HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-31, Page 5•
7177.7m777,97,6^ mr.rr �nnn,
Excellent congregations presented
'Cite 'Carnival in the sink was a 'themselves at the United Church at
'aie'od success. The 'weather was last both ser^•viees last Sundae', At the
+ri hit :an;al keostanmes;int the Farley, Best morning service the pastor took for
Dressed .and Character' and Season Itis subject "David .the Sweet Singer'I
1;"lasaes were real mice and the -comics of Israel.' In part the pastor said,
,Vere real funny. The ladies tdrixing this . young inaan was called in youth
Ilse pig 4?-',/ arket :staged see ethin:g from " the .quietude of the sheep .folds
ew and/attraeted much attention, '' to be divinely appointed Ding of Is -
r: Tlieyp� ize winners •were:— reel. He elevated the kingdom to Ea
.1~aelty Dressed Lady -1st, Irene. state, of power .and splendour which
cS;frit cs, 2red„ Laura Wright, is seldom equalled and
g perhaps never
i+'ancy Dreseed Gent-xst., George surpassed .aed ;aiding, it amid a
I"own sr:;. 2nd,, Ar,011. Edgar. crowd of pe il% 'kith 'a wisdom and
1:,rancy Dressed Girl -1st., Isabel 'cotteage which,,macle his name pro-
Davey; ann., Eva Musgrove. verbial amongst his fellow country -
Character 'Costume Lady—ret. Mrs. men.David does not appear to have
G. S. Leckie been of commanding stature; but he
Character .. Costume, :, Gent—xst., was eminently handsome. . He was
Jack Gibson. distinguished' by a fair and ruddy
Season's Costume, Lady -1st., Katie con eplexiou and the beauty of his ey
`'Waller, 2nd., Mrs. C. Colliers. es is particularly noticed. •Altogeth,
Best 'Conic Ladies -Mrs. Allen and dr he was goddly to loo kupon, God
. • psalmist ofIsrael through the
Best Comic Gent—Alex Casemore. round of human conditions that 'he
• Best Comic Boy Boy under 14 years might catch; the spirit proper to ev-
S'tewart Higgins. ery one. Jehovah • cultivated his
Best Clown—xst., . Art Harris; whole being. Notice •will you his God
2nd., Alex. Hastier brought hini up in the sheep pastures,
Best Lady ;;Skater—xst;, Mrs., Cath- that the ground work of bis charac
ers, 2nd., Mr . RidIey. ter might be, laid. He took him to
, Couple R .cee lady and gent—xst.; the camp and made him a conqueror
, J• w Cathe and A, Harris.
�� that he might be filled. with nobleness
T Rami 14 and under—st., Isa- of sout and ideas of glory. He places..
bel Davey, 2na,•, Florence Holt, him in the palace that he might be
Hoye rate I diad. d r—
Y ,4 rat?. a 1st., 'Has- filled with ideas of majesty and sou -
old Durst; Wes Paulin.-,.„ ereignty. He carried him away to the
Gent Race, any age`—Arils{ .rris. solitudes, that his soul rnight dwell
h•"`'- •4 % 'above in the sublime conception of the:
SALEM T.,ord of ,Hosts. What a sould of po
etztile,,ti, What Spiritual emotions! He
Mr and d Mrs.'George Franck of sees+kie sheep brawsing in the valla
Toronto, visited the former's parents, ey and "nee get the twenty-third Psalm
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fralick last week. 'He noticets\tlie wild deer at the brook
Mr, and Mrs. JaciGallaher, spent and he says "_gs
the_ hut of-
aef SindaY evening with the latter's ter the water-irtotc so
longeth my,
parents, 112r. an4 Mrs, Ralph Metcalfe soul after thee 0 God.". In the silent
near Belniore. holy night ht he looks upward to God,
Mr, and airs. 'Jim Doig and 'little ' illuminations aid we hear him chant
son, Mack from the North West are ing, "The Heavens declare 'the Glory.
spending•.a few days with the latter's of God,'you tell nie David fell by do -
parents,` Mr. and Mrs:=John Gowdy. ; inge with Bethshe as Yes, David did
Mr. and Mrs. John .McCreerydron i fall into sin. But et its read Psalm
r Molesworth, nCa i1i esworth; called ;on their dao -'.'St;' His soul is iri'� every line. There
g ter, Mrs. Ira Neilland other friends -is always plentyof hope for' a man
tee dayrecently.Y
when he craves for forgiveness as he,
Mr, Percy Copeland's sale last did. Don't always keepyour eye on
'ednesday (Jan. 6th,) was well at the blot on his reputation. So longas
r' "'ed..ini ppite of the rough stormy Jou hear. his plaintive cryfor ardori
3'p pardon,
dew•.. r.--- ."Against thee and thee only have I
Mrs. Darling and little daughter, sinned." Get the lessons of his life,
Madeline, ,: wh+e Have spent the past for his sin is a fiery beacon for your
three.monthsrwith the former's fath- life and amine. His sin, was blacker.
er and brotl'ter and sisters, returned because of this: "'greatness. He de
to her horn " near Treherne,
M.an:; last
throned conscience. He was very
Thursday. Ve` -wish her,a safe jour- fective
in one department yet the Spit -
hey ideal choeistpr crys out to the . one
!who is ready to. forgive. Cleanse
thou ane. from secret faults,then shall
1i .be upright and -free from the great
Mrs. Alex Pleasence of` Toronto is transgression.". -''The hymns used
visiting her parents, Ivir. and Mrs. daring+ the service were:—"AIl People
Neil 'White. that on -Patth do Dwell", Psalm, Too;
••;Verne McDonald left Monday after- "Unto .the Hips Around' do I Lift Up
nbon for Detroit to look for employ- My Longing Eyes," Psalm 121; "The
Meet - " ;King of Love My Shepherd Is", Ps
Harold Moffatt, Wingham, 'spent alrn 23. The choir sang effectively
Sunday, and Monday at Mr. and Mrs: , "O for a Closer Walk With God"
iL. 41d‘Edgar's. • Psalin -x02,
At .the evening service Rev, Mr.
,Craik spoke on "John the Beloved
N' tice of Meeting 'Disciple. A text was selected from
The Aminal Meeting of the Wroxe- -St. John, Chapter 21, ".That Disciple,
rer Rural Telephone
Co. Ltd., will be
esus Loved." Miss
i held in the Town Hall, Wroxetere one Stephens sang appropriately "Love
' Wednesday, January 24th.; x926 atand Light come into my Life" and`
2.30 p. in. E. P. Hazelwdod, Secy,e • the choir' , followed the address with
'Treas. ' 'an anthem. ".Love is, Shining all
' along, our way:"
1 Spend an hour in the Sangtuary
next Sunday with the United Church
folk: Pastor will preach:
re a. nn, --Abraham, "The Adventure
of Faith." •
7 p m.—Zacckeus, "Open Confess-
iota is good for the Sana"
.You will likely 'attend the "Novelty
Eye Box, Social." 'to be held in the
Corrie,, United '° Church Schoolroom
uiader the auspices of the Progress-
ive Mission Circe, . Program: Games,
Orchestra, Lunch. Ladies will bring.
boxes, gentlemen will buy. Next
Monday 'night, January x8th at 8 p,ni.
Good trine for all, Adenissiorh free.
NEW �.,d N V .6'�.
Band in Attendance
Every Thursday
19 ke up a sleighing'' party and
eom.e to one oh•'the best
tanks'b Catania.
Hot Dogs, Coffee and
Cut Leg With' Axe
John Doneegh who works for. D. 1)..
Sanderson while cutting wood in the
bush last week had the misfortune to
cut leis leg just below the knee with
the axe,' which will keep him off dirty
for some time.
•p�llx+wnm,�wwmwwt �xn+.�.
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'Tltitrsdhy, January. 'rete., e926'
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;a. S. LESSON JAN, FOR AN,ith.x26
7 , 9
Lesson Title—Jesus and Nicode-
Lesson Passage—John 3:1-17; 7:45-
52; 19:58-42.
Golden Text -John 3:16.
In the second chapter of John we
read of'the first, miracle Jesus perfor-
m.ed, He and; His mother and His Jesus proceeded to explain to him
disciples were attendinga marriage in how pian must be born of water arid
Cana of Galilee and the wine having the spirit, and added, ``Art thou a
rung short • Jesus turned waterinto master of Israel ,and. khowest not
wine and thus the deficiency: was these :things?" He could have, known
made good, After this He went down• this from the Old Testament, teach. -
to -Capernaum but made only a short ings, fro in Ezek. 36:25, 26 we read:
stay, as, the feast of the Passover in' "Then will I sprinkle clean waterup-
Jerusalem was near and every pious on you, and ye shall . be clean; from
Jew was anxious to attend. On reach- all your. filthiness and from all your
ing the temple Jesus' righteous indig- idols, will I cleanse you.. A new
nation was aroused by the presence of heart also will :I give you,and a new
those who sold oxen and sheep and spirit -"will. •I put within you, and I
doves and those who changed money. will take away the stony heart out of
He drove them all out, saying to Your flesh, and 1 will give you an.
them: "Make not niy Father's house 'heart of flesh."
at this interview and heard the ser- manned until it was laid away in :the
mon Jesus preached to Nicodemus in sepulchre, (19:30 -42)1.
particular on regeneration. He shew- Nicodemus became interested in
ed, how all hope of entering the king- Jesus, and he made a special effort to
dom by being a son of Abraham, was have this interest. , in,creased.' Al -
vain,. for :that -which is born of flesh though he did not separate himself
is flesh and the kingdom,, being ;a from: the Sanhedrin his interest con -
spiritual kingdom, could have , only :tinned to grow.- . It is true that "if
spiritual beings forits subjects. ° we follow on to know the Lord We
an house of merchandise!' This ac- Christ showed hint how the spirit
tion brought °Hirai in contact with the works. in its regenerating power. It
authorities of ' the temple, who fiz- ,works ' as mysteriously, powerfully
quired why He did these things. and arbitrarily as the wind. How
Jesus uttered words of which they did the wind gathers and spends its
not' catch the right significance and' strength is a nhystery, so the manner.
which were remembered and . used 'and method of the Spirit's working.
against Him at His trial before the are 4a mystery:
Sanhedrim. He said, "Destroy this Nicodennus`was still bewildered and
temple, and in three days I will raiseshoe it by 'A
"How can thes
it rap. Much notice was taken of things be?"Reproving hili for his
Jesus at this time and some wondered lack of"perception. Jesus proceeded
if it cottld be possible that this hunt- to open. up, to him more wonderful,
ble peasant from Galilee who was ut-
tering things hard to be ttnderstotd'
and doing wonderful miracles cotild
be the Messiah. While in the city it
is thought quite likely that He made
His hone with John, and that the 'gu-
est chamber which He would occupy
rnight be on the roof and easily, reach-
ed by an outer •stairway; To this believeth in Him should not perish,
chamber came a distinguished visitor but have, eternal life. Thus Christ
one night named Nicod inus. ` revealed to a mystified but seeking
Nicodemus was a prominent roan in soul the great mystey of the gospel
Jerusalem. "A. teacher in Israel" that "God so loved the world that He
gave Hisonlybegotten Jesus called him. �3e was a member begotte h Son,: that
of the Sanhedrinn and therefore, to whosoever believeth in Him should
avoid undue tall: about his interest in not perish, but have everlasting life,
Jesus, he made his e'ail after dark. for God.. sent not His Son into the
S4ine writers, give other reasons world to condemn the world; but that
the. world through Him might
fon• this, saying that both' Jesus and'i;l n ni g n be sa-
Nicodemus were busy timing' the day ved." Christ's sacrifice or Calvary is
and that it was in keeping with cus-
tom for a visit to be made after night- is possible,
fall: Jesus knew as well as Nicodemus
himself the true reason, for "he knew
what was in man," It, was not idle
curiosity, for his first utterance
showed he hada desire to know mare,
about this new teacher. '"Rabbi, we
know 'that Thou art,' a teacher come
from God; for no man, can do these
miracles that Thou doest, except God
be rifle him." The answer the re-
ceived was a bewildering 'one. testis_
showed Bins his knowledge did not go
far enoutr' tt He did need instruction,
but he n altlli c4. Tete, He needed t:
be : bon ni i:tare• yr Nicodemus, being a
Jud' of Phis birth and.
Maly birth he thought
told ' lhiin
of ctrl be born again he
ch ;Atdotn of God.
`r that John'.' and
iples were present
truths. He referred to the way the
children of Israel who werestung by
fiery serpents were cured by looking
up to the brazen serpent (Num, 2z:
6-9) and told him that in like man-
ner were sinners saved, The .son of
man, the Great Physician must be
lifted up on the cross, that whosoever
1'liariS Sto Ee,
it was, Ile, sfi
r x
that vas
to Municiphl "VCi'ox'Id
shall know Him and rejoice."
By Ross Farquhar
Friday—evey'buddy.in town is a
feeling sorrie for poor Eddy Potties.
Eddy went and anserr-
ad:sum kind of a ad-
vertizemint in the Ivla-
ggazines and . spent
about a hundred .$ cu-
reing hisself of .Hally-
tesis and then'when he
was all cured up why
cute to find out he
wassent Poppular enny
ways. after . all was sed
an clone. He is still
continueing to be sore
at the lady witch en-
suited him when she
sed that evry time he
drawed his breth sum
one died.
— r
Saterda • � ]1wenew t o got a i w Radio
set put up in the house today and we
have ben having a lots of fun with it
that is pa has ben haveing the fun. he
set there all the afternoon and is still,
at it but evey'stasltun he tunes in on:
it why about all he can hear is that
•ate n sums thingabout ' YeSirI�•
so abo s The world makes things hot for the
Asthma Baby. , And we are all gctt-' inan with cold 'feet.
ing tired of it to..
Sunday-13listerses brother cum ba-
ck home today; Lass week he went
up to the city to wirk in the Box of-
fise of the Theatre, and the '2th day
he was there a large stout fat lady the world is double crossing.
curt to the theatre winder and ast hit
for a box for Saterday nite arid he
wanted to no what size she wanted.
so he get fired.
Mitnday--Got kep . in for thirty 5
ininits tonite. at skool. It was becuz
To the Editor av all tltiiti
Wingltarn Tapers,
Deer Sur,—
Shure, 'tis the quare torose$ iiintoire-
ly'thim byes do he havin playin Iiocrlc-
ey ,(lawn at Ottawa these days, an be-
foor:ye git out yer payper this wake
we mebby shall know who schores
the fursht goal. 1 ixpickt it will be a
harrud game wid poor oicc an a lot
ay rough play. Jawn King an Jarge
Shpotton are bofh in the pinilty box
already ferthroyixi to thrip aitch oth-
er. Misuser Mackenzie King is aff
the oice intoirely at prisint, an a lot
av new players, who don't tinder-
shtand the game, will be throyin to
show how shiners they are wid theer
new hockey shticks.
If I taught theet' wudden't be aiiny
shnow to nade rhovellin fer a wake I
wud loike to go down an give our by-
es a warred av advoice Mishter Mei-
ghen is a fasht shkater an kin handle
a ,shtick betther than: niosht av thins,
but he is incloiuecl to do all the shoo-
tin fer goal himsilf, not leant the oth-
er byes hev a chance at all, at all.
"Tisn't a. good way, Arthur, me bye,”
I wud say to bilin, "tis tame play that
,does: the wurruk. Nivir tnoind playin
iso much to the frozen told crowd in
the sates, but pass the puck some-
tonnes to yer frinds an always pass
the puck to the other felahs."
T fink we kin win the game all
roight, though we hev a lot av fell -
ahs playin wid as this year who are
just as 'loikely to knock the puck wan
way as another, but thin the Grits are
ithe same fix, so what does it matt -
her. Whin we git Jarge Shpotton out
av the pinilty box we intind to make
him goal kayper, fer shore nothiu cud
iwvir git pasht hit.
1 shud loike to say a few tings too
to the new players, 1 cud tell thim,
fer inshtance, not to bebuttin in an
takin the puck away from betther min
-than tliiinsilves—ould . toimers who
Ikin shkate fasht 'ails. shoot shtraight.
The besht tin g fer thim new beginn-
ers is to shtick arrounda the of
b s des
av the once, an watch the tiericks av
the game, an naebby thripup a Grit.
wance in a whoile if they git a chance
whin the umpoire..isn't lookin.
Me own proivate opinion . is that
thim Arenas harrudly ivir pay ixpin•
ses, nayther the big wan at Ottawa
nor the shmaller wan we have in
Wingham, but av coorse they furnish
a certain amount av,intertainmint fer
the gineraI public, an give a few fell
ahs a : jawb.
Yours till ni;t wake,
Timothy Hay.
Wroxeter Council Take Declaration
The Village Council met in: the
Council Chamber at eleven o'clock and
took their declaration of office and
adjourned till regular meeting Friday
Mrs, W. 3. Johnston and Mrs. Jas.
Watson and children of Gladstone,
idays the. homes
Man., spent 'a few at
of Mr.. Gordon Gallaher and Abram
Miss Janet Kerr of Titxforii, Sask.,'
is visiting old friends on the3r line
of Morris.
Those who have money to earn ne-
ver have money to burn.
x .x x
The mast dangerous crossing in
One difference between hugging
and dancing is you dance in a crowd.
Insurance, is Sensible
If we are not worth $fything to our
the tceclier ast ire if 1 cud prove that families or ourselves let usl not think
was trine .., a � . X ed `
s ws s whyIdon't n
tof insuraiir.e. tnd �r anyother
half to rove- it. Evi buddnos 2 (' of nt day.
times 1revo is`four and if they dont no i If we .are/' aluab]e to our fa.tniites
that much why what is the use to pro- and other.,, .nnsfalk, if we are the
Nicodenms' interestinJesus did not ve it to theist. So I got kep. in; 'bread-wi ' ,ers, keeping the well-
end with this personal interview, for Tettsday—Well Ant Emmy was in known. w' If front the door, it bchoov-.
lin clta Iter - a
we read i i
1 �, 1 ow l e hard luck today, Shegot her "I'onsals ' • � �'
45 5Y es ars to make sensible provision for
spoke in Bis behalf when the officers
chopped out this morning and rite 'eventttali'
away Mr. Woodson runs away with behind i
a no aer pians wife andAnt ninny tress a
wassent able to tawk about it a tall; if ti ; 'have not Alread * insured.
with the,neibors 1,yott life for the benefit of those de-
Wensday—The foreman over at the err.ient' upon you, now, during Thrift
noosepaper offise ,where pa wirks y. eek, is the time to do it.
went an bat hisself a new second .t Sound, logical substantial reasons
handed ford the other'. day and smash, for insuring our lives are innumerable.
cd it up the nett evening. He was Xn.A.s against them there can be but
plancing it to pa and he sect how i' three reasons for not insuring our li,
happened was when he°tryed to driv;:ves--. short-sightedness, incliffere;
the blame nmehene between 0,e'or°selfislmes;,--•although "p tt'o crit"
telefonc pole, Riess". oftiznes plays its part,
Thirsday- i4>a gets •of f' wise e•aek` The right kind of an insure'
now ati thein stint times. 'Icd.7 be icy is the. best 'aid to thrift
told me that a Hirst .f^� rht".l] .(leaves der knows that lie Has seturei;
t �sri w>rtktw.��hw • 'lit: s
off that depend upon hon anti 1'le;plyet..
work at1idisturbedbar'ttir{v.
1 es, so that tho 'e we (cave
who had gone to arrest Jesus return- VV d 1 ay not face prvation, dis-
ed without :Elim. When the chief tl f 1 1 want,
priests and Phariseesasked why
they had not brought ,Him they re-
plied, "Never ratan spokelikethis
main." To this the Pharisees replied.:
"Are ye also deceived?" and seorn:ful-
ly declared none of the Pharisees be-
lieved an Him, At this Nicodotnul
was courageous enough to • put in a
protest, -asking if a man should be
judged ed before it was known what Inc
dict or boforc he was heard, Once
again Nicocletutts' showed his interest
ill Christ, for after the crucifixion lie
in Ale, company elf Joseph of Arita-
thaea, brought spices with which to axtt are Fill-osofei\
embalmthe body of jets and tie re-ithurst gives rte
Rev. lair.''Mercer of Toronto con-
ducted the service in the Presbyterian,
Clmrclt 00 Sunday.'
' Miss Myrtle Short; of the Goy' ie
Central took a 'Vacation last
Miss Irene King ensveered'the
Calls very `efficiently during her ab•
An argzhment backed up by fis,t,e
tools place in the north end of the
village one day last week.
Miss AlmaNash, nurse-imtr-aininng , `I
at the Toronto Western .flospita],'
who has been spending a ,few weeks,
with her parents here, returned to the
city on. Saturday. •
Will Celebrate $7th Birthday
Mrs, Eaton; who resides with ] et
son, Mr. James Eaton, will: cclebraro -"
her 87th birthday on• the ,24th
She expects to have all her
with her on that date. •We
old lady will live to, s niai
such gatherings. 1
Dislocates His Elbow
Master Kenneth Watson, c;
years old son of ,Aar, and Mrs. Mil-
ton 'Watson, Gorrie, i'net with a very
severe accident on Friday evening
last: Itt going out of the house he
slipped and fell dislocating his right
Wroxeter Bowling. Club Entertain
Bo Bowling Club b i so a'
whole Knights entertainment in tlft
Town Hall, Thursday, January 21st
1936, starting with euchre from eighi:wa
to ten -thirty o'clock, coinni.unity sing-
ing for thirty minutes, Box Social at
eleven, followed by an old time dance.,
This should: bring a good crowd. G 'rte
tlemen 2,5c,; ladies bring boxes, free. „v
Died in Toronto
The death of Mr. Thomas Dane
h s in
his 53rd year occurred at his home
2080 Gerrard St. East Toronto or'
Sunday; 'Dec. 27th.,'aftell an illness oi;
a few weeks. He was born in How -
ick Township and was the san, of thi'°
late John Dane of the xoth Cort. ,
sides his wif i io-was forme i 'ill
Dena Ant son of Gorrie, there are
lefti� to n urn his loss two sons a 'd
one 'da ;liter,. namely: Allan of Mid-
land, L'de and Lula at home, aIso his
mother two brothers and two ,sisters,,
I ferment took place in Norway Gee
metery, Toronto. •
Village Clierkaos
esiier .of Marriage
the law t w requires the li ense be
tak:cni oaf'.�r
1 e days s bef
>; ore he e •r_:
3 ecttr
Subscription taken for the
Advance -Times.
Clubbing rates given
a e Ontario
Agent nt fur .
g �artfosd Wind 'Ira?i7.xrx1t
Also ` of sha-
'W'a]kert on Fire Insurance Iraight
Autotnobir+le; Live Stock and Plate,'
tGlass Insurance
DB'. ado ° . MUTTON
Graduate trf Roy+at College `of �
Surgeons of Ontario
Gratluatt of University of Toronto
$t •F'ot'dt,,;ions Tuesday and Thursday
At Gorrie : the rest of the . wee.k.
Teeswatet•, Ontario
Will be at the Go ton House, Wro-
xeter est and: 3rd Wednesda3r of each
month. Will be at Gorrie the follow
ing Thursday.
Director of general Services
Motor Hearse Or Carriage, which
rer is required,
Phone x6
Fordwlth, Ontario
Licensed .Auctioneer for the ' Countiitt
Of Hurori and Wellington
Phone xp
Or Patterson's Hardware Store
J4111101141 1. A
II111 te..
'for V'itstern Co.'�rmerss' ilfutti„
rstt inave no wind Insurance ori
r farm buildings give us a Grill
Agent for several First-class dirt
artce Cor)tpanrtsl.