HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-24, Page 71
' IIlI Ili
x'�aiti^sday,. .
NO;; fill III�IgfINl�p
eentber 24th., rggs X4.4 4w.4.a•
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r, -
Here's starting some muscular
Action at the corners of our I
Mouth. Said corners are now
On the way back to our ears
In a very generous smile. Our
Teeth are showing. Right down
- In the bottom of our palpitate e
Heart, a, joyous feeling is
Started. Noe it grows. It takes
On sound. Now it's past our
Tonsils. It's up to the tip of
Our tongue. Might as well
Let it out with one grand burst
Of enthusiasm. Here goes!.
Ye Chuckle Editor
Wishes You All
,,,,m .p
TO 1
May you ligh+f'your first Gift
Cigar with a ,confidence that it
Won't explode.
May your mental equilibrium be
Undisturbed by that lavender and
Red -striped ,Shirt somebody wished
On you as d. Gift.
May you chleck your temper should you
Get a stiffilelectric shock while
Adjusting re tree lights; or
Hookingtu Johnny's new train set.
May you get a thrill out of reading
All the- Gxteeting Cards folks sent You. And—
(P. S. Pap—Look out for any
j good sta'(mps on the envelopes!)
y� be -.recd arded with happy
ss in awakening Pop to go down
1+1t aril a furnace fire so that
house be warm for the day.
you heart hold no malice toward
nt Sarah for giving you that
ntique pin -cushion for Christmas—
ven though you know she got it
From Aunt Kate last year.
May your Christmas turkey be tender
So it stays on the table when
Pop carves' it. And—
May the end of that busy holiday-'
Find you enjoying the best of •health!
May you get that new sled that
Santa promised to bring you. B,ut—
Itemdmber it's only for snowy weather
And not to be tried out on the
Best parlor rug.
May you find a nifty chest of Tools
Resting under the tree. But—don't
Try out the hammer on Pop's foot or
The saw on the library table or the,
Chisel on sister's doll. And—
May the day pass, without Pop having
To massage you with his ham -like
Hand or the razor strop!
May you get that talking Doll and
Buggy you wrote Santa for.
May you not forget the
Second line of the piece you're
To recite for SAnta
May. you not be tempted to play with
Johnny's toys—for. you know it's
No fun if Poli referees the battle and
Then puts both of you to bed
For the rest of the day!
And that's that—folks! Again—
(Continued from page six)
ion that it would be necessary in the
near future to install an entirely new
lavatory outfit, and so' thought some
small improvements could be left ov-
The executive committee: reported
as follows: -^
Re 'motion of Messrs. Geiger and
Munnings in favor of a grant to the
Beck Memorial Fund, that this be ae-
ferre d back to the. January meeting,
when they hoped .that a liberal grant
would' be made. '
Re mation of Messrs. Saunders and
Hanna -in favor of 'a - grant of $50 to
the Exeter Junior Plowman's Asso-
ciation, that the grant be made.
Re,request of Mr. W. Lane for $zoo
to employ assistance, that $5o be giv-
An evening session was held on
Thursday night. After the reading of
the minutes, the Warden was, on mo-
tion, asked to vacate the chair and
Mr. Beattie was appointed chairman.
Mr. A. H. Neeb then read an ad-
dress to the Warden and Mr. Geiger
presented him with a beautiful gold -
headed cane. .
At the Friday morning session the
clerk made explanation regarding the
working of the Mothers' Allowance
Commission, and requested the usual
payment. The sum of $14o was grant -
($6o to the chairman Mr, Holman,
$35 to the secretary, Mr. A. T; Coop-
er, and $15 each to the three -other
members of the board).
IVIS. Robt. Johnston, reeve of
Lucknow, and an ex -warden of Bruce
County was present to support the
,application of the continuation
school of I4ucknow for the mainten-
ance grant, and also spoke congratu-
lating Warden Robertson on his con -
duet of the county business and the
County of Huron on the splendid
work being done in conjucntion with
the Cgunty • of Bruce, in improving
the north boundary road.. •
Considerable discussion took place
regarding the large expenditure of
Lucknow continuation school in
school improvements the past year
and the consequently large grant ask-
ed from the county..
The new schedule of county roads
was then by the clerk, and was adop-
ted, and the engineer was instructed
to prepare a bylaw providing for the
Bylaw No.,I3 of 1925, adopting this
Good Roads system was then passed.
Moved by Messrs. Shortreed. and
Sullivan that our county clerk be ask-
ed -to inform the clerk of the Town-
ship of Colborne of motion 64 of the
January session requesting that the
Warden of each year be elected by
acclamation the year following.—
Carried. t
Moved by Messrs. Beattie and In=
glis that we tender Mr. F. J. Mc-
Quaid a very hearty vote of thanks.
for his diligence and very efficient
services as chairman of the county
road commission.—Carried unani-
niously_ by hearty applause.
Mr. McQuaid replied appropriately.
Moved 15y Messrs. Middleton and
Couites, that this council of the Coun-
ty, of Huron place -.ou-record its ap-
preciation of the work of the League
of Nations in the framing up and
• completion •of the Locarno >'eace
Treaty, which we consider the great-
est of almost world wide advance-
ments in Christian civilization. The
Locarno 'Peace Treaty was signed on
Dec. 1st., 1925 and especially con-
cerns Canada as a part of the great
British Empire.—Carried ,,' The work of the sessio being end-
ed the Warden thanked the council
for their splendid 'support during his
term as warden and congratulated all
upon 'the uniform kindness and court-
esy to each other and himself in car-
rying on the work of the council dur-
ing year. All stood and sang God
Save the King and formed the circle
of friendship and sang Auld Lang
Syne, and then adjourned.
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By R. M, Sherrill
(radio Engineer)
Now than our mid -minter weather
is here, radio reception should be at
its best, • and static disturbances
should be at a minimum. If your re:
ceiver persists in making static -like
noises, it probably needs a complete
cleaning and over -hauling. If this is.
done carefully and systematically, the
results will be well worth the trouble.
In the first place, get rid • of • the
loose dust and dirt in the set, Do•
this by wiping off all of the accessible
surfaces with a cloth. This applies
to the front and back of the panel, to
the tube sockets, rheostats, transfor-
mers, fixed and variable condensers,
jacks, inductances, etc.
Then use a bellows or a bicycle
pump and blow out the remaining
dust. Take a pipe cleaner, or as a
substitute, a thin strip of cloth twist-
ed between two wires, and clean thor-
oughly between the plates of the vari-
able condensers. This last is impor-
tant, as dust on condenser plates is
very frequently responsible for noisy
Next, go over every soldered con-
nection in the set.• Give each joint a
steady pull with the, pliers, to see that
it is secure, taking none of them for
granted. Then go over every bind-
ing post and tighten it with the pliers.
Clean Tube Contracts
Next, go over the tubes and sock-
ets. Clean the contacts on each tube
with fine sandpaper, or by scraping
with a knife. If the sockets used are
of the type making contact with the
sides of the prongs of the tubes, spe-
cial care must be taken in cleaning
the sides of those prongs. The con-
tact springs in the sockets should ea-
ch be bent up a little to make a fir-
mer contact with the tubes,
Outside of the set proper, the prin-
cipal things to watch are the batter-
ies and the antenna system. See that
I, IP 44�s ,r uH
SNIillir NNl.PANI — iia,
We wish to thank our : I any friends for
their patronage and extend to them
our very lest ,wishes for
Merry Christmas
' Prosper . I s
e Year
"!4 neAi #N I�IIW mill !,P 201
type of receiver.
Q,—G. E. C. says: "I have built a
wave trap to use in connection with
my Superdyne receiver. The trap is
satisfactory in eliminating interferen-
ce, but I cannotAtune with it very well
in ,practice, because of my body ca-
pacity effect. Can this trouble be
avoided in any way?"
Ans.—If the circuit will not permit
the rotary plates of the condenser to
be grounded, the whole trap may be
mounted in a shielded case, and the
shielding grounded.
Q.—M. D. S. says: "I am using a .3
tube crystal reflex set, The set
seems to work about the same, howe-
vr, whether the crystal is in adjust-
ment or not. Is this the usual beha-
vior of crystal reflex sets?"
Ans.—No. It is probable that
your crystal is insensitive. With a
good crystal, you should get much
louder signals with the contact on a
sensitive spot.
• By Ross Farquhar
Friday—well Jake and his
ley has got a new dog. it
like a Airdale and a
Bludd Houn mixed up
to gather but Jake he
calls it his Poleece
Dog. I went up to see
it today and I ast him
how cum he to call it a
Poleece Dog and he sed
Because it aint never
round when he wants
Saterday—Pa and me
was trying to figger
why ma 'got home
from her brige Club so
erly this evning, But
1 gess he has got it figgered out now.
He sed he found out that all the
members was there and as they wass-
ent enny buddy they cud tawk about
Stephenso;II►f •i�� l a �.�,�.
C. N. R. Watch Inspector
111E1111 111E1111111111a1151111111111'" III1i1111611101112 11 61113111111111211i1E1il4lll11111111111161U3uu(tir 111 ill il.I1 II'
the surfaces of alt .ef.the, batteries are why all thew had to do was to play
thoroughly clean and dry. If .the ca- bridge so they got threw and cum
se for the A battery is old, or seems home erlyer than usshuelly.
to be soaked with moisture, it should
rest upon a piece of rubber, glass, or
Some other insulator. The B and C
batteries should be tested for voltage,
and should be replaced with new ones
if the voltage has dropped more than
15 p. c. below normal..
'The terminals of the A battery
should be cleaned with special care.
The wires leading from the A battery
to the receiver should be well insu-
lated, and their terminals thoroughly
cleaned with sandpaper. ''If stranded
wire is used,' make sure that none of
Sunday—We went to the resterant
for dinner today but pa wassent very
well pleesed with the menew witch
they had to eat. He sed them bis-
ltets they had was spoilt and they tas-
ted like they was sum thing dead in
Cum tothem. Cum find out he was tawk-
ing about Feesh Cakes.
Munday—well they hal lotsa X-
sitement at skool today. Two of the
girls got in to a Fite. x of them
slung a cream Puff at the other t &
.hit her in the face and the other x
,spit back in her face. Well they can
the strands are broken. Clamp the call us kids ruff necks if they want to
One door south of Telephone Office
"Stror berg -Carlson", "Splitdorf",
"Ap.;,.x" 'i nd. Westhghouse Sets
at ;. rices to s it every pocket
$35.06 up to $580.00.
MakoThis ► a adio Xmas
We are always glad to demonstrate a set in our store or
your home. Come` in and see and hear the new Stromb
its the set you hear for blocks.
UIC ; a;, SH
-_ "A Square Deal and. Prompt Service"
The "tight -wad" never cares a cent
for Christmas.
SC".t E `ill' Cirri ibUR3C , ,A
p1 KS - L EnDl'0i l ' Kt404.0
Wppea' 1.eO4iltii*1° -,M O RPwt'O"tv"dlmei, Z
WAS "TRYtO,i l«4*� &°n`?
1-1A114.6.S Sd'S t COULD 6.E1
oR.E sED UE, pkw
Netw Nat.
it9' l !Its MAS
q m U
I I I�I11®I I Ilgl I ISI I ISI I
Ilfllll®III®Ilh+ili�all�ilit�11161111i1�I111� tip 1.111E1111121111.111E111112111
wires securely on the cleaned termin-
als 'of the A battery, and coat heavily
with vaseline.
The chief source of trouble with
the antenna system is likely to be in
the ground connection. See that this
connection is on a coldwater pipe if
possible, and if possible, that it is a
soldered joint. If this wire is only
clamped on' the .pipe, remove it, and
file or sandpaper a clean surface on
the pipe: before replacing it. The an-
tenna insulators should also be in-
spected. If they are very old, or too
dirty to be well cleaned, they should
be replaced with new ones of glazed
Radio Questions and Answers
(Mr. Sherrill will be gladto help
you solve your radio problem s. Write
him. in care of this paper.)
Q.—L. S. P. wants to kno : "If a 13
battery eliminator will operate satis-
foctorily on a reflex. set."
but all I got to say is that enny lady
that will sling a cream puff at a po-
ther lady or enny lady. witch will spit
in a nother ladys face neither t of
there issent no lady.
xultitiuum ,i
Ans.—Yes, if the eliminator is pro-
perly constructed, it will work on any
1. ttINO d 4B�>Evaults
GOVAN c 'tU%?F"x' _.`lbltS
Ctl tSfI Pira,
Teusday—Ant Entniy says today at
dinner that the girls of today dont
tell there mothers much enny more.
Pa sed welt they issent enny use in
telling there mothers much because
there mothers all reddy knows kwite
a good deal enny how.
• Wensday--Pa says that sum men
can get by handeling there wiles
with Kid gloves but he has got to
handle his wife (ma) with Kid glo-
ves and 2 $ silk stockens.
Thirsday—Mrs. Gillems sister went
to Yurope and she got a letter frum
her and she sed she had bad luck the
1st trite: she put her close in the lit-
tle round cubbard in the side of the
boat and the nex morning they' was
all gone. And the dore was locked
so DO I , arra!
-NO .04
u'vE Fao1
Ern (eve
zing 1211 Mit in max gm ma
Make the whe.ie World
rill MIME la lin OM iEt1 61410
of your family with' adio
II.7ook! Listen!
Authorised Sales and Cervice
Radio as it should
Westh gho ; 'I se
Have you hea.zd the
new model 55
0601466.44.4114M9 11r01.640.41.10
m® C. a •e cid, Winghai
Phone 46.
Time Payments if Desired.
HE NEVER SAW IT THAT WAY 2 cents for postage and 5 cents for
(money order." "What—" Certainly
In a western city the other day, a
man went into a furniture store to
buy a combination buffet and china
cabinet. He saw just what he want-
ed, and asked the price. "$42.00," the
dealer said.
' "Good gracious," said the man, "I
can get the same thing from the mail
order house for $39.99."
"That's just about what it cost axe"
said the dealer, "but I'll sell it on the
same terms as the mail order house
just the same."
"All right," said the customer,
"You can send it along and charge it
"Not on your life," the dealer re-
plied. "No charge accounts. You
can't do business with the mail order
houses that way. Pork over the
cash." The customer complied. "Now
you have to send a letter and a mon-
ey order to a mail order house, you
The customer, inwardly raving'kept
his agreement and paid the 7 cents.
"Now, $rias for freight and delivery
charges." "Well I'll be—" said the
customer, but paid it saying: "now, let
me have it and I'll put in on my wa-
"Hand it to you! Where do you
think you are? You're in Calgary
and I'm supposed to be in Winnipeg,
and you'll have to wait two weeks for
it." '`~hereupon the dealer put the
money in his cash drawer, and push-
ed the buffet, back in its place. "That
makes $42.32," said the dealer. "It
has cost you 32 cents more and taken
you two weeks longer to get it than
if you had paid my price in the first
A subscriber wrote an editor as fol-
lows.' Mister Editor: You think you
have an answer far everything, an-
swer these trifling questions and o1
lige ate: How long is a piece of
string? How much does a piece of
ice weigh? Why do they calla a
new moon when it is the saute mall"
Why do women not have beard.'
What makes water wet? Answ
quick. --Louie.
And the editor replied to each as
follows: (r) Twice the distance from
the middle of each end. (2) Half as
much as the ice man asks for it. (3)
Because babies are born every month
who never saw it before. (4) Mother
Nature knows they couldn't keep their
chins still long enough to shave. (5)
Two parts' hydrogen aid one ;mart
oxygen. --Anoka lieraltl.