HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1926-01-21, Page 8r trimmed with Seal, ' 11pposu:1 u ,tire ":'eaverIlI'
shades ,t' }3rown, Tau It e, Navy, Fa,W
Black and Burgundy.
Coats will
$10.00 C
$20,09 C
$30.60 C
e On Sale
yle,. fie 1'{ ...
is, Hatt Price ,...$5.69
ats, i' : all rice 10.00
ahs, Halt ric,..15.00
$40.00 C.
$50.06 C
$75.00 Co
ntil 2.30 on
Ms, Hall
Ms, I,., .;.,it Price,...25.00
is, ua ;.;gt Price.,..3L.50
1t is our sad duty this week to.
chronicle the death of Mr. Alex. Long
:a resident . of Ashfield. The late Mr.
Long died on Thursday morning af-
ter only a few days illness of pneu-
monia., having been in town a week
previous. The late Mr. Long was a
man of sterling quality, being one of
the old school, whose honesty and.
hospitality was unquestioned: He.
was 62 years of age and is survived
by his wife (who was formerly Miss
Rose also of Ashfield.) and 3 daugh-
ters and one son. The funeral was
held an Saturday from his late home
to Greenhill Cemetery under ,the aus-
pices of Lucknow Lodge of Oddfell
Tl e annual meeting of the congre-
'gation of Lucknow Presbyterian Shur -
.ch was held on Wednesday night last.
After the. Devotional exercises were
completed, Mr. Jno. C. Murdoch was
voted to, the chair and the reports • of
each department of the church were
read and each showed a substantial
gain over last year, in: fact when all
circumstances are considered it, has
probably been one of the best years
in the history of the church. The ex-
xpenses of the past year were consid
.erably higher than previous years.
Also a large debt, that had been stand
iing for some tune, was paid off and a
larger balance. left 'on hand than for'
some years. The Sunday School also
had a better report than any previous-
ly recorded, as .well as. Women's Miss-
ionary . Society, Young Men's Bible
Class,` Mission • Band, Adult Bible
Class etc. After the' election of offi-
cers for the ensuing year;, Rec. Chas.'
McDonald, pastor of the church dos-
ed the meeting with prayer.
"Peter Piper's Troubles" was the
theme of a play put. on. in the town
hall on Thursday night by the Angli-
can Young People's Society and con-
sidering the weather and state of the
roads a very large number turned out
and they 'were well repaid for their
coming. It was well acted in every
part and being a very humourous play
kept the crowd in roar of laughter.
Musical and. vocal numbers between
acts were provided by Mrs. G. H.
Smith, Miss M. Allen, Miss M. Wil-
son, Miss L. Mitchell, Miss M. Aitche-
son, Messrs. Thos. Watson, J. Hass-
an and F. Stanley and a reading b
Miss B. Graham. Altogether it was
_i 111 iulifisil
111111111$1111111111 111' :I 11111.'.E -...-
IW -
'his f, nth
er re
-hit -----
Open St ck
Gold Band'
.Bridal Rose
N$Iill .0011gI�iNlINNr,ir `4finatll Illil IlI 111
ALJbI11bR nl'..a•�,• (' •• iii�IV
had just returned from. Kansas City,
where he had taken a special course
in dentistry.
Mrs. Medd of Auburn hasbeen vis-
iting her sister, • Mrs. Jno. Hackett,
who is recovering from her recent ac-
Mrs. J. E. Agnew has returned to
her home here after a two weeks vis-
it with her son in Detroit.
Miss Alma McKay is visiting her
sister in Windsor for a few weeks.
•The stork ;left a baby boy with. Mrs.
Jno. Wilson last Thursday.
Mrs, 'Wm. Elliott is visiting : her
daughters, Mrs, Longman and Mrs,
Garnier of Windsor.
Mr, and Mrs, ;laugh Gilmour, enter-
tained a few young people one even-
ing last week
Miss Irene Mundell, spent the week
end with her friend, Miss Mae. •Van -
stone of B3iuevaie.
Mr. David Colvin, is spending a few
days at .the home of Mr. ' John Met-
Mr, and Mrs, Otto Johann and chil-
dren, spent Wednesday evening at the
home of Mr, and Mrs, R. Stokes.
Mr, and Mrs, Richard. Jeffrey, were
recentvisitors'. at the ,home of Mr.
and Mrs, George Lane.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Marshall were
recent visitors at the home of Mr.
Fred Edgar of Howick..
Miss. Mary Eadie, spent the week-
end with her sister Mrs. Caiflers,
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. John Metcalf, spent a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. Howard
Mrs. Arthur Lincoln and daughter,
Evelyn, retuned' home after having
a pleasant visit with friends in Tor-
onto. .
Mr. Robert Muir' jr., has returned
to Detroit after holidaying with his
parents here.
Mr. Alvin Smitli, has gone to Guel-
ph, where he is taking a course at the
O. A, C,
Mr. "George Alexander -McKenzie,
visited last Tuesday with IKinlough
Miss Margaret Campbell of Rapid
City, spent a week's vacation *with
Wawanosh friends.
Mrs. Allan McLeod of Lucknow,
visited her sister, /Piss Margaret Mc-
Kenzie last 'Tuesday.
Mr. Geo. Brick, spent Thursday
last with Miss Bella McGregor.
Minutes of Council Meeting held in
then Township Hall,, Morris on Mon-
day January xxth., 1926.
The members were all present and
after signing the obligation of office
the Reeve took the chair and the fol-
lowing business was transacted;
Minutes of last meeting read and
Officers appointed: -A. MacEwen,
clerk, $225.00; A. Shaw, treasurer,
$r5o.00; James Peacock, assessor
$xoo.00; W, Abram, Robert :Wallace,
Sanitary ' Inspectors, 5oc per hour,
while employed; Richard Johnston,
Peter McNab„ auditors . $I2.00• each;
Medical Health Officer, Robert L.
Stewart, member of'the Board of
Health,, Peter McNab, school attend-
ance officer, A. Shaw, $15.00. The
printing contract. was given to J. L.
Kerr, at $9o.00.
Grants: -Children's Aid, Goderich,
$25.00; Sick Children's Hospital $zo.00
Muskoka Hospital, $1o.00.
Accounts paid:-Wingham' Advan-
ce Tele-
Brussels ce Printing cards $2.5o; S
phone Co., $13.65;. A: •Shaw, ' School;,
Officer, $15.00 A. MacEwen, Drain
$zo,00; Telegram 35c; Assistance in
Survey Ellison Drain, A. Pierce, R. 1
Nesbitt, A. Nesbitt, Wm. Taylor, each
$r.so; Dockett Drain, H. Dockett, C.
B. Forest, each $iso; McCall Drain
Mr: Wells $I.50.
The Council will meet at the Hall
on February lath., x926.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallaher, spent
one evening last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Bert Harris- of the x5th. con. of
Howick. ti
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennett, call-
ed' on friends in Howick last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir, spent .one
day recently with' their son and dau-
ghter, Mr. and 'Mrs. `Harold \'Veir,
near Orange Hill,'
Mr, Richard Palmer is at present
confined to his bed with a bad attack
of influenza. We hope no serious re-
sults will follow but that lie will soon
be alright •once again,,
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weir and, M .
and Mrs. W. E. 'Weir, attended the sil-
ver wedding anniversary, last Saturday
of Mr. and Mrs. George Dane who
reside north of Gorrie, and report a
pleasant time, there being" some twen-
ty-five present at the occasion. We
wish thein Mani. years of wedded life
together yet.
Mr. and Mrs. ' Johnston from near
Tryaske, Man., are at present visiting
r, and Mrs. Wm. Mines . and other
one of the best entertainments put on Mrs, Mark Gardner and babe,
here by local talent and we under- Lorne,. spent Wednesday last with
stand will be repeated in the near fu- Mrs. Sandy Havens of Lucknow,
tore: Mr. Peter Carter. of Lucknow, vis -
On Friday night this week, Dr, iced Mt•. Alex Havens last Monday
Pierce and his Afinenian Boys will evening. .'-
give ;an entertainment in the town A large number from Rapid City,
hall, consisting of readings, musical attended the Social evening put on by
the L. 0. L. 428 and enjoyed the ev
numbers and an illustrated lecture,
featuring the work of the Armenian ening's fun 'very much,
boys on their farm near Brantford, A few front here attended the L. 0
Our bet is that Timothy Hay being' L., Kinloss District Lodge held in
a true son of Edin, would have been Kinlough last Tuesday evening and
happy, had t o been in the battle:roy-' .report District Officers elected as fol -
al at Ottawa last week lows for 1926:-D W M, Will Ryan,
Rev. Dr, .;Robertson of Toronto, I inlough; D D NI, Sam Reid, Zion;
preached in the United Church here, D Chap'' John Graham, Kinlough.; D
morning and evening and delivered Secy, Will Haldenly,: Westford; D Fin
two very stirring sermons, Secy,; Happy. Jack Miller, St, Helens;
At the morning service in the An- D Treas., Walter Hodgeris,llolyrood;,
glican ' church Communion was cele- D Lecturers;;; Mark 'Gardner, Rapid
g ' City and Isaac Pinnell, Kinlough: o ,
The . Chaplain of this District Lod-
ge, Mr. John Graham, a fine old man,
is over ninety years of age and can
read fine print without aid of glasses.
Old men like this should be honored
Miss Leah Smith, who. was `taken and respected by all for the grand
to Winghatn Hospital,. following the their they have nand tlishecl both e.
their lodge room and their daily life.
funeral of her. mother a week ago was Miss. Maudie Boker of South Kin -
operated on; on Wednesday` last' for loss, spent Sunday with her uncle,
Thursday, .January 21""rat.,
Mrs, Win . Caesar desires to. take L.
this opportunity of thanking her 104
many friends 'for all their kindness to!
her during her recent illness,
Mr. Hugh: and Miss Jennett Kerr
of Tuxford,' Sask.,, are visiting with
friends around the 'Village..
Miss Annie Geddes, spent the,1yeelc
end with friends in Winghan7,•
(Miss Sarah Cole is visiting' friends
in Brussels.
Rev.: and Mrs. Scobie, spent a few
days with friends at Whitechurch last
Mrs. 5. A. Geddes is in Bluevale
for a few days, .
Mr. J. L. Stewart has gone to
Guelph to see his brother, Thomas
who is quite ill.
Mrs, Lake spent the weekend at
Mt.. Forest.
Charles Coultis shipped three load
of cattle and. Watson Bros., Blyth,
one load,Friday and Saturday from
The regular monthly meeting of the
W. M. S. limited. Church, Belgrave,
was held in the School room • of the y;
Church, Jan. 7th,, with x3' ladies pre-
sent. President in the chair, meeting
opened, by singing hymn ,305, Scrip-
ture lesson from Matt. 6 Chap, was
then read' by Mrs. Abram Procter, af-
ter which Mrs.' Jas, Michie led: in
prayer. Sec. and Treas. reports were
read and adopted. ' Mrs. Joe. Clegg
read a paper_"Greetings From Korea"
After singing Hymn 133, Roll Call
was responded to by each repeating
a favorite verse. Mrs, Dan Geddes
read .a letter•from her friend, Mrs.
Dr. Treirson, Korea, who is expected
home on furlough: this coming .'sum-
mer,, all expressing a desire to hear
her at one of our meetings. We were
pleased to have with us Mrs. Rev..
McCallum of Lucknow, who spoke ;so
kindly to us her word's of cheer'and
encouragement. This' was followed by
a splendid report from. the Sec. on the
year's work. The paper for our Feb-
ruary meeting will be taken from our
Study Book "Building in India" after
singing Hynin 95 meeting was dos-
ed with prayer by Mrs. John Coultes.
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W' �"1[n'� FL!,te Vici"id or,
ak'ell Sip errs, just hake the
illustration sin. uwn, j I,r $3..00
pair in all sizes ioa4 w ..
o en's Fane Kid ri . b r
Boots, One II :.t at $1.00 g
per p,.,ir, all sizes. ILS:
On 1
ire e'i u's Iwf: i�l�i
$ $2.00 I air
11 sizes.
The ab�,�ve rare being shown on
tales and we'nnvite yor;,
lad see thorn.
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$o C :, ii
WBnlgha.nn, Ont..
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hrated by the Rev. Cannon Gunn of
London, who also conducted a service
of Consecration for gifts presented to
the church by Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross,
1'Ir. and 1virs. T. W. Smith and Mrs.
G. H. Smith. '+a'
appendicitis. Her sister, Rose we un-
derstand is in a. hospital in Toronto.
This family has surely had its share
of trouble during the past year and a
1I Mrs. Price Naylor, who returned to
_ • her borne in Toronto, after spending
a month visiting here, was taken ill
on arriving and. was immediately
brought back to her home here,
111 where' slit is undergoing treatment for
nervous breakdown. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
William Carlin of Rapid City.
Mn and Mrs, Phillip Steward and
babe of Lucknow,' visited the latter's
parents, Mr• and Mrs. Jas. Fisher on
Mr. Jack and Harry Champion ;of
Fordyce, spent Sunday with Rapid Ci-
tar friends.
Agents F'+ r x927 Calendars
We wish to call the attention of the
Merchants and business men of Wing -
Miss Isabel Douglas, wlto is iii a ham to the fact that we are agents
e tial: s lendid lines of x 2 cal -
hospital in Chatham Is improving. for S v p 9 7
Pi , Much'Sympathy is being expressed endais. We can give you as reason -
I for Mr. and Mrs. •Gordon Irwin in the able a price as any traveller and just
a death of tli it little son, aged y weeks. the sante quality stock, The Advan-
-- I)r. A. Cam rots of Peterbaro, vi9- ce-Tiznes, .yo,.- ciwn locat print shnf,.
�u �Y:tt!IIiiY4 1�a'.t'�nipili:
friends. Mrs. Johnston is a sister of
Mr. Mines.
Miss Joy. Wray of Toronto, spent
her s?holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Wray.
Phillip --In Clifford, on Friday, Janu-
ary 8, 1926, Mrs.' Peter Phillip, mo-
ther of Mrs. Chris. Severt, of Fird-
wich, in her '87th' year. Inter-
ment took place•Sunday at Clifford.
Aitchison -In Howick, on Thursday,
Jauary 7,. 1926,. Margaret: Arun Wel-
sh, relict of the late Thos. Aitchi-
son, and another of Mrs. John Sch-
aefer, itt her 77th year.
Look at Your Label
The Advance -Times mailing .lists
have l5cen corrected up till Monday,
Jaaruary 11th. and if you' have•paid
your subscription before that date it
Should be credited if you have not
paid please do so within the next
week. We find there are over 70o
subscribers' who are in arrears for $.i
and over. Prompt payment will be
} h I!
rasa Ft::;,inleis 1.69 ,
No better time to make that
new Flanriei !dress, and what 'so
serviceable as our best. Flannels
of English' make? . Mandarin
Blue, Soft Green,. Jalopa, Sand-
alwood, Pearl, Lavender, Ivory
and Light Brown, . all. are 54 in.
wide, per yard $1.69. ,
Super Nalnn Checks
35c Yard
An outstanding cloth. free from
filling and of that soft : smooth
. finish so essential for fine und-
ergarments, s, in Lavender, Nile,
Peach, Pink, Sky and White, 36
in. wide,per yard 35c.
Charmeeen and
Kasha Cloths
For the dress and street wear
and general usefulness, these
cloths are of exceptional merit,
Charmeen in. plain colors of
Green, Blue, Sand and Black,
while the Kasha Cloths come in
neat stripes and checks. Priced
$x,5o to • 245 per yard.
Fiat Crepes
Nothing nicer or more servic-
eable for your dress ''for better
wear, twelve good shades from
which to choose, 3g in. wide
per yard $3.5o.
Splendid Under-
wear Ci ,'Itis
All Silk Broadcloths -----$145
Natural Shade Japshan .....42.50
Our Special Pongee
Wash Satins, Flesh, Mauve'
and White
Colored Habitau Silks, 36 itt..;
,itt width
Ging* a' s for
Ho!.; se Dresses
Wide cloths of unusual quali-
ty and 'finis'h,• pretty checks and
stripes; per yard 35c.
Duro Ginghams
er yd. 75c
These, are the best procurable
and' come in good shades of
Blue, Brown, Rose and. Green
of clear.unfadeable colors, 38 in.
wide 15c.
Best Enaiiish and
Can;,,, dian Prints
Light, Medium` and Dark col-
ors,, per yard 3oc. r
Pillow Cit 'f!n 44c
A heavy circular Pillow Cot-
ton, that .will give generalsatis-
faction 44, 42, 40 inches wide,
per yard 44c•
Better grade in all widths, per
yard 6oc.
Wabasso Staeetinngs
Are Bess
Bleached snowy white in plain
and twill weave that will give
the best service, 63, 72 and Sr
in. wide, per yard 75c and ' 1.35.
All Linen Sheeting 8x inches.
wide, per yard $2.5o.
Unbleached Cotton Sheetings
in Twill and plain weaves.
Comforter Sateens ,. _ ...39c
Down Proof Sateens
Three pieces that were 75c and
Silkeline "f o r cotton filled
comforters, ' or for recovering
purposes, good floral patterns,
35 in. wide, per .yard' 25c.
36 in: Comforter Sateens, itt
Rose, Green and Blue 440.
Wool ,Bats for Comforters..
Cotton Bai;s. for Comforters.
Curtain lateen., Is
Consider your curtain chang-
es now.. It is an ideal bine for
making new ones, before getting
too busy with other sewing.
Mercerised: Marquisette 390,
in Ivory, Beige arid White.
Pretty Madras, two tone and
Beige shades 390, sec 950 yd.
Silk Madras 36 in. and :5a in.
wide, Mulberny, Rose, Blue g8c,
1.35 and 2.00 per yard.
Sunfast Casement Cloth A
cloth of fine texture and 'unus-
ually good draping quality, 50
ins. wide, per yard $x.25.
Tan, Green, Blue and Rose
J"olin S. Brown's and - Crown
Linen Towellings are the best.
All Linen Roller Towellings
18e, 25e,, 30c, 39C.
All Linen Huck Towellings
750 to $x.19.
All Linen Glass Towellings,
checks, plains and stripes ::28c,
350, 390 and 50c.
Extra quality Turkish. Towel-
lings per yard 48c.
Fine Tabi I. LI ' extSEill
Rose, Lily and Scroll patterns pg
7o and 72 inches wide $x,$5i 1..95 1111
249 and 2.75 per yard,"•
Unbleached Tabling,: yd, .750.
Pretty Chintzes for coveritig. II'
Ginghars for Children's wear.
1 not convenient' to core t the store, then teleph��� your order. ,
tVvIll have our best attention. !
0 71 ingha
MNi l i low moolocali