HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-31, Page 10iii', I`+.14'1,,e111.1,'•,, MON Minn g WIN X WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES w tions lear n I! I a s Skating Clothing -Sweaters, K.: ickers, Toques, Golf Hose on Sale trr' BREECHES NI For girls an<s':I b :r, ys nig line in im twee ;ul 3.95 is S1116 Sc .: ills, all shades 97c in RIDING j...,RFFCRES Fal r Boys, s n o w shoeing, skating and g ,> it n g to school, very war, ! ; and coma! s rtable .. , . , , .....2.75 ats, Suits, Overcoats, Underwear ,, ,., i d tresses sale at , , I ,.uary Clearance Prices Chiten.'s all wool U , d r - we 4: r, C:'mbinatiol'+'s, 24, 26, 30, reg. 3.00, sale ....1.95 ys' heavy Breeches 2.98 Cas atii: ng, all wool, best c st t- ors, reg. 3.75, sle yd. Clt:l Fred Scrii ns, 54 in. wide, r new curt runs, rests 75c, sale .,,. .............48e A.11 wool !arcus Goods and is I crepes, in all th,.,: new shale' es, s ., le , , ...... L00 yd. ■ 11 parr,, ,i 1 hire Ser ale Ilr,ress ■ Goods, r ;i:;. 85c, sal;' ....60e 1 F xncy a 11 w o u, 1 Millet{,r 1 Dress Goo s, re.y[. 2.5,1', le sale 1.89 Is and white 39c 11 Br ssieres. I®LIMIEUR LUCKNOW It was with deep regret that many in town heard of the sudden death of !lois William McCoy at his home in Wing- s+urg 'ham. The late Mr. McCoy was born here 43 years ago, and had lived near esepi `:lir all his life here. A few: years ago she married Miss Baker of ` Wingham •and: since that time had, resided there. He is survived besides his wife and family, his aged mother and two bro- eerie! here, two brothers in Toronto, ane sister in London and one sister .ip Chicago. A special meeting of Jewel Rebe- rah Lodge was held last Thursday ,.evening when D. D. G. P. Mrs. C. 'Green of Southampton installed the following officers: N. G., Mrs. R: Fis- "her; V. G., Mrs. H. Aitchison; Rec.- :Sec., Mrs. T. Watson; Fin. Sec,, Miss A. Johnston; Treas., Miss A. McKap; War., Miss IL Carruth; Con,, Mrs. H. Sl erriff; L S., Mrs.. E. Aitclieson; O. ,G.; Mrs. M. Sproule; R. S. N. G., Mrs. D D G M Campbell of Tiverton, visited Lucknow Lodge I. O. O. F. on Friday night when the officers for 111 Johnston; L. S. N. G., i,1rs. R. Mc- Intosh; R. S. V. G., Mrs. McL. John- stone; L. S. V. ' G., Mrs. H, Nixon.; Chap., Mrs. W. L. McKenzie; Pianist, Mrs. A. D. McKenzie; Degree Capt., Mr. C. Aitcheson. After the installs- tion ceremony, a dainty lunch was served in the -lodge rooms. A very quiet wedding took place in London on January 2., when Mrs. F. Cain of Lucknow, became the bride of Mr. Joe Gaynor. of London. Mr. Gaynor's early home was Lucknow and Mrs. Cain has been a resident here for many years, where she is well and favourably known. A large circle of friends wish them all happi- ness in their new home in London. Mrs, John Hackett had the rnisfor tune to fall down stairs on the Pres- byterian Church on Friday. evening, where she had gone to attend the prayer meeting. She sustained a bro- ken rib and severe shaking up. seta twet 13auIsat111df11 111 ,lIInIt1111118111E1l1tr5 ®I 1q >me TEA "Can't be beat" Quality has everything in it that the Real Tea Lover likes. Per lb. 85c. Christies Special Coffee -Vs distinctive! Those who know Coffee say it's good. Ask them, or better still Try some. Per lb. 7oc.. No Alum Baking Powder. Sure to please per jar ....-....4oc a 190% Whole Wheat Bread Highly recommended by diet- !tions for health purposes. Fresh every day. Dirlirter Sets. 44 and 52 piece Dinner Sets, frotri $x6.co to $20.75. Tnnnnlblei' ox. only` to cleat; . , .50 each Quality' Biome Gass @R as 8101 ltie0110feet!cN lCI�{11111111111111INIIIWNXIIIiMilla'llf1X a a nilk■ 0 CHURCH NEWS Last Sunday in the Baptist Church, Pastor Wardell continued the study of Joshua and Daniel; In the morn- ing speaking from Joshua, Chapter four, he .gave a striking picture of the two monuments of stone one set up in the bed of the river, the 'other at Gilgal, five miles from 'the river, ; tie pointed out that once the Children of Israel were gathered at Gilgal they were separated completely from. the old life. • Paul said, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things have passed, away behold all things have become new," The cross of Christ :therefore separates from the dance, the card table, the theatae, the secret societies,and all things that sa- vor of the world. In the evening he told the story of Daniel, Chapter four Where God humbled the great Icing for seven years and then. finally re- stored him to his kingdom again. This scene will be enacted again when God humbles. His people and then restores them again. The Pas- tor will continue these studies next week. If you are interested come;.if not, come and get interested. All welcome. • x x x The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was celebrated last Sunday morn- ing in Winghani United Church, Psalm C was read. by the congrega- tion followed by the reading of part of the 6th Chapter of St. John's gos- pel by Rev. Mr. McIntosh, the mini- ster in charge. Previous to making the announcement a' message was read from Rev. Mr. Bennett express- ing his deep regret that through ill- ness he had been unable to take part in the special .holiday services and the week of prayer just concluded. Es- pecially did he regret his absence from the - Communion Service. He hoped shortly however to be able to resume his regular work. At the meeting of the session on Friday ev- ening, nineteen persons including the heads of eight families applying by certificate and profession of faith had been accepted in membership. These were now received, the right hand `of fellowship being extended to them by, the. pastor ,and by' Dr. Redmond and Mr. W. F. French, representing the session. In an. impressive pre -com- munion sermon Mr. McIntosh stress- ed the fact that we were coming to a table not of our own preparing but as guests to the Lord's table and. that we come as poor weaklings desiring to be strengthened by partaking of the symbols of I-li,. broken body and shed Mr. Paul Smeltzer has gone to De- .blood,. troit, where he will live with his sons In the evening Mr. McIntosh read John. from St. John's Gospel, Chapter XIV "I •L. ojr Mrs. Price N'ayior who spent a few taking part of verse a as his text, "Peace I :T ead8 with You, My Peace I Give Unto You." This is not the !.sl peace such as follows a great war lea- ving as it does hea.,t burnings and ha- treds for long years, but that peace of mind and soul that equaninity which meets every trouble and obstacle calm and unruffled. We have that peace in proportion to our faith in God and Jesus Christ. The services were largely attended, the auditorium not being sufficient to seat the com- municants, at the morning service. 0 BLUEVALE • Tho Women's Missionary Society of the -Presbyterian Chut:ch, Bluevalc, washeld at the home of ,: Mrs, A. H, Coombs, on Thursday afternoon, with twenty-five ladies present, and Mrs. C. PI,. Garniss, President in the chair. The 'opening hymn No, 470 was sung and the Scripture lesson from 6th of Matthew was read by the President, followed by prayer led by Mrs. C, Higgins. The business' part of the meeting then took place. The treas- urer, Mrs. W. Leggatt, reported hav- ing sent $1o2,83 to the . Provincial Treasurer; $ix,5o had also been sent to the Testament. Fund. This made in all $114,33, received since organiza- tion, May 22, 1925. After singing hy- mn No. 527, Mrs. C. Adams gave a discourse `on the Huguenots and the Life of Coligny, which was most in- spiring, as incidents were told of the suffering and hardships of these faith- ful people and gifted man, who had done so much for the Protestant chur- ch. The meeting closed with Hymn No. 541 and the Lord's Prayer, repeat- ed in unison. Collection amounted to $rx.so. Card of Thanks Mrs. Wm',. McCoy wishes to public- ly thank everyone for their kindness and sympathy at the time of the dea- th of her husband. Mrs. McCoy wish- es to especially thank her late hus- iland's shopmates in the Gunn Son la factory for their donation. In Aid of Huron Hospitals Invitations have been issued for the annual "At Home" of the Huron Old l3oy's Association of Toronto to be held in the Oddfellows Temple, 229 College Street, on Thursday evening January 21st. The program consist- ing of addresses, quartettes, solos' and other musical numbers will be broad- cast by C. F. C. A., as also will the dance program for which music will be supplied by Burton Till's Orches- tra. The proceeds will be a Contribu- tion to a fund created by the Associa- tion•last year in aid of Huron County hospitals. , • A 0 0 weeks here •at the home of her par- ents, has returned to her home in Tor- onto. Mr. Jack Reid of Palmerston, visit- ed over the week -enol with his parents here. • 'Quite a.number just now are suffer- ing with severe colds and pneumonia. A team and scraper were enployed this week taking the snow off the streets. FORDYCE Mrs. Gussy Snowden and son, Er- nest are at present visiting at Mrs. Robert Haines. Quite a number in this locality are at present laid up with the measels being Joseph Chamney's family and David Chamney's family of two also Mr. Thomas Robinson's. We hope the following year were installed into by the time of writing that they are. their respective chairs as follows:-- able to be around. N G., C Cook; V G, Wm. Lockhart Messrs John and Harry Champion Rec-Sec, R. -Fisher; Fin Sec, Dr. Pa visited relatives in Lucknow for a terson; Treas., A Ross;. War., K. couple of days recently. Murdie; Con, H. Nixon; I G, J. Nix. Mr. Cairn Aitcheson and Thomas on 0 G, F. Nixon; R S N G, E. Jamieson, butchered a couple of fine Johnston; L S N G, A. Turner; R s Beeves last week. V G, C. Mullen; L S V G,' C. Stewart; Mr. C. F.Martin has moved all his R S 5, A. Millson; L S S, W. Huston; !engines and material for chopping Chap., H. Aitchesou, After the work of land grinding grain to Whitechurch the evening had been completed an,and will be ready for operation in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Emmerson of Langside, visited at Mr. C. F. Mar - oyster supper was served at Mrs: N. L. Campbell's restaurant. Miss Gladys' Hodgins has gone to Chatham where she has secueed a tin's one evening recently. school; The Fordyce play called "The Suez" Mr. Percy Agar who for the past are practichig with the intention of two years has' been teaching in :Nor- putting it on in Lucknow shortly. there Ontario, has been engaged to Miss Maggie Marti is at present teach at Langside. Miss Gibbons staying with Mr. John Martin, since who has been : teaching there having the death of her brother, Charles resigned, Martin, sr, Mr. Harold McIntosh has gone to Guelph to take a coarse in butter snaking. • Mr. C. Mullin is in London this A little girl arrived at the home of week, attending the Western Ontario Mr. and Mrs, Will Humphrey on Dairymens' convention in the inter- Wednesday, Jan. 6th. Congratula- este of Seafortlt Creamery, tions. The regular monthly meeting of Mrs, Morris returned to Pittsburg the Women's Institute was held last on Saturday after a visit with her sis- ter Mrs; Jos. Gaunt, Miss Madeline Gaunt, returned with her to Pittsburg where she has secured a position. Mr. Lorne Webb left on Saturday for Owen Sound where he will take a course itt Business College. • Mrs, Ed, McRoberts . is a visitor Wing - ST, HELENS Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. Rae, Commencing this week all stores will be closed at 6,30 except Saturday, For many years it has been the cus- tom for stores to remain open oh' Wednesday evenings, but it was nev- er ev-cr profitable and we wonder that this with her another, Mrs. Todd a stens had not been taken long ago. jha 't TORY CORNERS Mrs. 'Thomas Trimble, Mr. Wesley Trimble, Mrs. James, Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Taylor, Miss Edna Taylor, Mr. Geo. Dane and Misses Nellie and Lillian Dane, spent one ev- ening last week at B. Loogley's. Prior. to Mrs. Darling leaving for her home in the West. ' Mr. Stewart Simmons, spent Sun- day with his parents on the xoth con. Mr. Norman Heinbecker spent Sun day with friends in the burg. Mr, F. C. Taylor, called on his bro- ther, R. A. Taylor on Thursday last. Mr. Gordon Simmons traded horses with Mr. John Webber of Carrick, causing a very excitable time. Mr. John Wylie, is busy cutting. logs for W. Louish this week. Mr. Stewart Simmons' is Working at Mr. Stewart Finley's, this week. Mrs, James McKinney and Mr. Gordon Coates are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Galbraith. MORRIS Report of S. 5. No. 8, Morris, (Browntown) for November and De -'i cemb er: Junior IV--Ferda Mustard 89; Ed- ith Garniss 86; Ross Smith 72. Senior III -Eva Dennis 85; Harry Goll. 73. a . Junior III -Eddie Garniss 51. Senior II ---Jean Turvey 85; Doro- thy Goll 73; Jean Garniss, Tom Garn- iss, equal 72, Junior II -Ebner Sellers 64; Irene Warwick 61; Viola Goll (absent). First Class ---Stanley Mustard 76; Charlie Mathers 65. Primer -Isabel Thynsie q.9 stars; Margaret Turvey 42 stars,; Irene Ament 40 stars. Perfect attendance for both months Eva Dennis, Prize for most perfect' school record sines September xst., Jean Turvey.. Ethel I. Wardell, taches. ®. 0 0 ilk 0 m B..ys" Worsted Hose 73c +Made from strong Heather. IN yarns, that will give long ;service BO for school or sport wear, regular NI price goc. all sizes, Bargain pri- ce rice Thursday, January 14t1*,, 1926 III�III�III�IIItlMI11M1111�11111p1111�11h$Ill�lllll�ll '. We wish. to suggest a "New Year's Resoll:liu- lion"' that may lie tllae means ;:r-1 causing 3't'rU to a .void much ilanconve 1 neniee din the days T that a are to come -as # s,.11 ws: Resolvem EtlT �11 f11SlllI IIItem m1l111E11 l llstisiiilnil ww now • Ira la7 111 11 51 5 I� 51 51 51 51 110 11 -11-11 51 u•. 1ffi 51 a .1111 hat i, have roper1y Store?' t re I ill y shoes Hite the Shoe I It is simply amazing the misery and distress caused by "illfite ting shoes" and we hear so often of persons who stiffer "to -day" on account of "short" or "narrow" shoes worn years before. We heard of a case just a few days ago of a certain gentleman ee who, is suffering front wearing tight shoes when a boy, and cases such ;" as this are quite common. r It is veryeasy to say "I will wear these shoes and break them in" even supposing they do hurt, but its the after effects that tell the tale. PR l Iii We are prepared to take the time to fit your feet properly, and invite every one to make the above suggestion "A NEW YEAR'S' RESOLUTION. ` Phone 129. H. THE SHOTE STORE - Win �1G Ina o caH upon 1 simusIII®I m11mmisIIIitil114111 1 Men's War : ,; Swe:, ter Coats 3,59 Well made coats of pure Iottg staple wools, With collar, pock- ets, reinforced andfinished with Pearl Buttons, reg. $6.00 and $6.5o values Bargains $3.8g. oys' it rush Wool Sive..: ters 2.89 V Neck style, made from the best yarns, regular price $3.75, Bargain price $2.89. M °re's C :,,a shmere Com !'i; Mations 3.89 Pure wool stock of the better class, closed Krotch style,and' finished with close fitting cuffs on sleeves and drawers, regular- ly priced $4.5o, Bargain Price $3.89. 1 1P 0 0 0 0 0 Men's Military Flan ilnliel Shirts 1.29 Generously cut as to size and made' from long wearing mater- ials in sizes 25 to 17, Bargain Price $2.29. Me 's Odd P nis 3.19 and 2.69 Stripped and plain pantings, well made, and finished with four good pockets. Just the thing for everyday wear. Bargain pri- ces $3.19 and 2.69. en's Lined Smocks 2.98 Made from heavy cottottade and well lined with dark flan- nelette. Regular price $3;5o, all execs, Bargain Trice $2,98, Fact ry Cotton One of our fast sella. lines, specially priced for this week- end. Thisis a fine cloth. 5 yd. for 93c. Nat 1 Po i l ee Silk 48c Many customers have had this cloth before, It is a dandy, 33 inches wide. Bargain price 480. Flannn N' tette s torYonr Needs 24e White saxony and striped fla- nnelettes, so much used in every horne. Best. Canadian makes on- ly, 34 and 36 inch width. Bar- gain' price per yard 240. Choice' Grocer s t :II Savi'h.ii. • Good Green Corn Brooms......48c Choice' Singapore Pineapple, 2 tins for Monarch Sour Pickles, Mix- ed and Chow Chow .._.. .390 Crepe Toilet Paper, 6 rolls -23c lVfeLaren's Jelly Powders, 3 for 250 Extra Black Tea, reg., price 75c for Pure Cocoa, 3 lbs. Old Dutch Cleanser, tin _....roc Choice Walnuts (halves), per McCormick's Soda Biscuits, COMM Sp'i, ails Full zoo yards white and black while they last 3 for 230. Phone your orders .'to No. 71. Free Delivery Thrice Daily. w Iloleproo1 Hosiery Specially: ''riee41 Ulk and wOol, of the finest quality, finished with perfect fit- ting ribbed tops, black only, re- duced from $2.00 to $x.29 pair. Vela Vela K CI ,r t 1.89 A beautiful Kimona material in cut velvet style, Rose shade only, regularly priced at $2.5o per yard,' Bargain price $2.89. Chamois,,. lite GI{ifves 98c Ii7 air Broken lines of imported cha- moisette gloves that have plenty of style and service, $r.5o valises Bargain Price 98n. Fur Coals 6WtJJ66 . r AA i�': Muskrat Coats $248.00. Muskrat, Coats $x59.00. Muskrat Coats $x68.00. Persian Lamb Coats $298,00.. Strong White Stea ,"Gm A good weighty cloth, one of the best, 5 yards for $2.00. Wabasso White Cottons 24e. Of fine.. weave - and of good weight, suitable for Most house- hold purposes 32c and sec vale ues, Bargain Prise 2ec,, E'�'nglish Gin 11h't. >i s s Fast ColI.;2 Vast colors, neat checks and stripes so suitable for. children's wear, 5 yards for $x.00. 111 12 0