The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-24, Page 1With w
Ieh 1s amalgamated The Gor le Vgd!ette a : d The Wrq xeter • N
Single i„opies, Five Cents,
urrah! Let's Go! Everybody to.
The Arena on December 28th
The 'Arena Company have made ar-
rangements for putting on a Grand
Masquerade Carnival on Monday, De-
cember 28th., when there will lie one
of the grandest spectates produced on
ice that has been seen in Wingham
in years.
Prizes will be given for various
events. There will be races for all
classes. As this is the first event on
ice in this magnificant building since
its completion, the directors and man-
ager are sparing no pains to have the
ice in first class condition so that all
who wish to indulge in the good heal-
thy exercise may do so. The seating
accommodation is first class, the
rooms for dressing are clean and well
lighted as well as heated,
Rodyism will not be tolerated, par-
'ents can come and bring their children
and enjoy solid comfort as well as a
god nights sport.
The price of admission is within
reach of all loversof sport. Season
-tickets will not be accepted at . this
,event or for admission to any special
event or fir any Hockey games
throughout the season. The admiss-
ion to the Carnival will be, Adults
5oc, Children 25c. Reserved seats will
be ten cents extra. As there are two
hundred reserved seats in the center
.+of the seating space on either side.
Now then the directors ask for the
hearty support of • the whole town, at
this as well as all other events, as this
Arena belongs. to .the town as a Com-
munity building. There is a. chance
for one and all to . help pay off the
debt that can be paid if 'you will but
cast in your mite. Loolc for posters
for this Carnival as well as for prize
Following this on Tuesday 29th.,
the Arena will be• open 'for skating
from 8 to io o'clock. Then on Wed
nesday 3oth., the first game of 0. H
A. Hockey will be played between
Wingham and Seaforth. If ,you want
to see Real Sport, come out and see
the Wingliam Whirlwind players arid
form. Wingham has a last team and
should get the support of the whole
town. If you give your support you
can depend on it the boys will give a
good account of themselves in return
This week will be devoted to pleas-
ure on the 31st regular skating night
the rink will be open for those who
wish to skate. Then on January 1st.,
1926, there will be played the first
game of the Northern Hockey, Lea-
gue, Further notice - of this event
will be given by posters. ,
Closing the week on Saturday Jan
2nd., there will be skating at night
only. No afternoon skating till ad-
vertised. .Music by the Pipers and
Brass Bands. •
Gtr �9
• Special Christmas Services at the
Baptist Church next Sunday. In the
morning the Pastor will speak on
"Christ's First Coming." In the ev-
ening 'on "Christ's Second Coming." 2
Baptismal services in the evening.
"W.e..are planning to spend the last
/ee days of this year in prayer be -
Tuesday at 2 p. m., and. ending
'Thursday at midnight. Paul says in
Romans r3; n, "Knowing the time
:that it is already the hour ,ave should
;be aroused otit of sleep." If you be-
lieve this, then join with us in pray- All made welcome,
Services will be held in St. Paul's
iChurch oe Christmas ,Day as follows:
• 8 a. m.—Choral Communion,
10.30 a. m.—Matins,. sermon by the
''''..-Rer,;tor. and: Holy Communion. The
:music at t'his.service will be:
Gloria in Elcelsis—Simper,
Te Deum.
Anthem—"Tidings of Great J
There will also be special music
rendered. on Sunday by the choir un-
der the leadership of Miss Bessie
:Abel, as follows.
x1 a. m.—Te Deum, Simper and,an
;them "And there were Shepherds" by
7 • p• ria.---"Magnificat"-Plummer.
"^Sunc Disnmittis—Plummer,
Anthem—"Tidings of Great Joy"
Nunc' Dimittis—Plummer.
Solo—"Night. of Nights"' Van de
Water ,by,A. J; Nortrop.
At Walkerton Court
W. G. Durst, of Chesley,'who was
driving in his auto on Attgust 15 was
struck by Sheriff Jermyn at a narrow
bridge in Amabel township and Durst
took proceeding, to Courts seeking
damages of $500. The jury awarded
Durst $375.50 and costs.
High School Literary
Tlie regular meeting . of the Wing -
ham High School Literary Society
was held in the Assembly Hall of the
school on Friday, Dec. 28th. The fol-
lowing programme was given.
Opening Chorus — "The
Reading—Yvonne McPherson.
On behalf of the Literary Society
Smith' Hutton made an address and
presented our teacher, Mr. Cuthbert -
son, who is leaving our school • at
Christmas with a Senior Parker Duo -
fold Set, Mr. Cuthbertson made a'
fitting reply.
Piano Solo -Laura Smith.
17• rama—Bennett's Dramatic Society
Characters—Emerson' Bennett, Wil-
fred McFadzeari, David Armstrong,
Maurice Christie and Walton McKib-
Journal—Gertrude Anderson.
Selection by Orchestra.
` 'Critic's Remarks—Leslie Hethering-
• "God Save the King,"
Andrew McKague,
Press Rep.
Wingham United Church
Rev. M. M. Bennett and Rev, W.
D. McIntosh, ministers. •
Sunday Dec. 27th. This Sunday is
erro.Y Heart, laketh
y �
Thus, it is written in the Old' estament: And so it is written on the fac-
es of young out and old to -day. In tho a twinkling eyes and happy smiles of folks
• about us, we, read fulfillment of the `Christmas Message—
"Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward Men!"
Not only read it — but understand. Yes, realize that it comes from
merry hearts that know no malice -hearts that, with every beat, sends forth
Happiness and of Love and Best Wishes to all Mankind !
Everybody seems young again! Glad to live . and let live. Finding un-
told joys in giving with a generous heart—minding not the cost but feeling well
repaid if only
with ':with a smile. Finding happiness in making others happy. Ah,
,,, •
verily, 'tis the spirit of Christmas!
And from cottage window and palace hall beams further evidence of
this joyous Season! Welcome holly wreaths here and there. Gayly -trimmed
firs and pines looking ever so stately with their scores of sparkling ornaments,
strands of golden tinsel, multi -colored lights or humble candles. E'en the stars
,.of the Silent Night add their brilliance to the scene. Truly, what could be
'more enchanting? Fascinating?,; Sacred?
� k P
Entering into the spirit of that`' seat occasion, we extend "A MERRY
CHRISTMAS TO ALL !' And in er er appreciation and good will, we'll add
"May Your Gifts
Many and Your Joys
Kno' • Bounds!"
+ ~4Sl ..r.4 log
Subscriptions $2.00 per year.
'Local and General News of
Interest to The om unit
vii t^
Mr, Harry Lillicrap and family mo- it; Well he assisted Santa Claus well
ved to London` on Saturday: , anyhow,
Mr, W. S. Mitchell shipped three Mr. and Mrs,' Halliday, Minnie St.x.,
car loads of cattle. on Saturday. had quite a surprise ort Monday„
Mrs. Scott of Star City, Saslc., vis- when their family motored rii to cele-
ited her friend, Miss Elston last brate the tatter's birthday.
week. Why pay $5,00 for your daily pa -
Mrs 'Thos, Forbes is visiting over Per when you can get it far . $4.5e,
the holidays with her sister, Mrs, when subscribed for through The Ad!-
Jas. Thynne of Morris, vane -Tines, Both your weekly and.
Mrs. B. H, Miller of Toronto, spent daily paper for $6.5o.
Sunday at the Home of her parents,We are,best equipped to 'care for or
Mr. and, Mrs, R. J. Breen.
Mr. Perc this winter, Bill Ingham, Wingharn
y Johnson .of Toronto, is Tire and Vulvanizing Depot;' Phones
visiting at the home of his parents, Store, 298, Residence 314,
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs: D. Hamilton, spent a Special for Ladies! Ladies hair
few days last week atthe home of Clippers constructed for ladies and;
few and Miss Finlatin Morris. girls with, bobbed hair, will save its.
Mr.cost many times over, Regular $2.ocx
Mrs. Geo. Spotton and Miss Glenna on sale while they Last $1.35 at
have retdrned home, after an interest- Thompson & Buchanan.
ing trip through the Province of Que- Mr. Geo. H. Breen of Grand Ra-
bec. pads, Mich., spent the week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elston and chil- relatives in this vicinity, His moth-
dren of Morris are visiting friends in er, Mrs. Robert Breen, accompanied,
Detroit. Miss Elston of town accom- him home where she will spend. the;
panied them. winter.
Mrs. C. Ir. Darling of Treherii Man. Mr. Harold Mitchell who is teach -
spent the week -end at the home of ing school at Milnet and his sister,
Mr, and Mrs. Halliday and called on Miss Marion Mitchell A. T, C. M,, oF'
other friends in town. Toronto Conservatory of Music, are
kir. Albert Buttery made a splendid spending Christmas with their par-
Santa Claus for' Hanna & Co., on Sat- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mitchell„
urday. Now did we put our foot in John St.
repair your battery. Store it with us
,Wingham Public School Report for
November and December,
Sr. IV.
Total Soo—N. Coutts 463; I. Smith
441; M. King 415; W. Angus'4o5; P.
Hannah 39o; C. Phair 370; J. Tiffin
350; J., McKibbon 344; G. Young 343;
H. Dickson 335; B. Fox 332; Die.
Thompson 325; M. Currie 309; K.
Smith 288; Jno. Beattie' 284;. 3. Ella-
cott 267; J. Roth 257; T. Henderson
245; R. MacDonald 227; L. Hayden
225; NI Rintoul 214; A, Snell 211;- F.
Smith 207; A. Coutts xgr; C. Blatch-
ford 175; V. Mellor 162; D. Miller 140
E. Blue 70.
Jr. IV
Tot�l 450, honour 337—J. Copeland
402; E. Reid 356; J. Mitchell 381; I.
Nortrop X57, W. Dow 355; j. Brack-
348;, A. Louth 348; E. McInn-
is 348; B. Walker 320; E. Homuth
317; J. Lepard 316; J. Carr 313; E.
Zurbrigg 308; N. Dow 307; H: Harri-
son 305; 0, Tiffin Sox; M. Campbell
297; G Davidson 287; E. Stoakley
285; J,, Angus 283; C. Fry 279; A.
Stokes 269; A. Hammond 2,68; I. Sut-
ton 234; F. Hopper 215; M. Clark
193; E. Rae 144; R. Hastie 1x1. B.
PI. Reynolds, teacher.
Max. 45o, hon. 337, pass 270—A.
to be observed as. "Christmas Sun-
day." M. Bennett :Will
1 x a. i1x.—Rev, M.
tell Mary's Story. ,
2.30 p. m.—S. S. Open session,. Mo-
tion songs by the wee tots. Recita-
tions and`a Pageant, the Manger Cra-
dle, This presents the fact of the'
birth of -Christ in a realistic fashion,
7 p, in,—Rev. W. D. McIntosh
The• Gift of God," subject, The
special Christmas music for the day
is: duet "0 Little Town of Bethle-
hem" by Miss Jean Christie and Gor-
don Buchanan, ,anthem, "Glory to
God in. the Highest";f
anthem, Thou
Mist Leave Thy Throne"; anthem,
"Hark What Mean Those Holy Voi-
A Spcial half hour and Sing -Song,
will be held at the close of the even-
vening Service. The hymns. everybody
enjoys to sing will be used, such as
Christmas Carols, Gospel. Hymns and
Old Favorites. The Sunday School
Orchestra will assist to make it a
pleasure to be present.
We believe and preach in this chttr
tfiat Jesus was born iinBethelhetn, is
the Son of Go
that He carne to
„d an
save sinners. He is the Saviour of
the World.
x x x
On Sunday last very large congre-
gations, ,listened: `to two thoughtful
rid eloquent sermons by the mini -
tars in 'the Wingham United Church,
The • horning service was conducted
by Rev, Mr, McIntosh, reading as the
scripture lesson the seventh chapter
.of Antos, which'was also the founda-
tion for his talk, "A Headsman Be-
corees,a Prophet." He gave a very
interesting and .instructive survey of
the life' and work of the prophet Am -
.os, comparing hien with the prophet
Hosea, one of the prophet of fear and
the other the prophet of love. The
• sermonette to the children on ,,The
'Kingdom of God" was especially in-
ateresting,' telling where that Kingdom
is found, the'iiroducts of it and the
protection it affords,' illustrating by
,xeferc ce to the British Empire. ,
In the evening Rev, Mr, Bennett's
':subjrect was„ "Life's Greatest My-
stery," the Scripture Lesson being the
echapter `of .
Hebrews... The
•.ltd clapi
text was
taken et
from n
, '"Great is the Mystery of Godliness".
'This sermon
y.: was addressed particu- .0 1
larl to the, large number of young
people who were present, androved
by apt liustratiori;the
argument and <tp
by life and
of the -God-like,
sitir,plit.;it y
will long remembered by
who heard it,
{'hreeaplenrlid anthems 'were given
by; the ebolr With ,Miss Jean Christie,
Mr, Bert Wellwood is home for the
Christmas holidays.
Miss Eva Dolan is spending Christ-
mas with friends in London.
Miss Effie Bowers of Toronto is
visiting at her home in Pleasant Vall-
Mr. Janes Allen of Huron College,
is spending Christmas at his home
First N. H. L. Game
Don't miss the first Northern Hoc-
key League game in the Wingham
Arena on New Years night. The old
rivals Ripley and Wingham will meet
and one of the best games of the sea-
son is assured. This should draw a
big crowd
Look at Your Label •
If your subscription to this paper
has expired we must ask you to re-
new now. If your subscription date
is December 25 or earlier you owe us
$2.00. There are•about one thousand
who owe us this amount now. To the
first hundred or so who get liere we
will have a tapeline for you. These
little tapelines are the talk of the com-
munity and are easily worth paying
up your subscription •early to receive.
Both Legs Broken
Mrs, H. Williams and daughter
Kathleen are visiting with relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith and fa-
mily are spending Christmas with re-
latives in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drummond of
Hensall visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. McLean this week.
'Rev. H. W. Snell, B. A.
It is With a good deal of regret
that many of. our readers will learn
that 'Rev: Mr. Snell has' accepted a
call to St. Pauls Church, Stratford,
and he and his estimable wife and fa-
mily will soon vacate St. Pauls rec-
tory at Wingham, During their ten
years' residence in Wingham they
have endeared themselves to 'the peo-
ple of the community. Mr. Snell has
been prominent in every public enter-
prise and has served on the public
school board for several years. • He
has assisted as teacher on the High
School Staff at different titres during
tile illness of different members of the
staff and iti this Work he was beloved
by itis pupils. He is a Past County
Master of the Orangemen of North
Huron and a Past Grand Chaplain of
Ontario West. He is also a member
of Wingham Masonic lodge and of the
Lions Club. 'Stratford is gaining a
popular and'•talented family, whom
Wiegltatn;people ittgeneral, regret to
McGillivray 356; M. Ivle.son 329; D.
Deans 528; L. Durnin 327; G. Smith
320; M. Rae 3x7; V. Fry 317; 33. Mit-
chell 314; H. Beattie, • 311 K. Lott
306;'H. Fry 303; R. Chettleburgh 302;
13. Small 302,•' D. Walker 298; E,
Gray 281; S. Mitchell 279; M. Cante-
lan 277; J. Thompson 274; L. Wild
270; G. Beattie 267; M. Hingston 26o;
E. Henderson 242; R. Forsyth 241; C.
Finlay 232; F. Howson 228; C. Van-
sickle 223; A. Scott 219; F. Mellor
217; E. Small 203; E. McLeod 195; A.
Rintoul 129; H. Groves 109. C. J.
Farquarhat•son, teacher.
Sr. II
Max 350, non. 262, pass aro—Rollie
Hutton 33o; Mildred Reid 322; Geon
Lyle a
12; Carl
e King 322;
. tote
McKay 304; Vivian
Anna Chittiek 271; Rex McInnes 268;
Mildred Field 265; Marion Fry 263;
George I3rackenbury 255; . Marion
Mitchell 254;. Harold Skelding 244;
Laura Groves 240; Laura Clark 238;
Ralph Saint 236; Muria Elliott a9;
. az; Stewart.Scott .n7,
Arthur Stone Velma Cart;er 213; Marion Mason
(Continued on pate 4,)
Mr. R. Howson and Mr. Jas, Mitchell
taking the solo, parts.
was read.
A letter of appreciation
unniset telling of the
from Rev Mr, PI ,
receipt: of the boxes which were sent
by the congregation to the la red 'Vice
tor IVIiSsien- lax Toronto,
The first Community Christmas
tree to be held in Wingham was pro-
by the Lions Club and drew a. {#
monster crowd of kiddies and grown-
ups from the town and vicinity. San-
ta Claus came to town 'in a sleigh
drawn by a team of white horses ancl
driven by Santa's personal coachman.
They drew up alongside the beauti
;ful large Christmas tre% so nicely ill-
uminated with colored electric lights
on the Bank of Commerce corner. To
see the hundreds of kiddies who
crowded and shoved to see old Santa
and receive their bag of candy would
make your heart glad. Santa was' re-
presented by Mr. W. T. Booth and he
had an able assistant when he called
on Mr. Posliff to help get the: chil-
dren in line for the greatest of alt
"marches past."
Christmas Carols were sung by a..
massed choir which stood on the terr-
ace in front of the beauti yxl war me-
morial. The night was cad' and snow
was falling making it impossible fair,
the Orchestra to play out in the opera.
The! Salvation Army officers were
prdent with their coronets.
On the whole the children are
greatful to the Lions for their treat..
We would suggest that another year
this affair be staged about 1.3o on a
Saturday afternoon so that the crowds:
may visit the stores after the program [
and will have time to look •around;
Mr. Thomas Alexander of Wawa -
nosh met with a serious accident
while logging in his bush on Thurs-
day. A log which he was drawing
out on a chain, swung to .. one side,
when his horses pulled heavy. The
log caught Mr. Alexander and both
legs were broken below the knees.
Dr. Hambly was called and the unfor-
tunate ' gentleman was' brought to
Wingham Hospital where he is being
well attended to, but` we understand
his condition is critical. .
Misses Dorothy Snell and Mary_
Johnston of the Western University
`London, are spending Christmas at
their resi>ective homes.
Misses Margaret Pettigrew and Al-
ba Johnston of Macdonald Institute,
Guelph, are spending the holidays at
their respective homes.
Royal Scarlet Officers
• The Turnberry Scarlet Chapter met
in the Orange ,Hall, Wingham and
elected the following officers for the
ensuing year:
P. W. C. -Robt. Hogg.
W. C,—Mac. Elliott.•
E. C, -Harold Moffat.
Chap.—Fred Hogg.
PI. at A.—Geo. Slirigley,
Scribe—Percy Hogg.
Treas.—A. G. Smith.
1st. Cond.—John McDonald.
' and: Cond.—Jas, Gilmour.
1st. Lect.—John Davidson.
and, Lect.---Thos, Wheeler.
I. H,--•-Robt. W. Hogg.
O. H.—R. D. Mason.
What About it?
About ott
A t e per cent of the 1006 of
2 oo and
owe us
who ho �
more have wished The Advance -
Times a Merry Christmas by renew-
ing their subscription to this paper,
Won't the remainder of those 1000 re-
member us with thein small indebted-
ness, "true its only $2,06 bui; if subscription
• ' it lit
eryone thought
Wouldn't make or break tis' would
be'badly bait,
Christmas Cantata
Don't forget the Christmas Cantata,
"Tidings of Great Joy" by,E. L. Ash-
ford, in St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church on Tuesday evening, Dec. 29,
at 8.15. .The music will be of a high
order and those taking solo parts are:
Mrs. A. H. Coombs, contralto, Miss
Bessie Abell, Miss Sarah:, MacLean,'
Miss Elizabeth Gilchrist, Miss Eva
Rintoul, Sopranos, Mr. G. W. Buchan-
an, 'Mr. Fred Hanmore and Mr. Weir
Elliott, bass and baritone. Organ se-
lections by Mr. W. H. Willis and
Miss Bessie Abell, Printed programs
will be provided. Lady usherers.
Collection will be taken. '
Curlers) Building
The curlers could not
rangements with John Stephenson to .
rent his rink so they have .recited one
of the brick buildings of the Aero
Cushion Tire Co. and . hope to soon
get busy with the "stanes," The walk
over the C. N. 1:. bridge on a share
winter day with the mercury hover-
ing around zero should be invigorat-
ing, especially if we think of our
friend of other winters—the skip of
the big four curling rink—as he
bowls in his white trousers on a
Florida bowling green, and probably
just at that moment brushes his bare
head with his handkerchief.
Hockey Schedule
The Northern Hockey League sche-
dule was drawn up on Tuesday night_
}Mr. A. M. 'Forbes was present at the
Listowel meeting representing Wing -
Grape Fruit From Florida
The editor received a much appreci-
ated box of grapefruit from Alex.
Crawford who is spending the winter
at St. Petersburg, Florida. The wor-
st part about the fruit was that it was
just a picture on a post card, Mr.
Crawford had just come in from a
game of bawling on the green on
Dec. 16th., when he wrote.. He says Thant Hockey Club. The following
they had a most wonderful trip
Florida and the weather there is just
like June at home. St. Petersburg is
a fine city and there are a good num-
ber of Canadians spending the winter
there. Mr. Crawford has 'promised
to write a letter for publication some
time soon.—We're patiently waiting
for it,
A despatch from Philadelphia tells
of the d ath on Sunday of the Rev.
Dr. Russell H. Conwell, widely. known
clergyman, author and leader in edu-
cational work, after a long illness. He
was 82 years of age. Death was at-
tributed to a general break -down in
health, due . to advanced age. Dr.
Conwell lectured in Wingham before
a large audience a few years ago when.
he visited here its connection With a
as toter. He delivered' his
famous. lecture, "Acres of 1)ianr,ands."
make ar-
schedule applies to the Group int
which the
r tar
The C. W. L. will hold then euchre
and deuce' in the Church 'Hall on
Monday Evening, Dccenibea a8. Good`
music, lunch and prize,, 1: verybody
nus, 1
local team is interested:
x --Ripley at Winghatn.
i—Listowel at Kincardine„
6•--ICittcardinu at Wingliatn,,
8 --Kincardine at Ripley,
8—Wingham 'at Listowel
t2 I istowel at Ripley.
x5—Ripley at 1 istut tl.
20--Wingham at kinc<ti
January 22: -••Ripley at: Kincardine:,'
Ianttary'25--tvVmgltatin at lilt.y,
•,,— rdi
Janttttry .••w ;G�int 1 ne at List owr•l-
at�.ttrzi'Y ..9l, tit '4'Vtaxp,ltttti,.,