HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-01-28, Page 6.,,,eienettataesenteee NGTON MUTUAL VIRE INSURANCE CO, Established 1840. Head Offiee, Guelph, Ont. ka taken on all elaeses of insure at reasonable, rates. . ENS., Agent, Winghdril W. ,100 D ce in Chisholm Block LIFE, ACCIDENT AND HEALTII Siibcr INSURANCE Month AND REAL ESTATE Advertis, P. 0,, Boz 360. • Phone 240 TAdvertigINGHAM, - ONTARIO rections and charg; a. DUDLEY .110LIVIES tenaugekit• • • be in the pARRISTER, soLICITOR, ETC. gictOry' and Other Bonds Bought and , sold. ffice—Meyer Block, Waigham 1926 , VANSTONE ABARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. - 19 Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham, Ontario 1 3 1 [10 J. •. ;OTON BARRISTER, ETC. 17 Wingharn, - Ontario ""-- ISu 3 4i R. G. II. ROSS Graduate ',Royal College of Dental Surgeons tenstue Graduate University of Tbronto •Faculty of Dentistry Office Over H. E. Isard's Store. W. R. HAMBLY B.S., M.D., C,1VI. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Children, having taken At soeostgracluate work in Surgery, Bact- myone axiology and Scientific Medicine. in eye Office in the Kerr I2.esidence, be - Some piween the Queen's Hotel andthe Bap- liet Church. All business given careful attention: Rene. 54. P. 0. Box 1i3. 1EDr. Robt. C Redniond • M.R.C.S. (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Lend.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ' Dr. Chishelm's old stand. N 1)R. . L. STEWART X Torg 61% I • Graduate of University of Toronto, l'actilty of Medicine; Licentiate of the LO,,ntatrio College of. Physicians and 'tergeons. • Office in Chisholm Block ' 1, Josephine Street. Phone 29. 4 Dr. Margaret C. Calder • General Practitioner • Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office—Josephine St, two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. Telephones: Office 281, Residence 151. William MacHarg and Edwin Dame Illastrdtions by IRWIN MYERS' deatiamotwatwoianxiim;mismumamommo Copyright by gthvin Balmer thought must be the Mr. Sherrill with whom he had communicated appeared npon the car platform; tberyoung man from Number 25 followed him, and the two helped down a youug and heated - fin girl. 0 They recognized the priest by his dress' and came toward him at mice. "Mr. Sherrill?" Father Perron in- quired. • Sherrill assented, taking the priest's hand and introdncing his daughter. F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH • All Diseases Treated Office a.djoining residence next to Anglican Church on Centre Street. Sundays by appointment. Hours -9 a, m. to 8 p. m. Osteopathy. • Electricity Telephone 272. "I am glad 'to see you safe, Mi. Staf- ford." The priest hat] turned to Alan. "We have thanks to offer up for that, you and I!" "I am his son, then! I theugbt that must be so." ' "Alan trembled at the priest's sign of confirmntion. There was no shock of surprise in this; he had suspected ever since August, whets Captain Stafford's watch and the wedding ring had se strangely come to Constance, that he might be Stafford's son. He looted at Constance, as they followed the priest to the- motor which was waiting to take them to the Manse of old Father Benitote whose guest Father Perron was; sife Was very quiet. What would that grave , statement which rather Perron was to make to them mean to him—to Alan? Woeld further knowl- edge about that father whom he had not known, but whose blood wats his and whose name he row must bear, bring prade or shame to hint? A bell was tolling somewhere, ita tieey followed the priest into Father Benitot's -small, bare room which had been prepared for their interview, *et Perron went to a desk and took therefront some notes which he had made. "What I have," he said, speaking more particularly to Sherrill, "is the • terrible, not fully coherent statement of a dying man. It has given me names —also it has given me facts. But is- olated. it does not give what came before or what came after; therefore, It does not make plain. I hope that, as "Benjamin Corvet's partner, you can furnish what I lack." • "What Is it you want to know?" Sherrill asked. "Waat wore the relations between Benjamin Corvet and Captain Staf- ford?" . • Sherrill thought a monient "Corvet," he replied, "was a very able man; -ge had insights and mental grasp—aud he had the fault which sometimes goes with those, a hesitancy of action. Stafford was an able man, WINGHAI APVANC)VIIMEO with nemedelhe mane, of * numbea • of greet steel freighaera. The *first Pf theetaathe aliwalca, testship wiles(' ex.perience was 'to nettle tit& hi, the eonstruation of the resteesvas launched In the fall 'of a$05, and wee lost en its rotation trip •with both Stefford and latraselell • aboara. The •Stafford and tt et:lea interests conic] net se rvive tito sleuth Of both meters and cheap- reevedfrom the lakee, Is this what you wonted to knoWS" Tbe priest nodded. Alma leaved teesely forwara, watching; what he hoil • heard aemneca to Inive inctemeed luta deepened the naleat's feeling over went he bad ,to tell an, d to have aided hie comprehensio0 of it. "His mune was Caleb Stalford," ra- tite". Permit began. "(This is what Benjemin porvet told to me when iie svas dying1 tipsier the wreckage anthe ferry.) 'He was as fair.- and .able a men as the lakes ever knew. I had my will of most men in the lake trade ill -those days; bilt I conld not have my will of him. With ale the lakes to -nettle in, he bad to pick out aor his that traftic whiclt 1 already had cbokien fon my own. But I fought bira fair, Fa- ther—I faught him fair, and a wonld have coatinued tie do that to the end, "1 was at Manistee, Father, in the end of the; season—December fifth of /- A. R & F. E. DUVAlL CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALISTS Members C, A. 0. Graduates of Canadian Chiroprac- tic College, Toronto. Office in Craw- ford Block, four doors north of Post tOffice. "1 -lours 2 to 5; 7 to 8.30 p. en. and by appointments. Special appointments made for those corning any distance. Out of town and night calls re- sponded to.. Phones:—Office, wee Residence 13 on bon J. ALVIN FIX H ROPRACTIC OSTEOPATHY ELECTRO—THERAPY Hours xo-ta. 2-5. 7-8. Telephone see D. . MeINNES CHIROPRACTOR MASSEUR Adjustments given for diseases Of fl kinds, specialize in dealing with Children. Lady attendant. Night Calls eepOlided to. Office on Scott St., Wingham, Ont., the house of the late as, Walker. Telephone rso. hoe et Office zod, Redid. 01. WALKER vUITUR DEALER --- PUtleRAL DIRECTO lhhitnieW neettiOatiatatt ONTAlt 0 146 rsotecaunisfa; i,would, drift ,i4Own tenon the • Father Perrot: hesitated an instant • bear witness , " lie seta solemnly, "that Bennanin Caveat assured gee -' hs priese—that I was only a thought; the evil act Which it saggested was something waltai he wonid eot do or even think of doing. But De spoke smelting of what was in Ilia Mina t`o Stafford, for he said: `I 'UAW look like a fool to you to keep on Owing your ship 1' "'They stered, be told me, into one anotaex•'s eyes, and Stafford grew 1113 - easy. • ''We'd have been.Sall right,'. he an- swered; 'with we lied .got help, if you'd left us where we were a • He, too, lis- tened to the sound at the buoy and 01„ the water dashing enthe shoal. loe are taktng us too chase,' he atad—too close!' He went alt thee th look at the tow hue." • • • Father Perren's voice Ceased ;• what he, had to tell new made hie- face whiten as be arranged in in his mem ory. Alan leaped iforwaed a little and then; with an effort, sat straight. Core stance turned and gazed at ; bet he demi not look at Der. He felt hel hand warm upon Ins f it rested there a moment map moved avy, "There was a; •thira man in tin 1805. The ice bad begun to form very wheelhouse et iler). these things, wct early that year and was already bad; spoken," Father Perrot' said, "the nide there was cold and a high gale. I had of the ship which had been laid up at laid up one of my ships at Manistee, aianistique." "Henry Spea Ian," Sherrill sup plied. ' "That is the name. Benannie Cor vet told me of that man that be we, young, determined, brutal mid set upot getting position and wealth for him self by any meansalle watcbed Cortee and Stafford while they were speae ing, and be, too, listened to the shoal until Xtefford had come back; thee h, went aft. mid I was crossleg that night upon a ttfg to -Manitowoc, where another was to be laid up. I had still a third one. loading up on the northern peninsula at Manistique for a last trip winch, if it coulil be made, would mean, a good profit from a season winch so far, be' cause of Stafford's, competition, had been only fair. After leaving Manis- tee, it greev still more eteld, and I was afraid the ice would close in on her and keep her where she was, so I deter- mined to go north that night and see that ,she 'got out. None knew, Father, • except those aboard the tug, that I had made that change. "'At midnight, Father, to westward ,of the Foxes, we heard the four blasts of a steamer in distress—the four Long blasts which have seunded in my soul ever since! We turned toward vellere we saw the steamer's lights; we went nearer and, Father, it was his great ship—the Miwaka! We had heard two days before that she had passed the • Zoo; we had not known more that that •ef where she was. She had broken her • new snaft, Father, and • was intact ex- cept for that, but helpless in the rising The prieet broke off. 'The Miwaka • I did not understand all tbet that bad meant to him until just now—the new ship. of the rival line, whose building meant for him failure and defeat! • "There la/to higher duty than the rescue of those in Peril at sea. He—, Benjamin Corvet who told' me this— Father Perron Weet to a Desk and Took Therefrom Some Notes Which 'Ha Had Made. " 'I looked at him,,Father,' Benjamin Corvet said to me, 'and I let him go -7 - not • knowMg. tie came back trral looked at the once mote, and went 4alt to the stern; Stafford bad been watch- Ing•hina as well as I, and sprang awuy from me now and scrambled after him. The tug leaped suddenly; there was ifb longer anytow holding it beck, fot tate haveSer axed parted; and 1 knew,• Father, the reason was that Spearman bad cut it! • "'I rang for the engine to lee slowed. and I left the wheel and went aft; • some atenggle was ,going on at the stern of the tug; padash came from there and the cra.cking• Of a ehot, Sud- denly all was light,ebout me as, aware, of , the breaking" of the hawser and alarmed by the shot, the searehlight iff the, Miwalta• tuened upon the tug. The cut end at the 'hawser was still -upon thertug, and Se:earl/imbed been tryine, td' clear this when Stafford attackee him; tbey fought, and, Stafford struck Spearman down. He tarried and cried out sawdust rae—accusinz me of hav- • ing ,ordered Spearman to cut the Unel He held up the mit. exid towerd Rams- dell on the. Miweha and creed out:to- him and showed by pointing that, It • had been cut. Blood was runniaw front the band with whict he pointed, for he bad been Shot by Spear:mine and now again and a second and a third time, from veliere lie lay' upan the deck, Speatman tfli.ed. The second Of those shots killed, the engineer, who had, rushed out where I was on elte deck; the third shot went thrieugh• Stafford's head. The Miwaka was drift-. bag down upon the reef; her whistle sounded again and again the four long blasts. The fireman, who heel followed the engineer up from below, fawned on mel I was eafe for all him, he said e I could trust Luke—Luke would not tell 1 He too thought I had or- dered the doing- of that thing! " 'From the Miwaka, Itarasdell yelled curses at me, threatening me for what he thought that 1 ha.d donel I looked • at Speannan as he got up from the • deck, clad I read the thought that had been in Min; he had believed that he could cut the hawser ia the dark, none seeing, and that our word that it had been broken would have as much strength as ana accusation Stafford • could make. , He had knowe that to share a secret such as that with me WOUld "make" him on the lakes; for • the loss of tag Miwaka would cripple Stafford and Itainsdell and strengthen elle; and he could make me share with tim .whatever I made. Bat Stafford -had surprised him at the hawser and had seen. '•• , • "'I Moved te. denounce hii Father, as I realleed this; • I • xnoved—but stopped. He heel reticle himself safe against .accusation by me! None -- none ever would believe that be had clone this except by my order, if he shoalel claim that; and he made plain that he was. going to. claim that. He -Called me a fool and (dled me. Lttke —even' ray own man, the „only one left on the tug with u --believed it! And there was murder in it now, with Sta.f- • tora ,dying there upon the (leen and with the certainty that all thoee on the allwake could net be aaved. felt the enooae as IT it had been al- ready tied about' my oeck I ' And had done no wrong, Fatherl 1 had only thought wrong!, "'So long as one lived among those on the hlitealta wbo had seen what was dime, I knew 1 would be hanged; yet I would have saved them if I could. But, In my eomprehension of what this meant, 1 til tered at Stafford where he lay and then at Spearman, and I let him get control of the tea. The tug, whoee wheel I had lashed, 'heeding her into the Waves, hacl beck moving slowly. Spearman pushed me aside ancl werit•to the 4beefl1otSe; he enit, Luke to the eieginee, arid from •hat moment Luke was Ins,' He turned 'he fug about to Where we stin saw ,he lights of the 'MiWeka. The steam, or 110 Upou reef ; see hung aide ter a time; and . !spear:nen-1w lutd the • wbeel nnil Luke, tea les or- ders, was at the engino—hehl the tug or and We beat, slaty to and 1;ro un- til the Miwaltst slipped off cool sank, Siete bad gone down with hort 00 doubt; but CNvo boats had got off, car- rying lights, alley aew the leg ap. proacbing and cried out and Stretched their bands to us; but' Spearman stopped the tag, They vowed towarcla tie then, but wben they got near, theattr' man moved the tee, away from them. and theb again stopped. gamy cried' out againand rowed toward us; again he rnoyed the tug away, end then they understood and Storiped rowing luld cried curses at no. One boat soon drifted far away; we knew ef its ettp- sizing by the et:tinge:isle:1g of its light, The other capsized near to where we were, Tbose in it who bad no life - belts and could not swim, sank first, Some could swim and, for e Innate they, 'fought the 'was.'" . I Alan, . as he 'listened, ceased Con -1 sciously to separate the priest's ;mice, from the sensations running through; him. His father was ,Stafford, dying, at Corvet's feet while Corvet watched; the death of the crew of the Miwaka; Alrtn 11 illiSeik; n ,Chnd; Was flOating with lifebelt among those struggling in the water whom Spearman and Darya were -watching: die. Memory; was it • that which now had come to him? No; rather it was a 'realization of all the truths which' the priest's words were bringing togetbee and arranging right- • ly for hine• Alan's father 'died in the morning; Ul day they stayed mit in, the storm, avoiding vessels. • They dared not throw • Stafford's body 4varboard • or that of the engineisr, because, if found,. the befilet holes would have aroused, inqutry. Men night came again, they Ned taken the two ashere at same wild spot and buried them; to make icleati- fie-thin harder, they had taken • the thi.ns. that they had with ethern 'and buried them somewhere else. The ahild—Alant-Corvet had smuggled ashore and sent anray ; be had told Spearman later that the child had die41"• eace—rest 14 Father Perron said 4 111 a deep,veice. • "Petece.to the dead!" But for the living there had been en° peace. Spearman had forced Cor - vet to melte him his 1i -battier; Corvet had tried to take up his life again, bee- had not been able. , His wife, atetwe that semetaing was wrong With him, had learned • enouge so that She bad .left ,hint. Luke tad come and come and come again for blackmail, and Corvet had palatine Corvet giwev rich ; those connected with him pros- pered; but with Corvet lived elways nig &lasts of those he had watched die with the Miwaka--of _those who would have prospered with Stafford ex- . rept for what had been done. Cote vet had. secretly sought and followed the fate of the kin of those people who had been murdered to benefit elm; he found some of their fandlieso rbetroyed; he found almost all poor • and struggling. . And though Corvet paid Luke to keen the crime' from die- ' closure, yet Corvet swore to himself to confess it all and make such resti- tution as he'could. But each time 'that the day he had appointed- with him- self arrived, he put it off and off and paid Luke 'again and again. Spear - Man knew of his 'intention anesonte- times kept him from it. But Corvet had made one close friend; and when that friend's daughter,, for whom Cor - vet cared now most of all in the world,, had been about to marry Spearman,, 0:levet defied the coet to himself, and he gained°strength to %Mose • Spear - men. Sp Ile had written to Stafford's eon to come; he had prepared for con- fession and restitution; but, after he had done this and while he waited, something had seemed to break' in his brain; too long preyed upon by terrible memories, and the ghosts of those whet had gone,' and by, the echo of their vOiees crying, to isim from the water, Corvet had wtnedered away; he harl come back, under the name of one of those Whom he had wronged, to the lake life from which he had sprang. Only now and ben, tor a . few hours, he .had Intervale when he remembered all; in one of these he -beed dug up the watch end the riag and ,other things which he bad taken from .Captain Stafford's pockets and written to himself, direetions of what to do with them, when his mind again failed. • swore to me that, at thee beginning none upon. the tug tad any thought ex- cept t� , give aid. A small line was drifted down to the tug and to this a hawser was attached which they hauled aboard. There happened then the first of those events which led those upon the tug into doing a great wrong. He—Benjamin Corvet—had taken charge of the wheel of the tug; three men were handling the hawser In ice and washing water at the stern. Tbe whistle accidentally blew, which those on the Miwaka understood to mean that the hawser had been se- cured, so they drew in the slack; the hawser, tightened unexpectedly by the pitching of the sea, caught and crushed the captain and deckhand of the tug ana threw them into the sea. ."Because they, were short-handed now upon the tug, and also because consultation was necessary over what was to be done, the yoiung owner of the Miwaka, Captain Stafford, came, down the hawser onto the tug after the line had been put straight. He came to the wheelhouse, where "Benjamin Corvet was, and they consulted. Then Benjamin Corvet learned' that- the other owner was aboard the new ship as well—laamsdell—the maxi whose money you have just told me had bunt this and walii soon to build other ships. I did not understand befere why learn- ing that affected him so, much. • "'Stafford wanted us' (this is what Benjamin Corvet said) 'to tow him up the lake; I would not do that, but I agreed to tow him to Manistique. The night was dark, Father—no snow, but frightful wind which had been increas- ing until it now sent'the Waves wash- ing clear across the tug. We had gone north an hour wh-en, low upon the wa- ter to my right, I saw a light and there Came to 3ne the whistling of a • buoy which told me that we were p555 - Ing nearer than I would have wished, eVen in daytime, to windward of Boul- der reef. There are, Father, no people on that ref; its sides of ragged rock go -straight down aorty fathoms into the lake. "1 looked 'at the roan With me in the wheelhouse—at Stafford—and hated him I I put my head out at the wheelhouse door and', looked bade at the lights, at the new, great steamer, following sate and straight at the end at ate tentaite 1 theUght of My two /Nen upon the tug who had been ertiehed by clunielness of these on board that ship; and hew my oveft hips had had a name for ttever losing a min and that natne would be lost now because of the carelessness ot Stafford's men! And the Soiled df the shoal brought the evil thought to bee. Suppose 1 had not bappened ilettaie ehlp ; evoind it have gone • tipon setae reef lite this atui beet lot? • I thought that if tew the haweer should break, 1 Would be kid oe that ship' and per- hape of the Owner Who Was on lboard as Well. We could not Veil< up the tow line again In so close to the feet The too, considerably younger than Corvet Tweety years ego, when the conflict of oonmeting Interests was at its height, Corvet was the head of one. line, Stafford was head of another, and the two lines had very much the same connections and -competed for the same cargoes." "I begin to see!" Father Perroo ex- clahned. "Please go on." "In the eenly nineties both linestLti • -were young; Stafford hod, I aeliteeta, two ships; Oorvet had three," "So .few? Yes; it grows plainer?"' • "In 1894. Stanford managed a stroke which, if fate had not intervetted, must • 'have assured the ultimate'• entinction ef Corvet's line or ite absorption into Stafford's. Stafford gained as his part- ner Franklin Itemsdell, it wealthy man whom he bad convineed that the lake traffie offered chances of great profit; and this connection sepplied him svith the capital whose lack had been ham- pering him, as it lvtie still bamperiag Corvet. The new firad—Stafford and Remsdell—nroieeted the .e0ne1reetion, .01 41, 'Thnr da70 They walked together, later in the Ogy, up the 711 to the Silealla WOO The WOmen who had some to the flop! Milani which had been Caleb ',Steirortite, MIS wflhing to ShOW them through the hthise; it bad only five rooms. , One of, thase upon the second floor wee, ate much larger end pleasanter an the rest thee they becaMe ninth sure that it, was the one ig WhiCh ,Akan • had beea born, end where hIS young mother soot: afterward had WO, The: WoMaa, who ha a sbowed them about, had gime to another room and left them alone, •"nem zeents to have been no pice ture of her and nothing of hers left here that any one can tell Me about; but," Alan , choked,. "It's good to be able to think Of her as I Call now, "I mean -ego one cam Say enething against her now !" ' Alan drew nearer her, trembling. • "I canneyer thank you-wa cannever tell you atilt You did for me. ileum. "Constance' He Caught Her.- She t • LHim Hold Her. Ing en--lier and in me, no matter how things lo9ked. And then, coming up here as you did -weer me!" "Yes, it was, for you, Alan!" "Constance!" He caught her. leiThhim• w'ohionladnhievra.s jeturiling to them- , now and, perhaps, it wet as well; for not yet, he knew, could be ask her all that he wished; what had hap- pened was too recent yet for that. But to him, Spearman—half mad and flee - Mg front' the haunts of men—was he - ginning to be like one who had never been; and be knew she shared this 'feeling. The light in heP deep eyes. • Was telling ain't already what ber ari- swei. to .him woult1 be; end_ life stretceed fOrth before tdm Cull, of love end happiness and hope. [THE END I THE HEN AND liER EGGS She rY lithe ref the , Ontarte Agrieeltural Qollage, Are clean, dry, coxettertable hoaees. that ere free freed direct clreaghts over the Wide, and that are Well- liglited. The feeding consists' et it . ',variety of grains, green teed, animal .feed, grit and shell, which Is cretin, . Wept and wholesome, and is adved., • o the birds regularly and in such e itelentatiee that they have all tIler. want te.eat before going' to roost at night; that the supply of aril:Wag- 'Material le clean end abundant; that, the attendant is ,regular in his or her work and is interested in the same; that the herds are bred from 'good - 'laying' aneeetors, and that they aree ., hatched. at the proper season and . well reared, and are free from dila, ease. When Eggs Are Werth. fifost. ' .4 study of the distfibution of the. egg production is interesting and ime portaat from the point of the annuat. returns from, the birds. Egg prices. „ rise and fall with the, seesons' and • usually the' greatest profit 'is made. ' where eggs are produced at a season ' or seasons of th • yeer when pricea are high. Pullet's ie the chief source of egg suably. • Thiey require usually frem atx, to seven months in which to mature. tit is, therefore; possible. . to regulate their produetioa , in the , -fall mouths at leest to sotto extent by regulating the • time they. • will' • hatch .1n the spring, , The main . 'source of eggs Produeed .during 00- . tober and November lei the Meretl• . hatched pullet. By December the% May hatched. pullets ' are out for a. reputation,. •, HOW TO 'TELL A PROFITABLE FOR,LAIZING. Green Feed for Poultry. Now that the poultry are off the - range and no longer benefit the pick- ing of fresh green feed at liberty, a subetitute should be provided. Man - 'gels, kale, cabbage and sprouted oats do very yell to supply in, part the very necessary vitaminest A and. D, 'so essential to proper uutrition. A little attention to; a seemingly unim- portant point frequently means the • diffeeence between success and fail- ure with breeding stock. • At the On- tario Agricultural College Poultry' " Department .ae liberal allowance of green feed or roughage containing' the vital elements is always available to the stock. --L, Stevenson, Dept. of Extenelon. 0. A. College, Guelph. When Horse Is Overcome by Heat. A horse that Previously has been. overcome with heat may fail to sweat in hot weather and be subject to re- carrence of the attack. If sweating' can be caused danger may be offset. Brisk massage Of the skin helps, and • blanketing man be tried. When a. chill ,occurs a. etrong 1intment, rubed in,from ear to, ear stimulates sweat- ing and ciaculation of' blood. It " should notebe applied before putting on a blanket. Some have had good results fetant copious drenches or warm tea containing'ginger essence or tincture or the powdered root. • The farmer who kteps plenty of • stock is the man whose crops will etand a drought the best It takes • a dry year to show the benefits de- rived from liberal applications of stable manure, •A table wife a drawer or an Feathers and ;Egg PrOdueing--Row to Obtain High Edg production— When Eggs Are Worth More— , •'Green Fid for Poultry. (contributed by Oritari0 r.),ebartment of Agriculture, Toronto.) , A hen will not lay if not in good condition. She should be healthy, free from any disease, ,ancl, show plenty of vigor „and activity. The first pullet to lay in the fall is the early maturing one. The hen which is a slow growers, is slow in fe,ather- ing out, is else a elow layer. The Moult Is Important. As soon as a hen gees into a moult she uses her feed to manufaeture feathers, and her egg production falls generally to a minimum of nothing-. It is easily noticed that some hens go into a moult much earlier than others. If a hen starts to moult id July her laying for the summer is about over. So we say • that late ,moulting and heavy egg production go together, because it gives the lien longewsuramer period and still she is hack in form in time for winter. prodaction. So says Prof. W. B. Gra- ham, Ontario AnriculturalsCollege. And for Spearman, strong against all that assailed Corvet, there had been always the terror of the Indian Drum —the Drum which had beat short far the 1Veiwalte, the Dram which bad lenowo that ouenvas sawed! That story came.from some hint Which Luke had spread, Corvet thought; but Spear - Man,. born near by the Drum; believed thal the Drum had known and that the Drum had tried to tell; all through the years Speannan had dreaded the Drum which had tried to betray him. -So it Was by the Drum that, in the end, Spearman wae. broken. The priest's voice had stopped, as Alan Slowly realized; he heard Shan rill's voice epeakieg to him • • It was a trust that he left yeu, Alen; I thought it 'must be thet— a trust for those who suffetecl by the lose of your father's s1i1p 1 delft know yet how it can he fulfilled; and we must think of that," . "That's how understand it," Alan Said. ' Through the tomtit in hie Soul he became aware of physieal feelinge again, and of Sherrill'e hand put uptha bia ShoUlder in a cordial, friendly gretap. Thai another hand, Small and' t6110Ied his, and he bit its'Warro tightening grasp ,upob, hie lingers; he looked tip, and his eyes filled Old here, he saw, Were hrinttning too. ,ea'art11; tong, cold winds, h Laying Hen and Her Phunage. ' If a hea is. laying heavily the plumage will become dry, hard and • brittle. The lustre will disappear and the feathers become broken. The hen certainly loses much of her nat- , ural beauty, but she cannot retain that bright lustre 8,nd also keep up heavy production. Watch for the old lady with the full array of feathers • all in good form, and see if she is , not one of the boarders in your fleck. How to Know a Laying Hen. , The nuestion is often asked, "Can you tell whether or not a hen ie lay - Ing?" Thie is velw easy, Mid re- quires but a few observations. When 1'a• hen eon:tree:lees laying the condi- 1 tions eet up in the reproductive or- gans ark very similar to coaditioas ; in any pregnant animal. Preparation I tisurnitaiodue ,fhoiralaeyoilvegaratich ae for par- . When the ovary is dorroant attd ao eggs are being produced, the dis- tance between the pelvie bones is • very small.- The Vent Is dry, small, •puekered, and in yellow -fleshed chicle - one has a decided baud of yellow 1 piginent wand the Made. When . laying detnitiences the pelVie tones I become bliable and spread apart. The , &dance May lecrease frieze one to ` three fingers in a Short thne. The IVent beeomee large and moist, and. • after two • or the eggs have been lialki the ring of aellOW Digit:tent luta ; diaappeared and the vent is bleached. 'Hoer to Obtaitt High Egg Production. i . [ , The require onto, for high egg 1 nroduotion. eav Prof!, ilnr. te. Graham,. old-fashioned comMode with casters on the- legs makes a wheel tray that comes in handy in the kitchen and diniag-toom. ' "TEMPS" IN YOUNG PIGS. Cansed By the Round Worm, Ascaris lannbricoldes.„, The term "Thumps" is used .by most fanners to describe a lung dis- ease of pigs. There is a quickened breathing' and rapid heart action. Many .little pigs become unthrifty and othe,rs die as a result of the in- festation. It is during the first few, weeks of the pigs' life that the round ' worms dp most of their particularly- nestructive work. Older pigs 'seem: more resistant to the effect of worins. Infestation. • The pens and yards in which the broodeow and het' young are kept are frequently well supplied with worm eggs, particularly so if they haye been used by pigs -for any length of time. The worm eggs lying Cal the floor or in the yard are picked up by the pigs, either while rooting on nursing. The sow's udeler is fre- quently wet and in contact with the floor, thereby gathering the eggs, if present, on the teats, ready EC) be passed on to the little pig during the next feeding. • alow the Warms Cause "Thumps." Soon efter the eggs are swallowe& by the yoang pig they hatch if ripe, and the young worms are liberated in the stomach and Mtestine. These very minute young worms burrow in- to the wall of the bowel and reach the blood stream, eventually reach- ing the heart and lungs. This takes about twenty -Tour hours from time of aatching. Once the worms reach the lungs they grow and develop quietly for about a week, thea they burrow their way into, the large air Passages, This causes an, erritation, with coughing.. The coughing brings up mueous and .wortias, which are swallowed by the pig. The worms Pass on, to the intestine, where they become attached and remain uetil they reach maturity. a/On maturity the females lay milleIns of, eggs, which are passed from the intestine and eventually, infest the yards and 'antis. "The preeence of the wthens hi the heart and lungs is responsitile for the disordered breathing and heart action seen in the conaition that we call "Thumps." Prevention, Cleanliness Is the keynote In pre- vention Of asearid or round 'worm. iofestation. Get the sow and ,her • family out on the green grass away ' from old buildings and pens if poll- sible. If necessary to use pens scrub the floors with hot lye solution and clean up generally. See teat the sow' IB clean outside and in. Arrange for the cleatiew of ;he pen and a eupply of clean stetter every day. Sueshine and cleab ground to range over are great aide to the prevention of ithuraps."—L, Stevensoft, 0. &. Col- lege, Guelph. ,