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The Wingham Advance Times, 1925-12-17, Page 3
NI1 N I I f. 111;' rir !•..P I MOWN PI 111111111111111121111111111R Christi' Are y lWIN OP RIR 111 Natll li 11 @Is1119P119 @sNltlllp liq�ull .,..,,w.m..w-�°-,�,°,per°..,... ,• p ,q , WRoxET'ER it�i Idtl1 i "I' I i ,. N� s} 6 Pi, i� 1'lli. Yp - Miss S:eOtt of the teaching staff of our School was off duty a•few days last week, owing to throat .trouble, and spent a day or two with her mo - flier in Blyth. But we are glad to, know she has returned and able to re- sume her duties again. Owing to some criticism of the School Board, which they claire is un- just, three of the Trustees have re- signed and a nomination will be held in the Town Hall to fill the vacancies on Monday Night, Dec. 2xst„ when IN those with a grievance, will likely air is 'them and the trustees no doubt will ®I reply. The' Presbyterian Church shed is in much need of repair. The managers thought first of malting a charge to those using -it, but later decided to leave it to the public to donate what they would and we are sure they will respond liberally by giving to R. J, Rann, who we understand is authoriz- ed to take the money. The young men of the village, and vicinity are Having a Christmas Dance in the Town Hall, Monday 'night, Dec. 28th. Mrs. Wm. Porter and little daugh- ter of Bigger Sask., are visiting at Wm. Kaake's, and other friends in town. The Children of the United Church held a White ' Gift Service, Sunday morning, when each child brought a gift to be sent to some institution for children as Christmas Gifts. Owing to weather conditions the skating rink did not open Saturday night, but if piesent cold weather con- tinues, will be ready for skating any- time. r taking ad4vrant ,.gje rf our flow pri- ces? H.ces? �` ;�I; read many are. Thelast of our Christmas Fits; Candies, Nuts, etc., have arrived this week which are of excellent quality 1Vfixed Nuts, No. x, a ib. 52.._.28( Fresh Roasted Peanuts a lb aoc Chocolate, Creams, a Ib •..52...25( Malaga Grapes, a lb for _._..35c Mixed Candies, a lb. aoc Blue Goose Oranges Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs for _.....,25C Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs for ..25c Lemon, Orange Peel - ___..__age 3 pkg Sherriff's Jelly for —25c . (Silver Spoon Free) .39c, 50c and 6oc a dozen We have a large stock of Ladies Handkerchiefs, Silk, Silk and Wool Hose in Newest Shades, Men's Silk Broadcloth Shirts, Ties, Scarfs, Socks, Gloves, Garters, Sweaters, etc. All at lowest prices Full line of Ames Holden guaranteed Rubbers, Overshoes The New McPherson's Double Lightning Hitch Hockey Boots at 44.75 • nr rixeter x'tile 1111 .�V �M... mp igg M A :�1l! CternS Li"' I . f1ir .i One Cent a. Month is all It costs .Poultry Book and Advice FREE! Write for it PRATT FOOD CO..o£ Canada limited 328 Carlaw Ave Toronto ',Min. C." .vr. i.:,a itICII12.111111®IIIeeJ neeIne uuielle llIAs111 t111n 1I III®111 Yr 11101111 11111111MM III11 Stop 9 on the ne New estin ho i ; s'''.. dios ON EXHIBITION AT 6UR STORE i We have 41wee machines fully installed, ready for: operation and comparison, a three tube, a four tube and a five tube. These are made in ,Canada, fully guaranteed as to workmanship and any- one of them can be scientifically installed by our staff, on short notice. ' After over three years experience we believe we have one of the best makes offered for Sale. You should hear these before placing your order. As a Xmas Gift we know of nothing that should be appreciated more. You are missing the best music, the finest lecturers, the most 'eloquent sermons unless provided with a good receiving set. Get our prices, according to horn, phones, batteries etc., re- quired and be convinced that you can get good value here, tehen _ .. Ashtn Erie, t mi CoA Wit It 01111111041114.1M101 IUuIIduPMP.1fP nflA NIPM111 PMNiNNH RI!M,NIPMMN�@MI 1n!PV,Ief RnMt-�h!m!!!TPwR7mat 'Thursday, December x>,Itla., 1925 CHlusTMAS WEATHER To the Editur av all thin Wingham Paypers, Deer Sur,— Christmas will soon be here wance more an a lot av byes an girruls kape wondlierin what koind av a day it will he ever know which caused him to be, an if Cheer will be -voice in the Ar- SOME INTERESTINGEATURES1sob and sigh, and then swing put in- ena, an! if theer will be shnow fer OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT to eternity in the dead of night, Far Santa Claus to git here. I tink meb- he was an ould bach. an not much to Jule at. I hope the missus will not be af- ther raydin this but mebby if she does she won't belave it, but will tink I am only blowi.n nie own barn. Yours till nixt wake, h H Timothy ee'' Judas that, he did not eonsidcr conse- quences euougl'x, "The.: way of 'the Transgressor is hard." Yes! always has been, and always will be. Even those who employed Judas for the dastardly act turned''against him. It was because he was convinced that he had gone back on the dearest friend rather serve Christ than sell him, by 1 kin hilp thim out, be rayson av The following figures set forth in And again with Paul and Silas the Pil= givin thirn a thTue report av the wea- the shortest possible form. the Finan- grims have sorrow turned into sing- they on Christmas Day fer, the lasht cial results of the Province of Ontario ing, hope finds right of way and Arai-. Why? fifty years. This is how I got the fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1925: se arises at the midnight Hour. Why. themiashun, Wan day lasht wake Deficit 1923 (excluding dis- Because these Christian pilgrims had the inissus tut a noshun to go out to count on bonds) ,....._.. _.......$14,722,925 an anchor which'lcept the soul stead-. the ould farrum, nen tillyphoned the DI eficit 1924 (excluding dis- fast and sure; .Tey were bearing in bye to come in wid the auto fer us.' 8,325,645 their bodies the marks' of the Lord At dinner toime we get talkin about I Jesus in the spirit of true . men of in-law, said she had found a lot av 4 905 293 God and we must clearly see that pasht Christmases, whin me dawter- 3,420,see'spiritual song at midnight in the Phil- ould books in the attic wan day, writ -prison prison led to the conversion of tett be mesilf, wid a record av the 6,2x3,4z21the jailor and his household, "Praise weather iviry day fer fifty years, She Ordinary Rev. In, over 1923 12,577099. ms comely the upright in. Heart.' said she had copied out a shtatemint Ordinary Rev. without any . The choir sang. "There is no name av the Christmas days an found that new taxes ...........52..52 ............ .5252.... 3,490,462 so sweet on Earth as Jesus." very sildom had they been widout New taxes, gas luxury etc a. 3,268,418 Come to the United Church Christ- shnow. Here is the record, in me Taxes, grants discontinued... 546,468 mas Services next Sunday at zx• m. dawter-in-law's good handwipitin. Net new ordinary revenue-. 2,722,950 and 7 p. m. Pastors subjects: 5874—Stormy. Ordinary Expenditure Increase ,___,,._ 1875—Ground bare. People plow- (excluding public debt) 1,552,256 ing. Special Ordinary Ex -____2,426,000 1876—Lots of snow. Actual Im. in Expenditure 1877—Raining. (excluding public debt) 373,744. 1878—Stormy. Roads all blocked Public Debt Interest, 192313,510,708 1879—Bright and frosty. Sleighing. Public Debt, Interest, 1924.- 16,173,592 x880—Mild but with plenty of snow. Public Debt Interest, 5925_ 17,230,660 count on bonds) Deficit 5925 (excluding dis- count on bonds) ,,........5252 Re, of Deficit over 1924 -_,• Re. of Deficit over 1923 _ Ordinary., Rev. in. over 1924 SCHOOL REPORT ..The following is the report of. S. S. No. 7, Zetland School, for the fall term. Those marked with an * have missed one or more examinations. Sr. IV—James Wilson, 81 p. c.; *Kenneth Weaver 7;; p. c. Jr. IV—Charles Coulter, 89 p. t.; Phyllis Weaver 85 p. c.; Jean Coulter 79 p. c.; Agnes Morris 72 p. c.; Mae Morris 62 p. c.; *Alex. Coulter 61 p. c.; *Fred Lott 61 p. c. Jr. III—Janies Weir 81 p. c. Jr, II—Orton Grain 85 p. c.; Ches- ter Coulter 83 p. c.; *Alvin Hart 82 p. e.; *Kenneth Currie 74 p. c. • Jr. I -Elsie Webb,. Janet Coulter, Herman Mowbray. Primer—Flora Coulter, Russell Mowbray, Norman Deyell, Stanley Morris. 52 � ®III®Il9AIll®11151111�111�1�11 IIIA: mom IIII IIIIsIII15111NIII®IIIuIII' IIIRVI11117111®Iti,m11e11111111e1Ii151111�I11 aVF�� � H,id n �',� ;� . h: r : per, meam•nnm We ca give you a f , : rther reduc- tion on some lined this eek Big Valincia Raisins reduc- ed to 5252_..._,_..._.-.,_.,x5c per lb Good brand of currants lb -52-25( Choice Smyrna Figs, a lbs 25e Feather Strip Cocoanut, 1b. 39e Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. -.......ase Easifirst Shortening, lb. Dates, Loose, 2 lbs for Extracts, 3 for, —,..•.,.-.52_.__.....25( ;Flour Pastry, 24 lbs ....--.....-98c 6 cake Palm Tree Soap for.._ -25c Half the price of Palm Olive Evergything you need in Groceries at fair prices. Mixed Mats, Oranges, Figs, Grapes and all kinds of Candy. Special pri- ces on quantities of Candy for Xmas entertainments. Two choir, Dinner Sets at' reduced prices, also Fancy. China Rubbers selling at wholesale prices if bought now. Cream and Eggs taken DAVEY'S STORE WROX➢ETER - ONTARIO ,.on1,MeMnnrimm4ait;roelerVI .tRfl atmemM10417ua4Nmwluinnu.wavovtemuc,ip.n+nm11.0,0 mtreiruiwelawientltmanftooftwOmml 1 N. R. Crozier, teacher. COMMUNICATION Bluevale, Dec. 24th,, 5925. Editor of Advance -Times, Wingham, Ontario, Dear Sir:— Will ir:Will you kindly allow me space in your valuable „paper to correct a. wrong impression which might be left in the minds = of the people after reading the news item which appear- ed in your issue of last week in the Bluevale items. The charges which are referred as being of a serious na- ture and:which are claimed were with drawn by the Presbyterians,were merely a true statement of things as they eXisted'and which have never been withdrawn. On the advice of our Counsel these charges were not pressed, not because they were untrue but bcause in the event of the vote being proved irregu- lar the' property automatically went into Union which was helping us not at all. We were advised to apply under Section to, which dealt exclusively with cases of hardship. We appealed to' the, generosity of our Unionist friends. We leave it to the judgment of a fair minded community as to whether their response was either just lr gen- erous. With regard to the story that is be- ing circulated that I either on my own account or on behalf of the Presby- terian congregation, apologized to Rev. C. Tate at Clinton. This is posi- tively not true and remembering 'the talk which I had with Mr. "Cate I am sure the report did not come from hint, Surely our Unionist friends now that they find themselves in possess- ion of all the church property in the tiillage should be satisfied to let mat- ters rest. They now control" property, all of which they cannot possibly ir,e for the purpose for which it was in- tended. Churches which were built and de- dicated to God by people, ninny of whom have gone to their reward, they are God's Houses, not theirs and with themxi must be accepted" the responsi- bility of the use made of them, ' J. C. Higgins, Chairman of the Com. x882—Fair and warm. Summer like. 1883—Mild, but with Sleighing. 1884—Cold and clear. Snow. i885—Bright and frosty. Sleighing. x886—A real winter day. 1890—Wintry. 1891—A green Christmas. 1892—Stormy and cold. 1893—Rainy. 1894—A fine winter day. x895—Mild and muddy. 1896—Cold with sleighing. 1897—Pleasant with sleighing. 5252_ 1$98—Cold and clear, sleighing. 5899—Very stormy. xpoo—A genuine winter day. 19o1 -Mild with sleighing. 1902—Bright and frosty. xgo3—Cold, with lots 'of snow. 1904—Bright and cold, Sleighing. 1go5—Fine winter day. Sleighing. • x906—Wintry. Cold and clear. Sleighing. 19o7—Perfect winter weather. 19o8—Cold with sleighing. 19o9—Heavy fall ,of snow. 1910—Bright and cold, Lots' of snow. 5951—Mild. Ground bare. x812—A perfect day with sleighing. 29x3—Pleasant. Good sleighing. 194—Fair and very cold. x925—Very Stormy! 1916-A beautiful day with ing. 1917—Moderately cold with ing, 19x8—Snowing heavily for past two days,, x958—A winter day. Sleighing. 192o—Bright and cold. 1921—Fair and cold. Autos runn- ing. Not much snow. 1922—Cloudy and mild, but with sleighing. 5923—Cold but not enough snow for sleighing. 1924—Very cold and stormy. 'Now ye hev the whole ting befoor ye, so to shpake, barrin 5887-884-89 the books fer thim years havinobeen mishlaid arr losht, Thin too theer is no rickord fer 5882, be rayson av the fact that I wus in Manitoba thin, but I remimber Christmas day well, an ishpishally the noight whin I wus in- voited to. a dance. 'Twas a woild toinie intoirely, so it wus, wid fellahs dhrinlcin whiskey out av an ould cracked tay cup, and foights betwane the (lances. At the ind av it I shtole another fellahs girrul an druv her home. She said she wud rather be wicl a man 'who didn't dhrink, avert if sleigh - sleigh - Capital Capital Capital Capital 'Capital Capital Capital Capital Receipts "9,331,896 Rec. in. over 5924_ 320,357 Rec. in. over 5923._5,459,505 Expenditure, 5923••-43,693,784 Expenditure, 592436,035,218 Expenditure, 5925•••••• 27,817,524 Ex. re. over 5924.... 8;717,694 Ex. re. over 5923 _ 55,876,260 Paying Your Subscriptions We still have a few of those tape - lines left, but very few, and these will be given to the first subscrpitions paid for the Advance -Times at otir Wingham office. The nailing list has been corrected up to date and the la- bel on this paper should either be a receipt or an account for you. Which is it? We send subscriptions away to The Globe, Star, Mail; London Free Press and Advertiser every Thursday and can save you fifty cents on your subscription price of these papers if renewing along with this paper. GORRIE NEWS Mr. W. J. Armour, manager of the Egg Grading Station, received a con- signment of British Columbia ' Salmon on Monday. Miss Mae Cameron of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Mr. Robt. Harrison, has moved to -Molesworth.. Mrs. John Dane, left on. Tuesday for Pine River, where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Pollock. Mr. Fred Hyndman is in • Toronto this week. We understand he intends to bring a car of feeders back with him, if he can get what suits him. Mr. Robt. Patterson, was in Harri- ston on business on Monday. Mr. R. H. Carson, received anoth- er car of coke on Monday. The United Church Services were Ea well attended last Sunday in spite of E3 stormy weather. The minister prea- - ched in the morning from the Book of Jonah. Some practical lessons were suggested to help on to a clear- er interpretation of this unusual story of the prophet who refused to render Christian Service to a people in great need in Nineveh. A baptis- mal service was held during the Morn- ing worship. The choir sang impress- ively, "Your Captain is Calling for You," At the evening service the Pastor took as his theme, "Three Night Scenes." x. A ruler came to Jesus by night. 2. Judas went out and hanged himself. 3 . At midnight Paul and Silas sang praises unto God.... ! I 'Rev, Craik outlined his address as follows: A night with Jesus—Nicodenius. A . night without Jesus—Judas. it I''rI' I'lil' I i ANW II{t�14kCe111td d YidWdmueseneilia u ;iml 111 52 '{', ' i ed .r .nd l .. ,':,a� i Of Old Time and New, Dances 11111111101111 +I I I SII I IEeI I Ifl I ISI! Ig11! 1'1111 I NEW YEAR 'IIP�Isil�) 52 V. In the Town Hall gi GORRIE NI 5th' 1925 a 1 second birth. "Ye must be born - T an. lel Wy again." From this night scene, we 52 Weather permitting, this will 'obtain the greatest test in the Bible, a1 be the greatest Ball and the = John 3, xd, Jesus does not attempt n greatest musical event ever ta- to defnc religion. He is careful to JACK FROST Looki for Your l = adiator Keep them hid by filling with MAPLE LEAF ANTI- FREEZE We have a good supply in stock at moderate prices. Call and fill up at your first oppor- tunity. DON'T FORGET OLTR WINT- ER STORAGE FOR BATTERIES E N 1 .r Service Garage Wroxeter ix a, m,—"The Splendor of Christ- mas." 7 p. m.—The Horne Life of Jesus.' Special music by the choir, "The Child in the Manger," "Hark Tis the. Clime," "Peace and Goodwill," "Q Wondrous Story," "Ring Bells Ring" Male Quartet. Meet your friends at the place of worship Christmas Sun- day, The church with a welcome. NORMAN WADE Gorrie, Ontario Agent for Hartford Wind Insurance Also Walkerton Fire Insurance o. Automobile, Live Stock and Plate Glass Insurance DR. H. A, MUTTON Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Graduate of University of Toronto At Fordwich Tuesday and Thursday At Gorrie the rest of the week. GEO. FOWLER L.D.S., D.D.S. Teeswater, Ontario Will be at the Gofton House, Wro- xeter 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. Will be at Gorrie the follow- ing Thursday. G. S. DAWSON GORRIE Director of Funeral Services Motor Hearse or Carriage, whicli ever is required. Phone 16 HARRY AIKINS Fordwich, Ontario Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties Of Huron and Wellington Phone 59. Or Patterson's Hardware Store R. E. JAMES Gorrie, Ontario ' Agent for Western Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. If you have no wind Insurance on your farm buildings give us a call, Also Agent for several first-class Fire Insurance Companies. III=!:MEM "IIl®III W MEM %Mia111102111EIIlEMILill!CIII®IIIEfIII UM llal Maill OmeinaliMataiMnamfaaromagat 1�f 5 5 52 5i 52 111 AT l-5` All our Overcoats, Sweaters and fine ribbed Ail Wool Under- wear, Heavy Tweed Pants, Work Shirts and many other articles will be sold at a 20 per cent. discount which makes a good saving We have a well assorted stock of Fine Shirts, Neck Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Hats, Garters, Arm Bands, Suspenders Socks, suitable for Christmas Gifts. WR W6rre. will ap E X ,TER, 111E11 111 011 ID Iret:date y ur patronage. sm C aIE 52 52 5252 5252 ONTARIO 52 IIIIII IIINIIID10111 NiGi3111111111011 iii 1121111111111131101lgl 01110ll' 111E1111 •+' III IRIFIroN 52 52 119 1�9 • • Pilgrims of the Night—Paul and Silas. The pastor said in part:—The meth -1 od of our Lord is by way of the re -1 fining and regenerating power by the ken place --in Gorrie or any our. rounding town. I Admission for Gentlemen $x,ao '! Ladies 5oc 11111 Lunch Served.. See hand bilis - ver is nothing new to us. Men will pal 1r Arreytiolfor'ti, Harp Player .1 barter and sell their souls for less, 111111111lAlll111111$1111IwIIIB111!Ip11111011 even today. It was unfortunate for note that change of life must come from within. It is of the Spirit. Then in the tragic experience of Judas we find the need of repentance. Selling Jesus for thirty pieces of sil- 1414.1 ■ ICIFE ll REM „ MIME IIIIMEME rE ,1' r *EMI s s 1164- 6 RIA liN 1st ry Cedar Kind ��' 4 �fl s c 16 luck (Gre for otaretIng woad or • coal gfrei). at <<Ill $2a00 Per Cord Absolutely, Dry Mixed Slabwood, 16 in., atoll $2.5 per c` rd© r Dry Circular ardwood, 16 inch, pi $4.00 per coram WE. CAN i ]E1UUVER IN W]INGHAM GisQI1 gyp,, r&Cider Mill nisoib 1g ONTARIO W!OET; Phones: --Office 2$-n, Res. 3o � P. 0.. Box 77 � 111111111116 M1eMM •I�•1' • 1 M