The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-24, Page 8111min I Illillll4111411311111111 INII�II11��°itIIIR►11P1110111i0i1111I1109111 :III Ii��M1111011104M91101n 1111IL�1111
wish our
friends and
ME y
CHL'', 1ST:' `' .
ANNA,, C '
Minutes of Council meeting held. in
Bluevale 15th. Dec., 1925.
Members all present. Minutes of
'fast meeting read and adopted.
Moved by R. Grain and W. H.
Marshall that we appoint P. McDou-
gall, school attendance officer for
1925. Carried.
Moved by W. H. Marshall and J:
Breckenridge that we advance Jos.
Greenaway $500 for tile on Elliott
Underwood Drain now in W. H. Ell-
iott's yard. Carried.
Moved by D. Fortune and J.
Breckenridge that those parties pay-
ing cash on the Armstrong Enlarge -
=tent Drain maydo so at the Canad-
anadian Bank of Commerce Winghayn or
Treasurer's office •on or before 3xst.,
.December 1925. Carried.
Moved by R. Grain and W. H. Mar -
'shall that we extend the , collectors
time to return the Roll ' until 15th.
.January, 1926. Carried.
'The following accounts were paid:
H. A. Merkley, $ro.00 Abraham's-
Armstrong Enlargement Drain, W.
4. Cathers, $440 winter work; Town
Wroxeter, $2.64 re taxes on Musgrove
property; Mundy's $5.00 re Hunter
:acct.; F. Carter $2.00, re Hunter acct;
'Wingham Advance $12.75 acct.; H. B.
Elliott $g.xo acct.; Municipal World
5.78 acct.; Dudley Holmes $331.21
zee; Pres., Walter Renwick; Vice-
Pres., Geo. Doubledee; • Sec.-Treas.,
Gordon Mulvey; Manager, • Geo. W.
Herd; Executive- Committee, Walter
Renwick, Gordon" Mulvey, Geo. W.
The following Rinks were arrang-
John Gowdy, skip; Geo. Johnson,
Geo. Harkness, Arthur Fitch.
John Fitch, Skip; Wm. Abram, Geo.
Doubledee, Leslie Harkness.
Jas. Douglas, Skip; Clark Renwick,
Jas. Doig, Henry Merkley.
Jas. Vogan, Skip; Jas, Darling,
Dave Haskins, Harry Stewart.
Walter Renwick, Skip; Gordon Mul-
vey, R. J. Douglas, Wm. Elliott.
Geo, Herd, Skip; Albert Gallagher,
Harry Merkley, Jim Dewer.
Geo. Inglis, Skip; CIark Douglas,
Howard Wylie, Lance Lincoln.
Rev. C. N. McKenzie, Skip; Jas. Fit-
ch, Adam Darling, Herb. Dustow.
• S. Haskins, Skip; Allie Lincoln,
Ralph Metcalf, Hector McLean.
Mrs. John Harrie, Huntingfield, wa,s
a visitor in the village Friday.
Mr. Harry Merkly is a frequent
caller on the Boundary, Keep at a
distance from the bees Harry.
1 Whitfield, Agnes Gibson, Archie Ed-
(b) -Archie Gibson.
(c)—Edith Earls, Wilbert Fralick,
Murdie. Edgar, Marguerite Foster,
Bessie Wylie, Kenneth Edgar, Aleck
Hastie, *George Mines.
*Absent for some or alI examina-
**Those who have done very credi-
table terns work.
Norman Garrett, Principal
(London Free Press)
The scene of action in the North
Huron election tangle has been shift
ed to the Ontario Sirprenie Court,
thence to the appellate division and
back to the eottnty judge who cpnduc-
ted the recount. After all, Jtidge Le-
wis .has had the most difficult position
of any. In the brief conrnelit which
his honor has permitted himself .in re-
gard,to'developments in the case Jud-
ge Lewis points out that :to hini it is
entirely a matter. of carrying out the
law as it appears on the statute books,
and that he is not concerned as to
how the interpretation affects the re-
spective candidates. The ,general- 'ptlb-
lie,, of course, is chiefly interested in
the result of such interpretation and
not -the law itself, At the same time
there appears to be a general disposi-
tion to uphold the county jtidge in his
declaration that the law, as finally de-
Editor,' Wingltani Advance -Times:
bear Sir,—
Will you. please allow space in' your.
parser to reply'to an item in your pa-
per of last, week's issue over the' sig-
nature of J., C. Higgins, which, may
give a wrong impression to some of
your readers. While we consider his
communication unworthy ;.of notice,,
yet we consider it but. fair to let your
readers know the real fact .
The charge mentioned in the letter
referred to' as of a serious nature is
Paragraph 1 Sub -sec. A and B of the
appeal made to the Church Property
Connnission, signed by Jas. Kirton;
:Mfrs, Peter S. McEwan; John Mundell
Jas. Moffatt; Jas. E. Nichol; J. C.
Higgins; ' and John Hutton, ' which
clauses were as follows:',
(A) The Minister of the congre-
gation,. Rev. Mr. /Tate refused to ha-
ve the roll revised at the request of.
the session and a°roll.which had been
cided, must be carried out, irrespec- in use ' without revision since the
tive of its immediate effect. 'The year 1813 was Used. as a Voters' List,
press, even where arguing that the this roll contained the names of per -
will of the elector's was plainly in fa- sons who had removed front the dis-
vor of the Progressive candidate, has trict and the names of persons 'resi-
been uniformly sympathetic toward dent in the district•who have not at
the county judge in his difficult posi- tended church nor supported the chur-
tion. ch in any way and who actually voted
An exception is the Kitchener Re- when. the poll was held all of which
cord,which complains that "in the names would have been struck from
rconfusion of opinions 'on meanings, the roll if the request of the session
jurisdictions and priority, as between had been, corr}plied'with.
provincial and federal laws, you lose (B) The said minister certified the
sight of the simple and only essential roll without consulting the session 'or
fact that every voter wanted the man the ,congregation.
whose name he had :narked on the Mr. Tate came a long journey to
ballot to be elected. Is there any- meet the Commission at Clinton and
thing else worth considering when a had all the necessary evidence and
matter of this kind comes up for set- books of the former Presbyterian
tiement before a number of judges Church to prove, that the charges
and lawyers?" were apt true.
In reply to which one night quote We thought however when they
Judge Lewis' own words, that the withdrew all the charges publicly and
whole case is a matter of law, and it: before the commission that the matter
is no concern of the bench who gets would end there, and we hereby wish
in. It ,might be pointed out, too, that to show by the minutes of the session,
at the present recount three ballots and the actual revision of the corn -
marked for one candidate and two munion roll that the charges are un-
marked for the other were thrown out true.
altogether as "spoiled," It is prob- At a meeting of the session on Jan-
uary,. rx, 1924, at which were present,'
Rev. C. Tate (Moderator and Clerk)
and Messrs. Geo. McDonald;; John
Mundell; Archie Messer; James Mof-
fatt and James Nichol (Elders) the
following motion was passed, "It was
decided that the communion roll
should be purged of • the names of
those who by, removal or otherwise
were no longer connected with the
.church or contributed to its support."
In accordance with the above reso-
lution, the roll was revised and' re-
written as reference to the ctnimiiti-
ion roll will show. Also the roll was.
revised each year since 1913 as is al-
so shown by the records, and the vo-
ters list used was a true record of
this revised roll as' a comparison of
the 'two will show.
• While we regret that the continuing.
church here resent • the statement of
facts as reported in the press, never-
theless the report referred to in the
Bluevale news of the issue of: Dec.
loth was a true record of tire proceed-
ings at Clinton on Dec. 4th.
' Geo. McDonald,
Chairrnan of Committee.
able that the intention of .the voter
NOTICE TO CREDITORS was quite as plain in these cases as
w in the 342, which were disallowed be -
In the Estate of Thomas Forbes, cause three D. R. 0.'s removed none
late of the Town of Wingham in the of the counterfoils,.but no objection
County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. a raised, because the former did not
Notice is hereby given pursuant to affect the result. It should be point-
ed out also that when Judge Lewis
Section 56, Chapter x21 of R. S. 0.,
1914, that all persons having claims
against the Estate of Thomas Forbes,
who died on or about the thirtieth
day of September, A, D,, 1925, at the
.Town of Wingham, are required to
send to Margaret Forbes Cannon, the
Executrix of the above Estate, or to
the undersigned, on or before the sev-
enth day of January, A. D. 1926, their='
names and addresses with full particu-
lars of their claims in writing and the
nature of the securities (if any) held
by them.
And further take notice that after
the said seventh day of January, A,D.,
1926, the assets of the said Estate wilt
The following is the report of work be distributed by the said Executrix
anion tlic ties entitled tine • t
Banner -Culross Suit; Thos. Gilmour in S. S. No. 1, Howick for month of g par o'
;$3.Oo set, Jurors, J. L. McEwen December.having regard only to claims of which
they shall then have notice and the
$g1.05, Sal $65., 3 selection Jurors $5, V—Wargaret Edwards, (one exam
%3. of Health $to; W. R. Cruickshank,
$225,00, sal. $175., Jurors $7, 13. of
.. iealfh $Yo; Teeswater River $3, Mc-
"Michael.Drain $3o.; Dr. Rednic(nd
:$35, ,Board of Health; Jas. Porter $5,
.Board of .Health; P. McDougaIl $25,
:School attendance officer; J. Breck-
,enridge $55 salary; R, Grain $55; sal-
' May;
al-''May; D. Fortune $55. salary; W. H.
It-iarshall $55 salary; A. M. Fralick
.$90. salary and stamps; B. Cruick-
-shrank $g7.5o, sal. $5o, postage $4o,
statements $7.50; Bell Telephone
"5,78` acct.; Geo. 0. Thornton: $15.
rent of. Hall; L. H. Bosnian $14. tile;
• Jno. Porter $;1.55, patrolman; Jno.
Mundell $2.o8 repairing, Culvert; W.
J. Campbell $25.95 patrolman; L. H. c.; Leslie Edwards 67 p. c.; Mildred
Bosman $xoo. tile. Jermyn. drain; Jno. Stewart 66 p. c.; Alberta Ferguson 63
Their, $3,00 work and rails Elliott- p. c.
Underwood Drain; Wni. Breckenrid- Elsie M, Cooke, teacher.
ge $9.60 patrol:Man; Alex. Forgie $6.3o.
Patrolman; G. O. Walker, .$2r9, pa-
t:rolnyan; Jas. Showers, 5oc ' winter
only), 76 p. c.
Sr IV—Elora Finlay 69 p. c.; Bea-
trice Ferguson 62 p. A.
Jr. IV—Lily Edwars •6o p. c.
Sr. III—Clara Detzler, 46 p. c.;
Harold Wright 45 p. c.; Elva Dane
44 p. c,; Jack Ferguson 41 p. c.; Mel-
vin Taylor 40 p. c.
Sr. II—Gordon Wright, 78 p. c.;
Estate will not be liable for any
claims not filed at the time of the
said distribution.
DATED at Wingham this fifth day
of December, A. B., 1925. •
Dudley Holmes, K. C.,
Solicitor for the Executrix,
Lorne Edwards 64 p. c,; Hartley Bar -
Report' of I;luevale School for No -
ton .48 p. c.; Harvey Edwards 36 p. C. venaber and December. 6o per cent.
Jr, II --Robert Ferguson 5o p. c'' is satisfactory, 75 per cent. is honor
Inez Finlay 49 P. standing, Number enrolled 38.
34 9' C. Entrance Class—Dorothy Aitken
Jr, I—Mac Metcalf 61 p. c. 84; Alan Garniss 81,4; Lois Prast
Sr. Pr.—Alta Finlay..75 p. c.; Elsie 8t,3; Carle Walden 78; Alberta Shiell
Barton 70 p. c.; Mildred Dane 67 p• 77; Elsie Thornton 76; George Heth-
erington .73; Harry Prast 6g; Noble
Greenway (absent).
Junior IV --Adair Prast 76; Leslie
Greenaway 63; May Nicholson 61.
Senior .III—Wilson Thornton 82.5;
e following is the report of Eleanor Prast 82.1; Kenneth Aitchi-
•tvork; HtI
Huron Plowman Assoc. $to. Wroxeter Continuation School for the son 77; Hugh Mundell 73; Norman
, Barnard 70; Earl Hamilton 68; Virden
grant; Turnberry' Agricultural $6o.1
fall term. Names are in order of mer-
it,(a)those who obtained so per Mowbray 61.
grant;'Illuevale School Fair $10, grant . Junior III -•--Paul Walden 75; Doris
I3elrrrore School Fair grant;Wray- i cent, on each subject. (b) those who
titer School .Fair $5 gr nt; Alf. Mea- !failed on only one subject. (c) those Aitchison 70; Lela Leggett 67; Daisy
an $2. re poll taxes; W. J°Elliott $2 who failed on two or more subjects. Nicholson 65; Kenneth Mowbray 64;
ire Poll taxes Robt. , 'oavell $9,35. work j Form I- -(a) A. Inglis **; Harold Carman Hetherington 62.
ion side rd.; W. J. Wylie $89.50 work . Barton **; Marjorie Baker**; Mar- Junior II '(I youioted to Sr. TT)--
on 6 coni,; Jas, McTavish, $2. rebate garet Wright *43; John Keine, Daisy Robert Master 8r;' Dorothy Greene -
on ' taxes; Jos. Greenaway '$5ob, tile Stocks, Mabel Robinson, Margaret way 66; Alma Bosman 64; Ross Ab-
Gibson. raharn 50.
(b)—James Itaglis, Edward' Gibson. I'rirrer A, (Promoted to First
(c)—Henry Finlay, Willie Timm, Class)—Olive Shiell, -Mabel Bosman,
Walker Mastic, *Harold Durst, *Mar- "Russel Barnard, Jack Nicholson.
ie (anyhow, : emery IIarris, *Jack Primer 13 ---Alba Mowbray, Hazel
Harris. '
Peru II--(a)--Dorothy Doig**,
A 11 ting of tlxe Delmore Curing Margaret Doig**, Margaret Davey**,
'Chia was held, Rev. C. N. M.ri :en- Mervin Stephens, Olive Lawrence,
tris: 'In the chair. Minutes of last sea- Jean Sperling,' Jim :Sanderson.
son firer i feast and ,adopted. After a (b)- Gorge 'Paulin. '
ort tliisa 1Is ion; it was ttt)<tt'ihnously (c) *Yerne Bennett, X'Spences Ash-
;1 ;reed that ,we curl for another eon ton
lit OIL y g I;or i",lf'l. -(�Ya) Winnie Rae,:*,, Har -
'Ilia followingCrfJ7C(:i'a t�✓ ' 'St 1 9it I'"'y. Ruth ,trxeles *"";Muriel.
Rev. k�w, i 11 two Mus rove I
rn;l ..� l.irt'➢, ,I'res,, C4,r' I'44."J. (�,�, >�' ) '. Ea r ..
Etta ,tt: Underwood Dr.; Robt. Iiree
$6o: '2 bridges Elliott Underwood Dr.
+li . J. Wylie $xx.o3 patrolnnan. •
ere < tcct-
sr, Me ken -
Master and Alice Thornton (ealial),
Lloyd Casemore, Willie Hall.
Alice Aitken, teacher.
The congregation of Brick United
Churchheld a most enjoyable social
evening at the horse. of Mr. and Mrs.
John Beecroft on Thursday,
Miss Laura Robinson, seen
days last week sty Toronto.
.disallowed the 342 he did not know
for whom they were cast. His cour-
se was approved at the time' by the
London Advertiser, which said: "The
judge is right in. his claim that the se-'
crecy of the ballot must be maintain-
ed, and he pursued the logical course
in refusing to count the ballots." The
'Advertiser at that time urged a by-
election as the only way to clear up
the situation.
It might also be pointed out that in
1921 Hon. R. B. Bennett was counted
out in Calgary solely because a large
number of voter's marked their ballots
for him with 'a fountain pen rather
than with a lead pencil as provided
for by law. There was no doubt of
the intention of the voters. Mr. Ben-
nett, if these ballots had been counted
would have had a substantial majori-
ty. If the secrecy of the ballot is to
be maintained certain procedure
must be laid down and followed. If
the law is clumsy or leads to miscar-
riage of justice then it should be al-
tered. The very ,foundation stone of
responsible government is' the surety
that the intentions of the people will
be carried out in the election of re
presentatives to Parliament.
Mrs. Alex. ;Stuart has gene to Lu -
cagy for a feen days visit'with her sis-
ter, Mrs, Murray, after which she go-
es to Toronto to spend Christmas
with her daughter, Miss Anna,
Many friends were sorry.' to hear
that Mr, Toni Alexander had the mis-
fortune to have both legs broken
while at 'work in the bush last Tues-
day. Mr. Alexander is in the Wing -
ham Hospital and we hop& for a
speedy recovery. •
The following are among those who
are spending their vacation at their
homes here, Miss W. D. Rutherford
of Timmins, Miss Mabel Woods of
Carr, Miss Clara Woods of Guelph,
Miss Winnifred Woods , of Galt, Miss
May Cameron of Toronto, Misses
Dorothy Webster and Mary Durnin
of Dungannon, Miss Muriel Miller of
•Wingham and Mr. Alvin Woods, of
Toronto University.
The Christmas Tree at Currie's
School was well patronized on Mon-
day evening, Mr. 'i�W,', J. Currie capab-
ly filled the chair. A splendid pro-
was rendered and the teacher,
Miss 'Louise 'Fraser, .deserves credit
for the training of the children for
their part. Mr. 'i3ryanrs delighted ev-
eryone. with his selections on the se-
cordian, Mr., Dave. '[Nea :on made an
exceptionally good Santa Claus, The
admission amounted .to
Mrs. N. J. Geddes has returned
her home after spending- a couple
weeks in Wingham Hospital.
,r^T•' .r .1
We exte r d t
ur customers
and ilea
A io eio
Real 1 Fashioned ristm,
Hies ; to v r° l wi 'g
with 1 the go d' things th;«I,
Santa Cla s sup lies
e 129.
1119:111®1I ISI i IlID 111
s Ont
IIrs11aIII!, 1II111E1111III®1IIa'�.
Norman Stonehouse of London,
spent a couple of_ days with his par-
ents, and attended his sister's wedd-
Mrs. Ferguson of Bayfield, is visit-
ing her sister,' Mrs. E. Geddes.
Sorry to know that . Mrs. Jaynes
Gregg has been under the doctor's
care and had to go to the Hospital.
Mrs. ,R. Yule, spent ,a day in Lo --
don, last week:
Mr. and Mrs, Dick Yule and Mr,
d a�.
an.:w�rs. Garner Nicholson each en -
tertained their friends at Progressive
Euchre parties one evening last week.
The Anglican Sabbath School held
their annual Xmas entertainment on
Friday evening last. A splendid pro-
gram was put on,
Mrs. John McGee has gone to Lon-
don to spend the winter with her
daughter, Mrs: Simpson, 95 Dreaney
Ave. '
Miss Bertha Mackay of Wingham,
spent the week -end at her home here.
Mr. Aldin Purdon is laid up with an
attack of measles.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec. McKenzie, and
to Kathleen of Langside, spent Sunday
of with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt.
'Mr. Will Henry arrived home from
Alberta one a day last week. He spent
the past yeas- in the West.
Mr. Gordon Mackay of Dunnville
is ,here for the, holidays.
Miss Evelyn,Gaunt of Owen Sount;
is visiting at her home here,
Mr. Daniel \Steele of Komoka, and
Mr, Chas. Wetbrookc of` ilworth,
visited with the former, Mrs
Jas. Corya271us•;,1 deal of c.orth,
'�� eeve Geiger of
Mr. Liliott dells} bylaw which lev-
No. io, Ki nloss,:h a$sessments and de-
an attach, of fluoefaulting townships
re -opened on MoncVarden Robertson
closing exercises,; tide twelve miles •f,,,..,;
friends were present i to Auburn.veas
Miss Reta Ilamiltore benefit of Col-
14, East Wawanosh isgas not fair to
holidays at her home at A'°n,ithat town
People of this comniumty�tend
great sympathy to Mr. Thos. Alexan-
der of St. Augustine who had the mis-
fortune to have both legs broken be-
low the knees, one day last week. He
and his brother were working in the
bush and a chain broke and allowed
the log to roll down, He 'teas taken
to Wingham General Hospital.
Miss Barbara Weir of Stratford
Normal Sehool is spending her holi
days at her home here. ,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year to all,
Merry hra st 1:
to all ur
Customers and
tlfu'.9�ilIICC1ll91Wu,u -, utdaa...t.