HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-31, Page 7li
NI Nix i,ll!IN
WING AM ,ADV 4.NC.l?,'..71MM
1111 111 SIN
Thursday, Jan
It„ 1
e have .art unusually I,, itg stock han
e must sell our ,ail
to your sense i f ec
RD II'., ,;, `,;I f ' ii .. j
Girl's' Winter Coats 8 to Hosiery Department is
14 years; reduced to $5.00, overstocked; prices are
$6.95, $7.95, and $9.5o down for quick selling, la a Ladies' Mink Marmot Coat
Ler ,to . dens, and are selling at prices which must
on y.
dies hose now quality ,g a
..._Misner Flannel Dresses, 5oc, 69c, good re u-+4
fine quality Flannel on sa- ..79c, 98c lar $oo.00,.sale .......... `�m
le at $5,00, $6.95, $7.95 Sweaters, table of Wo- Rat .Coats at. a B g Seal Coats, fully guaranteed;
i,> Saving, reg- best models
meti's and Girl's Sweaters mar ,$zsoigo Coat, plain and Sable
Women's Winter Coats broken lines to for 119 '5 n , $X19.5 ed, Reduced prices are
m. $=x9.50, /35;00, x45.00 and x69,5.
No. x quality Rat,
full length, now .ULqj
to clear at a big reduction clear at _._.-
9.90, $x4.95, $x6,50 Buy now at. aBig,Savxng, EveryCoat a Bargain
Silks, yard wide Black and
Goods, Silks, Vel„ colored Taffeta and Du- �®
Dress Go
vets and Crepes, big dial- chess Silk on 95 Eve;ylthing' y„educe
ce at 20 p, c. off Sale a
clearance Salle
Fancy Stripe Dress Flan-
nels, 54 in, wide i w
reg. $2.50, Sale..._._
Corsets, Crompton and
• D & A Corset on sale less
ao per cent.
Gloves, clearing lines on
sale . 50c, 59c, 75c, 20 per
cent. off all regular prices,
Wool Caps, for girls, fan-
cy brush wool caps to
clear, reg. 75c • and $r,00
for 250
Complete stock of Fresh Groceries al-
ways in stock, Sale Prices prevail in
this Department. Send in your order
and have it filled at Cut Prices. > .
tock ,king S 1 Reductionsin t ';e
Men's Heavy Overcoats, Clothing.Sit �
i�'"�i •
, new Men's Suits you can buy
models, reduced to $16.95, $z9.75
Boys Overcoats, good - models
Heavy Winter Coats, $7.95,
$945 and $sr -go
BoYTA Heavy Mackinaw Coats
in Dark—colors, Plaids
5 00
reg. $6.751to. $7.50, Sale
Boys Suits, sa ..tgood wearing
two piece Suit's, broken -in
sizes, Sale' Price only $6.95
good stylish suit i'n Men's or
Young Men's model at a big sa-
ving, plain and fancy l m�+6
pattern Suits, on sale a m_
Men's Pants, good strong wear-
ing Pants on sale at 82.50, $2.90,
$3.39 and $3.75
Overalls, Heavy Snag Proof
Overalls, in Blue or Black, bar-
gain prices are $1.75, 81.95, $2.19
Men's Strong Work
Shirts on sale at_._--.._
Men's Heavy Ribbed Under,
> wear, Shirts and Draw-
1 .rz9
ers, now only _.. m
Men's Heavy .Sw,eatexs, Greys
and Browns, clearing price $r.5o
to $3.50
Fur Coats, Men's Guaranteed
near Beaver Fur Coats at cut
Accounts are Ira
Underwear, Men's Heavy All
Wool Ribbed Shirts 01,1
and drawers, 2.5o value '
Socks, 5 doz. heavy all 3
wool socks, reduced to
Black Cashmere and Ribbed
Wool Socks, 65c to 75c 5oc
value now
Men's Heavy Rubbers and
long rubber Boots at cut prices
Caps, Clearing line of
Boy's Fleeced Underwear in
Shirts and Drawers, to M
clear at _ _ _ __ _.__.•,_ e79
Caps at _�„ 98c
t payee II t please
ots and Shoes
Women's, Misses, Men's, Boys'
and Children's Shoes on sale at
zo per cent. off regular prices
Men's Fine Stock in New last,
Black or Tan, reg. $5 4.50
to $6 Value, Sale
Boys Strong School Shoes, si-
zes x to 5, Regular 1c�
$3.95, Sale _ 2®49
Men's Strong Wearing ®1 9
Boots, Cut Price _ -
Men's Strong, wearing 1 25
Over Rubbers, now —4
91,11SOPM29•111111•1111.11190•EMINI•111011111•1111 .11146060311
FTY YEARS .AG' -The: follow -
`he description ,of Bluevale; •tak-
a 'directory published in: 1863:
Inge is situated on the middle
of the Maitland river, thfrty-
.,iles distant from tthe County
i; twenty-six miles Irony Clinton,
twenty-six from Seaforth, It has
lent Hydraulic power for mill
es. The business of the place
of, viz, one Saw and Grist
-iven by the middle .branch of
d, Lathe and Cabinet factory
lection; three stores; .two
ith shops, Wagon .sh•ols in
n; one Carriage factory;
hops; two Tailor -shops;
Mien, and Primitive
Methodist Church has been .erected ;Aitche-
'Armstrorbg Robt:, shoe shop; Aitcnot finished 24x32; Rev. R. Paul. son James; Bigham John, M. D., coro-
Morris and Turuberry Branch Ag- ner, etc.; Bluevale Mills, W. H, and
ricultural Society. Exhibitions. are Joseph Leech, proprietors (Wr
d sts,Meth� Congregationalistssleyan and Bible shell, Pugh, John Fowler, Jas. ' int- ordered as formerly for the Council Fe
J 11 Off Roof
present. in thea and Clerk.•
Christians,meet atBluevale Union School—Nutnber oft Moved by. Mr. Thompson, seconded
Orange Hall, a Lodge of Good Temp -'Pupils, 63; average of pupils, Arnold, the little son of Mr, and
rs, one sc zio , and Orange. Lodge. Farrow, teacher. F P ' Th Ts• Lorne Hudson, .met with a Jath -
err, ata by-law be now,
la 1 1 • , 45 os by Mr. I� that
b M H d
Bluevale Canada Presbyterian church Bluevale" rose Offi _ )read and passed authorizing the abo- er bad accident when hey fell off a roof
, ce. R2aiI Tri- f
built A. D. s857; dimensions 24x36; weekly, vii.— Tuesdays, ylcipalit .tion Carried.Statue Labor in this muni- falling on. a post covered with enddof
57; y , ThursdaysPsharpp
Cost $400; number that can be seated and Saturdays at 7 a. nt,; des arched o t steeple stuck in the g -
150;.. Rev. Mr. Hastie, A Primitive, � ;Jno. Messer, Postmaster. P In. connection with the above it was the post was the means: of his Ieg be -
ane tune moved by Courts. Thompson and Stal- xng so badly cut that eight stitches
ker that John Gillespie be appointed had to be put in it.
Road Superintendent to be paid at th,e' Meeting of Huron County Council
rate of
cents s an hour,
held in Bluevale. Inaugurated, 1862, Henry and Joseph); Bruce Alex., shoe I egarding 'the matter of
Annual e :hibition October each year, shop; Brown Peter, sawyer; 73tr_ I °f• 'more road machinery, the Reeve
Officers—President, Wm. Tltoinnson;
chanan James, shoe shop; Rev. Mr,,W1 j instructed to, arrange if possible
Vice -President, Jno. Messer; Sec,, Day, Congregationalist minister ;for the purchase of ,at least 4 more
Thomas Farrow;Directors -tin ;road drags.
, inc.Jas. Bu- can Alex. • Duncan George,.- i
By -Laws No. s, 1925 confirming the
chauan, Wm. Turvey, Henry Robbs, smith shop; Duncan Richa d;° black -
can arm.; Ennis Richard, wagon I
appointment of 72. officials, No. 2
I�IilQlll�iilldlll all®III®Ifl®III�Illgihl�lll8�lllfdtllli!IIIlblll�lli6✓1IIL^II drop; Ennis Webster, 'labourer.. Far -!appointing the Council as road cons-
.- row; Thos., school teacher; Gardner
John' A., merchant; Garnnar John;
Garnnar Thomas, plasterer; Hill E1-
�siss hraini, blacksmith shop; Hicks Rev.
Peter, Episcopal Methodist Minister;
- c as t, General Merchant
missioners, No. 3, abolishing statute
labor and No. 4, appointing a road
superintendent were all read and pass-
The following accounts ,
ed paid:—Trustees of Beigrave school at Janetsville on Saturday, af-
school nomination meeting, $4,00;'
T � ter e'
The Council of the Corporation of
the County of Huroii will meet in the
Council Chamber, Goderich, at 3
-o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday,
the 26th day of, January 1926. All
accounts against th C
e .ounty muse be
in the hands of the Clerk not later
than Monday preceding the meeting
of Council. Goderich January 11th.,
/926. . Geo. W. Holman, County
An Aristocratic Beggar
The latest "stunt” along the beg-
ging line in town last week was that
of a man going from door to door
asking for ten cents with which to
buy a loaf df bread. In this way, he•
gathered up a big day's pay as ascer-
tained later. We learned of one wo-
man who was wise ,enough to give
him a loaf of bread instead of money.
It would beinteresting to•know what
he did` with' the loaf. --Fergus News -
Auto Was Wrecked
A commercial traveller from Water-
loo had an experience on Wednesday
/' IHF.0 C
Mr. Jas. `Lane
turned hone aftget
days in Brussels.
Mrs. Thos. Fc---
returned hone f
ther, bi . Will .t ng
Born—In Asl
nary 4th., to 11�Tr'.'�
has. re-
old( a few
r es has
Toronto# bro-
ors Soni" ^ �^
deuce 1r
Ingham, a son. von rattnatron.
Master Jas. and Miss Jean N
of Courey's Corner, spent Sato ,
at the home of Jno. Alullin's of 1.`151
NNS ; t"N"
We welcome Mrs. Fred Johnston- %-;
morning that he will not soon forget. formerly Missdesert,
Jean Gaunt, rlet- e, is the
While motoring down the new road ens, to our community.
just south of Jacob Becker's, his car
Mr. and Mrs, s is 'a
got into a deep crooked rut, and the, family of Crewe,
Cranston and think" so
,,spent Friday even- of sha-
machine made a beeline for the ditch. ling at the ,tomo of Mr. Isaac Cran- straight
Over the six foot embankment it st'op's, Mafelang,
went and upset. But the peculiarMiss Ad Helm ,•ook ed.
tore of the storyis thati Crewe is recov- •rdino,
driver nor the car were the least bit `! of pneumonia, noted
112x, Thos. Anderson and Mrs: S. J• tw1
hart or damaged. InPi Y
..1car, � ,.in, spent
dS l were order l Yea- a e nt a
- Kay & 1vi C 1 Werther the t; from an attncl
Duncan; Kay
and Th- D2cCaslt) • D•
ing 11 b
up 1 £tana Malek
eunoia gin, , s on all Hines oft
Winter Goods ;includ-
ng:'moony specials
A splendid fine quality, All
Wool Botany Serges and Poiret
Twills in 54 in. widths, Navy
nd Black Regular values to
3,5o, Specially priced at $2./9
URGES, $x.49
An All Wool Serge in a hea-
vy quality, suitable for dresses
add children's wear. Nigger
Brown, Green, Garnet and Grey
g in. wide, regular $2,25, Spe-
cial $49 yd•
ANiA .CLOTH 390 3r41
A soft finished cloth for Wo-
wear in the butterfly.
on grounds Mauve;
else, }flue and White, 38
regular 50c, Special 390
McGee James; Messer John, • to Advance Office, printingit tug ill at home for a week. fact the Kilpatrick of one da
= merchant; Neubert Chas., miller; Paul
cial statements $22.5o; The Municipal Messrs. Charlie and Clayton Robiit- lag tt coupe, was scarcely scratched, !last week with their rrxother,y
stays at Mr. Isaac Andrew of Zion.
Richard, M. Minister, Piper James,'World, subscriptions toson were laid up with a severe attack his way
Local garage men helped ,tint out of dersort. why , failing __ health.> Mrs. An-
paper $6.00; . the ditch, and sent hien on
tailor; Pugh Henry, tavern keeper, G.M .Elliott, grant to Children's iof measles last week. ,
Bluevale; Shelter, r . Miss Gertrude Bone is in Toronto rejoicing.—Mildmay Gazette.
,Quay David, carpenter and , $ 5.00,• A. Porterfield salary.
Miss May Bone returned to her
joiner; Reid Robt.; Singleton John;
DRESS .CREPE: $r•9J Smith Elias, chair maker; Stewart
= Chas., tailor; Stewart Dun.- '-f •the
Fancy .Dress Crepes in a silk
mixture, new patterns of Floral _P.
and Paisley designs in thg Light 0
and Medium Shades, 38 in. wide
Specially priced at $x.95 yd. i
ao per cent, DISCOUNT
s. Oni all coatings, dress goods,
flannels, sweaters, scarfs, .glov-
es, underwear
Ladies and Misses All Wool
Fancy Ribbed Hose in Fawn,
Coating and Black, sire 8 to to ,
regular $r..25, Special 89c pair
,fir of Dtuxcan, Stewart & Bros.; f and exchange $35.09; J �2
Stewart Wm. pearlash pearlash maker,
Tibbald Robert, shoe shop; Tindall$7.20 Geo. Jordan, work on roa
Edward, carpenter& joiner; WadeIl.`$3.00.
as Clerk $x90,00, postage $15.00, fees at present studying in the School of
as Div. Reg. $12.5o; F, Anderson, 1Designirtg,
paring financial statement, war t
We Want News to Print
This week
we received a signed 1
communication from a subscriber with I
note that he would expect to see it
S Messrs. Jim141urray, W. lVtitc1,. t1 a
(cll. the London bonspiel but •were le e unsuc-1
'John, fire. insurance and general agent On motion of Stalker and Campbel
gravel and
shovelling enZta
widening roa
Don Rae and D. Fortune, entered in'i
We are not publishing it, partly be-
ause we see that its publication will
n this issue of The Advance -Times.
cessful after winning the first two c
11 games. :I.ax'cause nothing but strife and partly
Wilson He•
nry, y, contrtussxoner of Council adpjourned to inert again on
191 Queen's Bench; Wilson Th'bmas; Tuesday, February 9th., at on
Warusiey Charles, sr.; Wansley Chas.io'•clock..
jr.; Wilson Richard, laborer:
Ids i __..__,__,_.__
A. Porterfield, Clerk.
g in Florida
E-1 The first meeting df the Council for j While his \,Vingham associates are
'1926 was held on January nth., with shovelling snow and thawing out froz-
all the members pteseirt, Reeve Coul-",en ears and noses, Alex. M, Crawford
,tes presidiiitg. Minutes of last Meet -las enjoying the balmy breezes of Flor
ing in 1925, were read and.approved,iida. We have on our desk a copy of
The following appointments were the Independent of St, Petersburg,
heli made for the present year: at the i ?lorida, dated December 31st, It gi-
acne salaries as formerly: J. Elliott: ves a lengthy'aecount of several gain-
nd W. H. Campbell, Auditors, Win. les of lawn bowling, in which' we no-
obinson, Assessor, F. Buchattan, ; tice the name of our old friend, A. M.
ember Board of Health'
,: H, Perdue ;Crawford second in the standing. The
lid A. McGowan, sanitary' inspectors, /president of the St, Petersburg Lawn
J. Caldwell, J. C. Stets, W. Go Bowling Club is giving . a valuable
eid and W, J, G„ ,.ie, sheep valua-j trophy to the member winning the
xs ' most games
uring the season
' 'he'st n of $15:00 was voti d to the 'Among tho$e enteric g in competition.
ildrelt s Shelter Goderich Jana six fir the trophy. Sandy's name, lige
pies 0' the Mt4iiel a1 Would were Aboo Beer Adam's, leads all the rest.
---- because the writer almost threatens
e 7"'9.°'°'* us and commands us to publish it,
Just here we want to say that the
I G ,
Big reductions on all Men's ! •t
and Boy's Winter Goods, Suits, is
and In Attendance
Every Thursday
Make up a sleighing party and
come to one of the best
rinks in Canada.
Hot Dogs, Coffe
publisher of a newspaper is not com-
pelled to publish everything sent for
publication. The article referred to
would bring further grief to an alrea-
dy sad home and whether the writer
thinks we are not doing our duty by
withholding. publication or not does
not worry the editor. We have en-
deavored to keep this paper from be-
coming a "yellow" sheet and have no
notion 'of changing our attitude On
A romance of the wild West,
111 111161111811111Q111E1111 1111011111111111111111111111
CP 1111
Thursday, Friday, Saturday III
Jan. 14, 55, r6
Hoot Gibso
"Saddle Hawk"
lot17.: bristling with action and full of
the other hand we will not ahveys
spare S0010 when we believe it will be W
for the benefit of the vicinity not to :"'-`
do so. In short we -will publish what 1 -
we wish to and keep out what we 1-
ish to also.
:4•nr local paie id
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Eleanor Boardman
"The Way o
Mis8/101111170114111:1111:11111111 It11$111111111111111