HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-01-28, Page 4..• iii:! i:i;r1117 MIN $ v WI: Subscriv Adv'ertis A,dverti„ ctians v ad charg Change, be in the 2 Su11 T or et one antr syr, Some p 3r g 14, Rao irt aao Superh e Ferrari P re It r Olive Q0 I:. Made from the best quality and choicest olive friuts .obtainable: Imported in sealed tins, has been approved by the highest authorities and guaranteed pure under chemic. analysis. -i n and A. superior oil for salad dressing - medicinal purposes. oderately priced 30e $5.50 per fn' Kin, ;,Fin's Drug Si re 1ko °NJ` SOJ-Ie Winchn>in, Ont. OOZE. 14444.644311.039441,41W.D41000.113.4.00141.444.41.1.94114. Phone 53 1 .Ourer ora . > ee—.-- pia . w. Item ol .Trn Mr. and Mrs, John Tripp, sr., left last Thursday for their new bonne in Detroit, ' Miss Mary Hastings of Turnberry, is visiting with'her cousin, Mrs, Brown of Seaforth, Mrs. 'W. MacI ersie, Shaker St„ is able to. be around again,' after an ill- ness of three weeks. n Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Porter have te- ttirned from spending several weeks with relatives in Toronto. ' • Mrs. (Dr.)". L. Reynolds and dau- ghter Mary of Emmett, Idaho, are vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Elmer Hastings of Morris. Rev. F. E. Powell, rector of. • St. Barnabas Church, <Toronto, is spend- 'ing a few days at the home of his sis= ter, Mrs. J.‘ A. Wilson. Mrs. Symington and children.' of Toronto, who have been visiting' the former's parets, Mr, anti Mrs. 3. John- son, Minnie St., returned to their home on Thursday. Mr. S. Halliday of the Canadian Oil Co., London, has severed his connec- tion with that Company and ha& ac- cepted a position as Sllesman ral. the Gunns, Ltd., Toronto. We 'wish him success. AGENTS WANTED—An Exception- al Opportunity for an energetic man whole -or spare time. "A full line of Canadian. grown Trees and Shrubs,' etc. We equip with free travelling outfit and pay liberal commissions. Welland Nursery Co: Welland, Ont. DWELLING FOR SALE—Large frame dwelling, all modern equip- ment. Splendid garage. A snap' for quick sale. Apply to A. Cosens, real estate dealer, or to Miss Mary Madigan, 65 Lakeview Ave„ Tor- , onto. ;TIOUSEKEEPER WANTED -Td i ve in country. Apply stating salary wanted. The Advance -Times, Wing- hani. FOR SALE -Bedroom Suite, Mahog ani• finish, Bed, Springs and Dress- er. Bargain. Mrs. J, Walton Mc- Kibbon, Centre Street. FOR .SALE—Good brick house, barn 26x32, also hen house and g acres of choice land, apple trees and small fruit: Apply to' J. D. Mac- Ewen, Dairyman. W1I iCl>i1AM ADVANCE -TIM WON DIAMOND MEDIAL Interesting Letter From Mr,. A. M. Crawford: His many Wingham friends will be delighted to know that he has won the $65o. Diamond Medal for bowling which he mentions in his interesting letter. Alex's newsy letter will be read withinterest by everyone and es- pecially by the members of the Wing- ham. bowling club, St. Petersburg, Jan, aotli., i926 Mr. A. G. Smith, Wingham, Ontario. Dear Andy: I promised you I would give a small account of ouyr trip to Florida, Well the notes that I took down on my diary book, 'I have mislaid and as yet have not located it. But if I don't locate: it, I will give you a small as count of what I can remember. I have been kept,very busy with the bowling, I arnsending you under se- perate cover a ,paper with a small ac- count of my games, They have a $65o,00 Diamond Medal, that was giv- en by the Pres, of the Club and a Sil- ver Cup. The medal you cannot take home with•, you, I mean' back north when I say home, but the cup you can if you should be fortunate enough to win the same. It is played this way: Everyone that wins three games quits. Then when they have all .play- ed, those that hove•won 3 games go in groups and play to the last one, I might state this is not rink games it is singles. I have not lost any yet, but have had very close games and have managed to come out on top as you will see by the papers. I had an awful hard game today. We play 18 ends and dead. ends do not count. I had to make 4' of them today to win. I was 2 down coming home that is I had to get two to win and one to tie. I .made this. As yet T: am the only Canadian or American. that has won all my games. We hid a large gallery today, being a very fine day, like our July days home. In my shirt sleeves nothing but pants and shirt, no hat and believe me I was hot. They don't. like to see the Canadians win. But that don't make any difference, we will make them like us. You will no- tice they are getting more friendly in the last paper they have it Alex in- stead of Crawford. They did not pay much attention to me at first, but I am one of the big -fellows now in the talk. . The open tournament start's here this coning Monday. I might state that I have picked up 4 Canad- ians to play with me. I think that they are all hand picked. Win. Brown, a young Irishman, leading. from Tor- onto, Jake Hutlier from Guelph, 2nd., and Dr. Gallonough, 3rd., from Tor- onto. I might state the Dr. is going to play with me in the Doubles and I do think that we will be in the money. There were two'•bus loads of us ta- ken over to Davenport yesterday, 32 in all, They were opening their, court there, as you can not call it a Green for it is not. The Pres. pulled off a novel stunt. He took a $,o bill and a $5 bill, put his pen knife through them, and used them as the Jack, the lone that came the nearest got the $zo and the 2nd. nearest the $5. We just had two bowls each to try for it. Then the one the .,nearest he put a nickle where the bowls carne to Test bad so on. So that we all had an ev- 'en chance. I might state that as soon as you played and the bowls came to rest, they were lifted and taken off the court, so as you would have no chance to wick in for the nearest. I got one of my bowls within a foot, but it was no good so ,you see they were getting pretty close. They have over 200 members here now. I don't know if this will be of any news to you, but I thought the boys would like to know how I was getting the time in. Well the - whole trouble is the time is going too fast for rile here. far faster than at home, at least it seems that way. You go down in the morning and if you are not there • by 8.30 you will not get a game, and the afternoon x o'clock. They have x6 rinks, 14 ft, wide and all just like a billiard table. I don't think I - told you that It was sand that we played on, no grads at all, in fact they have as much trouble to keep the grass frons growing as we, do to grow. They are building six more rinks now. You would think it was cement that you were going to play on, but it plays awfully good,you can take a borrow on either. side of from d to ro ft wide and you have sure got to put your bowl away -straight and very keen, just lay them down, I' have seen the wind blow a bowl 3 to 4 feet, that does not seers possible, but it is a fact. ' The weather here has been,a, little wet and cool, so they say from other years. But the coldest they have had here was 38 above, so you know back north you would say that was warm and that only carie two nights, Well Andy as it is late I will have to close. I will write you later and tell all about the tournament. Yours Sincerely, Alex, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Field, Mr. Jas. Gilmour, Mr. W. H. Willis,. Miss Lewis, Mr, E. J. Mit- chell and Mr. R. H. Lloyd were, in Toronto this week^in connection with the Prohibition 'Act. ?.:^ Mr. John Nicholl has completed twenty years as Postmaster of Re- gina, and the Regina Daily' Post, con- tains ontains a lengthy article on the changes during that time. Mr, Nicholl was probably the, first G. T. R. agent at Wingham, . before moving to , the West. NOTICE—All those owing accounts to us .must; settle same at I the store by February 1st. After that date .,we must turn them over for col- lection. A. S. Radford, White- church, FOR SALE—One and a : half storey bricl: cottage, eight rooms, hard and soft water, garage and stable, in the village'. of Wroxeter. Apply to George Town, Real Estate and In- surance. FOR SALE—German Shepherd Pol- ice Puppies, pedigreed and register- ed, silver grey, wolf grey and pure black, males and females, $15.00 and, up. J: C. Powney, "1toute s, Bel- grave, Phone xi -623. FOR SALE ---1 ?s storey :dwelling, 7 rooms, hall scullery, hard and soft water in house, large barn, nacre land. Your offer niay take it.. Par- PERSONAL—Any person knowing the whereabouts of Miss Mary Gunness, who left Wingham in the years of x881 or 1882. Kindly write to Box 42, Wingham, Ont., Can. TIMELY TOPICS Froth Near and Far, Outside our ow: Com inuiity.-Condexased to IVIake Clear and Quick Reading Possible Fire last week destroyed the three- storey brick building, occupied by the Canada Rug Co'., and the London Coat and Apron Supply Co., of London, Low temperature hampered the fire- men, and their clothing and ladders were sheeted with ice. The loss *to the rug company and,apron supply company may total $5o00, —0— An appeal to the people is practi- cally certain to be made in June, by the. Ontario Provincial Government; and the platform, ASKS FOR ,CO-OPERATION To the Turnberry Agri. Society, I wish to thank the `members of the Society for conferring the honor of appointing me President for the year 1926. 'I hope everyone in town and coun- try will show an enthusiastic spirit in our society..I will be very grateful at any time for any suggestions that will. in anyway tend to the betterment of the Society. I know there aremen more compe- tent to fill the position than 1 but af- ter being chosen I hope with the co- operation of directors and members to try to make 1926 another successful year. Yours very truly, C. G.` Campbell They Still Remember Wingham , We are pleased to publish the fol- lowing letters from former citizens of Wingham, who are still' interested in the old town and enjqy reading the old home paper every- week. SAFETY RAZOR. BLADES SHAR • PENED Satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Single edge 3c; Double edge; 4c. C. H. McAvoy,. and J. W. McKibbon, Wingliam and J. N. Allen, Wroxeter. FARMS FOR SALE -Too acres 4i miles from Goderich, 8 miles from Clinton, situated on -Prov, Highway first-class land, ploughing near: all done, good barn, steel roofing, lots of good water with windmill, 9 ac- res first class orchard. Red brick. house, built 9 years ago, 4 bed- rooms, hall, 3 piece bath, attic, wa- ter all through house. Downstairs, 2 double rooms, dinning room, kit- chen, large pantry, cellar with furn- ace, beautiful terraced lawn, an ideal farm. Also 10o acres mile from the said farm, all seeded down but 10 acres, 3o acres of cedar and Hemlock bush, running spring, Maitland river at back, 1 mile, from school and church.• Farms will be sold together or separate. Easy terms to suit 'purchaser, ' Apply to Mrs. Ruth Thompson, Goderich Ont., Phone 603 ring 13, Goderich, ticulars - write to Box A Advance- Tinley; Executive Maitland Presbytery TO RENT—Goods brick The Annual meeting of the. Execu- HOUSE tive of the Maitland Presbyterial met dwelling with garage. Apply to at Wingliarn United Church, Jan. 17, Hanna St Ca., Ltd. 1926. The president, Mrs. McKenzie KEEP .STOCK HEALTHY— By feeding our fresh Cattle Salts, Sul- phur, Pure Saltpetre, Charcoal, a supply' on hand and a bottle of raw Linseed Oil, will save many. "Doc - tore' your Bills. Use noleurn on cattle, it kills the lice. Thompson & Buchanan Hardware. 'AUCTION SALE—Cows and pigs at F'ordwich on Saturday, January 3o. Choice lot of 25 head :of Fresh Cows ` and Springers, • Ten or fifteen choi- ce brood sows, select, due to farrow' soon. Sheldon Bricker, Prop.,'Hai°-. ry Akins, Auct. YOUR HENS WILL • LAY ---1;f you feed our Royal ,,Purple Lay Mash, re -cleaned Oyster Shell, special pre- pared ared Limestoire Grit. Keep your hen hoose free from vermin with. Lime and Zcnoleurn. They'll do batter,: Thompson &' 'Buchanan, lardware, 555 N. Holliston, Ave. Pasadena Calif. The Tiny Separate School case, which has been before Justice Rose at Toronto, from' before Christmas, came to a close last week. A petition was presented by the Tiny school trustees who asked for a declaration of sights with resp:ect to their powers to im- part higher education; and other min- or clauses. The judge's decision will not be known for a few days. What- ever the outcome, the case will likely be carried to the privy council for a final decision, —0T-- The estimated • population of the world- by races is as follows:— Caucasian 725,000,000 68o,000,000 210,000,000 1000,000,000 104,500,000 Mr. A. G. Smith, Wingham, Ont, Dear Sir: I am enclosing cheque for my pa- per, sorry I have neglected it so long. We enjoy reading your paper and look forward for it each week as it carries Lots . of good news from. that good old town of Wingham and sur roundiheg country, which is very in- teresting to me I lived around that part ' of Ontario for a good number of years. Wishing you and yours compliments of the, season and a very prosperous year in business. Yours Truly, A. E, Coling. presiding. After devotional exercises led by Mrs. Anderson, Mrs, ,Gowans and Mrs. Little, the reports of the dif- ferent Secretaries, were given, which were considered encouraging and a strong feeling of optimism prevaded all. In some places where the two uniting forces are meeting together, 1 m tin was held but the encouraging word hat iarmoruy and good will existed between the units was sent by nearly all. Another encouraging feature was, the willing- ness 'of members to co-operate in preparing •monthly programmes. A 'Ur• eat :taste confronts the women of the nited Church' of Canada. We have a united membership of two hundred thousand women, but there are, it is estimated, sir hundred thousand wo- men. in the United Church, We must win the other four hundred thousand, that we may go forward to meet the eliallenge of the needs of all tsur fields. Mongolian, • Negro Semitic ....-. Malayan Red Indian ..... .-. _ . 30,000,000 fdN 'ftursday, January 28th., 1026 iwyruyomwra,.a fritsp 4rom ;masetWmuwm4.1.. ow.F wnuap SUN M 1011011111111111 WWWWWiti 1 Ill, I Total ......... __--1,849,500,000 —0--- Search 0_Search parties which have been out for the past week in the hope of locat- ing Sergt. John Billings,. D.C.M., .. a game and fisheries inspector at Bar- rys Bay, Ont., and Joe. Stringer, a guide, who have been issiaig since Jan. • 8th., came upon the charred re- mains .of the two in a shackwhich had burned. St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, Ont, The Advance -Times, `Wingham, Ont. Dear Sir: Would you kindly forward me your paper for a year, I am enclosing''a check for two dollars, subscription Iprice for sane:' Thanking you, I remain, Yours very truly,' Anna E. Cummins. ESI! _0— A Regina man only 28 years old ad- vertised that'he had 50 years' experi- ence in skunkcatching. Nothing wrong about that, however. Our idea of skunkcatching is that a person can. get •3o years' experience in about 10 minutes. __0— Alarmed by a cat, nine people man- aged. to make their aescape from .a burning' rooming house on Simcoe Street, Toronto, suffering Tittle injury other than slight shock. 125 Lawton Bld., - `Toronto 5 The Advance -Times, r Wingham, Ontario. Dear - Sir: ICindly find' enclosed $2.00 for to re - :new your paper for another year to me. We all look forward to its ar- rival every week, I am yours truly, , Mrs, J. J. Homuth. 62 Wright Ave., Tor&nto, Ont, Dear Editor: Please find enclosed $2.0o for sub- scription for Wingham .4dvance- Times with many thanks for prompt deli v Wisltin you a prosperous v er Yw . ' New "tear. Respectfully, Mrs. M. Jackson, Assize Court, which opened in Lon- don, Monday, saw the commencement of three civil actions, covering claims amounting to over $7,000, filed against John Bridge, former head of the Rug- gles Truck Co.,, of London. —0— Alberta coal of the highest grade is now on the way. This coal will be sold for about the same, and .in some places for a little less, than the other fuels which are being sold instead of hard coal this year. • —o— Martin Durkin, most desperate bad man that the "capital' of crime" his produced in recent years, captured in St. Louis last week, and now a prison- er at Chicago, awaiting trial for mur- der, urder, laughed at the law and predicted he would go free. "Die on the gal- lows? That's a laugh. A good alibi, a clever lawyer—Clarence Darrow, maybe -and,- shucks, it's a cinch:" That's how much Marty Durkin fears the law in Illinois. —0- And after the Loeb -Leopold case, vuho murdered a boy, "just for fun" and many other notoriousones, who all escaped the gallows, the rest of the world thinks about the same as Dur- kin, as regards law enforcement in Illinois. —0— Arrayed in their robes of white and with one of their number bearing an electric fiery cross and another a flag, more than a scoreof members of. the Klu Klux Klan of Canada attended the burial at London of Alex Millilcei, of Drumbo, aforrner resident of Lon- don, at Woodland Cemetery, It was the first interment in Canada at which the K. K. IC.' has performed its ;last rifles to the dead, —0— Mr. Merchant! Through .newspaper circulation you°get both quality and quantity at the same time for, your selling message. —0— The deaths of ' four pairs of twins have taken place . in North Bay since the first of the year, Ages of the lit- tle ones fanged from one day to eight months, Alternate severe and mild weather is blamed for several of the deaths. a4i 10% iSIit 0 F'.M'riner L Prices Qli(I i W ens, 1 isses' an, ' CR i:iildrenrS Gobi shes and Overstates !a Wholesale prices of Rubber Footwear advanced ten to twen- It tYper cent.. on January 1st., 1926, this being the second advance , since Sept: sst last. In spite of this big advance in wholesale pric- es we are going to give for Ten' Days W 10 Per Ce Q. 11 ur F ',utter Low Pr 'eeS o EI ill/ W e;;'s, lasses', Cnildren's 0vrrs;,0es ®' , IF PRICE MEANS ANYTHING —THIS IS YOUR OPPORTCJNITY, — Telephone 23 - WINGHAM, ON T, THE GOD SHOE STORE lf® illy 4501161440111119141 11, 5 rder your F ' Help Nw To make absolutely sure of havin FARM HELP FOR 1926 send in your applications AT ONCE to H. A. Macdonnell, Air'ector of Colonization, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto and no smoking or drinking will be permitted in its precincts. —co— , A jury at sandwich last week re - tarried a verdict for the plaintiffs in the suit against the Essex Terminal Railway and a Bus Line, which were being sued jointly for $150,000 by relatives of Mrs. Potter, who was killed, 24 persons who were injured when a locomotive of the railway company crashed into a motor bus on' Howard Ave., Windsor last May. The jury placed the whole responsibility on . the railway. --o The New York Stock Exchange „ kn:AMg, Mx. ... . ,,,. • , ,kj 4 difN t I..:dP ' >!!; A ialrw,dl ar , •.. . VOiktroliiatriCifigVaLVIA XXX =in uiwy;: In raises money, easily. Twenty-five more seats were added to the Ex- change, raising .the total from 1,100 to 1,125. "These were sold for $135,2. 000 each, adding $3,375,000 , to the Stock Exchange assets. One hundred and thirty-five thousand .dollars is a good price Lox seats, especially as the exchange iswithout any place to sit down. The brokers stand up. W. Attycuck, of Sonora, N. S., is so. anxious to find' his missing wife that;,. he has sent ' Police Chief 25 cents to: "cover the expenses," He is even willing to pay more, if necessary... "She has a baby face and is 22 years. old," wrote Attycuck. "I do not ex- ect you to do a. whole lot -for me." P,. TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received up to Feb.. 8th., for the sale of Johnston's'Chur-• 'ch, which is a timber frame 36x36 ft.. brick veneer with an addition of nine feet solid brick,also a shed 5ox6o ft., situated on 1st line of Morris, two miles west of Jamestown: And on Feb, 9th„ there will be a publio sale of the Church furniture,,. consisting of pulpit, organ, chairs,. carpet, 2 tables, cupboard, lamps and stove. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock: p. m. n Address all tenders to Arthur Shaw,. R. R. No. 2, Bluevale, Ont. New York contractors have begun work ortthe tallest buildingin the world, ei ght feet higher than the Woolworth tower, The building will be calledt the Christian Missionary B14, s RED iR 2 MTS. 1 c m0 - •rte ROWNTREE'S NTREE'S CIS F pp lllV tIOrtaliatt b. "A TASTE OF OLD ENGLAND CHOICE HAND-PICKED AT LESS THAN 5c lb. A S : MCK VERY TASTY FOR QUICK LUNCH EVAPORATED St. Charles, Carnation, Nestle's .2.' C TINS nvoavneirmattratRammonumummotisammamortan CR.ISPO FIG B TEA For Quality r.S.L,. C BULK Mb, SELFi,CT 69 lb. gichinello 79 1, RICHMELL' COFFEE BY FARTHE BEST , 1lb. TIN BISCUIT lbs. : t TINS , 4C CAMPBELL'S T`iC''1tT soup 'rims 2 PURE GOLD 2 1l'Ictsa. p BUTTE' ry BRAES:IDE BRAN CREAMENY'' I, lintel bwasd is Cam.da BRAND MAY'IBI.I 4e aq ui:: , w,.n ..l l,:.. +n . she Me®nmr.m. mmm*mue aw n,Mumam nu m.en im.Nammn muxtmmh Moumm 5 w QUICK PUDDINGS 25c Ib. PAIL e P.em.imeA ihl nmmv0ulmlW WmIn YCAmN1YM1NW10011tt9 GOLD BAR ma SPINACH ; AS GOO AS THE FRESH VEGETABLE :lid, 11.3 oitomi.::::::Loomommomottor.',106, c4.0.64 tii,1„2„:"'!",,ax:,,:m. 1W1