HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-24, Page 31,4
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Thursday;.*»ecember 24th., 1925
®4v,aamuo.n4�PP�•ewmpWiem.WgMmciemv+evanoWtmc�mnuPWe.W.aeuva Nmomm�amuuNwuuaammuv.
Council met in the Township Hall
pursuant to stattixte. All" members
present, the Reeve in the chair. Min-
tites of last. meeting were read 'and on
motion of Taylor and Gamble were
Moved by Hubbard and Leonard
that By -Law No. 16 be read the third
time and passed. Carried.,
Moved .by Gamlile and Leonard
that By -Law No. 17 appointing a pla-
ce for nomination, Deputy Returning
Officers and Poll Clerks. Carried.
Moved by Hubbard and Gamble
that By -Law No. 18 be read the third
time and passed. Carried.
Mr, W0 A. Irwin waited on the
Council, on behalf of the Pres. Coin
gregation asking for the continuance
of the use of the Tp. Hall at three
dollars per month.
Moved by Taylor and Gamble that
the Pres. Congregation have the use
of the Hall till January' 1st., 1926 at
the rate of $3,00 per month. Carried.
Mr. Irwin also put in a claim for
H. E. Ratz, Waterloo, asking for re-
fund of taxes.
Moved by Taylor and Gamble that
the Council make a refund of $z8.00.
A communication from „the Globe
Indemnity Co., re Mrs. J. McKellar's
Clairh for damages, was read. Moved
by Hubbard and Gamble that the
clerk reply and express their disap-
proval as the claire is •a just , one:
`Carried. Moved by Leonard and
Hubbard the time .ifor the Collector
to return their Rolls be extended to
the January meeting. Carried.
Moved by Hubbard and Leonard
that By -Law No. 19 1925, Telephone
purposes be read the third time and
passed. Carried. Moved by Lenoard
and Gamble that By -Law No. 20,
1925, Telephone purposes be read the
third time and passed. Carried.
Moved by Taylor and Hubbard that
the following accounts be paid:-
Thos. Inglis, fee member of Board
f P ,
t of Health $10.00; Robert Graham, fee
member board of health moo; G. W.
Walker, fee secretary board of health.
18.90; R. E. James, light for Twp.
all 13.20; R. E. James, lighting pub-
lic shed, Gorrie for 5925 50.00; F. R.
Lynn, lighting public shed, Fordwich
1925, 50.0o; Jaynes Douglas, sheep val-
uator, services, 6.00; Richard Jackson,
drawing gravel, 1.5o; G. W. Walker,
express on Assessment Rolls 65c;
Edgar Henry, work on road, 2.25;
John Reidt, bal. on contract, new
road, 33.00; Reuben Harding, filling
hole 'in road; 5oc; H. E. Ratz, Water-
loo, refund of taxes, x8.00; W. A. Ir-
win, preparing by-law 5,00; John Hy-
ndman, tile, 19.95; Ross Bayliss, drag-
ging road, 4,75; Wm. Boyd, work on
road, 3.go; Wm. Hays, digging drain,
1.80; Isaac Wade, bal. salary, school
attendance officer, ,o,00; Thos. Ing
les, reeve, salary, 525.00; George Hub-
bard, deputy reeve, salary, , ioo.00;
Robert Hamilton, refund of taxes, err-
or in assessment 3.6o; J. W. Gamble
councillor, salary, soo.00; Milton Le-
onard, councillor, salary, 100.00; Fred
C. Taylor, councillor, salary, zoom;
Sheldon Bricker, sheep killed by dogs
50,0o; Walter, Hainstock, sheep killed
by dpgs�, 54.50; James, Ding, caretaker
Twp. Hall,. • salary, 55,0o; C. E. Wal-
ker, clerk bal. salary 1925, 200.00; R.
Blake, compensation of wire fence
Moo; John Hupfer, compensation for
wire fence, 10.40; - John Patterson,
dragging 'road, 'i.so; Albert Gedcke,
putting in culverts, lot 57, con. 2,
18.20; Bert King, cleaning out ditch,
lot 1o, con. 9 and 50, 2.00.; Isaiah.
Gedcke, putting in culvert lot i5, con.
2, 3.00; Aaron 'Heinmiller, putting in
culvert and drawing tile, lot 57, con.
2, 55.55 John Elliott, dragging road, H.
and W. 13d.y., 9:oo; Wm. Blears, gra-
vel, 4.2o; Wnn. J. Strong, dragging in
Fordwich, 2.75; R. F. Edgar,, road su-
perintendent, fee 8.6o; Thos. Inglis,
telephone messages, 3.85; Dr. L. N.
Whitley, medical health officer fee,
550,0o; A. E. Gallahan, blasting stone,
5.25; Provincial Treas, at'izusement tax
tickets, 19.70; J. H. Rogers, excise tax
5o.00; John Montgomery, work on
road, 5.o5; Wm. R. Hastie, sheep kill'-
ill=ed and injured by dogs 193.00; Harold
Doig, sheep injured by dogs, moo; A.
E. Cooper, sheep killed and injured by
dogs, 30.00; Clark Renwick, compen-
sation fw wire fence, H. and C. bdy.,
&oo; Thos. Inglis, attendance at
Drainage Meetings, 16.00; Geo. Hub-
bard, attendance at Drainage meetings
3.00;.E. W.aCarson, collector, part sal-
ary 70.00; Dobbs and Segworth; part
pay on Bolton Drain, 500.00; Fred
Edgar, engineers, certificates, Long-
ley Drain, moo; John McEwen, How-
ick's share on Turnberry bdy., 350.60;
Moved by. Gamble and Leonard that
this meeting. close.
C. E. Walker, Clerk.
What'll I Get
Everybody has got -the "What'll I
Gets" • these days. Its a sort of
Christmas. epidemic, that comes
around every year. Our live mer-
chants are handing you the dope to
cure the delirium through the col-
umns of The Advance -Times, Read
their ads. and be cured.
e wish everyone A Very
Merry Christirm.s
A Happy a d Prosperous
ew Year
We ca give you a ;4', firth r r !,duc-
tior on so; e lines this week
Big Valincia'Raisins reduc-
ed to per lb
Good brand of currants lb _25c
Choice Smyrna Figs, 2 lbs 25c
Feather Strip Cocoanut, lb. 39c
Seedlesd Raisins, 2 lbs.
Easifirst Shortening, lb. _._._..21c
Dates, Loose, 2 lbs for
Extracts, 3 for
Flour Pastry, 24 lbs 1111_ gSc
6 cake Palm Tree Soap for......25c
Half 'the price of Palm Olive
Everything you need itt Groceries at fair prices. Mixed
Nuts, Oranges, Figs„ Grapes and all kinds of Candy. Special pri-
ces on quantities of Candy for Xmas entertainments.
Two choke Dinner, Sets at reduced prices, also Eancy China
Rubbers selling at wholesale prices if bought now..
' Create and Eggs taken
ti a 'W!
Itt•i1 Mf�tFE
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S' t jrppvre' ri v++>Tmvumw
Your L
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cal Py per
rid ours The
jest Christmas
M. l Bye .
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• 6192516.0,22.2m-
You'lhmiss a good time if you stay
away from the dance in the Town
Hall, Wroxeter, on Monday evening,
Dec. 28th. Everybody welcome.
Charlie Westlake is home from the
West on a visit with his another and
other' friends.
I. S. Durst was loading potatoes at
point North the last week.
A hockey match between the Clerks
vs. High School on Wednesday night,
should be interesting.
The School closed Tuesday until--
ntil'after the Christmas holidays.
Mrs. A. Richardson of New Lisk-
ard, visited at the home of her niece,
Mrs. -.F. Davey. -
Mrs. Carter and daughter from the
West are visiting Mrs. Monroe and
other friends during the winter.
Mrs. Wells Toronto, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. G. A. Wearring. ,
The nomination -for three public
school trustees Monday aught failed
to attract a very large crowd, owing
to business places being open, curling
at the rink and meeting in the\chur-
ch. But with so much criticism of the
board and teachers by some of • the
people of the village you would na-
turally expect they would come out
to a public meeting and express them-
selves but none of there appeared.
Mr. T. W. Henry, secretary of the
Board gave a statement of low the
grants .were arrived at. Inspector's
report and report from Department of
Education, all showing an excellent
state of efficiency in the teaching
staff management of the school and
the cost per pupil was at this school
below the average. He also showed
how those who are continually knock-
ing the school help to keep the cost
per pupil up as the grants to the Con-
tinuation School are based on the at-
tendance of county pupils and gave
an example of a parent who intended
sending his boy to this school, but af-
ter hearing such poor reports of the
school from a party in the village de-
cided to send hint elsewhere thereby
loosing that much on the grant. But
as usual the ones that don't help pay
the taxes do the most knocking. Had
they come ais,d heard the Secretary's
Report, unless they were prejudiced
must have been convinced that there
was nothing much the matter with
the school. - •
The' Trustees elected by acclamation
to fill the vacancies were, Bert Mar-
tin, George Paulin and Nelson Lout-
itt. Mr. Henry refused to run again
and Mr. Durst was away frons home,
Wroxeter, Dec. 18, x925
Council met in regular: meeting in.
Council Chamber on above date,
Members all present except Alex.
Wright, Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
adopted on motion of Dobbs and San-
derson. -
Accunts:-H. Patterson, running E.
L. plant and oil $55.80; T. G. Hemp-
hill, power and rent for Nov., $92.52;
Thonnas drown fon' gravel, $3,30; P.
Durst, careing for hall to date $6.00;.
(Amusement tickets and license for
rink, $13.00; Library board account,
'$9.00; Library board, grant from
Council, $15o.00; County Levy, $826.50
Half year salary and postage tele -
!phone etc., $54.65; Int. on Young and
Sanderson Notes, $5oo,00; Paid J.
Young, Note, $5oo.00; Grant to Chil-
dren's Shelter, Goderich, $10.00.
!Medical Health Officer's report
presented showing twenty cases of
measels during the year as the only
communicable diseases .
Treasurer reported only about $7o.
outstanding taxes not paid this year.
Council adjourned.
Fred Davey, Clerk.
Mrs. McLeod of Bayfield,is at pre-
sent visiting her son, Dr. and Mrs.
McLeod of town.
Mr. Jno, Davidson who has been
confined to his bed for the past week
is able to be around again,
Miss Maggie Linton, who has spent
the past summer in the West, return-
ed to twon one day last week.
:12r•. Thomas Gibson expects to ship
five car loads of lumber by C. P. R.
this week.
:Following is the report of Wroxe-
ter Senior Room for Christmas. Tests
for IV Class. Pupils were examined
in all subjects.
Sr. IV -Isabel Earls Si; Jessie Has -
tie 76'; Evelyn Hupfer 76; Carl Smith
• Jr. IV -Katie Waller 85; Jessie
Green So; Irene Wright 78; Elva
Stocks 72; Jean Milligan 70; Dorothy
Green 59; Isabel Davey 66; Wesley
Paulin 65; Roy Robinson 63; Jean
Elliott 61; Maude Milligan 65; Archie
Taylor 6o; Anderson Gibson 5-8.
III Class examined in Art, Reading
and" Hygiene.
Sr. III=George Brown 82; Floren-
ce Hall 8o; Marjorie Waller 78; Doris
Murgrovc 77; Norman Hall 72; Mar-
garet Durst 70; Gordon McTavish 61.
Jr, III -Georgina Lackie 88; Stew-
art Higgins 76; Alfred Hooper 75;
Arthur Gibson 72; Robert Paulin 71;
Loreetn Chamberlain 63; *Rae Louttit
There are sounds in the sky when the
year grows old,
And the winds of the winter blow -
When night and the moon are clear
and cold,
And the stars shine on the snow,
Or wild is the blast and the bitter sleet
That beats on the window -pane;
But blest on the frosty hills are the
Of Christmas time again!
Chiming sweet when the night wind
swells, -
Blest is the sound of the Christmas
Bells !
Dear are the sounds of the Christmas
In the land of the ivied towers,
And they welcome the dearest of fes-
tival tines
In this Western World of' ours!
Bright on the 'holly and mistletoe
The English firelight
And bright are the wreathed ever-
greens now
That gladden our own hone walls!
And hark! the first sweet note that
The welcome of Christmas Bells!
The owl that sits in the ivy's shade,
Remote from the ruined tower,
Shall start from his drowsy watch
When the clock shall strike'the
.hour; - a
And over the fields in their frosty
The cheery sounds shall go,
And .chime shall answer unto chime
Across the moonlit snow
How sweet the lingering music dwells
The music of the Christmas Bells.
On account of measles in the burg
the Union Sabbath School Entertain-
ment has been postponed.
Miss Collins, teacher, treated her
scholars Monday afternoon to candy.
The rink was opened Wednesday
evening, with a fair attendance. Our
48. hockey team and curling club have or -
No. on roll 35, average attendance
M. E. Bowes, teacher.
A. Merry Xmas to the Advance-
Times and its readers.
Mr. Charlie Westlake from near Tu-
gaske, returned home from the"' West
to spend the winter with his mother,
Mrs. Win. Mitchell and other friends
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennett gave a
party recently to a few of their neigh-
bors and friends.
Miss Ilazel 'Weir, teacher of Toron-
to is spending her Xmas vacation with
her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. a L. Weir.
The Ladies' Aid recently purchased
the organ from the former` Methodist
Church, Wroxeter,, u , `i1V o�. tet,, which 'adds much
to the nnntasie 01 the choir. -
Mr, Edwin Bennett tool a car load
Of stock to Toronto' last :week,
w.wdux.wu,uti,a� ' IuwW,WiMMleWitltNtlklkliillWMhltllauW
ganized again for the winter months.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hackney and
Eleanor Jeffrey, visited at Mr, Roy
Rutherford's one day last week.
Mr. Henry Weishar's have the ra-
dio installed in their home
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Gowdy, How -
ick, were Sunday visitors at Sterling
Mrs. NeSvans and Eleanor Jeffray
spent Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Rbland Ballagh.
. What greater honor could be paid
to the .Union people of Belmore than
be compared will a lot of pigs for
generations back, the hog converted
into meat, has taken its place at all
social functions, even the noblest of
the land picking its ribs with relish,
Not to say anything about an occas-
ional pie for Johnny or jimmy.
A most encouraging meeting of the
Christian Endeavor was held Sunday
evening. A large number of young
people being present,
Pwmw4.111... ww:,»P.uw.e44w144.4.4,404444414
A quiet wedding took place on
Wednesday, December 56th., at the
Manse,. Winghaxn; when. Flora Edea,
daughter of Robt, and Mrs. Earl;
Gorrie, became the bride of Charles
Finley, son of the late Chas. and Mrs.
Finlay, Howick, Rev. Dr. Perrie offi-
ciating. The bride looked charming
in a gown of pondre blue satin crepe,
with cut velvet trimmings. They
were attended by Miss Emmeline
Earl, sister of the bride, and Mr,
Harold Gowdy. After the ceremony
the bridal party want to the home of
;he bride's parents, where a sumptu-
ous wedding dinner was served. The
happy couple will reside on the
groom's farm in Howick; where they
will have the best :wishes of a host
of friends.
Mr. William. Ellis and Mr, Ernest
Collins left»on the 3•30 train on Mon-
day on a trip to their native land "Old
England". They expect' to land about
the 31st. We wish them a safe journ-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cotes and two
children. of Waskada Man., arrived
from the West last week; They will
spend a month or" six weeks with
friends here and then go to visit Mr.
Cotes' friends near Coburg.
'Mrs. McKinney of Waskada, Man.,
is at present visiting her sister Mrs.
Henry Zimmerman of the 8th con:,
Howick. She will probably spend the
winter visiting relatives and friends
"Sunshine" a comedy 'with music
will be presented by the Entertain-
ment Committee of the Fordwich
Community Association, in the town
hall, Gorrie on Friday evening, Jan-
uary '5, 5926, under the auspices of
Loyal Orange Lodge No. 767. This
play was presented in Fordwich re-
cently and was pronounced the best
comedy ever seen in the village. The
scene is taken on the lawn in front of
a. Sanitarium near New York City.
!"Sunshine" is a play fairly teeming
!with fun from start to finish yet ab-
solutely free from any coarse jokes or
silly gags. Old Mr. Butternip, simply
can't bear to be jolted, much less
stabbed. Mrs. Whippie is a total
wreck from nerves, her only comfort
is her poll -parrot. Mrs. McCann has
had 9 operations. Jessie is a mental
case and buddy Brady the ball play=
er, thinks she is a bit loose in the
gear and little Maudelin McCann has-
n't a bashful bone in her whole body.
Mary Ellis or "Sunshine" the lead-
ing part is a young girl who kfor 15
years has been the slave of her step-
father (an ex -convict and crook), has
at last run away from home and by
dint of hard work and study has been
promoted to the position of head nur-
se in the Sanitarium. Don't fail to
see this charming little comedy and
enjoy a real nights enjoyment. Ad-
mission 350 and 25c.
Mr. and 3.irs. Alex. Butclaart of
Burlington, are at present visiting
friends here,
z3 cents for hogs on Monday put a
smile on the farmer's face.
While reaming from a call about
two o'clock on Thursday morning,
Dr. Whitley had a slight mishap.
!When about a mile from home he en-
countered a blinding snow storm and
'before he was aware of it his car
landed in the ditch. The car did not
turn over however, and no damage
was done.
On Thursday last, Mr. H. W. Irwin,
mail carrier of R. R. No, 2 had a run-
away. When about two miles south
of Porrie the horse became frighten-
ed and made a sudden jump into the
ditch and ran. away. The cutter and
harness was pretty badly smashed.
!Mr. Irwin walked back to town and
stook his car to deliver the .mail. The
(horse was caught by Mr. Ross Doig
about a mile from where it started.
Mr. Wes. Palmer, has purchased
Mr. A. Holt's planning mill and in-
tends to make it hunt. •
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Taylor are at
present visiting friends at Blind Riv-
er, Algoma.
IMr. R. P. Nash is home from Tor -
'onto for the Xinas vacation,
I Mr. Herb Neil is laid up with a se-
'vere attack of quinsy. 'We hope soon
to see hint around again.
The Women's Institute will meet
Tuesday next at Mrs. Pope's. The
meeting will be 'of a Christmas na-
ture. Mrs. Stewart of Glasgow, Scot-
land will 'take part in the programe.
1,Roll Call, "A New Year's Resolu-
tion." Please note the ehange in the
The United Sunday School had a
banquet Wednesday evening last, Af-
ter the supper lantern vicVs . were
shown much to the delight of the
%�•!' ii i •17.4
We wish the Advance -Times and its.
readers, A Merry Christmas and - a.
Bright and happy New Year.
Miss Mary Haugh of Toronto, is
home for the Christmas holidays.
Messrs. Ernest and Wilfred Robin-
son of East Wawanosh were recent
visitors' with friends on the zath..
Mrs, Omar Stokes left on Monday
for Fergus, where she will spend a
few days with her father,- Mr. Teskey,
who is not enjoying tlnebest of heal-
Mr. Peter Muir of Toronto is
spending a few days with his parents, -
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Muir.
Mrs. Eadie, Miss Mary and Dave
Eadie visited on Sunday at the homer
of Mr.°arid Mrs. Charlie Cathers, Ho -
wick Boundary.
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance
Walkerton Fire Insurance Co.
Automobile, Live Stock and .Plate
Glass Insurance
Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario
Graduate of University of. Toronto
At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday
At Gorrie the rest of the week.
L.D.S., D.D.S.
Teeswater, Ontario
Will be at the Gofton House, Wro-
xeter ist and 3rd Wednesday of, each
month. Will be at Gorrie the follow-
ing Thursday.
Director of Funeral Services
Motor Hearse or Carriage, which
ever is required. -
Phone 16
° Fordwich, Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties
Of Huron and Wellington
Phone 59
Or Patterson's Hardware Store
R. E. JAMES . -
Gorrie, Ontario
Agent for Western Farmers' Mutual
Insurance Co.
If you have no wind Insurance on
your fariu buildings give us a call,
Also Agent for several first-class Fire
Insurance Companies.
Es Looking for
Your Radiat ir
Keep them hid by filling with
We have a good supply in
stock at moderate prices. , Call
and. fill up at your first oppor-
4L.7 0 dray
Service Garage Wroxeter
1111211I0l111 111rilllf ilIEI111P 11liQll11rIllI !111 'IIICIII
1111111131111®I I I E 11 112 I I I2
ixe Q. ran
Of Old Time and New Dances
In the Town Hall
Tues., Jaui. 5M, 1926
Weather permittifig, this will
ws be the greatest Ball and the
greatest musical event ever ta=
F ken place inGorrie-or any sur-
rounding tower. -
rill- Admission for Gentlemen. 75e.
hes -oc _
Lunch ServedLac. •S5ee band bills o
Hs nnyN' oIf»ra ,gid, Harp Playe
Ill IMlrl 111�1111�111�11 Il�lllil111l�tt1�I1rN%IGIWYIIl�1l11
mkfsmulitllp1111p it
Iil, ;i i''iI:111P; I