HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-01-28, Page 7angary a$th., zga6 E 'SFUNNY WORLD An ex -chauffeur in :'Boston .is reported to be making a fortune bobbing women's 'hair.' And probably driving a , lot of 'husbands and fathers into speedy tempers. o -- "Long —"Long Hair For Women To Come Back" -newt, item. Sure,with a lot of hair tonicnpatience--eh,' a d ladies? —o— FRANKLY—IT WAS A ROUGH AFFAIR! They had a riot call for the cops'in a certain western town, the 'other day. Seems some folks had a party and, the guests decided that "honesty was the' best policy" in speaking to 'each "other. o - As an equestrian, the Prince of Wales is a; darn good ped ;rian. Dispatches tell us he fell off a horse twice in off, week again. --r— The best way to keep the' prince from doing nose dives out of a saddle into the mud—is 'to try and 'get him inter ested in a game of chess. "Ruin Of U. S. Seen In Rule Of Women" says] an Eng lish explorer , who recently visited this country. It's a good thing that fellow is on the other side of the pond, or os women would` be measuring him for, a King Tut outfit. Seattle man sued his wife for divorce because she made him prepare his own 'meals. What did he expect in these days of "equal rights?" PRETTY SOFT! 'Fellow up in Montreal wont $too for am essay, on "soft -'drinks," .:_Not hard to take. "Sinful Jazz To Fight It Out:' With Classic Music in Ra - Test" --says :radio article. Huh—why make a special test?That happens on our radio set every night when two stations broadcast so loud we, can't time one of them out. .r .. Down in Arkansas, .they tell about a chicken that, was hatched by the heat of a haystack. That's' nothing.. ,,Up here the same thing is apt to happen if you hold one 'of :. our cold, storage eggs in your hand too long. 0— Another — Another• news item says doctors urge "dancing in a vio- let ray." They do something like that in the ;dance palac- es now. --Only the critics speak of it as: being "dancing in a violent way." • A New York "asbestosking's" son married his steno- grapher. Well, .he ought to be safe from the "fire of .woman's wrath" if he ever gets into a quarrell with his wife. moan 'Burglars in New York City used a rope to swing, themselves from house to house. Who said—Darwin wasn't right? - FAMOUS`'LAS'T LINES "Tell' him I'm. not in!" SIRING IS COMING TO the Editor av all Thi Wii hairs' Payiacrs, Deer s. Doesn't it jar, ye whin ye Oink av how fasht the toirna goes? Here it is nearly the in'd av Jinnywa an rn Shining will soon be here wid the missus wantin the garden dug, an ask fer money to buy t;ladolium bulbs ., Shure, 'tis as •aisier toime fer us min, in the winther, wid nothin II -melt to do-barrin shovellin a bit av shnow; 'J'is quare the way shtgyles change wid . the wimmin. Wan toime they - wear shtrate shwaper dhresses an are eonlint wid hollyhocks in the garden, an the nixt ting ye know they, do ' be wearin seemore shkirts an .buying gladolium bulbs at fifty chit's 'aitch. 1 wondlier how they eixpickt us min to kape up wid the procishun, Wan'. ting - 1 l'oike about'flowers— whiz ye ,plant a tulip Bulb ye know a geranium will not,grow• from, it, an if ye sow shwate pays ye don't look fer slitringg banes whin they come up. 'Tis the same wid a Tory; he always runs throe to tortoni, as vie bye that wus oversays wud say. If ye plant hint in Parleymint he shtays "Tory, no mat ther what turns up. Av coorse if the sile is too dhry he will git shtunted in his growth, but give him a chance, wid plinty av moisture, an it wud sur- proise Ye how he will devilop. Wid thirn other lads it is diffrunt.t Ye may have, a noice Grit plant grow-, in in yer garden, but' whin it blooms the blossoms are all Progrissive, arr ye may plant a Progressive bulb, an, if annyting grows from..it at all at all, it will mebby be some 'shtunted Grit plant widout the soign ov a bud arr a flower on it. The Grits toughti they wud plant a voice bordher,,av Pro- grissive 'daisies arround theer.:flower, bids to make tings, look betther, but putty soon thim daisies run woild an shpread all over the gardin an, the Grits hev been kept busy now 'fer two arr tree years throyin to dig thim' out. 'Tis aisier Lto'inthrojuce a bad wade than to ixterminate it afther it.wance gts a futhold, an ,a lot av thim ould+ Grit farrumers shod hev had sinse enough to know that in the fursht place. They know betther now, but, av coorse; iviry man gits to hev more sinse ,as he gits 'milder. I am not shpakin av the wiiittnin at prisint. They are able to shpake fer tl?imsil ves, so they are. :[ wondher if . Mishter Mackenzie King will make the grade up in Prin- ce Albert, where they hev the could est weather in whither an the. biggest an fiercest muskitties in summer av army place in'' Canada. I undher- shtand the Progressives do be slitayin out av the foight, so, av coorse, the Grits are loikely to Will but, if thee' is warty money' lift over in the Tory campaign fund ehist, I tink we had betther run a man just to kape thim 'Grits guessin fer a whoile longer. Hopin to see ye at the nixt hockey /match. 'Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. NOTES Why buy at home? ,,Because our' interests are here Joseph Tauer of Ingersoll, was found guilty of ••giving liquor to min- ors by maintaining a strong cider de- pot at the,skating pond at the rear of his premises. He was fined $5o and costs. A special committee of the Galt Ci- ty CounciI is investigating a recent re- ported increase in the price of gas. Wise sayings are only good., when acted upon. Rusty saws cut no wood- piles. About $3oo,000 will be spent in Kingston this winter, making repairs to,the steamers which are 'wintering in the harbor there. If we . are to help others, what are the others here for? German policemen to the number of 20, are malting their rounds on roller skates, The skate order has been is- sued to enable the polite to cover more territory, the Versailles Treaty having placed a limit on German po- lite forces. WoNGHA +i AbvA.NCE-flME$ RADIO CORPORATION TUBES substitution of a UX xzz or a, UX 210 By R. M. Sherrill for the UV 201A., or the substitution (Radio Engineer)' of a UX z2B for a UV •199 will nee- -- �' 'essaril. result in louder 'si nal^. These Since the new t pe of tubes was y y tubes, will actually deczease the strep- added to the Radio Corporation line. 1 gth of the reception unless the signals last fall; there has been ..more or ess• are so strong; as to cause distortiort confusion as to just what uses the',, various types were suitedi Iin the corresponding UV tubes. Al- so, it the, necessary to use a correct C in the first place, the.UX pzefix to thetub numbers indicates that,: the ,battery` voltage and properly design- 'ed. amplifying transfor bases of the tt}bes, are different frolnn'iers along with those of the UV type. Tubes with theUX tubes in order to get the ma- the UX bases 'are, designed to be used` ximuin' distortionless amplication of in special sockets into which ;the tub -which they are capable. es arepushed without ori g twistin The, old type tubes—i. e, the UV p motion. This`'scheme follows out the 200, UV 201A, and WD 12—are also arrangement which has ,always been made with the .new bases and become UX 200, UX `201A and W4 12 respect- used in the French and British soak- , ets. The UX bases are equipped p with' tively. Two ",-� a side pin, however,. -so that they m.ay1 tubes which are .specially de - also .be- used in the old type sockets signed ,as rectifiers for 13 battery e14 as well as in the new. The contactliminators are also included in the UX pines are longer on the.UX tubes than +Lute. The UX az3 is a full wave rec- line. tiler tube having two plates and two on the UV tubes, and the filament 'filaments. This tube will stand 220 pins are larger • in diameter than the r volts AC on each plate and will give plate and grid pins to P event the to - a from being incorrectly inserted in,, a maximum DC output of 65 milliarn- the UX sockets. peres. Its two filaments are connect. The UX 112 is 'a tube designed to, ed in parallel and together they draw replace the UV 2oIA in the last stage .2 amperes at 5 volts:, The UX 2158 is also a rectifier tube, but with a sin of an audio frequency amplifier. .This tube takes the same-filament''oltagegle filament and plate:; Its maximum' as the UV • 20zA although it takes twice the current. Its' purpose is to amplify signals which -would- be too strong for the UV 2o1A to :handle without distortion. Its plate voltage h Id between en o and z6o volts him in care of this paper.). and the `C battery should• be of the proper' voltage to correspond with the Q" ' M. C asks: "Could I cut out the oscillation in my five }tube neutro- AC input is ..55o volts and maximum output is 65 milliamperes. Its fila- ment takes 1.25 amperes at 7.5. volts. Radio Questions and Answers (Mr. Sherrill will be, glad -4o help, should be ewe g you solve your radio problems. Write exact plate voltage used. Ideal Amplifying Tube The UX 120 is designed to amplify` signals which would be too strong for the UV 199 to handle without distor- tion. It is the idealtube to use in the last stage of a UV 199 amplifier. The UX 120 takes the same filament voltage as the UV 199 but its current is greater. Plate, potentials up; to 135 volts may be used if the proper C bat- tery is employed. This tube fits into a standard UV 199 socketorin a small sized UX socket. The UX. 250 is really a 5 watt pow- er tube, but may be used in place of the UX 552 where enormous power amplification is required. When us- ed for amplifying purposes, the UX 210 may be' connected directly across a 6tvolt battery without any rheostat, and plate potentials up to 160 volts inay be used. It must not be thought that just the THE RAbIO SHOP W. CRUICKSHANK IS your radio O. K. for the European tests that are starting Jan. 24th. IF you want to pick up Eur- ope your tubes and bat- teries must be full stren- gth. GIVE us a call and we will see that your- set is 100% O. K. RADIO SETS. AND SUPPLIES ... Come in and see us dyne by 'u'sing toroid coils in place of the neutroformers?" Ans:—This might help some but „ita would not cut out the oscillation en- tirely., rnis for the FOR JANUARY- By ANUARYBy Betty Webster COOKING HINTS 'Sausage A pretty platter laden with apples fried in butter and a dash of sugar surrounded with golden brown saus- ages ages is an appetizing luncheon dish to serve to intimate friends and it is al- so a nice family dinner. —a- To Fry Sausage Sausages sometimes break while cooking. I find by first rolling them in flour and then frying them that they seldom break and fry a prettier brown. —0— Batter Proportions To -stay nearly every recipe calls for level measurements. However,. there are some old time recipes we all like to use and it is well to have in mind right proportions in order to understand some recipes. A thin batter equals one measure of flour to ,one `Measure of liquid. A muffin batter equals two 'measur- es of flour to one Measure of liquid. A sole dough equals three measures of flour to one measure of liquid. (Cast knead.) dough equals four :Pastry or cookie PRIN TIN The Winghaui Advance -Times Job Printing Depart- ment is equipped to do all classes of good Printing. We have a careful and efficient staff in every branch. Have us do --- Your Office Printing Your Society Printing Your Pamphlets Your Illustrated Catalogues Your Price Lists Your Show Cards and Your General Printing We carry all grades of paper stock for description . of printing. ALL WORK STRICTLY FIRST CLASS AND AT A REASONABLE PR ICE Give usyour order and let us r prove it. doing every Get Your Printing Done In The Vicinity xi ■ ■ ■ ,■ so ■ ss■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ soe ti: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ is ■ ■ illisiliuscrsantionninivammaiirannivsnannolitiguirt Increasing Farm Proaction NXPITH complete banking • facilities special Y v. adapted to farm business. this Bank is eves ready to render practical assistance in furthering agricultural interests. We encourage farmers to strive for bigger and better production by extending Loans for the'pur+. pose of sound development. Consult os r local manager. THE WINGHAM BRANCH, J. A. WALLACE, Manager, measures of flour to one measure of liquid. —0_. Ham and Cabbage A ham butt. Cabbage. Method:—Cook the ham butt for at least 2, hours. About i of an hour be- fore serving add cabbage which has been cleaned and quartered. Boil to- gether until cabbage is done. Skin halt'. Place on platter. Put cabbage around ham. By adding boiled pota- toes a -good complete meal is made. �0— Candied Grapefruit 1 quart of grapefruit peel. ' pound of sugar. Method:—Cut grapefruit rinds in pieces and soak in slightly salt water for a day and a half, Drain off wa- ter and put cold water on. Boil rapidly for so minutes. Change water and boil in this manner 4 times. Drain off all water and leave rinds; perfectly dry., Add most of sugar and stir. ook slowly over slow fire, Stir well. When it begins to crystalize stir rapidly, Empty on oiled paper and sprinkle well with sugar. moo` BAKING HINTS Pineapple Cake 113 cup of butter. 2 egg yolks. e HACKI HERE C©Mt5 THA'C SN01t3t5H NEIGRE,00. O` OORSt `r' 1SO' ,5ME M'PC)SE OR 1 CBOAT'-i''AW - t' -r t' F`ANC' SsC1Al. \E7KPt.6t`CS IVO\! t-1P,RLI -KM T ACSC, tr' kTDOR? - WeRE GO1t ti.1Bi: 1:;tVtMCJgN' It'�R A ETTtetSNG1Gl-iKO, Me G.I diNt�N A'r HERE. • �s- p 1,,,(1.4iteNVII4 loosiv 044 4.,rsita it* k'vil I 2 cups of flour. 213 cups of sugar. 11. cup of pineapple' juice. 2 teaspoons of baking powder. 2 egg whites. Method:—Cream butter and sugar t Add beaten egg yolks, flour, baking powder and pineapple juice. Last of all fold in beaten egg whites. Bake in layer tins. Make A Filling 213 cups of milk, I egg, z cup of grated pineapple. 2 tablespoons of cornstarch. 3 tablespoons of sugar. 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.. Little salt. Method:—Scald milk. Pour over cornstarch and sugar. Cook so min- utes. Then add pineapple, egg and salt. Cook until it thickens. Ice with an icing as follows: Use 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Pineapple juice. 4 times as much, sugar as pineapple Nice, _0.. Cranberry Pie z cup of sugar, cup of cold water, 2 cups of cranberries. I tablespoon of flour. z tablespoon of butter. teaspoon of vanilla. 2 eggs. Method:—Boil sugar and water to- gether. When sugar is disolved add cranberries. Cook until they all "sop," Cool. Mix•' yolks of eggs,; flour and 3 tablespoons cooked cran- berries. Add to cooled berries, Sim- mer a few minutes until mixture thi.e- Icins. Add butter and vanilla. Pour into baked pie shell. Cover with titer. ingue and bake, (Readers, Note If you have any questions concerning Rceipes and oth- er Household hints you would like to bask betty Webster—address her in care of this paper.) (Copyright, 5925, by The 13oniiet- Brawn Corporation, Chickgo.) The Advance-FI'iines is ecitrilrpcd to do the veryfinest job prints sig with l the least possible delay. `G 'c: 'tee to meet all legitimate price cella 1petition, "