HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-01-28, Page 8WINOHAM ADVANCE -TIMES
Thursday, January 28tb., 1g26
A� Iisllsssconallassasss$sss liils*$*ssIIai1's,sssionisU*s$,sssass i
• o10
st Ch
ill ys
t,:ck orf
Sizes 34 to 46.
Commencing SatuSaturday,
Jan 30th.111 .aimpplaPP1.1 MOM MOM
as LADIES' FUR COAT SALE Every Fur Coat will be sold at:recli+cu-
'� lous low prices. Persian Lamb, Seal, Muskrat.
While they last.
The biggest Overcoat Sale +>t the seasons Come and
pick yours ,out early. "
■ .
•aailsauiiwaa®11361I®®ESIVIE MENNE N4
Mr, Thos. Nickel caned, on his nio-
they of the B. Line one day last weak.
' Mr. j no. Wylie is busily engaged on
the X2 con, of Rowles:,
Mr. Gordon Simmons was in Wing -
ham one day last week looking tip
business, he has a good horse now
says J. Webber of Carrick,
Mr, and Mrs, ,R. A. Taylor, spent
Thursday last at Leslie Harkness of
Mrs. Thos, Nickel is spending a few
days with friends in. Gorrie. •
Mrs. Geo, A, Dane and sister, Mrs.
Milton Lenord of Fordwich, spent
Wednesday at R. A. Taylors..
Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Dane, and fa-
l roily called on friends in Carrick on
® Tuesday last.
1115 Mrs. Milton Lenora returned home
s on Monday accompanied by her niece
Miss Nellie Dane,
Premier King;wpuld have liked an
Ontario seat, but probably the price
as too high.
The Conservatives are trying hard
to find d likely candidate to oppose
Premier ring in the West.
It turns out that all the trouble at
Ottawa has been caused by two fe-
males, the Ority' sisters—Min, Ority
and Madge Ority.
The positions of Hon. Rodolph 'Le-
mieux, who was once more elected
Speaker on Jan. 7th., with the plaudits
'of members of all shades of opinion,
is far from enviable, but lie is the
right man in the right place. It is
fortunate indeed for the Commons,
that he is a man with adequate fair-
ness and dignity. He enjoys the
friendship and. esteem of all Conser-
What Happens -Honest M. P.'s?
Do you ever'ask yourself this ques-
tion—What' happens to our politicians
when they get to Ottawa? What
mysterious influences are at work in
;Miss,L unice 1-Taokney has been vis
sting 'under the parental roof,
Mr, and Mrs, Cecil McNeil topic a
trip. to 'Wingham on aecount of the
Those on the sick list are Miss A,
Newans'' and Mr, John Duffy.
Mr. James Weishar is at present
teaching in Kitchener. His many
friends Wish him success.
A number of friends gathered at the
home of :Mr, and Mrs, Henry Weish-
ar-in.surprise one evening recently, a
very enjoyable time was spent in dan-
cing. '
Koppersmisl1 • also :.Mrs. Vin-
centaWeise visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Liss Annie Frieburger was a recent
visitor at J. .N, Lawrence's:
Misses Florence and Pearl Douglas
spent a week in London,
Dr. Wells of Teeswater, will visit,
Belznore every Tuesday at' Mr. Cecil
McNeil's, we wish the sick and him
Present visitors are Mrs. Dusto at
R. J. Douglas' and Mrs. Janes Doug-
las, gravel road, at Mrs. Peterman's.
1\71iss Dorothy Baird visits with Mrs.
Mr.. Tackaberry: visited with his
daughter, Mrs. George Herd.,
s ®a® ®ssmesumw11s®nagENEMESEt Canada's Capital that transform a
newly -elected representative of the
The annual meetingof the Luck -
now Horticultural Society was held
last Tuesday evening in the Town
Hall, Alien reports of last year's ac-
tivities were presented, showing a bal-
ance on the right side of the ledger,
after a big work performed during the
past year and the officers are very en-
thusiastic over prospects for the corn-
ing year.
The Fordyce Dramatic Club put on
a play in the Town • Hall here ' on
er, but.owing to the inclement weati- east, knowing the fearful atracities
er andcondition of the roads was not they have committed on Armenia, who
as well patronized as might have been was the first nation in the world to
but the proceeds were sufficient to embrace Christianity (nationally).
meet all expenses and leave ; balance. He also gave an account pf the work
Dr. Pierce and his Armenian boys being carried on at the farm at Geor
gave an entertainment in the Town getown, while the boys gave a few
Hall on Friday night and dispite the musical selections, and also sang in
weather the hall was well filled, Dr. their own tongue and in English. Dr.
Pierce gave a very iteresting'discrip- Pierce and his associates are doing a
tion of conditions in Armenia, as he very commendable work and we be-
saw then during the war. Dr. Pierce lieve should receive some aid from
scathingly denounced the so, called both Provincial and Dominion Gov-
ernments. The boys are very bright
active little fellows and will develope
into good. Canadian citizens.
Thursday' night, entitled "Sue" which Christian Nations for allowing the
was very well acted by each perforin- Turk,.to still rule the coast in the near
to be held in the
on the evening of
Thursday, 'Feb'y 4th.
Judging commences at 9 o'clock.
Ladies' or Girls' Best Original Costume
Men's. Best Original Costume
Ladies' and Gents' Best National Costume
Numerous other prizes will be given for Costumes such as:- Best
Comic, Best Tramp, Boys' Best Dress, Best Boys' and Girls'
Costume under ro years of age.
A prize valued at $z.00 will be given to the oldest person on skates
Skating froin & o'clock and after judging events.
Skating Events
Mr. Geo. T. Aitcheson and Mr: -„R.
Robertson i of the local furniture fac-
tory atte'bded the furniture show at
Kitchener last week.
Ivir, Lorne McDonald of Peterboro
is visiting his parents here.
The curlers are enjoying the severe
frosty weather. Iviany other say: they
are welcome to it.
The Short Course in Agriculture is
being well attended.
plain -dealing man—into a person of
subterfuges, and complexities; or per,:
haps an apathetic atom in an 'inade-
quate machine; or worse, an active
opportunist just another politician,'
How many risen, can one recall who
have- sought representation in the
Rouse 'of Parliament on the ground
that, once more, they would work mir-
acles for the betterment of their con-
stituency and their country? And
how ninny have accomplished their
fine nuns? Pitiably few. They ,return-
ed, their term of ,representation finish
ed, disillusioned and stangely iziarticu
late as to the reason of their failure.
111 1111111111Whil1111111111 IIIMIII onimitmimmoil11111111mtii1411m1IINIIi1>OIImuiminiiiiiiiimiliai11alU ,
Three Shoe Bargai:
mFor `Women
Wopllen's''Fine Vfci Kid. or
Palent'Slippers,just like the
illustration showaru, tor $1.00
paiii in all sizes for women.
The:.above are being shown on our bargain
tables and we invite you to call -
and see them.
Mr. James Gosmend, a former resi-
dent is visiting friends in this vicintiy.
Mr. Foy, spent' the week -end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sto-
The Annual Vestry meeting of
Trinity Church was held. Mr. J. B.
Watson was appointed Rectors War-
den and. Mr. W. Stinson, People's
Warden, Mr. Frank Metcalf was ap-
pointed Lay Delegate to the, Synod.
The Warden report showed all, debts
paid > including the budget, also a bal-
ance on hand of' $87.37. The differ-
ent organizations of the church are in
a healthy condition and assisting in
the general welfare of the Church. '•
The Women's .Institute of Auburn
are giving a play, entitled "Mrs. Jones
Entertains the Institute" in Memorial.
Plall, Feb; 6th, Mr: Harvey McGee
will assist with the program.
Mrs. McQuillan, who has' been
staying at Mr, E. Haines, has return-
ed to her son's, Mr. Richard' lIc
Mrs. Spackman of London is at pre-
sent visiting friends around Donny-
If reports are true Mr. C. F. Martin,
'has got started in Whitechurch and is
prepared to either roll or grind grain
and also make flour out of alfalfa
Mr. and Mrs. King of Turnberry,
visited for a few' days at Mr, Alex.
Mr, Thomas Jamieson is at present
. engaged drawing to Mr, John Jamie-
= 'son's of Lower Winghatn.'
Men's or Boys' Free For All two mile race
Ladies' Event --Free rot All, one mile race
Boys under z5 years, one mile race
w again.
.".d, Sony to, hear of the accident that
Broom Ball, Fats' and Leans on Slates happened to John Martin's hired man/
Mr. Andrew Shields, visited at Mr.
'Stewart McBurney's one evenit` last
Mr. G. Robinson's family and ,j,.
Chimney's, who had a bad attack of
the measles are able to be around
The Official Board of the Mount
Brydges and Mount Carmel United
churches, held its regular meeting in
Mount :Brydges church parlors. The
'report of , the maintenance and extezi-
:sion fund canvass revealed the amount
of the charge's allocation ;of $1,ot3
practically all provided for and possib-
ly ;a, few dollars in .access. An unani-
mous invitation to the pastor to con-
tinue in `that capacity at an increase
of $zoo in stipend was unanimottsly
'carried and acknowledged by the pas-
tor, Rev.' H. B. Parnaby, who agreed
This game will be played with a football and a' Cup will be given by falling clown stairs receiving bad
to the winning team.cuts about the face which the doctor
)tad td had and ptit in several stit-
cl•tes, but fortunately no bones . were
broken,,which will lay hien tip for a
Refreshments Served at "s ooth.
200 People in Costume' Expected»
would solicit as many as possible to turn out in costume to
this big event. Get your coStt:Xmes mady early,
Admission: C hildreia' 25c, Adults Mc,,
: � 11,11 1111 1111. .Ju .c. r—Wi.. W e ...J • .x n r +,ti:y.,+H.4.N,
All in costu e
pie en
zet pressing hay in this locality.
.t.et Wellington 1)ow is wearing a broad
(smile these days. Its a girl, Con.-
-,to gratulations,
Mr. John and Harry 'Champion
spent Sunday ht Lucknow,
Sorry to hear that sOme of Mr,
james St, Marie's children are at pre.,
S.ent laidnip with the measles,
'Me school ott the ninth concession
jwith lite measles opened tip last Mon;
to stay. Rev. Mr. Parnaby was a fol
mer pastor of Belgrave Methodist
p111 ■1111111I11II I ISI I I®1111111®11111111®1111111111111)
B �.
C h r 1St! Ili
Women's Fine .Kid High '!
Boots, One lot at $1.00
per pair, all sizes, ,
One. lot Women's high
Boots at $2.00 pair
in all. sizes
Chainney—In the Winghain General
Hospital on. Jan. 25th., to Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Chamney, East Wa-
wanosh, a daughter.,—Shirley Joy.
Darroch --In Lakelet, on Monday,
Jan. 18th., 1926,, to Mr. and Mrs. ;Ar-
nold Darroch, a daughter.
•®, • Have Us Send
With your next Grocery ord-
a Health Brown Loaf. zoo
!I - per cent. Whole Wheat.
Minutes of "Council meeting held in
Bluevale, izth January 026.
The members preSent, j. L Mac-
Ewen, Reeve, jos. Breckenridge, R.
Grain, D. Fortune, W. H. Marshall,
Councillors. Each ,signed his declar-
ation of office.
IVIinutes of last meeting and nomin-
ation meeting were read and adopted.
Moved by D. Fortune and R. Grain
that the following By -Laws be passed:
No. r. Councillors be Road Com -
Brown Rice
A Genuine Natural Rice high- Li
ly recommended as a
20 per cent. off on Open Stock WI
Prices Dinner Ware,
. White Cups and
Phone 129.
en; be members of Board of Health,
Dr. Redmond, officer of Health, W.,
R. Cruikshank, Secretary,
No. s. A.ppointing Thos. W. Weir,
Road Superintendent for 1926, at 37-21
cents per hour.; Ile to use his own
car and dPerate large grader. Car -
No. 4. Appointing Allan MacEwen
Moved by Jos. Brecicenridge and
D. Fortune tliat Thos. Gilmour be ap-
pointed Assessor for zo26 at salary of
$9o.00. Carried.
Moved by R. Grain and W. H. Mar-
shall that By -Law No. 5, be pas'sed
authorizing Re eir,0 and Treasurer to
borrow from Bank of Cotrimerce,
to be used in connection with the
completion of Jermyn Drain, McDou-
gall Drain and Johann Teinash Drain.
,tut bedit,cy tb be repaid from th.: sale of
Debentures or raised by Taxes, Car -
Moved by J. Breckenridge and W.
H. :Marshall that we give a grant -of
$1o,00 to the Children's Aid Society,
"Ctoderich, Carried,
Moved by D. 'Fortune and 3. Breck-
enridge that we appoint the same men
as last year as patrolmen for 1926,
with R Elliott, patrolman on Une
Wingham, Ord.. 11-
Prenmun of $ioo. for year 1926. Car -
Moved by J. Breckenridge and W.
FI. 1Vlarshall that Board- of Health,
meet at Dr. Redmond's Office, :mt.
of January, 1926. Carried.
Moved by D, FOrtune and R. Grain
that the Auditors meet at Treasurer s
Office Thursday, 21st. January, 1926.
The follo-wing: accounts vere paid:
G. M. Elliott, $1o, grant Children's
Cups and Saucers, octra qual-
ity ward, only per half
Saucer ...x .r41111
Ai d ; Brussels Telephone, $65, five
'phones 1925; Winghana Advance -
Times, $j3.75, printing Financial Sta-
tements; Jos. Breckenridge, $7, .2
cords wood; Thos. W, Weir, $4.90,
Moved by J. Brecicenridge and D.
Fortune that we adjourn to Meet at
R, Cruikshank J. L. MacEwert
Crerk Rect.'
Moved by D. Fortnne and W.
Marshall that we pay 35 cents per
hour par man and team and 200 per
hour tier man for woxk on 'winter•
'roads. Carried,
Moved by W. II. Marshall mid .3%
for, the digging of Johann TemaSit
— Drain. Tenders to be in hand
Clerk, nth., Feb. 5926. .Carried.
, NI that . we have the Glebe Inderitnity
.CO, of Canada, sand us a policy with
e Attention!
Any Overcoat $2500
&lens' and Young Metes Overcoats In
the latest styles and best mat-
erials, Blues, Browns,
Greys, Mixtures.
Regular values $33.00 to 42.50
oys' Overcoats
4 to 12 yearS.
Similar reductions incillded in this otter.
Shop early for' lbest seleetion
ot sizes,
MOM 1111111119111111111111