,(11,61.$9, I[Q,,IU11111,g11lt,tll:. kiKURON COUNTY COUNCIL The first session of the Huron c v council opened in the cootie" legiate Institutes and Continuation Deputy Reeve Moser. they ° were be- Clinton—C. G, iddleton, schools for their `cottrtty ti+hick although ley grants for attendan- $eaforth--J:. W. Beattie. t Another ce of county pupils. Winglialn-J. W. McK.ibbon. theless a g t considera- tion Application from the Canadian , A. C.J3 as, i f Bruns is t 1t mi of the tional Institute for the Blind for ei trOn ! Na- Brussels—A. E. Baeker. 1 he grain:. It was stated that twenty-ttvo Erwin, in, Bayfield—A. L '� Exeter—W. D. "Sanders, d council from the {p coming a heavy burden, 'were never r•ea asse mat- ter that woulc i come 11p for la zl •i . would be the' CCI. conclusion, " meet. n S511 156"8b� had county county cou his • n f Y again thanked the �: • ei�sona from eu Geiger. bottom of''his heart, and toolc his seat helped bythe from the Women's In - County App ue ala s . >tt. ' t aat idsr 'amidst 1a n n 1 for Wroxeter—J. Clerk -Holman rte. 'itute of South Hurong Wroxete T Clerlc•�1'Iahitan presided for Amongst those in roceedinms clam- stltequest of Mrs. Griffin for eotisid- the eleetioi} of the Warden. This was' ber watching the p coua1re erRion of her claim for salary for as sid- the Conservatives: . to two Hornier members of tit of the county jail, , for•is. fire }eat Fr o From County.Solicitor Hays 'noti- fying the 'council of suit being taken against the county by the township of Stephen in a drainage matter. From,• the Department of Highways .Toronto, with regard to the road en- gineers' conference to be held. at Tor - 'n and the elan for; this position, choose 1 their choice fell upon Reeve J. Walton cKibbon of Wingham. Reeve Mc-. M Kibbon's election was proposed by Reeve Neeb of Stephen 'and seconded council a large ntmber of comtnunaca- b Reeve'McQuaid.°'of McKillop, and tions,'including the following: Y • no further nomination From the llepartment of Highways, there being i bon was declared to be Toronto, giving an estimate of $117,.- . Reeve 1VIcI� b council: 'Ex -Reeve Johnston of Ash- field fieldand_i14x, Wm. •13ai1ie, foto Reeve of West Wawanosh. The clerk - then placed before the k 0un, d the T, chair:by Ex-Warden-obertson and after being sworn in was `5intro- duced" to the council by a. few words from the former Warden. "I have amber' at the court house, Goderich electe . The thirty -The new Warden was escorted to Tuesday afternoon. one.;iiexnbers, as follows were all in their places: Ashfield—Reeve John Parrish,; De- puty Reeve John Cameron. new Warden for a number p known the me -C". A.s Robertson, of him is asking` for a grant for maintenance of i work -under; his su Colbo of years, ' and. all I l.noty • erbert Cox.Children's Shelter. It was stated county, p ��Goderich township --Herbert '• the •same the Cht]dt n_non the good. I bespeak for .atm Stanley—J. A. Manson. b 732 as the expendiure•upon Provin- cial highways in this ,county for 1926, From the Departnleltt of Highways; with reference to the Provincial good roads convention to be held at Tor- onto February 24, 25, 26, From the Children's Aid Society, onto February 22, and 23. From C. E. Asquith, Auburn, giv; rug '•notice of the election of Jas. H. Johnston,, Ezekiel Phillips and Nelson Hill as `police trustees- of Auburn'vil- lage. The annual report of S. -B. Stothers agricultural representati-ve for • the house janitor, for an increase of sal - jailer 5'• and his - oa- a to t p Reynolds'P . plication: for an increase of salary to $1,000. _ Resignation by A, Whiteside of the office of.county high constable. Report of the Mothers'. Allowance return yoard, the � latest monthly showing 'forty-seven widows on the list receiving in all $75o from the county and an equal sure from the Prov1inee. Most of these communications were referred to: committee. " Reeves Beattie, Robertson; Coultes, Sanders .and Baeker' were appointed the committee to strike the standing committees for the year. Reeve McEwen, Beattie and-• Bas- ker' were` appointed the good roads. 11.XalXoS(G+XX MX704M7AXXX7A1 XX 'XXXXX X XX104 New Serial Story which commences in this issue Will be one the e best we have published. it compares' favorably f with "Capt. Blood" and "The Smoking Flax which we 1 published recently. It is, written by J S. FLETCHER Author of "The Charing Cross Mystery" James Cranage,, out of a job and short of cash X X 1 commission for 1926. , Reeves McEwen, Beattie and :Bae- ber of the board of criminal audit. The following motions were refer- red to committee: That $zoo be granted to each agri- c'/ultural society in the county holding a spring fair. That J. J. Robertson be appointed to the board of Goderich Collegiate Institute: , That a .grant of $10c be made to the Huron Plowmen's Association. That R. 5, Ilays .be appointed to the board of Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute. That R. E. Manning be appointed to the board of Clinton Collegiate In- stitute. That Dr, Irwin be appointed to the board of Wingham High School. That $25 be voted to each school 'fair in the county and one-half the amount to boundary fairs. That a grant of $xooebe ntade , to each agricultural society holding a fall fair. , That Wrn. May be appointed to the board of Exeter High•"Schooi. That $too- be voted to the, Junior Farmers' Plowmen's Association of South' Huron. Paul Coates, of Exeter and Gordon Young,' of Colborne township, were appointed county auditors for 5926. The Warden and clerk ,were author- ized to sign and submit to the Provin cial Public Works and Highways" De- partment the statement, of ' the ex- penditure on county highways'for the year 5925, showing the aniotuit of such expenditure to be --$170,978.44, and requesting the statutory grants upon this amount. The expenditure 111®111111® ■®®1®®M®®®®UUI U®*UO1111n11I1111ao - Thursday, re1a14ary 4th., 92 � at a S3 11111 e � oourtts when you can buy ' o 1g. Von are alwaysLITY sure the best of quality gr t t e 10 vest possible buying pri price when you:shop at your iiearest' the lo�vest� aaosslble gr c�.E. DOMINION A •�I t 4i L C1RAISINSlb, 'I'Flf 'Y hiB SERC. b ST'S pas• tic :`. ononsoson te missoae�n nesseassocestosuesoce RICHMELLO �.,.^ COCOA A Splendid Winter's Breakfast Beverage D EXCELLENCEs C' KLATESVICTORYS�,AN ,:. l 4 ' z t' Pk 1 a $ r BAYSIDE YELLOW die C La P Va. SOUR MIXED ED II CHOW SWEET MIIXED SOUR ONIONS 40c CANDYVIRGINIA SQUARE tix Peanuts F A Rich Candy fili LIBBY'S 2S Tl 's SAUERKRAUT 25c CHRISTI ;S ASSORTED SANDWICH c b. 1 ES I TI gYSCi�ITS 1 INION 11�Of� IA..r STORES a D.S.L. C GIVE «) Ib. SATISFACTION C AT ALL SELECT uu Ib RiAmen° 79%, LET SOAP MAYFIELD BRANDG D STRONG THE NEW TOI LUX BACON 4F1 CORN BROOMS-- '10c MACHINE 43C �' iN TOl eek from date of this paper: 0 These Prices Good for one w II'lts 4i E D ib. LET FORK! CAK SL.%CC i4 GPn `Hf:,d; the Children's Aid Society ,for 1926. That $Soo be votedto the Beck me- morial fund. That $2o be voted. for flowers around the court house. That $20 be 'granted to eacl ,public libraryin the county. That $r000 be granted to each hos- pital in the county. These motions were referred to the executive committee. The report of the strilcing :commit- tee was adopted and the standing committees for,,,the year are as fol lows: Executive -B. C.,Munnings, J. Han- na, O. Geiger, 3. M. Dodds, A. E. Er- win. Special—J. Henneberg, A. H. Neeb, R. W. Livingston, J. W. Beattie, M. Armstrong. ger, J. M. Dodds; A, H. Neeb, B. C. Munnings. ` . Good Roads Commission—J. L. Mc - (Ewen, J. W., Beattie, A. C. Backer. seizes the opportunity to earn a sovereign by car- I tying amessage This leads eventually to his employment as topriv- an obscure shop in Portsmouth. / 3,991.75 an eccentric h.; Special grants 15,670.[8 Superintendence MORRIS Mrs. John Robinson of Kincardine, spent the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Abraham. Miss Rltena Coiling of Ripley, spent a few days with"her sister, Mrs. Vic- tor Haines. Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Turvey, visited for a f4w days with Mr.- Duncan • Campbell. .Miss Lizzie=Hetherington, spent a few days with- her sister, Mrs. Alex. Coutts of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Peter MacEwen of Parry Sound, also Mrs_ Jas. _Aitchison,d of Port Colborne, visited at Mr. Abraham's. Finance—A. E, Johnston, 5• . Cam- eron, H. C. Cox, J. W.tcQuaid. Education -=-C. A. Robertson, A. C. Baeker, •E, F. Klopp, T. Inglis, J. Par- rish. ,' ' Road and Bridge -R. H. Shortreed, T. McDonald, R. Kennedy, R. CAI- S de s County Property—J. J. Moser, J. A. Manson, C, G. Middleton, 'G..Tdub- bard, J. J. Hayes. House o'f Refuge—W." D. Sanders,' Sao; thick smooth 9'7o; heavies 90; F. J.' McQuaid, J. J, Moser, T. Inglis.1extna heavies 6; shop hogs 62; lights Warden's -C. 'A, Robertson, O. Gei- . and feeders;' 9. L. McEwen, F'. ,5. Report of Hog Shipments For; week ending January 28, .4.926: Wingham, total hogs 167; select bac- on, 58; thick smooth, 79; heavies 20; shop hogs 12. Bluevale,'"'total hogs 16o; select bacon 17; thick smooth 34; heavies 3; shop hogs 5. Belgrave to- tal hogs 58;.select bacon 18; thick smooth 36; shop hogs 4. Huron County, total hogs 1563; select 'bacon was under several .leads as follows: Road construction $ 38,656.42 3 • • TIIE HYDRO SIIUP' . a 3 Bridge construction 12,106.55 iN Maintenance and repairs 70,510.65 ,.0 ■ ate secretary by lady Renardsmere, Machinery Woman of wealth and owner of a horse, Rippling Ruby, that is in training for the Derby. It also up involves him, in several murders instigate& by a ph - Chinaman Chinaman in search of a famous ruby which he has stolen from - its ,owner. Lady Renardsmere, , who had purchasedthe ruby-refusesto surrender N. it on being informed of , the danger it will bring, and on they day of; the race fastens the ruby around the horse's neck for good luck. An excellent specimen of cr yarn that needs no apologies. me and detective A Story Worth Reading X 4,54.214 $145,098,05 In ,addition there was an expendi- ture of $25;880.39 on "deleted!' county roads, making the total of $170,978.44 At the 'Wednesday morning session the agent of an indemnity company bad a hearing with reference to instar. once of the county against accidents on the roads. IVMr. G, M. Elliott, county agent . of. the Children s Aid Society,;addressed the codnty with reference to the work of the Society. ' Mr. S. B. Stothers, agricultural -re- presentative for the county, also ad- dressed the council, dealing with sev- eral departments of his 'work, The works of orchard culture was, he said, of rather low grads in Huron and be thought there could. be great ittiprove- rnent, and he spoke particularly of the beneficial effedts of spraying. Huron; he said, has five' cent, of the 'poul try products of the Province, theval- •; ue being larger that that of swine,' He urged greater effort to improve egg producing quality of hens, 'sug- gesting culling of the' flocks to im- prove the stole. Mr. Stothers spoke 'also of a proposed alfalfa campaign.: There was a shortage of hay in the county and this could be relieved by the growing of more alfalfa, he said. An application from Albert Carter, turnkey of the jail, for ai.increase of salary, was sent to the executive coin- mittee. The followin; seitted: That a gra] LAMPS!I' PS! LA1VIPS.-! We handle all grades and sizes Electric Bulbs. Hydro, Lamps our Specialty. Now is the tithe to subscribe. for ;,""The Advance ace m pules"" .and start the stony in this weeks issue. With Every Subscription a• ok CX 41 atioixxx lotion were "'pre - $2,500 be made to STANDARD LAMPS 5 For $1.00 0 Every lamp we handle absolutely Etuai'an teed for service: and etficiency. Wingharn l�l Crawford Block; Phone 056. ' ;, Buyers of ream, .Eggs and Poultry POULT'" Y MARKET GOOD e Our priees ;t Lin°.' rimer, o.Op. Co gado