HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-17, Page 4ii oamnWWI4p�W'+�IF.aapvtlwuw4a?wW�M�001104 Why n ill 1,7 imawsuippagootnums nisiif ` las t c :l. ose - W rly while stocks are Complete ? A small payment down will reserve any' article in our large stock until you require it. Our stock is very complete and our prices are lower than last year. We carry our usual line of articles suitable for Christmas Gifts in Stationery, Perfumes, Kodaks, Chocolates, Toilet Cases, Eb- ony and Ivory Goods, Fountain: Pens and many other articles. The "Red and Gold Line" is a new line of goods comprising Gifts suitable for all occasions from soc to $1.5o each. The Bulb Bowl complete with bulbs in an ideal Gift for moth- er, right now 750 to $4.50 each. Aro 1 P"i, i f + J c 3; IIo es tI1ru, Store 4rF=V=L &br,e Wina[ln¢ri, Ont. Phone 53 WiING %AWL AD'VA} B -`TIMES - im BLUEVALE Mr, Jos, B. Hughes of Burgessville, spent a few days with Mr. Alex: Cooper. Mr. Howard Stewart had an up to date radio installed last week and is now enjoying the best and latest mu- sic, etc. Mrs. Frank Fair. of Brantford, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Geo• Thornton. Miss Ruby Duff returned to Toron- to on Monday. We are pleased to hear her brother, Wm. is improving slowly and hope he will now continue 111 to gain, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Elliott and fami- ly, Mrs. A. Hastie 'and Mr. Thos. Henderson of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. J. T. Costello returned to her home at ,Amaranth, Man., on Satur- day, after spending the past couple of months with relatives here. Mrs. Jos. Curtiss and Mrs. Rolph are at Hornings Mills this week, at- tending the wedding of a relative. The United Church Christmas tree will be held in the Methodist Church on 'Tuesday evening, Dec, 22nd. We are pleased to hear Mr. King McDonald is better after being, on the sick list the past week, We are sorry to report that Mrs. J.. W. King is not enjoying very good health at present. ing feature of this meeting was an ex- change of Christmas gifts. The sleighing of the past week has improved the fuel situation in town, as there is no coal to be had nearly everyone is laying in, a supply of wood. A few logs are also being de- livered at the Table Co's saw -mill, The ladies of the Anglican Church itJaRtt,=.2=6=01...814==.111E=t,C=.1411442=3..V.MgaM.Mal HOUSE TO RENT—Good brick dwelling with garage. Apply to Hanna & Co., Ltd. FOR SALE—Brick house, all con- veniences, on. Mill Street, Wroxeter. Apply to Ernest Dobbs. FOR SALE—High Grade Digester Feed Tankage. The Farmer's Fer- tilizer Co., Ltd., Wingham, Ont. FOR SALE—Double Barrell Ham xrrerless, twelve Gauge Lefever Shot Gun, nearly New. Phone x6o. SKATES FOR SALE—Girls Hockey Skates and Boots. Apply to Vesta Fox. AUCTION SALE OF CATTLE—At the Vendome Hotel, Teeswater, on Saturday, Dec. i9th. at one o'clock. A few choice cattle. D. E. Mac- Donald, Prop. FARM FOR RENT—zoo acres, part- ly fall plowed for rent for one or three years. Close to town. Apply at this office. LUCKNOW The race for the Mayor's chair is over and Tommy Fells proved to, all that he can run. However the editor can console himself with the editor that_ the best man does -not always win, (and -we feel sure Mr: Spotton will also bear us out in this). And we are inclined to believe with Tim- othy Hay that the editor, must be a very busy man looking after all the papers which he has acquired and now being freed from municipal dut- ies he will have more time to devote to our paper and consequently it will be that much the better. We also be- lieve that the editor, (being a member of so many fraternal societies) would not half appreciate the initation which. Tommy Fells received,at the hands of that angry woman, so there is always something to be thankful for. There passed away in town on Sat- urday, Mr. Murdock McCrae, who had been a sufferer for many months with cancer. He was in his 66th year and is survived by his wife and one daughter, (Mrs. Thos. Cook). A- few years ago Mr. McCrae with his family moved into town from near Lochalsh and was a very quiet inoffensive man, a little more than a year ago, a bro- ther who lived with him died of the same disease. He was buried on Sunday in Lochalsh cemetery. held another WANTED—A real, ambitious, young salesman, who is not afraid of work, and wants to make money. Must have good appearance and good' references. Apply to The Janes Horn Knitting Co., Lindsay. FARMS FOR SALE -83 acres, extra good land, three miles from Guelph. Price $s000.00. 177 acres 8 miles, FOR SALE -Two used phonographs. One Victor Console and one up- right Edison. Both slightly used will be sold at a bargain. Hanna & do., Ltd. FOR SALE—About 4o acres of hard- wood bush, to be sold by the acre or otherwise as desired. Apply to Mr.Sam Morton, phone 624-15. FOR SALE—High Grade Radio Re- ceiving Set, practically new. Fac- tory built and inspected. Highly selective and sensitive. Coast to Coast reception on loud speaker. Priced low and complete with horn, tubes and all batteries. Enquire at the 'Advance -Times. south of Guelph, good stock and grain. Farm all cleared, good buildings and well watered on good road. Price $S000.00. Apply to Chas. W. Barber, xoo Wyndham St., Guelph. WANTED—Good girl to assist with light housework, a couple of days each week. Apply to Mrs.. A. G. Smith. PERSONAL—If anybody knowing the address and whereabouts of Misses Lizzie or Mary Guness, kindly communicate to l3ox • 42, Wingham, Ont. BOARDERS WANTED—Apply to Mrs. A. Simpson, Diagonal Road. The local Oddfellows of their enjoyable "At Homes" on Friday night, when a goodly crowd of Oddfellows, Rebekahs and their friends gatliered in the I.O.O.F. lodge rooms, and spent a few hours in pro- gressive euchre, dominoes and danc- ing with lunch served between games and dance. The winners for the ev- ening were Mr. Robt. Thompson, and Robt. Johnston for euchre and Mrs. H. Mullin for dominoes. Music was supplied by Lucknow Orchestra. A feature of the evening was the pres- ence of Mr. G. Wilson of Port Arth- ur, ( who is visiting relatives here), and has been a member of Lucknow Lodge for nearly 4o years. The local Rebekahs held a very TO RENT—Good brick house, five successful bazaar on Saturday in the acres of ground with good stable Allen Block and considering the wea- for. rent, either by year or month. ther and counter attraction, proceeds Apply for particulars to John J. Johnston, Lucknow, R. R. 5, or Richard Casemore, Wingham. Nita f.:Ijl 1111 LOST Woollen Horse Blanket. Fin- der will please leave same at the Advance -Times or with the owner, Robert W. Hogg. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES ily virtue of a warrant under the hands of the Mayor and Treasurer of the Town of Wingham and having the seal of the said Corporation attached thereto, bearing date the ioth day of September, A. D. x925, commanding me to levy upon the lands enumerat- ed hereunder for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereon' together with costs. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that in accordance with the Assess- trent Act unless such taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands or' so much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of the taxes and costs thereon at the Town Hall, in the Town of Wingham on Monday the ..28th day of December, A. D., 1925, at the hour of two o Block in the af- ternoo n. Lot, Psrt of Park x2; Street, Jose- tlnine West; Acres, tiy. Patented or 17npatented, Patented, Taxes :lt85,8x, Costs $32,50, Total $t68.3r. W. A. Galbraith, �J reaattrerr Town wino FARMERS—Improve your • flock of Barred Plymouth Rock Hens. We have for sale a fens male birds for Spring mating. These are snappy, bright birds true to form and color and are sons of females that were prolific layers of large brown eggs 111'1923 and 1924. Prices very rea- sonable. John Kerr, Phone 4 on 625. CHRISTMAS POULTRY ---Our pri- ces are right for choice fat chickens, f 1 fresh eggs,parsnips red surpassed expectations. Mr. Robt. Johnston was in Walker- ton last week, attending the closing session of County Council. He also acted as toast master at the Warden's Banquet in the Hartley House on Thursday evening. The Lucknow Dramatic Club pre- sented their play "Bashful Mr. 13obbs" at Blakes Mali on Friday ev- ening last to a full house. It will be put on in Lucknow again about the last of December. Miss Francis Cain is home for the Christmas season from Buffalo, N. Y. +v➢ Messrs Potcher and Donald Mc - Charles are visiting at their home at lens, res , here. They have been in business in carrots, beets, onions, pickling beets rthe west for a number of years. We pickling onions, cabbage. Please phone your orders early for prompt delivery. Phone 4 on 625. EAST WAW;A.NOSII Christmas concert at Currie's School, Monday Evening, December 2Y. .I2:emember the date, This,IVloney is Needed Ovrit moo subscriptions to The Advance -Times are now in arrears. To each individual this may only mean a small amount of $2.o0, a mat- ter not worth mention, but to the edi- tor o'.0 this paper, it means a consider- able sun to worry over, especially when we have to pay. taxes, wages, fuel, and fight the usual battle to lteep. the wolf away froth the door. understand they will remain home for a time and take charge of, their bro- ther-in-law's (N, D. McKenzie) busi- ness while he takes a holiday.ki Mrs. Gardner of Los Angeles, Cal„ is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Malcolm and Mrs. R. T. Douglas in town. It is 3o years since they saw each other The Rebekalis of Jewel Lodge are holding a euchre and dance in the Town Hall on Friday evening . this week` The Women's Institute field their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. W. E. McDonald, when a report of the Ontario Convention at London was read. A guessingg contest was held which provides nittch amus0ihent also a singing contest with Mrs. Wm. Douglas, Mrs. T. S. Reid and Miss Annie McKay, the winners. A pleas - seem W 1191111 held an afternoon tea at the Rectory on Thursday afternoon last. One who has been a familiar figure in town for manyyears passed away at her bonne in Belfast on Saturday last in the person of Mrs. Patrick Sherwood in her 76th year. Her mai- den name was Elizabeth Hutchison. She is survived by her husband and Thursday, Deomber x7th1925' Brown -up family. pathy of a large circle of friends. - A ^very regretable death was that of Mr. Wm. Naylor is. at his,:• Nellie - Mrs. of S , Tdelens, who here for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Harry Woodst r is� Home for the answered the last summons in her Geo. Douglas, : jr„ 3oth year. Before her marriage she holidays. was Miss Maude Tisdale and is sur- Miss Lena, Robinson is at present. vived by her husband and 2 small ill with measles. children, one only a• few `weeks old, Miss Lena Blitzstein has been seri-- The sorrowing relatives have the syn1- ously ill from. bloody poisoning, .�.r�®m1;. ��®laliel 11w1�®® ;, I ; ®®110®1110®101®0 51NO 1 ,I,, I� a il. l,l 6m 1 ? : ;>11 y`}Gl ,t ..' „' 0 =i 1 1101�H1�1��®01�1O�f00��/0a�0�� 66 !;u m r;PC OPPest` Sa 110 Jr( /lilrir"IIII�IIil��lirlliI������l���i����i���lll(IIIIViVii4 ii i� N�tl f1P111`�"I "'f`rrrhftr(tf(,ft`il'f ii rrrl( 1I�� ��� ��.� �Itj{iiliilliii'.,., 95 Boys' and Youths' Slippers,Shoe Packs and Buckskin Moc- casins. See them. .. An Ideal Gift, Boston Bags, Bags, Suit Cases CIub Big range of Women's Slippers to choose 10 I r to fie® `�. from, Price m Miss and Children's Slippers in dif- ferent styles, Py to 1 e GIV all sizes, Price Rubbers for Men, Boys, its all the latest shapes. Patent Slippers, Kid Slippers, Satin. Slippers, Velvet Slippers in new Sty- les and Shades en's Spats III �yy IP1; Newest Shades English Broad- cloth and 1® 9 to ®7 Felts versh.l es i'1» 114 Overshoes for Men and Boys in one, two and four four buckles ...... .50 to ee !I ces .III®III�I11®11115111®III®III®IIIA I Comfort, Durability Things you want in Men's Slippers in Kid Leather and Felt Price_ ®� to e 1411 1g1111 III II III 1111611191111. III 1111N111 III 11 4IONN- S�rt v 239 A Xmas • Gilt that will make any child happy A. They are more comfortable. 2. The first step moulds the insole• to the exact shape of the foot. S. No painful breaking in. 4. Sanitary ventilated cushion insole IIlIIL �us��o. a=sot E ]!Illll We sell and recommend them Men'S with pliable calf lea - ether uppers, ,good strong, lea- ther soles, ankle support at- tached, heavy felt padded tongue Priced at._.___... - 4e 1VIcPHERSON'S DOUBLE LIGHTNING HITCH Priced at ..._ Same styles for Women and Boys— WOMEN'S SIZES, ® $� $4.00 and 3to7At _......_.......... c., c,S BOYS' SIZES x to $- $e and rz a+ c� $5.015 $4.5 $4.00 rates a The pride of professionals, the joy of amateurs. The most popu- lar of all skates for hockey or pleasure to rl skating. Priced From ._„_.-.--••----._ - _IL; 1196000 C. C. M. STEEL ANKLE SUPPORTS GIVE ADDED COMFORT TO SKATING PRICED Qi*p V 0 0 _-.. _ .. _.._.„_ ._-._..� ..._..._ e SKATES ATTACHED FREE iss s9 Goloshes, sizes H I is 2 ........ $2.75 Children's Goloshes, sizes 7 to 1Oz .... $2.4® est �Y1 p9 p9 99 99 99 w 99 99 I{IWIII911111EIIIJ111'9111 111 11111111111II 11181111I8III51III11111I1I1astiumutealssn}olisswassaarmea}nllii111 f — mt or RI E@if Eli Four Buckle, Excluder CI Sizes, 3 to 8. Adjusto, as pictured si-4 00 zes, 3 to 8 Cashmerette ® , Finest Jersey _...__......_..._.-..__44.50 Adjusto, Special light- er weight Jersey _.„.. 4.00 Em S 1 cial Value in Women's Silk and Wool Hosiery $1.25 Leather Top Rubber Boots for Men and Boys, Sturdy. Snag Proof, first quality ' m $3 . � 0 up to $ `sir 50 RUBBERS Women's first qual 95c Misses' first quality 85c Children's first qual75c Phone 2 I HE GOOD I. OE STO . am rt NE X41 �1�111�0 NM ''110.!';! '1010WI11NiNM1Itmi51wN /°”" WNY SII •i?