HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-02-04, Page 1Witp, with e Is Amalgamated The GATerle VIdette and The Wroxeter
SiOgle t-lopies, Five Cents,
L1ocal and General News of
interest to The Comrnunity
, Dance in the Council Chamber,
Wilighani, 011 Wedneslay evening,
February zeth.
Worn °tit Goloshes, Rubber
Boots, -Rubbers need net be thrdwri
away. We We repair them at- littl'e cost.
W. J. Greer.
Thursday was one of the very stfir-
-iniest days we have ever .witneSsed.
Traina. were cancelled and traffie was
„generally tied up.. • „
A. W. Webster, Up Stairs
Over the.Advance-Times Office, Suits
„made and trimmed, at Moderate prices.
Any style. desired.
Rev,. Mr. Shaeffter of Waterloo,
Quebec, has accepted. a .call to St.
Pauls -Church Winghaan. His duties
.comxnence on April /ith.
Rev. W: J., West, M. A. of Dunn-
ville, , and formerly of Blu,evale and
Eadies, has. a.ccepted a call to Knox
Presbyterian Church, Atwood.
Protestants, Catholics and Jews ate
to urge the Board of Education of
New York to permit the Ten Com-
mandments to be read in the schools,
in an effort to stop crime. '
A marriage license was isseed last
week in Toronto to a r7 -year-old
boy and a 14 -year-old girl, the par-
ent a of both contracting parties hav-
ing given their eonsent. Strange par,
ents, indeed!, •
Mr. Harold Twist returned on Fri-
day last from a week's trip to Tillson-
. burg and Dorchester. He reports the
'weather around, there ideal, very little
snow and.cars running every day in
town and country.
Messrs. Murray, Walker, Hardy
...and Atwood, the Crawford , Garage
„rink. of Curlers are talcing in the Har-
-'-riston bonspiel and were successful
'iii defeating a rink of curlers skipped
..by'Nash of Gortie.
Henry Ford aimounces-that he has
,gone out of besiness of maaufacturing
:automobiles except a few to be used
'in Delroit and vicinity, and will he't2
.eeforth make only the parts, to be a,s-
,sernbled elsewhere. .
Special Price 69c -First qualitY Wo-
men's All Wool Hosiery, range of
.colors,„ Greer's Shoe Store.
Radio fans should listen in for the
Wingham broadcasting station's noon
day prograinme, The call letters are
,5 -0 -K -E. and the music and announe-
ing is distinctly heard for a distance
tof forty miles or more.
. • •
The tWo greatest poisons in life are
fear and worry; If these could be er-
adicated -and they cat -then never
once need we falter, These poisons
affect our blood, dim ,our, outlook,
lasten death and disease. e
Markets as announced over radio
from London, Ont., at noon on. Wed,
.nesday were: Hay $2o per ton; Oats
41.50; Eggs 40 to 45; Butter 42 to 45/
Apples 85c to, $T 50 Cattle, butchers,
:$6.5o to $7:so; Hogs $14.25 to $16..00.
Dr. Charles H. Mayo, head of the
famous 'Mayo Clitde -of Rochester,
Minnesota, has coined an apt phrase
regarding the violators of the Vol -
stead Act; whee he says that "they
come from the froth and dregs of
Adenoids, Bronchitis or other throat
troubles is "Mrs'. Sybilla Spahr's Ton-
ailitis" good results guaranteed, Mc-
Avoys -Drug Store,. Wingham.
„ The reguler monthly meeting of the
Woinen's IVEissionary Society of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Chkirch,will be
held On ,Wednesday, Feb, loth, at 3
o'clock. The subject for the meeting
will be "Bible Practice of Prayer" by
Mrs. Thos. King. A. full attendance
of 'the ladies is requested.
The Listowel Banner this week has
the following item: -Do you know
that one departmental store in Toron-
to spends more money in advertising
its btstsiness aknong the people of this
county than all the merchants of the
county spend in buying advertising
space in all the papers published in
Only 89c a pair -Woolen's High
Lace Boots in Black Icid and Calf
Leathers. See ourtbargain tables. W.
J. Greer.
Wiligharn Hockeyists Defeated
The Listowel hockey team defeated
the Wingharn hockey team in Wing-
ham,on Friday nigt to the tune of 9
to 6. The visitors scored five goals
to the locals one in the first period,
but the Wingham lads had the best
of the game for the last two periods.
The referee G. Hastie of Harriston
had no control of the game as he ap-
peared to be out of his element en-
tirely. He probably tried to be square
but let too much slip by and then put
men off on both sides for noreason.
With a real referee the Wingliana
boys would have won the game.
With difficulty the boys scraped up
a team to play the return game in
Kitchener on Ailonday iiight. As was
expected the score Was 17 to o or
some such win for Kitchener.
Pretty Church. Wedding
The marriage was solemnized on
Wednesday, February 3rd., 1926 in St.
Paul's Church, of Mary Aileen Rosa-
mond, youngest daughter o f Mrs.
'The County Council of the Cottnty'
,of Ontario has decided to parchaae
973 acres of waste land. in 1.1x1:tridge
'Township 'and' let this . area out in
pine, as a reforestationtnove in which
tile cpuritY .Will.'have the Support., of
, the Provincial Govertnnent.'
' The:best most 'effective and power-
' B
11111 "yet harnalem
ts" reed3r for diseas-
Huron OldBoys' roadcast
.ed Tonsls, Tonsilitis. Cough, Catarrh, • , d A ,
Kennedy and the late yittnes Price
Kennedy, M. D., to Mr. Harold Miles
Hambidge of Aylmer, Ontario.
The'Reverend Horace Snell of St.
Pauls Church, Stratford, officiated and
the service was fully choral,
The bride who was given away by
her uncle, Dr, S., M. Kennedy of Lon-
don,, was very lovely in a.1/lolyneux
ensemble suit. 'The skirt of mole col-
owedvelveteen was topped by a jum-
per blouse of silver lamc, over *hich
was worn a full length coat of mole
coloured velveteen and moleskin. The
hose and gloves were of the same
shad'e-atmosphere. Mole coloured sa-
tin oxfords and a small ribbon hat of
the same shade completed the cos-
tume. A corsage banquet of butter-
fly roses, mauve freesia, violets grid"
yellow 'daisies added an exquisite tou-
ch of colottr to the ensemble,
'Pile, bridegroom was supported by
Mr. Chester Smith of St Thomas,
while Dr. Frederick Kennedy of Lon-
don ,and Air. Reginald Rogers of In-
gersoll acted as ushers.
tOttring the sigping of the Register
Mr. Raymond, Leman of Aylmer sang
'After the wedding breakfatt, Mr.
and Mrsklambidge left for Vaneou-
ver en route to California, where they
will spend some weeks.
Town s Books and Accounts Kept In A Most
Creditable IVIanrier-February. Council Meeting
The February Meeting of Winglaam
Tewn Council, waa held on Monday
evening at 8 O'clock. Councillor Mh
(diell was ia Toronto and there, n4re
present, Mayor Fells, 'Reeve AticKib-
bon, Councillor's R A. Spotton, j. W,
Hanna, B., B. Elliott, C. R. Wilkin-
son and W. H. 1-Ialley.
The following communications
'were read a.ncl disposed of:
Sick Children's Hospital asking for
grant. -Filed, ,.
Letter 'from Stothers, re -grant for
Huron County Breeders AssoCiation,
Motion of Wilkinson and Hanna that
this Council grant twenty-five dollars
to Huron County Breeders Associa-
tion on condition that sale be held in
Letter from Good Roads Associa-
tion read asking for membership fees.
Letter ,from Ontario Municipal As-
sociation read asking membership. -
Filed. "
Letter and schedule rate from Bell
Telephone Co. Motion of Wilkinson
and McKibbon that we protest to the
Board of Railway Commissioners
against the proposed increase in rates
of the Bell Telephone Co. -Carried.
Auditors Musgrove and ,Bennett
present. Musgrove presented the Au-
ditor's report for 1925. He gave ex-
planations of the Sinking Fund and
the, various accounts and stated that
in the report.every cent spent by the
Town and received during 1925 was
plain1S.- shown, Mr. Musgrove stated
that report contained 59 sheets type-
written matter. He stated that Town
affairs were in best condition in his-
tory of Town and took 'occasion to
very *highly compliment the town
clerk on Inc efficiency. • Earnings of
Sinking Rind were running ahead of
anaounts ealculatedand this woeld less-
en levy. Mr. Bennett also made a
few remarks. , '
Moved by Elliott and Haney that
we recommend. that the Auditor's re-
port be received and adopted and that
the usual 'number of copies, 200 of the
stimmarY be printed. -Carried.
Finance Committee report:
Wingham utilities lighting $ 8/4 82
W. A. Galbraith reg. 99 births
mar5iages, deaths, 1925 24 75
Bank of Conn Deb,
W, H. 'Willis, .firemen shoes
Gorden Deyell, hose; Ha.Yden
Coll. Custonts excise -----------.
W, A. Galbraith aud. re.
A. Sanderson, now plowing--
Geo. Allen, salary
E. Lewis sal. and overtime
A. H. Musgrove, auditor
T, 1Thrinett, auditor
R. Deyell, salary
W. A. Galbraith, salary . . . .
M. Dolan, labor
Mundys grocerieS charity
Rae & Thempson, supplies
Wingham Advance -Times pt.
191 81' Reports on thet work of the Street
oo Committee, Fire ComMittee, Property
and Cemetery Conntlittect were tead.
2 oo Discussion .of Ceinetery Funds fol-
lowed it being pointed -out that inter-
est rate was ,decreasing on good
0 00
20 00
63 sa
69 96
so "oo
50 00
50 00'
5 05
4 70
48 45
Wm. Stokes, salary 117 oo
On motion of IVIcKibbon and. El-
liott that the report of the Finance
Conunittee be received and adopted.
On motiOn of Elliott and Spotton,
that the matter of various grants be
referred to the Finance Cominittee to
report at the next, meetipg,-Carried.
On motion. of Elliott and Wilkinson
that we, the inern13ers of the Wiag-
ham Town Council, extend most hearty congratulations to Reeve McKib-
bon on his election to the Warclenship
of Httron Coupty, the highest office
in the gift of the County Council,
bringing honor to himself and them.
Town of WinghaWe are sureoOtir
Comity Council will have a success
fill year under the „Chairmanship of
Reeve McKibbon.--Carried.
Mr. MCKuibbon replied suitably sta-
ting that he regarded Huron 'Conty
as one of the best in Ontario. He
pointed out that Huron County had
wisely paid for all roads as built each
year and that the only debt was for
patriotic grants during the war and
only a fraction of this remained. Also
stated that the County Council had
been liberal in grants for education-
al purposes and hoped that this would
be a good year for the County.
Thanked the Council for this express-
ion of their good will.
On motion of Elliott and Spotton
that the -Rev. Mr. Bennett be appoint --
ed to the Public Library Board to
the end of 1927 in place of Rev. Mr.
Cragg who has moved from Town.
Don't forget the Illustrated Lecture
to be given by Frank Yeigh in St.
A.ndrews Presbyterian Church on
Tuesday evening, February r6th.at
8p. m. Feller announcement in next
week's papei.
bonds and some of the Council doubt-
ed if the Permanent Care Fund could
earn enough to pay cost of work if
interest rate lower. •Decided to inves-
tigate this feature and brig in amend-
ment to By-law It next meeting if
found advisable.
On rnotion of, Spotton and Mc-
ICibbon that we propose to introduce
amendments to Cemetery By-law at
the next regular meeting of council.
Matter of gathering up all paper
and magazines in Town and shipping
them away, the proceeds to be de-
voted to charitable work. Discassed.
Letter read (plating prices for papers,
etc., from a Toronte firm, It was
decided that the Mayor take up the
matter with the Cominittee formed to
C'arried. look after local charities.
Executive Met in Wingham
A meeting was held . in Winglia.m
last week, of the Presbytrial Execu-
tive of the. Women's Missienary Spc-
iety. The 'annual 'reports were re-
ceive& and arrangements made 'forttlie
annual meeting of the Maitland Pres-
byterial which will be held in Melville
Church, Brussels, on Thesday, May
t8th. Mrs, Alex. Strachen attended
the meeting and was the guest of Rev,
(Dr.) and Mrs. Perrie while in Wing -
Wingham Defeats Ripley 7-0
Wingliant defeats Ripley in the de-
ciding game in the Group for who
goes on in the Intermediate Series in
the N. H. L. Wingham with their
speed and combinatioln had ,the Rip-
ley team on the defensive the entire
game and when ,lucky enough to get
a. shot at Witighala goal, our kid' go -d
tender, JatItt 1VIeGee, was unbeatable,
The score by periods r -o,., 2:0, 4-0.
Tom ..Monrop of London referred the
meet...Glencoe A.A.A,, in
the • next round .in. the semi -filial
play off.
„Iiis chauffeur 4"
Hear cross The ont nent
'That Huran Connty received a g..tte-
at deal of publicity' in eanneetioriavalth
the Broadeast„ of the Animal "At.
Home 'tof' the Huron.., Old Boys' .AS7.
sociation! of Toronto is Made Manifest
by, the telegrarria,• letters and 'post
cards received since. 'the •211rbadeaSt.
From; all over the''Utlited.,States anci
Canada have come' Messages, inany.of.
th'ent being from former Horonites in
far bff, cities, Fourteen letterS were
received 'front. Chicago alone,!,and,.
mart frpi 'Chatarneoga, Tenli., writles
that he heard Lack Kennedy •talking
to Windham., and a mat .frofO,
sonville„ 'Florida heard Bob 1-.1ohnes
giving his, message to Clinton.
Apparently the reception in Gode-
'rich was 'Mit clear .althangit W. Red,
Otr.thaO, rt ni the 'concert
Cleaft, The ' reception. in 1' Clinton,
Seafortit anti WinglartuWas eXcellent,
Ao Ong theplaees that sent ritessid,:.
Me4ting ptt thc fixie 1rograni
were the following, 'which will 'give
some 'idea Of the strength of CFCA
the. Toronto. Star Station
Sterling; Mass.;' Roanoke, 1:'extts;
Pontiac, Ill.; Fenelort Ont,;
Moittretil, 'Que. (0).„ Sidney, Ionea;
*Stanhope,' X. Silver Creek, N. Y,1
1ottett, Mo.; Columbus : Junction,
Iowa- 'Danville •111" Provichence R
(a); Quincy, 111.; Chatattooga, Tenn..;
Washirigtoe,' Alo.;.• Cheviot:, Ohio,;
Nashville,- Teitia,; Wiellita, Kansas;
.Mo,'; Si. '.A.ngt/Stitte, Fla,;
Boitdsville,..1Vfass;; Charlotte,.
Greenwich, Leen.; Chicago,. (14);:
Oxford, ,Xortitanipton, Pen ;
Saylccvilic, R.'L;, trooklyii, ,N,
'Berwyn, Ili.; Toiodo, Ohio; 2i.0011treal,
Ove,; 011111a, Ont.; ,Wartein, R. I.;
L oitis; M0,'(-2);tP1etisant'Hill, Ito;
Litchfield, .1114 Winchester' • Ind.';
Columbus, ",reiirt.;"Savanna,
chisbn, Chet*
eat 1\trais.,, •
Lbw From Loss. of Blood
Friends of Mr. C H. "Bert' Taylor
of the Whitechttrch road will be sor-
ry to learn that ,he has been' quite ill
111 Winghant. Gerteral• Hospital; On
Friday Mr. Fred Davidson went to
his, home and foand, him ina, very
weak condition suffering from loss of
blood. His nose had bled: profusely,
but he had expected to be able to
atop it and did not realize till too late
that his strength was gone. He was
brought to Wingham Hospital where
he is progressing as well as can be ex-
Bonspiel at Wirigham
, The Wingham Curlersare putting
on .a two • day bonspiel in Wingham
011 Tuesday and, Wednesday, Febru-
ary gth .and xoth This wilt be i big
affair and shauld- be the mea:As of
drawing several business- men from
neighboring towns to ourbtirg for
these two days., There 'Will be thrte
events and the curlers rink at the
oindry and the new Arena wifl both
be in use In the first event the pri-
zes Will be ist,:loar mantel 'clocks: and
2nd„ our electric boudoir larnps,Tn
the the second event the Prizes are,
tst, 'fottr pure. wool blanketa- and 2nd
fain silver pyrex casseroles. In the,
special event,- tat,' loor electric bbitr.:
doir lamps •taid arida, four; StiVet •Pyrek.
Pie plates,
Carnival m Wingham
1-rvcry person should see. the Hoe-
key:twitch 'at 'the Carnival 'ott
day evening between .the Fats and
Let•ins, •
Gainik. called. at 8. o'clocle.. 1.-por the
Fats under the mattagement of 'W,
Gurney are as follows;
A. G, ,Sinith, A, Polliff, C
VanNorMain C, Jobb, Bert 'WellwoOd,
Will Celebrate 12-th in Clinton
A very large attendance of mem-
bers of the Orange Order was present
zit the county meeting of North Hur-
on L. 0, L. in Wingham hall on
Tuesday afternoon. Rt. Wor. Bro, S.
ireland Associate Deputy Grand
Master of Provincial Grand Orange
Lodge of Ontario West was present
and conducted the .election and instal-
lation of, officers -Which resulted as
W. C. G. Smith, Wingham.
R: Cotiltes, Belgrave.
C. R.ec. Sec. -J. V. Haines, Morris,
Fin. -Sec. -A. V. Pattison, East
Watvanosh. , '
C. Treas.-Chas. Stewart, Blyth.
Chaplairt-Rev. A.' V. - Walden, ander, in the West; Mrs, William
Btu evale.
D. of C.-Robt. 11lyth.
1st. Lect---W. J. Campbell; Culross.
211d Leet-Bert:Watsoa, Brussels.
The lodge decided to not hold a
celebration in the county this year,
but to celebrate the 13attle of the Boy-
ne with the brethren of South I-Ittrot
itt Clinton.
Several districts' showed a consider-
able increase hi membership during
SubSe ptiott. $2.00 p eatr
rinual Congregati_onal eetincr
Of St. Andrew's Pres, Bhu
H. S. Concert .PoStpioned
Owing to the,.Very' rough' weather
on Tliuraday night ' the Cernmende-
ment Exercises of the Wingliant High
School 10 have been held in`the 'Town
Hall was postponed until ,Wednesclay
night of this week and we hope to ha-
ve an account of the proceedings in
our next
'Died on Sunday
, Another Of the pioneers of this vi-
cinity passed to lie reward. on Sunday
ih 'the persen of Sarah Ann Parr, wi-
dow of tlie late. fames Deyell. She
was in her 81st year. •
. ,
-The funeral was held .to Winghana
Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon,
from the residence of her on, John.
'Rev. H. W. Snell of Stratford, con-
ducted the serviees, •
The Dancers Were Excellent.
In our write-up of the Burns' Night
Entertainment in the town hall, Wing -
ham, which appeared in our last issue,,
the 'names of'highland dancers Misses
Nancy, Betty and Margaret Taylor,
Anna AicGillivra; and Vera Fry were
•ommitted. and just why they were ov-
erlooked we cannot imagine for the
scotch reel and other highland danc-
ing- humbers brought down the house.
Atliss, Bessie Abell was accompanist
for the evening and was highly com-
plimented on her playing by several
of the visiting singers.
District L. 0. L. Officers
The Lodges of the L.O.L. District
comprising Morris, Grey arid Brus-
sels, met recently at Ethel and the
following.' officers were elected for
W. Master -Cecil Batemati, Ethel.
D. Master -Jos. Hamilton, Walton.
Chaplain -Elston ,Cardiff, Brussels.
Rec.-Sec.--Charles Case, Walton.
Fin. -Sec. and 'Treas.-Geo, Mann-
ers, Brussels. • '
D. of C. -Geo. McCall, Brussels.
1st. Lecturer -Mark Hamilton,
LoVe, Ethel.
The annual congregational. rndiin
of St. Andrews
held ' Tuesday ..' evening was
wen attended and and the repprtS,.O'f 404
ferent.'1*.nOlei ' 'the tlktaitrett,:ttprlie::",:.
showed ,the 'el:torch to .he. in
Pereus.: condition. pr,
occupied the chalri.and thc minutes of
the last 'annual ,ineeting, weri read by -
the. Seet'etary,
The report Of the Treasurer
A. Tosliff shoWed that
at thg be' -
ginning of the yeer there, had been a
balance on -hand of $38x.07'which, with
total receipts' mad.e attotaitof $5368.5e
leaving. a balance of $484.60 op Jan.'
211d., 1926 or $103,53 more on hand
that at the same time last year, The
above does not include the W. 'M. S.n.-e-
,Ladies Aid Funds etc. '
'There is a repair fund to „which. the
Sunday School added $/octoo to .assist
in repairs and , 'decorating the baser
ment which cost $305.29 'considefed by
all a mpstr satisfactory expenditure as
the improved condition of the -various
rooms give evidence. of. There is
stilt a balance on hand in the repair
fund of $208.7o, which is kept ina-se-
perate fund from the general' fund of.
current expenses, this is in charge of
Mr. H. B. Elliott, who assu.res usthat
considerable will shortly be added to
it. ,
The Women's Missionary Society
report was given by Mrs. Wm. Will-
iamson showing that since re-
organized on April 15, 1925, as the
Continuing Presbyterian W. M. S.
they have 64 members an av,erage at-
tendance of 40, while after sending
$358.50 to Miss Nicholson and $so.oct ,
to the Selkirk School and paying ex-
penses a balance of $7.55 was on ha,nd
on January 2nd., which is now aug-
mented to nearly $7.5.00 by the pro-
ceeds of their first 'meeting. Mrs.
Annie H. B. Fells is treasurer.
The Sunday School report was
en by Mr. Posliff, who with Mr. Gur-
ney have charge of the work with Mr.
H. F. McGee as Secy., the nu/libel- on
the roll at the end of the year :vas
160. The year was coninkenced with '
a balance on hand of $15o.s4. Re-
ceipts during the year $323.5o the ex -
The ,
standing' and many of the Lodges ance
District Lodge is in excellent Pencliture was $410.36 leavtng bal-
on halicl of $63.48. Mr. I'osliff
made a strong appeal for the parent,
showed an increase over last year.
to c.oane out and show their irttergt
in the work, also fer extra, teachers,
Brussels Woman Dies, ,
that would be on hand to fill the va
Airs. Allan Speir, a well-known resi- cancy if any of the regular teachers
dent of this district, died at her hoine were unable to be present. The
in Bressels on Saturday after a brief terms for five managers having evpir-
illness from pneumonia. Mrs. Speir's ed they were all re-elected for three
maiden name was Mary Robertson, years. The question of salaries was
She was born in the Township of Wa- disposed of by one motion all being
wanoSh 68 years ago and for, many re -appointed. at the same renumera-
years the Speir family were residents tion as last year.
of the Township of Morris. Mr. and Dr. Perrie gave the Session Report'Ll-
Mrs. Speir retired and moved to -which showed that 83 had received
' cortifceitas and at ad united, 13 re -
Brussels about two years ago.
Besides her husband she is surviv- : A
oree, 7'1:moved by death, lea.ving a
ed gy five sons and five ,daughters- total membership of 37o. An adult
Gilbert, William, Norman and Allan, Bible Class had. been ort,ranized with' '
all of the Township of Morris; Alex- liqr. A. E. Lloyd as teacher.
Bowman and Mrs. David Denholm of
'Morris; Mrs:. John Work, of Grey
Township; Mrs. Walsh of the Town-
ship' of W*atiosh, and Miss Elsie at
home. The fatieral was held on
Wednesday at 2 o'clock to the Brus-
aels Cemetery being conducted by the
Rev. Fred Fowler :of Peansylvailia,
who preached SundaY in Melville.
Presbyterian Church here, Mrs, Spier
haVing been a !Stantich member of the
the year aed Orangernen in North Presbyterian ichtirela,
Prt1r011 18 in a, Very high state of effic- The deceased is a .sister of liessrs.
Win Robertson, Adam Roberton and
0, T. Robeyton of Wingham and Mts.
John A. Menzie of Wawanbah and
two Sisters. live in Seattle Wash. '
The Provincial Grand Orange Lod-
ge will meet in. Ltail'aon daring. the
week of March 9th. ,
Cruelly Assaulted His Wife
Took Hot Poker to Phippen
A fartnet residing on the B line, 'and
hot poker in his face and his nee
Turtherry; „was taken • to Gocterich and hand. were badly burned in tit
jail on Friday charged with asSatilt,. struggle,
ingt, his wife. Ha has been hailed to The quarrel is reported to
A. J. Nortrop,,Gordon McLean, 'Wm. cottet on a skmilar etrarge'on. a pre t -oitattenced over a trifle, ,wite
Ingham Wnt. Brawley, A. Forbes, otts occasion •and' may be dealt sever. mother appeared to be wastefttl
Subs., J. A. McLean, fog. Me-BurneY, ly ssrith khis time,. ,13 -is wife is in a ra- that she 'fried an eg,g and put it on
1,'or the Leans under the manage.- flier serioes condition and on the 'out- her Child's bread for a school Ionch.
molt of T. ,L MeI-can are as follows: collie of her illness Will depend the lie should bct examined as to his
Win, Booth, Capt,, Dr, Ross, Will neriousness of the charge to be laid mind as we believe he 'has become so
Leparcl, Prank Ang,tis, IfenAy Roos, against her husband. Dr. Redmond carefttl to not spend that, he is actual -
Ted Kerr, G. L.'"BratittibttrY, 1 W. who, examined the woman /ettild her ly letting his cattle starve for want of
Henna, H. Jobb,- L. Voting, A. I. to be $eriousty bAttt. In addition to food,
Milker, W. Reid. Iwo large brusises on her -head, her Magistrate Rola has seittenCed him
Dr. Petrie cougrattlated the con-
gregation on the amount of harmony •
that existed. aad the signs of encour-
agement on all hands andurgently ask-
ed them to take an interest in the
work to put the church meetings first
and let sports be a second niatter. He
'asked,of every one to use their influ-
ence to bring others into the churett
and its meetings, not -to seek to take
any away from other charches but to
seek to bring in those who -were out-
side. He qttoted the immortal words
of Scotland's Greatest Poet. "If we
could see ourselves as others see us
it would from many a blunder free
The receipts for the Mission bran-
ch of the church work. vyas $792.46,
}this fund was $ro67.3o 5924, nearly
every other branch of the Church
work including the W. S., The 'La-
dies the Happy Gleaners Al.isSion,
Band, the Westminister Guild and
Sunday School show a decided gain
e over 194. This year the ladies aid
having a balance the bank of
Tea, Sandwiebea and Cake -a
served by the ladies and a social h
waS spent.
- 111t'Eats baye ,goerd,:reason. ter .11.1,16.11th was badly:tilt anit.p
tn-it the
atilOttitt' Of, -....aVtirdep,Osis ef a.'very. badly biused
, . .Olfice
out :11reents., ' jutinde the',,arreSt, the culprit
110 ,cg
to p p t
to jail Tor'a• week On :Iwo' ebarges one
Of ill:. treating his' wife and, ,anotirr of
assiuu1tin ti.police:"Offieet in the.
fertile/tee 'of Isis dtuiy, - , lCliit1eitt,e'..expett
isTevi Coiiego Teacher
as en added 'to ,,'.;
Spotten Btisi*s. Hor-i
nti is..alSo-ti.,gratittat 1t)iO4'41i0'
't.if)ec• ...4101',: r•1'